I don’t want to litter my other threads with Alito debate, and I don’t feel like covering it myself at the moment, so here’s an open thread where you can all have at it.
As Sam Alito steps into the limelight today, I hope you’ll take a moment to get informed and – if we have done our job here at the Alliance – get a little outraged.
Our very long (read: comprehensive) report on Judge Samuel Alito’s record, with an emphasis on split decisions, a series of helpful at-a-glance charts, and a short easy to read summary is available at http://www.supremecourtwatch.org/alitofinal.pdf.
I hope you’ll take time to read at least the summary to get an idea of what our country is in for if we allow this man to be confirmed to a lifetime seat on our highest court.
If you want to read a little further than the executive summary, I suggest you start with Pirolli (where Judge Alito votes against allowing a man with a 75 IQ to bring his sexual harassment case before a federal court, after the man
alleged that co-workers grabbed him from behind in a darkened locker room and in a separate incident pushed a broom into his behind (sorry so graphic – but doesn’t this sound like a sexual harassment suit that needs to see the light of
day)), then Doe v. Groody (where Judge Alito – as Fox news didn’t like to hear us put it – VOTED TO ALLOW A STRIP SEARCH OF A TEN YEAR OLD GIRL, even though the warrant only authorized the search of one suspect, John Doe), and then maybe – for you environment buffs out there – PIRG v. Magnesium Elektron
(where Judge Alito voteD to vacate a $2.6 million dollar judgment for 150 Clean Water Act permit violations on the basis that environmental groups lack standing) and W.R. Grace (where Judge Alito voted to overturn an EPA cleanup standard and cleanup plan for a plume of ammonia threatening 297,000 Lansing Michigan residents’ drinking water).
And don’t forget to check out our charts. They quantify Judge Alito’s record on issues dividing split Third Circuit three judge and en banc panels. You’ll learn that in split decisions on lawsuits pitting individuals against the government, Judge Alito VOTED FOR THE GOVERNMENT MORE THAN 80% OF THE TIME. You’ll learn that Judge Alito voted against criminal defendants in 40 of 45 decisions, against asylum seekers and deportees in 7 of 8 immigration decisions, for corporations and against
the government in 3 of 3 environmental decisions, and for employers and against employees in 13 of 15 of civil rights decisions.
If what you see and hear here makes you worried, then please, please, please circulate broadly, talk to people you know, call your Senators, and urge people you know to call their Senators. As you have no doubt realized, the Supreme Court is a big deal. As you may not have realized, we have a real opportunity
to put the breaks on this nomination. Our Senators simply need to hear from a lot of people that they must take whatever steps necessary to block this nomination.
Warmest regards,
Sasha Hallissey Sajovic
(writing to you in my personal capacity, but nonetheless
Roger Rabbitspews:
If you were choosing a U.S. Supreme Court justice, and had to select from the following candidates, who would you nominate:
I dont blame you Goldy for not wanting to cover the Alito debate since your side is getting their ass kicked! As Howard the Dean would say Yeeeaaaarrghhhh.
If you were choosing a U.S. Supreme Court justice, and had to select from the following candidates, who would you nominate:
[ ] a. Samuel Alito
[ ] b. A dog
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/11/06 @ 9:16 pm
Wabbit that polls has already been decided, it is called the 2004 presidential election. You know the one where 62 million picked Sam Alito and 59 million picked the dog. Yeeeaaaarrghhhh.
Janet Sspews:
This guy will probably be on the court for many years. So is it good for the country to slime him? It is one thing to question him, and grill him intellectually. But they aren’t. They are going for the cheap shots. Is it really relevant that he belonged to a club in college? This is the best they can do? At least challenge him to think.
Fortunately, the senators just look bad, especially the big fat one with the dog named Splash.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
As long as these KLOWNS masquerading as Democrat Senators continue to BLOVIATE for 70-80% of the QUESTIONING time, Alito is a shoe-in. It is one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed. Exactly how is Joe Biden asking a 13-minute question getting anything out of Alito??? What a moron! And Sen. Kohl is obviously going to vote for Alito….Kohl monotoned his questioning which was clearly handed to Kohl 15 seconds before he disinterestedly asked them.
Then there is of course THE SWIMMER. My. BulbousNosed “10-double Manahattan’s and young woman killer” Kennedy. What a piece of work he is.
This is why I’m grateful these KLOWNS are on live TV….unedited. They say it all!!!
The LEFTIST PINHEADS have to muster all their energy and expertise to even spin a remotely positive spin on the Democrat Senator’s performance. Pathetic is way too kind!
When Alito said he couldn’t remember a thing about his membership in the anti-feminism, anti-integration Princeton club, he lied. This is all we need to know about Sam Alito – he’s a liar. Say good bye to a woman’s right to choose. Being male, I admit my inability to understand how women feel about child bearing, and avoid voicing opinion on the subject of abortion. But I will say that Alito intends to overturn Roe. Period. And oh his poor little wifey, crying big crocodile “I wanna be more famous” tears, that anyone might think her husband bigoted. Yeah, uh huh. And we all believe that Laura loves “He was milking the horse” George. Fundamentalists are fascist.
Ted Kennedy is showing his real colors today. It’s to bad he is a democrate, man if he stays in office the whole party will go down the tube. Where is the Scoop Jackson’s to lead this party out of the woods?
Janet Sspews:
Wells, you could be a senator! Your reasoning is just as solid as theirs, and you like listening to yourself. This is what I am saying – rather than making a good intellectual argument, you slime the guy.
It used to be that people on opposite sides could argue, but still respect each other at the end of the day. Guess the left has decided that respect is a lost term.
Reality Checkspews:
Janet S, I think if you would read entire articles instead of just picking out bits and pieces of same, you would find that both sides have dropped to name calling as a standard operating procedure. The Republicans are just as guilty (or more so) as the Democrats on this subject.
Dr. Espews:
“It used to be that people on opposite sides could argue, but still respect each other at the end of the day. Guess the left has decided that respect is a lost term.”
Don’t think that started with the “left.” Ever heard of the Arkansas Project?
Dr. Espews:
By the way, Janet, you’re right — more than half the committee completely failing to “grill” Alito. The GOP half, to be precise. And you can add that self-aggrandizing fool Biden in to boot — he never seemed to be able to get around his preamble to find the actual question most of the time. It was amusing, however, to see Orrin Hatch attempt to defend himself yesterday on whether he was asking “softball” questions. Somehow, he managed to keep a straight face.
Dr. Espews:
Lest we forget: Zappa on Crossfire (1986)
“The biggest threat to America today is not communism; it’s moving America towards a fascist theocracy and everything that has happened during the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.”
I wish Frankie were still around, he’d be having a field day with our current would-be fascists. It’d be nice to watch him tell Tucker Carlson to “kiss my ass” — too bad he didn’t do so to Novak when he had the chance.
Dr. E, So am I to believe that anything not from Marx and Engels is fascist? Now I know why I never liked Zappa, at least–thanks.
Factcheck.org Roger.
Try it some time
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Wabbit that polls has already been decided, it is called the 2004 presidential election.”
Don’t forget, you guys need 60 votes to get this turkey through the Senate, and you probably ain’t got ’em. Sure you can use the “nuclear option” — but if you do it to us, we’ll do it to you next time a Democrat president wants to put someone you really, really, don’t like on SCOTUS. You fuck us, we’re gonna fuck you. It’s called payback.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Is it really relevant that he belonged to a club in college?”
Is it really relevant that Christine Gregoire belonged to a sorority that excluded blacks?
The answer to both question is yes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
What is a “democrate?” Is that like a “wood crate?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Or are you an illiterate wingnut who can’t spell “Democrat?”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Ginsberg rocks! I wanna see her in her robe!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“It used to be that people on opposite sides could argue, but still respect each other at the end of the day. Guess the left has decided that respect is a lost term.”
Waaaa-waaaa-waaaa — you Rethugs started all this sliming, smearing, name-calling, and mudslinging — now you’re crying because we’re doing it back? Go fuck yourself, Janet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And that’s the only way Janet will ever get fucked, because nobody else wants to do it.
My Left Footspews:
Cyniclown @ 6,
Bloviate? I see you have learned to use thesaurus.com, high school boy. I suspect you know what is coming next. You can bloviate me! You, high school boy, are the champion bloviator on this blog and on (un)Sownd Polatikz.
While on the subject of bloviate, I suggest you take a nice, long gander at the balderdash you leave here. It most closely resembles the material that cockalorum leave laying around where they are pinfolded. This corporeal substance is found in plenteous expanse since the RightWingNuts arrived. You dolts keep stepping in it and pretending it does not exist. What is it? Can you figure it out? Perhaps your mother can help you.
And, as always, high school boy, go fuck yourself!
Roger Rabbitspews:
WTF are you talking about? I know what FactCheck is, jerk. I use it all the time to debunk wingnut lies.
My Left Footspews:
Dammit, Rabbit. I was just getting ready to go off on “democrate”. You take all the fun out it. But I still love you bunny. Here are some virtual carrots for you. Enjoy!
My Left Footspews:
Has you ever noticed that besides the ability form a cogent thought, that the RightWingNuts lack any and all sense of humor? These guys are so uptight I bet they give their car seats hickies.
My Left Footspews:
Have you ever noticed that besides the ability form a cogent thought, that the RightWingNuts lack any and all sense of humor? These guys are so uptight I bet they give their car seats hickies.
Have you noticed that lefties have to repeat themselves to make their silly points. Karl ya beat me to factcheck.org, because Roger lives in his den, not viewing the sunshine, and his perspective on world events comes from the moronic lefty URLs.
