And more verbosely, a sad goodbye. Carl’s blog was one of the first local blogs I read on a regular basis and one of the few I read absolutely every day. Truth is, it doesn’t take much time to read, but it has always been snippy, snarky and damn informative.
Looking forward to his next project, whatever it may be.
In today’s column in the P.I., Joel Connelly said of Tim Eyman: “…Or he could pledge to spend his remaining days searching for those 34,000 missing signatures.” (an apparant reference to O.J. Simpson’s pledge not to rest until he had tracked down his ex-wife’s murderers).
What a wonderful mental picture! Time Eyman in “retirement”, searching the golf courses of the state for the “missing” 34,000 signatures he claims the Secty of State lost!
Tim Eyman is like those watches he doesn’t sell. Right about twice a day.
I thought Goldy was the worst self hating Jew in the Blogosphere.
I found a better one.
With all the Stingers in circulation, it’s tragic that Hezbollah seems incapable of defending against Zionist bombing of Lebanon
Posted by Stefan Sharkansky at August 3, 2006 07:18 PM
I’m sure Carl will re-emerge in some creative form to participate in the creation of the coming new world order sans George W. Thanks for the light Carl.
Sorry about not keeing “on topic”, but if bloggers are going to be going on vacaton/sabatical, we all need to fill in from time to time.
President Bush has started his annual vaction to Crawford, Texas.
“Since taking office that year (in 2001), Bush has made 58 visits to the ranch for a total of all or part of 381 days. In August 2001, he spent 27 days there, as he did a year later. In August 2003, the total rose to 29 days. Bush spent only 13 days at the ranch in August 2004 as he ran for re-election. Last year’s stay was 29 days.”
Wow. 381 days. I didn’t know the Presidency was a part-time gig. He’s missed over a year (almost 13 months) of his 5-1/2 years in office, SO FAR.
Yea, yea, I know. He has security briefings every day, and presumably he does SOME work while he was there.
But he’s clearly not at a location where he can call the Israeli, Syrian, or Jordanian ambassaders into the White House for a sit-down. And when the President is out of the office, there is a tendency for everyone to put off detailed briefings and analysis until he returns, like the briefing by CIA’s George Tenant on August 23rd, 2001 on Zacarias Moussaoui’s attempts to learn to fly a 747, which Bush never received because he was in Texas on vacation. Or like the detailed briefing of Katrina evacuation and rescue plans which was never given, leading Bush to surprise the nation by saying “No one could have anticipated…”
Of course, with Bush, you have to ask: is it better that he’s a part time President, or not? Does he do less or more damage by doing nothing?
Sorry about not keeing “on topic”, but if bloggers are going to be going on vacaton/sabatical, we all need to fill in from time to time.
President Bush has started his annual vaction to Crawford, Texas.
Hmmmm…I wonder if Bush would let me fill in for him while he is on vacation….
‘Free Trade’, globalization, NAFTA and especially GATT are intended to create a world-wide ‘corporate playground’ where national governments serve the interests of corporations – which means ‘cheap labor’.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/4/06@ 8:15 am
So why are you supporting Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA) instead of Tran? Do you like plenty of cheap illegal alien labor also, just like Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted against building a fence on the Mexican border).
Roger Rabbit is just another cheap labor corporate Dem who won’t support a real liberal like Tran.
dj at 7: “I wonder if Bush would let me fill in for him while he is on vacation…”
I’ve always considered the Presidency to be one of the few jobs which was beyond my abilities. Same with the Secretary of Defense. But these days I tend to have a different view. I put it under the “I certainly couldn’t do any worse” catagory.
Among other things, those guys just can’t seem to understand that some people WELCOME an attack by Israel or America, because it allows them to push their local propoganda, gain recruits, and get money from their wealthy donars. With Bush & Co., they know that if they “push the right buttons”, they will get the hoped-for response.
So although Saddam is out of power in Iraq, terrorism and support for Al Quida, Habbas, and Hezbolah is stronger than ever. The leaders of those organizations have been WANTING a world-wide war between Christians & Jews against the Muslims, and they are getting closer to achieving that goal. But Rumsfield, Cheney, Rove, and Bush either don’t understand anything simpler than a “us vs. them” dichotomy, or they themselves enjoy the “rally ’round the President” support they get as they invoke 9/11 and bring us closer to WWIII, as Gingrich proposes.
