It’s been a bannering year for the Federal Way School Board, which is now considering banning cell phones and other electronic devices:
Federal Way School Board is exploring a ban on iPods, MP3 players, CD players and electronic games from campuses. Cell phones still could be brought to school, but they’d have to be turned off and stored in backpacks or otherwise out of sight.
Why ban cell phones, an object as integral to the lives of modern teens as weird piercings and moodiness? School board members have been coy, but one district insider tells me that the real concern is that too many Federal Way High School students have been using their cell phones to call Al Gore.
Breaking News;
Republican crook number 222,345 Bob Ney is going to the slam for 30 months. Don’t bend over to pick up the soap in the shower Bobby and say hi to all the other republican crooks you meet in the big house.
By the way Puddybutt, your wife says hello!
Are you really that stupid?
Every one of those kids has TEXT MESSAGING on their phones.
Do you NOT see where that would be a problem when the kids should be PAYING ATTENTION??
Do you NOT see where that would be a problem during TESTS?
Our school already has that same policy:
1st offense it’s taken and returned to student at the end of the day.
2nd offense it’s taken and the parent must come to pick it up.
3rd offense it’s taken for the balance of the school year.
Hear! Hear!
I fully support the idea that schools implement jammers to prevent their use during normal school hours.
You need to grow up and go talk to parents with teens. Find one with a cell phone and ask to see the bill… check the times and dates of text messages and compare them to the school calender.
They aren’t at school to listen to music and test/chat with pals. They are there to fucking learn, you moron.
Oh, and to the jewblogger defenders: yea yea, ‘he was being facetious, blah blah, blah, blah’. I get it. He’s still a moron.
For your blatant anti-Semitism, I think you should be shot (Ann Coulter humor for you WingNuts).
You are a fucking pussy. Hiding behind a fake name.
The only moron is you. Your parents must be so proud.
By the way, possession of cell phone falls under parental authority, not the schools. I have the duty, and right, to contact my child 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. To know that my child is safe and has yet another tool to keep him or her that way, helps me sleep better at night. I know there are those (such as yourself) who would want to harm them due to their parents beliefs and religion.
Are you afraid one of the kids will use the video feature some of these phones have to catch a teacher or school official abusing them in some manner?
Auntieliberal, this Jew would still like to buy you that beer and meet you face to face.
As for your schools rules about cell phones, well here is the problem:
I OWN THE PHONE. If a school should attempt to keep a phone longer than the time it takes me to get there to pick it up (and return it to my child) I would have the person holding the phone charged with theft.
It is your choice to bend over and accept any “rule” at your school. It is my right to protect my rights.
Why don’t you admit that you are JCH, don’t live in Hawaii and are actually a total loser with nothing to do but sit on your computer all day making outlandish remarks on blogs just so you can interact with other humans. Because we know you have no friends.
Please spare us your thoughts on parenting and school administration. If indeed you have children, I am confident they will grow up to be felons. The most important parenting responsibility is to raise children in a loving and supportive environment. The hate that flows from your keyboard most surely is extended to your parenting. I pity your children. I also fear for the society they will burden when they reach adulthood. There is no way that children raised in your household could learn the essentials of being human.
I have to wonder if anti-liberal is just some kid making fun of conservatives. Even when he(?) has a point that could be defended, it gets wrapped up in insults and antisemitism, to the point where nobody could take it seriously.
The cell phone ban (unlike other recent FW school board decisions) actually seems pretty reasonable. No video games at school? Cell phones turned off during class times? Are we actually arguing against those restrictions?
Just because someone makes one dumb decision, doesn’t mean that they’re always wrong. Heck, if I try hard enough, I could probably even find something that the Bush Administration got right.
(Post delayed while searching)
Here’s one! Just last year, he used the Antiquities Act (someone was watching West Wing) to form the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument. Of course, the fact that there is no oil under these islands probably helped, but it was a good decision!
See? Even our fearless leader got one right! So, let’s not simply assume that because the FW school board has shown themselves to be a pack of idiots, that everything they propose is bad.
dear leftjew, oh he who observes Sabbath so religiously aka, jwc (jew when convenient):
in loco parentis
You either want and trust the schools to TEACH your kids {snicker} or you don’t.
Fuckers like you are the reason kids are stupid.
You need to contact your shortbus bastard? pick up the damned phone, call the SCHOOL and get a message to the punk.
You fucking hypocrites are a hoot… in your world parents are too damned stupid to teach their children about the origins of the universe or life …ONLY THUG RUNNED SCHOOLS CAN DO THAT! but then those same THUG RUNNED SCHOOLS HAVE NO RIGHT TO TELL KIDS *NOT* TO BRING IN TOYS THAT DETRACT FROM LEARNING.
you fucking, lying hypocrite bastards.
I would spit in your face before I EVER shared a beer with a pigfucker like you.
No No John, be careful…Don’t make any sense… you’re going to lose your membership in the lefty ASS club…
Oh, and on a side note. It appears that a number of neo-con outfits are using Google to advertise on this site.
