Campus Progress has put together a slick, fun new website lampooning Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito’s record on a number of crucial issues. Go to Alito’s America, and watch their minute-and-a-half video.
Also be sure to check out the “Future Headlines”, in which disastrous court decisions are predicted based on Alito’s prior rulings and writings. Legalize machine guns? Alito has previously ruled that Congress lacks the power under the commerce clause to regulate possession of a firearm. Scary guy.
Speaking of videos, here’s a good one.
North Dakota Dem To Party Chair Howard Dean: ‘Shut Up’…
Speaking of scarey guys…..
How about Dean, Kerry, Murtha, sheehan and the rest of the CLOWNS???
These Pinheads are doing more to rebuild the Republican Party than anyone in History!!!!
Give the CLOWNS a lot of rope….errrr the mike….and let ’em talk.
They have absolutely no specific agenda on what to do. All they can do is criticize while our soldiers are in harms way.
This issue seperates the good old-fashioned Truman and Humphrey Democrats from LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS, doesn’t it!
There is a huge American population not committed to one Political Party or the other. When they see and hear the Dean’s & Kerry’s go off the deep-end repeatedly….it does nothing but help the Republican’s.
I’m glad you CLOWNS are continuing your ongoing diatribes against this and against that. Keep talking you fools!
So I am curious…
Which is worse, legalizing machine guns or legalizing all drugs?
momus @ 4:
Let’s be generous and support both ideas!
Are you guys out to Bork all nominees?
I am sincerely interested in helping the dems regain their majority position in Washington DC. Therefore I am asking all concerned democrats to e-mail their congressional representatives and senators in order to encourage them to take a stand against Christmas!
Probably you will get a better response if you contact Nancy Pelosi, Jim McDermott and Howard Dean. The sooner that the Democratic Leadership publicly takes a stand against this radical right-wing attempt to legitimize the public affirmation of “Merry Christmas”, the better.
Howard Dean—for Halloween!!!
Anybody rather talk about Howard Dean?
We could start with this —
I think this blog should be renanmed HorsesTrolls.Org
MATT LAUER: No, I’m just saying, can we win it? (War on Terror) Do you say that?
POLITICIAN: I don’t–I don’t think we can win it.
Who said it? George W. Bush. 8/30/2004
You moonbats watch how easy it will be to confirm this guy.
This America-hater Alito could actually be good for the left. Once this mini-Hitler gets on the throne of the Supreme Court and stops legal abortion, all the right wing whores who start dying in botched back room abortions will cause an outrage among the so-called conservatives and the voters will crush what few members of the GOP who are left.
I can’t believe how much of a contrarian I’m being here this week, but under the Commerce Clause, Congress shouldn’t have the right to regulate the possession of firearms. The sale of firearms, yes.
Alito is a terrifying choice for several reasons (his views on privacy are a major one, and will no doubt lead to the undoing of Roe v Wade), but his views on the commerce clause aren’t that bad of an example.
“Speaking of scarey guys….. How about Dean, Kerry, Murtha, sheehan and the rest of the CLOWNS???”
Downright entertaining compared to the REALLY scary guys: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Frist, Hastert, DeLay, and the rest of the GOP fascists.
“Which is worse, legalizing machine guns or legalizing all drugs?”
Neither. Legalizing Republicans is worse.
[Black Democrats find a “new right” in America!!!] The eldest of four Black Muslim gang rapist brothers has admitted lying at trial and apologised to his victims but said he thought he had a right to rape the ”promiscuous” teenage girls. MSK, 27, told the Court yesterday that this was because the girls did not wear headscarves, were drinking alcohol and were unaccompanied when they went to his Ashfield home. “I gave them the love they needed”, said MSK!! [Looks like a perfect running mate with Hillary in 2008!!!]
“Are you guys out to Bork all nominees?”
No, just the ones who disrespect the Constitution and take away our freedoms.
left turn…..are you always this unbalanced? do you call everyone you disagree with hitler? because it’s really losing it’s “panache”………
Neither. Legalizing Republicans is worse.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 12/9/05 @ 12:14 pm [If Republicans were made illegal, who would pay the taxes to support the p[arasite Democrats?? Atlas has Shrugged!]
Democrat Left Turn…….Meet Democrat “Tookie” Williams. He needs your Democrat “support” for 20 minutes in his cell!!
Al “Tawana” Sharpton….Supreme Court Chief Justice?? Yes!! He is the heart and soul of today’s black Democrats!!!
roger…isn’t that what you and your cronies are trying to do with christmas? PC it right out of existance? in other words…trying to take away our rights and freedoms?
it’s freedom of religion….not freedom from religion. when they come to your house and grab you to make you look at a christmas tree be sure to get back to me…….then it might be a problem.
and that will never happen.
roger…isn’t that what you and your cronies are trying to do with christmas? PC it right out of existance?
Actually, no. I know of no one trying to do this. A small handful of random incidents does not make a nationwide movement. There is a tiny fringe on the left that is too easily offended by things religious. So the hell what? They are ignored by the overwhelming majority of those on the left who call a Christmas Tree a Christmas Tree.
it’s freedom of religion….not freedom from religion.
No, it’s actually both. In this country, we have the freedom to worship as we choose, and we also have a right not to have the government endorse any one religion belief over another. This was the explicit intent of our founding fathers when they purposefully drafted a constitution that did not acknowledge a particular religious dogma.
off topic…but i thought you all might enjoy this……….
*Is it the NFL or is it the NBA?
It Must Be The NBA?? ?
36 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at
least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault
71, repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits. and
84 have been arrested for drunk driving
in the last year
Can you guess which organization this is?
