Gee, I sure hope longtime Kitsap Peninsula columnist Adele Fergusen is suffering from senile dementia… because I’d hate to think such wrong-headed sentiments could come from somebody in their right mind.
The pony hidden in slavery is the fact that it was the ticket to America for black people. I have long urged blacks to consider their presence here as the work of God, who wanted to bring them to this raw, new country and used slavery to achieve it. A harsh life, to be sure, but many immigrants suffered hardships and indignations as indentured servants. Their descendants rose above it. You don’t hear them bemoaning their forebears’ life the way some blacks can’t rise above the fact theirs were slaves.
Ironically, these shockingly unselfconscious comments come from a column intended to persuade African Americans to join Fergusen in voting Republican. “Why do blacks continue to support Democrats?” she boldly asks.
Well… um… maybe Fergie, because angry, old, shriveled-up Republicans like you are a bunch of fucking racists?
Of course Fergusen has always been an alter kaker, so given her advanced age, perhaps she can be forgiven her Douglas Wilson moment. But you’ve got to wonder… what were the supposedly sane editors at the Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal thinking?
Thanks to Darryl at Hominid Views, via The General, Fergusen’s column has gotten national attention. So the KPBJ has of course done the responsible thing… mysteriously pulled the column from their website, without comment.
Fortunately, I just so happened to print a copy as a PDF.
Adele Ferguson is the exemplary ignorant, regressive Republican. Her views are consistently indicative of an extraordinarily uninformed, narrow world view (if you can call it that), and this latest waste of paper is no exception. She probably knows little more about the history of slavery in this country — or indentured servitude for that matter — let alone the appalling story of the conquest of the Western hemisphere, and it would probalby be a complete waste of time to even try to explain it to her.
With that said, I don’t know if I’d call her a racist per se; patronizing ignoramus seems a bit more befitting.
Adele Ferguson for next (R) WA Candidate
She is also a ntoed homophobe. I though she was long gone – does little writing.
Used to be at a biggr dailey some where ….. how about just a little appelation – the old crackpot.
Is Adele still around? Back in the 1980s I enjoyed the special thrill of typesetting her neanderthal columns for a tawdry weekly newspaper.
One thing you can say about Adele is that she is has the gentility of old-school wingers. Her rhetoric looks downright scholarly next to the Coulters and JCHs. My, the world has changed!
Thank you for the work you do. I know you don’t get much out of it financially, but you should be so proud of yourself and difference that you have made. You are a mensch.
One of the lesser known reasons for the Civil War was that when slavecatchers came North looking for their “property”, they seldom went home empty handed. They’d take a free black person OR a white person and claim the white person was a light skinned Negro who was the property of some Southerner.
You can imagine that this sort of activity might stir some resentment in the classes that were most likely to do the fighting.
When she gets very, very old and can’t take care of herself anymore and is moved to an old folks home, I hope all the staff are black.
You can imagine that this sort of activity might stir some resentment in the classes that were most likely to do the fighting.
Commentby headless lucy— 3/15/06@ 10:31 pm
Lucy they use to steal white women in Seattle china town and ship the out as slaves to Southeast Asia. Today we allow illegal Mexicans to be used as slave labor in this State and some States allow them to be abuse as prostitutes. Therefore, Lucy imagines what sort of activity might be stirred up from this type of treatment and your friends in Seattle condone it by harboring illegal aliens in this State.
“Why do blacks continue to support Democrats?” she boldly asks.
Because Republikans are CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES. http://www.conceptualguerilla......php?id=103
So as I understand her argument, African-Americans are supposed to be grateful for being kidnapped, uprooted from their ancestral homes, separated from their families, murdered en masse, and (if they survived) enslaved?
Yah right, there’s dignity in work.
But Republikkkans wouldn’t know anything about the dignity in work, because they never do any. They devote their entire lives to living off the work of others, so they don’t have to work.
Thank God we have Republikkkans like Adele Fergusen. I hope she keeps writing newspaper columns for a LOOOOOONG time. She’s the best recruiter that Washington State Democrats have!
