SLOG–where Dan Savage once argued enthusiastically for the invasion of Iraq– and Saudi Arabia if they didn’t bend to America’s will. Where Dan Savage argued that war is good for children and lefties are assholes. I’ll pass. Anyone who participates at SLOG is an asshole in my book.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Then Move Goldy…
There is certainly no job keeping you here.
Plus your mommy will probably give you more handouts with the $$ she is saving funding your airline tickets.
Pennsylvania has moved to the Right to fix things the Lefty’s screwed up.
You can lead the charge to bring the incompetent idiots back.
We all know the parts of the Stranger of most interest to Mr. C. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Nice pic of Bawney Fwank reading the Males Seeking Males section of the paper!
Rujax! Puddy and Cyniklown sittin in a tree...spews:
…nahhhh he’s looking with disgust at pics of MISTER-Cynical-ASS-Klown and his goat.
move to kempertown and live blog the kevin wallace debacle.
Blue Johnspews:
@2.Cyn, how does that advance any conversation?
Why don’t you move to move to Montana where some people appreciate that sort of homophohic ****. Oh wait. You already did.
Yeah I read your post on Slog, Goldy, and I have to say, having been born and raised in Philadelphia, that it’s a great place to live, and it has all the hip urban amenities one could wish for, IF YOU ARE A MULTI FUCKING MILLIONAIRE LIKE CLIFF FUCKING LEE!
For working people, it sucks balls. It’s filthy, it’s crime-ridden, and it’s TOO FUCKING CROWDED!
I am happy to be a hick in the sticks, growing my own food, chopping my own firewood, feeding my animals, and living in peace and quiet without neighbors breathing down my neck. Enjoy your urban vibrant yuppie hipster lifestyle. I wouldn’t live it at gunpoint.
Dr. Zaiusspews:
then go the fuck back to the east coast goldy – stop complaining and man the fuck up and get the fuck out….I will even call Mike the Mover to come pack your shit.
Sam Adamsspews:
+1 Ivan!
The transportation “works” in Phila mainly due to geography.
Phila was planned and layed before it was built.
Seattle mostly just happened. No? Please explain the underground.
Light rail around here would work if they put in rail YEARS ago before all kinds of stuff got built in it’s way.
BTW: The mainline just outside of Philly was built by and for evil rich people to get goods and labor to where they lived.
Still…I’m miss soft pretzels and Cheesesteaks
Mr. Cynicalspews:
8. ivan spews:
Yeah I read your post on Slog, Goldy, and I have to say, having been born and raised in Philadelphia, that it’s a great place to live, and it has all the hip urban amenities one could wish for, IF YOU ARE A MULTI FUCKING MILLIONAIRE LIKE CLIFF FUCKING LEE!
For working people, it sucks balls. It’s filthy, it’s crime-ridden, and it’s TOO FUCKING CROWDED!
Goldy comes from a wealthy Jewish family and his mommy still pays for plane tickets so he can come home & rest from…no job.
Goldy is absolutely clueless about struggling families. I know well because I came from one that lived from paycheck to paycheck, I paid for my education and they never sent me money for plane tickets.
It’s a telling case of perspective ivan.
Goldy is an elitist Progressive…not an old-fashioned Truman Democrat who believed in private sector jobs.
Goldy’s arrogance speaks to who he is if he thinks Philly is an affordable, wonderful place.
Yeah for trust-funders like Goldy!
Rujax! Exposing Cyniklown and His Dumbass Guru Chris Charlatan...spews:
11. Mr. Cynical spews:
8. ivan spews:
Yeah I read your post on Slog, Goldy, and I have to say, having been born and raised in Philadelphia, that it’s a great place to live, and it has all the hip urban amenities one could wish for, IF YOU ARE A MULTI FUCKING MILLIONAIRE LIKE CLIFF FUCKING LEE!
For working people, it sucks balls. It’s filthy, it’s crime-ridden, and it’s TOO FUCKING CROWDED!
Goldy comes from a wealthy Jewish family and his mommy still pays for plane tickets so he can come home & rest from…no job.
Goldy is absolutely clueless about struggling families. I know well because I came from one that lived from paycheck to paycheck, I paid for my education and they never sent me money for plane tickets.
It’s a telling case of perspective ivan.
Goldy is an elitist Progressive…not an old-fashioned Truman Democrat who believed in private sector jobs.
Goldy’s arrogance speaks to who he is if he thinks Philly is an affordable, wonderful place.
Yeah for trust-funders like Goldy!
12/16/2010 at 5:51 pm
JEEEE-SUSSSSS H. CHRIST you’re an asshole. You just make shit up don’t you???
