Cathy McMorris Rodgers is being horrible again.
“This is a Democrat party that has no interest in working with Republicans — one that’s openly hostile to American values and the Constitution,” said McMorris Rodgers, a member of the House Republican Leadership.
House Speaker John Boehner and Rep. Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, R-Washington. They have resisted strong, Senate-passed Violence Against Women Act bill, but appear resigned to letting it pass.R-Wash., Republican leaders in the House
McMorris Rodgers did not identify which “American values” to which her Democratic colleagues, including eight in the Washington delegation, are hostile.
“Just look at President Obama’s actions on Obamacare and immigration — he has been using unprecedented executive power to rule by decree: The Left will stop at nothing to achieve their goals,” added McMorris Rodgers.
Man, the imaginary Obama is really a horrible person. Why first he gets a moderate health care plan through Congress and then he doesn’t support repealing it! Then he supports immigration reform and takes some minor actions on the fringes that are well within his power as he waits to push reform more broadly and still deports lots of people! Is there nothing this monster isn’t capable of?
Seriously, there have been things that the executive has done that I don’t like: NSA spying is too far, and as I say, I wish there were a lot fewer deportations. Mostly though, it’s the routine executive overreach that we see in every administration. But she can’t very well write a fundraising letter, “Obama has a rather broad interpretation of his war powers, but it’s less than Bush, who I supported. Also, most other presidents since Adams almost got us into an undeclared war with the French have had a pretty broad idea of their war powers. Finally, the drone program that I supported under Bush is following it’s natural course, but we should probably reign it in. A contribution of $25, $50, or $100 will make sure we can continue to have nonsense hearings on whatever the right wing echo chamber is blathering on about now.”
Smart lady.
What’s the big deal? It’s a fundraising letter. These things are designed to scare the rubes into parting with whatever money they have left after walking past the lottery-ticket dispenser in their local supermarket. McMorris-Rodgers didn’t even write it, she just got a template from some GOP campaign committee or other. I get similar-toned stuff from the Democrats. Everybody does it.
Looks like McMorris is right… Senate DUMMOCRETINS are backing away from Scary Reid on the new budget deal.
And all you HA DUMMOCRETINS eat up the shit proffered by Joel Connelly and other left wong morons! Y’all screamed over how Republicans discussed their budget differences while it passed and meanwhile not a peep on Senate DUMMOCRETIN confusion!
What? Daily Kooks, The Putrid Maniacs and Media Morons don’t have the story? Do you leftist pinheads read anything that it’s not leaning out of left field bleachers?
I haven’t been here in a while, so it’s astonishing to see the decline of Puddy. I know, Puddylevel was very low to begin with.
@3 Actually, to most of us, he’s become just plain boring.
Daily Kos posted the story at 8 am, an hour before you posted that screed above. But Durbin’s comment is already moot as the Senate just invoked cloture by a vote of 67-33. That means instead of the 8 Republicans Durbin said he needed, he got 12. Fox News got their “prediction” wrong as all 55 Democratic caucus votes were in favor of cloture.
Piddles never tires of making incorrect predictions through incoherent language.
Might be time to see your therapist and get a new set of meds, Puddy.
Might be time to see your therapist and get a new set of meds, Puddy.
GOATBOY does not go to a therapist!
GOATBOY goes to a veterinarian!
Thanks don for playing…
You perfectly proved HA DUMMOCRETINS visit Daily Kooks, The Putrid Maniacs and Media Morons multiple times daily for your hourly marching orders!
Did ekim just discuss his new Obummercare doctor choices?
Yes he did your honor!
@3. The person who pretends to be Puddy is only here for the negative attention.
What are the valid republican health care options to the Affordable Care Act?
Where are the valid republican jobs bills?
Puddlogic on display today, it really is a masterful performance.
“I know, without looking, that Kos doesn’t have XXX ’cause they’re liberal.” Piddles.
response, “You are wrong, it is on Kos if you bothered to look.”
“You read Kos! I Win!” Piddles.
If you bang on it…it makes noise.
Fascist Pigsty…
You don’t read schmucko-lunatic (lib whatever) comments? schmucko-lunatic has posted three different Republican proposals multiple times.
You PROVE you are a blog moron! And it also proves schmucko-lunatic is not held in the high esteem schmucko-lunatic thinks schmucko-lunatic is in! Wow! A double-header in one response!
Maybe you should google it ya idiot!
checkmate… why should Puddy damage Puddy’s eyes by visiting known left wrong bloggers?
Nope you dope! Y’all visit there every hour for the latest! Don proved it. Pavlov strikes again.
Thanks for playing checkmate.
checkmated again!
Hey hey hey, Now that Martin Bashir is gone… time to place the spotlight on Dead in the Head Schultz…
Amazing how much of a scumbag this misogynist klown is and held in high esteem by HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Oh no! DAYUM! Fox News still kicks libtard DUMMOCRETIN ASS!
“Words, words, words.”