HEY MOMUS!!! Is this why you’re a Republican? Because you’re GRATEFUL that your ancestors were kidnapped, uprooted from their homes, separated from their families, and murdered or enslaved SO THAT YOU WOULD HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO LIVE IN AMERICA?
Thought so.
“When she gets very, very old and can’t take care of herself anymore and is moved to an old folks home, I hope all the staff are black. Commentby Belltowner— 3/15/06@ 10:56 pm”
That’ll probably be fine with her, if she can own them.
Commentby klake— 3/15/06@ 11:29 pm
WTF?? Klake, is your head made of pudding?
“Today we allow illegal Mexicans to be used as slave labor”
What you mean, “we,” white man?! WHO makes immigration policy in this country?? You guys own this situation, dude. It’s all yours!
Mayor Greg Nickels just kicked the Sonics owners in the nuts.
King 5 intdrview – If they decide to leave Seattle, well, that is their choice.
The city has other priorities for its money right now, and the owners are weathy and can manage OK —- paraphrased.
Good move Greg. Let history remember you are the Jesus Tunnel not the guy who made sure the Sonics owners grabbed million of our dollars for stupid – over rated – pro basketball.
Smart, great timing – let the hardball roll for the tunnel.
ooops, i keep forgetting, MOMUS is a white guy named Kevin Carnes
“WTF?? Klake, is your head made of pudding? Commentby Donnageddon— 3/15/06@ 11:42 pm”
Here’s a story to warm your heart! In Cornelius, Oregon, a cop pulled over a guy for DWH.* (* Driving while Hispanic.) Specifically, the guy was teaching his wife to drive, and the officer noticed she was going kinda slow, like 10 mph. So he followed the car into the guy’s driver, and cited the couple for driving without a learner’s permit. Fine, no problem, they committed a traffic infraction and had to go to court.
But that’s not all the officer did. The guy had trouble speaking English, so the cop, not satisfied that he wouldn’t do it again, called a tow truck and had the guy’s car towed FROM HIS OWN DRIVEWAY. That’s, like, confiscating private property.
It cost the Hispanic guy $235 to get his car back — $185 to the towing company, and the city apparently gets a $50 commission.
It cost the city of Cornelius, Oregon, $17,000 for the Hispanic guy’s legal fees, with probably another $13,000 getting tacked on after another hearing — $30 thousand bucks total. I’m sure the city can find the money in its towing commission revenues –or they can take it out of the cop’s pay.
Don’t those commie-lib judges on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals just warm your heart sometimes? Thank God we don’t live in, say, the D.C. Circuit or the Fifth Circuit.
I wonder if I can get $30,000 from the Seattle Parks Department for each of my 7,109 children* (*plus or minus a couple hundred) they “towed away?”
Well, no problem, I’ll repopulate Green Lake Park with cute fluffy little BUNNIES in no time!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Yeah, I’d like to see the Republikkkans run Adele for governor or something — but not for president, because the red state fools might actually vote for her.
Now that the Republikkkans are officially on record as being in favor of slavery, maybe we’ll have to re-fight the Civil War.
Liberals better arm!
Is Adele Ferguson a “Christian Reconstructionist” in the mold of Rushdonny, Wilkins, and Hill? Looks like it.
Rushdoony, sorry.
Howard and Wally can take their free coffee and put it where the sun don’t shine.
Eva Braun — oops, I mean Adele Ferguson — starts out her editorial with this sentence:
“One of these days before I die, I hope to see a shift in the attitudes of so many of my black brothers and sisters …”
What the fuck???? Adele doesn’t look much like a “sister.” Her picture is printed next to the column, and she looks pretty fucking white to me! MOMUS — I hope you’re laughing your ass off at this woman, I mean, pretender.
That’s rich!!! — a neo-Confederate Republikkkan calling herself a “sister” …
Now, now, Roger Rabbit owns lots of Starbuck stock, which is helping to support me in my old age!!! Why, if it wasn’t for Howard and his coffee, I might have to work, and wouldn’t have time to fight the good fight here on HorsesAss.
