Let’s not forget that neocons are a derivative of Trotskyism. And like all derivatives these days, their value is questionable and the market for them is much diminished.
Wasn’t it Hannah Arendt who said that totalitarianism actually springs from loneliness and alienation from society? Most of these extremists seem to turn out to be those who’ve either rejected society…or, as most often appears to be the case, they felt that society had rejected them, and thus felt justified in their acts.
More terrible, horrible, crippling news for the traitors and cowards on the right.
Jobless rate slowing.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Kommodore steve!
Friday, June 05, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows that 34% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-four percent (34%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of 0. That’s the highest level of strong disapproval and the lowest overall rating yet recorded.
Obama is in freefall.
People don’t feel safe and are figuring out we are going to have to pay back all the debt Obama is ringing up.
The right wing sings castratospews:
Anyone seen puddybud?
I want to get on his list.
Mike Jonesspews:
Obama has a anpproval rating of 655% accoring to Research 2000 and a disapproval rating of 30. So this is what its like to have a competent president.
There is a reason the GOP got their asses handed to them in November and they refuse to recognize it.
Mike Jonesspews:
Sorry typo on my part the approval rating is 65% not 655%
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Obama has a anpproval rating of 655%
Wow that’s amazing Mike Jones. Do you work for the Evil Manchurian Candidate?
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Puddy glad the jobless rate slowing. If laid-off workers who have given up looking for new jobs or have settled for part-time work are included, the unemployment rate would have been 16.4 percent in May, the highest on records dating to 1994. Who was preznit then stillbentover?
Why is that?
Klynical’s goats must be indisposed today. He’s back to jacking off over Rasmussen.
Excellent news! A bunch of right wing Christian assholes just lost their jobs! Better yet – TWO so-called CHRISTIAN magazines fold.
Now let’s see – using the logic of oreos like Puffybutt or baby rapers like CYNCYN – when a “mainstream” press publication closes it’s because of their “left-wing” bias. So I guess it follows these RIGHT WING RAGS LOST OUT BECAUSE OF THEIR BIAS TOO RIGHT?
Fucking hilarious!
Hey Puffybutt – as the house negro here – how do you feel about your brother Troll calling people niggers? I didn’t hear you speak out so are you assuming your usual oreo position on this too?
Ummm CYNCYN the outrage is where it should be – with you KKK types that bring on violence by blacks. And by the way – it was a simple robbery but whatever – I suppose you are worried now that it looks like the feds are targeting you and your ilk for the terrorist act against Dr. Miller. As usual – you are on the wrong side of this as you are everything else.
How’s your appeal going? I heard you got convicted of raping your own daughter again – well at least you graduated to raping women. Big step up from little boys.
Hey Puffybutt – there you go being an OREO again – not getting in the child rapist CYNCYN’s ass for making fun of your race. You’re a good house negro tho – so you won’t make no fuss now will ya?
Let’s not forget that neocons are a derivative of Trotskyism. And like all derivatives these days, their value is questionable and the market for them is much diminished.
Wasn’t it Hannah Arendt who said that totalitarianism actually springs from loneliness and alienation from society? Most of these extremists seem to turn out to be those who’ve either rejected society…or, as most often appears to be the case, they felt that society had rejected them, and thus felt justified in their acts.
More terrible, horrible, crippling news for the traitors and cowards on the right.
Jobless rate slowing.
Hey Kommodore steve!
Friday, June 05, 2009
Obama is in freefall.
People don’t feel safe and are figuring out we are going to have to pay back all the debt Obama is ringing up.
Anyone seen puddybud?
I want to get on his list.
Obama has a anpproval rating of 655% accoring to Research 2000 and a disapproval rating of 30. So this is what its like to have a competent president.
There is a reason the GOP got their asses handed to them in November and they refuse to recognize it.
Sorry typo on my part the approval rating is 65% not 655%
Wow that’s amazing Mike Jones. Do you work for the Evil Manchurian Candidate?
Puddy glad the jobless rate slowing. If laid-off workers who have given up looking for new jobs or have settled for part-time work are included, the unemployment rate would have been 16.4 percent in May, the highest on records dating to 1994. Who was preznit then stillbentover?
Why is that?
Klynical’s goats must be indisposed today. He’s back to jacking off over Rasmussen.
Excellent news! A bunch of right wing Christian assholes just lost their jobs! Better yet – TWO so-called CHRISTIAN magazines fold.
Now let’s see – using the logic of oreos like Puffybutt or baby rapers like CYNCYN – when a “mainstream” press publication closes it’s because of their “left-wing” bias. So I guess it follows these RIGHT WING RAGS LOST OUT BECAUSE OF THEIR BIAS TOO RIGHT?
Fucking hilarious!
Hey Puffybutt – as the house negro here – how do you feel about your brother Troll calling people niggers? I didn’t hear you speak out so are you assuming your usual oreo position on this too?
Fucking piece of shit!
Hey CYNCYN – you could be in trouble.
You better delete all those posts you made over at the Operation Rescue site!
Hate crime by “extreminsts” in Tacoma–
Where is the outrage??
Ummm CYNCYN the outrage is where it should be – with you KKK types that bring on violence by blacks. And by the way – it was a simple robbery but whatever – I suppose you are worried now that it looks like the feds are targeting you and your ilk for the terrorist act against Dr. Miller. As usual – you are on the wrong side of this as you are everything else.
How’s your appeal going? I heard you got convicted of raping your own daughter again – well at least you graduated to raping women. Big step up from little boys.
Hey Puffybutt – there you go being an OREO again – not getting in the child rapist CYNCYN’s ass for making fun of your race. You’re a good house negro tho – so you won’t make no fuss now will ya?