Dear America,
Fuck off. Really. Fuck off.
Most of you couldn’t give a shit about New Yorkers and New York City before 9/11, and the truth is, most of you couldn’t give a shit about NYC after. So who the fuck do you think you are to tell New Yorkers what to do with the former World Trade Center site and the surrounding neighborhood?
I mean, you don’t see New Yorkers blowing spittle on FOX News angrily telling Newt Gingrich how he and his fellow Southerners should commemorate their crushing, humiliating defeat in that stupid, fucking, immoral Civil War they provoked, so who the fuck is he to tell New Yorkers how to commemorate their own personal tragedy? Honestly Newt, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, so please… shut the fuck up!
And as for the rest of angry, white, Christian America, you can all just shut the fuck up too. You want to dictate to an American city how to commemorate the site of a terrorist attack, try Oklahoma City. After all, they’re mostly angry, white, Christian Americans too. As were the terrorists. But have you ever been to New York City? Not so much.
NYC is the melting pot the rest of the nation merely fantasizes itself to be, filled with people of every imaginable religion, color, creed, ethnicity or whatever, who all manage to get along with each other surprisingly well. Hell… the UN building might be NYC’s least diverse neighborhood.
So if New Yorkers decide to build a mosque within sight of “Gound Zero” — if they decide that embracing the diversity and tolerance that makes America great is a bigger “fuck you” to al Qaeda than a thousand pilotless drones — well, it’s none of your fucking business unless you are a New Yorker yourself. They have to live and work with each other. You don’t.
So fuck off, America. Fuck off.
Love and kisses,
LOL…you tell ’em, Goldy! The day the GOP can’t find some scary story to tell their ancient white clueless audience will be a fine one in my book.
Civil War?
You mean, The War Between the States.
As far as a mosque goes, I could care less whether they build a mosque or an amusement park there.
It’s an ugly, ugly time in your life when you have to resort to an obscenity-laced tirade to attack those who clearly have different views than you.
9/11 was not just an attack on NYC…it was an attack on America. You see Goldy, NYC is part of our country. Naturally folks from outside NYC are going to have opinions about that attack and the aftermath.
For the record, I am NOT against a mosque. I am for disclosure about where the money is coming from as well as the ties the proponents may have. Clearly it is being proposed at Ground-Zero to cause precisely what you are fanning the flames of. Shame on you Goldy!
Spouting your opinion of the action is one thing. Telling folks with a different viewpoint to STFU is quite another. You do understand the difference, don’t you Goldy?
Telling folks they cannot have an opinion because they are New Yorkers is like telling you Progressive Atheists you can’t have an opinion on Christianity….
it just doesn’t work Goldy.
I think as the November Election comes closer and the Democrats continue to flounder in the polls, you will likely get more irrational and angry. I thought Liberals welcomed open discussion & debate??? Apparently you are showing the difference between a Liberal…and a Lunatic Moonbat???
I’m just askin’
And the dumb bitch from Alaska can fuck off also! Jesus H. Christ that woman is annoying!
Cynical @4,
Clearly, you have no appreciation for art.
The great lie is that 3000 Americans died there. Almost half of the people that died in the WTC were citizens of other countries, including Arab countries.
And no outrage from the righties about the Muslims who gather and pray every day inside the Pentagon, the second Ground Zero.
A Great Expression of America …
Fucking Mr. C …
So you do not like four letter words?
fuck you!
You demean the reasons my family came here,
fuck you!
You treat our noble President like a piece of shit,
fuck you!
Your ignorance of global warming will hurt my grandchildren.
fuck you!
Your hate filled view of Jesus, demeans the respect we all should feel toward the good Christianity has done.
fuck you!
But what the fuck do I onow, I am just a patriotic American.
fuck you!
A bigger question than opinions about the mosque from citizens is WHY would the President of the United States jump into this??
If it is a local issue like you contend, why would our “leader” venture his opinion?
I know he loves the Imam. Heck, ObaMao even paid for a trip for him courtesy of US Taxpayers!!
It appears the only logical reason for ObaMao jumping in is that he wants the Democrat House & Senate to lose power in November. It’s one issue after another that ObaMao is on the wrong side of.