But yeah, I understand your feelings — Howard’s grasping for taxpayer dollars (200 million of ’em, to be exact) to subsidize his money-losing ego-toy (i.e., Sonics team) is kind of seamy. I like his coffee, though — and I like his stock even better. Ooops, I mean, MY stock!!!
Now why don’cha run on over to your nearest Starbucks and have another cuppa joe to help out Roger Rabbit! :D :D :D
For the record, I paid about 2 bucks a share for my Starbucks stock, adjusted for splits.
I’ll bet that stupid ass Mr. Cynical didn’t buy NOV when I told him to. His tough luck!!! I have to admit, living off stock market winnings sure beats the hell out of working!!! And, under the Bush regime, it’s even better because capital isn’t taxed, only wage earners have to pay taxes!!! Reminds me of an old FDR-era saying:
We’re Democrats so that some day we can live like Republicans.
Not to worry, I’m still a Democrat, and I still vote Democrat — I just take their money and use it against ’em.
Roger Rabbit has posted 66.66% of the comments on this thread! If you don’t like it, go fuck a duck!
For those that seem nostalgic for Adele’s rants , She can be found in the Peninsula Daily News in Port Angeles on a regualar basis , Where her tirades always evoke lively letters to the editor . It isn’t just race , fine trash is being printed on her views of health care , zoning , and tired old Wn. politicians .
Don’t you just love it when the racist republicans show their true colors? That piece of shit rag in Kitsap County calls itself a business paper but has never been anything more than an excuse to stump for republicans and to let the asshole who runs the fucker write stories about cars. It’s not even worth wiping your ass on and now, the whole nation knows it!
By the way, this old train-pulling, swansil riding, racist hag Adele can be reached at appropriately enough, P.O. Box 69, Hansville, Wa., 98340.
“She is also a ntoed homophobe. I though she was long gone – does little writing. Used to be at a biggr dailey some where ….. how about just a little appelation – the old crackpot.
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 3/15/06@ 10:23 pm”
Bob, I got some news for you. After reading your garbage posted here and your constant drumbeat about homophobes, I’m convinced YOU could personally turn the entire cast of QUEER EYE FOR THE STRAIGHT GUY into a bunch of HOMOPHOBES!!!!
Sorry to disappoint you, but I was Honorably Discharged. Just because somebody has a Capt’s Mast on their record doesn’t mean they will automatically be given a General Discharge, Less Than Honorable, Bad Conduct Discharge, or a Dishonorable dischage. [GBS]…………OK, That’s a start. Tell us more. Tell us why your Division Officer, Department Head, XO, and CO stuck it to you!!!!! The shame, Fireman GBS!!! The shame!!! All must have thought you were a loser POS shitbird!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad!! Very sad!!
Sorry to disappoint you, but I was Honorably Discharged. Just because somebody has a Capt’s Mast on their record doesn’t mean they will automatically be given a General Discharge, Less Than Honorable, Bad Conduct Discharge, or a Dishonorable dischage. [GBS]…………OK, That’s a start. Tell us more. Tell us why your Division Officer, Department Head, XO, and CO stuck it to you!!!!! The shame, Fireman GBS!!! The shame!!! All must have thought you were a loser POS shitbird!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad!! Very sad!!
Funny, but her comments were the same thing a lot of white’s believed in the 1840’s ~ 1860’s (both North and South). The following is from one of Robert E. Lee’s letters, dated Dec. 26, 1856 (four and a half years before the Civil War began):
“…There are few, I believe, in this enlightened age, who will not acknowledge that slavery as an institution is a moral and political evil. It is idle to expatiate on its disadvantages. I think it is a greater evil to the white than to the colored race. While my feelings are strongly enlisted in behalf of the latter, my sympathies are more deeply engaged for the former. The blacks are immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, physically, and socially. The painful discipline they are undergoing is necessary for their further instruction as a race, and will prepare them, I hope, for better things. How long their servitude may be necessary is known and ordered by a merciful Providence. Their emancipation will sooner result from the mild and melting influences of Christianity than from the storm and tempest of fiery controversy….”
Quoted from
So, I guess Fergusen’s views haven’t progressed much further than those of a Confederate General in the past one-hundred fifty years or so. Interesting, for a party that still claims to be the saviors of the African-Americans.