I don’t get the Alito hate…
You guys wanna bork everyone ….
and of course Ruth Bader never answered any of the tough questions, and she skated in. Talk about extreme values not part of the mainstream…
Righton, look at the approval rate of Breyer (87 to 9) and ACLU Ginsburg (96 to 3). Both were very high approval rates. So lefties, Bork was a bad candidate. I agree with your assessment of some of his writings. I disagree with the lefties using the Bork litmus test on any conservative judge becoming a justice!
ABC Poll: Overall, 53 percent of Americans support Alito’s confirmation while 27 percent oppose oppose it, with 20 percent undecided. Views haven’t changed substantially since President Bush nominated Alito in late October. In terms of public sentiment, he’s in about the same position as John Roberts was at the opening of his hearings to become chief justice.
One senior Republican in the hearing room said of the situation: “After three full days of attacks against her husband’s character, Mrs. Alito had enough. Democrat behavior during this hearing has not only been wrong, it’s been embarrassing. Ted Kennedy is nothing but a bully.”
You Democrats should stop, think (oops… not possible), and recognize how your side defended Stephen Breyer for a closely identical issue of Lloyd’s of London’s during his nomination. In fact, Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy was defender-in-chief for Breyer.
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
PuddyferBrains, I didn’t think those freeper goggles of your ever let in any light. You live in total darkness
For the Cluelessspews:
31 – Nope. We just don’t wingnut judicial activists on the nation’s highest court. All Bush has to do is send someone up like O’Connor. I could live with that. This guy gives me the creeps.
Janet Sspews:
Roger – you are sinking to the same nonsense that the senate is – personal attacks because the intellectual kind are so darn difficult.
I agree that the repubs aren’t asking the tough questions. But neither are the dems. They are just throwing nonsense around about something that happened 25 years ago, and has been vetted already.
BTW – if it is relevant that Gregoire belonged to an all-white sorority, why did you vote for her?
FrogFarmerASS: Answer the issues and pull your head out of the collective daily kurse ass.
Poster Childspews:
Dr E & inyourface @ 14 & 15
I think we all have to agree that Zappa was innovative and articulate, and a freedom loving clear thinker even if he had a potty mouth at times (somewhat like our blogging host) and as we saw in his congressional testimony, he was a moderate who cleaned up well. You don’t have to like his music.
As for the “Bush was right” video, False. and pounding the drums and playing through a Marshall stack doesn’t make it so. It was the most craven piece of propaganda I’ve seen in a long time; I recommend it to you all.
As for the judge, let us not forget it was the rePube licans who started this game of virulently opposing judicial nominees on ideological grounds. Clinton nominated Ginsberg and Breyer on whose suggestion? Orin Hatch’s. Did Bush II ask any Dems for suggestions? It’s a serious question, I don’t know, but typing it made me chuckle a little.
I might be able to believe in bipartisan democracy if documents such as the discovery institute’s Wedge document and Young Alito’s strategy for overturning Roe v Wade didn’t keep coming to light. As it is, though, it seems like the Right is playing for keeps and I don’t like the way they want america to be.
Has anybody asked Alito about his expertise in Admiralty? That’s what I’ll miss most about O’Connor.
And yet you will post an obviously slanted piece anyway.
Dr. Espews:
“So am I to believe that anything not from Marx and Engels is fascist?”
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, except perhaps to demonstrate a lack of knowledge of political theory.
Kennedy has killed more women in his car then Alito….
Dr. Espews:
“I think we all have to agree that Zappa was innovative and articulate, and a freedom loving clear thinker even if he had a potty mouth at times (somewhat like our blogging host) and as we saw in his congressional testimony, he was a moderate who cleaned up well. You don’t have to like his music.”
What’s more — in this video clip Zappa calls himself a “conservative”. He was on the record many times as saying that he adhered to neither political party, and, during the time he appeared on Crosssfire, some prominent Dems were under his magnifying glass, most notably Al Gore, whose wife Tipper was involved with the PMRC.
Zappa was far more intellectual than many give him credit for. I think his music often clearly demonstrates this perspicacity (listen to Porn Wars, for instance). The clowns who put together the “Bush Was Right” lame attempt at agitprop don’t come anywhere near Zappa’s level of skill as composer/lyricist/societal commentator.
Dr. Espews:
Straw man: Laura Bush has killed more men in her car than has Alito. What’s your point?
Don’t worry libs, he is not going to change the law on abortion
all by himself. You people are killing future liberals from
being trained. Long term outlook excellent. Ted’s nose is
looking a little red these days. Won’t be long till we raise
the Stars and Stripes to her former glory.
Karl @ 40
Of course, Laura Bush has killed more men with her car than has Alito…
The irony is, we’re mainly ‘killing future conservatives from the poor, rural south from being trained.’ (sic)
@ 43
Are your implying that Laura Bush, our First Lady, ran a stop sign and plowed her former boyfriend in a crosswalk and killed him???
How dare you make such inferences. Next thing you’ll be saying is that Laura Bush sold marijuana in college and George W. Bush snorted cocaine.
Mark@42: Over 42 million donks erased in the womb to date since 1973!
Puddybud @ 46
How many were Republicans?
P.S.: Tell PacMan I’m still hungry, dude.
The Real Markspews:
Man… I take a bit of a break from posting and look what happens…
Hey, Roger, do tell what the Senator Teddy found in the boxes of CAP documents he dug through…
Need a hint? How about… NOTHING.
Alito wasn’t my first choice for a nominee, but if the Dem strategy is goose chases and 10-page speeches disguised as questions, he’s going to be confirmed.
Voter Advocatespews:
I find it very hard to take the Democratic Senators sitting around the committee table very seriously. If they could have wheedled the slightest indication out of Alito that he considered Roe v. Wade settled law, they’d vote for him and wear that fig leaf proudly. They’re so pathetic that the nominee wouldn’t give them even that bit of deference.
They just won’t fight. The Congressional Black Caucus pleaded with all of them to get some backbone in 2000. They were all chickenshits then, and they still are.
The change in SCOTUS was a sure thing from then on, with the Rehnquist Court arranging for its own succession.
The problem with abortions is that we don’t have enough of them
Based on the fact your side aborts more than my side from the data below, you are losing more voters at a faster rate. And you think you’ll win 2006 elections?
The CDC 1.5 to 1.6 million abortions a year = 45 to 51.2 million abortions. Hence I underestimated the total number at 41.2 million because I wanted to underestimate it.
“Of the 40 million abortions since 1973, Eastland says Democrats accounted for 49 percent, or more than 19.7 million, while Republicans had just fewer than 35 percent or 13.9 million abortions. The remaining abortions include those by self-described Independents, 16 percent of the total.
Eastland notes the irony of the situation: The strongest supporters of the principle of abortion are those who suffer the most from the practice of it.”
What do the Missing Voters take away from the Democrats in each state?
Table 7: Missing Voters (net) in 2004 open Senate races
Colorado ————-12,013
Florida ————–37,783
Georgia ————–17,783
Illinois ————-78,845
Louisiana ————15,520
North Carolina ——-48,980
Oklahoma ————-20,983
South Carolina ——-22,005
Abortion has caused missing Democrats–and missing liberals. For advocates so fundamentally committed to changing the face of conservative America, liberals have been remarkably blind to the fact that every day the abortions they advocate dramatically decrease their power to do so. Imagine the number of followers that their abortion policies eliminate who, over the next several decades, would have emerged as the new liberal thinkers, voters, adherents, fund-raisers and workers for their cause.
Table 8: Missing by ideology
Ideology —– % of pop – % of total aborts – % of group having aborts
Liberal ———-37% ————–47% —————–41%
Moderate ———-5% —————5% —————–31%
Conservative —–59% ————–48% —————–26%
Look at the results:
• Six out of 10 Americans call themselves conservatives. Only a quarter of them are having abortions.
• A little more than one-third of Americans call themselves liberals. More than four in 10 are having abortions.
• This means that liberals are having one third more abortions than conservatives.
GBS and all ASSHeads: Please keep killing your unborn children. You’ll keep losing elections FOREVER!
how very ghoulishly “Evil Conservative” to be counting abortions for political gain.
What a messed up culture you folks have.
well Laura Bush is not running for any office, nor is she up for a supreme court nomination, so one straw man has now taken out another…..
proud leftistspews:
When did fetuses become partisan creatures? Do you have any idea how silly your comments along this line are? Anyone who would even dream up such crap plainly lives in a world where the light of reason and experience never intrudes.
Daddy Lovespews:
White conservative judge, Princeton grad with excellent career prospects, ISO submissive SWF for politically useful marriage and occasional strip search. No Democrats, feminazis, fatties. Pro-life views desirable but not required. Must be able to cry on cue. Respond to “Sammy,” c/o Federalist Society, Washington DC.
In Wingnuttia, California Democratic candidate for governor Cruz Bustamante was held to account for student membership, decades ago, in a semi-radical Hispanic group.
Conservative Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is not held to account for membership, decades ago, in a racist/sexist Princeton alumni group.
Ahhh yes, proud_leftistASS: Having comprehension issues or you didn’t READ the link. That’s why I wait for adults like GBS to respond. HE READS links.
From the link el stupido: “The question arises: Who would these Missing Voters have been if they had reached voting age? What would their values have been? How would they have voted? What impact would they have had on the great debates in America, including the abortion debate? Here’s what we know from several generations of social science research about children:
• They tend to absorb the values of their parents.
• They tend to have the same political views as their family (parents, siblings, immediate relatives) and share common views on political causes.
• They tend to develop the same lifestyle as their family.”
So if they were allowed to live they would tend to go along with their parental unit values. But proud_leftistASS, thinking and comprehension weren’t your strong suits!
proud leftistspews:
Puddybudd @ 60
I read your links. They are laughable. That shit, which represents strained extrapolation from false premises, would get a freshman college student a failing grade if he or she tried to pass it off as social science. Did you ever take a logic class? Do you honestly believe the politics of a scared, 17 year-old girl seeking an abortion are predictable, let alone the politics of her unborn child? If so, you are taking a leap of faith, a leap of fantasy, that no responsible adult would take. Unfortunately, that’s what’s wrong with your ilk–ideology trumps facts every day of the week.