“I do not support having a permanent military presence in Iraq,” said Cantwell. “I want our troops home as soon as possible. We need to encourage the Iraqis to take complete control of their own security as soon as possible so U.S. troops can come home. Building permanent bases in Iraq would not get us closer to this goal and it would send the wrong message to the Iraqi people, our allies, and the world.”
Cantwell miss the big picture those bases are need to bring PEACE in that region.
West siders like to knock Spokane as being a bunch of conservative farm folk, but the reality is that the 3rd LD (central Spokane, including the poorest precints in Washington) is one of the most solidly Democratic in the state,
Commentby vagabond0079— 8/4/06@ 2:39 pm
The Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA, voted against building a fence on the Mexican border)cheap labor corporate Dem plan exposed; wreck the middle class through cheap labor and America will become solidly Dem. Thanks for pointing that out, Vagabond.
[B]New Vaccine Discovered To Prevent Liberal Stupidity[/B]
Houston, TX—In what may be the biggest medical breakthrough of the millennium, Dr. “Red” Duke claims to have discovered a vaccine that will prevent liberal stupidity. The vaccine, currently in the throws of a study, is reported to stop the spread of absurdities and other abnormalities associated with liberalism.
In some cases, Dr. Duke notes, the rampant disease can be halted altogether, giving hope to many families that have given up on ever finding a cure for their relatives. Testing, according to Dr. Duke, was done largely on monkeys, because of the similar characteristics between monkeys and liberals. The incessant, childish behavior, he explained, was the key to the link between monkeys and liberals.
Unlike the new obesity vaccine—which leaves reasonable doubt to its validity—this vaccine is reported to definitively trim the level of stupidity that many liberal families suffer from on a daily basis. Dr. Duke explains that he advanced on the problem as if it were a neurological disorder, that the target of the vaccine was to attack the useless, lazy cells that were attached to liberal spines, creating a moody, depressed person that is generally unengaged, unemployed and doesn’t care about society.
The vaccine, according to Dr. Duke, transformed the useless cells—referred to as liberal cells—into active, productive cells, creating a more animated and engaged monkey. After five and a half long years, Dr. Duke thinks that his tireless research has come to fruition.
Basically, Dr. Duke details, that during the experiment, they took six monkeys and placed them in front of the television with the usual liberal propaganda on network news. They showed them ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN, and, according to Dr. Duke, the monkeys remained mesmerized, almost as if they were zombies, until after the injection of the vaccine to four of them.
“After thirty days, the four monkeys that were given the vaccine wouldn’t watch network news,” Dr. Duke said. “It was amazing, a real breakthrough in science. The possibilities are endless. I’ve already asked for volunteers from The New York Times. Every one of them should be injected immediately!”
If it works on New York Times’ reporters, Dr. Duke thinks that it should be recommended to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for immediate circulation in New York, Massachusetts, California, and liberal states across the nation.
Dr. Duke does admit, however, that takers of the vaccine would suffer some odd side effects. He noted that the vaccine takers would suffer from an enlarged backbone, they would stop picking their nose, start working regularly…
Roger Rabbitspews:
First of all, I’m not the author of the statement you attributed to me — I enclosed it in quote marks, and linked to the source. You do know what quote marks (“”) signify? No, apparently you don’t.
As for Tran vs. Cantwell, that’s an internal matter, and none of your business since you’re not a Democrat. You worry about who the GOP nominee is, and let us worry about who the Democratic nominee is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Roger Rabbit is just another cheap labor corporate Dem who won’t support a real liberal like Tran.” Commentby americafirst— 8/4/06@ 3:19 pm
Man, you can’t get ANYTHING right!!! I’m a GUVMINT hack, not a corporate hack; but above all, I’m a partisan hack.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Cantwell miss the big picture those bases are need to bring PEACE in that region.” Commentby klake— 8/4/06@ 3:28 pm
How’s that working out for ya, klake?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh, and before I forget … klake is a nazi.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Of course, with Bush, you have to ask: is it better that he’s a part time President, or not? Does he do less or more damage by doing nothing?” Commentby rhp6033— 8/4/06@ 2:56 pm
Not to worry, President Cheney is guarding the fort while his trained chimp takes a vacation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey vagabond, are you new here? Lemme give you the 60-second briefing.
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anybody can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our job is to verbally kick the living shit out of the unpatriotic, America-hating, fascist fucks who post here.
5. No mercy for Republican trolls.
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender.
