Dear Amazon,
You lose money on every Kindle you sell, you pay carriers for every bit you transfer over your Whispernet wireless delivery system, and at $9.99 a pop you even lose money on many of your e-books. And you’re worried about competing with the iPad… why?
Quit wasting your time and money acquiring companies and technologies in hopes of outdoing Apple at what Apple does best, and instead put all your effort into creating a better Kindle app and e-book buying experience for the iPad and other forthcoming tablet devices than Apple has created with its own iBook platform. Think of the iPad as an opportunity to get your e-books into millions more hands, without having to subsidize the hardware and network costs. Yeah, sure, you might only ultimately capture 20 to 30 percent of the e-book market on Apple’s touch platform, but that would still represent a helluva lot of virtual Kindles… and just like in the smartphone market, even a wildly successful iPad won’t be the only major player in the field.
Oh, there’s still plenty of room for your physical Kindle, a special purpose e-book reader with a comfortable e-ink display and incredibly long battery life… and there’s plenty of opportunity to make the Kindle better and cheaper. But multi-touch, app stores, energy-hungry color screens… you’re never going to create a better multipurpose device at a lower cost than Apple. So please, keep your focus.
Kindle is a great product that kick-started the e-book industry, and you deserve to be proud of that. But don’t let pride get in the way of profiting off your initial success.
Best of luck,
Advice For Kindle And iPad Users
A printed book doesn’t have batteries that can go dead and still works if it gets wet.
Okay, I’m a traditionalist, so fucking what?!
Roger @2,
I’m a traditionalist too, but there is room for both.
@1 – plus, once you’re done with it, the pages can be used to line the bottom of your hutch. Try that with an iPad!
Closer to the universe I would like to see — where any eBook reader can hold and read any eBook bought from any retailer. Sort of like any car will burn any gasoline bought from any oil company.
I refuse to buy any reader that chains me to one retailer, one place to buy content.
There exists a pool of 5-6 million dunderheads who will buy any latest iDevice no matter how much it costs. They also won’t care that backlit screen is != eInk. But whatever.
One theory for why Google made their own cell phone (smartphone) is to push the market, accelerate innovation.
Amazon could be doing the same with their Kindle hardware.
The displays used by the Kindle and iPhone/iPad are qualitatively different. Kindle’s E-ink reflects light, like paper. iPhone’s LCD is back lit, like your TV.
The Kindle pixel density is slightly higher at 167 ppi. I seem to recall the holy grail is ~ 300 ppi, matching printed paper.
Using something like E-ink is the correct answer for an ebook reader. If the Kindle’s display was larger and denser, I’d probably care enough to buy one. Some day.
Whereas Apple’s LCD is good for for web surfing (video, animation, colors, etc.).
I’ve always wondered if something like this could make all those display gadgets disappear:
Been in development forever…
The biggest hit against Amazon’s Kindle strategy is the DRM (digital rights management) copy protection nonsense.
Copy protection is death to content publishers.
So called “piracy” is the cheapest form of marketing.
Back in the day, Autodesk added copy protection to the flagship AutoCAD product. Sales cratered. And hackers defeated the scheme within days. Autodesk had no choice but to remove the copy protection.
The only thing copy protection does is piss off your honest customers. And speaking from personal (professional) experience, the costs of copy protection (licensing, development, administration, tech support) far outweigh any benefit. If DRM led to increased revenue, maybe you’d be able to stomach the pain. But it doesn’t.
I love this story from 1/22/2010:
O’Reilly drops ebook DRM, sees 104% increase in sales
In conclusion, if Amazon keeps using DRM, Apple (or someone else) will eat their lunch.
I’m not sure that’s a good strategy for Amazon considering Apple could at any point in time remove the Kindle App from their App store.
europe @ 8
In 1991, I interviewed Dan Bricklin from UW’s HITlab. They were pioneers of all that virtual reality hype. He was pretty excited about using frickin’ lazers to write an image directly to the retina.