At least the Democrats took on the crusade of desegregation in the 1940’s, 1950’s and 1960’s, even though it ultimately cost them much of the vote in the South – showing that they put their conscious over politics. The Republicans haven’t done much for the African Americans since the enactment of the 14th Amendment.
Mr. C – it is not possible for you to have any news for any personn on this blog.
Your shit is your shit. How is it news?
Here’s a clue for you all, my fine liberal friends: we’re all racists in one form or another. All ethnic groups have racist feelings against other ethnic groups. That’s just the way humans are. The best we can do is at least try not to persecute others and do our best to give everyone an even break.
Just don’t think that because you assign yourselves the “liberal” label that deep down inisde you’re not racists. You all have racial prejudices just like everyone else on the planet.
Finally a rightie who at least admits he’s a racist.
I read that editorial yesterday and seriously thought it was a parody on the Onion. Right down to the picture of the old white woman next to the sentence “…my black brothers and sisters…”
Adele (and other apologists for slavery) need to learn a thing or two about Bacon’s rebellion.
Of course, she probably thinks that has would have something to do with Jimmy Dean sausages.
Finally a rightie who at least admits he’s a racist.
Commentby KlakeSucksDick— 3/16/06@ 8:51 am
…and so are you.
Mr. C – it is not possible for you to have any news for any personn on this blog.
Your shit is your shit. How is it news?
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 3/16/06@ 8:15 am
So your constant droning about homophobes is somehow news???
You LEFTIST racists are beating up Aaron Dixon for running on his principles…and you expect anyone to feel compassion for your bad choices Bob?
By the way Bob…do you inform your sex partners about your long bout with Hepatitis???
Unfortunately history is written by the winners. I find his comments very uninformed. He may think he is trying to find a positive in a bad act, but it just makes him look stupid.
Slave traders did not hang up a sign saying “who wants to go to the new world”. The truth is much more sinister. Most slaves were captured by enemy tribes and sold into slavery. The europeans pulled into port and handed gold over.
BV @ 49 –
Excellent point. White Europeans, Middle Easterners, and even Africans had a hand in the slave trade. If we’e assigning blame and guilt, everyone deserves a share.
Work hard you righties to try to make this about anything but the truth. And then I’ll be here to remind you what that is. A right wing republican columnist essentially proved that you righties are racists and her comments approving of slavery will define her and all of you who apologize for her. Much to the benefit of the rest of us.
Fuck all you cowardly, racist, republican scum.
re 8: Klake: Republicans are always making the childish argument: “Well these other people do similar wrong things.” That is a childs argument.
…and please, Klake, don’t lay that old chestnut on me about Republicans freeing the slaves. All the prejudiced pro-slavery people are in your party now. They are your base — the “religeous” right.
Everybody has a little racist in him or her. I don’t care where you come from or what political party you support. It could be just a little bias or it could be full-blown terrorism. It’s still racism.
Bo, I’ll admit I’m a racist: I hate neanderthals like you.
Bo, I’ll admit I’m a racist: I hate neanderthals like you.
Commentby Anonymous— 3/16/06@ 12:02 pm
The Neanderthals were a lot more sophisticated than anthropologists previously thought. They were supremely adapted to the Ice Age of Northern Europe, and there is some evidence they had complex social activities like singing and dancing together, as a group.
So, calling me a Neanderthal does not bother me in the least. And by admitting you’re a racist you have proven my point.
Have a nice day.
Everyone is not a racist. Not even a little bit.
Isn’t Captain’s Mast proceedings under Article 15, UCMJ?
That’s a Non Judicial proceeding that in the overall scheme of things is not really a big deal. A Field Grade might have stiffer penalties, but rarely, in themselves, are cause for discharge.
Court Martial proceedings are another matter entirely.
FYI: One doesn’t get discharged for an Art 15 per say. Too many Art 15’s indicate unsuitability and administrative elimination can happen. It’s almost impossible to tell this from a DD214 unless you are hip to the code on the long form.
I do not, in any form, support slavery or less than equal treatment for ANYBODY.
