Odd thing is, Troll’s quotes are usually trumped in their insanity every thread by the inane regular posters here at Goldy’s safehaven for assorted perverts and pedophiles wayward liberals. Now that’s the amusing part.
Yeah, need to do those too, but they’ll probably require a bit more work…this one was just simple, took me about 15 minutes to compile… :)
Cough, cough, hack hack. Off Lee goes in his stinky-ass VW microbus to Taco-Bell.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
20. Ekim spews:
Puddy goat fucker @18
At least I stick to humans.
27. Ekim spews:
Puddy goat fucker @25,
Never said who you were voting for. As at guess I’d say you were voting for the Goat Fuckers Alliance candidate. Not sure who that is though…
32. Rujax! spews:
Uhhhh…hey Ekim…
ya know, I think calling the puddybitch a goat fucker is an insult to goat fuckers…just sayin,.
41. Steve spews:
@36 “Waaaa”
Posting links to news stories culled from the hundreds of Republican pervs who’ve been busted obviously chaps your ass. Like I said, you have no rebuttal what-so-fucking-ever. The politicians you admire and desire to emulate are a bunch of pervs. It’s no stretch to assume that a low-life piece of shit such as yourself is the worst of the lot.
Puddy fucks goats.
17. Steve spews:
@26 I just don’t want to call the wrong person a goatfucker. That would be in poor taste.
There are close to 1,000 references by the Lunatics to Goat-F*cking and animal fornication.
Troll is funny……….
These Lunatic MicroDot Heads from the Left are SICK!
Want more???
@4 RickyD so obviously fits in quite nicely with the Republican goatfucker squad:
It must really suck for RickyD to have no evidence whatsofuckingever to support his accusations. RickyD calling a Democrat a pedophile is just senseless namecalling. For a Democrat to call RickyD a goatfucker is a statement of fact.
Of course, it’s common knowledge that Cynical fucks goats.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
FOXNEWS.com Autoworkers Union Keeps $6 Million Golf Course for Members at $33 Million Lakeside Retreat
Friday, December 26, 2008
Cynical is such a God-fearing Christian, and so nearer to God than thee. Hmm, Baby Jesus must have told Cynical it was OK for him to fuck goats.
Eric Cartmanspews:
My mistake — I thought there was actual constructive debate that went on here, not just juvenile flame-throwing. I must have confused this site with horsesanus.fu
Screw you guys. I’m going home.
I’m sure Cynical will soon condemn America’s cororations for the tens of thousands of corporate executive memberships they pay for at shareholder expense at all of the country’s black and Jew hating private country clubs.
Rick D.spews:
re: goatfucker squad ~ Steve
Steve’s projecting again I see. I blame his mother for taking him to the petting zoo as a child and leaving him there for the remainder of the day unattended….he made many friends that day.
When a troll accuses the other side of projection and goatfucking, then you know for sure that they have no ammo left.
Still sore from when I humiliated your ass, huh? Talk about insecure…
I’m actually putting up dry wall today to cover up the holes that were left after I had my plumbing redone. But keep telling yourself that I’m a lazy stoner. It reminds everyone here how stupid you are.
@8 There are close to 1,000 references by the Lunatics to Goat-F*cking and animal fornication.
Of course there is – if you and the other bestiality enthusiasts like Puddy and Marvin didn’t come by here all the time, we wouldn’t talk about it.
everyone of his statements is factualy true and logical correct. what “they” have done is make the american public think that the one and only crime in our culture is bigotry, so, in orwellian fashion “bad is good”. so for example it is considered hate speech to make an antisemetic remark, bu those same people think killing an unborn baby is good. “name calling bad, killing good”. orwellian.
Sorry Lee, I have to take exception with this characterization of Troll: “most mentally disturbed commenter in the history of HorsesAss”.
There is no way he comes close to the complete lunacy, verbal diarrhea, and all around abominable ignorance gushing forth from ByeByeGOP (along with his many aliases and sock puppets).
Mark The Redneck-Rabbitspews:
If we’re gonna do a best of, here are some great ones:
Government exists to make private wealth possible.
Commentby Belltowner— 3/12/06@ 4:15 pm
I like Castro’s system better. He confiscates the employer’s property, shoots the employer, and the workers get quality health care for free. We need something like that in America.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/19/06@ 3:42 pm
…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
“…higher PRODUCTIVITY means fewer jobs…”
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/9/06@ 4:06 pm
How about redistributing the wealth so the top 1% don’t own 60% of all the property in theU.S.?
Commentby harry poon— 4/24/06@ 5:54 pm
Thanks Cynical though for your help with the Negro problem.
Commentby headless lucy— 9/17/05@ 7:47 am
Roger Rabbit says:
Technical problems are man-made phenomena, not acts of nature, and as such can be prevented with adequate inspection/regulation.