He said something’s that’s stuck with me: Optic nerve is exposed brain, stimulate it directly and it’d be indistinguishable from reality.
Microvision has the SHOWWX Pico Display, a portable overhead projector.
Austin Powers loves it
Dr Evil Loves the Frickin’ Lazers
Can’t be long before someone puts those lazers into a pair of cool shades.
Why should Amazon worry about the iFad when it will falter significantly? People will buy an iPad, realize how worthless it is, and move on. All the while Amazon can be investing resources into the Kindle and attract more customers.
Andrew @10,
I thought about that. But Apple already approved the Kindle app for the iPhone, and they would asking for a ton of bad press and an anti-trust investigation were they to suddenly remove it, simply because they now have a competing product.
There’s no reasonable argument Apple can make to remove the Kindle app.
Apple has never needed reasons to do things before. Their terms of service for submitting apps say that you can’t duplicate function. At the time the Kindle app was developed, it didn’t. Now it does.
What Amazon should do is remove all the DRM and just start selling the books in an open format that any reader can read. Then they don’t have to worry about app development or hardware at all. Of course, the publishers will never go for this.
The problem for Amazon is that they are trapped in their own DRM. People will buy an iPad instead of a Kindle, and then Amazon won’t be able to sell books to them.
So rather than re-evaluate the ridiculous way they do business (deleting everyone’s copy of ‘1984’ without warning, for instance), they gobble up an iClone company.
Amazon should open up their market rather than continue to restrict it to a hardware choice.
Interesting.. As good a theory as any to explain why our trolls are so divorced from reality.. Must be something in the Faux News transmission..
Sucker them in with AM right wing hate talk radio, enslave them on Faux News cable..
Like I’d be surprised if that came out…
“A printed book … still works if it gets wet.”
Not if it’s printed on glossy paper. I’ve got more than one ruined field guide…
“… iFad when it will falter significantly”
Yeah, like the iPhone before it, and the iPod before that, and all the way back to the original iMac. You sound just like Steve “The iPhone’s never going to be significant” Ballmer.
What a bunch of shit from the HA arschloch ylb arschloch@16.
It’s you who had their left eye retina (you sport it on HA ya dummy) burned in with your continual orgasmic postings of left-wing whackamoleshit. It’s a veritable and verifiable Petri dish of horseshit web sites providing multiple false and infectious memes:
Media Matters
Why don’t you run an “addition SQL script” kitty where it counts the number of those worthless references you’ve used over the years? Just use your personal Goldy HA blog backup you created instead of job hunting? Puddy bets it’s over 500 and counting…
Oh wait… you don’t take “orders” from right thinking individuals.
Whatafool! YOU are the one divorced from reality. Where is today’s tea bagger reference for Senator Scott Brown fool?
Puddy just received his Amazon email…
Cole Haan Hand-Woven Patent Leather Kindle Cover with Hinge, Ruby Sugar $119.99
And if Puddy buys one for Mrs Puddy I can get the Kindle with “free” two-day shipping…
18 – The “eye” in my avatar isn’t polluted with that right wing bullshit you burn your eyeballs out with every freaking day..
DU? Only looked at the front pages a few times.
MoveOn? Ditto
The rest of those sites are WAY WAY better than the freaking spew you imbibe from:
Moonie Times
WSJ Editorial
Weakly Standard Bilge
WND (birther news daily)
Investor’s right wing bullshit daily
and on and on and freaking on…
And you’re GD right I don’t take orders from you wannabe armchair dictators..
Your dream is to live under dictatorship where the dictator/chimpanzee in chief kills and tortures swarthy skinned people with funny names so you get off on it with Faux News and fantasy torture-porn shows like 24, buys you off with piddling tax cuts and tells you that you can be a dictator too (ownership society)..
All the while, behind the curtain, like all true dictators, they’re making the filthy rich people who put them into power even MORE filthy rich..