Give up yet? . . . Scroll down, citizen!
It’s the 535 members of the United States
The same group of Idiots that crank out hundreds
of new laws each year designed to keep the rest
of us in line.*
now isn’t that interesting???????
“roger…isn’t that what you and your cronies are trying to do with christmas?”
Not me. I call it Christmas. Hey, call it Christmas all you want to! Works for me. But I don’t get my fur in a knot over somebody else calling it a “holiday” just to create a trivial issue to distract people from big issues, such as how badly the party in power is fucking everything up.
The problem with these fringies is the same problem parents have with uncontrolled, spoiled, whining brats… nothing is never enough…
Roe v Wade was supposed to be ‘enough'(you know, what they whined they wanted) with the invention of the “right” of choice – but now they want, advocate birthcontrol by murder on demand by 11 yr olds without parental notification.
Parity for the homosexuals was supposed to be ‘enough’ (you know, what they whined they wanted) but now they want society to redefine its traditions and bless the idea that Joe and John raising little Annie is the very same as Joe and Joan raising her.
‘Diversity’ was the rally cry, recognition of differences was supposed to be ‘enough’ (you know, what they whined they wanted) but now they no longer want “diversity” they want elimination of those from whom they think they are diverse.
The problem with uncontrolled, spoiled, whining brats is that eventually someone has the courage to slap the shit out of them…rhetorically of course for all you esteem whiners, and that is what mainstream America is and has been doing to the liberal fringies… finally.
“it’s freedom of religion….not freedom from religion”
You’re dead wrong about this, and if you think the Constitution allows anyone to compel everyone else to have a religion, we’re gonna need a civil war to settle this.
Parity for the homosexuals was supposed to be ‘enough’ (you know, what they whined they wanted) but now they want society to redefine its traditions and bless the idea that Joe and John raising little Annie is the very same as Joe and Joan raising her.
Ending slavery for the blacks was supposed to be ‘enough’ (you know, what they whined they wanted) but now they want society to redefine its traditions and bless the idea that they can intermarry with whites.
So what are you saying, that if a progressive movement doesn’t achieve all of its stated goals at one time, that it’s some kind of devious plot? Try logic some time, you might find it useful.
Bad news moonbats. Alito gonna get confirmed and there ain’t a fucking thing you can do about it. We won. Remember?
You’re dead wrong about this, NO ONE IS COMPELLING ANYONE everyone else to have a religion, you disingenuaous fool… and what’s worse, you ASS, is you know it.
You know what….
I don’t support unions.
I’m not black.
I’m going to start a protest against black history month until such time as there is a WHITE HISTORY month.
I’m not homosexual.
I’m going to raise such a ruckas until there is a PARADE TO CELEBRATE HETEROSEXUALITY.
I’m not an econutburger.
I’m going to complain and whine until I can have whatever the hell the opposit of Earth day would/could be.
Ass @ 25:
After reading your, uh, interersting take as to what you think lefties think of the world, I’m curious. Do you really see the world that way, or is this your idea of rhetorical flourish?
If it’s the former, I worry about you. Seriously.
If it’s the latter, I’m told the community colleges offer remedial writing courses for reasonable fees. Enrollment for Winter Quarter is on now. Check it out!
prr has called out Roger Rabbit again, to wit:
“Great, you gonna assault me? I’ll show up with my lawyer”
Hey prr, do you also hire a lawyer to spit on Vietnam vets for you?
The problem with uncontrolled, spoiled, whining brats is that eventually someone has the courage to slap the shit out of them
And I’m counting down the days until we get to slap the sh*t out of the uncontrolled, whining, spoiled brats who ignore the serious problems facing this country and instead come up with lame ways to attack others.
Maybe you can get Stefan to set up a “prr legal action fund” on his web site
Bad news moonbats. Alito gonna get confirmed and there ain’t a fucking thing you can do about it. We won. Remember?
It’ll be bad news for you as much as it is for me. You’re just too stupid to understand it yet.
ASS @ 29
Then do those things. No one’s stopping you.
okay..thehim…i’ll bite. then explain this…….
tonight as you are watching t.v. with your family watch the commercials. also known as the “canaries in the coal mine” of modern culture.count just how many actually use the word christmas versus holiday…if anything at all.[ remember the good old days when we all watched the little santa claus riding the electric shaver???….and the warm family snapshots of everyone getting together around a CHRISTMAS TREE?]
there is an assault on christmas going on…..don’t kid yourself…….
here is a classic example. when i toured the washington state supreme court building during christmas i was surprised [considering the ‘climate’] to see wreaths hanging i asked the clerk who was giving me the tour what they were. he said “holiday wreaths” so me being me [i couldn’t resist] i asked him for what holiday. he actually said december 25th. so i tried again “and what day would that be?” with a smile.he said it was a federal holiday. so i said ….so you are saying that it’s “holiday day”?
he leaned down and hissed in my ear “it’s christmas, okay? we both know it’s christmas but what are you trying to do? get me fired?”
my parting shot to this brave public servant was “well, you better call the cops then because some NASTY individual put a big decorated christmas tree out on your lawn”
if this little example doesn’t tell you anything…well……
lenin is certainly smiling right now.
so much for free speech and freedom of religion because with this attitude pervading everywhere…..and it is religious intolerance for those of you that wouldn’t recognize it if it whacked you upside the head…….what freedoms are next all under the guise of “protecting” sensitive individuals from big bad old christmas.
where is the ACLU when you need them?
oh that’s right …on the wrong side as usual.