Bush set back the Republican Party 20 years in my opinion. However, ObaMao is shortening their sentence for stupidty with his misactions. WTF is going on???
The R’s have so many significant campaign issues…it’s a staggering job to know which ones to pick for ads.
I think they ought to do one where they simply list all the issues…and show what the polls say and ask Americans how they feel about these key issues.
Goldy, ObaMao is an ideologue//but he’s not stupid. He MUST be doing this to the Democrat Party on purpose. Right?
If I am to follow Goldy’s logic, if the U.S. were to drop a nuke on Mecca, it would then be perfectly reasonable to build a giant church where the Kaaba once stood.
As long as he’s consistent, I can respect that.
Well, troll, logic seems beyond you.
Have any of us “progressive atheists” ordered Christians where to put a church?
Uh. And I heard Bush did the same. The Imam has no ties to terrorists.
[T]he truth is, most you couldn’t give a shit about NYC . . . .
Amen to that.
OK all you righties, you claim you love the Constitution and demand we all follow it! Well here is your chance, as long as the mosque is built to local laws and zoning it gets built, but I also defend your right to march up and down in front of it with a stupid (most likely misspelled) sign! Now what was that little thing about separation of Church and State? HYPOCRITES!
Now explain to me Righties, why the Republican members of Congress (except for 12) voted against the 911 Health Care for Rescuers Bill in Congress the other day? Even ex-cop Reichert voted NO. HYPOCRITES!
“So fuck off, America. Fuck off.”
Thank you Goldy. I was trying to find the brief phrase to describe how progressives feel about this country. You nailed it.
And as for this “The truth is, most of you couldn’t give a shit about NYC” you’re spot on. Dirty, overcrowded and filled with rude folks who can’t converse without recourse to obscenity. They can keep their worthless city. And if you’e so fond of it, move there and spare this fine city one more aging adolescent progressive.
BTW, callling that toddler tirade ‘art’ at 6 is hilarious! You’re a progressive. You wouldn’t know art if it bit you on the ass.
Mr. C
How about concern for the sensitivity of we Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, buddhists, native Americans, Mexicans, and …. well Americans.
Your guys tear down that damn statue of Jesus over Rio, tale all those ugly crosses off or your churches so I do not need to see them, move the Alamo and plymouth rock to someplace else, and boycott Fox so Beck will stop insulting us?
Oh, by the way, no more Santa Claus at Xmas time .. too many memories of the Pogroms you guys led against us.
Having said that, Republicans have bigger fish to fry than a mosque in New York. Liberals are wrong on nearly every point. We should focus on that, and leave the fringe stuff alone.
So in Goldy’s mind, building a shrine to the 9/11 terrorists on ground zero is “embracing diversity and tolerance?”
“After all, they’re mostly angry, white, Christian Americans too. As were the terrorists.”
Libs love this red herring! ONE very non-christian loonie bombs one building and this gives you license to ignore facts. Which is what progressives are all about. Facts? Hah. We don’t need no stinkin facts!
The fact is that even if a percent of a percent of muslims worldwide adhere to the violent doctrine preached by Al Queda and their ilk that’s a million angry and violent muslims. This doesn’t warrant stereotyping all muslims as such people, but it is valid ground for thought.
Whereas one or two men losing their marbles and going off in the name of Christianity? Not so much.
Wow. Goldy hates America almost as much as Obama does.
PS, isn’t it interesting that the liberal media, as soon as they found at that they guy stabbing all the black people is Arab, stopped playing-up the “it must be some racist white guy doing it.” Now he’s “mentally ill.”
Those who attempt to instill fear, hatred and bigotry against those who practice their religious beliefs peaceably and within the law without harming others are a scourge and a threat to this nation comparable to enemies who attack us with bombs.
While the bombs may kill us or the ones we love, and destroy the things we have built, religious bigotry wrongfully wrapped in the American flag can with its inflammatory emotional rhetoric destroy our nation.
From our nation’s inception we have protected both political speech and religious freedom as sacred and primary rights.
When people come forward with specious hate filled arguments and appeals to emotion to undercut and demean these fundamental principles of political and human freedom, an expected and appropriate response is a full throated attack.