Sure sucks to be a tool and a deluded ass like you…
What data management tool am I using fiend? The swiss cheese hole bubble memory must be leaking the malodorous, noxious gas that passes for your “mind”..
Ever bother to google it?
Don’t need sql overkill fool.. Not needed all the time.
Will this do?
That’s highlighted or lowlighted, so I clicked on it and was thrown to:
(1) mike webb SUCKS
(2) JOB (as in “get a …” because everyone here knows arschloch doesn’t have one, can’t get one, and can’t keep one)
aka Puddybud, i.e. a lying, degenerate right winger.
Consider yourself in good company with that fiend, dumbshit..
Pavlov called it on ylb arschloch. Did everyone notice what this arschloch DIDN’T SAY?
Correct, by admission he admits he peruses all the leftwing whackashit sites Puddy identified.
The fool is BUSTED BUSTED BUSTED with all his useless leftwing horseshit. Got his nuts too tight!
What’s wrong arschloch? You can’t create SQL scripts? Typical moron! You can only run tctmgr?
So dickforbrains, why not compare Puddy’s right-wing use vs your left-wing whackamoleshit sites use. You’ll beat Puddy hands down probably around 10:1 moron. Butt of course you won’t because you’ll be shown to be the useless feckless twat you are.
25 – So you’re so delusional fiend.
You couldn’t find your ass with a flashlight.
Hey arschloch@24,
You forgot JOB? Hits home eh? Right between the left porn eye and the scatterbrained right eye just like how you called Colin and Condoleeza “monkey lovers”.
Such a dunce dumb brick of a feckless useless ASS!
Wait for it… he’ll claim he forgot about his use of “simians”.
Like Puddy said… Pavlov called it.
The truth hits home on the arschloch!
In due time fiend. In due time..
I’ve got all the links you’ve posted.
Keep posting more. Please.. All your favorite wingnut insanity sites.. Don’t dress them up in msm link clothing..
Bare it all fiend.. Let it all hang out..
And man will we have a good laugh at your stupid expense..
Could someone translate Puddy’s yammering at 18 for me? He appears to be lost inside his own head again.
Puddy is obviously becoming rabidly insane. It’d be sad to witness but for the guy being a flying monkey freak who hates America, Mom and apple pie with a fucking passion.
@30 My advice? Keep your distance. The fucker’s gone rabid on us.
Hey proud goatist@30, you are admitting you are more STUPID than the HA arschloch ylb arschloch, the dumbest brick on HA?
Do tell proud goatist! You failed on Darryl’s comments so it’s “possible”!
Dismissed with prejudice. Too much Steve’s™ Stupid Solution® again! You don’t hide your use anymore. You’ve become blatant in your addiction!
Remember ylb arschloch, you have to post your use vs. Puddy’s. Link dates moron! Because Puddy will check your deliveries. And if Puddy finds one you “excluded” you’ll be proven to be the “monkey” you are!
whats Racist YLB spouting off about now?
Oh, no, in addition to Puddy’s incomprehensible yammering, now he’s adding his cryptic, obscure references.
Woah, puddy must have mainlined some 100% pure wingnut today because he’s making less sense than Hunter S. Thomson on a mescaline bender.
A mescaline bender? A Wild Turkey bender, maybe, maybe a mescaline freakout, but never a mescaline bender.
Your libel of my benders is vicious and defamatory. My big brown attorney will be in touch.
Proud Goatist, cryptic obscure references? You forgot when Puddy replayed Prof Darryl’s comments you claimed it was gibberish until you saw Darryl wrote it.
It seems you have comprehension issues Proud Goatist. So if ylb arschloch can understand a Puddy comment where does that place you? Dumber than a dumb brick? Well you have made some useless comments lately Proud Goatist.
Sometimes Proud Goatist you have an interesting “sense of style”.
Seems you know everything eh? Now you’re claiming to be as stupid as Proud Goatist? Do tell Chris. You honor ylb arschloch. Who knew you’d do this? ylb arschloch is finally being honored.