As I understand that system, every time one of us clicks on one of their links, that advertiser pays a fee, part of which goes to Goldy. No purchase required. (Goldy, please correct me if I’m wrong here.)
Assuming this to be true, I propose that we all help Ann Coulter and John McCain support Goldy by clicking on their links.
John @10,
Yes, that’s true. I get paid per click-thru for Google ads. Usually, it’s just a couple cents, but sometimes it can be many times that.
If you were to spit in my face (a senario that is highly unlikely because you don’t have balls) I would immediately insure that you would never be able to do such a thing, to anyone, again. Ever.
Share a beer with you? No way asshole, you can have your own. No telling where your mouth has been and what disease you are carrying. Three bucks well spent.
You will notice, moe-ron, that I only addressed CELL PHONES, not toys. A cell phone is a communication device.
By the way, been to confession lately? You need it.
And, John, you are not fooling anyone.
Sign me:
All Jew all the time.
By the way, punishment for assault (which spitting on someone is) includes jail time. But I guess you are familiar with that. There is no jail time for self-defense.
Move into 2007 leftjew…
the kids TEXT MESSAGE each other across the room ON THEIR CELL PHONES.
the kids download music ON THEIR CELL PHONES.
the kids play games ON THEIR CELL PHONES.
the kids access the net ON THEIR CELL PHONES.
the kids download games ON THEIR CELL PHONES.
the kids download videos ON THEIR CELL PHONES.
the kids send pictures ON THEIR CELL PHONES.
Christ on a crutch leftjew, you’re spending way to much time with your head up your ass.
Allah Akbar pig-fucker…
My Left Foot says: By the way, punishment for assault (which spitting on someone is) includes jail time. But I guess you are familiar with that. There is no jail time for self-defense.
LMAO big man. Is bragging about your gun next??
You’re pathetic.
I am aware of the capabilities of a cell phone.
Thank you.
My argument that a cell phone is FIRST and FOREMOST a communication device stands.
Why you feel the need to control everything around you and have rules for everything, well apparently not for yourself, I will never understand.
I think the hate that your children take with them to school each day is far more dangerous than a cell phone. It is possible, I suppose, for your kids to recognize that their father is a member of the lunatic fringe of our society. They may be counting the days until they are free of your hatred and anger.
Funny how that works, John.
@2 Aunty Loony, as Goldy’s reference to cell phones is obviously satire, and you obviously don’t get the joke, I’ll spell it out for you: After (a) a teacher used Al Gore’s global warming movie as a teaching tool, and (b) a creationist parent allegedly complained about it, (c) the jackasses on the Federal Way school board banned the movie from the classroom because they deem it “controversial.” So now public school kids in Federal Way are in the dark about science because the anti-science nuts on the school board are pandering to one (1) — count ’em, ONE — parent who thinks they should teach Noah’s Ark in science class.
Ok, My Left Foot, exactly what is your problem with me? We agree more often than not, although not on this issue.
I’ve got a kid going into high school next year, and I expect him to be studying in class, not using a cell phone.
If there was some sort of ongoing situation where I might need to get hold of him on a moment’s notice, I would expect the school to work something out, but in general, the cell phone should be turned off and put away, both because he doesn’t need the distraction and as a courtesy to the other students.
I turn my cell phone off in church, meetings and in movie theatres. Every college class I’ve ever attended has a “no cell phone” policy similar to FW. (In my high school days, cell phones were not a problem.) This is simple courtesy.
Could we argue for an exception during lunch? Sure, although the lunch periods have gotten short enough that I’m not sure when someone would have the time to use a cell phone, and chatting on the phone while in line or eating with others is rude.
Like most things, the devil is in the details, but just because anti-liberal manages to support this using the most insulting and anti-semetic terms possible in an effort to pull your strings, don’t go knee-jerk against it.
Yes, I do realize that if you simply oppose anti-liberal in every position he(?) takes, you’ll be right more often than wrong, but also remember this.
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
If you child does not know how to handle the responsibility of the tool you provide them and it becomes a distraction in the classroom….too damn bad.
It is first and foremost a cu=ommunication device. When it becomes a plaything………….
On topic….
There is no reason for kids to have phones, ipods, MP’3 etc….in schools (during classes).
Now, I don’t know about you people, but when I am in a business meeting, my phone is off. This is out of respect for not only my client but also for others in that same meeting, as well as the person who would be calling me.
Proud leftist very wrongly presents that he owns this phone and he should be able to contact his kid anytime he wants. No, you can leave a voicemail anytime you want and you kid can return a call when they are otherswise not occupied (between classes or during lunch). Because you have chosen to have an electronic leash on your child doe not give you, or your kid, the right to interrupt my kids education anytime you choose.
If your child, or you, chooses to place a secondary importance on the education of my child (this applies to me as well) then there should be reprecussions. For example:
1st offense it’s taken and returned to student at the end of the day.
2nd offense it’s taken and the parent must come to pick it up.
3rd offense it’s taken for the balance of the school year.
If you are too pathetic to control your child, the school should step in. End of story.