This made the front page of DailyKos
I guess we get to choose between Democrats, who are openly hostile to “American” values, and Republicans, who are openly hostile to Americans.
Person who pretends to be Puddy, I don’t bother doing more than skimming your posts because I find your posts to be gibberish and stupid. They just make you seem ignorant. Maybe you are ok with that, but you are giving your fellow black republicans a bad reputation by association.
However, if you change and exhibit a pattern of posting in clear English, drop the insults and include valid links, then I will read your post in depth.
Otherwise you are just noise and I tend to ignore you.
HA DUMMOCRETINS so predictable!
Fascist Pigsty in CYA Mode
Hey moronic twit… It’s not Puddy’s post you moron… it’s schmucko-lunatic’s posts you DON’T EVEN READ!
Very telling your comments above! schmucko-lunatic (lib sci) has presented multiple entries with their plans and you don’t even read schmucko-lunatic’s comments. Must be liberal scientist is the least read DUMMOCRETIN on HA now!
Thanks for playing Fascist Pigsty. Your stoooooooooooopidity is P R I C E L E S S!
Giving my fellow black Republicans assists with the multiple links Puddy finds every day about DUMMOCRETINS!
Lost in Piddles bowel movements is the usual not seeing of the forest.
So Fox news had the biggest decline in viewership 18-55 of all the news networks. Fox News audience is now well over 80% 55+.
Piddles thinks that’s GREAT. Trees. (HarX45)
Having an fascinating discussion about class in another space. The idea that some people are simply better than other people, they are a better class. In Europe this was tied to genetics, nobles, by virtue of birth, were simply better people than the serfs. Here in the states, class is linked to wealth and genetics. We have both the evil concept that whites are a better class of people because of the color of their skin, than other people, and the rich are a better class of people than the poor.
Too often the thinking is that because the lower classes are inferior to their betters, it is acceptable to inflict upon them low wages, sick environments, little or no health care and terrible educations.
Best I can tell, American put up with that crap thinking because they cling the myth that some day they will be come rich through hard work and luck and be able to lord over the little people too.
Puddy, once again,hijacks an entire thread and instead of working to get cool people elected or advance a liberal/left/progressive anything HA posters waste their time talking about Puddy.
I’m calling this one: Puddy FTW.
I thought this was a valid comment on the ratings results
The fox viewers need their daily fear to maintain their bubble so they keep watching.
A white guy in blackface doesn’t qualify as a black. StoooPUD is as StoooPUD does!
checkmate… You rank up there with Fascist Pigsty with stoooooooooopidity. Too bad that “thought” isn’t panning out! Puddy been posting
for a long long time. Read em and weep checkmate…
BTW checkmate… you can see for yourself. Puddy posted Rachel MadCow’s last Friday numbas because Da Perfessa chose to use her and other PMSNBC Klowns in Da Friday Night Comix Show!
checkmated AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN!
See ya! Sux to be checkmate!
And you know this how? Or did you meet Ekim on some dark alley and he thought you were his goat and pulled that out of some dark rectal orifice?
HAHAHAHAHA! Stoooooooooooooopid zerHOG! BTW your first name doesn’t begin with “E” does it? Cuz if it does DAYUM Puddy know peeps who prolly know you!
Now why would Puddy want to work to get more DUMMOCRETINS in power Michael?
The libtard progressive way is why we have fewer jobs in our economy today and why NYC DUMMOCRETINS are feeling the pain of Obummercare!
Even libtard news channels are starting to tell it like it is!
Oh no… Nancy Pelosi claimed otherwise Kathy. Nancy Pelosi is the smartest woman in Da House. Just ask her; so one of you is lying…
@32 Does this mean you’re in favor of private insurance company death panels, arbitrary insurance policy cancellations, soaring insurance premiums, hospitals charging patients $50 for a 5-cent aspirin, middle class families facing medical bankruptcy, children dying because their parents can’t afford medical care, and so on?
Sure sounds like it.
Puddy, you’re an asshole and you’re full of shit.
Another law of unintended consequences HA DUMMOCRETINS… and it’s right here in your back yard. So FartyArt and other old farts… lookie here….
So you did have to pass the law to find out what was in it. Pelosi was right and DUMMOCRETINS pay the price!
DAYUM the more you read one notices how stooooooooooopid the “trained people” are about this provision!
You voted for this mess DUMMOCRETINS… no you have to live with it since Obummer won’t entertain any other notions on this putrid law!
Take you own advice and look in da mirror dumb wabbit!
Piddles is cute when he thinks he has a point. He likes to say checkmate. I don’t think he’s ever played chess.
Did you look at your own link to demographics. Obviously not.
I’ll round to make it easy for you to understand.
On an avearge day, Fox has 1.2 million viewers. Of those, 230,000 are age 18-54 (your link includes the kind of irrelevent 35-64 demo.)
