Yesterday started out with a modest goal. About $5,000 a day is what Darcy Burner needs to raise through the month of July just to keep pace with Dave Reichert, so every $5,000 chunk we raised for her would be one day more that she could devote to herself and her family after the devastating loss of their home and all their possessions in Monday’s fire. I didn’t know how many $5,000 chunks we could raise, but I was confident we could help lift at least a few days of fundraising off Darcy’s shoulders.
Well, thanks largely to the overwhelming support of the national netroots we’ve already raised over $85,000 in just 24 hours… that’s roughly equivalent to 17 days of fundraising this time of the year. Wow. And Markos is determined to raise $150,000 in online contributions, Darcy’s entire target for the month of July.
This is more than just money, it is a gift of time and an outpouring of affection that has buoyed Darcy’s spirits just as the full impact of her loss finally started to sink in. The campaign tells me she has canceled her schedule at least through the end of the week and will reevaluate day by day after that.
So if you haven’t already, please give to Darcy so that she and her family have the time to heal, without giving up an inch in her race against Reichert.
This is a great opportunity for progressives to show what they’re all about.
Barack Obama has been tacking rightward lately. It’s what politicians do for sure but by supporting people like Darcy, we will put those pols on notice that we’re a force to be reckoned with.
Our finest hour will be when we engineer the override of a President Obama veto. That’s true people power. The politicians should fear the people at large never just people with money or corporations. Great job in this case.
Did George Soros contribute?
I commend you KLOWNS for putting your money where your pieholes are.
The R’s nationally simply do not have the grassroots organization….nor do they in Washington State (except for Rossi’s campaign).
R’s spend too much time talking with each other,…and fail to reach out.
2 – Poor ignorant Mr. Cynical. The R’s have always had grassroots organization that started with recruiting Barry Goldwater. Isn’t your mailbox filled with Republican garbage? Didn’t Rove hustle 4 million evangelical voters in 2004?
The problem with the R’s is that they crap all over their base. Dirt poor religious folk don’t have a ban on gay marriage or abortion and they’re still dirt poor without health care. The R’s don’t care about them or their values. Never did. After the Craigs and Foleys and Vitters – they finally they realize it.
Even is asking for contributions on Darcy’s behalf.
This demonstrates our true commitment by Liberals in getting more Liberals elected to office this year. More than ever before.
If this isn’t the first peek at the HUGE blue tsunami that’s coming, then you’re simply either not looking, or, as Repubicans typically do, turning a blind eye to the truth.
Surfs UP!
The site wouldn’t take a quarter. Ho-hum….
And Goldy, you got a little bit of link love from Glen Greenwald on this from a post yesterday. Good on ya!
It’s amazing how fast folks rallied for Darcy and a true testament on the power of bottom-up, netroots organization.
I’m proud to be part of the movement. Thanks, Goldy, for your rapid response. :)
I was going to give Cynical some credit for his comment @ #2. A surprising admission from him.
I think for years the Republicans have been trying to ride on the back of churches for their organization. It makes some sense. What other groups have such close contact with one another on a regular basis, well-kept address and e-mail lists, the practiced ability to sit and listen to someone speak for an hour or two, and a willingness to submit to an authority figure who might “bless” the candidate with his endorsement & prayers?
But those days may be over. The Republican hot-buttons of abortion and gay marriage aren’t making the inroads that they used to. Part of it is the Evangelical dissolutionment with the national leaders who led the charge to the Republican right. Part of it is the admissions by White House insiders that the powers behind the Republican Party openly laughed at the Evangelicals behind their backs about how they were only using them for their votes. Part of it is a realization that after giving the Republicans their votes since the 1980 election, the abortion rights and gay marriage issue hasn’t improved for them a bit. And part of it is, as YLB mentioned, pocketbook issues – Evangelicals tend to be in the middle class or lower income ranges which have been hurt most by the Bush economic policies over the past 7-1/2 years.
The crass ass doesn’t give a hoot in hell about darcy… he’s only concerned that she doesn’t go down in flames (again!) in November.
If BEGGING was an Olympic event the crass ass would get a steroid ehnanced medal.
I have to agree with you. The Evangelicals certainly feel like they have been used…and in some cases abused. Obama sees that huge base & is wisely reaching out to them. Rev, Wright really hurt Obama’s chances however…badly. Black Liberation Theology is not Biblical…and worse yet, Wright had a bad habit of bastardizing Scriptures to attempt to prove his warped, racist perspective on life.
But inspite of this huge hurdle, I expect Obama to make some ever so slight inroads…critical in a close election.
The Evangelicals were the warriors willing to host coffees, make phone calls & go door-to-door. Getting soldiers on the ground is still the best way to sway a voter. The Internet is still way too impersonal. Face it…uninformed folks tend to ask more informed friends how to vote and why.
The R’s seem top think they can win based on Direct Mail and TV/Radio Ads. I don’t think you can win that way anymore. Need ground troops.
(Off Topic, but underscoring the need for change:)
The DJIA closed in an abbreviated session up 73.03 points, closing at 11288.54 – obviously not making up for the considerable ground lost yesterday, much less for the entire week.
MSNBC reports today:
Source: U.S. economy lost 62,000 jobs in June (emphasis added by me).