LOL! Dumbshit was referring to JDB whose comment appears right after your miserable denial that you were MWS.. That fine day that exposed YOU as a miserable LIAR!!
“my ancestors came from europe”? Yeah, right…
Nope. I don’t have to do shit..
Beside, we’re having enough fun as it is.. Look at you!
Yammering again ylb arschloch. Yes we see you do what you want… Like making your wife “carry the load”!
Me freaked out? You comment and no one reacts. That’s because its fact you are the dumbest monomaniacal chronological idiot brick here. There are none dumber than you. Steve and Proud Goatist sometimes stoop to your level but you live there 24×7.
Again Pavlov calls it. When confronted you run like a chicken run like a chicken run like a chicken.
See ya moron! I have WAR files to create and deliver.
43 – I’m baaaaacckk…
and yaaawwwwwnnn… the same old lame taunts and reality denials…
huh… run away to your bloatware servers fool..
You’ll come back.. You always have… to stoke the fires of your addiction..
to right wing bullshit…
Ohhhh nooo it’s back… HA’s rerun arschloch is back. same lame taunts about your joblessness.
Fetch Puddy a barb bag. Puddy gonna retch over ylb arschloch and his continual use of whackamole sites.
Kos TV is calling you fool! That republican web site you love to post is calling you fool!
45 – Right on cue…
Such a miserable fool…
“That republican web site you love to post is calling you fool!”
No, it’s calling you, Puddy. Pedophilia, murderer, adultry, you name it, you wingnuts are into it, and all while you try to tell us just how much more morally superior you are to us. Here’s a clue, asswipe, you guys are just a bunch of perverted, America-hating, secession-loving, fascist freaks.
Listen. It’s calling you, Puddy.
Just think Steve, your side doesn’t need a link. We see it in the news everyday.
Steve, the insanity of this fiend and the political religion that has consumed him knows no limits.
Look at him in this thread. An incoherent mass of crazy-assed fear and paranoia..
And it’s going to get a lot worse in the run-up to November.
It will be entertaining to be sure.
Oh my the dead brick is spewing his venom “talking” to the Stupid Solution king.
This will be an “interesting conversation”. Let’s watch two fools go at it!
Steve and I are two halfway rational guys having some fun at the expense of an insane fool who takes himself waaaaaaay too seriously..
“This will be an “interesting conversation”.”
Oh, you mean like when you and the KLOWN so disgustingly try to jack each other off here, seeking each other’s love and approval through the internet toobs? Sorry, my little flying monkey, that’s your thing, not ours. It’s your lives that suck, not ours. Projection, Puddy. It’s a Psych 101 thing, if you know what I mean. Check it out.
“An incoherent mass of crazy-assed fear and paranoia..”
Yeah, that pretty much nails the fool. Too bad that his condition brings him here to share his crazed wingnut thoughts with us. As amusing as it once was, the fucker’s become a total bore. These days I usually just spot-check his posts to monitor his deteriorating mental condition. November? At this rate he’ll be in a padded cell long before then. Hmm, if the timing of their breakdowns coincide, perhaps he and the KLOWN can get a group therapy discount.
@51….at least the “insane fool” has a job and takes care of his family….
…so really, who is the fool now?
This is Steve’s latest meme since he’s been on the sauce so much this week he’s taking it overboard now.
Who’s projecting fool? Puddy and others are identifying the Dummocrapt bowel movement for what it is!
Arguing against a fully rational guy!
Thanks for playing fools!
You said it… Puddy finished it.
“Arguing against a fully rational guy!”
Good grief, Mr. Puddwipe, YLB was just being modest and more than just a bit considerate towards you, um, socially and mentally challenged wingnut types. See? I can be considerate as well. I could have just called you a batshit crazy, America-hating, treasonous, irrational, goatfucking wingnut but I already know that you can’t handle the truth. You’d just turn around and start projecting that shit onto someone else. Eh, it’s a Psych 101 thing, you loon.
HE calls conservative blacks chimp lovers. Yeah real modest you moron!