Ass @ 29:
I’m going to start a protest against black history month until such time as there is a WHITE HISTORY month.
Bud, where I went to school, white folks (if you include Italians as white) created the world and everything in it. Even a hardcore leftie like me will tell you the influence of European and American culture on the world has been overwhelming. I fail to see that taking a month to recognize that people of African descent have done some things is going to upset that balance all that much.
I’m going to raise such a ruckas until there is a PARADE TO CELEBRATE HETEROSEXUALITY.
Mardis Gras. New Orleans. Check it out. It’ll renew your faith in heterosexuality.
I’m going to complain and whine until I can have whatever the hell the opposit of Earth day would/could be.
Why do you hate the earth?
OK, prr, here’s a plan that make work for you. Send your lawyer to Drinking Liberally as a proxy. I’ll buy her a drink and let her sit on my lap. Then Mrs. Rabbit will hit me. Does that work for you?
No, the really bad news for you fringies is when 85 year old Stevens retires and GW gets a 3rd pick… hello, Janice Rogers Brown.
Rabbit, worng thread
The reason that commercials use the word holiday instead of Christmas is because nearly everyone celebrates a holiday at this time of year, while only Christians celebrate Christmas. The motivation is based in marketing, nothing else. When you use the word holiday, you are more inclusive, and that’s key to advertisers. The free market has driven the push to use the word holiday instead of Christmas, not people trying to destroy Christmas.
As for the wreaths at the state house, I agree that it sucks if a person feels he can’t say the word Christmas in conjunction with a wreath or a tree. Christmas is a federal holiday and therefore trees are perfectly ok to be placed in public places. The ACLU has never challenged that, you can look it up. And if you think that the ACLU is against religious freedom, you really should get your head examined, because you’re very far from sane.
HowCan@ 25 sez:
“The problem with uncontrolled, spoiled, whining brats is that eventually someone has the courage to slap the shit out of them…rhetorically of course for all you esteem whiners, and that is what mainstream America is and has been doing to the liberal fringies… finally.
Comment by HowCanYouBePROUDtobeAnASS— 12/9/05 @ 12:45 pm”
Actually HowCan, the LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS are in the process of bitch-slapping THEMSELVES! All the wounds you see on their frail bodies are self-inflicted. CLOWNS seem to take some sick pleasure in cutting gaping wounds all over their bodies and rubbing fecal matter in the open sores! They get these horrible infections and try to blame the RIGHT. The problem for these CLOWNS is we have them on videotape repeatedly SELF-ABUSING!
Just when you worry about LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS making progress, they allow Howard Dean, Jim McDimwit, Barney Fag, John Kerry, Ted “Swimmer” Kennedy, Pelosi, Murtha, Sheehan, Moore et al to take a jagged rusty knife, impale themselves with it and them rub their own shit in the wound.
We can all go to bed at night and sleep safely with these CLOWNS in charge of the Democratic Party!
Like Souter?
THehim @ 35 – OK. Enlighten me with your superior intellect. List the “bad things” that you think he’ll do. Pour yerself a glass of moonbat kool aid and lemme hear… THis oughta be entertaining…
Mardis Gras. New Orleans. Check it out. It’ll renew your faith in heterosexuality.
Well said.
Yea, that Howard Dean is an ass….oh wait, you meant….
Never mind
THehim @ 35 – OK. Enlighten me with your superior intellect. List the “bad things†that you think he’ll do. Pour yerself a glass of moonbat kool aid and lemme hear… THis oughta be entertaining…
For one, I believe that he will strip away a lot of 4th amendment related protections, which could allow government organizations like the ATF to access your property without a proper warrant and conduct searches for illegal, unregistered firearms.
Want a few more examples that worry a Kool-Aid drinking moonbat?
okay thehim……when [and damn i can’t remember which town it was] a city in florida put up a giant lighted menorah[ i just KNOW i am spelling that wrong…sorry] and then refused to let the christians put up their nativity scene….which side was the ACLU on? hmmmm?
prr, you are getting funnier by the minute! I didn’t know you had it in you to be such a rib tickler!
I don’t know, I’ve never heard of that. But if one group is allowed to put up a religious symbol in a public place and the other is not, that’s clearly a violation of one group’s civil rights. Post a link about the incident and I’ll be happy to take a look at the relevant facts.
OK, folks, here’s the prr-Roger Rabbit showdown plan. Evil-prr will send his lawyer to DL. The lawyer will sit in RR’s lap and have a few drinks. Roger Rabbit and the lawyer will make ho-ho. Then Mrs. Rabbit will knock out Roger Rabbit’s front teeth. Evil-prr saves face, nobody gets hurt, there’s no lawsuit, and 24 years from now we’ll have plenty of lawyers with long ears. Sound like a plan?
everyone be nice and just watch the poretty lights.
We can argue later.
Why not hire the Democratic SIDESHOW team of Dean-Pelosi-Kerry-Kennedy-Jackson-Moore-Sheehan et al to help promote your position. They are very effective……FOR THE OTHER SIDE!
I looked at the link on Goldy’s post. Didn’t read all of it, but spousal notification on infanticide and upholding the second amendment both seem like real good ideas to me.
Thehim, where are you getting the hysteria on the jack boot thugs breaking in?
Thehim, where are you getting the hysteria on the jack boot thugs breaking in?
Many conservative judges, Roberts especially, but Alito and Scalia as well, have not regarded the 4th amendment with the same level of importance as other judges. The 4th amendment protects people from illegal searches. If the Alito is confirmed, makes certain rulings on privacy that take away certain 4th amendment protections, and then a Democratic congress is elected that decides to make and enforce stricter gun control laws, many NRA members could find themselves regretting having someone like Alito on the bench.