12/01/2006 at 12:55 pm
Actually, neither one of them is in the same universe as SeattleJew, but that’s another story.
But yeah, ByeByeGOP is one who could come close to Troll. Let me check out his archive of comments.
proud leftistspews:
Troll’s head must be swelling with pride. He surely hasn’t received attention of this magnitude since wetting himself during his 4th grade Nativity play. I’ll bet he considers himself a celebrity. He’s probably waiting by his phone now, expecting a call from People Magazine.
A few days ago I emailed Metro and complained about the way they list the update time on their Adverse weather page. I said I didn’t think many of their riders would be able to easily understand when the page was actually last updated. This is an example of how they used to list it: “The information below was last updated Fri, 26 Dec 2008 14:59:48 GMT. Subtract eight hours for Pacific Time Zone time.” They now do it like this: “The information below was last updated 12/27/08 5:59 PM.” Just as I suggested.
Am I hero? I suppose that’s for history to decide.
You’re welcome, citizens of King County.
proud leftistspews:
Good to see you here on your tribute thread. Congrats, man. Let me give you a little advice. The best celebrities are able to keep their pride in check, at least when they’re in public. So, don’t start off your victory parade by slapping yourself on the back, ala your post above.
Hey when we were busy bending over and ass-fucking the idiots on the right Nov 4, one of the things the right wing fools spewed about was “clean coal.” Well I wonder how those republican shitheads in Tenn. are feeling about “clean coal” now that they’re neck-deep in coal ash from the flood.
They of course, like all republicans really don’t matter. But I do think it’s funny that they are swimming in misery and pain.
This is what happens when America rejects your ideas and your lies and your candidates. You get fucked in the ass AND karma drops a big fucking bomb in your lap.
America is LAUGHING at you retarded fools on the right. And we’re getting ready to bend you over and fuck you in the ass AGAIN!
A man named “proud” is telling me to keep my pride in check? Just kidding. I’ll think about what you said. You’re probably right.
@37 webentover, you are one angry comrade. when you wrote america is laughing at the retarded fools on the right, here is what came to mind. there is a difference between what you see in the media and what real christian americnas say in private. most christians view the media as a disgusting new york/hollywood cesspool and they are the ones laughing at the left. but, as you know, the media disses sarah palin because she believes in christian values but kiss the ass of a jewish scumbag like al franken. so, outwwardly the world sees a liberal america thru the eyes of the controlled media, but inwardly we despise the whole new/york jerry seinfeld world.
proud leftistspews:
Al Franken’s values are far closer to those of Jesus Christ than are those of Sarah Palin. If Sarah Palin had ever met Jesus Christ, she’d have pulled out her 12-gauge and shot Him. She’d have considered Him a terrorist. I don’t quite grasp what Bible you read, but it ain’t the one that I read.
here is where i bow to you on the left. from what i can see, most americans dont know much more than deal or no deal, american idol, dancing with the stars and football and beer. you have done a great job of making sure that kids that graduate from public school know nothing about economics, true american history or civics, as in how the governemt was meant to be run. so you do have a majority of americans that think that katie couric was the good guy and sarah palin the witch. you were masters at the entire electoral process from making mitt romneys mormonism an issue when at the same time never mentioning the fact of al frankens jewishness or rahm emanuel not only being jewish but being a dual citizen to boot. good trick and i commend you for it, and i dont mean that sarcatically. dem politicians are definately smarter. what happens is that a person who is of good character and god fearing thinks they can make a difference but when they get to office cant hold a candle intelectually with people like barney frank, chuck schumer, henry waxman etc. the problem is those guys are part of a bigger plan the great unwashed can never comprehend, not with the public education you have suplied them where the only thing they become proficient in is diversity.
Am I correct in assuming that the fact all five Democratic politicians you named are Jewish is just an odd coincidence?
proud leftistspews:
Is there anyone out there who speaks manoftruth’s dialect? We need an interpreter here.
@42, let me see if i understand the question, its ok to make an issue out of the fact that mitt romney is a mormon, but not ok to mention the religion of anyone else. is that what you mean?
let me see if i understand the question, its ok to make an issue out of the fact that mitt romney is a mormon
Not unless Romney makes his views as a Mormon part of his politics.
but not ok to mention the religion of anyone else. is that what you mean?
You mentioned 5 Jewish Democrats by name after complaining that the media doesn’t talk about Al Franken’s Jewishness. If you have a problem with Jewish politicians, just say so. I don’t have a problem with Mormon politicians (I think Harry Reid is a good man, and while a disagree with a lot of Mitt Romney’s positions, I think he’s a decent man and not a religious zealot by any means).
Marvin Stamnspews:
21. Lee spews:
Still sore from when I humiliated your ass, huh? Talk about insecure…
Running to your blog and writing about me doesn’t humiliate me. It’s more about you and how you feel the need to get the final word to make your point.