Moonbat@59: Is CAP still in existence? Is La Raza still in existence?
Alito has sworn off his allegiance to CAP. Bustamante did not swear off his La Raza allegiance. Big difference Moonbat@59! Which organization preached hatred through anarchy? La Raza and Mecha!
CAP – College of American Pathologists
La Raza – “Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada.” For the race, everything. For those outside the race, nothing.
Voter Advocatespews:
The methodology used to determine the likely political affiliation of the “Missing Voters” seemed flawed to me. What does “close to you” mean, and what is the extent of the influence of “close to you” and “knows anything about who had an abortion”.
I was having a little problem putting together my thoughts into a coherent respose, but luckily, a quick google search yeilded an analysis that is more loquacious than what I had rumbling about in my head:
From “The Case of the Missing Democrats”
Consider these scenarios:
Carol is a 16 year old girl. Her parents are Democrats, are pro-choice, and are open in their views about life, politics, religion, etc. Carol has an older sister, a younger brother, and loving grandparents.
Alice is a 16 year old girl. Her parents are Republicans, are pro-life, and are open in their views about life, politics, religion, etc. Alice also has an older sister, a younger brother, and loving grandparents.
Both Carol and Alice find themselves pregnant at 16. Both girls talk to their mothers about the situation and discuss their options. Both girls terminate the pregnancies, with the mother’s consent.
Granted, this is a more likely scenario in the Democrat household. But it happens in both. And when it does: Which child and mother is most likely to keep it their little secret, and which is more likely to talk to the father about it?
Which child’s parents might share their situation with the grandparents, or other members of their “circle of socio-demographically homogeneous family and friends?”
I suggest that in Carol’s situation, there will be more people “close to her” who know about her abortion than in Alice’s situation.
In a family where abortion is considered a viable option, it makes sense that more people would know about it when it takes place. In a family where abortion is not considered a viable option, it makes sense that it would not be shared with as many people.
So in Carol’s family, there would most likely be several more people who could answer “yes” to the question, “As far as you know, has anyone close to you had an abortion?” than in Alice’s family. In both families, there is still only one abortion, though. But a greater pool of possible respondents who could answer “yes” to the question.
The article concludes:
Basically, Eastland can not ask “do you know someone who had an abortion, and if so, what is your political affiliation?” and extrapolate from that how many abortions take place within each political party. It’s the wrong question to ask for the answer he’s looking for.
“I don’t get the Alito hate… You guys wanna bork everyone ….”
No, only activist judges who use the Constitution as toilet paper and think the president is a king.
proud leftistspews:
A friend of mine teaches constitutional law at a midwestern university. He’s been preparing the class syllabus for the second semester course that’s about to begin. In doing so, he says, it hit him. There is no constitution anymore. What’s the point of teaching what the articles and amendments say? Why teach the differing approaches to constitutional interpretation? All we need to know about the constitution is “What does GW say?” If GW says the government can do something, then, by God, the government can do it.
So VA you need to get your thoughts from the Internet? So by your reckoning; kids aborted in the inter city will vote Republican Kids aborted in the flyover country will vote Democratic. Interesting.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
dj sez:
“Of course, Laura Bush has killed more men with her car than has Alito…
Comment by dj— 1/12/06 @ 9:10 am”
Ted “The Swimmer” Kennedy killed more woman with his car, cowardice and drinking than Alito!! And Ted is killing me cuz I can’t stop laughing at this drunken fool bloviating innuendo as he always has. Only the kooks that Ted the Woman Killer seriously….especially when Ted tries to take the moral high ground?
I’ll bet Mary Jo Kopechne’s family winces every time they see this drunken, pathetic asshole rambling on & on. He is a constant remind to that family of how money talks…..it kept Ted out of jail!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
My Left Foot====Roger Rabbit.
Rog, you fooled me for a long, long time with your what 100th ID on this Blog??? This was the longest you fooled me with one. You are getting more & more clever Silly Rabbit!
Voter Advocatespews:
So, Pudfucker, just because you lap up everything that you get from the Wall Street Journal opinion page or Limbaugh’s ass, I have to limit myself to those spigots?
Eastland’s article doesn’t prove what it purports to. If you can’t provide reasoning to uphold his unsupported claims, fuck off.
Just for the record, I attempted to engage you in a serious coversation and you can’t hack it.
An interesting exercise in theoretical statistical extrapolations, and there may be of some merit to it in a very broad sense of your argument.
I have two kids, and guess what? Yep, both Liberals. The oldest won’t even step foot in a Wal-Mart. We had a third child, but one day he mentioned that maybe Ronald Regan wasn’t the anti-Christ, so we had to smoother him.
Abortion rates aside, here’s how I see the make up of the political landscape. It’s just my opinion and not fact.
Breakdown of the voting public, not the entire nation since a lot of people do not exercise their right to vote.
35% of the population votes mainly Democrat
35% of the population votes mainly Republican
7% each side votes only party line
3% votes independent, loser-tarian, or writes in Mickey Mouse
That leaves about 13% of the voting population, the swing voters if you will, in control of the direction of the country. These are the Regan-Democrats or Clinton-Republicans, they tend to vote for the other party when the are dissatisfied with the direction of politics. Since the late ’70’s the conservatives have beaten the snot out of liberals in pulling in support from this “middle of the road” group. And it has paid major dividends for Republicans. However, I feel there is a tremendous amount of dissatisfaction from this group with the leadership in Washington. That puts your party, not the Democrats in jeopardy of losing control of congress, not gaining more of it.
I sense the American public’s tolerance “for more of the same” is waning greatly. To be sure, we’ll find out this November. If the Democrats regain control of the House due to the Culture of Corruption, you can bet the investigations into the Bush presidency with subpoena power will be a mighty blow to Republicans for decades to come. Much like the control that the Democrats enjoyed in congress for 40 years.
The future of both parties as a strong national party are at a crossroads in this election. At the very minimum if the Democrats can’t pull of substantial gains in congress, they will be regulated to a second rate party and possibly make way for a new 3rd party. If, however, the Republicans lose control they will be vilified much like the era of McCarthyism and they will pay a heavy price.
Interesting how tide of democracy ebbs and flows, isn’t it?
You know what else makes your abortion theory flawed?
The answer is in your table that you quoted”
Table 8: Missing by ideology
Ideology —– % of pop – % of total aborts – % of group having aborts
Liberal ———-37% ————–47% —————–41%
Moderate ———-5% —————5% —————–31%
Conservative —–59% ————–48% —————–26%
There are approximately 295,750,000 Americans in this country. If 59% are conservative that = 174,500,000. If 26% of them have abortions and lose their right to do so that = 45,360,000. If you do the same exercise with the moderates that = 4,600,000.
That’s roughly 50,000,000 people who might otherwise consider changing their vote when they lose their rights. Now I’m not the smartest man in the world, but it seems to me if 50,000,000 Americans suddenly lose their right to private medical procedures that they use, and at the current pace the Democrats are losing 5,848,000 voters, per your info at post 52, I’m thinking that at a almost 9:1 ratio the Americans who are alive and voting will be able to compensate for the possible Democrats who won’t be voting.
In fact, at 9:1 odds, I’d make a big bet on it.
Whadya think?
I don’t want to cause problems, but, uh, have you talked to PacMan lately?
He took your $20 in that bet you lost to me and still hasn’t made arrangement to meet for lunch. Maybe you should ask for you money back.
“African-American women constitute 13.5% of the U.S. female population but they undergo 34% of all the abortions in this country. Their abortion rate (31 per 1,000 women) is approximately 2.6 times the rate for white women (12 per 1,000). The abortion industry reports very few statistics and strongly resists any effort at reporting more, so we must estimate further conclusions: African-American pro-life activists estimate that about 1,400 black babies have died in abortions, on average, each day since abortion was mandated a constitutional right. That makes 546,000 killed per year, or about 15 million people since Roe v. Wade.”
I say divide that number in half and it’s still 7.5 million!
GBS: Here is 1999 data from the CDC. Scroll down and look at tables 15 & 16. Look at the raw number percentages of abortions for blacks (11% for Bush) and latinos (25% for Bush). If your numbers hold true on 35% vote democrat, then the % of abortions for inner city people is much higher!
My Left Footspews:
My Left Foot is not Roger Rabbit. You certainly are a fool though. You have now used BLOVIATE in two separate entries and are hereby admonished. Why would you think that MLF and RR are the same? More of that RightWingNut conspiracy stuff? The stuff I spoke so eloquently about in post number 25. And lastly, as always, Go fuck yourself, high school boy.
Oh, BTW GBS, that’s for reported abortions. Notice California is not on the chart. They didn’t report. I wonder why Grey Davis? I wonder why? Numbers too big maybe?
Here is the link for CDC Abortion data 2002. Look at the numbers again in the end tables and the raw abortions by blacks and hispanics the core of the donkocratic party!!!!http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/previe.....5407a1.htm
And GBS Abortion data for 2001. Again in all these figures where is California, bastion of left coast donkocratic freedoms?
I have to go GBS. A friend of mine here in Ohio was just diagnosed with Prostate Cancer on monday, so I am hanging with him and his wife this evening. I’ll check back on your well thought out response (vs. the moonbats on ASSes0 later!
Puddybud @ 73, 74 & 77:
No links to 73 & 74, but that’s OK, read the link at 77. I see the point, but here is where I see a divergence in the real numbers not projected numbers:
“Eastland found that there are 19.7 million missing Democrats and 13.9 million missing Republicans. Democrats are at a disadvantage by 5.84 million missing voters.
Copied from the story you linked to. The key number to me is the 5.84 million numbers he extrapolated. For sake of dialogue let’s agree this number is accurate.