What? No thread about fat ass slob crybaby Paul Berendt retiring? What a shame. Maybe put an ad out there in all the local papers for a replacement: WANTED: An overweight, tree-huggin’, tofu eating, pussified, gutless, diaper-wearing, sad excuse for a man to lead the Washington State hypocritical “we think we’re holier than thou- but we’re really not” Democratic Party. Required: Little common sense, election rigging, and must shed tears on national TV like a big baby when things don’t go his way. Also, must worship the illegimate “Governor” Queen Christine. Try that; it may very well work. Hardy, har-har.
Here’s a good article on Slate that analyzes Alito’s background on the 4th amendment:
So, for example, Alito sat on a dozen panels in which judges disagreed regarding a citizen’s Fourth Amendment rights. In each of those cases, Alito adopted the view most supportive of the government’s position. Alito would have upheld the strip searches of an innocent 10-year-old girl, dissenting from the opinion by the well-known civil libertarian Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Alito crossed swords with two Reagan appointees in arguing that a jury shouldn’t decide whether a police officer lawfully allowed his men to push to the ground, handcuff, and hold at gunpoint another innocent family. That case was echoed three years later when Alito, this time writing for a majority, found that in the course of an eviction, marshals could reasonably pump a sawed-off shotgun at a family sitting around its living room.
Thehim – Geez, put the kool aid down. Think rationally. 56 contains zero specifics. Just say the word “conservative” to you guys or “constructionist” and you guys go off the fucking deep end.
By “you guys”, do you mean liberals are libertarians? I’m still trying to gauge whether or not you even have the beginnings of a clue of what you’re talking about.
The only right wing commenter who has anything to say is ,sgmmac. ALL the rest are merely spewers of hate who have been at it for a long time and have nothing to say. They should all be banned from HA, except for ,sgmmac.
Banned? That would amount to censorship and a loss of free speech. Some of us think you’re the one “spewing”. You can’t have your cake and eat it too; differing opinions are a necessity for a healthy debate. One-sided opinions such as yours are only half. You’re the one that needs to get a grip my friend. Try not making love to yourself so much there pal, you might find the world is a better place after you realize that.
Read a little deeper on the strip search issue and why Alito dissented. You are listening to spin. at least read the whole thing and decide.
from factcheck …I could not find similar facts of your other accusations.
The ad claims that Alito voted to “approve the strip search of a ten-year-old girl” in 1998. The case, Doe v. Groody, centered on whether a Pennsylvania couple had the right to sue local police officers who searched their home, themselves and their daughter for methamphetamines on the basis of a tip from an informant claiming to have bought drugs at the house.
Officers of the Schuylkill County Drug Task Force obtained a search warrant that named only the husband (identified in court papers only as “John Doe,” not his real name). But they argued that a magistrate had approved the warrant based on a police officer’s affidavit that sought permission “to search all occupants of the residence and their belongings” (emphasis added.)
Officers entered the home and searched “John Doe,” his wife and their ten-year- old daughter Mary. The strip search of the wife and daughter was conducted by a female officer, in private, in an upstairs bathroom. No contraband was found.
“John and Jane Doe” filed a civil suit in District Court against the officers for violation of their and their daughter’s Fourth Amendment rights. The officers moved for summary judgment arguing the searches fell within the scope of the search warrant and therefore they were covered by qualified immunity, which protects them from civil liability for actions performed during the execution of their duties.
The District Court denied the officer’s motion for summary judgment and the officers appealed.The case was heard by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in September 2003. The Third Circuit upheld the District Court’s ruling – clearing the way for the lawsuit to go forward – with Alito filing a dissenting opinion.
The central issue was whether the police officer’s affidavit requesting the search warrant widened the parameters of the search beyond what was stated in the warrant itself. Here’s what it said:
Affidavit: This application seeks permission to search all occupants of the residence and their belongings to prevent the removal, concealment, or destruction of any evidence requested in this warrant. It is the experience of your co-affiants that drug dealers often attempt to do so when faced with impending apprehension and may give such evidence to persons who do not actually reside or own/rent the premises. This is done to prevent the discovery of said items in hopes that said persons will not be subject to search when police arrive.
The majority ruled that since only “John Doe” was named in the search warrant, and since the warrant makes no reference to the attached affidavit, the officers lacked probable cause to search the wife and daughter and therefore violated “their clearly established Fourth Amendment rights.”
Alito dissented, saying that a “commonsense and realistic” reading of the warrant gave the officers the impression that “all occupants” of the home were to be searched, and that they were acting within their professional duties in searching the wife and girl.
Although Alito said he thought the search was permissible, he made clear he would have preferred not to have it happen:
Alito: I share the majority’s visceral dislike of the intrusive search of John Doe’s young daughter, but it is a sad fact that drug dealers sometimes use children to carry out their business and to avoid prosecution. I know of no legal principle that bars an officer from searching a child (in a proper manner) if a warrant has been issued and the warrant is not illegal on its face.
Just providing a larger picture for discussion.
Cynical Irrelevant Bozo @ 43
Take your meds clown. You’re havin’ a hate siezure!
From too much losin’: Dino, Brownie, I-912, etc.
thehim-23 ‘There is a tiny fringe on the left..’
The ACLU is on the fringe?
Banned? That would amount to censorship and a loss of free speech.
Not in your world, Mark1. You and your fellow crypto-authoritarians on the right espouse that speech, like anything else, should be rationed by the market–i.e., if you have money, you can buy speech. That is why they killed the fairness doctrine on the PUBLIC AIRWAVES.