Drop the anti-semitism, while I agree that Goldy only chooses to mention his religion for convenience, it’s none of your business.
John @ 7
You need to be careful when addressing antiliberal. It is incapable of dealing with any concept that is not black and white, and any suggestion of grays could cause its head to explode, thereby creating quite a mess for someone. In anti’s world, there are two types of people–those who “think” like it, and who are therefore all good, and everyone else, who are evil, terrorist-loving, God-hating purveyors of darkness, doom, and destruction. Antiliberal is incapable of considering any challenges to its worldview.
@7 “Heck, if I try hard enough, I could probably even find something that the Bush Administration got right.”
I understand you’re being rhetorical, but even so, I think you’re going way out on a limb with this one.
dear rabbit… hitting the sauce so early? tsk tsk…
2. anti-liberal says: Oh, and to the jewblogger defenders: yea yea, ‘he was being facetious, blah blah, blah, blah’. I get it. He’s still a moron.
Why are you interested in the size of my “gun”? This concerns me greatly. I promise you, no firearms will be necessary for me to handle you. A boy, Sparky, such as yourself will be no problem at all to contain and control. Try not to cry or beg, it is so, well, not very manly.
Even Saddam stepped up to the gallows on his own two feet. He was more man than you. Imagine that. A despicable character, with the moral values of Lucifer himself, displayed more courage died with more personal dignity than you have displayed in a lifetime.
You are a coward, John. It is unmistakable. The odor permeates the air around you. There is nothing worse than a coward, John. But you know that everytime you look in the mirror.
please correct my above post to My left foot, not proud leftist
@8 “I would spit in your face before I EVER shared a beer with a pigfucker like you.”
Purely hypothetical as you’ve already demonstrated you don’t have the stones to show up and do it.
10, 11 Wow! I’m gonna start clicking right now! To help empty the neocons’ pockets into Goldy’s beer fund!
awww Paul… you don’t get it either. I’m mirroring and mimicking their own behavior.
They like to call people “cunts” (re: Janet) “niggers” (re: puddy), “bitches”, “Nazi’s” “Fascists” (re: anyone with whom they disagree).
The point is, who is to say what’s too much or which insult is worse?
The “cunt” callers?
I don’t think so.
There are lines you don’t cross and the anti-semitism is on the ther side of the line.
@22 “dear rabbit… hitting the sauce so early? tsk tsk…”
No, why? I was gonna ask YOU that. You seem unusally agitated this morning.
ooh ooh ouchie… big leftjew hurt my feelings.
Christ on a crutch, you are truly a sad little fool.
Ok, My Left Foot, I see the disconnect. You’re talking to anti-liberal and calling him “John”, which (much to my personal shame) may actually be his first name.
Yes, unfortunately the fine name of “John” has been tainted by some. John Christie, John Profumo, John Gotti have all tainted the name of “John”, and you could also be right about anti-liberal.
But remember, no house is complete without a “John”, and many have more than one!
Paul, not anti-semitism… for all you know I am a Jew… but please note a definite lack of RESPECT for the JewsWhenConvenient… hence the purposeful lack of capitalization when referring to jewblogger and the leftjew.
ps, both ‘jewblogger’ and ‘leftjew’ are DESCRIPTIVE of the individuals, well deserved descriptions albeit disrespectful.
I will cross the same line they do for as long as they do. They like to wallow in the sewer, I’ll happily provide the shit for them to lanquish.
John Barreli @ 17:
Let me clarify, I intentionally left out the reasonable restrictions in my response.
1. The issue of cell phone possession is a parental one.
2. The cell phone needs to be OFF during classes. It is not a toy. It is a communication device.
3. It is owned by ME and given to my child as safety device and communication tool. Said child knows that the quickest way to lose the phone is to abuse the privilege of having it. This is between me and said child, not the school. To have it confiscated for simply carrying it in a backpack or on his belt is unacceptable to me. If it is being used at an inappropriate time, direct him to disengage its use and pack it away. If necessary contact me.
I hope this clears up the slight misunderstanding. I am not in favor of phone calls, texting, music or amateur photography during class. Though I do get that listening to music while reading can relax and help with concentration, and that should be up to individual teachers and students to work out. We are trying to raise children to make good choices and decisions and allowing them input in the decision making process as they grow is important.
John Barelli:
I believe that auntiliberal is JCH. John Henry has a knack for changing his name. At first I thought that the little rude man was proudofherfatlyingcheatingthreateningass, but there was NEVER a curse word in any of her posts. That left John Henry of Hawaii.
Note to auntieJewliberal/JCH:
There is no way you are a Jew. NO Jew would use anti-semitic rhetoric to “make a point”.
You are a fucking liar, excusing what you know to be wrong, wrong, wrong.
I applaud your calling antiliberal on his antisemitic rants, even though you are apparently otherwise aligned with him ideologically. He does not appear to recognize the line you referenced, even though 99% of the civilized world recognizes that line.
I don’t think so.
So this is the one time this year you are going to actually think ?
Scary but now we have been warned that no more thinking will be done by you for the rest of the year and we can react accordingly.