Thank-you Goldy.
The hate mosque is welcome on ground zero. Hate is not welcome in our community.
For once we agree. Mostly.
But if hate is your concern Goldy isn’t the one you ought to thank. He’s one of those you ought to blame. His every political utterance breathes hatred for anyone slightly to the right of his philosophy. His every post is an exercise in propaganda to whip up his own hatred in others.
Before you say it, I hold the idiots at Huffington, Glen Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh up as examples of the same kind of hate speech. With regard to disdain for those who replace thoughtful dialogue on political differences with hateful lies nad half truths, I’m equal opportunity.
Re 23
Sorry, this was directed at Mikes comments.
RE 9
Were Goldy philosophically consistent the president intervening, but no one else allowed to have an opinion might cause him problems. He isn’t, so it won’t.
One last thing, then it’s far too nice a day to sit in my study typing wasted words at closed minds.
Gingrich is not a young man, but he isn’t really old enough to have any active role in the Civil War. You do understand that in the dazed fog that is your mind, don’t you?
That’s a lie but one born mostly of ignorance.
Goldy in the past has acknowledged the role of John Carlson and Kirby Wilbur as inspiration for launching him into activist politics.
RE 27
Fair enough. He has acknowledged such people. In the past.
Can you honestly look at the childish rant Goldy wrote and see anything but hatred in it? He is capable of writing astute political analysis. I can disagree with this kind of analyis wile admiring the analyst. He hasn’t engaged in such writing for some time now. Maybe it’s the proximity of November. Maybe he doesn’t like Summer. Maybe there’s a bad dating experience behind it. But he has gotten more hateful and less astute these past few months.
And my brother just arrived, so off to the sun. Have a good one, folks.
@9 “Why would the President jump into this?”
Being a citizen of the US (I know righties don’t think he is), Obama was asked his opinion. And he gave it. He didn’t say he was going to mobilize federal troops to New York to ensure the center is built. He just gave his opinion. Big deal.
The bigger question is why would YOU jump into this? You’re a nobody, whose opinion doesn’t count, no one in New York wants to know what you think.
@26 lostinaseaofblue 08/14/2010 at 11:06 am,
Newt Gignrich is a hypocritical horse’s ass.
Newt Gingrich, for all his new found interest in symbolism which dishonors Americans was an elected political representative in Georgia from 1978 until 1998; 20 years.
In all his years, did Newt Gingrich ever once speak up about the atrocious symbolism of the state of Georgia flag.
Amazingly, in 1956, long after all of the Georgian Confederate veterans were dead, Georgia decided to change its flag and feature a prominent Confederate Battle Flag.
(Nobody really understands why this just happened in 1956. It is a complete mystery to anyone not containing rocks between their ears.)
Yet, in all his years in Georgia, as a leading politician with (obviously) a deep understanding of symbolism, Newt Gingrich said what about this symbol in his state’s flag?
And now in 2010 he is very concerned about symbolism.
Goldy had it right.
Nope it’s appropriate. It’s not hate.
It’s contempt.
The right is responsible for inflaming this issue out of all proportion. Once Bloomberg’s hand was forced and condemned the ignorance and noise from the right it should have ended right there.
But it hasn’t and the extreme right is once again spinning myths and tall tales about the money trail and the Imam – a man that the BUSH ADMINISTRATION sponsored on speaking tours.
I’ve met Goldy. He’s not a hater. Like all of us on my side of the fence he’s deeply upset at how extreme right wing ideology, rhetoric and propaganda has warped this country’s politics. We want a better world for our kids and it’s apparent to anyone with an ounce of brains that governance by the right has failed with catastrophic consequences.
What part of this do you reactionary tealiban jerkoffs not understand?
Or is the one of those pesky liberal amendments you’d change to suit your own desires for how the Nation is run?
oh come on. i posted 2 days ago goldstein hated the southern culture and here he is admiting it. lumping all the rednecks together. but god forbid we say it about new yorkers. i’m a fucking prophet.
You are the only one to mention rednecks.
Project much?
Mr Cynical @ #4.
Attack on America? Uh, do you remember that there had been a bombing at the Trade Center in the 1990s?