You are other HA lowlifes are the batshit crazy ones.
Racist YLB proves his racism once again.
“HE calls conservative blacks chimp lovers.”
So what? You dearly loved the Chimp in Chief. What? Are you in denial again? Don’t tell me! Today you’re one of those faux libertarians who were yesterday’s “prefer GOP” and before that, an actual Republican. Like your chimp. You remember your chimp, don’t you? He was the guy who read “My Pet Goat” while 3,000 Americans died. He was the guy who strummed a guitar as New Orleans was devastated by a hurricane. He was the guy who invaded the wrong country. Remember? You cheered the chimp every step of the way. Remember now? Good. Now you can understand why you’re a black conservative chimp lover. No, don’t thank me. I’m just glad I could help you out again.
“Racist YLB proves his racism once again.”
Nice try. Especially coming from someone who totes “NIGGAR” signs at teabagger hate-fests.
Nice spelling job, BTW. I can’t help but wonder, did you also create the wingnut “MORAN” sign?
@60…WTF are you talking about?
1. I dont own any “NIGGAR” signs
2. I dont attend Tea party events – nor any other political party events. I despise political parties.
3. What did I spell wrong?
perhaps you should pull your head out….
@59….YLB’s racist buddy?
So YLB or my calling Puddy a chimp lover is racist? Care to explain? This should be good.
Popcorn, please.
Say, what would you think if I were to share a racist joke with everybody here with the punchline being that black men are afraid of having to work hard like a white man? Would you consider me to be a racist if did such a thing??
Hmmmm? Did some race-baiting, tag-along, teabagger type let out a stinky in this thread?
Nice catch Steve:
Yep, that’s our coward Max Rocka-Lebowski…
Yeah, I bet that’s our Lebowski, alright. My, such a niggar hating moran our Lebowski’s become. heh- A niggar hating moran. Having that going for him, I can see Lebowski and Puddy becoming bestus buds, as Puddy likes to say. Stupidity and black race-hate. The two qualities Puddy looks for in a friend.
@65….epic fail.
YLB and Steve: love at first sight.
Stupes and Max the coward – like attracts like. Ignorance, batshit insanity , name-calling without any back-up, blatant lying..
We’re going to have a lot of fun here in the coming months till November with these tools.
till November? hahahaha, sounds like you have already acquiesed to getting your progressive loony-toons rears kicked in this year’s elections.
whats the matter YLB? RUJAX not taking you on his weekly church window breaking fun anymore?
Say, Klynical, I’ve got a feeling that ol’ Lebowski’s planning on busting a move on your main squeeze, the Puddwiper.
So anyways, Lebowski, you do know that Puddy is one of them thar “NIGGARS” you teabagging freaks hate so much. I thought you should know. A redeeming quality, for you at least, might be that Puddy always has plenty of love to give to wingnut racists who hate him for the color of his skin. Odd, that, isn’t it?
Hey thanks guys… You couldn’t have said it any better…
no worries Steve, I already “busted” a move tonight…all over your wife’s face.
We just got rid of Marvin. Now we got a new miserable piece of work..
The depravity of these wingnuts never ceases to amaze me…
Oh this is too funny.. Witness the “fully rational guy” at work:
A “fully rational” guy brags about his dick size to his own sock-puppet…
two tacos short of a combo plate I’d say..
Note to the coward: this is how you back up what you claim about people.
Golly ylb arschloch, Puddy has you worried. You are trying to use that Goldy HA Libtardo database backup (how many gigabytes are you wasting with that bloatware now fool) against Puddy. Does Mrs Arschloch, you know the one wearing the boxer shorts and creased pants, leaving everyday and providing bread on the table actually see your drivel here while you claim to be “working”?
Have you noticed your personal vendetta against Puddy ain’t working? Only the gutter dwellers like you (Steve and rujax) react and respond. So what does this tell you fool? NO ONE IS LISTENING! NO ONE IS READING!