Welcome to your world. Enjoy.
Just for the sake of argument, Goldy can actually censor anything he wants to. he is not a government, this is his private space and he is bound only by his own beliefs.
That he continues to do so when both sides are so virulent is an indication that he:
a) values free thought
b) Values a good debate and or flame war.
And I respect him for that, even though I often think he likes the flames more then the debates.
well really, you just have to look at USP to see what happens if you get ban-happy.
@64: Sven,
So you support lowering the bar regarding unreasonable search and seizure to the point where the police can strip search a young female because “they believe” __________ (fill in the blank with the undesirable of your choice) it to be warranted?
Conservatives bring out the old slippery slope argument all the time–and you see no irony? Get serious. Alito based his legal opinion upon his own social predjudices (i.e., what he “felt” drug dealers did), and conservatives decry “judicial activism”? The reasoning was mendacious, and the fact that he was the only dissenter on the panel in this case speaks volumes.
You might look yourself at analysis by those who agree this was bad law. It does not appear you have done so.
When did I say that? I posted on Alito’s brief, nothing more in an attempt to prevent a misrepresentation. I dont like hype and spin. Read the whole situation and then make a judgement, not a knee kerk opinion from a tv ad.
Why would you ascribe anything else to it? I mentioned nothing about whether I support him or not.
Drug dealers *do* plant drugs on thier kids, its called using a mule. they hide guns in their kids rooms too. shoplifters have been known to hide stolen stuff on their kids etc. People use kids because they are a safe haven and above examination.
In the case at hand i dont particularly like it, but there is a snippet of justification. was it handled delicately and with proper respect? I dunno. I would demand that it be done by a trained professional.
I would also think that if a drug dealer was callous enough to hide it there, it would be for the childs protection to remove lest they accidentally ingest it. In fact, read this:
A 12-year-old suspected drugs mule is “stable” in a New York hospital after swallowing 87 condoms full of heroin before a flight from London. In this case the kid was a willing participant. 10 year old kids use drugs and sell drugs in some places, how do you tell which ones are innocent ahead of time?
Its a sick world. Some times it takes unpleasnat realities to deal with it.
What if it was a terrorist who hid a bomb in their childs knapsack? Couldnt happen you say? I dont know if i want to go there.
Wellington, Florida. Fox has been talking about it all day. They have a holiday tree and a Menorah. The city council has agreed to consider the idea of a nativity, but they think the Menorah is a secular symbol.
Berendy has recommended 5 replacements….ALL LAMER THAN HIM!!!!
Dwight Pelz????
Berendt is arrogant enough to want the next CLOWN to fail so everyone will talk about how great it was when Paul was in charge!
Thanks, it was nice, reminded me a little of Metallica on steroids!
The song was Wizard in Winter by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra.
sgmmac………… this is happening this year? the one i was talking about happened[ i think] a couple of years ago and all they would allow was a menorah.large jewish community there.
i guess what still amazes me is …where is all the tolerance that the far left [and far right for that matter] are always talking about? if we had any tolerance at all we wouldn’t be running around like spoiled children screaming “take down that christmas tree” my senses are being offended. what if it was menorah’s?, stars of david?, buddist symbols?
see…it wouldn’t be okay then.
and folks, as i have said…i am not a christian. just a sentimentalist that loves christmas and doesn’t want the people with “issues” running the show. yes, i know christmas can be a hard time for some people. but hey…i hate driving, does that mean that none of you should get to drive either???? because it offends me to see all you liberals using BIG OIL and turning into hypocrites faster than snow melts on a hot day………
Amen brother. But then again, it just betters the other side to have a complete incompetent douche-bag in the spotlight for Washington’s Dem Party crying like a schoolgirl for all to see. Haha.
“Fox has been talking about it all day. They have a holiday tree and a Menorah.”
190 countries from around the globe are in Montreal discussing Global Climate Change, and how it can best be mitigated, and FOX “news” has spent all day with their crazy “war on Christmas” bullshit.
Anyone who views FOX all day and considers themselves informed, is delusional, and Kool Aid drunk.
You can do your part to fight Global warming with the simple step of opening your mouth only when you have something of value to say. The hot air you emit religously with no value whatsoever cannot be helping our planet.
What these righties have to realize is that this blog is private property
In the case at hand i dont particularly like it, but there is a snippet of justification.
There is none. The search clearly went beyond the bounds specified in the warrant. The supposition (reasonable as it may or may not be) is irrelevant to the case at hand. This is how the panel ruled. Alito, alone, dissented. His justification is a clear example of conservative judicial activism. I have never seen the ad you refer to. My opinion is based upon reading about the case, yet you presumptively term a disagreement as a “kneejerk” reaction.
What if it was a terrorist who hid a bomb in their childs knapsack? Couldnt happen you say?
This is known as a red herring, and is not worthy of a reply.
I dont know if i want to go there.
Fine. Then why did you bring it up?
With all due regard,
If the guy was involved in drugs, he brought it on his family. If he wasn’t, if the police made a mistake, had the wrong guy — they should pay, just like anyone else who negligently harms someone should pay for the damage they cause.
Cynical — Diss Berendt, Pelz, et al. all you want — but what would you call Chris Vance, or his sidekick Lori Sotelo, paragons of virtue and light? of inspiring leadership?
I call ’em lying, whining scum suckers.
Yes, it is a new case. The city council is considering the Pastor’s request next week.
States do regulate possession of guns…. don’t they? I am pretty sure that different states have different gun laws.