@ 34…
If I may point out.
My left foot, if they have to contact you more than once, then you have already porven yourself to be incapable of parenting your child.
Therefore confiscating the phone until the end of the school year (or term) is a lesson to both of you. You’ve been made aware of the policy that the school has dictated reagrding acceptable behavior, if you can’t abide by this policy, transfer your kid to a school that allows this type of behavior.
That sounds reasonable to me.
Well, RR already explained the joke, so I guess this thread is a lost couse.
But, I guess the FW school board wouldn’t want some kid calling Al Gore during the Biblical explanation of global warming. Such an important educational experience must not be sullied by technology — or reason.
MFL, I’m afraid you really are all wet on this one.
You’re right…a cell phone IS a “communication device”. Nowadays, it also happens to be a communication device that people can use to silently and more or less covertly communicate with, be it across a classroom or across a room.
The implication of this during quizzes and tests is so obvious even Klake ought to be able to understand it.
If you need to communicate with your kid during school, call the office and have them send a message to the classroom. That may seem a little “last century” but it still works just fine.
This liberal sees absolutely nothing wrong with the school banning any sort of “personal electronics” in the classroom. In fact, the very idea of allowing such things strikes me as nearly as dumb as adopting the stupid objective of “every child having a laptop”. (That one HAS to have been originated with the Microsoft marketing department!)
My Left Foot at 34
We may just end up disagreeing on this point, but I think both of us can agree that schools do have the right to confiscate certain items that may cause injury or that disrupt the school or class.
Yes, those items need to be returned to the parent upon demand, but I have not seen where FW is not doing that, although that “given back at the end of the year” bit gives me pause.
As I understand the FW policy, it does allow for students to keep cell phones in school, provided that they are turned off and put out of sight (as in a pocket or backpack) during school hours.
I might argue for exceptions during lunch, although I can see a reasonable argument against that as well. At other times, there is a method of contacting your child in an emergency, by going through the school office (they way they did when we were kids). In cases where your child needs to contact you in an emergency (for example, the recent incident at Foss High), I cannot see any school administrator objecting to the use of a cell phone, even though the shootings happened during school hours.
Again, the devil here is in the details, not in the overall idea. In the case of your child (and mine, for that matter) the rules I see here would only come into play if said child were to disregard the explicit instructions he/she was given.
In the case of my son, that “given back at the end of the school year” would never come into play, as the first time that the school (legitimately) confiscated his phone would also be the last time he saw it for a long time.
Exactly. I taught for seven years. Cell phones were becoming the latest fad for students when I left. They were not allowed in my classroom.
Any parent getting all huffy and puffy over some “right” to be in contact with their precious 24/7 should consider home-schooling. Or do a little growing up themselves. Cell phones, iPods, etc. have no place in a classroom. Period.
Let’s be clear about this.
What I find offensive is when someone comes out and start talking about their religion – any religion when it is convenient to a conversation.
I’d just like it very much if teenagers (and everyone else) wouldn’t talk on their cell phones and drive: teeny-bopper nearly T-boned me a few months ago, oblivious to the fact that she had entered an intersection without noticing the stop sign. She was too busy yacking on her cell phone.
Public notice:
As I have said before, my kids are grown and gone. My son carried a cell phone for the last three years of high school. No incidents were reported. He respected himself and the rules of having the phone.
If I offended anyone by arguing against restrictions, I apologize. I am/was responsible for the raising of my children. Others should be for their kids too.
As for the school keeping MY personal property, well, the lawyer I sleep with tells me that issue is still kind of murky. Regardless, it is my phone. Short of a court order battle and subsequent order, I want it returned on demand. (Not request, demand.)
For the record, Teresa disagrees with me and I won’t be getting free legal assistance on this one. Damn!
Paul @ 43:
Let’s be clear about this:
What I find offensive is when someone uses religion to buttress their political views.
This thread has gone totally off track! The point of Goldy’s comment was not cell phones but the Federal Way school board’s meddling with classroom instruction because one family wants the school to teach creationism instead of science.
It boils down to this: Public schools teach science, and private religious schools teach religion. So, if you want your kids to receive religious instruction instead of science instruction, you should send them to a private religious school.
But what if you’re too poor to afford private religious schooling for your kids, like that Federal Way family with 7 kids? Well, as Redneck would say, it’s not our fault the parents made “poor choices” and don’t have the money! (sarcasm) But in any case, since when does one family get to call all the shots? When and how did this family get plenipotentiary power over school curricula? Frankly, I don’t think that family is behind this; I think they’re just a convenient excuse for a school board member (or two) with a personal agenda they weren’t forthright to the voters about.
My left foot @ 46,
The we are in agreement, Goldy’s use of his religion to prop up his political views is equally offensive to you?
See, anti-liberal and you do seem to agree.
Or, have you wrongly used the term Buttress?
Find me one instance of Goldy or I using our religion to buttress an argument.
AuntiJewLiberal/JCH and I agree on nothing.
re: 49
(sound of crickets)
Deafening, ain’t it!
