I believe the term “Fellow Americans” should be followed by a question mark. I believe the Whiteman southern state christian crusaders ought to step up with their sons and daughters to continue the Bush colonialism in the Middle east….Mandatory Military service for Bush voters and their Children. I am sure that is what your evangelical teachings want you to do….so step up in Church, instead of having the Military recruiters work the inner city youth of Color. Let’s get them from the churches that preach American “Moral Value”.
Shut up, Dan. You don’t know even know what you are talking about.
“Shut up Dan”…Patriot Act 2 I believe has that Planned, but Andrew I am sure that is okay with you.
When the People who vote for this guy and His administration have higher ” Moral Values”…should be willing to follow him on his “Crusade” (his word not mine) Moral Values should not be an exclusionary club.
41% of voters said that they thought that Iraq was going well.
They’re either out of their minds or sheltered from reality.
Shut up, Dan. You still don’t know what you’re talking about.
Andrew thanks for the O’Reily style debate…I see that you have mastered the skill set well.
But here you go buddy…step up… http://www.marines.com
Dan- What do you think we should do about these people in the Middle East? Leave them alone? We tried that, for 20 years. Maybe we can sit down and talk with them? These people are born and bred to hate us, therefore, negotiations don’t seem likely. We could also let the UN handle the issue of Saddam, hmmm, another one. They tried, 17 times. GW gave warning and that warning was ignored. Of course we could’ve continued to let the UN do it’s work and continue to not see results. What would that say of us? That we are not of our word. Seriously Dan, where do you gather your information? Take a look at John Kerry. The man is a disgrace. Take a look at how many of your hard earned tax dollars have been used on the Big Dig here in Boston? That’s right, your buddies John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy have continued to receive federal money for that never ending project. Look it up. By the way, I am in the military and it’s a shame that soldiers and sailors are out there defending your right to tell us what’s best for us. I recommend that you enlist like the rest of us and only then can you make a decision on what WE should be doing.
Fellow (?) Americans,
Your suckers, and we get what’s coming to us. Seems that the brainwashing experiment has gone according to plan. Das Furor Bush should be enjoying a well-earned vacation considering the terrorist leader has been captured and his followers crushed, his WMD is secured and America is now safe from the bogie man. Maybe our blood can be cleaned with the same detergent used to wash your minds!!
I wonder if this proves once and for all that a God does not exist… since the WOLRD was praying against this outcome.
Fellow(?) Americans,
Your suckers, and we get whats coming to us.
This is a progressive blog. You’re welcome to comment, of course, but just know that you don’t have a sympathetic audience. I wouldn’t waste your time. If I were you, I would just shut up.
Your blog could use some optimism, David. Look at what http://www.dailykos.com is doing. Give your readers something to chew on.
They are fucking batshit insane.
I’m tired of trying to be concilitating with people who are insistent that they don’t have to bother about other people’s opinions.
oh, and Andrew…
Its Your grade school mentality that makes this such a GREAT country! So just to attempt to become as elloquent as you have proven yourself to be…COME MAKE ME, MOTHER FUCKER!
Oh, I’m sooo sorry…i shouldn’t have a opinion that isn’t yours. Much less not become agressive.
Wheres my gun…i’m gonna go “save Iraq”.
“shut up” “MOTHER FUCKER” Please, I am asking you do the research. Don’t listen to what people tell you, professors and celebrities will only give you thier opinion. Pick up a couple books, surf the web and find out the truth as to what has been going on in Iraq for decades. This is a “global war on terrorism”. Iraq is just one piece of the pie. Again, research and you will find that we have troops and are working with governments in many other countries. If the terrorist had hit Seattle on 9/11 (it was part of the plan, read the 9/11 report), you would feel differently. If you research the facts and still feel the same way, you are free to bad mouth me and anybody else you want, but remember, I give you that freedom.