Keep providing fodder for right thinking individuals while your leftist pinhead buds (except Steve and rujax) ignore you!
So Steve, since your peeps call anything anti-Odumba racist, since peeps compare Odumba to a chimp like your progressive side did Bush would you be a chimp lover per your definition?
Just checking…
Remember every anti-Odumba poster displayed last year was created by Dummocrapts. Don’t believe Puddy? Ask your gutter dwelling brother
the dumb brick ylb arschloch to post the PuddyMissives on Odumba Joker, Odumba Chimp, and Odumba Hitler. As you can see in his worthless post #74, he has every PuddyMissive cataloged for his monomaniacal mindless attacks.
Remember Steve, each poster was a Dummocraptic creation.
So Steve, drop your Stupid Solution, grow a pair and ask your arschloch brother to provide those original PuddyLinks where each poster came from Dummocraptic hands. Go on Steve, prove your “manhood”, ask your ylb arschloch brother for proof. You are two “peas” in a “pod”. The arschloch said so above!
Unfortunately we all see the non-rational side of Steve and ylb arschloch here everyday.
We know ylb arschloch has Koro disease, hence the rerun in post #74. Such a human biomass waste. If peeps took you seriously ylb arschloch, they’d want to see the PuddyMissives. Since no one does no one asks. Puddy provides links for his commentary! You have everyone.
Oh yeah, when you gonna provide proof Puddy uses right-wing sites more than you do with your left-wing whackamole posts? Puddy bets it will never happen because it will prove you are mindless, feckless, useless and worthless when it comes to political debate. You get your crap from the previously posted sites above.
Heh.. Got the fool on a psycho bender… It’s just too much fun to watch..
Too bad the Super Bowl throws a wrench into the works..
They’ll be other times…
@73….switch-hitting racist ylb is just jealous…..
@72 “no worries Steve, I already “busted” a move tonight…all over your wife’s face.”
I’m not married so it must have been someone else. Or, since you’re a crazed fascist wingnut, maybe something else. Hmm, did it make any “Baaaa” sounds?
@76 “Just checking…”
Me too. And, yes, I can see that your condition is still deteriorating. You’re considerably more batshit insane now than you were even just 24 hours ago. Christ, Puddy, now you’re babbling on and on about chimps for some reason. Hmm, I gotta ask, this doesn’t have anything to do with some aspect of your self-loathing, does it? And what’s up with the KLOWN? That crazy ‘tard seems to be hung up on flying monkeys of late. You two and this simian thing of yours. It’s kind of weird, you know, even for you two freaks.
79 – Jealous of a moronic cowardly degenerate without an ounce of brains in his skull???
poor poor racist ylb….so pathetic so lost…
82 – Project much coward?
What’s with the google skillz moron?? You haven’t even ONCE called the data management software by its generally known name.
here’s my ls:
-rw-r–r– 1 name group 1016624 2010-02-07 12:01 articles.tct
-rw-r–r– 1 name group 95411072 2010-02-07 12:01 comments.tct
-rw-r–r– 1 name group 552512 2010-02-07 12:01 sessions.tct
Names, dates and times changed to protect the author.
That’s MEGABYTE scale tool! Ever hear of bzip compression moron????
And that’s not just YOU. (Fool thinks everything is about him.) It’s EVERYBODY.. Even the spam is in there.
What an idiot!!!
Fantasize all you want moron. You’re scared to death of all the things a database can do..
All your words – they’re maps into your ugly mind. They can be counted and graphed month by month, week by week, hour by hour, election cycle by election cycle. Pictures can be drawn of your dark obsessions that you bring here daily, correlated with the wingnut propaganda that you imbibe continuously like the fiend you are.
Of course you try to put it all back on me. Like a coward, unable to face what he’s sown.
Go ahead. Feel free to do the same to me.. There hardly ANYTHING that I’ve done here that’d embarrass me. Unlike you..
What? No response yet Stupes?
Are you sceeerred???
who needs an ipad when you have an iphone?