The Venezuelan government reacted angrily to televangelist (and form GOP presidential hopeful) Pat Robertson’s call to assassinate President Hugo Chavez.
by Goldy — ,
The Venezuelan government reacted angrily to televangelist (and form GOP presidential hopeful) Pat Robertson’s call to assassinate President Hugo Chavez.
Before you Righty trolls go off the deep end and accuse Goldy of soliciting murder, I’d like to remind you that Goldy frequently writes tongue-in-cheek, and obviously is doing so in this instance. Goldy lifted some of Robertson’s words and turned them against him. While Goldy’s satire is hard-edged, I think it’s within fair bounds, taking into consideration the content of Robertson’s remarks.
Robertson has apologized for his comments about Chavez. The trouble is, Robertson’s comments reflected what he really believes, and the apology doesn’t change his belief — Robertson still would like Chavez assassinated. This isn’t the first time Robertson has wished death on a public figure. He is equally notorious for saying he would pray for the deaths of certain Supreme Court justices so they can be replaced with conservatives.
Given the size of Robertson’s audience, he can’t just be dismissed as a “wacko.” This man is a dangerous incendiary. What is really needed in this situation — and so far missing — is for the President of the United States, who is the leader and spokesman of our nation, to publicly repudiate Robertson. That would calm Caracas and the rest of the world, and make clear that Robertson is just a loudmouth and not an individual who influences official policy.
Unfortunately, that won’t happen, because Robertson didn’t act alone. In all likelihood, he was serving as a stalking horse for the administration in uttering this remarks — his role to float a trial balloon to test public reaction to the idea of killing Venezuela’s leader, with policy makers watching closely.
There are signs — and reasons to fear — that the U.S. is planning military action in South America. Possibly against Venezuela. We are building bases and building up forces in Paraguay, which could serve as a launching pad for overthrowing the governments of Colombia and/or Venezuela by military force. Robertson’s apology notwithstanding, this situation bears watching.
>Robertson has apologized for his comments about Chavez.
Ok. Goldy can apologize in an update, update tomorrow.
>is for the President of the United States, who is the leader >and spokesman of our nation, to publicly repudiate Robertson.
Nope. Having Robertson spewing assassination edicts creates good cover for Bush and makes him look moderate.
Nice try at a defense, but there is nothing in the post to indicate the humor ;>).
Adults do not make posts advocating assasination. Robertson may be widely regarded as an idiotarian, but why do Goldy and yourself and others want to join him in that status.
Goldy made an inappropriate post. Have him update to acknowledge using Robertons words and attempting satire or ridicule or whatever.
Bad judgement is bad judgement.
Roger Rabbit, Goldy
You people have read the word assasinate into what he said. Take the man for what he said, dont insinuate something that wasnt in his words. Like the rest of the godamn libs, just lie, bend, and twist it till it fits what you wanted it to say or mean. No wonder Bill Clinton is your poster boy!
Roger, nice try at pre-empting criticism of Goldy’s mindless post. No sale. Goldy, you really do belong on Air America with writing like that, you even managed to out-do Roger calling Palestinian suicide bombers “combatants in the conflict”.
Cheesy Chuckie @ 4
Hey dipshit, he used the word! Here’s what Robertson said:
“You know, I don’t know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we’re trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. … We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. We don’t need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It’s a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with.”
Hey fucking liar, show me a post where I said anybody should be assassinated.
Goldy — that supposed audio clip of Pat Robertson (“if it quacks like a duck, then shoot it.”) is a JOKE. It really isn’t him. It was a PARODY of Pat Robertson. Though I must confess that I almost thought it really was Pat Robertson, but I couldn’t understand why he wanted to take out Vicente Fox (pro-life, devout Catholic, conservative). That’s what gave it away for me.
I sure hope that’s a joke, Richard. What’s your source?
Interesting — 3 troll posts so far, and all 3 criticize Goldy, but not one criticizes Robertson … did someone mention bad judgment?
Attacking Goldy for satirizing Robertson, but not criticizing Robertson — that’s why you trolls have no credibility, and we liberals think you’re all nutjobs.
I’ll bet you guys agree with Robertson and think Chavez ought to be assassinated.
You didn’t notice that I complimented Goldy and criticized you.
“I don’t know about this doctrine of assassination. But if [Chavez] thinks we’re trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it,”
No need to read it in, it is exactly what he said. I guess later when he said that we should “take him out” he ment hug, but you would have to read a lot into that. Heck, Limbaugh can’t even spin this one.
And lets not pretend that this is the first time he has said something stupid. Let’s not forget his anti-American statement that we brought 9/11 upon ourselves because of gays and feminist. Or as the New York Times noted:
“Mr. Robertson has a history of getting attention for inflammatory remarks. In May, he argued that the threat to the United States from activist judges was “probably more serious than a few bearded terrorists who fly into buildings.” In 2003, Mr. Robertson said “maybe we need a very small nuke thrown” at State Department headquarters “to shake things up.”
In 1998, he warned that hurricanes and other natural disasters would sweep down on Orlando, Fla., because homosexuals were flocking to Disney World there on special “gay days.” ”
And let’s not forget the 1992 Republican Convention:
“Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.”
And so many more (check out the wikiquote site).
All of this from a person who won the State of Washington Republican Caucus in 1992.
If you have problems with Clinton, the likes of Robertson and Bush must just give you the heebie-jeebies.
Here’s a less over the top but just as effective criticism of the idiotarian.
Pat Robertson and Osama bin Laden, two men that missed Jesus’ message of love and peace.
LOL at you trolls, you are all so predictable. CHucky boy you take the cake for ‘unoriginal’ thought. Half the fun here is reading you trolls ‘self destruct’ with your ‘follow the leader’ lemming type posts
What an evil oldde bastard…..
And I apologized for calling Bush a retarded asshole. Really. I mean it. I’m serious.
I just love it when the Left in America defend Communists. I wonder how many anti-Communists media outlets are allowed to operate by Hugo Chavez or his political role model?
By the way, what is the difference between Communists and National Socialists?
Communists murder at least twice as many people as the Nazis did.
I accept you apology Harry, it is not fair to many people to call him retarded. The asshole tag alone is a fitting description of him
Robertson wins my “Weekly Special Places In Hell Award”
You right-wing dipshits! Goldy didn’t say anything about “murdering” Robertson. Remember one of the ten commandments is Thou shalt not murder.
He said “take him out” or “assasinating” him as per a “doctrine” of assasination.