Cynical – Diss Berendt, Pelz, et al. all you want – but what would you call Chris Vance, or his sidekick Lori Sotelo, paragons of virtue and light? of inspiring leadership?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 12/9/05 @ 5:53 pm
I (sniff sniff) am sad to see booohoohoohooo see him go. Does any body got a hank heheeeheheeee boohoo.
Let every vote count… let every vot boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo boohoo
I looked at some of the kookiness on Alito’s Murka site. Can one of you moonbats tell me:
1) What’s wrong with a woman having to notify her husband she’s plans to commit infanticide? In fact, shouldn’t she have to get his permission? Just for reference, if a man wants to have an operation so he’s firin’ blanks, did you know he has to get notarized form from his wife giving her approval?
2) What’s wrong with law abiding Murkans from owning full automatic weapons? What part of the 2nd Amendment don’t you understand?
3) What’s wrong about giving jobs to people based on their qualifications rather than the color of their skin?
These all seem like reasonable positions to me. Can you moonbats “educate” me why I’m wrong?
190 countries from around the globe are in Montreal discussing Global Climate Change, and how it can best be mitigated, -Comment by Donnageddon— 12/9/05 @ 3:42 pm
And you don’t think there’s something mentally wrong with arrogant folks who think they can control…er mitigate the weather?????
Well maybe they can… there sure seems to be a whole lot of hot air coming from Montreal lately…
Where’s the little twerp donniegetsNone?
How about a little truth here donnieboy… the truth will set you free and all that liberal crap…
let’s look at a few quotes, shall we, getsNone?
“Most of the governments taking part had been advocates of the Kyoto approach. Many are now being forced to admit that the policy is failing — so embarrassingly that nothing similar is likely to take its place.”
Take a look at what was on the State Democratic Party’s website (Bertha’s Store) today!
And the original image:
If the Party of TOLERANCE and DIVERSITY weren’t so ashamed of this…..why did they take it off when confronted???
Who is running the insane asylum???
Just when you start to be a little concerned that the CLOWNS might gain a foothold, THEY SHOOT OFF THEIR F*CKING FOOT!!!!
Goldy The Holocaust Victim—
How do you feel about the Washington State Democratic Party selling something as hateful and intolerant as this????
Next the Washington Democratic Party will be selling Nativity scenes and Christmas Trees on their Website to make up for this boneheaded move!!!
How do you pi$$ of the vast majority of Washington citizens on Paul Berendt’s bon voyage???!!!
You gotta love these CLOWNS!!
Oh wait……..I forgot.
Man, it’s impossible for me to get all scruched up and offended like the CLOWNS on this Blog….no matter how hard I try!
There is none. The search clearly went beyond the bounds specified in the warrant.
Did you miss the part about the affidavit specifying that very fact?
The supposition (reasonable as it may or may not be) is irrelevant to the case at hand. This is how the panel ruled. Alito, alone, dissented. His justification is a clear example of conservative judicial activism.
If you say so, I think he just had his own opinoin on whether they had a reasonable expectation based on submitted the request in the affidavit and having the warrent approved,
And he seems to be the only person on the panel willing to ignore the emotional element and deal with a fact: Drug dealers use kids as mules.
I have never seen the ad you refer to. My opinion is based upon reading about the case, yet you presumptively term a disagreement as a “kneejerk” reaction.
If you had bothered to read what said, it was knee jerk since he didnt suuport the search, he simply said the officers had a reasonable expectation that it was allowed, and there was a reasonable expectatoin it was necessary. He dissented. it happens. It does not mean he is soft on 4th ammendment rights. Maybe he is, but this one example proves nothing.
If I wanted to spin it the opposite I could as eaisly say he is strong and secure enough to dissent against his peers, and not prone to being a yes man. I am not saying thats true, but when facts give way to spin, thats whats left over.
What if it was a terrorist who hid a bomb in their childs knapsack? Couldnt happen you say?
This is known as a red herring, and is not worthy of a reply.
No it merely illustrates how dangerous allowing a precedent that allows parents an expectation that they can use their children is and where it could lead.
As far as alito is I am undecided, i dont know enough yet.
And really my opinoin is pointless, i do not have a say in voting for him.
I would wager that his nomination will be fillibustered, and we will have a showdown in the Senate again.
and think how much fun that will be here.
Did you miss the part about the affidavit specifying that very fact?
No. I specifically alluded to that in my last post. The nub of the issue is this: The extent of the search requested based upon the affidavit did not make it into the warrant. This may have been due to clerical error or whatever, but the search is bound by the warrant, not by what the executors of the warrant thought was “reasonable” at the time.
And he seems to be the only person on the panel willing to ignore the emotional element and deal with a fact: Drug dealers use kids as mules.
You have it exactly reversed. It is Alito who is being “emotional”, who is using the “fact” that children are used to hide contraband to overturn well established law. Again, whether or not there was a reasonable supposition that the kid was being used in this manner is irrelevant in this case. The warrant, for whatever reason, did not allow the expanded search, no matter how much Alito and the involved officers thought it should. If you had bothered to read some legal discussion of this case perhaps you would have understood there are legitimate grounds to take extreme “kneejerk” exception to Alito’s dissent.
Alito’s dissent is a classic example of conservative judicial activism. Scalia does the same sort of stuff. See, for example, Bush v Gore.
…it merely illustrates how dangerous allowing a precedent that allows parents an expectation that they can use their children is and where it could lead.