Besides, don’t you have something more important in your life than to write about trolls?
Marvin Stamnspews:
22. Lee spews:
Oh, I forgot…
Jump, Marvin, Jump!
I like it when people parrot me.
proud leftistspews:
Numbnuts @ 45: ” . . . its [sic] ok to make an issue out of the fact that mitt romney is a mormon . . .”
Romney didn’t make it to the general election, did he? So, who made an issue of his Mormonism? Don’t you think it was other Republicans, specifically Huckabee’s people, sotto voce (look it up, you idiot)? manoftruth, as I’ve said before, you wouldn’t know the truth if it was fucking your ass. Go to your KKK meeting, you piece of shit. Somebody there needs to do the Heil Hitler salute, and nobody does it better than you.
@49, either you are brilliant or you’re an idiot. you’re right romney didnt make it to teh general election, but this iis the way it works. the msm didnt want romney to win, they wanted a sad sack like huckabee to win the evangelical vote, so that brought up romneys mormonism to scare people off. either you’re too stupid to see that or you are one of them.
Marvin Stamnspews:
29. Lee spews: He surely hasn’t received attention of this magnitude since wetting himself during his 4th grade Nativity play.
Then again, that was only last week.
So lee punked a 4th grader.
Good job lee, you’re the man.
What’s next, giving a 5th grader a wedgie?
Marvin Stamnspews:
41. proud leftist spews:
Al Franken’s values are far closer to those of Jesus Christ than are those of Sarah Palin.
Did sarah have a problem with black people on SNL?
Did sarah count on double votes to win her election?
Does sarah have a anger management issue?
Or are you this clueless about franken?
Sarah certainly raised children with anger management problems (son in military) and self control issues (pregnant daughter).
@52…i almost couldnt post this i was laughing so hard. so thats what you want to say, that teen pregnancy is the result of poor parenting and lack of self control? then i guess you think that a lot of blacks are poor parents because there is almost 100 per cent teen pregnancy among black teens. boy, it just goes to show you’ll say anything to malign sarah palin. wow, you must really hate christians.
So how about this, mot-
“…but those aggressive tendencies may have been cultivated many years ago as an “exuberant” hockey mom in Wasilla, where she used to bang her fists on the penalty box glass and demand that her son get tougher with his opponents on the ice.”
Maybe I could sign you up for a satire class at your local community college or continuing education center.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
@55, imagine that k, she was an exuberant hockey mom. wow. just wondering, when rahm emanuel pounded a knife into a table multiple times screaming “dead” about his political foes, you think it was because his dad was an exhuberant hockey dad?
proud leftistspews:
manoftruth, Marvistan, Puddy, Ricky D–Lord, you have blessed us. Our opposition–well, frankly–we have no opposition–can’t spell cat. During this holiday season, I must express my gratitude for the stupitude of the right. Okay, I made up that word. Forgive me, already.
Blue Johnspews:
What’s the point? Conservatives live in Oppositeland. I was surfing hannity, to see what they were chattering about about. In one poll, 75% found Obama to be more untrustworthy than Bush. 75%. THAN BUSH! How in the hell can anyone have a discussion with people who think like that. Black is white, up is down, greed is good with those people. They think Bush was an admirable president. Progressive Liberals are worse than the French. Anyone who thinks that “unregulated Capitalism is a bad thing”, is a fool or worse. What’s the point? We might as well be trying to reason with hyenas. It’s about as effective.
Cynical, Troll, Piper, et al, they don’t care that their corporate ideology is destroying the country. They don’t care because in their world, destroying the country is saving it, or something.
Blue Johnspews:
Here is a typical example
How bad will it get?
let me just stick with simplicty.
a. it is bad now
b. the american people willingly elected those back to power, who caused this
c. the american people willingly elected a marxist to the WH
d. how can a liberal fix the problem, when it’s caused by liberalism?
that should answer your question, if you think about the current template the people have set.
ask yourself:
what would a liberal do to america, with no restraint
and then you understand.
WTF? How can they think this was CAUSED by liberalism? How do you change that mindset? Can they be educated into reality or is it a lost cause?
proud leftistspews:
Blue John,
A remarkable feature of these fucks is that they think they’re right. Indeed, they have a sense of right and wrong that is no harder to understand than this: Rush told me, ergo, it must be true.
whats funny is you can make a list, oreilly, hannity, limbaugh, ingram, coulter, a couple of others, and thats it for the whole fucking country. and you guys have had all the rest for almost fifty years. the only reason you could get so hysterical over a handful is you know the message is real and it appeals to most everyone outside the new york/hollywood cesspool. i know you’ll probably try to implement the fairness doctrine, i dont know , we’ll see. i still think you’re fifty years away from world domination. there are too many people in this country who had a real education that cant be supressed like the peasants were in russia.