What are the facts?
Who has a higher standard of living? The average African American or the average African?
Just because the end results may be favorable, that doesn’t mean the Repubs support(ed) slavery. Wasn’t the south both the heart of slavery and run by Democrats for many years? Does this mean I can now state that Democrats favor slavery?
Anyway this “debate” does NOTHING to help African Americans. Quality education, stable home environments (two parents preferred) and goal oriented behaviors will do much more than sniping back and forth on who is “real” racist.
Bob Oke our conservative bastard of a senator in the 26th LD is stepping down, maybe Adele can take over for him.
Adele Ferguson wrote an article entitled “Want Palestinians to surrender, start killing their children” in 2002.
and she has a bridge named after her!
jack…good point.
i was pretty surprised by what adele wrote……it’s a rather silly view on a sad part of not only our history but alot of other countries too.
however, that being said, alot of our ancestors went through very hard times at the hands of other people.being an endentured servant wasn’t exactly a little slice of heaven, debtors prisons, poverty etc.
as far as racism goes…just because she said something that indelicate does not mean she is a racist. sorry, guys, but it doesn’t and all the whining in the world won’t change that. i don’t know anything about this woman but we do have freedom of speech in this country and she is allowed her opinion.
my opinion? slavery was a horrible part of our PAST. that’s the operative word here…..PAST. can you imagine how people would laugh in your face if [for the average white guy here] you went around saying things like “ever since the american revolution, when my ancestors who fought for this country lost everything because of their loyalty to the cause” and that’s why TODAY i am sitting on my ass doing nothing.?????
because…news flash for you whiney lefty apologists…..that’s exactly what many blacks are doing right now in this country. at the same time they are complaining about racism ….and they can’t seem to figure out why? maybe it’s not racism…maybe it’s more along the lines of people just being sick of the gang violence , senseless crimes [mardi gras anyone???] and an attitude of entitlement second only to a movie star’s.
bill cosby is right and all of you who want the ignorance [black kids that do well in school are called oreos] and violence to continue because then you will have a stabile [hah!] voter base should be ashamed of yourselves.
the real racists are the liberal democrats that keep telling ANYONE of color that they couldn’t possibly do anything on their own. self-reliance is a powerful tool that you democrats are denying these people with your enabling behavior and you should be ashamed of yourselves.and all for your own gain.
and look at all the comments you made about the woman that wrote the piece. how many times did you tolerant, we-know-better-than-you-do liberals call her old? hmmmm?
yup…you guys couldn’t possibly be racists or biased could you?
Ferguson has been an angry old Republican for a long time now.
I remember many years ago when she was arguing against allowing women in the military. The basis for her column? That women required more toilet paper than the Army could stock, thus hindering their ability to fight a war. I’m not kidding.
Actually, I’m a little perturbed that the KPBJ would take Adele’s column off its website (the editor, Lary Coppola is a right wing nut himself).
I think Republicans like Ferguson need to keep airing views like this. She says what the folks over at SP are smart enough not to say – but it’s a sure bet that they are thinking it, and that racism helps form their political views.
Go Adele!
On a side note, here’s a transcript from a 1971 White House recording made of Richard Nixon and John Erlichman discussing moral and social issues. It’s obvious Nixon set the standard for “movement” conservatives (and old school Republicans alike) when it come to race issues:
NIXON: I have the greatest affection for them [blacks], but I know they’re not going to make it for 500 years. They aren’t. You know it, too. The Mexicans are a different cup of tea. They have a heritage. At the present time they steal, they’re dishonest, but they do have some concept of family life. They don’t live like a bunch of dogs, which the Negroes do live like.
EHRLICHMAN: The Mexican American is not as good as the Mexican. You go down to Mexico–they’re clean, they’re honest, they’re moral.
NIXON: Mexico is a much more moral country.
“the real racists are the liberal democrats that keep telling ANYONE of color that they couldn’t possibly do anything on their own.”
Huh? Got any quotes to support that message? That’s a pretty distorted view of the reatlity and history of racism in this country.