I know it’s a right wing trick, to use just a snippett of your statement out of context…but we need to start practicing for the future. But the first portion of your statement was dribble…but I did like this…
“I recommend that you enlist like the rest of us and only then can you make a decision on what WE should be doing.”(Josh)
Tell Me Josh, that when I enlist, I get to decide which country we get to invade? That would be great. I am so pissed off at New Zealand. ( it’s called the AMERICAS CUP..not the New Zealand Cup) How long do I have to be in to be able to choose? I appreciate your service as a military person, but if you think that you have even the slightest choice on what you get to do, you must be in The Texas Air Guard. ( P.S. Way to stand up for your buddies in the Abbu Graib prison…I am sure they did this without orders. Band of Brothers my Ass.
I feel your pain but being more vague than Marsha Richards on “partisanship” isn’t going to help your cause.
As long as people feel they are oppressed…there WILL be terrorists. they are not countries..they are people. How many countries must we invade, before we figure it out. We have already killed 100,000 Iraqi’s, some of them must have been terrorists…guess what? there are more springing up everyday. Get a clue, all the Bombs in world will not stop oppressed people. The British tried it in 1776.
I recommend that you enlist like the rest of us and only then can you make a decision on what WE should be doing.
Oh man, Josh… now that’s American values for you… only people in the military should be allowed to make decisions about the direction of this country?
Just like I said in a previous post… we are witnessing the decline of the American Empire. Enjoy the ride.
Your blog could use some optimism, David. Look at what http://www.dailykos.com is doing. Give your readers something to chew on.
Andrew, this is what psychiatrists call “catharsis” and what us Jews call “whining.” Don’t worry. It’s healthy.
“only people in the military should be allowed to make decisions about the direction of this country?” I never said that, but wait, I forgot, I’m the one that’s clueless. The demise of this empire began in the late 60’s with Vietnam and the hippie movement. You’re probably familiar with it, your boy Kerry was on both sides.
The KKK was one of the biggest terrorists organizations in this country, was it wrong for the US government to bring them down? During WWII, Hitler was Europe’s problem but I think we can all agree that we made the right decision by going over there. Funny how Japan threw the stone on December 7th and we ended up in Europe. Do you think this could be similar? Take 9/11 away and we’re debating “Less Filling” or “Tastes Great”
I find some sick humor in your supposed quote of the 9-11 report. Maybe you missed that part about the Intel doing everything except using crayons to explain to our fearless leader that there was a problem. So before you preach about doing research, be sure that you have done ALL of yours. I seem to recall that aggressively invading a country to overthrow its government and force your own was against international law. And don’t forget to mention the ISG findings…that state the UN sanctions WERE WORKING!!
But that’s okay…your not alone. 51% of America got a good cranial scrubbing over the past few years.
Oh, and someone please correct me, It was Bin Laden from Afghanistan that attacked us, right?
SHHHH…We don’t call them the KKK anymore…they’re called Voter suppresors in the Red States.
As for the WWII comparison…..”Don’t forget Poland” if we didn’t go in then they wouldn’t be our Ally today.( until January)
How is it “us” when we’re the victims? But it’s finger pointing when we’re on the offense. You have no right to say “us”, how many family members did you lose on 9/11? How many families do you know that lost someone? You are NOT “us”. However, we (my family) go to weddings, funerals and other family functions with 1 seat empty. We did lose somebody.
“our fearless leader” Maybe we should’ve bought Crayola’s for the guy that sat in that chair the 8 years prior (I did vote for him by the way). Clinton knew about Bin Laden but didn’t take it seriously. He said it himself.
The divide and demise is simply because people either choose left or right, for or against. Stop all of it and people should start voting based on issues and the records of people running.
Since I’m new here, I’ll share my record:
I support GW and the war on terrorism (even in Iraq)
I support stem cell research
I support abortion
I support gay marriage
I’m having a hard time, I can’t figure out whether I’m left or right. I’m neither. I vote for the person that I think will do the best job for the issues that are going on at the time. Everybody else should too.
I’m sorry that I used the word “destroyed”. Who was that J. Edgar Hoover guy? Probably just another oppressive right wing white man.