My point @ 71, using your numbers, shows 50 million “conservatives” and “moderates” losing their right to have medical access to abortions. Not one Democrat is in that 50 million figure.
What has a more realistic impact on elections: 5.84 million “potential” missing voters, or 50 million living breathing people who have the power to express their will at the ballot box?
Like I said, my side of the equation has a 17:2 ratio advantage. And, all my numbers are living people.
Counter argument?
Sorry to hear that Puddybud. I’ll say a prayer for your friend.
Good luck.
Daddy Lovespews:
59% conservative? Hogwash.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
My LeftFoot/Roger Rabbit @ 75—
Nice try Rog…but you & Lefty are indeed the same sorry guy!
I did like reading you agreeing with yourself though.
Man, you can do better than that!
Mark The Redneckspews:
I have a serious question: Are any of you moonbats the least bit ashamed of the conduct of any the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Not a chance! By definition, LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are born without a Shame Gland!! Nor do they have a single Shame cell in their limp-wristed feminine bodies!
Reality Checkspews:
MTR and MR C, I am sure many of us are ashamed of the way some of our senators handle their afairs. If you take the time to compare both sides there seems to be an incredible amount of shame from your side that is missing during the past 6 years. Your side will be known as the most corrupt political party for centuries to come because of the way they have bowed down to big business, an irresponsible president and the lobbyist while leaving their constituents with years and years of paying back the ‘pay now pray later’ funding of GWB’s follies.
GBS: I’ll try again. I will break this up so I don’t get censored. He is talking about the people who aborted and the breakdown %age of those people on either side of the aisle; not of the total population.
Looking at 2000. There were 105,405,100 votes cast for president in the 2000 general election, representing 51.2% of the Voting Age Population. The Missing Voters would have been 6,033,097 based on that portion of the 51.2% represented by (at their lower voting level) 18-24 year olds. This means that Missing Voters would have been 5.41% of all actual voters in 2000.
Looking at 2004. There were 122,293,332 votes cast for president in the 2004 general election, representing 56.4% of the Voting Age Population. The Missing Voters would have been 10,772,569 based on that portion of the 56.4% represented by (at their lower voting level) 18-24 year olds. This means that Missing Voters would have been 8.1% of all actual voters in 2004.
Puddybud @88
Chilling. And that is not meant as a colloquialism…
Reality Check @87
If you take the time to compare both sides there seems to be an incredible amount of shame from your side that is missing during the past 6 years.
Okay. Where? No, I am serious…What or which Senator are you babbling about?
GBS: Taking the 56.4% value = 10,772,569 people of the projected 18-24 estimated 2004 population voting age young adults, what would be their demographic?
You say 42% democrat & 42% republican voting split. Taking his numbers above that means a 49% democratic and a 35% republican abortion split for those whom chose an abortion and guessing their voting patterns.
49% democrats projected 5,278,559 more voters and
35% republican projected 3,770,399 more voters for a difference of 1,508,160 more actual Kerry and democratic leaning votes or
If I use GBS 2004 voting demographic stats with his abortion stats:
20.58% equals 2,216,995 more democratic voters missing
14.70% equals 1,583,567 more republican voters missing
over 600,000 more democratic votes for the % of people projected to vote from the 5 of people who did vote.
Now from the above data more minorities and hispanics per capita in actual CDC reporting received abortions. I believe this number is much higher but California never displayed the number of abortions done by their people. Since 89% of the blacks vote democratic and 75% of hispanics do too, why can’t the CDC abortion numbers bear out as liberal abortions and why are they so easily rejected by moonbats on your side from the above CDC URL placed here on ASSes. It’s about black abortion demographics.
In 2000, the highest numbers of reported legal induced abortions occurred in New York City (94,466), Florida (88,563), and Texas (76,121); the fewest occurred in Idaho (801), South Dakota (878), and North Dakota (1,341). The abortion ratios by state or area of occurrence ranged from 39 per 1,000 live births in Idaho to 869 per 1,000 live births in the District of Columbia. – CDC
Marks: What is more chilling is the CDC data that had California estimated at ~23% of the total of all legal abortions reportedly performed in 1997. The CDC stopped their California estimation in 1998.
Dr. Espews:
“I have a serious question: Are any of you moonbats the least bit ashamed of the conduct of any the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee?”
I don’t know if I’d say ashamed, but Biden is a complete self-aggrandizing waste of space.
So Moonbat@69: You claimed: “So, Pudfucker, just because you lap up everything that you get from the Wall Street Journal opinion page or Limbaugh’s ass, I have to limit myself to those spigots?
Eastland’s article doesn’t prove what it purports to. If you can’t provide reasoning to uphold his unsupported claims, fuck off.” – Sorry bub, I proved the high rate of black abortions and the not as high rate of hispanic abortions per capita if 12.3% of the US population is black and ~12.5% is hispanic. http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html
As stated before 89% of blacks vote democratic and 75% of hispanics vote democratic.
Where moonbat@69 did I get my information to back up my proposition? Where moonbat@69? THE CDC!
If you investigated where he did his research, the CDC, maybe the “Just for the record, I attempted to engage you in a serious coversation” would have happened “and you can’t hack it.” is now on your ASS!
Dr. E. @93
but Biden is a complete self-aggrandizing waste of space.
I take it that you find him without the “something” you feel democrats need?
Hey windie, I have to post on this thread this evening.
Marks if what CDC says about US abortions around 1.3 million per year is scary! That number is hard to fathom.
GBS: Posting from California again for the next couple of weeks. You will be eating sushi real soon!
Don’t forget, you guys need 60 votes to get this turkey through the Senate, and you probably ain’t got ‘em. Sure you can use the “nuclear option” – but if you do it to us, we’ll do it to you next time a Democrat president wants to put someone you really, really, don’t like on SCOTUS. You fuck us, we’re gonna fuck you. It’s called payback.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/12/06 @ 12:27 am
Dont filbuster and we wont have a problem. It is your move donks. Do you feel lucky, well do ya punk. Remeber payback is a bitch. Dont screw with an up or down vote or else.
PacMan @96
1.3 million per year is scary! That number is hard to fathom.
I have been in trouble before with my views on abortion, but a simple look at the dire straights Europe is in makes one think life is not so bad here in the states…
With that said, 1,300,000 deaths per year is indeed scary. What is the replacement number? 2.1 births per? The US is barely 2.08…
Reality Checkspews:
Marks @ 90. I am ‘babbling’ about YOUR party in general. Where to begin…
intern was found dead of mysterious causes in Florida Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough’s office.
Republican Mayor Philip Giordano of Waterbury, Connecticut was caught and charged as a sexual predator of young girls.
Republican President George Walker Bush nominated Theodore Olson (investigated for obstruction of justice and lying to Congress during the Superfund investigation) to the office of Solicitor General
Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s daughter, Noelle Bush, was charged with felony fraud in obtaining a controlled substance.
Republican President George Walker Bush’s daughters, Jenna and Barbara Bush, then 18, were convicted with using illegally obtained and false identification to obtain alcohol.
Republican President George Walker Bush’s daughters, Jenna and Barbara Bush, then 18, were convicted with using illegally obtained and false identification to obtain alcohol.
Wendy Gramm, the wife of prominent Republican Senator Phil Gramm, approved illegal partnerships and waived the code of ethics for those partnership formations while on the Board of Directors of Enron
Kenneth “Kenny Boy” Lay (Enron and Lay contributed $2.16 Million to Republicans in the 2000 election cycle) the largest contributor to the sitting Republican President, George Walker Bush, currently being investigated for leading one of the largest American companies, Enron, into bankruptcy following fraudulently filed earnings reports.
Enron was allowed to price-gouge consumers and the sitting Republican President George Walker Bush refused to allow the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee (FERC) to impose price caps to control excess profiteering
Republican President George Walker Bush appointed Elliott Abrams (convicted of lying to Congress about the Iran-Contra affair) to the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations.
John Ashcroft, Republican Attorney General, spuriously gave a “reprieve” and discontinued the lawfully entered agreement for damages to The Adams Mark Hotel, owned by Fred S. Kummer Jr, a personal friend and $25,700 senatorial campaign contributor, for charges of serious violations of racial discrimination.
John Negroponte (complicit in the Honduran Death Squads), Richard Armitage (linked to illegal arms transfers and CIA drug-running operations), Otto Reich (propaganda operative), John Poindexter (convicted of conspiracy {obstruction of inquiries and proceedings, false statements, falsification, destruction and removal of documents}; two counts of obstruction of Congress and two counts of false statements) of the Iran-Contra Affair have re-appeared in official governmental positions by appointment by George Walker Bush, the sitting Republican President, the son of the former Republican President, George Herbert Walker Bush, for whom these men worked.
Vice President Richard Cheney refuses to release what should be public records of meetings held in the formulation of public policy (The Energy Policy) after being ordered to do so by three Federal Judges (U. S. District Judge Gladys Kessler, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan and U.S. District Judge Paul L. Friedman).
George Walker Bush, the sitting Republican President, is being bolstered by governmental war contracts to The Carlyle Group, partially owned by his father, former Republican President, George Herbert Walker Bush.
Don’t worry about those “scandals,” you know the “liberal” major media corporations (Rupert Murdoch of FOX – $30,033 to RNC… AOL/Time Warner/Walter Isaacson of CNN – $6,150 to RNC… GE/Jack Welch of NBC – $160,350 to RNC… Disney/Michael Eisner/ABC – $208,052 to RNC) are surely going to tell you every “scandal” that they want you to know.
Marks and PacMan: Moonbat@69 wouldn’t check so I did. Can you reject the CDC numbers as being from Limbaugh’s ass? Go ahead and make that equation! The CDC reported abortion rates for minorities was higher than I expected. Then seeing the black abortion rate increase over the years against the white rate and there are less blacks than whites, it’s even more scary!