That could mean outing Robertson as gay.
No not really, the ones that scare me are the Gores as well as the Kerry’s.
You are right, Jesus sounded like a peaceful man all the time I guess:
Isaiah 66:24: “And they shall go forth and look on the dead bodies of the men that have rebelled against me; for their worm shall not die, their fire shall not be quenched, and they shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.” The fire and worms are feeding on corpses, not “never-dying souls.”
By the way, arent you libs happy with anything? First you moan about all of the innocent men that die in a military conflict, then someone mentions that we could take out the next Saddam without military intervention then you guys get your panties in a bunch. I am guessing that your answer to things is Iraq was better with Saddam in charge, as well as Bin Laden should not be a hunted man? WTF gives with you libs???
20, 21
Go for it Chuckie! You couldn’t possibly discredit yourself more than you already have. BTW numbnuts, Isaiah is in the OLD TESTAMENT! You know … the part of the Bible about 1000 years before Jesus came along … ? Ah, forget it — you’re unteachable.
Oh so now you’re comparing Chavez to Saddam? How so?
Hey everybody I nominate Cheesy Chuckie for DUMBEST DOOFUS OF THE YEAR AWARD.
I still don’t see any of the yahoos criticizing Robertson except arguably for zip, although he isn’t doing so very enthusiastically. I think the trolls would just like to sweep this one under the rug.
Chuck, that’s because the donks don’t understand what constitutes the soul. Good to see another quote the Bible here.
I don’t support Pat Robertson. I never did. He and James Dobson have talked bad about other Christian religions and I don’t like that at all.
Clueless said: “He said “take him out” or “assasinating” him as per a “doctrine” of assasination. That could mean outing Robertson as gay.” – Wow, I just learned another use of that word. I guess Clueless and Goldy have a new language. Thanks for the edumication.
chuck @ 21 “You are right, Jesus sounded like a peaceful man all the time I guess:
Isaiah 66:24: “…. ” ”
Sure seem to know your bible, chuckie! Talking about Jesus and then quoting the Old Testament. Yep, you sure are a bright one!
Wabbit @ 25 – I’m not gonna defend Robertson. What he said was stoopid. In fact, it’s almost as stoopid as calling terrorists “freedom fighters” or calling US soldiers “terrorists”.
PuddyBud is in Hyper-Spin Mode @ 26 “Clueless said: “He said “take him out” or “assasinating” him as per a “doctrine” of assasination.”
No, PuddyBud, he said what he meant, and what he said was that the special forces of the US should kill the democratically elected President of Venezuala.
That you defend a man like Robertson when he spews this satanic garbage says one hell of a lot about you.
RR – I think you called that one. They just want this one to go away…. And they won’t criticize him, because he is the leader of their Moral Values. Of course, there are a few who will NOW say “oh, I never supported him…” BS. Typical Repub propoganda BS. Most Dems I know have more Morality in their little finger than Robertson EVER had…
Don @ 29 … but of course we knew that about PuddyBud all along.
MTR @ 28 — Spin, Spin, Spin. So, it was “stoopid”. End of story. Was it criminal? Was it immoral? Cmon, you can say it…
MTR – It must be painful to have to publicly denounce one of your heroes….
Roger Rabbit: You want condemnation? Fine. Robertson is a complete moron who certainly isn’t helping anything and he should keep his mouth shut. I find it very telling that after blaming gays and other sinners for 9/11 even the fundamentalists on TBN (Trinity Broadcasting) condemned Robertson.
That said, I was slammed on these same comment boards for asking leftys to condemn Ward Churchill, and Richard Pope was slammed for the asking condemnation for Cindy Sheenan and some of her more extreme comments, so please don’t get all preachy, Roger.
But Jon, they are all separate and individual items. None of the ones you mention asked for an “assassination”. Don’t you think that raises the ante a bit? I mean after all, what did Ms Sheehan ask for except to end the war. And who the frick is Ward Churchill anyway? His 15 minutes are up…. But Robertson is an ongoing political and religious power in this country. Most churches would de-frock someone who said that. What is his punishment? Nothing.
Puddy Freep!
The money quote:
“I didn’t say ‘assassination.’ I said our special forces should ‘take him out.’ And ‘take him out’ can be a number of things, including kidnapping; there are a number of ways to take out a dictator from power besides killing him. I was misinterpreted by the AP [Associated Press], but that happens all the time,” Robertson said.
You’re a brilliant one Puddy Freep! Captain Ed should hire you as his co-blogger/ANAL Lyst.
Spew Spewit, Michelle Maglalang and Brainless Baloney links to one of Puddy Freep’s “connect the dots”. Puddy Freep ascends to heaven on earth!!!
Oh, I misinterpreted Mr Robertson. When he said “take him out” he actually meant “take him out to dinner” My bad. Didn’t know Pat had that sort of orientation…
Robertson’s comments provide further proof that the only “life” the “pro-lifers” care about is embryos and those in permanent vegetative states. The pro-lifers have no trouble snuffing out those who are actually walking and breathing. I think bombing babies, executing prisoners, and denying health care to children gives the bastards hard-ons, the only hard-ons they can get, in fact, without benefit of Viagra or Cialis. By the way Chuck at 21, attributing a quote from Isaiah to Jesus Christ reveals either stupidity or dishonesty.
Who the heck cares about assassinations, murder, euthanesia, abortion, whatever? For Pete’s sake (who’s Pete, anyway), we are talking about changing the molecular structure of a randomly-assembled group of protein chains from one form to another, that’s all. There is no big-deal meaning, no intrinsic worth or value to any particular molecular form, so why the hand-wringing? The molecules will reformat into something else and evolution goes on; get over it.
Reply t 26
Clueless said: “He said “take him out” or “assasinating” him as per a “doctrine” of assasination. That could mean outing Robertson as gay.” – Wow, I just learned another use of that word. I guess Clueless and Goldy have a new language. Thanks for the edumication.
He was being sarcastic, dipshit.
@ 38 “randomly-assembled”
Perhaps, PuddyBud. But the rest of us are built to blueprints in our nucleus. You know. DNA.
fire_on @ 35: “Most churches would de-frock someone who said that. What is his punishment? Nothing.”
He’s not affiliated with any church body, so he is his own boss (well, I hope the Big Boss upstairs will have something to say to him someday), so he can’t be defrocked. Robertson peaked in ’88 with his presidential run and has been declining ever since. I’m not defending him or his comments, but you seem to think he has this “vast” following out there, which he doesn’t. Go try to find real viewership numbers for the 700 club…you can’t find any. Who puts out the ‘estimated 1,000,000’ viewers number? Try to guess.