Canada is always an option.
Canada? Canada? I told you I want to invade New Zealand first, but since you will have been in the Military longer than me, I guess you get to choose which country you want to invade first. Can you Imagine the spoils of War and the Cunundrom? All those prescription drugs that we can’t send back. But you are probably right ( way right) Canada would be a better sell to the country. Socialist Health care and all that Natural Gas.
I would like to say that I am sorry about your loss on 9/11, but sympathy is a liberal emotion, so let’s just blame it on another Liberal thought process, cause I am tired of being nice to stupid people.. Darwinism. (not found in Bible)
Did you ever tell us how the Military is going to rid the world of 2000 years of Terrorism?
I am truly and honestly sorry for your loss of a family member, and the rage is duly noted and accepted. However… the Iraqis did not do that to you. We have done WORSE to them! AND, I (being me and my family) have lost on that front. But that is okay by 51% of America. Remember, WE (America) attacked Iraq…not the other way around. Maybe you should think about chatting with the ground units that return and get a dirt level concept of what we’ve done. Don’t be too preachy, 9-11 hasn’t ended…http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/iraq_casualties.htm.
Subscribe to the propaganda, that’s your choice (paid for by the lives lost before this era). But realize your loss is not being avenged, its being aggravated.
Lastly, I couldn’t agree with you more on the “voting based on issues and the records of people running”. That’s what researching the candidates is all about. Which is also why, if you listen thru the cheers from the GOP, you can hear the wailing of the World.
Wonderfully spoken…but I have found out over the past few months that these people are not swayed by facts…and it is scary. They say one thing about what is important to them…then vote GOP anyway.
But bravo for you to keep trying, if you ever figure out how you can Reason with these folks..please post it.
If I could figure that out, I wouldn’t be flaming a blog, now would I?
Josh, you are a simpleton, I am sorry. If you only had an understanding of those “facts” you advocate researching you could probably tell us about the history of the last 100 years in the Middle East or just Iraq. (Balfour Declaration, Sikes-Pico, or formation of these governments) Since the US has done “nothing” for years and “left them alone”, but somehow they are “bred to hate us”. They are jealous of our freedom, right? The amazing thing is they aren’t jealous of Canada’s freedom or progressive European states, but mostly the country that has sold and impowered their oppressive leaders with weapons while we inexchange extract resources. It isn’t rocket science but the economic/military relationship is similar between the Us and the Middle East/Africa/South America/Southeast Asia. The ME is unique in that it is the first to react, probably caused from the pressure of having the world’s mosty precious commodity. Your myopic perspective and xenophobia reveal your ignorance. Upgrade your grey matter. Reading the wrong shit doesn’t count poser.
Josh–the reason we ended up in Europe after Japan attacked us on 7 December 1941, is Germany declared war on us–read your history books. Truth is we almost let our beloved ally England go down the tubes before we were forced into WWII. As for the KKK, if you really dig deep you’ll find that it was made up principally of all those moral, conservative Christians from the good ole south. And BTW I believe that we are entering Civil War II, it’s the reds verse the blues–we couldn’t be further apart if slavery was the issue–hum! slavery is the issue!
The election results affirm that fortunately, the intelligensia outnumbers the whiners/losers! Unfortunately, this website also affirms that there is no such thing as a “good loser”. Guess bitching and moaning is the American way. Aren’t you glad you have the freedom to bitch and moan. How about being in one of Sadam’s prisons or have an AK-47 stuck in your ear?
Fight the good fight but recognize that in America, the majority rules. Face it! There may be valid alternatives to Bush, but Kerry wasn’t it! Nominate a better candidate next time.
Unfortunately, this website also affirms that there is no such thing as a “good loser”. Guess bitching and moaning is the American way.
Hey Doug… this isn’t a fucking round of golf of we’re bitching over… this is the inexplicable reelection of the most incompentent president in US history. And you want me to be a “good loser” …?!!!