And more verbosely, a sad goodbye. Carl’s blog was one of the first local blogs I read on a regular basis and one of the few I read absolutely every day. Truth is, it doesn’t take much time to read, but it has always been snippy, snarky and damn informative.
Looking forward to his next project, whatever it may be.
In today’s column in the P.I., Joel Connelly said of Tim Eyman: “…Or he could pledge to spend his remaining days searching for those 34,000 missing signatures.” (an apparant reference to O.J. Simpson’s pledge not to rest until he had tracked down his ex-wife’s murderers).
What a wonderful mental picture! Time Eyman in “retirement”, searching the golf courses of the state for the “missing” 34,000 signatures he claims the Secty of State lost!
Tim Eyman is like those watches he doesn’t sell. Right about twice a day.
I thought Goldy was the worst self hating Jew in the Blogosphere.
I found a better one.
With all the Stingers in circulation, it’s tragic that Hezbollah seems incapable of defending against Zionist bombing of Lebanon
Posted by Stefan Sharkansky at August 3, 2006 07:18 PM
I’m sure Carl will re-emerge in some creative form to participate in the creation of the coming new world order sans George W. Thanks for the light Carl.
Sorry about not keeing “on topic”, but if bloggers are going to be going on vacaton/sabatical, we all need to fill in from time to time.
President Bush has started his annual vaction to Crawford, Texas.
“Since taking office that year (in 2001), Bush has made 58 visits to the ranch for a total of all or part of 381 days. In August 2001, he spent 27 days there, as he did a year later. In August 2003, the total rose to 29 days. Bush spent only 13 days at the ranch in August 2004 as he ran for re-election. Last year’s stay was 29 days.”
Wow. 381 days. I didn’t know the Presidency was a part-time gig. He’s missed over a year (almost 13 months) of his 5-1/2 years in office, SO FAR.
Yea, yea, I know. He has security briefings every day, and presumably he does SOME work while he was there.
But he’s clearly not at a location where he can call the Israeli, Syrian, or Jordanian ambassaders into the White House for a sit-down. And when the President is out of the office, there is a tendency for everyone to put off detailed briefings and analysis until he returns, like the briefing by CIA’s George Tenant on August 23rd, 2001 on Zacarias Moussaoui’s attempts to learn to fly a 747, which Bush never received because he was in Texas on vacation. Or like the detailed briefing of Katrina evacuation and rescue plans which was never given, leading Bush to surprise the nation by saying “No one could have anticipated…”
Of course, with Bush, you have to ask: is it better that he’s a part time President, or not? Does he do less or more damage by doing nothing?
Sorry about not keeing “on topic”, but if bloggers are going to be going on vacaton/sabatical, we all need to fill in from time to time.
President Bush has started his annual vaction to Crawford, Texas.
Hmmmm…I wonder if Bush would let me fill in for him while he is on vacation….
‘Free Trade’, globalization, NAFTA and especially GATT are intended to create a world-wide ‘corporate playground’ where national governments serve the interests of corporations – which means ‘cheap labor’.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/4/06@ 8:15 am
So why are you supporting Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA) instead of Tran? Do you like plenty of cheap illegal alien labor also, just like Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted against building a fence on the Mexican border).
Roger Rabbit is just another cheap labor corporate Dem who won’t support a real liberal like Tran.
dj at 7: “I wonder if Bush would let me fill in for him while he is on vacation…”
I’ve always considered the Presidency to be one of the few jobs which was beyond my abilities. Same with the Secretary of Defense. But these days I tend to have a different view. I put it under the “I certainly couldn’t do any worse” catagory.
Among other things, those guys just can’t seem to understand that some people WELCOME an attack by Israel or America, because it allows them to push their local propoganda, gain recruits, and get money from their wealthy donars. With Bush & Co., they know that if they “push the right buttons”, they will get the hoped-for response.
So although Saddam is out of power in Iraq, terrorism and support for Al Quida, Habbas, and Hezbolah is stronger than ever. The leaders of those organizations have been WANTING a world-wide war between Christians & Jews against the Muslims, and they are getting closer to achieving that goal. But Rumsfield, Cheney, Rove, and Bush either don’t understand anything simpler than a “us vs. them” dichotomy, or they themselves enjoy the “rally ’round the President” support they get as they invoke 9/11 and bring us closer to WWIII, as Gingrich proposes.