I point this out as Ward Churchill’s comments are dismissed as he is “nobody” (without actually condemning his comments). Well, I could find a million people who agree with him. Does that make him dangerous?
“None of the ones you mention asked for an “assassination”. Don’t you think that raises the ante a bit?”
Two words: Randi Rhodes.
One person’s “terrorist” is another person’s “freedom fighter,” depending on your point of view.
Let’s have a PC pet peeve moment here:
“Insurgents” — since when are the natives of a country with no established government fighting against a foreign invader called “insurgents?” Insurgents against what? The foreign invader? A spin if there ever was one.
“Operation Iraqi Freedom” — who are they kidding? They should call it “Operation Iraqi Occupation,” because that’s what it is.
“Terrorists” — this term is getting distorted beyond all recognition. A “terrorist” is someone who strives to create mass fear by randomly attacking innocent, unarmed civilians. People who fight soldiers are “combatants,” “fighters,” or “the enemy,” not “terrorists.” I once got into an email conversation with a Palestinian expatriate living in the U.S. who described car bombs and suicide bombers as “the poor man’s F-16.” (For the record, he didn’t support the tactic.) He’s got a point. If you strip away all the political rhetoric, bombs hidden in cars or strapped to suicide bombers are ordnance, the car or suicide bomber is a weapons platform and delivery system, and when used against an opposing military force the use of these weapons is a military tactic. Perhaps one that provokes negative emotional reactions, but then, so does the use of napalm and atomic bombs (both of which the U.S. has employed in combat). When used against randomly targeted, unarmed, civilian targets — it’s terrorism. Maybe if we conditioned ourselves to think of car bombs and suicide bombers as a weapons systems and fighting tactic, we could think more clearly about whether, for example, our weapons and tactics are appropriate for the job and whether we’re winning or getting our butts kicked. Emotionalism interferes with clear thinking.
“He’s not affiliated with any church body”
Exactly. Pat Robertson and his Christian Broadcasting Network are a business, not a church. Robertson’s goal is to make money, not spread religious teaching. Bet you didn’t know Robertson is a billionaire.
The thing you people fail to understand is that anytime you find a person that spends the sheer amount of time in front of a camera just “winging” it you are going to find plenty of occasion where the person slipped or stepped on their dick. Now I am not a supporter of Robertson, although I have seen his show channel surfing now and again, I saw the context of what he said, and he didnt recomend an assasination…like it or not. Poor choice of words…yes, did he appoligise…once again, yes.
“Two words: Randi Rhodes.”
I haven’t heard Randi Rhodes say anyone should be assassinated, but then, I don’t listen to her very much. Should I listen to Randi Rhodes more?
Hey Jon, if she said that I won’t defend her. If she said that, she’s nuts. But don’t try to pretend that your side doesn’t have flamethrowers. Setting aside Robertson, the Far Right goes ga-ga over Ann Coulter for saying liberals should be “executed.” Sound familiar? Does Coulter sound like Randi Rhodes’s (I’m assuming Rhodes’s guilt for discussion purposes) right-wing counterpart? And who started the flamethrowing anyway? Your side did. Do you think liberals should just sit back and take it? We did for a long time, and learned that not firing back is counterproductive. Once again, I’m not defending such comments, but what goes around comes around.
Hmmm, I read the linked article, and noticed that Robertson accused Chavez of exporting Islamic extremism in our hemisphere. (This was part of his “apology.”) I didn’t know Chavez is Muslim; is he? I thought everyone in South America was Catholic, except for the Nazis who found sanctuary in Argentina and Paraguay after the war (probably not many of those still alive). Robertson is not only incendiary, he’s an ignorant fuck.
Cheesy Chuckie @ 49
“The thing you people fail to understand is that anytime you find a person that spends the sheer amount of time in front of a camera just ‘winging’ it you are going to find plenty of occasion where the person slipped or stepped on their dick.”
Glad you understand why Cindy Sheehan some of the statements she does, Chuckie. We can’t expect a housewife suddenly thrust into the national limelight to get all her lines right or not trip over her tongue. Robertson, on the other hand, is a polished professional who owns a TV net work and has been doing his own TV show for over 20 years, and therefore has no excuse for making intemperate remarks on national TV. Sheehan can be forgiven her verbal excesses on grounds of passion and overexcitement; Robertson cannot be forgiven his calculated diatribes, because he means what he says.
Roger Rabbit@53
The same might be said for Pat Buchanon, spending so many years debating on crossfire, or many others including I suppose Bill (I didnt have sex with that woman) Clinton. Cindy’s problem is she is trying to get a SECOND meeting with GW. Hell I havent even had my first meeting with Bush, before she gets her second one I am entitled to my first meeting! I have things to say to the man myself. If she had something to say, she should have articulated it in the first meeting (that most arent lucky enough to have).
No, Cindy’s problem is that young Americans is dying every day in what she thinks is a pointless war, and she cares about people besides herself.
Roger Rabbit@55
No, she simply wants more than her 15 min. of fame….
I’m kinda wishing Roger hadn’t defended me in his opening comment, as it would’ve been much more fun to see a few more trolls make complete asses out of themselves attacking me for my comments. Still, some of you couldn’t help yourselves anyway.
Of course, my post was satirical, which any decent human being might have surmised on the surface (after all, a decent human being expects decency in others.) But if you bothered to follow the links and actually read the transcript of Robertson’s statement, or viewed the video clip, it would have been clear that my paragraph calling for Robertson’s assassination was lifted from the transcript, much of it word for word.
As has been my shtick since I first stumbled onto the scene with the horse’s ass initiative, I was attempting to expose absurdity by example. And what better way to do it than to repeat Robertson’s words, but in a slightly different context.
On a side note, it is curious that there has been so little condemnation of Robertson coming from the right. Really. The guy called for assassinating a foreign leader. This is America, and we just don’t do that. (Publicly.)
Terry J @3,
A good joke doesn’t need an explanation. Only morons do.
Chuck @4,
Once again… read before criticizing. I provided a link to the actual video. Robert said “assassination.”
Richard Pope @8,
Well, duh-uh! Within the context of this satirical post, I think that should have been obvious. (Besides, Harry Shearer’s Robertson sounds clearly sounds like Shearer doing Robertson.)