And don’t give me that AK-47 in my ear shit. Bitching and moaning is the American way… it’s guaranteed in the First Amendment. So if you don’t like it, go read the Drudge Report.
..but of course gloating in so much superior… and 2% makes a majority? Hardly! But yes, Bush won..this time fair and square. But do tell us about your experience in Sadam’s prisons. I’m sure your ear isn’t the only place they stuck that muzzle. What’s that…you WERN’T in a Iraqi prision? Well you can still stick your AK-47 / Barisnokov /RPG up your rightous a-hole, cause i’m sure some Iraqi family deserves to be blown into pieces for your President.
Enjoy !
Middle Where?spews:
We left the Middle East alone for 20 years? Someone missed a history lesson or two.
I have no idea...spews:
It was Doug’s comments about bitching and moaning being the american was. He sounds right wing, but it is obvious, that he has never listened to a conservative talk radio show. They have taken the phrase bitching and moaning to an art form( Rush Limbaugh has gotten very rich doing just this). I have never heard so many upper middle class americans finding the time and the gall to find so many OTHER people to blame all the local and world problems on. If I can steal a phrase from the fox news site “Doug, you’re an Obliviot”
Boys, boys, let’s watch the language–it hurts the eyes of this little ‘ole grandma. Instead of whining lets get busy TODAY on change–get government out of the marriage business, leave that to the churches–make sure government is in the partnership/civil union business only; make sure that all voting machines without paper trails are outlawed in the US; make all ballots cast in elections in duplicate to insure the voter’s assurance that their vote was counted, and counted correctly; get a REAL primary election in place, or not have one at all; make it illegal to conduct political campaigns for longer than ONE month; make all political campaigns tax funded; make sure that any elected official running for re-election reimburses the tax payers for the use government owned items in the conduct of their campaign; cancel all contracts for electricity signed during Enron’s fraudulent manipulation of the electricity market; institute compulsory service for all Americans 18 years of age, or at graduation from high school.
I will be able to think of lost more as time goes on, but this is a good start.
Please accept my apology for my Sailor mouth…it get loose now and again.
I believe the term “Fellow Americans” should be followed by a question mark. I believe the Whiteman southern state christian crusaders ought to step up with their sons and daughters to continue the Bush colonialism in the Middle east….Mandatory Military service for Bush voters and their Children. I am sure that is what your evangelical teachings want you to do….so step up in Church, instead of having the Military recruiters work the inner city youth of Color. Let’s get them from the churches that preach American “Moral Value”.
Shut up, Dan. You don’t know even know what you are talking about.
“Shut up Dan”…Patriot Act 2 I believe has that Planned, but Andrew I am sure that is okay with you.
When the People who vote for this guy and His administration have higher ” Moral Values”…should be willing to follow him on his “Crusade” (his word not mine) Moral Values should not be an exclusionary club.
41% of voters said that they thought that Iraq was going well.
They’re either out of their minds or sheltered from reality.
Shut up, Dan. You still don’t know what you’re talking about.
Andrew thanks for the O’Reily style debate…I see that you have mastered the skill set well.
But here you go buddy…step up… http://www.marines.com
Dan- What do you think we should do about these people in the Middle East? Leave them alone? We tried that, for 20 years. Maybe we can sit down and talk with them? These people are born and bred to hate us, therefore, negotiations don’t seem likely. We could also let the UN handle the issue of Saddam, hmmm, another one. They tried, 17 times. GW gave warning and that warning was ignored. Of course we could’ve continued to let the UN do it’s work and continue to not see results. What would that say of us? That we are not of our word. Seriously Dan, where do you gather your information? Take a look at John Kerry. The man is a disgrace. Take a look at how many of your hard earned tax dollars have been used on the Big Dig here in Boston? That’s right, your buddies John Kerry and Teddy Kennedy have continued to receive federal money for that never ending project. Look it up. By the way, I am in the military and it’s a shame that soldiers and sailors are out there defending your right to tell us what’s best for us. I recommend that you enlist like the rest of us and only then can you make a decision on what WE should be doing.