Paul has now demonstrated the basic problem with conservatives.
They make a statement. They believe the simply making the statement makes it true. If they repeat it often enough it becomes even more true.
There is a problem.
If they are asked to offer proof as to the validity their statment, they become mute. They repeat their statement, in this case that Goldy uses his religion to buttress his political views, and expect everyone will not notice that they have no proof. After all, repeating a statement over and over makes it true.
Nice try, Paul. You are more polite than auntieJewliberal/JCH, but in the end you are cut from the same cloth.
Funny how that works.
Wow. I can’t believe how you all let Auntie Liberal drive this thread so far off topic. Of course, the post wasn’t about cell phones in schools. It was about the fact that I hate America, support the terrorists, and want to personally execute President Bush.
No wait. Roger was right (@47). It was about making fun of the district for banning “An Inconvenient Truth.”
I apologize. I got sucked in. That in and of itself is my inconvenient truth.
Paul was at lunch.
Listen, I am not goig to get into a discussion where we are going to start analyzing the nuances of Goldy’s self depricated “I am a jew” and it applies to my politics, rants. These are very common with Goldy and can easliy be found by going to yahoo or goodle and doing the following seach
David Golstein + a jew like myself + goldy + jew
I am sure you’ll find plenty of Goldy’s comments.
However, as I am certain that you’ll say, “see, yo won’t participate in the discussion”, here is a link of just one example, as requested:
As to yourself? I never said you do this. I merely pointed out that Goldy is well known for this and if in fact you “find offensive is when someone uses religion to buttress their political views.” Then you must be in agreement.
Either that or you don’t know the definition of buttress.
Roger at 47,
Wow, dude, you sound as if you’re advocating individual choice and individual responsibility. What an idea!
Personally, I could give a rip about creationism versus evolution. If one chooses to believe in the fairy tale of creationism, I could care less. I don’t care is Federal Way teached creationsism in school, but they need to be fair and balanced and give equal time and emphasis to evolution.
I cannot believe I’ve been dragged into this idiotic discussion by reprimanding anti-liberal for his anti-semtic rants….
Oh, yeah. for all those that advocate creationism, how do you explain T-Rex skeletons? Where’s all those fossilized bones come from?
The real problem with cell phones in school is that they have cameras on them. If you thing Pee Wee Herman’s toe mirrors were invasive, just imagine what you can do with a tiny camera embedded in a phone.
For those of you saying it’s fine for youngsters to have them in class, well, you are nuts!!!
What does the existence of antiliberal say with regard to the notion of evolution? At the same time, what does antiliberal’s existence say with regard to the notion of a supreme and benevolent being having created us? I would say that his existence suggests with regard to evolution that for every two steps forward there is one step back, and that with regard to creationism, even God, apparently, can make mistakes.
Paul at 54:
What I get from your example is that being Jewish, has no effect on Goldy’s politics. I understand the meaning of buttress and the example you cite does exactly that for my point, not yours.
Saying “a Jew, like myself” is no different than saying “as a Christian” or “as a black man”. It does not shape or buttress political argument, it serves as an indentifying characteristic. Nothing more.
Hmmmmm, figures a conservative closet pervert, in the tradition of Mark Foley and Ted “CrackHead” Haggard, would think of something like this.
This looks like exactly the same policy as at Middle Schools in Seattle. I’ll bet your kid’s school has the same policy. What am I missing here? As a principal or teacher, do I want some students wandering around with a $300 piece of electronic equipment just waiting to be stolen? And imagine the stress when the parents start yelling in the office about how the schools should do a better job of protecting little Johnnie’s ipod from bad boys (when maybe little Johnie just traded it for pot?) If this bothers you just wait till the security guys start having to decide what to do about kids accusing eachother of stealing ipods. Do you support the ipod pat down and strip search? The current rule puts all the responsibility on students to protect their electronic gear by telling them to keep it OFF campus.
Whitman middle school Seattle: “Due to the lack of security for radios and tape recorders; the disruption caused by them in the halls; and the problems created by bringing them to class; cell phones, cd players, personal radios, tape recorders, handheld games and other electronic devices are not to be brought to school.”
This Seattle ban doesn’t even make room for cell phones, although it does seem to imply that you can keep them in your locker, and of course kids keep ALL these things in their lockers, expecially ipods and cell phones.
MY LEFT FOOT: From the tone of your comments I have trouble believing you have child in school, but, leaving that aside, it is easy, convenient, and routine to contact the school office to get a child on the phone or give the child a message. There is no reason for a parent to have the right to interrupt the progress of a class for a student to talk on the phone loudly with their parent in the class at that exact moment. Talking loudly (does anyone talk quietly on a cell phone?) on the phone is not the same thing as having access at all times.
When my son was in elementary school, if the principal saw a stack of Pokemon or YuGiOh, he took them. It was possible to get them back, but parents and kids were clearly informed about the rule. These kinds of possessions can sow tension and encourage theft because they separate the haves from the have-nots.