JC Bob @19,
WTF? So criticizing Pat Robertson for calling for the assassination of foreign leaders is a defense of communism? Wake up and smell the 21st century. You’ll find that here in the future, we fight hot wars now.
Roger Rabbit: “But don’t try to pretend that your side doesn’t have flamethrowers.”
I never said we didn’t. I can’t stand Coulter myself, as she talks before her brain has a chance get into first gear (if it ever does), and for that matter, I really don’t like much in the way of righty talk radio for the same reason.
“And who started the flamethrowing anyway? Your side did.”
That doesn’t justify anybody’s continued use of invective or hyperbole, and we could spend years arguing the point anyway, as I could point out that modern flamethrowing was started in ’64 with the Bill Moyers “Countdown” ads for Johnson, then you’d point Nixon’s first congressional run, then I’d point to the ’32 FDR run, then you’d point to… until we got back to the Jefferson-Federalists fights.
“Do you think liberals should just sit back and take it? We did for a long time, and learned that not firing back is counterproductive.”
Two successful Presidential runs in ’92 and ’96 by providing a positive vision for America isn’t productive? Say what you want about the Republican’s “Contract for America” in ’94, it provided the same positive alternative for voters. Democrats would be well advised to do the same next year if they want to get Congress back. Staying negative, as you seem to advocate, is hurting Dems more the R’s, if you believe the polls.
all the worlds troubles can be summed up by chuckies post @ 49
“and he didnt recomend an assasination…like it or not.”
Robertson VERY CLEARLY called for the assasination of Venezuala’s democratically elected President, and some dumbass with Neo-Con glasses on will deny he said it. Even if everyone has heard Robertson say exactly that.
Chuckie is obviously not a part of the reality-based community.
If I can change the subject back to transportation for a moment, one thing no one has mentioned is that gas tax revenues may prove less than projected if high gas prices persist.
I’m reading in the financial press this morning that many analysts now think oil will go to $100 a barrel. There’s really nothing to stop it, they say. That would add at least 76 cents to the current price of a gallon of gas ($32 a barrel divided by 42 gallons of gasoline per barrel).
There are many theories of why oil prices are spiking. I don’t know whether we’ve reached the “peak oil.” But it’s clear that consumption has grown dramatically since 2001 while the world’s production capacity has stayed relatively static. The level of consumption is now colliding with the maximum production capacity, and there is virtually no usable production capacity left. This being the case, oil prices will continue rising until high prices reduce demand.
Reduced demand = less consumption. Because the gas tax is a fixed amount per gallon of gas sold, lower gasoline sales will translate into less gas tax revenue.
If high gas prices force people to drive less or use more fuel efficient vehicles, not only will the 9.5 cent gas tax increase not produce the forecasted revenue, but there will be revenue shortfalls from the existing 28 cent gas tax. This will have a snowballing effect on the state’s ability to pay for transportation projects. State and local governments may sign construction contracts and begin work only to find the money isn’t there to fulfill the contractual commitments and finish the work.
What then?
If Clueless was being sarcastic, then everything he says is sarcastic? Yes it is. 100% pure bullshit. Why Roger’s Rabbits’ said so.
Clueless: I condemned his statement. Robertson is like Jesse Jackson, Christianity for money. Jesus will do to them like the money changers in his temple. You said something else. Others come to your defense when I ask WTF U said!
Don*****don: Random assimilation. That’s what you a t h i e s t s think! Also Don*****don, what did Jesus say in the Bible. The scriptures pointed to him. Read the Bible Baka don*****don.
Fire_one: You are truly Clueless if you don’t know who Ward Churchill is – Harry Poon’s Little Eichmann.
I guess you all forgot the four shots fired in a skit against GWB. The Secret Service investigated Randi Rhodes made a public apology. It’s on the Internet lefty fools. Go find it.
Reply to 56
Bullshit! For God’s sake, this woman lost her son … have you no decency, sir? Have you no decency?
(Don’t answer that. You’ve already embarassed yourself enough for 1 day.)
Goldy, they’ve already proved they’re complete asses! More examples aren’t necessary.
“I never said we didn’t. I can’t stand Coulter myself, as she talks before her brain has a chance get into first gear (if it ever does), and for that matter, I really don’t like much in the way of righty talk radio for the same reason.”
You nailed it, buddy. Coulter’s intimates say she’s never been serious or deep about anything. The woman, despite her law degree, is not a thinker.
“I could point out that modern flamethrowing was started in ‘64 with the Bill Moyers ‘Countdown’ ads for Johnson”
And I could point out that it was started in ’50 by Nixon’s “pink sheet” ads against Helen Gahagan Douglas.
“Democrats would be well advised to do the same next year if they want to get Congress back. Staying negative, as you seem to advocate, is hurting Dems more the R’s, if you believe the polls.”
While I agree with this in principle, I don’t work for the Democrats. I’m an independent contractor, so it doesn’t apply to me.
Yes, I recall hearing that skit. Utterly tasteless. Come to think of it, that’s why I quit listening to her show.
I saw the video a couple of times and I maintain that you have put words in his mouth…however I do think the idea makes sence
Chuckie, quit now. You’ve embarrassed yourself enough for today. Take the day off, then come back tomorrow and embarrass yourself some more.
If you listen, he uses the word IF, a qualifying word here…you should recognise this, you know it depends on what the meaning of the word is is???
Roger Rabbit@67
No embarassment here, I love to hear you guys flip flop around…
You guy whine and complain about hundreds lost in a “useless” war, then someone gives a viable alternative of removing another nut before he becomes dangerous and saving lives and you have a tizzy fit.
Checking (un)Sound Politics,* the minnow is calling on King County prosecutor Norm Maleng (R) to prosecute voting fraud more vigorously, and quotes from an Evergreen Freedom Foundation** letter to Maleng thusly:
“In a letter to Maleng , EFF’s election reform project manager Bob Edelman said, ‘There has been a failure to enforce election laws in our state and so violations have mushroomed to the extent that integrity of the system has been seriously compromised and the ability of officials to restore fair elections is in question.’”
Hmmm, well, there’s a difference between illegal voting and prosecutable voting fraud, guys — namely, intent. Maleng can’t prosecute ex-felons who didn’t know they were ineligible to vote as a result of the state’s confusing civil rights restoration laws and procedures. Hell, in most cases, even their parole officers couldn’t figure it out. As I recall, Maleng’s office did announce they would prosecute two individuals who voted the ballots of their dead spouses. A responsible prosecutor does not take a case to trial until the elements of the crime can be proved. If you two (minnow and Edelman) can document some cases of sufficient evidence to support criminal charges, we’ll have something to talk about. Until then, I trust the prosecutors’ professional judgment more than I trust your partisan axe-grinding. We already have enough problems in our state without armchair amateurs telling prosecutors how to do their jobs.