I did not and do not regard the attacks on 9/11 as an “attack on America.” There was something going on in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that had someone seriously irritated.
Those were specific attacks against specific targets.
What I have never seen is any discussion or argument about why the targets were chosen. Any rational person would understand that that is an enormous unanswered question.
Oh, and, yes, there were CIA agents in one of the WTC buildings. I once went into a rant around some young people about what the hell was the CIA doing that pissed off the attackers?
One of youngsters casually told me a couple of years later that her uncle and a cousin were CIA and were killed in the WTC and that another cousin, who was a firefighter, died working the rescue. I felt like dirt. I tried to apologize, but she said, “Why? You were right.”
Dear Troll, Cyniklown, lostinhisownasshole (jesus…how true is THAT?)…and the excreble (look it up moron) m.o.t.:
Take your narrow mindedness, right wing pandering and obvious hatred for the democratic principles this great Nation was founded on…and fucking move to motherfucking Mississippi. You’ll be happy among the double dealing corrupt anti-tax cheap labor christianist holy warriors and so called conservatives.
Here’s $20 bucks. I’ll start the fund.
PS-Oh and that goes double for the crazy ass known as “colsandersfavoritechicken” when he gets around to vomiting his putrid two cents in.
dear rujax, we will, right after you move to tel aviv.
‘course, a better analogy would be move to palm beach.
@7 Don…check your facts on the nationalities represented by those who died on 9/11. This from wikipedia: Aside from the approximately 2,669 United States casualties, 310 foreign nationals (excluding the nineteen perpetrators) also perished in the attacks, i.e. just over 10% of the total number of deaths.
There is no Mosque being proposed AT or ON the World Trade Center Site.
There is no new dedicated single use Mosque being proposed near the WTC.
There is already an actual dedicated Mosque (Masjid Manhattan) near “ground zero” at 20 Warren Street, which is about three blocks from the WTC site. It has been in the same block for almost forty years. It’s greatly overcrowded at this point, with some people having to pray outside the Mosque in the street.
The focus of the “controversy” is the proposed $100 million Cordoba House project to rebuild a five-story former Burlington Coat Factory building at 45-47 Park Place. It will be rebuilt into a thirteen story Muslim community center open to all people, located two blocks from ground zero and it will NOT BE VISIBLE from “ground zero”. In the building will be a swimming pool, restaurants, galleries, a memorial to 9-11, gym, auditorium, community rooms, and a large prayer room (Mosque??). The entire project is modeled after the Jewish Community Center in Manhattan that has a small synagogue in it, and the YMCA.
Also, often overlooked (conveniently?) is that a number of Moslems from many nations died at the WTC, as well as Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Atheists, Agnostic. People from over 75 nations, a total of around 327 non-Americans, lost their lives on 9-11.
There are a number of large churches, synagogues and temples near the WTC, and over a hundred Mosques in New York City.
The group putting up this building are moderate Moslems, who have written about and formed inter-faith tolerance groups, just the type of Moslems rational folks need to support.
…and of course it’s private property and the changes have been okayed by the local New York City authorities, so if it’s legal and on private property, it’s nobody else’s business by American laws :)
Given these basic facts, it suspiciously looks like another manufactured controversy to attempt to distract and divide Americans ahead of the fall elections by disseminating misinformation to stir up fear, intolerance and hatred by the usual cast of conservative characters such as Australian Rupert Murdoch and his media (Fox News, The NY Daily News), Sarah Palin, Teabaggers, Newt Gingrich and other rightwing people and organizations.
It’s worth considering that there are more than half a million Muslims living in New York City. They saw what other New Yorkers saw. They smelled what other New Yorkers smelled. They experienced the same devastating horror and sorrow. They were New Yorkers like any other New Yorkers. They were no more responsible for the attacks than were any other New Yorkers.
That the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by Muslim extremists is not the fault of the larger Muslim community. This shouldn’t need to be said. It shouldn’t need to be said that collective guilt is no more acceptable a concept than is collective punishment, which is a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention. The Muslim faith is no more responsible for the 9/11 attacks than is the Republican Party responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing, perpetrated by registered Republican Timothy McVeigh. Should the Republican Party choose to build local headquarters near the Oklahoma City memorial site, would anyone object? This isn’t about the pain and suffering of the 9/11 victims, it’s about bigotry. What about the pain and suffering of Muslim New Yorkers? Is their pain and suffering now to be exacerbated by the intolerance of some of their neighbors?