Wrong. You don’t seem to understand the heart of the case. If the warrant had clearly included all persons in the house, I would have no problem with properly executed strip searches of the woman and the girl. The bar is set very high when it comes to due process and search & seizure. It should stay there to protect our freedoms. Alito seeks to lower it based upon what he alone thinks is reasonable. That is bad law, otherwise known as “making it up”.
I love how you CLOWNS pretend not to notice what the Christian-bashing PINHEADS at your State Party Headquarters have done.
This will really help your Christian-bashing efforts on all fronts….NOT!!!!
Give it up AssMan! You CLOWNS seem to have what I call the NEGATIVE Midas Touch……
LEFTIST PINHEADS can take a solid gold bar and turn it into a steaming, stinking mass of shit in record time!!
Kudos to Joe Liebermann and the many other Dems stepping forward to condemn Howie Dean and the other over the top CLOWNS!
Alito will be a Supreme Court Justice….
The CLOWNS cannot afford even more anti– press.
Fuck Santa Claus, and his crippled bitch.
Are our trolls angry now? Boo hoo.
…and you can stick a fork in Lieberman – he’s lost what little national influence he had in the Democratic Party – and good riddance.
Mr. X—
I love your attitude!!
Lieberman will take several million voters with him on his way out the door too!
Keep up the good work X!
@89, you said:
“1) What’s wrong with a woman having to notify her husband she’s plans to commit infanticide? In fact, shouldn’t she have to get his permission?”
If a husband is paying attention to his wife, he would know when she is pregnant. In most marriages, the majority of wives will discuss the abortion and it would be a mutual decision. In the small percentages of marriages where a husband is being a domineering freak whose sole intention is to turn his wife into the stereotype of barefooted, pregnant and in the kitchen, the wives feel dominated, used and abused. Those are the women who need the protection of the law the most.
It is just as ridiculous for a man to get permission for surgery on his body as it for a woman.
His comments make it clear he was ansering whether they had a reasonable belief to execute the searches.
I tend agree with him that they did.
We can agree to disagree. But remember the crux of this is that people are accusing him not of upholding a search warrent, but of specifically supporting strip searching children, not as a result, but as a specific action, which is cheap shot politicing.
I hate political ads of any dimension that take facts out of conctext, and they are having a field day with Alito in this regard.
I still dont know enough to support or oppose his nomination. But all I will learn from the ads is that they apparently cannot present the truth against him, they have to short cut it.
His comments make it clear he was ansering whether they had a reasonable belief to execute the searches.
Alito is entitled to believe that all he wants, but it is not the law. His dissent clearly indicates an activist predisposition to change the law from the bench.
I tend agree with him that they did.
Again, irrelevant. For my 2 cents worth, in this particular case, I don’t agree with you. If you are going to initiate a random search of the premises for contraband drugs, the probabiliy of the young woman being “in possession” is near zero. Absent any particular information to the contrary (Sven, I repeat this is what the LAW says) there is absolutely no reason to search the young woman. Your premise is faulty.
…remember the crux of this is that people are accusing him not of upholding a search warrent, but of specifically supporting strip searching children, not as a result, but as a specific action, which is cheap shot politicing.
No. The crux of the matter is that Alito felt the panel should change the law by fiat. The fact that he supports strip searching children is undeniable, and who is to say that he could not, under other circumstances, impose his version of “reasonablness” to other situations? That is what makes this dissent so execrable. It is terrible law.
As far as politics goes, the right, starting with its backlash against the Warren Court, has made a conscious choice to politicize the Supreme Court.
Most people, as do I, know the reasons for saying happy holidays, instead of merry christmas.
I grew up in a very mixed ethnic area of the U.S.
I realized, that saying Happy Holidays”, or “Have a wonderful Holiday”, was much more comfortable, than saying “Merry Christmas”, only to have the person tell me they don’t celebrate christmas.
The reason is clear. Acknowledging the fact , another person may not share my beliefs, makes that person feel accepted.
You deny obvious facts because it doesnt agree with your politics. Fine.
But the fact still remains that the ad is deliberately deceptive.
You deny obvious facts because it doesnt agree with your politics.
Which “obvious” facts would those be, Sven? As for the ad, it is kinda funny and pretty harmless, and a lot less deceptive than the “Harry and Louise” ads against Hillarycare. As for the politics, I feel Alito should be denied a seat on the SC because I disagree with his politics, nothing more. Given the present GOP majority, he appears to be a shoo-in at the moment.
As to the law of the case, why not read the actual decision? Get back to me with the “obvious facts” the majority ignored.
I didnt say they missed any obvious facts. i said you did.
Please insult me in context.
You dont like him because he is conservative, so you will find fault any way you can, anywhere. deal with your own bias. I can accept you dont like him.
oh…the ad is *funny* so its ok? Nice…will you rationalize any misdeeds by the liberal groups, or just some?
The ad was a deliberate mischaractorization. Period.
If their arguments necessitate misdirection over logic, then they must lack proof.
Some of the other criticisms against him are valid, he is not a perfect candidate. So why not base it on actual fact instead of stupid sensationalistic accusations.
I didnt say they missed any obvious facts. i said you did.
For the second time, I ask you, Sven, what facts did I miss? I did not ask this to insult you. I asked as a point of information. If this insults you, you are being overly sensitive. Just answer the question. It is not that hard, is it?
You dont like him because he is conservative, so you will find fault any way you can, anywhere. deal with your own bias. I can accept you dont like him.
Then why all the bile and accusations of bias? You don’t have a bias in this case? Spare me.
The ad was a deliberate mischaractorization. Period.