We could quibble that the 2+ number includes all those 25 and younger but if you think the number of YA, teens, tweens and toddlers watching cable news is more than a teeny slice of the audience…
So of the 1.2 million average daily users 230,000 are under age 55. 230/1200 = n/100, n=19% (rounded)
To sum up, 81% of Fox’s audience, even by the demographics you supplied to rebut, is over 55.
Piddles wandered up to a game of Chutes and Ladders, thought it was a noble ancient game, Hit the big slide and had to start over and then yelled, “Checkmate!”
I can recommend a good therapist and a remedial math teacher for your new meds and work with numbers. Anything else you want to bleat?
Oh how scary
I see I typed 18-54 when I know, on a professional level, that it should be 25-54. There’s a reason why cable news doesn’t break out the under 25 demo. Too small. Too Depressing. Keeps the execs from thinking too hard that their business model isn’t more than a decade or two behind newspapers for extinction.
Are you confusing your GOATS with real live people again?
Thought so.
checkmate… Whatever you rant about… Fox News Kicks all other ASS. Keep looking for that minutia to help your favrit Cable News channel PMSNBC. And their 25-54 demographic is STILL HIGHER than PMSNBC! And from the last few weeks they are kicking all others combined.
Quibble all you want checkmate! We all know from Jimmy Kimmel and Jay Leno man on the street videos… DUMOCRETINS are the lowest of the low information voters. That’s why those 18-30 year olds are shocked by Obummercare. They don’t pay attention. Now they have to live with their low information vote!
Any way you slice it…
Sux to be you.
Senate DUMMOCRETINS vote against Wounded Warriors just a little while ago.
Puddy knew what you were trying to say. Unlike HA DUMMOCRETINS twerps who jump on any little Puddy mistype, Puddy could easily figger it out.
See ya!
So ekim is zerHOG?
Who knew?
Puddy notices HA DUMMOCRETINS have no problems with Dead Schultz not providing his employees with health insurance through shell corporations!
Puddles @ 42- liar or ignorant?
“It calls for reducing annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs) in retiree pay by 1 percent, but only for those who retire after 20 years of active service, are not disabled and generally are still in their 40s.”
Got the not disabled part?
Proving once again why pud spew is worthless
@34 That doesn’t even begin to cover it. He’s more full of shit than a Sanikan at a chili cookoff.
Golly “K” you should read the fine print…
So let’s see if the WaPo revises it’s position!
Proving once again “K” farts are very smelly and what “K” puts forth are lies and ignorant rants!
Wrong again GOATBOY.
But you are still the SPAWN OF SATAN.
@48 Puddles, from your own link:
“Specifically to your question,” Allison said, “the COLA provision does not include additional exemptions, but to clarify: The Bipartisan Budget Act does not affect any benefits provided to veterans in compensation for disabilities suffered as a result of their service.”
But go on and spin your bs, proving once again why you should be ignored
Man “K” you have no clue… It’s not the benefits for the disability you moron, it’s their retirement benefits because they are forced to retire early due to wounded warrior injuries… So you missed this on purpose? Must be…
Man being a DUMMOCRETIN is an attention deficit disorder… Puddy has been discussing their retirement all this time “K”. You are naturally stoooooooooopid!
It really SUX to be “K”. Wait for the “K” Spin… Any second now!
If the disability payments are insufficient, fix that. Did we find the only retirement provision anywhere which Republicans believe are untouchable?
The early retirement for federal workers allowing “double dip” is a favorite target, should that be OK here?
And your hero Rep. Ryan signed off on this.
Wow… look at “K”… changed his “tune”. Did you FINALLY READ the article “K”?
Liberalism is a mental disorder of the primary kind! “K” Should be ignored FOREVER!
No tune change and certainly the same old song from you. All this proves is that the Republicans are not interested in solutions, they are interested in excuses for obstruction, or in your case excuses for argument. If this was truly their issue, why not raise it when it could have been addressed, not after significant numbers of House Republicans voted for it and got the hell out of town, preventing any amendment?
Blah blah blah… more pablum puke material from “K”. Maybe Paul Ryan thought that’s the only thing he could do to stop the additional largess spending Nancy Pelosi wanted. Didn’t you get the DNCC embrace the suck budget memo? It was on The Putrid Morons!
CYA mode eh? First you accuse Puddy of lying, then being ignorant… When those are your prime qualities “K”!
See ya loser!
Notice how GOATBOY dodges the REAL issue.
The RETHUGS forced an austere budget.
Now the RETHUGS aren’t happy with it.
What a surprise.
How goatlover? The spending caps are higher!
Man you are sooooooo stoooooooooooopid!
Goat appendages on da brain (resides in ekimgoatsucka’s rectum)!
Please reconcile the current RETHUG concern over deficits with you hero, *president DICK CHENEY, who said “deficits don’t matter”.
(*GW Bush was still trying to figure out why the words in My Pet Goat were up side down and couldn’t be disturbed with unimportant matters.)
Remember when Clinton handed Cheney a balanced budget?
If Cheney had followed that our country would have been in great shape now.