When I was in High School, marijuana and cigarettes were almost as “integral” to the lives of 30-50% of the students at my school as cell phones are to freshman High School Students today. Should we have been allowed to smoke cigarettes and joints in class? I know I would have liked it then, but it doesn’t sound quite right to me now.
mirror at 62:
Please seen post 45
Roger Rabbit at #47.
No, the subject of Goldy’s post was specifically cell phones and other electronic equipment, not Al Gore’s movie. Yes, he wanted to imply a link, but there isn’t one. The limitations on electronic devices is routine in Washington schools and the limitation’s on Al Gore’s movie based on the complaints of young earth creationists is not routine.
If you are concerned about the police state, check out the metal detector and random locker search provision in Ballard High Schools code of conduct (I’m ok with hiding my ipod in my locker but don’t “randomly” find my dope in my locker!):
Oh, and they too require students to turn off their cell phones in class, but dont seem to have a ban on possession of electronic devices, except those that can be used for gambling.
AAND AND: Last Wednesday they showed An Inconvenient Truth in their commons area!
MY left foot…
I give up.
By your logic Anti-liberal is perfectly correct in asserting Goldy as a “Jew Blogger” or whatever lunatic rant he chooses.
Therefore I stand corrected. Anti-liberal, I apologize for wrongly stating that Anti-semitic remarks are wrong. Please continue your proper identification of Goldy as a “Jew Blogger” and ” leftjew”, etc….
My left Foot, The Nazi Party thanks you for your support
Mirror at 65:
Please read post 52.
Dear Paul,
You are a fucking moron.
My Left Foot.
You can’t equate someone identifying themself with the anti-semitic rant of a lunatic. You have twisted my point, thereby making it not my point, and made it your own. Nice job. Bush could not have done it better.
What a fucktard.
Dear Paul (2)
You are an ignorant motherfucker too.
All the best,
My Left Foot
My left “jackbooted” foot…..
Repeat after me…….Sieg heil!
My Left Foot at 67
Mirror at 65:
Please read post 52.
Left-Foot: I see we both got suckered into believing Goldy was posting in earnest about electronics at Fed Way. AND now your passionate attachment to your cell phone private property interest has been revealed to the whole world in all its blazing glory. Ciao
If this post was meant to be funny or ironic, well… I suppose it could be construed that way… by someone who thinks Mallard Fillmore is funny or filled with subtle irony.
P.S. with all your weird radio hours, I have finally had an opportunity to listen to your show a bit and have enjoyed it very much. You do a great job making your conversations with callers interesting, no matter what their viewpoint is. Good integration of guest-show with talk-show.
John Barelli at 41.
Bastards took my mini-bong in 1976 and never gave it back! (The didn’t call my parents or the cops either. Those were different times! )
Fart At 40.
Seriously, I think the lap top idea is a good one, especially since school libraries now assume you are going the bulk of research on internet. But I’m too distracted now to make more arguments for it.
Paul @ 70
It always rises to the surface. There it is in black and white on my computer screen.
Thank you for proving my point in such an
eloquentanti-semitic manner.I spent a career defending your right to type it, but I will spend the rest of my life pointing out how wrong you are to do so.
Mirror @ 71
My attachment to my property is universal. Not just my cell phone. Due process is a funny thing. We all need it, but some of us are willing to forget it “under certain circumstances”. I am not. Any encroachment by authority must be viewed with wary eye. It matter not whether it is at the national, state or local level.
Rog @ several:
I know agreeing with the Federal Way SD is going to make me as popular as BBQ pork during Ramadan, but let’s follow my understanding of what happened.
1) School wanted to show An Inconvenient Truth.
2) Idiot loudmouth parent with the education of a brick dug up the equal time clause saying that for a “controversial” topic, the school must provide equal time for an opposing viewpoint.
3) School board contemplated the issues of finding an opposing time speaker who was not completely talking out of his ass, and whether any speaker they could come up with would be to the satisfaction of a parent who believes the Earth is 10,000 years old, and global warming as observed is primarily the result of volcanic activity that is being visited on the Earth as punishment for the sins of modern life.
4) School board concluded that some battles aren’t worth the fighting, and put a moratorium on showing the movie for the forseeable future.
Now, given energy, enthusiasm by one or more people, proper legal representation, money, and standing (in the legal sense of the word), it would be a blast to engage this idiot, kick him into the hole he belongs in, and extend the decision of Lemon v. Kurtzman to say that requests for “equal time” where the request for equal time has a religious basis is a violation of the Establishment Clause and thus illegal.
Absent this, and given that the Federal Way SD does not have a budget line for kicking idiots, the school board did the right thing.
If indeed you are correctly calling the circumstance, I agree with you. 100%
I like BBQ pork at any holiday. Have fun with that auntieliberal.
I wonder if the idiot was Jonathan Gardner, the Federal Way Conservative?
My Left Foot @ 76:
No. The parent’s name was Frosty Hardison. You can read this towering intellect’s work here:
Google Cache is your friend!
It is a school board’s duty to defend rational thought and science in school teaching against magical thinking or lies trying to substitute for rational thought and science.