2 Cyn
You are wrong. Republicans have been the kings of direct-mail appeals for decades.
They also moved into talk radio after Reagan repealed the Fairness Doctrine.
So now we’ve got the Internet, and the Republicans can suck it.
Oh, and oil is at $145 p/bbl.
While John McCain is trying to show his “independence” from Bush, it appears that people closely associated with Bush & Karl Rove have successfully led a coup d’tat to take over the McCain campaign.
Rick Davis will remain his campaign chairman, but most of the responsibility of running the campaign will go to Steve Schmidt, a Karl Rove protoge’ and a veteran of the Bush 2004 campaign and work for the Republican National Committee. Insiders are whispering that it was Karl Rove himself & Schmidt who engineered the change which was formalized in a conferance with McCain.
Similarly, Nicole Wallace, communications director for the Bush 2004 campaign and the White House, will go on the road with McCain.
Gregg Jenkings, a Rove veteran political operative, Fox News producer, and advance man for the Bush White House, will join the campaign.
It appears that the biggest immediate losers in the power play are longtime McCain friends and advisors Mike Murphy and John Weaver, who had previously been pushed out and now appear to have no chance to re-join the campaign. Other veterans of McCain’s 2000 campaign against Bush have similarly been frozen out.
The best bet is that the current organization will only be good through the Republican Convention, at which point Schmidt will take over completely as campaign chair.
According to rumors, the McCain camp will try to re-build their base starting with the July 4th weekend by emphasizing McCain’s concern over the people’s economic woes.
Source: McCain orders shake-up of his campaign
What I said is Direct Mail alone doesn’t work.
The R’s have gotten addicted to the “easy-way” of Direct Mail, Signs, TV/RADIO and lost their more personal door-to-door, coffee outreach.
Talk Radio has been extremely effective. Look at Limbaugh’s $400 MILLION contract. I haven’t listened to Limbaugh in years.
I loved Russert, O’Reilly, Hannity/Colmes.
Fair & Balanced.
The MSM?? A dinosaur.
The R’s do suck at the Internet.
They seem to be throwing a lot of money at it…with little visable progress. I get daily e-mails from McCain’s camp.
Rossi is doing a decent job with his.
Sometimes they try to say waaaaay too much and lose effect.
This election could come down to how motivated people of faith are…like many other elections.
What desperate level will Darcy sink to next to get attention and raise money?
Have the family dog die of poisoning?
Have litte Henry “the” Burner run over?
What are those tragic moments worth? Darcy and her supporters are transparent and twisted little monkeys.
It is too early for this to be a good sympathy card.
Goldy spews: ‘An outpouring of affection’
While I wouldn’t wish what happened to Darcy on my worst enemy, the truth of Goldy’s statement is related to the spurts of baby-gravy emitting from him during his pathetic Darcy jack-off fantasies.
(Off Topic, but underscoring the need for change:)
The DJIA closed in an abbreviated session up 73.03 points, closing at 11288.54 – obviously not making up for the considerable ground lost yesterday, much less for the entire week.
Stock markets have sold off worldwide, many far more than the US. Global inflation is rising (and it is mild here compared to that of many of countries, though the official data is a constant source of debate), along with unemployment. The EU is experiencing the same rise in unemployment as the US. And every time Trichet raises rates – as he did today – to combat the inflation there, our dollar sinks and oil rises even more.
This is a complex story and our next administration will have its hands full. That said, couldn’t agree more that we have had extraordinarily poor leadership. And the worst may yet to come over the next year, although you’ll get no agreement on that topic.
@ 16 & 17:
And again with the trolls. What are you guys, thirteen? No, thirteen’s being too generous.
Read what you posted again. Childish, petty, and venal. That’s not comedy, its just sad.
Why don’t you try actually raising some points and having a conversation instead of flinging poo and scurrying off like the scared little monkeys you are. Mr. Cynical has no love for the liberal, but you can tell he has a brain. Maybe you should be taking notes…
@19: Mark1 et al never miss an opportunity to try to steer the conversation to onanism, the only subject upon which they can speak with any authority.
onanism. Nice one.
I learned something new today.
I guess you can’t reason with a pimple-faced teenager sitting in his parents’ basement with Cheeto stains on his keyboard and a half finished bottle of Game Fuel close at hand. I should know better.
15 Cyn
Give me a break…
Sure, pal. What it’s going to come down to is a bunch of dispirited Republicans who can’t even bring themselves to like the bunch of chumps their own party has put out there versus an extremely energized and motivated Democratic Party that has just reorganized nationally from the grass roots on up and is outraising and outpolling Republicans just about everywhere.
“People of faith” my ass. Get into the 21st century. People of faith are going to vote for Obama. McCain offers them nothing.
16 rc
What a piece of shit you are.
Sure, pal. What it’s going to come down to is a bunch of dispirited Republicans who can’t even bring themselves to like the bunch of chumps their own party has put out there versus an extremely energized and motivated Democratic Party that has just reorganized nationally from the grass roots on up and is outraising and outpolling Republicans just about everywhere.
“People of faith” my ass. Get into the 21st century. People of faith are going to vote for Obama. McCain offers them nothing.
HEHEHEHe There is no way the religous right will be votinig for Obama. If they come out, McCain wins, if not he loses. It is as simple as that.