Darryl has written about the science (or lack thereof) behind the recent vote to ban abortion at the federal level due to fetal pain. A fetus can’t feel pain, so basing abortion policy on that is going to result in bad policy. But there is someone in the decision to have an abortion who can feel pain, the one who is pregnant.
Even when it goes well, and the child is wanted, pregnancy is often a miserable, painful experience. As is childbirth. That’s might be one reason why more than 60% of the people who seek an abortion have a child: they know what they’re getting into.
So no, if the people who voted for this were concerned about pain, they would have voted to protect abortion rights. The fact that they see imaginary fetal pain as more important than the actual pain of the pregnant woman is really all you need to know.
* And trans men, and gender queers, etc.
Pregnant women do not enter into the discussion. Ask any “Conservative” after he’s had a couple stiff drinks and thinks he’s in friendly company, and he’ll tell you. Pregnant women whine, complain, get fat and ugly, sleep all the time and never get the housework done right. Pregnant women are useless for sex and meeting their other obligations as a servant to the man of the house.
It’s not about the Mother, its about the unborn fetus. Once that fetus is born and becomes a human, it is just another useless eater until the banks and oil companies can figure out how to make money from it.
Pregnancy is also punishment for the sin of engaging in sex, and should remain so, because once a woman has lost her virginity, she has gone from being pure to being polluted and unworthy of respect.
This is what Conservatives seem to believe with their Talibanesque disregard for women and their position in society. They say much of this shit outright.
@1 “it is just another useless eater until the banks and oil companies can figure out how to make money from it”
… or conservatives need him/her for cannon fodder in their next recreational war.
Roger Rabbit Poll
Conservatives’ next recreational war will be in …
[ ] Asia
[ ] Europe
[ ] Africa
[ ] South America
[ ] North America
[ ] Australia
[ ] Antarctica
[ ] Extra-planetary
[ ] Other
Republicans want everyone born and no one fed. (Except them, of course.) Oh, and they don’t want your food to be safe, either.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: How can anyone with a conscience vote Republican? We should stop pussyfooting with our trolls and hold them accountable for who they vote for and its impact on our society.
@4 – “hold them accountable for who they vote for and its impact on our society”. Yeah, I’d liek a tea bagger explain to me how attaching to the immigration bill border security of 20,000 border patrol police is small government. For a border that is less than 2000 miles long, that is 10 “police” per mile. Think of the overhead of 20,000 patrol officers. Are they on horseback? And parts of the border has a fence. This is small government? Where are the tea baggers when you need them? Getting involved with abortion of course.
If the woman gets pregnant all that matters is that she gives birth. It doesn’t matter how she got pregnant or what happens to the baby after it’s born. It has to be born.
It’s binary. Don’t have Sex or Give birth. Either Or. Nothing between.
However, this only applies to women.
@5. Do the baggers realize that all the guards will have be paid a decent wage and benefits or some will supplement their income with trafficing. I don’t see McWage guards being effective.
@ 7
Thats why they’ll contract with Blackwater and use mercs from South Africa and Columbia.
Is this a tea bagger?
I wonder if he got any of them pregnant.
As a small government libertarian let me explain that we see government as only being needed for things the private sector cannot do, especially, above all else, NATIONAL SECURITY. That is the main purpose of the government, security. That is the rationale of the border security argument.
@11 “we see government as only being needed for things the private sector cannot do”
Well, then, that calls for a pretty big government because one thing the private sector cannot do is police itself. That’s been proven over and over.