It might be informative to review the history of this country, as well as that of the early colonial settlements. I think you’ll find that the actual origins of racism in this country had less to do with political orientation than it did with the control of wealth and resources, and that that very much set up a paradigm whose presence is still felt today.
-Just don’t think that because you assign yourselves the “liberal” label that deep down inisde you’re not racists. You all have racial prejudices just like everyone else on the planet. –
Difference is, Bo, that we liberals and Democrats stopped using racism (and xenophobia) as a political tool four decades ago.
The GOP based their entire Southern Strategy (which gave way to current Republican majorities) on the notion that you can instill fear in the white (hetero) majority by highlighting and stereotyping the characteristics and actions of a small minority of a racial (or sexual) minority.
And the Republicans wonder why they attract such a small percentage of the African American vote. Just blame the welfare state – and ignore three decades of Adele Ferguson style racism!
“how many times did you tolerant, we-know-better-than-you-do liberals call her old? hmmmm?
yup…you guys couldn’t possibly be racists or biased could you?
Hmmm, I counted 3, maybe 4 times (given the context).
“the real racists are the liberal democrats that keep telling ANYONE of color that they couldn’t possibly do anything on their own.”
This weird talking point was dreamed up by some Rovian right wing think tank a couple years ago, and has been repeated ad nauseum ever since.
It’s fun to watch the clowns at SP mimic this over and over, hoping somebody (aside from rich, old and angry right wing men) will believe it.
Not gonna happen – but it serves their echo chamber well: you can be a racist without feeling like one, and blaming it on somebody else!
There’s an aspect of racism that is religious-based. When the Irish were migrating to this country, they were often persecuted for both their Celtic race as well as their Roman Catholicism.
Just another point.
…and please, Klake, don’t lay that old chestnut on me about Republicans freeing the slaves. All the prejudiced pro-slavery people are in your party now. They are your base – the “religeous” right.
Commentby headless lucy— 3/16/06@ 10:36 am
There is an aspect of racism that is religious-based. When the Irish were migrating to this country, they were often persecuted for both their Celtic race as well as their Roman Catholicism.
Just another point.
Comment by A.J.— 3/16/06@ 3:45 pm
A.J. the Irish were cheaper that the Slaves, the overhead to maintain the slaves was to feed them, to cloth them, to entertain them, and to provide other their confront needs. The Irish had to work for pennies a day and required no additional expenses, we call that out sourceing today. The biggest slave owners in the past were the Blacks and the Indians. Today it is anyone who hires an illegal to work and refuses to pay them for services rendered. The Chap cannot even complain about it or they might throw him out of country without his paycheck. Now the government could give them work permits and allow them to work in this country, now that would fix the problem. The use of women as prostitutes is an age-old problem, but illegal immigrant has been used heavily in this trade and treated worst than slaves.
“The biggest slave owners in the past were the Blacks and the Indians.”
Klake, care to explain this post. Or are you just bat shit crazy? It’s Ok if you are. We got a lot of bat shit crazy Trolls here. They are a great amusement.
“The biggest slave owners in the past were the Blacks and the Indians.”
Klake, care to explain this post. Or are you just bat shit crazy? It’s Ok if you are. We got a lot of bat shit crazy Trolls here. They are a great amusement.
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/16/06@ 7:46 pm
Donnageddon only 33% of the Slave owners were white and the rest was own by blacks and indians. Study black history it is a required today in school. Indians for many years made slaves out of tribes they conquered and owning them any other way was a plus.
Klake.. I guess I was unclear. Do you have a citation to support your claim?
Short order history lesson, if you need more info let me know. Thanks klake
By Robert M. Grooms
© 1997
In an 1856 letter to his wife Mary Custis Lee, Robert E. Lee called slavery “a moral and political evil.” Yet he concluded that black slaves were immeasurably better off here than in Africa, morally, socially and physically.
The fact is large numbers of free Negroes owned black slaves; in fact, in numbers disproportionate to their representation in society at large. In 1860 only a small minority of whites owned slaves. According to the U.S. census report for that last year before the Civil War, there were nearly 27 million whites in the country. Some eight million of them lived in the slaveholding states.