If all Muslims are to be held responsible for the horrors of 9/11, then all Americans are responsible for every outrage and atrocity perpetrated by the Bush-Cheney administration–some of which continue to this day. If all Muslims are to be held responsible for the horrors of 9/11, then all Americans are responsible for every act of bigotry and hatred perpetrated by those whose reactions to 9/11 were most irrational and extreme. Where does it end? Perhaps this is where it should end. Perhaps it’s time to start getting this right. Perhaps it’s time for people to rediscover their basic sense of humanity. Perhaps it’s time to heal collective wounds rather than exploiting, deepening, and adding to them.
Muslim New Yorkers are every bit as innocent of the crimes of 9/11 as are all other New Yorkers. Muslim New Yorkers suffered and continue to suffer as did and do all other New Yorkers. They have the same rights and responsibilities as do all other New Yorkers. A mosque and Islamic cultural center should be a perpetual source of healing, of fostering understanding and tolerance. And if this current controversy proves anything, it’s that we all need a lot more healing, understanding, and tolerance.
Like so many people, innocent Muslims have suffered much too much from 9/11. An irrational backlash caused innocent Muslims in this country to be stigmatized, marginalized, and demonized. How many saw their personal or professional lives turned upside down? How many children faced hatred merely because of the color of their skin or the faith that they worship? And beyond that, how many innocent Muslims from around the world were secret renditioned, imprisoned, tortured, or even executed? And what of the innocent Muslims of Iraq? What of the victims of the liars who used the 9/11 attacks to foment enough collective hatred to convince a traumatized nation into supporting the bombing, invading and devastating of a Muslim nation that had had absolutely nothing to do with those attacks? Anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims have been killed in Iraq. Millions have been displaced. Lives and livelihoods have been destroyed.
DumbAss ObaMao once again must “clarify” his comments. Too Damn Funny. Why did he even bother speaking to begin with? ObaMao is constantly stepping in shitpiles and thinks his charm can bail him out.
When a guy steps into it as many times as ObaMao has…where I come from, we call him a BULLSHITTER!!
ObaMao cannot be as stupid as he appears…can he??
I’d prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe he desperately wants the R’s to control the House & Senate so he has a chance of re-election in 2012.
If the Dems retain control of everything…ObaMao has no one to blame. The Blame Bush thing is worn-out today…one can only imagine if he tries that in 2012.
I think the guy is sellin’ you Atheist Progressives out Goldy….or is he really that stupid??
sparky @ 41-
Good luck selling that pile of manure to real Americans.
Came right off the DailyKos, didn’t it?
They are known for their….inaccuracy.
Like the use of Research 2000 for polling!
What a joke.
That made them look like a bunch of idiots.
This is just as bad.
The more you KLOWNS try to spin this Mosque thing, the worse you look.
Keep up the bad work!
Opinion Dynamics Poll says 64% of Americans (not voters!) that it is wrong to put a Mosque there. 61% think they have a right to put it there.
That’s why ObaMao rushed to “clarify”.
What an idiot….his first words will stand as a campaign issue. Rest assured.
Four Notes:
1. The mayor of New York, Michael Bloomberg, is a Republican and supports building the building.
2. It isn’t a mosque, it’s a community center that has a small mosque in it. Just like the hospital near my house is a big hospital with small chapel in it and the YMCA by my house is a big huge building with a little tiny chapel.
3. The community center isn’t being built at ground zero, it’s being built a couple of blocks away.
4. Ground Zero is hallowed ground where a couple K worth of people of all faiths died. We’re building an office building on it.
Wasn’t Timothy McVeigh an angry white Christian? I’m pretty sure he was.
@2 No, Civil War. Losers don’t get to name wars, dumbfuck!
Half a million Americans died in a war that was started by very stupid people to preserve the prerogative of a few assholes to own other human beings as slaves to get cheap labor.