End Notes:
* Now that Stefan has made himself a poll worker and made me Dean Logan, I need to supervise him.
** A misnomer if there ever was one.
I don’t suppose it ever occurred to you that Venezuelans have a right to choose their own leader, and who they choose is none of our damn business.
How are we flip-flopping, Chuckie?
It is interesting that the best the wingnuts can do in defending Pat Robertson, who is a major player in the GOP, and a former GOP candidate for president (who won the Republican Caucus in this state, no less), is compare him to a housewife with no media experience, and Rhandi Rhodes, who the wingnuts keep telling us is on a failing radio syndicate.
We are talking order of magnitudes of difference. But, hell, lets face it, if Bush was shown on television shooting Laura, we would have people like Chuck and the PudBud telling us that it was justified because if he didn’t do it, the terrorist would win.
Even more interesting Chuck and PudBud have come up with a new theology before our eyes. In order to justify a clear nut case like Robertson, they have taken the Prince of Peace and turned him into the Space Marine from Doom.
Chuck, PudBud, why do you hate Jesus so?
Chiming in late.
RE: Goldy’s satire, if it is satire, is a bit over the top for my tastes, but ok. I won’t complain about how he uses his free speech. If he was being serious, then i would simply say an eye for an eye isnt really appropriate.
Re Robertson: he is an idiot, and he keeps putting his foot in his mouth with some of his comments.
That said, the sad thing is that part of what he said is true. If we could have assinated Saddam and prevented a war, or assinated Bin Ladin and prevented 911, or even Hitler and the holocaust, I would have pulled the trigger myself. It may not be popular or realistic, and it likely wasnt even appropriate to Chavez personally, but the principle (as Stephanopolis said years ago as well) is a true one.
It just isnt popular and it isnt pretty.
But Robertson is still an idiot,
If you will scroll back, I didnt drag the “housewife” into the conversation.
Roger Rabbit@72
Sorry to hear of your selective blindness…
I have no hatred for anyone…even you, you sweet person!
I’m not a bit surprised that Ann Coulter dated Bob Guccione Jr. (I’ll bet she fucked him.) After all, she’s the Bob Guccione of political smut — an unprincipled sleaze who’s in it for the money. (I wonder how much she charged him for the sex?) If it looks like I’m calling Coulter a whore, well, I am.
You people have read the word assasinate into what he said. Take the man for what he said, dont insinuate something that wasnt in his words. Like the rest of the godamn libs, just lie, bend, and twist it till it fits what you wanted it to say or mean. No wonder Bill Clinton is your poster boy!
I guess I was confused by the fact that Robertson used the word “assassinate” as a verb when it comes to Chavez.
(rolling eyes)
How is this in any way responsive to my post @72?
Cheesy Chuckie, the conclusion is inescapable that you’re a dumb shit.
Right wing evagelical wacko?
My God Goldy.
If Cindi laws was accused of being antisemitic for her comment the other day, what the hell are you?
Comment on 83
Good grief, another right wing idiot can’t recognize satire when it hits him between the eyes. Just what we need.
Puddy Freep!!!
If Clueless was being sarcastic, then everything he says is sarcastic? Yes it is. 100% pure bullshit. Why Roger’s Rabbits’ said so.
Sarcastic/non-sarcastic. Black/white. Can/Cannot tell the difference?
Life is hard indeed Puddy Freep! But you can still be Captain Ed’s right-hand ANALyst.
Like JDB or whoever I’ll be kind: I commend you for not liking Robertson. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.
JDB @ 74: “It is interesting that the best the wingnuts can do in defending Pat Robertson, who is a major player in the GOP, and a former GOP candidate for president (who won the Republican Caucus in this state, no less), is compare him to a housewife with no media experience, and Rhandi Rhodes, who the wingnuts keep telling us is on a failing radio syndicate.”
Hey, I will go on record right here and say AA has more listeners than the 700 club has viewers, so the comparison is valid for me, although there’s no way to figure it out conclusively.
Major player? Minor at best. Don’t forget this is the same caucus that got “major player” Ellen Craswell on the gubertorial ticket, so I don’t read anything into that election, especially one 17 years ago.
I think the comparison to Jesse Jackson for D’s (as far as influence) is correct; he had a lot at one time but it has been slipping away. James Dobson has more say these days, for better or worse.
Again, what Robertson said was inexcusable, but he’s let his mouth spew all sorts of garbage before.
JDB: You are a sardonic jackass. WHen did I say I supported Robertson? Are you searching for a quote? Are you being a victim? Or are you just plain stoopid? Please choose one of the above choices. Anything else is wrong.
Clueless: I see Captain Ed scares you. Great! You should be scared. Because he finds it and prints it straight. When the Able Danger truth is finally told, I bet Gorelick will look like a jackass, just like you when you post bullshit here on HA. Not behind some screen that the MSM places to keep the public unknowing.
rabbit @ 84..
so if I start telling Jews in the oven jokes, does that make it satire or just identify me as an asshole?
You can’t have it both ways, either do or do not have a racist slant to your views on life.
I’m quaking Puddy Freep!
The MSM in it together with the 911 commission. Slade Gorton compromised! The conspiracy stretches far! The rays! The rays! Where’s my tin foil hat!
Save us Puddy Freep! Keep on freepin’ on!
Watch it prr. Didn’t puddy call David a name and everyone a lefty went after him?
chuckie cheese said “someone gives a viable alternative of removing another nut before he becomes dangerous and saving lives and you have a tizzy fit”. Sounds like you are talking about yourself chucky boy. The ‘nut’ fits you to a tee. Maybe someone is already after you for skimping on your taxes and buying your fences in Oregon. LMAO@flippityfloppityU
Karl @ 75 or if Daddy Bush would have finished the job in the first place we would not be in this friggin mess. I wonder who paid him off to stop at Saddam’s door the first time? Saudi Arabian Royal Family?
prr @ 88….lol, you have been designated as an asshole since your first showed up with your follow the leader posts and ideas.
I was active duty then and remember the frustration we felt leaving unfinished.