Thanks moonbat@69 for having me search out the government abortion data, which does not cover California! I hope you are enjoying all the dead baby numbers! I am not!
Reality Check what the fuck does your moonbat@99 post have to do with this Alito thread? Just needed to get your name in pixels?
Reality Check: I realize you are trying really hard to impress us with your knowledge. When you attack the Bush children, I had to see where this came from.
You took this from the June 2005 entry of Think Progress “Nobody Bowls for Red Lake”. You have to attribute the information to the rightful author, plagiarizer. Puddy is right; nothing arrives from the left on Animal Hind Parts unless they first check Media Matters, Daily Kos, Think Progress, or MoveOn.Org. You guys are getting predictable.
Where is the plagiarism charge from Roger Rabbit? Why isn’t DJ asking about quote attribution? PacMan in Pelosi land wants answers to these questions. I won’t see any though.
Lets think on this one. DJ will pass. Roger will drop some of his pellet brains on Stefan’s yard and ask about some stupid settlement.
PacMan you went to the Think Progress URL? Didn’t you get dirty going there? You went into the bowels of @moonbatland@. Hopefully they didn’t infest your PC with tracking software or moonbat subliminal video snippets. It’s a vile, disgusting URL, just like the rest of the favorites of cluedinless&less.
Reality Checkspews:
Just like the trolls here to deflect any facts that are given to them. PacMan, I have never heard of Think Progress but maybe you and your fellow little men should start thinking progressively. The article came from Democratic Underground. Sorry to disapoint you and your likes. Keep throwing your talking points around, I am sure it will get you somewhere, someday.
puddybud has really blown my mind in this thread. Vile, warped, and utterly without relation to reality.
Reality Checkspews:
What I truly find very interesting about trolls like Puddybud, is that they get so confused with who they are talking to and where they are that they start calling themselves names. On the Seattle City Council thread, Puddybud @ 46 is calling the poster of 28 a moonbatMobytroll and says: I”f you, as a resident ASSHead could frame a cogent argument on any topic, I would enjoy the debate. Until then; moonbat on mobytroll!”
Comment by Puddybud— 1/11/06 @ 7:59 pm
The author of 28 is none other than……LMAO…Puddybud. He finally made an honest statement.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
UnRealityCheckedOut sez:
“Just like the trolls here to deflect any facts that are given to them. PacMan, I have never heard of Think Progress but maybe you and your fellow little men should start thinking progressively. The article came from Democratic Underground.
Comment by Reality Check— 1/12/06 @ 9:56 pm”
Gee KLOWN…whenever you arrogant self-proclaimed “New Age Godless Progressives” look down your noses at the vast majority of the world all I can think about is the Communists of the 60’s who called themselves that or your head KLOWN HOWIE DEAN…..YEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Leave it to Mr C to always post an enlighening barage of ‘basura’. Say C, how was that trip to and from Enumclaw?
SmellyShoeASS: I take it you are enamored with 1.3 million US abortions a year? I am saddened that the beautiful sisters are spreading their legs, taking a load of jism, getting pregnant before their time and aborting almost as many babies as there are live births to black women each year! Maybe that makes you happy in some vile way but it sickens me!
Reality Check: Okay I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. I Googled something like this: “Wendy Gramm, the wife of prominent Republican Senator Phil Gramm, approved illegal partnerships and waived the code of ethics for those partnership formations while on the Board of Directors of Enron” – the first link that comes up is Think Progress – cluedinless&less’ favorite shit rag URL!
Your Democratic Underground is reviled by intelligent lefties on the Internet. I am surprised you went there, but to each his own!
Regarding my moonbatmobytroll comment – that’s the double definition of a lefty. Google moonbat and mobytroll – print out both definitions – walk in front of a mirror with the printout – hold it up so you can see your reflection while you read those definitions – as you are reading, your mind should come to the instantaneous realization you are viewing a moonbat mobytroll reading in the mirror!
LOL @ Puddybud. The only problem is that it seems you were calling your self moonbatMobyTroll, no one else. Welcome to the progressive side of the fence my new liberal troll
Cynical ignore cougar. He seems to have this bizzare wish to view a horse fucking! Cougar, go to Enumclaw and fulfill that wish tomorrow. I am sure Goldy can find someone on ASSes to take you there and get all you need; some real fudge packing! A real extravaganza of sensory delight just waiting for you cougar. Go ahead, Cynical won’t stop you!
I would not dare to intervene in a wingnut party. I will leave the horses and your asses to yourselves. Again, why do you think you are a ‘moonbatMobyTrol’? The term deffinitely fits you to a tee.
Cougar: It seems? No there was no seems about it. I wasn’t, reread it. I gave windie an eloquent definition of an ASSHead. Here let me provide remedial edumication help.
Goldy created a site called HorsesASS. Goldy, is the HeadASS. People who think like Goldy are ASSHeads. You qualify nicely as an ASSHead. An ASSHead is a moonbat mobytroll. Google their definitions and implement the same actions in paragraph 4 of blog entry #109. You will see a moonbat mobytroll in the mirror, yourself!
Cougar, here here. You do need help. The horse fucker was a donk from Seattle! He probably wasn’t getting what he wanted in Pioneer Square. He ventured elsewhere, so it seems in the newspaper!
You still haven’t answered the question Puddybud. Why do you call yourself a ‘moonbatMobyTroll’? You can beat around the bushes in Enumclaw all you want, but try to answer the question!
Cougar, if that floats your little boat, you keep thinking that. BTW I am in Ohio. You beat the bushes in Enumclaw. But wait… I remember something about beating around in the bushes, yes… while Jesse Jackson was pumping Karen Stamford’s bush he said: “Stay out of the Bushes”! How appropriate to remeber that just for you cougar!
Just like a wingnut troll. Cannot answer a direct question without ‘beating off’ in the bush
Nice post GBS
Karl: GBS is one of the few ASSHead adults on ASSes. His blog entries forces us to think.
This is the once great democrat party. Now driven by their obsession to public opinion polls instead of their convictions. Personally, I think that the democratic party will never return to majority status as long as their decisions are governed by the latest poll.
The following is an opinion (from a liberal) that reinforces what I say.
Puddy bud
There were no “missing votes” unless you count the Republican voter intimidation.
For the Cluelessspews:
Jaybo – I’m convinced you’re a loser because you support the Republican “government for sale”, “pay-to-play” philosophy propounded by your hero Tom DeLay.
Great party of ideas there, jaybo.
Do you liberals really believe that by making children a protected class and not allowing them to be searched when at the site of a drug bust, that will make children safer? You are sick.
I understand the MIA voters argument and I wouldn’t discount it. Nor do I doubt the racial make up of your stats, but what about the 50 million conservatives and moderates who would lose their right to private medical procedures?
I’m thinking my argument has a numerical advantage over yours. I’m not saying all 50/mm would take up liberal causes, because I know a Republican lady who has had two abortions in her life, but would never switch her positions. But, I would have to believe that some of those people would indeed switch their vote.
Since they are eligible voters even if only 1 in 9 switch their position it would still balance out the “MIA” votes. Personally, I like those odds.
So, to tie this all back to Alito I think realistically there are only one of two outcomes.
A) Alito becomes the swing vote to overturn Roe v. Wade and down the toilet goes any chance the Republicans have for a majority for a long, long time.
Or, what I believe will happen:
B) Alito doesn’t overturn Roe v. Wade. Liberals are not happy with the make up of the court, but satisfied with Chief Justice Roberts position that Roe v. Wade is settled law and feel they’ve won a minor victory in protecting privacy rights. Republicans, can still use the abortion issue as a lightning rod issue to gain support from Christians and donations to their party. Blame the activist judges on the SCOTUS for abandoning their conservative roots, but with a lifetime appointment, there’s no recourse but to continue to support a Republican president who may someday replace them. In the meantime, they have the business friendly judges that they really want who will protect them legally for their own financial gain.
At least, if I were a Republican operative, that’s how I’d play it.
Daddy Lovespews:
Alito lovers
With Stripsearch Sammy Alito as a USSC Justice:
If the government wrongs you, too bad. The government was right. He ruled for the government in almost every case reviewed, and in the rare cases that he finds that a defendant’s rights have been violated, he consistently declines to provide a remedy. So even if the government is wrong, which he hardly ever thinks, you still get squat.
If the company you work for screws you, too bad. The company was right. Judge Alito consistently has sought to limit the scope and reach of statutes protecting workers’ rights and to raise the bar that employee plaintiffs must overcome to bring legal claims. The employee or union would have prevailed in only five of the 35 employment and labor opinions he wrote.
If you expect privacy in your legal conversations, phone calls, mail, or contacts, too bad. In his view, the president’s powers to invade that privacy are not constrained by the Congress or the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment.
If you’e an immigrant screwed by the Board of Immigration Appeals’ (BIA) “failure to make reasonable decisions” for which they have been recently criticized harshly by other appeals courts, too bad. Alito sided with the BIA in 14 of 17 cases.
If you’re a woman or minority, or are elderly and disabled, and your civil rights are violated because of it, too bad. Judge Alito consistently has used procedural and evidentiary standards to rule against female, minority, age, and disability claimants.
Daddy Lovespews:
Michael @ 123
That’s as crudely and clumsily contructed a straw man as any I’ve ever seen. Although in law children ARE often “a protected class” (notably in labor law and regarding sexual activity), no one has argued that they should be in Alito’s case.
You see, Michael, there’s such a thing as “the point.” ANd the POINT here is that a search warrant is Constitutionally restricted (you remember the Contitution, right? Read it sometime) to allow only the searching of (the Constitution uses the word “particularly“) “the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” This is a protection FOR YOU against the indiscriminate use of State force. The girl was not listed on the warrant as a “person to be seized.” Therefore, the search is unconstitutional. IF you’re someone who follows the Constitution. Maybe you’re not. Maybe you don’t care if YOUR little girl is strip-searched. Sammy sure as hell doesn’t.