21. Lee spews:
I’m actually putting up dry wall today to cover up the holes that were left….
More likely a forgotten stash you kicked the wall in to find. And I’ll be happy to take an I.Q. test against your stoner-ass any day of the week my friend. Off you go with Puff the Magic Dragon now. Cough, cough, hack! Woah! Dude!
@64 And I’ll be happy to take an I.Q. test against your stoner-ass any day of the week my friend.
Email me and we’ll set it up.
Some say that the cyiniklown fucks goats with the pudddybitch…could that be TRUE?
@66 I’ve heard that as well, not that I’m one to spread rumors about trolls fucking goats.
proud leftistspews:
66 and 67
I’ve heard the same tawdry rumor–Mr. C and Puddy like to double date. I’ve also heard that they film each other boffing their “girls.” I try not to think about such nastiness, but these rumors continue recurring.
They don’t call him Buttpuddy for nothing.
Proud to be SeattleJew Todayspews:
I have decided to take the initiative and award the Horse Pucky to the dumbest threads on HA.
This threads get the Horse Pucky.
Puddybud, Very Sad Today...spews:
23. Lee farted:
Of course there is – if you and the other bestiality enthusiasts like Puddy…
Lee, Can you prove this comment or as always do you pull shit from your ass and then run to your blog and trumpet your “accomplishements”?
Coming from you I am not shocked at all. As they say, “you are what you eat” and you like the goat alive, raw and fresh
These are my favorites:
-There IS something obscene about a nursing mother in public, because what if a man had the ability to nurse with his penis?
-Question. If people are born gay, which I know is a lie, then let me ask you this: If tomorrow all the women on earth disappeared, would there be a higher incidence of homosexuality one year from now? If the answer is yes, that proves my belief that homosexuality is a choice.
1) LA Slimes Columnist
2) Libtard
3) Black
4) Called Obama the Magic Negro
5) Never apologized
When a black libtard MSM places interesting comments in the news, it’s freedom of the press. When others run with it Incorrectneverbright calls it racism. What a tard.
Puddybud, Very Sad Today...spews:
Rujax! is known to drill holes into concrete and fuck the walls, floors, drainage pipes, etc. He likes it hard…
Puddybud, Very Sad Today...spews:
k, I know it pizzes you off knowing this is Amazon’s top seller…
Yes PDS is alive and well in the Cornell “grad”.
Puddybud, Very Sad Today...spews:
proud leftist spews:
I’ve also heard that they film each other boffing their “girls.”
Really? Where did you hear this? In the empty small Neanderthal sloped cranial orifice?
Man of (Un)Truth @ 40: My, your anti-semitism is just …. astonishing. I was just re-reading some of the early history of the Nazi party, and I find disturbing similarities between Goebbel’s rants and yours.
headless lucyspews:
re 26: A zero sum game is where there is a limited amount of pieces or, in the case of oil, oil.
If there are fifty playing pieces (or X amt. of oil) and I have 25, then you must have 25. If I have 49 pieces and you have only one, there are still only fifty pieces.
The only way that the oil industry could not be a zero sum game is if there is an infinite amount of oil.
How can you be so thick-witted? Don’t you get tired of always being on the wrong side of history?
“…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )”
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
If you think about it, Troll’s idiotic remarks represent only 1 month of stupidity from one righty commenter. You had to go back to 2006 to find something that you think is silly, but is just something you obdurately misunderstand — like Bush always does.
65. Lee spews:
‘And I’ll be happy to take an I.Q. test against your stoner-ass any day of the week my friend.
Email me and we’ll set it up.’
Sure, come on up. I’m in Bellingham. Hop in your microbus and come visit. I’d leave the stash and bong at home though. Cops don’t like your kind.
Steve, You Ignorant Slutspews:
Here’s my racist post-Christmas Letdown bouquet for Pudless Lucy:
I am a pancho
I work on a rancho
I make just a dollar a day
I go to see Lucy
I play with his poosey
And he take my dollar away
Paul Krugman, You Ignorant Slutspews:
Editor, New York Times:
Paul Krugman asserts that no “modern American president” would repeat Herbert Hoover’s 1932 blunder of trying to balance the federal budget during a depression.
In 1933 modern American president Franklin Roosevelt, making good on a 1932 pledge, balanced the budget and cut Hoover’s unbalanced proto-Keynesian spending by 31 percent. Jonathan Alter notes that FDR quickly reprised Hoover-era deficits, but reconfigured them as off-budget emergency spending. Liberal Brookings Institution observed that a fleeting period of New Deal recovery, attributed to Keynesian off-budget deficit spending, actually correlated with those years when the twin towers of New Deal industrial policy and agricultural policy were invalidated by the Supreme Court.
Some scholars write that Roosevelt’s reversion to balanced budget orthodoxy in 1937, during a depression, created the double-dip Roosevelt Recession that continued until World War II.