@15 “Thank you Goldy. I was trying to find the brief phrase to describe how progressives feel about this country. You nailed it.”
We only feel that way about xenophobic jerks who want to kill everyone who doesn’t look, talk, and pray just like them.
Dear far right righties,
Yell all you want, this things been decided and the community center is going to be built. How’s it feel to be ignored. In this case you were ignored by a mayor with an (R) after his name. ;-)
Ah yes, the “real Amurikans” argument–those patriots who hate them f’erigners who dont look like us’n and speak that funny-sounded language and eat that smelly food an’wear them funny lookin’ clothes, cuz if’n ya ain’t like us yer a terrorist, dagnabit!
It is the right that is “tryin’ ta spin the mosque thing” into something scary and evil. You better stay in your safe neighborhood enclave or the Muslims will get’cha!
If there’s anything I’m 100 percent certain about – it’s that the KLOWN is as stupid (not to mention WRONG) as he appears in every comment.
why Tel-Aviv asswipe…I’m NOT JEWISH!
It doesn’t matter now if the mosque gets built or not. That joke of a president has already opened his mouth and, for the umpteenth time, inserted his foot. (Remember how “stupidly the Cambridge police acted?”.
Walk it back all you want Obama and Gibbs – the damage is done. Thanks for the boost in R votes this November.
Funny, you’re all pissed at Obama, but no mention of Bloomberg (R)? I mean, Obama’s the opposition, it’s natural for you to be on the other side of an issue from him, but Bloomberg’s an R. Shouldn’t he be lining up with you and Newt?
Michael Bloomberg left the Republican party in 2007. http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.....s-the-gop/
Get your facts straight…………….
Well, well, well, look at this. Muslims oppose a Jewish “Museum of Tolerance” on Muslim land.
Well that’s too bad, there’s a bit of a shortage of sane people in the Republican Party at the moment.
Ever read this little ditty before?
Why do you want the government to block the right of people to peaceably to assemble.
Ever heard of projection? Your obviously angry tirade accusing others of being angry is a perfect example. And your anger is so typical of many liberals. I think Anger Management might be something for you to consider.
@44 “Opinion Dynamics Poll says 64% of Americans (not voters!) that it is wrong to put a Mosque there. 61% think they have a right to put it there.”
Is that some kind of home-schooled math there?
In other news Russia burns.
And right wingers world-wide remain in denial.
I think you should eat big steaming piles of the cat manure you dump in these comments.
RUMOR: Fire trucks are ACORN mobile mosques driven by census-workers that teach your kids to marry gay illegal immigrants.
re 65: …who are Godless Muslim socialists who take their marching orders from Wall Street.
Re 37
Yes, saying that I admired the astute reasoning Goldy had shown himself capable of in the past while disagreeing with the conclusions is pretty narrow minded. It really is too bad that the man has had some kind of psychotic break in which he can’t summon up anything but mindless hatred anymore.
And yes, saying that the flap over this mosque is stupid and Republicans should focus their fire on legitimate and pressing concerns about Democrat policies is pretty narrow minded.
And yes, saying that the hatred from left and right displacing thoughtful dialogue about political differences is worthy of disdain is narrow minded.
Mea Culpa.
Re 49
“We only feel that way about xenophobic jerks who want to kill everyone who doesn’t look, talk, and pray just like them.”
Ah. So when Goldy called it “an open letter to America” he only meant those people? When he said “Dear America, Fuck off, Really. Fuck off.” He was referring not to America but to these mythical folks to whom you refer? Interesting. For a lawyer your English comprehension is really poor, Rabbit.
To all those who question the construction of a mosque or Islamic center two blocks from Ground Zero, I invite you to please read the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Try to understand it as its Framers intended. Then go find something else to complain about (which you will have no trouble doing, I’m sure)
Sure they can build whatever they want. I’ll build what I want. LIVE NUDE GIRLS right across the street! Also serving the absolute best pulled pork sandwiches and beer. Greg Gutfield is planning to build a gay bar for muslim men, current best name – Outfidels.
Oh and good luck finding labor to build it, for some reason the trades aren’t highly motivated to work on their project.
