When blogging, I can be a little harsh without realizing it. I’m not actually as big an SOB as I sometimes seem. So in this post I want to take note of folks I may have been too harsh on.
If you read this Seattle Weekly article, you’ll see what they have to put up with. While I knock Metro and their fleet of stinky, smelly, slow buses, I’m not knocking the drivers. Most of them are decent folks who put up with a lot.
Everyone I know disagrees with Joel on something. I think this is what makes him a good columnist. He gets taken to task by lefties and righties. Joel sticks up for Old Seattle, and does it better than others. Also, he showed up to Drinking Liberally before it was cool popular.
I bashed Phil for his goofball anti-light rail opinions. As it turns out, Phil was close to my grandfather, who was a long time PCO from the 34th legislative district. Phil even showed up at my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary back in the late 80’s. Very classy.
Ha! Not!
What else can I say…everyone is GAY!
@ 1
You have to be an Nirvana fan to know that your comment isn’t off topic.
Hey, I liked Come As You Are as much as anyone my age could, but I have no idea what he’s talking about.
I’ll second this sentiment Will. I took Connelly to task a few weeks ago, but he is a good guy (even though I’m very partial to the folks at The Stranger).
Joel Connelly Causes Stock Market Crash!
I see on the P-I’s web site that Joel published a column about Gregoire and Rossi this week. I also see on AOL that the stock market is down 438 points today! Given the close correlation between Joel’s column and the market crash, there must be as correlation!*
* Just kidding! I’m practicing wingnut logic.
@ 4
The Stranger folks are NOT fans of Joel. Joel says it’s because they don’t have enough “armor above deck.” I’ve seen Stranger folks walk out of DL when they’ve seen Joel. And no one overreacts to a Joel column like the Stranger.
@ 7
No doubt, the Stranger writers take themselves way too seriously. I mean, it’s a tabloid rag that runs on porn ads for crikes sake! The editor made his bones writing an over the top sex advice column. They’d be laughable if not for being so pathetic.
Hmmm…I’ll bet you’d have to look long and hard to find any publication nowadays that doesn’t take itself too seriously.
Sorry. I bike commute. Bus drivers are the least considerate drivers in Seattle, and it’s not close. Worse than Range Rover drivers. Yes, they have to lug around 60 feet of articulated pain through rush hour, but that doesn’t excuse someone from being a decent human being.
Ah, but they’d be pathetic if not for being so money
I think we can all agree that if there was a all knowing, all seeing being that kept a log of all the traffic infractions people make on a daily basis and then judged you on it in the afterlife, they would need about 15000 bike lanes straight to hell to accommodate the traffic backup.
And if there is justice, spandex will melt, not burn.
My new bumper sticker idea. “I drive like a bicyclist, except with a Range Rover”.
Will, I took the hint from the post title….what else could I write? I don’t have the right….
At any time Metro has about 3,000 bus drivers employed. The vast majority are good drivers with a helpful attitude. Some are not. A few are jerks.
Sound like where you work?
If I dealt with the shit Metro drivers do on a daily basis, I just might get cranky too…
As for Joel, his main problem is an increasingly closed mind. After a long distinguished career he now tends more towards name calling than reasoned analysis. As a previous poster said, the Stranger staff needs to lighten up. They are no longer the little underdog paper made up of 20 somethings. They are now the big weekly with plenty of 30 and 40 somethings.
Phil is a great guy personally, but when you look at his political stands as of late it is clear that his worldview is stuck somewhere around 1987. If he wants to keep weighing in on issues, he deserves a critical voice.
Keep up the good work.