I expect the school board to allow my child access to the predominant scientific ideas without hindrance by religious nuts and faux-experts in the pay of big corporations. And I expect my taxes to be used to defend that access if necessary.
If the measure of what science gets taught in school is whether a penny would need to be spent to resist some ignorant religious believers’ law suit, then our corporate sponsored Stockholm syndrome is complete. But most districts haven’t fallen that far. It’s just so odd to see Federal Way acting like Kansas. But given that WA state’s school funding ranks down with Alabama’s, maybe it shouldn’t come as a surprise.
I just think that any school board that recieves a request to restrict activities of a teacher with its primary detailed fact argument being that the earth is only 14,000 years old should laugh and immediately put it in the “wait to be sued” file. Hell, 14,000 years isn’t even mainstream young-earth creationism!
@57 Oh c’mon Lib, haven’t you heard of Noah’s Ark? They found it in Turkey, you know …
Speaking of Noah’s Ark, this isn’t the first time air pollution has caused climate problems.
Some caveguy figures out how to make sparks, and next thing you know everybody’s burning wood for cooking and heat, and next thing after that they’re all on a barge floating around in Waterworld …
@65 “No, the subject of Goldy’s post was specifically cell phones and other electronic equipment, not Al Gore’s movie. Yes, he wanted to imply a link, but there isn’t one.”
See #52.
@65 “No, the subject of Goldy’s post was specifically cell phones and other electronic equipment, not Al Gore’s movie. Yes, he wanted to imply a link, but there isn’t one.”
Of course, I realize satire is likely to fly over the head of a wingnut simpleton; and I’m sure Goldy realizes that, too.
jsa @ 77
Thank you. What a wingnut this guy is. Perpetual motion machines? I bet he has a source for fairy dust and water from the fountain of youth too.
Roger at 82
See #71. Quack
@74 I think you’re giving the offending school board member()s credit for being spineless drones they don’t deserve.
@76 No, the parent who complained has been named by various media sources as Frosty Hardison.
Has it been lost on everyone posting here that the Bush administration abolished the “equal time” rule applicable to private broadcast companies’ use of publicly-owned airwaves? Why the fuck should creationism get equal time in a science classroom? Why the fuck should Holocaust denies get equal time in history class? Why should communists get equal time in civics class? Do you all see where I’m going with this …?
should read “Holocaust deniers”
mirror @ 78:
I agree with your line of reasoning in general.
I also feel that granting equal time to opposing views is important. That being said, I don’t think that Mr. Hardison’s particular opposing view has any merit whatsoever.
From my point of view, the school was faced with a number of choices, all of which sucked:
1) Let Mr. Hardison, or someone like him speak in the interest of free speech and equal time. Figure that kids are smarter than we think, and most of them will decide he’s a crank.
2) Refuse to grant equal time under the bylaws of the school board, and set yourself up for a potential suit.
3) Decide not to show the film.
Regardless of whether you choose 1, 2, or 3, there will be reprecussions. If I were a parent at that school, I would not be very happy with Mr. Hardison or a proxy taking up 100 minutes of the school day waxing on Armegeddon, Solar Warming, or whatever other cockeyed stuff floats into his brain. My daughters are smart and can figure things out on their own, but the school day is short and there’s lots of other stuff to be covered. If you don’t show the film, lefties complain their right to speak is being infringed. If you don’t let idiot Hardison speak, righties complain their right to speak is being infringed.
With all due respect to Mr. Gore’s presentation of global warming, a good teacher could get the salient facts of the movie across during a two hour time block with an open QA/Debate period left over for Mr. Hardison’s spawn to explain that global warming is caused by volcanoes and trees, and that the baby Jebeezus will save us anyhow.
It’s like anything else. You have to choose your battles. This one was a no win, and that’s too bad.
JSA @ 90.
Battles for science and rational thought over superstition and/or fantasy are not only always worth fighting in schools, but are a school board’s duty.
I’d ban cell phones in schools. In fact, I can’t believe they aren’t ALREADY banned.
RightEqualsStupid says: Breaking News; Republican crook number 222,345 Bob Ney is going to the slam for 30 months. Don’t bend over to pick up the soap in the shower Bobby and say hi to all the other republican crooks you meet in the big house. By the way Puddybutt, your wife says hello! 01/19/2007 at 9:39 am
You already included Bob Ney in your “count” last year. Trying to inflate your number? ROTFL! Besides, he was a crook in my book.
Another thing RES: Why do you promote adultery? Do you have self esteem issues? Disliking one’s politics is acceptable, but you seem to wallow in the gutter every day. You are one of those knee-jerk jerks!
You should shorten your name to Stupid. In 1992 Tom Hanks said: “Stupid is as stupid does”. In your case a very true statement!
Didn’t you say your name is Carl?
So Carl I have to ask you where is this bravado when the students are disruptive in school?
Do you take responsibility and beat their ass red so they understand their consequences and are obedient again in class?