But the circumstance then were directly related to getting Iraq out of Kuwait. Once Saddam surrendered, there was no mandate to drive to Bahgdad. To do so would have been vindictive, and would have lost the coalition.
And the matter was passed to the UN, to monitor and control.
Instead the UN members took bribes and kickbacks, and sold him more weapons. Really helpful.
I blame the UN in a large way for the present mess for their complete lack of affirmtaive efforts to enforce the 14 resolutions they passed.
Had the UN had any balls, we wouldnt be there today.
Not one word mentioned here about George Stephanopoulos saying we should “assasinate” Saddam Hussein in 1997. Not one word.
Clueless: here is something funny. I still watch CA stuff. The MSM is trying to make out Dianne Feinstein from a radical liberal as a moderate. Such cow pies. I am sure the MSM is in on this coverup just by their articles. They were quick to publish the anti-Weldon, Shaffer and Phillpott attacks. When James Smith said he had the chart, their tune changed. Stop being so blind and look at the documentation finally coming out. Why do you condemn the sources identified by Puddy? What is your problem? Why does the source matter if it is sourced bak to real people with actionable intelligence? Your thought processes scare me.
I remember the meetings before the 2004 election where the MSM creeps met in a NYC hotel with Kerry and were telling Kerry what to say and how to say it. That to me is a Puddy Nuff Said moment.
cc @ 95
My guess is that no one mentioned it because Stephanopoulos probably did not say that. If you believe he did, then perhaps you could provide a context and a quote.
pisson roger rabbit @ 88
“so if I start telling Jews in the oven jokes, does that make it satire or just identify me as an asshole?
“You can’t have it both ways, either do or do not have a racist slant to your views on life.”
I don’t tell “Jews in the oven” (as you put it) jokes, and I don’t have a racist slant to my views of life.
I can’t speak for you, however.
Truthfully, nobody gives a shit about Cheesy Chuckie or the town of Roy (and its surrounding trailer parks), because Roy has no oil under it.
“Instead the UN members took bribes and kickbacks, and sold him more weapons. Really helpful.”
Really? Where did you find this out? Free Republic? Drudge? Sound Politics?
har har har har har
Actually, that wasn’t a bad idea. Stephanopoulis is a Democrat. If we had done it the Democrat’s way, we would have saved 1900 American lives and $300+ billion. But no, Shrub had to go try a frontal assault …
Schafer? Are you kidding? Even Schafer admits he doesn’t have first-hand knowledge, only hearsay. There’s a reason why hearsay isn’t admissible in court — it’s unreliable.
Roger, are you paying attention? Navy Capt. Phillpott who had the intimate knowledge of Able Danger said Shaffer was right. So did James Smith and he had the chart. But when you are losing the argument you parse, like always. Hence I laugh at you, Clueless, and JDB. GBS makes sense. You all should follow his lefty lead.
Regarding the UN Kickbacks, you should read your vaulted NY Times more. They printed the kickbacks so it has to be true, RIGHT? I thought you said that once. Maybe you were delusional banging one of your female bunny friends. Was she a white, brown, black or speckled bunny?
Oh, Pudbud, you are amusing, and not just because you are a walking, talking phallus.
“But as The Washington Post reported on August 19, Shaffer has acknowledged that Phillpott and a civilian official “told him after the attacks that Atta and other hijackers” had been identified on an Able Danger chart in 2000, and Shaffer was “relying on the[ir] word.”
Further, there is significant doubt as to whether the unnamed civilian official — identified by the Post as a “civilian employee of the former Land Information Warfare Activity at Fort Belvoir [Virginia]” — actually supports Shaffer’s stated account. Appearing on the August 22 edition of Fox News’ The O’Reilly Factor, 9-11 Commission member and former senator Slade Gorton (R-WA) noted that an internal Pentagon investigation — which a Pentagon official said “has been both broad and deep” — has thus far found no evidence that Atta was identified by Able Danger in early 2000. Gorton suggested that, because the Pentagon investigation has yet to find any evidence supporting Shaffer’s account, “as of today” the civilian official, “does not corroborate what he has to say””
“By contrast, the Post reported on August 23: “The Sept. 11 panel said it did not find Phillpott’s assertions credible because there were no documents to support them, and because Atta did not first travel to the United States until June 2000,” at least four months after Phillpott claims that Able Danger identified Atta.”
Hence the second (or third in some cases) Atta theory.
Thank you for playing PudBud. Got any more stories about the Airforce just “chasing off,” but failing to catch, Arabs with missle launchers that you want to share?
What Robertson said was ignorant and stupid, but the thing that gets me the most is that he apologized for what he said – came across weak and insincere. Why don’t people stick to their guns and stop caving into political correctness or fear of what others might say ? Too many wusses out there – including Robertson.
George said we should assasinate Saddam in A newsweek article in 1997
“Assassination may be Clinton’s best option,”
“If we can kill Saddam, we should.”
“If Clinton decides we can and should assassinate Saddam, he could call in national-security adviser Sandy Berger and sign a secret National Security Decision Directive authorizing it.”
“First, we could offer to provide money and materiel to Iraqi exiles willing to lead an effort to overthrow Saddam. . . . The second option is a targeted airstrike against the homes or bunkers where Saddam is most likely to be hiding.”
Stephanopoulos also noted that killing Saddam could pay big political dividends at home, saying the mission would make Clinton “a huge winner if it succeeded.”
A good read:
geez Roger,
As if the UN corruption isnt bad enough on its own weight.
Now remember, I suggested burning at the stake FIRST!!! Tar & Feathers is still my personal favorite, though…
Seriously, there is a way to solve this in a civilized fashion. Tie Chavez & Robertson together at the ankle, and give them one knife… Survivor wins…
Shoot the winner…
Dan B
KS @105
What Robertson said was ignorant and stupid, but the thing that gets me the most is that he apologized for what he said
I’m surprised that an apology does not get accepted at face value. What ever happened to true contrition? Oh, I must be olde skool…
Hey, a dead-serious question… That’s a pun if you want it to be…
If it’s OK for George Speponallofus to advocate killing Saddam, if it’s OK for the neocon’s head pastor to advocate killing Chavez, if it’s OK to use assassination as a political tool, as it has in fact been used since the Cro Magnons stepped of the glaciers, then…
It was OK for Saddam to try to take out Bush 41, wasn’t it?
Reply to 103
So if Kofi Annan’s son is corrupt does that make Kofi Annan corrupt? That’s like saying if Jenna Bush gets plastered her dad’s a drunk.