Daddy Lovespews:
Michael @ 123
Besides which, Michael, while it IS really terrible when drug dealers hide drugs on little girls, the little girl in, you know, THIS case had no drugs on her, which is why we REQUIRE warrants for such things. It’s why probable cause matters. We’re not a country that accepts the concept of collective guilt. The fact that some bad guy somewhere stashed drugs on his kids at some time does not mean we should grant agents of the state the right to strip search all kids, include your or my own offspring, without warrants. And in fact our Constitution says that we CANNOT grant such a right. Really, you should read it.
In the actual warrant, the police requested permission to search all people on the premises of the known meth house. The magistrate signed the request, but did not write again in his own words that they were approved to search all people on the premises. The liberals interpreted this to mean that the magistrate did not approve the search of all people on the premises. How quaint. :)
Daddy Lovespews:
No Michael.
Wikipedia says “Alito’s dissent found it lawful for law enforcement officers in possession of a valid search warrant to stripsearch persons on the premises who were identified in the officers’ attached affidavit, but not in the warrant itself (in this case a woman and 10 year old girl). ”
The CONSTITUTION says that the WARRANT must specify the people. Wha you don’t specify IN THE WARRANT can’t be searched. Except in your and Strip Search Sammy’s world. The majority in that case did NOT agree:
“The majority opinion found that the warrant did not grant such permission, arguing that references to the affidavit in the warrant were specific and the omission of the language in question was not found to be the result of an error, clerical or otherwise.” http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/.....24532p.pdf
Someone sent me this:
“Friends, Family and Professors,
As Sam Alito steps into the limelight today, I hope you’ll take a moment to get informed and – if we have done our job here at the Alliance – get a little outraged.
Our very long (read: comprehensive) report on Judge Samuel Alito’s record, with an emphasis on split decisions, a series of helpful at-a-glance charts, and a short easy to read summary is available at http://www.supremecourtwatch.org/alitofinal.pdf.
I hope you’ll take time to read at least the summary to get an idea of what our country is in for if we allow this man to be confirmed to a lifetime seat on our highest court.
If you want to read a little further than the executive summary, I suggest you start with Pirolli (where Judge Alito votes against allowing a man with a 75 IQ to bring his sexual harassment case before a federal court, after the man
alleged that co-workers grabbed him from behind in a darkened locker room and in a separate incident pushed a broom into his behind (sorry so graphic – but doesn’t this sound like a sexual harassment suit that needs to see the light of
day)), then Doe v. Groody (where Judge Alito – as Fox news didn’t like to hear us put it – VOTED TO ALLOW A STRIP SEARCH OF A TEN YEAR OLD GIRL, even though the warrant only authorized the search of one suspect, John Doe), and then maybe – for you environment buffs out there – PIRG v. Magnesium Elektron
(where Judge Alito voteD to vacate a $2.6 million dollar judgment for 150 Clean Water Act permit violations on the basis that environmental groups lack standing) and W.R. Grace (where Judge Alito voted to overturn an EPA cleanup standard and cleanup plan for a plume of ammonia threatening 297,000 Lansing Michigan residents’ drinking water).
And don’t forget to check out our charts. They quantify Judge Alito’s record on issues dividing split Third Circuit three judge and en banc panels. You’ll learn that in split decisions on lawsuits pitting individuals against the government, Judge Alito VOTED FOR THE GOVERNMENT MORE THAN 80% OF THE TIME. You’ll learn that Judge Alito voted against criminal defendants in 40 of 45 decisions, against asylum seekers and deportees in 7 of 8 immigration decisions, for corporations and against
the government in 3 of 3 environmental decisions, and for employers and against employees in 13 of 15 of civil rights decisions.
If what you see and hear here makes you worried, then please, please, please circulate broadly, talk to people you know, call your Senators, and urge people you know to call their Senators. As you have no doubt realized, the Supreme Court is a big deal. As you may not have realized, we have a real opportunity
to put the breaks on this nomination. Our Senators simply need to hear from a lot of people that they must take whatever steps necessary to block this nomination.
Warmest regards,
Sasha Hallissey Sajovic
(writing to you in my personal capacity, but nonetheless
If you were choosing a U.S. Supreme Court justice, and had to select from the following candidates, who would you nominate:
[ ] a. Samuel Alito
[ ] b. A dog
I dont blame you Goldy for not wanting to cover the Alito debate since your side is getting their ass kicked! As Howard the Dean would say Yeeeaaaarrghhhh.
If you were choosing a U.S. Supreme Court justice, and had to select from the following candidates, who would you nominate:
[ ] a. Samuel Alito
[ ] b. A dog
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/11/06 @ 9:16 pm
Wabbit that polls has already been decided, it is called the 2004 presidential election. You know the one where 62 million picked Sam Alito and 59 million picked the dog. Yeeeaaaarrghhhh.
This guy will probably be on the court for many years. So is it good for the country to slime him? It is one thing to question him, and grill him intellectually. But they aren’t. They are going for the cheap shots. Is it really relevant that he belonged to a club in college? This is the best they can do? At least challenge him to think.
Fortunately, the senators just look bad, especially the big fat one with the dog named Splash.
As long as these KLOWNS masquerading as Democrat Senators continue to BLOVIATE for 70-80% of the QUESTIONING time, Alito is a shoe-in. It is one of the funniest things I have ever witnessed. Exactly how is Joe Biden asking a 13-minute question getting anything out of Alito??? What a moron! And Sen. Kohl is obviously going to vote for Alito….Kohl monotoned his questioning which was clearly handed to Kohl 15 seconds before he disinterestedly asked them.
Then there is of course THE SWIMMER. My. BulbousNosed “10-double Manahattan’s and young woman killer” Kennedy. What a piece of work he is.
This is why I’m grateful these KLOWNS are on live TV….unedited. They say it all!!!
The LEFTIST PINHEADS have to muster all their energy and expertise to even spin a remotely positive spin on the Democrat Senator’s performance. Pathetic is way too kind!
When Alito said he couldn’t remember a thing about his membership in the anti-feminism, anti-integration Princeton club, he lied. This is all we need to know about Sam Alito – he’s a liar. Say good bye to a woman’s right to choose. Being male, I admit my inability to understand how women feel about child bearing, and avoid voicing opinion on the subject of abortion. But I will say that Alito intends to overturn Roe. Period. And oh his poor little wifey, crying big crocodile “I wanna be more famous” tears, that anyone might think her husband bigoted. Yeah, uh huh. And we all believe that Laura loves “He was milking the horse” George. Fundamentalists are fascist.
Ted Kennedy is showing his real colors today. It’s to bad he is a democrate, man if he stays in office the whole party will go down the tube. Where is the Scoop Jackson’s to lead this party out of the woods?
Wells, you could be a senator! Your reasoning is just as solid as theirs, and you like listening to yourself. This is what I am saying – rather than making a good intellectual argument, you slime the guy.
It used to be that people on opposite sides could argue, but still respect each other at the end of the day. Guess the left has decided that respect is a lost term.
Janet S, I think if you would read entire articles instead of just picking out bits and pieces of same, you would find that both sides have dropped to name calling as a standard operating procedure. The Republicans are just as guilty (or more so) as the Democrats on this subject.
“It used to be that people on opposite sides could argue, but still respect each other at the end of the day. Guess the left has decided that respect is a lost term.”
Don’t think that started with the “left.” Ever heard of the Arkansas Project?
By the way, Janet, you’re right — more than half the committee completely failing to “grill” Alito. The GOP half, to be precise. And you can add that self-aggrandizing fool Biden in to boot — he never seemed to be able to get around his preamble to find the actual question most of the time. It was amusing, however, to see Orrin Hatch attempt to defend himself yesterday on whether he was asking “softball” questions. Somehow, he managed to keep a straight face.
Lest we forget:
Zappa on Crossfire (1986)
“The biggest threat to America today is not communism; it’s moving America towards a fascist theocracy and everything that has happened during the Reagan administration is steering us right down that pipe.”
I wish Frankie were still around, he’d be having a field day with our current would-be fascists. It’d be nice to watch him tell Tucker Carlson to “kiss my ass” — too bad he didn’t do so to Novak when he had the chance.
Dr. E, So am I to believe that anything not from Marx and Engels is fascist? Now I know why I never liked Zappa, at least–thanks.
Factcheck.org Roger.
Try it some time
“Wabbit that polls has already been decided, it is called the 2004 presidential election.”
Don’t forget, you guys need 60 votes to get this turkey through the Senate, and you probably ain’t got ’em. Sure you can use the “nuclear option” — but if you do it to us, we’ll do it to you next time a Democrat president wants to put someone you really, really, don’t like on SCOTUS. You fuck us, we’re gonna fuck you. It’s called payback.
“Is it really relevant that he belonged to a club in college?”
Is it really relevant that Christine Gregoire belonged to a sorority that excluded blacks?
The answer to both question is yes.
What is a “democrate?” Is that like a “wood crate?”
Or are you an illiterate wingnut who can’t spell “Democrat?”
Ginsberg rocks! I wanna see her in her robe!!!
“It used to be that people on opposite sides could argue, but still respect each other at the end of the day. Guess the left has decided that respect is a lost term.”
Waaaa-waaaa-waaaa — you Rethugs started all this sliming, smearing, name-calling, and mudslinging — now you’re crying because we’re doing it back? Go fuck yourself, Janet.
And that’s the only way Janet will ever get fucked, because nobody else wants to do it.
Cyniclown @ 6,
Bloviate? I see you have learned to use thesaurus.com, high school boy. I suspect you know what is coming next. You can bloviate me! You, high school boy, are the champion bloviator on this blog and on (un)Sownd Polatikz.