Or, as I suspect you talk to them and speak to them like you say “bad dog” to FIDO, telling them “bad child”? It’s the liberals who gave CPS such power now kids run wild.
proud leftist says: John @ 7 You need to be careful when addressing antiliberal. It is incapable of dealing with any concept that is not black and white, and any suggestion of grays could cause its head to explode, thereby creating quite a mess for someone.
And you are the poster boy for what is right, virtuous, and just? With the filth you normally post ROTFLMAO!
Using Roger Rabbit’s laugh: HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Paul says: Ant-liberal… There are lines you don’t cross and the anti-semitism is on the other side of the line.
01/19/2007 at 11:35 am
Sorry Paul, you stopped your commentary too early. Just what is anti-semitism? Calling a person a Nazi doesn’t count? That was big time anti-semitism! Supporting Palestinian terrorism. The new big time anti-semitism. Sorry Paul you just LOST that one!
Racism is acceptable to you Paul? Your political correctness streak is shallow!
Calling a person a faggot is acceptable Paul. When a black man calls someone a faggot he gets away with it because it one repressed minority speaking to “another”?
Using any religious or racial epithet is WRONG! Yes, this is America but too often people resort to them because their argument is weak.
While anti-liberal tweaks the nipples of the liberals, read between the lines.
Carl, you need to drink some calming green tea! Do you get laid often enough?
Patriot says: Any parent getting all huffy and puffy over some “right” to be in contact with their precious 24/7 should consider home-schooling. Or do a little growing up themselves.
Carl, this is excellent advice. Maybe you have some growing up to do. You can drink alcohol but many times your mind set is childish! Cut the swearing man. It destroys your argument Ad Nauseum!
On the flip side, anti-liberal, while you are a free man your hatred shows! Your good arguments are laced with junk. Now you may dislike Carl and Goldy because of their politics religion and/or both. But you need to simmer it down.
Eight or ten years ago, cell phones were routinely banned from public schools because they were expensive and often thought to be linked to drug dealing. Today, cell phones appear to be used by the majority of high school students, are common in middle school, and not unknown at elementary. As a school administrator, I publish a rule directing students not to bring valuable items to school (to avoid the expectation of extensive investigations into thefts).
Schools don’t have the ability to confiscate and keep legal student property–and would have to pay for the property if it was lost while in the school’s possession. On the other hand, the school could provide parents the option of the school holding a cell phone to the end of the grading period instead of a suspension from school (which they have the full legal right to impose). Personally, I wouldn’t use this strategy, but it is possible.
Schools have the responsibility to maintain order and a learning environment through established rules and procedures, which can include no phones / iPods at school.
I have not found cameras to be too big an issue, although things like video postings of fights / threats at school can be a problem. The common concern about the locker room doesn’t really come into play much as students no longer shower at school (while often available it’s rare and seldom required).
Texting is common, even during class. Although simple supervision can address this during testing. Engaging, meaningful classroom activities are the best remedy to avoiding in-class phone / iPod use (for most people listening to music while reading doesn’t increase concentration, it’s actually a distraction).
It also seems that too many parents are worried about their perceived “rights”, less concerned about the rights of other students to feel safe and learn, and distrustful / disrespectful of educators who work with their children.
Cell phones can be an important tool for parents to keep track of kids and help organize out of school activities. Furthermore, I know of several kids who have single or divorced parents where the cell phone helps the parent and child keep in close touch for safety and convenience, but especially safety.
Reckless at 96 and 97:
Fuck you!
wrecked at 94:
Two kids. Grown and gone. One Army Ranger. One college grad, full time career.
Never had a major problem with my kids behavior. Just normal teenage hijinks. Spent one week in middle school attending classes with my son, he had a problem sitting still. Never had a problem again. Is that hands on enough for you, asshole? Or would prefer the violent method of hands on?
By they way, fuck you!
wrecked at 97
reckless says:
Carl, this is excellent advice. Maybe you have some growing up to do. You can drink alcohol but many times your mind set is childish! Cut the swearing man. It destroys your argument Ad Nauseum!
What does alcohol have to do with this? So having a beer makes me, what, less than you?
When is being vigilant about my rights childish? Well I guess since terrorism fear set in and you Wingnuts are prepared to create camps for anyone who speakes out about the government being wrong. A government, I might add, that I protected for nearly half my life.
Now, fuck you and the tricycle you rode in on.
on topic: iPods and other players during tests could allow for cheating. What’s to stop a student from recording notes, equations, important dates on the MP3 player for test day?
Back in the days of programmable calculators, I programmed my algebraic equations and had it prompt me for the values.
Carl: Someone got you goat? You definitely have a FY problem. Glad your kids are screwed on straight. Must have been a good motherly influence with your 24/7 swearing escapades!
Teresa, he needs it bad!
RE: ontopic #103
Simply supervising the test by watching students while they are taking the test addresses notes on arms, scraps of paper, palms, PDAs, phones, iPods, notebooks, calculators, hat brims, Cliff Notes, textbooks, dictionaries, etc.
The quality of the assessment can also mean that students could have access to any such devices and still be able demonstrate the knowledge, skills, thinking, and ability to apply these around the topic.