Are you defending what Robertson said? If so, stop being a wuss and come out and say it — that the U.S. should kill Chavez.
Too bad nobody assassinated Hitler. Ditto Stalin. You can make a case for bumping off Saddam — he invaded a neighboring country and tried to kill a former U.S. president. But Hugo Chavez isn’t Hitler, Stalin, or Saddam; and hasn’t committed genocide, started a war, or tried to kill Americans.
“I’m surprised that an apology does not get accepted at face value. What ever happened to true contrition?”
You answered your own question. Apologies don’t get accepted at face value where true contrition is absent.
@114: Hitler, Stalin, how about Napoleon? And are there those that just might, in the depths of their inner monkeys, include the Judges that voted “yes” on Roe V. Wade?
All, none, or a bag limit? How about a new UN agency: The Assassination Department!” If your head of state gets too wild, call Dictator Busters….
George Stepinpoopless, flunkie for clinton in the late 90’s PUBLICALLY called for saddams assassination, but that’s okay, Georgie is a demo. Anything they want to say is okay !!
dj @ 3:02 pm
Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2005 12:23 p.m. EDT
Stephanopoulos Urged Foreign Assassination
Notice Goldy quickly posted another topic to get you off this one. ha
What a bunch of two-faced skunks.
wdb and cc — Geez, could you dig up any more ancient fucking history?! I think Mark Antony once said something about assassination… Try to get a grip …. morons.
What we are talking about here is your RELIGIOUS leader. I think this is PERTINENT. What do you have to say about your RELIGIOUS leader??? Send him some more money, freakin morons..
cc @118
Must be a conspiracy!
fire_one @119
Speaking of morons, …Hi!
Did you think that idiot is my RELIGIOUS leader?
What a fucking moron…
No, OC, he did it because he knew you couldn’t spell “intelligent” and didn’t know what it meant…
while you wingnuts are at it….maybe we should condemn the Christian Religion for the Holy Crusades…….
PuddyBud @ 61 had some interesting statements about me and atheists in general:
“Don*****don: Random assimilation. That’s what you a t h i e s t s think! Also Don*****don, what did Jesus say in the Bible. The scriptures pointed to him. Read the Bible Baka don*****don.”
Let’s break this down.
1. “Random . That’s what you a t h i e s t s think!”
Interesting, if meaningless. What do you base that statement on PuddyBud? Care to post why you made that statement?
2. “what did Jesus say in the Bible. The scriptures pointed to him. Read the Bible Baka don*****don.”
Fascinating! I have read the Bible from Genesis to Revelations, more than twice. Have you? In spite of this I still cannot make sense out of #2. Care to elaborate? Be ready to have the Bible wrapped around your Neo-Con heretical head, Mr. Bud. Because if you want to defend your posts with the words of Jesus Christ, you are about to be crucified!
@ 113 I am defending Robertson’s right to say what he did, just like your right to say anything stupid or ignorant like he did. Whether I am sticking up for Robertson – back at you – Are you sticking up for Chavez ? Roger – seems like you are affected by political correctness, even though you can say fuck off…oooooooooooooooo
Sorry, a bit off topic, but had to share this one:
How many Bush administration officials does it take to change a light
1. One to deny that a light bulb needs to be changed;
2. One to attack the patriotism of anyone who says the light bulb needs
to be changed;
3. One to blame Clinton for burning out the light bulb;
4. One to arrange the invasion of a country rumored to have a secret
stockpile of light bulbs;
5. One to give a billion dollar no-bid contract to Halliburton for the
new light bulb;
6. One to arrange a photograph of Bush, dressed as a janitor,
standing on a step ladder under the banner: Light Bulb Change Accomplished;
7. One administration insider to resign and write a book documenting
in detail how Bush was literally in the dark;
8. One to viciously smear #7;
9. One surrogate to campaign on TV and at rallies on how George Bush
has had a strong light-bulb-changing policy all along;
10. And finally one to confuse Americans about the difference between
screwing a light bulb and screwing the country.
KS @ 125
Scholars of psychiactric Dysfunctionality should study this post.
George S. is not ancient history. He is currently an anchor on ABC news. Prior to joining ABCNEWS, Stephanopoulos served in the Clinton administration as the senior advisor to the president for policy and strategy. He was a key strategist in both Clinton presidential campaigns and was involved in the development of virtually all major policy initiatives during Clinton’s first term in office.
Where was the outrage people? Where the hell was the outrage?
All of you who are so outraged by what Pat Robertson said, should be equally outraged at what George Stephanopoulos said. But that’s different, isn’t it?
@ 126 – you get it !
That should have been @127 – you get it !
@ 130
That should have been @127 – you get it !
Comment by KS — 8/25/05 @ 9:58 pm
Damn my soul, I think I do get it!
A good article on Pat Robertson’s hit list. So many to kill, so little time:
When Religion mixed with Industry mixed with Defense mixed with Government
………. Just add a drop of racism(1) and BOOOOMMMMMMMMM
(1) Racism is a major factor in the human race’s current attampt to commit suicide. Brown people vs fair skined.
PREDICTION! We are never gonna make it to the 22nd century.
Anyone want to place a bet?
Don*****don: Apparently you didn’t comprehend the scriptures too well.
“John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.”
“As Jesus put it: “You search the Scriptures because you believe they give you eternal life, but the Scriptures point to me! Yet you refuse to come to me so that I can give you this eternal life,” (John 5:39, 40).
What athiest think: – Big Bang theory, randomness – dialogue with an athiest.
Anything else you like to know don*****don?
Golly don*****don you are as stoopid as Clueless.
PuddyBud check this out!
Malachi 2:3 “Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it.”
Suck on that beliver is Zeus!
Buddy Pud – so, what do you really want? A religious war? A crusade? Isn’t that what Bushy said — ” Crusade ” — boy the back office boys shut him up on that one really quick after 911. So tell me, do you really want a crusade? Or do you just want to kill all non-whites? Which one?
To all you religious extremists: I support your right to practice your religion. I just don’t want it in MY schools, or MY city hall, or MY courts. UNDERSTAND? What is so difficult with understanding that? Go away, and quietly practice your religion. EXCEPT: if your religion states that you must kill all non-believers, it is no longer a religion. It then becomes a cult, and is no longer protected by the Constitution….
Fire_on_fire: Who said I wanted a religious war? You did!!! Are you reaching again? I was talking about athieism to the king of HA athiests, don*****don. Man you like to start something out of nothing! Do you read a thread or just look at it for skins and grins.