Incorrect. The context of the ad was a series of “predictions” about how Alito would rule on various issues if made a member of the court. As for political attacks go, it was pretty tame. But of course, since you feel free to call it a “misdeed” you feel free to follow up with the unleashing of your own predjudices and at the same time retreat into some kind of lofty “neutrality” on the subject of his qualifications. This is, to say the least, somewhat odd. You attack, but then fend off replies by asserting some high, but not defined, principle in an attempt to immunize yourself from criticism.
The actual fact remains–in contravention to established precedent, he tried to rationalize improper and unlawful conduct and “create” law out of whole cloth.
Like I told your previously–don’t believe me? Read the actual decision in the case.
I was flying today so I don’t know if this was posted because I arrived late and didn’t have time to review the blog link above.
This could get real interesting…
Cynical: I’m here in Humphrey land this week. Goldy can verify the address. I will get an impression of their Howard Dean love this week. I’ll report back to ya!
For the second time, I ask you, Sven, what facts did I miss?
I dont know why I bother, but ok.
You are ignoring the validity of asking to search all occupants of a raid when there is reason to believe they might be used as mules.
You seem to ignore that the police asked for it specifically.
That it was not named on the warrent but it was on the attached affidivit can give a reasonable expectatoin it was allowed.
I dont care whether the other justices and Alito were in dissent. If you assault the charactor of any justice who dissents from the lawyer, then you will have very few that are left Majority opinion isnt always right. heck many liberals love to point at the 2 Bush v Gore decisions as proof of that.
Alito had a different interpretation of the law, and he expressed his dessent. I think his view in that case makes sense in some ways.
But how I feel about the law is irrellevent. What the ad says ignores not only the case law, but his specific comments in his dissent, in which he expressed that he didnt like the strip search of a little girl. But he correctly notes that said search was legal under the right conditions.
What this case boils down to is a clerical ommission of the “all occupants.” clause of the affidavit, or a reference to said affidavit.
Incorrect. The context of the ad was a series of “predictions” about how Alito would rule on various issues if made a member of the court.
What he upheld in the urling in question was not whether somethign was legal or not, nor was it making of new case law. It was detemrination of the legitimacy of a search order.
Since nothing on the face of the police affidavit was illegal, or unconstitutional, and there is a reasonable reason tob elieve its necessary, then how he would rule is irrelevent.
The ad says Alito voted to “approve the strip search of a ten-year-old girl”. That language is inaacurate as to the facts, and it is deliberately manipulative on the issue in general.
As for political attacks go, it was pretty tame.
Maybe Bush Lied is getting old….
But of course, since you feel free to call it a “misdeed” you feel free to follow up with the unleashing of your own predjudices and at the same time retreat into some kind of lofty “neutrality” on the subject of his qualifications.
First, I first became aware of it when Factcheck profiled it. Factcheck, like Spinsanity are very neutral and effective at researching ads like this. I Check their frequently. Both sides of the aisle get skewered. In this case, ad was label “true, as far as it goes”
I am not hiding in a lofty neutrality. I said that on this issue, i agree with his opinion, and I said i am still researching on others. If you are asking for my opinoin onhim now, too bad. i am still making up my mind. I wont make a hasty judgement on a single issue.
This is, to say the least, somewhat odd. You attack, but then fend off replies by asserting some high, but not defined, principle in an attempt to immunize yourself from criticism.
I am not. My post was specifcally informative on the ad and the misrepresentation of that specific claim. I did not defend any other opinions or criticisms against him. I will stand any criticism against my words. I ferevently maintain that part of the ad is a manipulative misrepresentatoin.
Fact Check agrees.
Since someone else, lost in the dim reaches of this post made that a central point of dislike, I posted the response so that facts would be presented, not opinions and spin.
I was being focused, because even a single element deserves the truth.
You are ignoring the validity of asking to search all occupants of a raid when there is reason to believe they might be used as mules.
The validity of this precept is not at issue in this instance. I have also stated my agreement in a post above that it may be warranted under some circumstances. And as you know, this “fact” turned out to be untrue in this case. What kind of fact is that?
That it was not named on the warrent but it was on the attached affidivit can give a reasonable expectatoin it was allowed.
The same officer filled out both pieces of paper. Read the case. Clerical error? Most likely. However, the warrant was approved as written, not on how the officer “felt” about it. They also picked the guy up in the street and THEN went to his house. Do you think it reasonable that the 10 year old girl is just sitting around the house hiding drugs in her bodily orifices? You think this is reasonable?
As far as the ad goes–if it is indeed “true as far as it goes”, then why not give it a rest? Alito is clearly trying to expand “what is reasonable” based upon his preconceived social notions (or his politics if you will).
Alito’s dissent opens a slippery slope to lower the bar when it comes to due process and search and siezure. But you would rather attack an ad that upset your tender sensibilities.
Read the case.
JSA From Beacon Hill said: “Bud, where I went to school, white folks (if you include Italians as white) created the world and everything in it. Even a hardcore leftie like me will tell you the influence of European and American culture on the world has been overwhelming. I fail to see that taking a month to recognize that people of African descent have done some things is going to upset that balance all that much.”
Unfortunately where you went to school they be racist!!! The oldest civilizations are from dark peoples, whether they be middle easterners, chinese or east indians. The white man stole everything.
Thehim says: “The reason that commercials use the word holiday instead of Christmas is because nearly everyone celebrates a holiday at this time of year, while only Christians celebrate Christmas.”
So thehim, if you have children do you give them holiday presents or do you give them Christmas presents?
Mark1, regarding banning; Apache has been in a Fog for a long time now. The inversion zone over his house has created an inbalanced mind for a while!