(signed) moi
Of course it all depends on what the meaning of modern is. Maybe FDR, like BO, is post-modern, in which case Krugman gets to keep his Nobel.
This is funny stuff…………LOL
What a fucking fool.
Thanks, Lee
Can we do one for cynical and for Puddy?
Oh, and Puddy: here are your buddies trying to run the republican (ahem: racist) party:
Odd thing is, Troll’s quotes are usually trumped in their insanity every thread by the inane regular posters here at Goldy’s safehaven for
assorted perverts and pedophileswayward liberals. Now that’s the amusing part.@4
So many examples you have!
Can we do one for cynical and for Puddy?
Yeah, need to do those too, but they’ll probably require a bit more work…this one was just simple, took me about 15 minutes to compile… :)
Cough, cough, hack hack. Off Lee goes in his stinky-ass VW microbus to Taco-Bell.
20. Ekim spews:
Puddy goat fucker @18
27. Ekim spews:
32. Rujax! spews:
41. Steve spews:
17. Steve spews:
There are close to 1,000 references by the Lunatics to Goat-F*cking and animal fornication.
Troll is funny……….
These Lunatic MicroDot Heads from the Left are SICK!
Want more???
@4 RickyD so obviously fits in quite nicely with the Republican goatfucker squad:
It must really suck for RickyD to have no evidence whatsofuckingever to support his accusations. RickyD calling a Democrat a pedophile is just senseless namecalling. For a Democrat to call RickyD a goatfucker is a statement of fact.
Of course, it’s common knowledge that Cynical fucks goats.
Autoworkers Union Keeps $6 Million Golf Course for Members at $33 Million Lakeside Retreat
Friday, December 26, 2008
[Deleted…see HA Comment Policy]
Cynical is such a God-fearing Christian, and so nearer to God than thee. Hmm, Baby Jesus must have told Cynical it was OK for him to fuck goats.
My mistake — I thought there was actual constructive debate that went on here, not just juvenile flame-throwing. I must have confused this site with horsesanus.fu
Screw you guys. I’m going home.
I’m sure Cynical will soon condemn America’s cororations for the tens of thousands of corporate executive memberships they pay for at shareholder expense at all of the country’s black and Jew hating private country clubs.
Steve’s projecting again I see. I blame his mother for taking him to the petting zoo as a child and leaving him there for the remainder of the day unattended….he made many friends that day.
When a troll accuses the other side of projection and goatfucking, then you know for sure that they have no ammo left.
Ignore steve, he is obsessed with goat sex and thinks that horsesass is an animal porn site.
Yep, and in our time of need the military is keeping a couple hundred golf courses and its ski resort in Germany.
Hopefully the media spotlight on the UAW will help get rid of their resort, or at least make sure bailout money doesn’t help pay its bills.
So says the old man that is obsessed with goat sex.
Some things never change.
Lee goes running to his blog to write about other people.
How effing insecure is this lee guy?
Still sore from when I humiliated your ass, huh? Talk about insecure…
I’m actually putting up dry wall today to cover up the holes that were left after I had my plumbing redone. But keep telling yourself that I’m a lazy stoner. It reminds everyone here how stupid you are.
Oh, I forgot…
Jump, Marvin, Jump!
There are close to 1,000 references by the Lunatics to Goat-F*cking and animal fornication.
Of course there is – if you and the other bestiality enthusiasts like Puddy and Marvin didn’t come by here all the time, we wouldn’t talk about it.
everyone of his statements is factualy true and logical correct. what “they” have done is make the american public think that the one and only crime in our culture is bigotry, so, in orwellian fashion “bad is good”. so for example it is considered hate speech to make an antisemetic remark, bu those same people think killing an unborn baby is good. “name calling bad, killing good”. orwellian.
crossposted to EFFin’ Unsound
Sorry Lee, I have to take exception with this characterization of Troll: “most mentally disturbed commenter in the history of HorsesAss”.
There is no way he comes close to the complete lunacy, verbal diarrhea, and all around abominable ignorance gushing forth from ByeByeGOP (along with his many aliases and sock puppets).
If we’re gonna do a best of, here are some great ones:
Government exists to make private wealth possible.
Commentby Belltowner— 3/12/06@ 4:15 pm
I like Castro’s system better. He confiscates the employer’s property, shoots the employer, and the workers get quality health care for free. We need something like that in America.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/19/06@ 3:42 pm
…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
“…higher PRODUCTIVITY means fewer jobs…”
Commentby Donnageddon— 4/9/06@ 4:06 pm
How about redistributing the wealth so the top 1% don’t own 60% of all the property in theU.S.?
Commentby harry poon— 4/24/06@ 5:54 pm
Thanks Cynical though for your help with the Negro problem.