Fellow (?) Americans,
Your suckers, and we get what’s coming to us. Seems that the brainwashing experiment has gone according to plan. Das Furor Bush should be enjoying a well-earned vacation considering the terrorist leader has been captured and his followers crushed, his WMD is secured and America is now safe from the bogie man. Maybe our blood can be cleaned with the same detergent used to wash your minds!!
I wonder if this proves once and for all that a God does not exist… since the WOLRD was praying against this outcome.
Fellow(?) Americans,
Your suckers, and we get whats coming to us.
This is a progressive blog. You’re welcome to comment, of course, but just know that you don’t have a sympathetic audience. I wouldn’t waste your time. If I were you, I would just shut up.
Your blog could use some optimism, David. Look at what http://www.dailykos.com is doing. Give your readers something to chew on.
They are fucking batshit insane.
I’m tired of trying to be concilitating with people who are insistent that they don’t have to bother about other people’s opinions.
oh, and Andrew…
Its Your grade school mentality that makes this such a GREAT country! So just to attempt to become as elloquent as you have proven yourself to be…COME MAKE ME, MOTHER FUCKER!
Oh, I’m sooo sorry…i shouldn’t have a opinion that isn’t yours. Much less not become agressive.
Wheres my gun…i’m gonna go “save Iraq”.
“shut up” “MOTHER FUCKER” Please, I am asking you do the research. Don’t listen to what people tell you, professors and celebrities will only give you thier opinion. Pick up a couple books, surf the web and find out the truth as to what has been going on in Iraq for decades. This is a “global war on terrorism”. Iraq is just one piece of the pie. Again, research and you will find that we have troops and are working with governments in many other countries. If the terrorist had hit Seattle on 9/11 (it was part of the plan, read the 9/11 report), you would feel differently. If you research the facts and still feel the same way, you are free to bad mouth me and anybody else you want, but remember, I give you that freedom.
I know it’s a right wing trick, to use just a snippett of your statement out of context…but we need to start practicing for the future. But the first portion of your statement was dribble…but I did like this…
“I recommend that you enlist like the rest of us and only then can you make a decision on what WE should be doing.”(Josh)
Tell Me Josh, that when I enlist, I get to decide which country we get to invade? That would be great. I am so pissed off at New Zealand. ( it’s called the AMERICAS CUP..not the New Zealand Cup) How long do I have to be in to be able to choose? I appreciate your service as a military person, but if you think that you have even the slightest choice on what you get to do, you must be in The Texas Air Guard. ( P.S. Way to stand up for your buddies in the Abbu Graib prison…I am sure they did this without orders. Band of Brothers my Ass.
I feel your pain but being more vague than Marsha Richards on “partisanship” isn’t going to help your cause.
As long as people feel they are oppressed…there WILL be terrorists. they are not countries..they are people. How many countries must we invade, before we figure it out. We have already killed 100,000 Iraqi’s, some of them must have been terrorists…guess what? there are more springing up everyday. Get a clue, all the Bombs in world will not stop oppressed people. The British tried it in 1776.
Oh man, Josh… now that’s American values for you… only people in the military should be allowed to make decisions about the direction of this country?
Just like I said in a previous post… we are witnessing the decline of the American Empire. Enjoy the ride.
Andrew, this is what psychiatrists call “catharsis” and what us Jews call “whining.” Don’t worry. It’s healthy.
“only people in the military should be allowed to make decisions about the direction of this country?” I never said that, but wait, I forgot, I’m the one that’s clueless. The demise of this empire began in the late 60’s with Vietnam and the hippie movement. You’re probably familiar with it, your boy Kerry was on both sides.
