Good on the Seattle Times editorial board for voicing support for US Senator Patty Murray’s efforts to protect reproductive health care from the Supreme Court’s dangerous Hobby Lobby ruling…
Republicans and other Democrats in the Senate and House need to step up to this legislation, and its basic protections. Does anyone really believe that employees surrender their religious beliefs and civic prerogatives to their employers?
Shuffle the demographics, ethnicities and roles a bit, and no doubt the GOP opponents would be outraged by some potential employer-employee scenarios.
Timely and appropriate legislation in Congress restates the history and intent of existing federal laws so it will be clear, even for the nation’s highest court.
Of course, Murray’s bill has no chance of passing the Republican-controlled House. So, you know, if they really cared about defending women’s access to reproductive care, perhaps the editors might want to stop endorsing so many goddamn Republicans for Congress? Just sayin’.
The obvious solution is the defeat Republican candidates at all levels, especially in state legislatures where the abusive gerrymandering that allows a minority party to occupy a majority of House seats takes place.
Attention trolls: No, the GOP did not win the 2012 House elections. Democratic candidates got more votes. Over a million more votes than GOP candidates. You can look it up. The GOP House “majority” is a stolen majority.
Two points:
1.The Supreme Court decision stunned the four female justices with the breadth of the ruling. Their question was virtually, “What will come next?”
Breyer would be a little surprised at the loss of his Y chromosome.
2. Five of eight endorsements in 2012 were for Dems.
Unrelated but……
Goldy, which contraceptives and which category of health care providers are no longer accessible to women as a result of the ruling in question?
So, women who work at Hobby Lobby have to buy their own birth control.
Oh my gosh! Alert the media! The end of the world is coming!
“So, women who work at Hobby Lobby have to buy their own birth control.”
Yes, because the health-care benefits they earned through their labor can be denied them if their employer declares a “religious” belief.
Jack, as your Bible-thumping, teetotaling boss, I’m going to deduct from your paycheck any amount you might spend on booze. Does that make the issue plain enough for you?
@3 We have a system in which the majority of Americans get their health insurance through their employer. It’s a stupid fucking system. But that’s what we have. And now the court is telling business owners that they can discriminate against women based on the employer’s religious beliefs.
Fine. Let’s give employers their religious freedom by moving to a single payer system in which we all get our health insurance from the government. Okay with you?