Things like that are typically found across the street from Protestant Christian Churches across the nation..
Ain’t American great?
anger blows out the candle of wisdom in the mind.
Sorry, your post isn’t even sane. Mr grandfather told me, “When the start to attack you personally, or use foul language…they lose.”
I feel sorry for you Goldy, you are one step over the line with this one. Good luck
Here is what American VOTERS feel about ObaMao-
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Ultimately in the 2010 & 2012 Elections, the main issue will be the economy.
Repeated stupid moves like ObaMaoCare, Porkulous and even his stupid comment about supporting the Mosque will cement his failure and demise.
several hundred muslims died in the 911 attack.
it was not an attach by the muslim religion, it was an attack by a group called al q.
the continual identification of al q. with all muslims is racist, ignorant, stupid, all part of the right wing’s deliberate lies, deception, abuse of power and shamelessness to win office and then screw america for the fun and profit of the rich, in the process they use simpleton tools and fools like all the right wingers who comment on this site.
the koran says that mary was a virgin mother who gave birth to jesus who’s a direct emissary from god. this is all a lot of make believe stuff, but it’s your right to believe it, just like you can believe mary is a virgin mother and jesus is god and god is really tripartite and (a) the catholic church is needed for salvation or (b) it’s not, thank you very much; this plus judaism are all the god of abraham and really, folks, islam is as much a western religion as christianity and all three i c and j are so much more alike than the other world religions it’s stupid and ignorant to even worry about the differences between them. thie middle east and the mediterranean are really one thing; india another; and china another. moslems are our brothers in a sense, and you’re being mean and cruel and stupid to not see that.
shalom, peace, lacchaim whatever dudes —
Are you trying to say 95% of muslims are giving the rest a bad name?
76 – Obviously not but I bet you believe that.
The vast majority of muslims are trying to lead a good life as put down in the Koran. Most of them are just trying to survive day to day in the best way possible according to their religion.
The extremist Jihadist is an ideological track for those with the leisure time and the mental break to pursue it. Much like the devotee of Breitbart websites.
The problem of the minority that believe in suiciding their way to heaven won’t be solved with a global war to end all wars. That’s a delusional break in itself.
Thankfully we’re gradually getting away from that insanity and pursuing policies that might actually work.
Not too sure about your points here, G.
But, I am all for gratuitous expletives. So…
Write on, Goldy! Write on.
Goldy, the people who attacked us are religious fanatics who tell their children that Jews are dogs and pigs and deny the Holcaust. How you can defend people like that while you are Jewish yourself is beyond me. There is no reason to put the mosque there, it can be put anywhere. The only reason for placing it there is to cause further pain. I say let the people who were personally affected by the disaster decide. I think I have heard most of those people are opposed to it.
Also, I would like to add that I know you are going to say this mosque would show us as tolerant, but the people who hate us dont see it as us being tolerant. They see it as us being weak and they would kill all of us in a second for not being muslim. Its interesting how you on the left always point to OKC when talking about terrorism. Why do you always choose that ONE attack. Oh yeah, because it was the ONE attack not purportrated by a Muslim. One out of many does not show a trend. Using your logic, lottery tickets are a good buy since people HAVE won the jackpot before. I know not all muslims are terrorists but almost all attacks are from muslims.
Goldy, the people who attacked us are religious fanatics who tell their children that Jews are dogs and pigs and deny the Holcaust.
What does that have to do with the Cordoba House (or Park51)?
How you can defend people like that while you are Jewish yourself is beyond me.
He’s not defending the people who attacked us.
There is no reason to put the mosque there, it can be put anywhere.
How much farther away is far enough for you? Where do you draw the line beyond which Muslims can exercise their rights?
The only reason for placing it there is to cause further pain.
Take a little time, and maybe another possible motivation will come to you. Just because this is the only motive you can come up with does not mean it is the only one that exists.
I say let the people who were personally affected by the disaster decide. I think I have heard most of those people are opposed to it.
New York has already made its decision. They’re cool with it. I’m sure they thank you for your concern.
@81 Take a little time, and maybe another possible motivation will come to you. Just because this is the only motive you can come up with does not mean it is the only one that exists.
Like what?