“I do not support having a permanent military presence in Iraq,” said Cantwell. “I want our troops home as soon as possible. We need to encourage the Iraqis to take complete control of their own security as soon as possible so U.S. troops can come home. Building permanent bases in Iraq would not get us closer to this goal and it would send the wrong message to the Iraqi people, our allies, and the world.”
Cantwell miss the big picture those bases are need to bring PEACE in that region.
West siders like to knock Spokane as being a bunch of conservative farm folk, but the reality is that the 3rd LD (central Spokane, including the poorest precints in Washington) is one of the most solidly Democratic in the state,
Commentby vagabond0079— 8/4/06@ 2:39 pm
The Cantwell(D-Mexico, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA, voted against building a fence on the Mexican border)cheap labor corporate Dem plan exposed; wreck the middle class through cheap labor and America will become solidly Dem. Thanks for pointing that out, Vagabond.
[B]New Vaccine Discovered To Prevent Liberal Stupidity[/B]
Political Satire By Chris Davis, ©
Aug 4, 2006
Houston, TX—In what may be the biggest medical breakthrough of the millennium, Dr. “Red” Duke claims to have discovered a vaccine that will prevent liberal stupidity. The vaccine, currently in the throws of a study, is reported to stop the spread of absurdities and other abnormalities associated with liberalism.
In some cases, Dr. Duke notes, the rampant disease can be halted altogether, giving hope to many families that have given up on ever finding a cure for their relatives. Testing, according to Dr. Duke, was done largely on monkeys, because of the similar characteristics between monkeys and liberals. The incessant, childish behavior, he explained, was the key to the link between monkeys and liberals.
Unlike the new obesity vaccine—which leaves reasonable doubt to its validity—this vaccine is reported to definitively trim the level of stupidity that many liberal families suffer from on a daily basis. Dr. Duke explains that he advanced on the problem as if it were a neurological disorder, that the target of the vaccine was to attack the useless, lazy cells that were attached to liberal spines, creating a moody, depressed person that is generally unengaged, unemployed and doesn’t care about society.
The vaccine, according to Dr. Duke, transformed the useless cells—referred to as liberal cells—into active, productive cells, creating a more animated and engaged monkey. After five and a half long years, Dr. Duke thinks that his tireless research has come to fruition.
Basically, Dr. Duke details, that during the experiment, they took six monkeys and placed them in front of the television with the usual liberal propaganda on network news. They showed them ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN, and, according to Dr. Duke, the monkeys remained mesmerized, almost as if they were zombies, until after the injection of the vaccine to four of them.
“After thirty days, the four monkeys that were given the vaccine wouldn’t watch network news,” Dr. Duke said. “It was amazing, a real breakthrough in science. The possibilities are endless. I’ve already asked for volunteers from The New York Times. Every one of them should be injected immediately!”
If it works on New York Times’ reporters, Dr. Duke thinks that it should be recommended to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for immediate circulation in New York, Massachusetts, California, and liberal states across the nation.
Dr. Duke does admit, however, that takers of the vaccine would suffer some odd side effects. He noted that the vaccine takers would suffer from an enlarged backbone, they would stop picking their nose, start working regularly…
First of all, I’m not the author of the statement you attributed to me — I enclosed it in quote marks, and linked to the source. You do know what quote marks (“”) signify? No, apparently you don’t.
As for Tran vs. Cantwell, that’s an internal matter, and none of your business since you’re not a Democrat. You worry about who the GOP nominee is, and let us worry about who the Democratic nominee is.
“Roger Rabbit is just another cheap labor corporate Dem who won’t support a real liberal like Tran.” Commentby americafirst— 8/4/06@ 3:19 pm
Man, you can’t get ANYTHING right!!! I’m a GUVMINT hack, not a corporate hack; but above all, I’m a partisan hack.
“Cantwell miss the big picture those bases are need to bring PEACE in that region.” Commentby klake— 8/4/06@ 3:28 pm
How’s that working out for ya, klake?
Oh, and before I forget … klake is a nazi.
“Of course, with Bush, you have to ask: is it better that he’s a part time President, or not? Does he do less or more damage by doing nothing?” Commentby rhp6033— 8/4/06@ 2:56 pm
Not to worry, President Cheney is guarding the fort while his trained chimp takes a vacation.
Hey vagabond, are you new here? Lemme give you the 60-second briefing.
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anybody can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our job is to verbally kick the living shit out of the unpatriotic, America-hating, fascist fucks who post here.
5. No mercy for Republican trolls.
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender.
Thanks Goldy