Commentby headless lucy— 9/17/05@ 7:47 am
Roger Rabbit says:
Technical problems are man-made phenomena, not acts of nature, and as such can be prevented with adequate inspection/regulation.
12/01/2006 at 12:55 pm
Actually, neither one of them is in the same universe as SeattleJew, but that’s another story.
But yeah, ByeByeGOP is one who could come close to Troll. Let me check out his archive of comments.
Troll’s head must be swelling with pride. He surely hasn’t received attention of this magnitude since wetting himself during his 4th grade Nativity play. I’ll bet he considers himself a celebrity. He’s probably waiting by his phone now, expecting a call from People Magazine.
He surely hasn’t received attention of this magnitude since wetting himself during his 4th grade Nativity play.
Then again, that was only last week.
Lamest fucking collection of troll comments I’ve ever seen! Not one rabbit insult in there anywhere!
@8 Fucking goats is a weird phenomenon, Cynical. Why do you pukes do it? Just curious …
@31 Weirder still, some Republicans even brag about having sex with farm animals.
At least that guy’s upfront about it. I reckon that Cynical, RickyD and the other goatfucking trolls here just can’t face the truth.
I’m sure Cynical and RickyD will soon be keeping track of the days of the week with their 2009 Sarah Palin calendar.
The comments posted there by Palin devotees are hilarious. My, there sure are a lot of goatfuckers out there.
Why isn’t Troll here, wallowing in the adulation? He certainly isn’t acting very graciously to Lee for posting this tribute.
A few days ago I emailed Metro and complained about the way they list the update time on their Adverse weather page. I said I didn’t think many of their riders would be able to easily understand when the page was actually last updated. This is an example of how they used to list it: “The information below was last updated Fri, 26 Dec 2008 14:59:48 GMT. Subtract eight hours for Pacific Time Zone time.” They now do it like this: “The information below was last updated 12/27/08 5:59 PM.” Just as I suggested.
Am I hero? I suppose that’s for history to decide.
You’re welcome, citizens of King County.
Good to see you here on your tribute thread. Congrats, man. Let me give you a little advice. The best celebrities are able to keep their pride in check, at least when they’re in public. So, don’t start off your victory parade by slapping yourself on the back, ala your post above.
Hey when we were busy bending over and ass-fucking the idiots on the right Nov 4, one of the things the right wing fools spewed about was “clean coal.” Well I wonder how those republican shitheads in Tenn. are feeling about “clean coal” now that they’re neck-deep in coal ash from the flood.
They of course, like all republicans really don’t matter. But I do think it’s funny that they are swimming in misery and pain.
This is what happens when America rejects your ideas and your lies and your candidates. You get fucked in the ass AND karma drops a big fucking bomb in your lap.
America is LAUGHING at you retarded fools on the right. And we’re getting ready to bend you over and fuck you in the ass AGAIN!
Am I hero? I suppose that’s for history to decide.
I’m adding this one to the list.
A man named “proud” is telling me to keep my pride in check? Just kidding. I’ll think about what you said. You’re probably right.
@37 webentover, you are one angry comrade. when you wrote america is laughing at the retarded fools on the right, here is what came to mind. there is a difference between what you see in the media and what real christian americnas say in private. most christians view the media as a disgusting new york/hollywood cesspool and they are the ones laughing at the left. but, as you know, the media disses sarah palin because she believes in christian values but kiss the ass of a jewish scumbag like al franken. so, outwwardly the world sees a liberal america thru the eyes of the controlled media, but inwardly we despise the whole new/york jerry seinfeld world.
Al Franken’s values are far closer to those of Jesus Christ than are those of Sarah Palin. If Sarah Palin had ever met Jesus Christ, she’d have pulled out her 12-gauge and shot Him. She’d have considered Him a terrorist. I don’t quite grasp what Bible you read, but it ain’t the one that I read.
here is where i bow to you on the left. from what i can see, most americans dont know much more than deal or no deal, american idol, dancing with the stars and football and beer. you have done a great job of making sure that kids that graduate from public school know nothing about economics, true american history or civics, as in how the governemt was meant to be run. so you do have a majority of americans that think that katie couric was the good guy and sarah palin the witch. you were masters at the entire electoral process from making mitt romneys mormonism an issue when at the same time never mentioning the fact of al frankens jewishness or rahm emanuel not only being jewish but being a dual citizen to boot. good trick and i commend you for it, and i dont mean that sarcatically. dem politicians are definately smarter. what happens is that a person who is of good character and god fearing thinks they can make a difference but when they get to office cant hold a candle intelectually with people like barney frank, chuck schumer, henry waxman etc. the problem is those guys are part of a bigger plan the great unwashed can never comprehend, not with the public education you have suplied them where the only thing they become proficient in is diversity.
Am I correct in assuming that the fact all five Democratic politicians you named are Jewish is just an odd coincidence?