Or more accurately, it was a terrorist attack perpetrated by a couple of rabid right religious Christian nut jobs, which other than being from a different religious background, had exactly the same goal in mind – bringing down the US government.
Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.
Since the religious right believes in the literal word of the Bible then it must follow that they are treating the NY Muslim community as they themselves wish to be treated. Otherwise they are religious hypocrits. But this we already know.
There are a half million Muslims in the NYC area and consider it their home. They wish to build a community center. What other motive is needed?
What is amusing in a sad sort of way is the 12 Republican Congressman who got up to protest the Cordoba House also protested against health care benefits for the ground zero first responders.
Keep on waving those made in China US flags. Makes your side look very patriotic.
Goldy will participate in groundbreaking ceremonies for the new Japanese shrine (commemorating fallen kamikaze pilots) next door to the USS Arizona memorial in Hawaii. That is also Goldy’s way of telling America to fuck off.
once again, goldy shows the kind of class that has gotten him to the level of making $35k a year.
golf clap.
and what is really comical, is that his unemployed lapdog bitch YLB is right there at his side, licking goldy’s sack all the way.
goldy, if you are so in love with new york, then go there. WA will not miss you.
88 – heh.. tehchickenshit alert!
89 – heh…teh lazee alert!
90 – “Working hard” commenting at HA, right chickenshit?
What happened to “The Riddle of Steel” aka “The Joke of Dumbassedness”?
Riddle will be back…he is taking a shit in some back street in Belltown right now. Hows that dense, urban “housing”(its not really housing, more like people storage) working out for all down there? HAHAHHAHAHAHA
hows that job search going? oops, for it to “be going” is has to “get started” first. my bad.
OK wingnuts, how exactly do you propose stopping the Cordoba House from being built without violating the Constitution?
He took a shit and lost his mind at the same time.
ekum and his “partner” finally reach 6th grade…
huh! and his goat go another round.
With the goat on top.
What do you prefer?
Blowing you goat or taking him up your ass?
Can’t make up your mind?
Or did you shit and loose your mind?
sorry, I dont own a goat nor am I attracted to them.
why do you have a goat fetish? I figured guys like you were into bears instead…
They are into goats because they have no cogent arguments to refute conservativism…or to defend Prezdint Jive-Talkin’
So, it’s down to goat fornication.
Everytime they get flustered, that’s what drips out of their orifices.
well I actually did shit in the public toilet known as Belltown..but that is beside the point.
and can I give one big hearty “HAHAHAHA suckers!” to all the idiots who bought overpriced condos on Belltown.
its one thing to live in a shitty(pun intended) part of town and buying cheap….but these idiots paid top fucking dollar to live in the shitty part of town.
Uhhhh. Yeah. At least two big tax cuts at the Federal level during the Bush years..
Biggest recession since the Great Depression started Dec 2007.
Wall Street meltdown Sept 2008.
Right wingers start whinging that Bush was never a conservative?
So you admit you fuck chickens and have a secret attraction to the Klown’s sheep. Very interesting.
YLB @103
Conservatives need no cognitive abilities. They watch Fox and believe.
you mean like watching msnbc and believing?
or like reading huffpo and believing?
or like reading HA and believing?
kettle meet pot..
looks like you are projecting again….why the animal fetish? boyfriend not doing if for you anymore?
liar @107 AKA huh,
Not projection. Just facts established and proven by many years of research every bit a rigorous as that done by Fox News and the Discovery Institute.
Bzzzt. Wrong.
yes, I am sure you personally researched chickens and goats as part of your “study”….
obsession is a strange thing(especially one that requires you to personally research certain animals)….you should seek some professional help – you dont want to die of a ruptured colon do you?
in other words you have no reply
PWN3D….its whats for dinner..
i think it is interesting how most people interpret our nation’s history.
the act of owning slaves is universally regarded as an immoral practice.
however, i am weary of strong federal governments using military force to legislate that morality.
the comparison of 9/11 to the civil war are comic at best. and i don’t think its the comedy you were going for.
that said, i agree that america needs to get real. as a libertarian, i believe the mosque should be built simply because someone is able to pay for it. the conservative parties need to chill out or something.