Don*****don: When Zeus comes to get you let me know.
JDB: Today is the 25th. Stay current with events. They be developing and they change everyday. Regarding the 9/11 Commission and the 0823 WaPo report, that’s old news recycled from last week. Now that DiRita has backed away and there are some boxes found, lets see what is in them. Or you could continue your ostrich pose, as it is your better side!!!
You know JDB, maybe you should step aside and let GBS and me discuss this. You are too stoopid to comprehend fast moving materials and events. Is your IQ around 70, a Democratic level?
fire_one, I agree. PuddyBud can believe in the tooth fairy for all I care, but when he tries to legislate “tooth farie” laws, or teach “tooth farie creationism” in our schools, I will drop on him like a 230lb athiestic ton of bricks on his delusional ass.
PuddyBud wants to quote the bible? I am ready anytime, asshole.
Fuddy Dud – Hey Dude, I’m just asking! What do you want? After all Religion has been linked to more deaths than smoking…
Remember that lady in Texas that drowned her five kids? A real church goer… Or how ’bout them guys down in S. America, hmmm Jonestown or some such. They were real religious. I just don’t need any of that crap ’round here…
PuddyBud? You have read the bible.. what was Malachi talking about in Malachi 2:3?
Hmmm… got an answer other than I am going to hell?
Duddy Mud – I kinda agree with Don.. If you believe the Great Big Boogie Man in the sky created us, fine…. But I reserve the right to ridicule…
fire_one @ 143 “I kinda agree with Don”
Damn! fire_one, fan me with faint praise!
curse you!!!
Kidding, you are all right with me!
Fire and Don: You are both so delusional. What both of you stated above are not what I said. Until the 60’s we had societal balance. Then your side took over our schools and we be plummeting against other nations ever since. Did you recently read what Bill Gates stated about our schools. Microsoft is hiring foreign nationals because our school system sucks. Thanks to the lefties, our good jobs go to the foreigners. But you butt buddies can’t fathom that. So teach PC shit in school and no one dares think out fo the box any more. You dumb down the class to where Headlice Loocy can get a job.
Don*****don: The Hebrews were led by the priests who came to God to offer sacrifices to purge them of their daily sins. The priests had to ensure their sins were purged so they could perform the solemn task of leading the sinner back to the altar of Grace (God). When the priests no longer took their office and responsibilities seriously, God called it profane worship. The priests had specific instructions given to them by Moses in Leviticus, Levitical law regarding sacrifices and activities. The people followed the priests’ unholy rules and it became abhorrent to God. Hence, when Jesus came to the temple in Matthew 21:13 He said in these translations just for you don*****don:
Matthew 21:13
He said to them, “It is written,’My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of robbers!” (WEB)
and he saith unto them, It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer: but ye make it a den of robbers. (ASV)
And he said to them, It is in the Writings, My house is to be named a house of prayer, but you are making it a hole of thieves. (BBE)
And he says to them, It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of robbers. (DBY)
And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves. (KJV)
And said to them, It is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves. (WBS)
“It is written,” He said, “‘My House shall be called the House of Prayer’, but you are making it a robbers’ cave.” (WEY)
and he saith to them, ‘It hath been written, My house a house of prayer shall be called, but ye did make it a den of robbers.’ (YLT) .
I hope that helps your comprehension.
Now I have one for you. Jesus said in John 14:15
If you love me, keep my commandments. (WEB)
If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments. (ASV)
If you have love for me, you will keep my laws. (BBE)
If ye love me, keep my commandments. (DBY)
If ye love me, keep my commandments. (KJV)
If ye love me, keep my commandments. (WBS)
“If you love me, you will obey my commandments. (WEY)
If ye love me, my commands keep, (YLT)
What did Jesus mean don*****don and fiery_butthole?
Looks like the filter looks at religious writings too. You’ll have to wait don*****don & fiery_butthole for it to clear.
PuddyBud, I am practically bored still with unanticipation
Don @ 146 Yah, I can barely contain myself…. YAAAAAAAAAWN
btw, here in washington state if you insinuate that the world would be a better place if an unsavory person becomes dead you are guilty of making “death threats.” This is labeled harassment and if you have poor legal representation you can be jailed for a full year if this is your first crime. I guess Robertson was nowhere near Issaquah or judge ottinger as it appears he has gone unpunished by the laws of our state. Of course, he has money so I understand the law does not apply in his case.
It’s time to re-write of the first amendment. Ban all fundamentalist & evangelical religions, all religions that believe in apocalypse or rapture, and tax the rest.
Dan B @ 150 Amen!
Hey JDB: Looks like Krugman has to make corrections to his economic and voting columns. Didn’t think I’d find them, huh. He is a stupid joke of an economist. And he’s a real ass. Well he does write for the NYT
You keep using him JDB> I’ll continue to commisserate with GBS, a smarter lefty.
don & fire: #145
The next time you sit down to take a piss, reach between your legs and do a serious search for a pair of balls!!!!!
@ 145 ??????WTF??????
You know, pudbud, you really are giving yourself away by not ever linking to your claims. Whenever you do, it turns out that you are wrong, or citing from some right wing circle-jerk of a blog. So, as I said on the other thread where you posted your great shoot down:
Pudbud, let’s post the correction:
“Also, the public editor says, rightly, that I should acknowledge initially misstating the results of the 2000 Florida election study by a media consortium led by The Miami Herald. Unlike a more definitive study by a larger consortium that included The New York Times, an analysis that showed Al Gore winning all statewide manual recounts, the earlier study showed him winning two out of three. ”;emc=th
Yep, So of the big studies, Gore wins in all three recount senarios by the large consortium, but under the Miami Herald recount, he just wins in two out of three scenarios. Major correction there. Still looks like my point is a hundred times more solid than yours, which still has not cites to back it up.
Still waiting for a follow up on how the Air Force chased away a three arabs with shoulder fired missles in the US, but couldn’t arrest them. You would think that someone other than a far right kook would have posted something on it by now, don’t you think?
–end post
It must suck to be you pudster. Everything you say is so easily done away with. The only thing I know for sure is that if you ever agreed with me, I would be wrong.
Have a good day, Wrongboy!
What part of “assassinate” don’t you understand?
Here, let my help you…
…or if that’s too bland, how about ‘ole Pats other term…
“to murder somebody get rid of them for good
ay homie its time we take out this fool for good”
…not the queer option (a-holes)!