Is there anyone out there who speaks manoftruth’s dialect? We need an interpreter here.
@42, let me see if i understand the question, its ok to make an issue out of the fact that mitt romney is a mormon, but not ok to mention the religion of anyone else. is that what you mean?
let me see if i understand the question, its ok to make an issue out of the fact that mitt romney is a mormon
Not unless Romney makes his views as a Mormon part of his politics.
but not ok to mention the religion of anyone else. is that what you mean?
You mentioned 5 Jewish Democrats by name after complaining that the media doesn’t talk about Al Franken’s Jewishness. If you have a problem with Jewish politicians, just say so. I don’t have a problem with Mormon politicians (I think Harry Reid is a good man, and while a disagree with a lot of Mitt Romney’s positions, I think he’s a decent man and not a religious zealot by any means).
Running to your blog and writing about me doesn’t humiliate me. It’s more about you and how you feel the need to get the final word to make your point.
Besides, don’t you have something more important in your life than to write about trolls?
I like it when people parrot me.
Numbnuts @ 45: ” . . . its [sic] ok to make an issue out of the fact that mitt romney is a mormon . . .”
Romney didn’t make it to the general election, did he? So, who made an issue of his Mormonism? Don’t you think it was other Republicans, specifically Huckabee’s people, sotto voce (look it up, you idiot)? manoftruth, as I’ve said before, you wouldn’t know the truth if it was fucking your ass. Go to your KKK meeting, you piece of shit. Somebody there needs to do the Heil Hitler salute, and nobody does it better than you.
@49, either you are brilliant or you’re an idiot. you’re right romney didnt make it to teh general election, but this iis the way it works. the msm didnt want romney to win, they wanted a sad sack like huckabee to win the evangelical vote, so that brought up romneys mormonism to scare people off. either you’re too stupid to see that or you are one of them.
So lee punked a 4th grader.
Good job lee, you’re the man.
What’s next, giving a 5th grader a wedgie?
Did sarah have a problem with black people on SNL?
Did sarah count on double votes to win her election?
Does sarah have a anger management issue?
Or are you this clueless about franken?
Sarah certainly raised children with anger management problems (son in military) and self control issues (pregnant daughter).
@52…i almost couldnt post this i was laughing so hard. so thats what you want to say, that teen pregnancy is the result of poor parenting and lack of self control? then i guess you think that a lot of blacks are poor parents because there is almost 100 per cent teen pregnancy among black teens. boy, it just goes to show you’ll say anything to malign sarah palin. wow, you must really hate christians.
So how about this, mot-
“…but those aggressive tendencies may have been cultivated many years ago as an “exuberant” hockey mom in Wasilla, where she used to bang her fists on the penalty box glass and demand that her son get tougher with his opponents on the ice.”
Besides, don’t you have something more important in your life than to write about trolls?
I do, and I do them. Making fun of idiots like you doesn’t take that much time.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
Maybe I could sign you up for a satire class at your local community college or continuing education center.
Jump, Marvin, jump!
@55, imagine that k, she was an exuberant hockey mom. wow. just wondering, when rahm emanuel pounded a knife into a table multiple times screaming “dead” about his political foes, you think it was because his dad was an exhuberant hockey dad?
manoftruth, Marvistan, Puddy, Ricky D–Lord, you have blessed us. Our opposition–well, frankly–we have no opposition–can’t spell cat. During this holiday season, I must express my gratitude for the stupitude of the right. Okay, I made up that word. Forgive me, already.
What’s the point? Conservatives live in Oppositeland. I was surfing hannity, to see what they were chattering about about. In one poll, 75% found Obama to be more untrustworthy than Bush. 75%. THAN BUSH! How in the hell can anyone have a discussion with people who think like that. Black is white, up is down, greed is good with those people. They think Bush was an admirable president. Progressive Liberals are worse than the French. Anyone who thinks that “unregulated Capitalism is a bad thing”, is a fool or worse. What’s the point? We might as well be trying to reason with hyenas. It’s about as effective.
Cynical, Troll, Piper, et al, they don’t care that their corporate ideology is destroying the country. They don’t care because in their world, destroying the country is saving it, or something.
Here is a typical example
WTF? How can they think this was CAUSED by liberalism? How do you change that mindset? Can they be educated into reality or is it a lost cause?
Blue John,
A remarkable feature of these fucks is that they think they’re right. Indeed, they have a sense of right and wrong that is no harder to understand than this: Rush told me, ergo, it must be true.
whats funny is you can make a list, oreilly, hannity, limbaugh, ingram, coulter, a couple of others, and thats it for the whole fucking country. and you guys have had all the rest for almost fifty years. the only reason you could get so hysterical over a handful is you know the message is real and it appeals to most everyone outside the new york/hollywood cesspool. i know you’ll probably try to implement the fairness doctrine, i dont know , we’ll see. i still think you’re fifty years away from world domination. there are too many people in this country who had a real education that cant be supressed like the peasants were in russia.