While on the subject of bloviate, I suggest you take a nice, long gander at the balderdash you leave here. It most closely resembles the material that cockalorum leave laying around where they are pinfolded. This corporeal substance is found in plenteous expanse since the RightWingNuts arrived. You dolts keep stepping in it and pretending it does not exist. What is it? Can you figure it out? Perhaps your mother can help you.
And, as always, high school boy, go fuck yourself!
WTF are you talking about? I know what FactCheck is, jerk. I use it all the time to debunk wingnut lies.
Dammit, Rabbit. I was just getting ready to go off on “democrate”. You take all the fun out it. But I still love you bunny. Here are some virtual carrots for you. Enjoy!
Has you ever noticed that besides the ability form a cogent thought, that the RightWingNuts lack any and all sense of humor? These guys are so uptight I bet they give their car seats hickies.
Have you ever noticed that besides the ability form a cogent thought, that the RightWingNuts lack any and all sense of humor? These guys are so uptight I bet they give their car seats hickies.
Have you noticed that lefties have to repeat themselves to make their silly points. Karl ya beat me to factcheck.org, because Roger lives in his den, not viewing the sunshine, and his perspective on world events comes from the moronic lefty URLs.
I don’t get the Alito hate…
You guys wanna bork everyone ….
and of course Ruth Bader never answered any of the tough questions, and she skated in. Talk about extreme values not part of the mainstream…
Righton, look at the approval rate of Breyer (87 to 9) and ACLU Ginsburg (96 to 3). Both were very high approval rates. So lefties, Bork was a bad candidate. I agree with your assessment of some of his writings. I disagree with the lefties using the Bork litmus test on any conservative judge becoming a justice!
ABC Poll: Overall, 53 percent of Americans support Alito’s confirmation while 27 percent oppose oppose it, with 20 percent undecided. Views haven’t changed substantially since President Bush nominated Alito in late October. In terms of public sentiment, he’s in about the same position as John Roberts was at the opening of his hearings to become chief justice.
One senior Republican in the hearing room said of the situation: “After three full days of attacks against her husband’s character, Mrs. Alito had enough. Democrat behavior during this hearing has not only been wrong, it’s been embarrassing. Ted Kennedy is nothing but a bully.”
You Democrats should stop, think (oops… not possible), and recognize how your side defended Stephen Breyer for a closely identical issue of Lloyd’s of London’s during his nomination. In fact, Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy was defender-in-chief for Breyer.
PuddyferBrains, I didn’t think those freeper goggles of your ever let in any light. You live in total darkness
31 – Nope. We just don’t wingnut judicial activists on the nation’s highest court. All Bush has to do is send someone up like O’Connor. I could live with that. This guy gives me the creeps.
Roger – you are sinking to the same nonsense that the senate is – personal attacks because the intellectual kind are so darn difficult.
I agree that the repubs aren’t asking the tough questions. But neither are the dems. They are just throwing nonsense around about something that happened 25 years ago, and has been vetted already.
BTW – if it is relevant that Gregoire belonged to an all-white sorority, why did you vote for her?
FrogFarmerASS: Answer the issues and pull your head out of the collective daily kurse ass.
Dr E & inyourface @ 14 & 15
I think we all have to agree that Zappa was innovative and articulate, and a freedom loving clear thinker even if he had a potty mouth at times (somewhat like our blogging host) and as we saw in his congressional testimony, he was a moderate who cleaned up well. You don’t have to like his music.
As for the “Bush was right” video, False. and pounding the drums and playing through a Marshall stack doesn’t make it so. It was the most craven piece of propaganda I’ve seen in a long time; I recommend it to you all.
As for the judge, let us not forget it was the rePube licans who started this game of virulently opposing judicial nominees on ideological grounds. Clinton nominated Ginsberg and Breyer on whose suggestion? Orin Hatch’s. Did Bush II ask any Dems for suggestions? It’s a serious question, I don’t know, but typing it made me chuckle a little.
I might be able to believe in bipartisan democracy if documents such as the discovery institute’s Wedge document and Young Alito’s strategy for overturning Roe v Wade didn’t keep coming to light. As it is, though, it seems like the Right is playing for keeps and I don’t like the way they want america to be.
Has anybody asked Alito about his expertise in Admiralty? That’s what I’ll miss most about O’Connor.
And yet you will post an obviously slanted piece anyway.
“So am I to believe that anything not from Marx and Engels is fascist?”
I’m not sure what you’re trying to say, except perhaps to demonstrate a lack of knowledge of political theory.
Kennedy has killed more women in his car then Alito….
“I think we all have to agree that Zappa was innovative and articulate, and a freedom loving clear thinker even if he had a potty mouth at times (somewhat like our blogging host) and as we saw in his congressional testimony, he was a moderate who cleaned up well. You don’t have to like his music.”
What’s more — in this video clip Zappa calls himself a “conservative”. He was on the record many times as saying that he adhered to neither political party, and, during the time he appeared on Crosssfire, some prominent Dems were under his magnifying glass, most notably Al Gore, whose wife Tipper was involved with the PMRC.
Zappa was far more intellectual than many give him credit for. I think his music often clearly demonstrates this perspicacity (listen to Porn Wars, for instance). The clowns who put together the “Bush Was Right” lame attempt at agitprop don’t come anywhere near Zappa’s level of skill as composer/lyricist/societal commentator.
Straw man: Laura Bush has killed more men in her car than has Alito. What’s your point?
Don’t worry libs, he is not going to change the law on abortion
all by himself. You people are killing future liberals from
being trained. Long term outlook excellent. Ted’s nose is
looking a little red these days. Won’t be long till we raise
the Stars and Stripes to her former glory.
Karl @ 40
Of course, Laura Bush has killed more men with her car than has Alito…
The irony is, we’re mainly ‘killing future conservatives from the poor, rural south from being trained.’ (sic)
@ 43
Are your implying that Laura Bush, our First Lady, ran a stop sign and plowed her former boyfriend in a crosswalk and killed him???
How dare you make such inferences. Next thing you’ll be saying is that Laura Bush sold marijuana in college and George W. Bush snorted cocaine.
Mark@42: Over 42 million donks erased in the womb to date since 1973!
Puddybud @ 46
How many were Republicans?
P.S.: Tell PacMan I’m still hungry, dude.
Man… I take a bit of a break from posting and look what happens…
Hey, Roger, do tell what the Senator Teddy found in the boxes of CAP documents he dug through…
Need a hint? How about… NOTHING.
Alito wasn’t my first choice for a nominee, but if the Dem strategy is goose chases and 10-page speeches disguised as questions, he’s going to be confirmed.
I find it very hard to take the Democratic Senators sitting around the committee table very seriously. If they could have wheedled the slightest indication out of Alito that he considered Roe v. Wade settled law, they’d vote for him and wear that fig leaf proudly. They’re so pathetic that the nominee wouldn’t give them even that bit of deference.
They just won’t fight. The Congressional Black Caucus pleaded with all of them to get some backbone in 2000. They were all chickenshits then, and they still are.
The change in SCOTUS was a sure thing from then on, with the Rehnquist Court arranging for its own succession.
The problem with abortions is that we don’t have enough of them
Based on the fact your side aborts more than my side from the data below, you are losing more voters at a faster rate. And you think you’ll win 2006 elections?
The CDC 1.5 to 1.6 million abortions a year = 45 to 51.2 million abortions. Hence I underestimated the total number at 41.2 million because I wanted to underestimate it.
• There are 19,748,000 Democrats who are not with us today. (49.37 percent of 40 million).
• There are 13,900,000 Republican who are not with us today. (34.75 percent of 40 million).
• By comparison, then, the Democrats have lost 5,848,000 more voters than the Republicans have for 2000 election year.
“Of the 40 million abortions since 1973, Eastland says Democrats accounted for 49 percent, or more than 19.7 million, while Republicans had just fewer than 35 percent or 13.9 million abortions. The remaining abortions include those by self-described Independents, 16 percent of the total.
Eastland notes the irony of the situation: The strongest supporters of the principle of abortion are those who suffer the most from the practice of it.”
What do the Missing Voters take away from the Democrats in each state?
Table 7: Missing Voters (net) in 2004 open Senate races
Colorado ————-12,013
Florida ————–37,783
Georgia ————–17,783
Illinois ————-78,845
Louisiana ————15,520
North Carolina ——-48,980
Oklahoma ————-20,983
South Carolina ——-22,005
Abortion has caused missing Democrats–and missing liberals. For advocates so fundamentally committed to changing the face of conservative America, liberals have been remarkably blind to the fact that every day the abortions they advocate dramatically decrease their power to do so. Imagine the number of followers that their abortion policies eliminate who, over the next several decades, would have emerged as the new liberal thinkers, voters, adherents, fund-raisers and workers for their cause.
Table 8: Missing by ideology
Ideology —– % of pop – % of total aborts – % of group having aborts
Liberal ———-37% ————–47% —————–41%
Moderate ———-5% —————5% —————–31%
Conservative —–59% ————–48% —————–26%
Look at the results:
• Six out of 10 Americans call themselves conservatives. Only a quarter of them are having abortions.
• A little more than one-third of Americans call themselves liberals. More than four in 10 are having abortions.
• This means that liberals are having one third more abortions than conservatives.
GBS and all ASSHeads: Please keep killing your unborn children. You’ll keep losing elections FOREVER!
how very ghoulishly “Evil Conservative” to be counting abortions for political gain.
What a messed up culture you folks have.
well Laura Bush is not running for any office, nor is she up for a supreme court nomination, so one straw man has now taken out another…..
When did fetuses become partisan creatures? Do you have any idea how silly your comments along this line are? Anyone who would even dream up such crap plainly lives in a world where the light of reason and experience never intrudes.