The KKK was one of the biggest terrorists organizations in this country, was it wrong for the US government to bring them down? During WWII, Hitler was Europe’s problem but I think we can all agree that we made the right decision by going over there. Funny how Japan threw the stone on December 7th and we ended up in Europe. Do you think this could be similar? Take 9/11 away and we’re debating “Less Filling” or “Tastes Great”
I find some sick humor in your supposed quote of the 9-11 report. Maybe you missed that part about the Intel doing everything except using crayons to explain to our fearless leader that there was a problem. So before you preach about doing research, be sure that you have done ALL of yours. I seem to recall that aggressively invading a country to overthrow its government and force your own was against international law. And don’t forget to mention the ISG findings…that state the UN sanctions WERE WORKING!!
But that’s okay…your not alone. 51% of America got a good cranial scrubbing over the past few years.
Oh, and someone please correct me, It was Bin Laden from Afghanistan that attacked us, right?
Your the man with all the facts and research…Maybe you should check out what is happening down south with that destroyed KKK.
SHHHH…We don’t call them the KKK anymore…they’re called Voter suppresors in the Red States.
As for the WWII comparison…..”Don’t forget Poland” if we didn’t go in then they wouldn’t be our Ally today.( until January)
How is it “us” when we’re the victims? But it’s finger pointing when we’re on the offense. You have no right to say “us”, how many family members did you lose on 9/11? How many families do you know that lost someone? You are NOT “us”. However, we (my family) go to weddings, funerals and other family functions with 1 seat empty. We did lose somebody.
“our fearless leader” Maybe we should’ve bought Crayola’s for the guy that sat in that chair the 8 years prior (I did vote for him by the way). Clinton knew about Bin Laden but didn’t take it seriously. He said it himself.
The divide and demise is simply because people either choose left or right, for or against. Stop all of it and people should start voting based on issues and the records of people running.
Since I’m new here, I’ll share my record:
I support GW and the war on terrorism (even in Iraq)
I support stem cell research
I support abortion
I support gay marriage
I’m having a hard time, I can’t figure out whether I’m left or right. I’m neither. I vote for the person that I think will do the best job for the issues that are going on at the time. Everybody else should too.
I’m sorry that I used the word “destroyed”. Who was that J. Edgar Hoover guy? Probably just another oppressive right wing white man.
Canada is always an option.
Canada? Canada? I told you I want to invade New Zealand first, but since you will have been in the Military longer than me, I guess you get to choose which country you want to invade first. Can you Imagine the spoils of War and the Cunundrom? All those prescription drugs that we can’t send back. But you are probably right ( way right) Canada would be a better sell to the country. Socialist Health care and all that Natural Gas.
I would like to say that I am sorry about your loss on 9/11, but sympathy is a liberal emotion, so let’s just blame it on another Liberal thought process, cause I am tired of being nice to stupid people.. Darwinism. (not found in Bible)
Did you ever tell us how the Military is going to rid the world of 2000 years of Terrorism?
I am truly and honestly sorry for your loss of a family member, and the rage is duly noted and accepted. However… the Iraqis did not do that to you. We have done WORSE to them! AND, I (being me and my family) have lost on that front. But that is okay by 51% of America. Remember, WE (America) attacked Iraq…not the other way around. Maybe you should think about chatting with the ground units that return and get a dirt level concept of what we’ve done. Don’t be too preachy, 9-11 hasn’t ended…http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/ops/iraq_casualties.htm.
Subscribe to the propaganda, that’s your choice (paid for by the lives lost before this era). But realize your loss is not being avenged, its being aggravated.
Lastly, I couldn’t agree with you more on the “voting based on issues and the records of people running”. That’s what researching the candidates is all about. Which is also why, if you listen thru the cheers from the GOP, you can hear the wailing of the World.
Wonderfully spoken…but I have found out over the past few months that these people are not swayed by facts…and it is scary. They say one thing about what is important to them…then vote GOP anyway.
But bravo for you to keep trying, if you ever figure out how you can Reason with these folks..please post it.
If I could figure that out, I wouldn’t be flaming a blog, now would I?