The census also determined that there were fewer than 385,000 individuals who owned slaves (1). Even if all slaveholders had been white, that would amount to only 1.4 percent of whites in the country (or 4.8 percent of southern whites owning one or more slaves).
In the rare instances when the ownership of slaves by free Negroes is acknowledged in the history books, justification centers on the claim that black slave masters were simply individuals who purchased the freedom of a spouse or child from a white slaveholder and had been unable to legally manumit them. Although this did indeed happen at times, it is a misrepresentation of the majority of instances, one which is debunked by records of the period on blacks who owned slaves. These include individuals such as Justus Angel and Mistress L. Horry, of Colleton District, South Carolina, who each owned 84 slaves in 1830. In fact, in 1830 a fourth of the free Negro slave masters in South Carolina owned 10 or more slaves; eight owning 30 or more (2).
Damn, Klake! More power to ya…(oh, yeah…fuck you Donna)…
marks. let me begin by saying FUCK YOU!
Klake, let me get this straight…
You quoted the BARNES REVIEW!!!!!
Let me say that again.
You quoted the BARNES REVIEW!!!!!
For those who do not know much about the BARNES REVIEW, it is one rung lower than the Heaven’s Gate Cult.
Klake… the point of posting URLs is to gain credibility. Posting BARNES REVIEWS is like putting al your credibility in a basket and then taking that basket and smashing it with a really big rock.
Not a good idea.
oh, and marks?
You Posted the BARNES REVIEW!!!
Fucking Nazi.
Klake, how is using Holocaust Deniers to prove your points working out for you?
Not so well?
Fucking Nazi.
marks, how is sucking up to a Nazi working out for you?
That is right; I did not read the whole article, and who wrote it. However, you are right Barnes Review sure sucks and sorry Mark for the sucker play. This is a bad subject to research on the web because of the trash posted. The information I read came from a schoolbook that a Black friend show me at work. I will do some more research and try and find that book.
Klake, let me get this straight…
You quoted the BARNES REVIEW!!!!!
Let me say that again.
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/17/06@ 12:07 am
Commentby marks— 3/16/06@ 9:04 pm
Kitsap County is full of racist Republicans. When they’re not using their new NASCAR track for car races they can have KKK, Focus on the Fam and Promise Keeper rallies there. Adele has been a racist homophobe forever. I have a relative used to work with her at the Sun and she’s one of the reasons we almost got stuck with Craswell for guv.
Everyone is not a racist. Not even a little bit.
Commentby headless lucy— 3/16/06@ 1:14 pm
Sorry, headless lucy, but if you really want the truth, everyone has some sort of bias against other ethnic groups or cultures.
Take a lady I know in Portland. She’s a lbieral to the max. Loves Al Franker, hates O’Reilly. Thinks GWB is responsible for all the ills in the universe, etc. etc. But she admits to being prejudiced against Asian female drivers. She has said some pretty racist things about them, in front of God and everybody.
Every body has some racist tendencies from Rupert Murdoch to Ward Churchill. That’s jsut the way it is and is our nature. The best we can do is to try to overcome it so we can move forward.
“But she admits to being prejudiced against Asian female drivers. She has said some pretty racist things about them, in front of God and everybody.”
Hey Mr. BoJangles, my wife is Asian, and she says all sorts of prejudiced things about Asian drivers — both male and female — all the time. I’m not joking, either. Does that make her racist too, or does she have the racial prerogative to do so?
“But she admits to being prejudiced against Asian female drivers. She has said some pretty racist things about them, in front of God and everybody.”
OK, once again, BoJangles – tell us what this has to do with anything.
I would agree with you that everybody has a little predudice in them, but the GOP has made discrimination a habit and a strategy – from Nixon’s blatantly racist comments, to Jesse Helms, to Strom Thurmond, to Reagan’s stories about welfare queens with Cadillacs, to Bush 41’s Willie Horton campaign, to the Bush brothers removing black voters from the FL voter list, to SP comparing Ron Sims to Robert Mugabe, etc, etc.
It’s one thing to have a racist thought. It’s another to make it the basis for a decades-long institutionalized political strategy.