21. Lee spews:
I’m actually putting up dry wall today to cover up the holes that were left….
More likely a forgotten stash you kicked the wall in to find. And I’ll be happy to take an I.Q. test against your stoner-ass any day of the week my friend. Off you go with Puff the Magic Dragon now. Cough, cough, hack! Woah! Dude!
And I’ll be happy to take an I.Q. test against your stoner-ass any day of the week my friend.
Email me and we’ll set it up.
Some say that the cyiniklown fucks goats with the pudddybitch…could that be TRUE?
@66 I’ve heard that as well, not that I’m one to spread rumors about trolls fucking goats.
66 and 67
I’ve heard the same tawdry rumor–Mr. C and Puddy like to double date. I’ve also heard that they film each other boffing their “girls.” I try not to think about such nastiness, but these rumors continue recurring.
They don’t call him Buttpuddy for nothing.
I have decided to take the initiative and award the Horse Pucky to the dumbest threads on HA.
This threads get the Horse Pucky.
23. Lee farted:
Lee, Can you prove this comment or as always do you pull shit from your ass and then run to your blog and trumpet your “accomplishements”?
Coming from you I am not shocked at all. As they say, “you are what you eat” and you like the goat alive, raw and fresh
These are my favorites:
-There IS something obscene about a nursing mother in public, because what if a man had the ability to nurse with his penis?
-Question. If people are born gay, which I know is a lie, then let me ask you this: If tomorrow all the women on earth disappeared, would there be a higher incidence of homosexuality one year from now? If the answer is yes, that proves my belief that homosexuality is a choice.
Ever heard of David Ehrenstein?
1) LA Slimes Columnist
2) Libtard
3) Black
4) Called Obama the Magic Negro
5) Never apologized
When a black libtard MSM places interesting comments in the news, it’s freedom of the press. When others run with it Incorrectneverbright calls it racism. What a tard.
Rujax! is known to drill holes into concrete and fuck the walls, floors, drainage pipes, etc. He likes it hard…
k, I know it pizzes you off knowing this is Amazon’s top seller…
Yes PDS is alive and well in the Cornell “grad”.
proud leftist spews:
Really? Where did you hear this? In the empty small Neanderthal sloped cranial orifice?
Man of (Un)Truth @ 40: My, your anti-semitism is just …. astonishing. I was just re-reading some of the early history of the Nazi party, and I find disturbing similarities between Goebbel’s rants and yours.
re 26: A zero sum game is where there is a limited amount of pieces or, in the case of oil, oil.
If there are fifty playing pieces (or X amt. of oil) and I have 25, then you must have 25. If I have 49 pieces and you have only one, there are still only fifty pieces.
The only way that the oil industry could not be a zero sum game is if there is an infinite amount of oil.
How can you be so thick-witted? Don’t you get tired of always being on the wrong side of history?
“…the oil industry is a zero sum game ( like checkers )”
Commentby headless lucy— 4/9/06@ 2:56 pm
If you think about it, Troll’s idiotic remarks represent only 1 month of stupidity from one righty commenter. You had to go back to 2006 to find something that you think is silly, but is just something you obdurately misunderstand — like Bush always does.
65. Lee spews:
‘And I’ll be happy to take an I.Q. test against your stoner-ass any day of the week my friend.
Email me and we’ll set it up.’
Sure, come on up. I’m in Bellingham. Hop in your microbus and come visit. I’d leave the stash and bong at home though. Cops don’t like your kind.
Here’s my racist post-Christmas Letdown bouquet for Pudless Lucy:
I am a pancho
I work on a rancho
I make just a dollar a day
I go to see Lucy
I play with his poosey
And he take my dollar away
Editor, New York Times:
Paul Krugman asserts that no “modern American president” would repeat Herbert Hoover’s 1932 blunder of trying to balance the federal budget during a depression.
In 1933 modern American president Franklin Roosevelt, making good on a 1932 pledge, balanced the budget and cut Hoover’s unbalanced proto-Keynesian spending by 31 percent. Jonathan Alter notes that FDR quickly reprised Hoover-era deficits, but reconfigured them as off-budget emergency spending. Liberal Brookings Institution observed that a fleeting period of New Deal recovery, attributed to Keynesian off-budget deficit spending, actually correlated with those years when the twin towers of New Deal industrial policy and agricultural policy were invalidated by the Supreme Court.
Some scholars write that Roosevelt’s reversion to balanced budget orthodoxy in 1937, during a depression, created the double-dip Roosevelt Recession that continued until World War II.
(signed) moi
Of course it all depends on what the meaning of modern is. Maybe FDR, like BO, is post-modern, in which case Krugman gets to keep his Nobel.