What a goat-fucking fuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I’ve been gone for a few days to visit Pop Rabbit, who is almost 100 years old and was dying of pneumonia last week. Well, he’s doing a lot better and isn’t dying anymore, which is how he got to be so old. And on the flight back to Seattle tonight I found myself sitting next to one of Darryl’s department colleagues, and we had a nice four-hour chat about anthropology. This professor was attending a conference in D.C. and told me how the Obama people shafted them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 War is evil.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 So what’s wrong with that? Rep. Frank is gay, so you really don’t expect him to read the “boys seeking girls” ads, do you? What are you, some kind of pervert?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Goldy’s mom sends him plane ticket money.
What more do you need to know?
Then call up Mommy once gain for a free plane ticket to Philly and get the fuck out of here Goldstein. It’s not like you have a career here or anything, just a chronically unemployed sexually frutrated man that lives off the handouts of others in a dilapitated and dumpy house.
SLOG–where Dan Savage once argued enthusiastically for the invasion of Iraq– and Saudi Arabia if they didn’t bend to America’s will. Where Dan Savage argued that war is good for children and lefties are assholes. I’ll pass. Anyone who participates at SLOG is an asshole in my book.
Then Move Goldy…
There is certainly no job keeping you here.
Plus your mommy will probably give you more handouts with the $$ she is saving funding your airline tickets.
Pennsylvania has moved to the Right to fix things the Lefty’s screwed up.
You can lead the charge to bring the incompetent idiots back.
We all know the parts of the Stranger of most interest to Mr. C. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Nice pic of Bawney Fwank reading the Males Seeking Males section of the paper!
…nahhhh he’s looking with disgust at pics of MISTER-Cynical-ASS-Klown and his goat.
move to kempertown and live blog the kevin wallace debacle.
@2.Cyn, how does that advance any conversation?
Why don’t you move to move to Montana where some people appreciate that sort of homophohic ****. Oh wait. You already did.
Yeah I read your post on Slog, Goldy, and I have to say, having been born and raised in Philadelphia, that it’s a great place to live, and it has all the hip urban amenities one could wish for, IF YOU ARE A MULTI FUCKING MILLIONAIRE LIKE CLIFF FUCKING LEE!
For working people, it sucks balls. It’s filthy, it’s crime-ridden, and it’s TOO FUCKING CROWDED!
I am happy to be a hick in the sticks, growing my own food, chopping my own firewood, feeding my animals, and living in peace and quiet without neighbors breathing down my neck. Enjoy your urban vibrant yuppie hipster lifestyle. I wouldn’t live it at gunpoint.
then go the fuck back to the east coast goldy – stop complaining and man the fuck up and get the fuck out….I will even call Mike the Mover to come pack your shit.
+1 Ivan!
The transportation “works” in Phila mainly due to geography.
Phila was planned and layed before it was built.
Seattle mostly just happened. No? Please explain the underground.
Light rail around here would work if they put in rail YEARS ago before all kinds of stuff got built in it’s way.
BTW: The mainline just outside of Philly was built by and for evil rich people to get goods and labor to where they lived.
Still…I’m miss soft pretzels and Cheesesteaks
8. ivan spews:
Goldy comes from a wealthy Jewish family and his mommy still pays for plane tickets so he can come home & rest from…no job.
Goldy is absolutely clueless about struggling families. I know well because I came from one that lived from paycheck to paycheck, I paid for my education and they never sent me money for plane tickets.
It’s a telling case of perspective ivan.
Goldy is an elitist Progressive…not an old-fashioned Truman Democrat who believed in private sector jobs.
Goldy’s arrogance speaks to who he is if he thinks Philly is an affordable, wonderful place.
Yeah for trust-funders like Goldy!
JEEEE-SUSSSSS H. CHRIST you’re an asshole. You just make shit up don’t you???
What a goat-fucking fuck.
I’ve been gone for a few days to visit Pop Rabbit, who is almost 100 years old and was dying of pneumonia last week. Well, he’s doing a lot better and isn’t dying anymore, which is how he got to be so old. And on the flight back to Seattle tonight I found myself sitting next to one of Darryl’s department colleagues, and we had a nice four-hour chat about anthropology. This professor was attending a conference in D.C. and told me how the Obama people shafted them.
@1 War is evil.
@4 So what’s wrong with that? Rep. Frank is gay, so you really don’t expect him to read the “boys seeking girls” ads, do you? What are you, some kind of pervert?
Goldy’s mom sends him plane ticket money.
What more do you need to know?
Then call up Mommy once gain for a free plane ticket to Philly and get the fuck out of here Goldstein. It’s not like you have a career here or anything, just a chronically unemployed sexually frutrated man that lives off the handouts of others in a dilapitated and dumpy house.