Josh, you are a simpleton, I am sorry. If you only had an understanding of those “facts” you advocate researching you could probably tell us about the history of the last 100 years in the Middle East or just Iraq. (Balfour Declaration, Sikes-Pico, or formation of these governments) Since the US has done “nothing” for years and “left them alone”, but somehow they are “bred to hate us”. They are jealous of our freedom, right? The amazing thing is they aren’t jealous of Canada’s freedom or progressive European states, but mostly the country that has sold and impowered their oppressive leaders with weapons while we inexchange extract resources. It isn’t rocket science but the economic/military relationship is similar between the Us and the Middle East/Africa/South America/Southeast Asia. The ME is unique in that it is the first to react, probably caused from the pressure of having the world’s mosty precious commodity. Your myopic perspective and xenophobia reveal your ignorance. Upgrade your grey matter. Reading the wrong shit doesn’t count poser.
Josh–the reason we ended up in Europe after Japan attacked us on 7 December 1941, is Germany declared war on us–read your history books. Truth is we almost let our beloved ally England go down the tubes before we were forced into WWII. As for the KKK, if you really dig deep you’ll find that it was made up principally of all those moral, conservative Christians from the good ole south. And BTW I believe that we are entering Civil War II, it’s the reds verse the blues–we couldn’t be further apart if slavery was the issue–hum! slavery is the issue!
The election results affirm that fortunately, the intelligensia outnumbers the whiners/losers! Unfortunately, this website also affirms that there is no such thing as a “good loser”. Guess bitching and moaning is the American way. Aren’t you glad you have the freedom to bitch and moan. How about being in one of Sadam’s prisons or have an AK-47 stuck in your ear?
Fight the good fight but recognize that in America, the majority rules. Face it! There may be valid alternatives to Bush, but Kerry wasn’t it! Nominate a better candidate next time.
Hey Doug… this isn’t a fucking round of golf of we’re bitching over… this is the inexplicable reelection of the most incompentent president in US history. And you want me to be a “good loser” …?!!!
And don’t give me that AK-47 in my ear shit. Bitching and moaning is the American way… it’s guaranteed in the First Amendment. So if you don’t like it, go read the Drudge Report.
..but of course gloating in so much superior… and 2% makes a majority? Hardly! But yes, Bush won..this time fair and square. But do tell us about your experience in Sadam’s prisons. I’m sure your ear isn’t the only place they stuck that muzzle. What’s that…you WERN’T in a Iraqi prision? Well you can still stick your AK-47 / Barisnokov /RPG up your rightous a-hole, cause i’m sure some Iraqi family deserves to be blown into pieces for your President.
Enjoy !
We left the Middle East alone for 20 years? Someone missed a history lesson or two.
It was Doug’s comments about bitching and moaning being the american was. He sounds right wing, but it is obvious, that he has never listened to a conservative talk radio show. They have taken the phrase bitching and moaning to an art form( Rush Limbaugh has gotten very rich doing just this). I have never heard so many upper middle class americans finding the time and the gall to find so many OTHER people to blame all the local and world problems on. If I can steal a phrase from the fox news site “Doug, you’re an Obliviot”
Boys, boys, let’s watch the language–it hurts the eyes of this little ‘ole grandma. Instead of whining lets get busy TODAY on change–get government out of the marriage business, leave that to the churches–make sure government is in the partnership/civil union business only; make sure that all voting machines without paper trails are outlawed in the US; make all ballots cast in elections in duplicate to insure the voter’s assurance that their vote was counted, and counted correctly; get a REAL primary election in place, or not have one at all; make it illegal to conduct political campaigns for longer than ONE month; make all political campaigns tax funded; make sure that any elected official running for re-election reimburses the tax payers for the use government owned items in the conduct of their campaign; cancel all contracts for electricity signed during Enron’s fraudulent manipulation of the electricity market; institute compulsory service for all Americans 18 years of age, or at graduation from high school.
I will be able to think of lost more as time goes on, but this is a good start.
Please accept my apology for my Sailor mouth…it get loose now and again.