White conservative judge, Princeton grad with excellent career prospects, ISO submissive SWF for politically useful marriage and occasional strip search. No Democrats, feminazis, fatties. Pro-life views desirable but not required. Must be able to cry on cue. Respond to “Sammy,” c/o Federalist Society, Washington DC.
In Wingnuttia, California Democratic candidate for governor Cruz Bustamante was held to account for student membership, decades ago, in a semi-radical Hispanic group.
Conservative Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is not held to account for membership, decades ago, in a racist/sexist Princeton alumni group.
Ahhh yes, proud_leftistASS: Having comprehension issues or you didn’t READ the link. That’s why I wait for adults like GBS to respond. HE READS links.
From the link el stupido: “The question arises: Who would these Missing Voters have been if they had reached voting age? What would their values have been? How would they have voted? What impact would they have had on the great debates in America, including the abortion debate? Here’s what we know from several generations of social science research about children:
• They tend to absorb the values of their parents.
• They tend to have the same political views as their family (parents, siblings, immediate relatives) and share common views on political causes.
• They tend to develop the same lifestyle as their family.”
So if they were allowed to live they would tend to go along with their parental unit values. But proud_leftistASS, thinking and comprehension weren’t your strong suits!
Puddybudd @ 60
I read your links. They are laughable. That shit, which represents strained extrapolation from false premises, would get a freshman college student a failing grade if he or she tried to pass it off as social science. Did you ever take a logic class? Do you honestly believe the politics of a scared, 17 year-old girl seeking an abortion are predictable, let alone the politics of her unborn child? If so, you are taking a leap of faith, a leap of fantasy, that no responsible adult would take. Unfortunately, that’s what’s wrong with your ilk–ideology trumps facts every day of the week.
Moonbat@59: Is CAP still in existence? Is La Raza still in existence?
Question 1 Answer – NO!!
Question 2 Answer – YES!!!
Alito has sworn off his allegiance to CAP. Bustamante did not swear off his La Raza allegiance. Big difference Moonbat@59! Which organization preached hatred through anarchy? La Raza and Mecha!
CAP – College of American Pathologists
La Raza – “Por La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada.” For the race, everything. For those outside the race, nothing.
The methodology used to determine the likely political affiliation of the “Missing Voters” seemed flawed to me. What does “close to you” mean, and what is the extent of the influence of “close to you” and “knows anything about who had an abortion”.
I was having a little problem putting together my thoughts into a coherent respose, but luckily, a quick google search yeilded an analysis that is more loquacious than what I had rumbling about in my head:
From “The Case of the Missing Democrats”
Consider these scenarios:
Carol is a 16 year old girl. Her parents are Democrats, are pro-choice, and are open in their views about life, politics, religion, etc. Carol has an older sister, a younger brother, and loving grandparents.
Alice is a 16 year old girl. Her parents are Republicans, are pro-life, and are open in their views about life, politics, religion, etc. Alice also has an older sister, a younger brother, and loving grandparents.
Both Carol and Alice find themselves pregnant at 16. Both girls talk to their mothers about the situation and discuss their options. Both girls terminate the pregnancies, with the mother’s consent.
Granted, this is a more likely scenario in the Democrat household. But it happens in both. And when it does: Which child and mother is most likely to keep it their little secret, and which is more likely to talk to the father about it?
Which child’s parents might share their situation with the grandparents, or other members of their “circle of socio-demographically homogeneous family and friends?”
I suggest that in Carol’s situation, there will be more people “close to her” who know about her abortion than in Alice’s situation.
In a family where abortion is considered a viable option, it makes sense that more people would know about it when it takes place. In a family where abortion is not considered a viable option, it makes sense that it would not be shared with as many people.
So in Carol’s family, there would most likely be several more people who could answer “yes” to the question, “As far as you know, has anyone close to you had an abortion?” than in Alice’s family. In both families, there is still only one abortion, though. But a greater pool of possible respondents who could answer “yes” to the question.
The article concludes:
Basically, Eastland can not ask “do you know someone who had an abortion, and if so, what is your political affiliation?” and extrapolate from that how many abortions take place within each political party. It’s the wrong question to ask for the answer he’s looking for.
“I don’t get the Alito hate… You guys wanna bork everyone ….”
No, only activist judges who use the Constitution as toilet paper and think the president is a king.
A friend of mine teaches constitutional law at a midwestern university. He’s been preparing the class syllabus for the second semester course that’s about to begin. In doing so, he says, it hit him. There is no constitution anymore. What’s the point of teaching what the articles and amendments say? Why teach the differing approaches to constitutional interpretation? All we need to know about the constitution is “What does GW say?” If GW says the government can do something, then, by God, the government can do it.
So VA you need to get your thoughts from the Internet? So by your reckoning; kids aborted in the inter city will vote Republican Kids aborted in the flyover country will vote Democratic. Interesting.
dj sez:
“Of course, Laura Bush has killed more men with her car than has Alito…
Comment by dj— 1/12/06 @ 9:10 am”
Ted “The Swimmer” Kennedy killed more woman with his car, cowardice and drinking than Alito!! And Ted is killing me cuz I can’t stop laughing at this drunken fool bloviating innuendo as he always has. Only the kooks that Ted the Woman Killer seriously….especially when Ted tries to take the moral high ground?
I’ll bet Mary Jo Kopechne’s family winces every time they see this drunken, pathetic asshole rambling on & on. He is a constant remind to that family of how money talks…..it kept Ted out of jail!
My Left Foot====Roger Rabbit.
Rog, you fooled me for a long, long time with your what 100th ID on this Blog??? This was the longest you fooled me with one. You are getting more & more clever Silly Rabbit!
So, Pudfucker, just because you lap up everything that you get from the Wall Street Journal opinion page or Limbaugh’s ass, I have to limit myself to those spigots?
Eastland’s article doesn’t prove what it purports to. If you can’t provide reasoning to uphold his unsupported claims, fuck off.
Just for the record, I attempted to engage you in a serious coversation and you can’t hack it.
An interesting exercise in theoretical statistical extrapolations, and there may be of some merit to it in a very broad sense of your argument.
I have two kids, and guess what? Yep, both Liberals. The oldest won’t even step foot in a Wal-Mart. We had a third child, but one day he mentioned that maybe Ronald Regan wasn’t the anti-Christ, so we had to smoother him.
Abortion rates aside, here’s how I see the make up of the political landscape. It’s just my opinion and not fact.
Breakdown of the voting public, not the entire nation since a lot of people do not exercise their right to vote.
35% of the population votes mainly Democrat
35% of the population votes mainly Republican
7% each side votes only party line
3% votes independent, loser-tarian, or writes in Mickey Mouse
That leaves about 13% of the voting population, the swing voters if you will, in control of the direction of the country. These are the Regan-Democrats or Clinton-Republicans, they tend to vote for the other party when the are dissatisfied with the direction of politics. Since the late ’70’s the conservatives have beaten the snot out of liberals in pulling in support from this “middle of the road” group. And it has paid major dividends for Republicans. However, I feel there is a tremendous amount of dissatisfaction from this group with the leadership in Washington. That puts your party, not the Democrats in jeopardy of losing control of congress, not gaining more of it.
I sense the American public’s tolerance “for more of the same” is waning greatly. To be sure, we’ll find out this November. If the Democrats regain control of the House due to the Culture of Corruption, you can bet the investigations into the Bush presidency with subpoena power will be a mighty blow to Republicans for decades to come. Much like the control that the Democrats enjoyed in congress for 40 years.
The future of both parties as a strong national party are at a crossroads in this election. At the very minimum if the Democrats can’t pull of substantial gains in congress, they will be regulated to a second rate party and possibly make way for a new 3rd party. If, however, the Republicans lose control they will be vilified much like the era of McCarthyism and they will pay a heavy price.
Interesting how tide of democracy ebbs and flows, isn’t it?
You know what else makes your abortion theory flawed?
The answer is in your table that you quoted”
Table 8: Missing by ideology
Ideology —– % of pop – % of total aborts – % of group having aborts
Liberal ———-37% ————–47% —————–41%
Moderate ———-5% —————5% —————–31%
Conservative —–59% ————–48% —————–26%
There are approximately 295,750,000 Americans in this country. If 59% are conservative that = 174,500,000. If 26% of them have abortions and lose their right to do so that = 45,360,000. If you do the same exercise with the moderates that = 4,600,000.
That’s roughly 50,000,000 people who might otherwise consider changing their vote when they lose their rights. Now I’m not the smartest man in the world, but it seems to me if 50,000,000 Americans suddenly lose their right to private medical procedures that they use, and at the current pace the Democrats are losing 5,848,000 voters, per your info at post 52, I’m thinking that at a almost 9:1 ratio the Americans who are alive and voting will be able to compensate for the possible Democrats who won’t be voting.
In fact, at 9:1 odds, I’d make a big bet on it.
Whadya think?
I don’t want to cause problems, but, uh, have you talked to PacMan lately?
He took your $20 in that bet you lost to me and still hasn’t made arrangement to meet for lunch. Maybe you should ask for you money back.
Just a thought.
“African-American women constitute 13.5% of the U.S. female population but they undergo 34% of all the abortions in this country. Their abortion rate (31 per 1,000 women) is approximately 2.6 times the rate for white women (12 per 1,000). The abortion industry reports very few statistics and strongly resists any effort at reporting more, so we must estimate further conclusions: African-American pro-life activists estimate that about 1,400 black babies have died in abortions, on average, each day since abortion was mandated a constitutional right. That makes 546,000 killed per year, or about 15 million people since Roe v. Wade.”
I say divide that number in half and it’s still 7.5 million!
GBS: Here is 1999 data from the CDC. Scroll down and look at tables 15 & 16. Look at the raw number percentages of abortions for blacks (11% for Bush) and latinos (25% for Bush). If your numbers hold true on 35% vote democrat, then the % of abortions for inner city people is much higher!
My Left Foot is not Roger Rabbit. You certainly are a fool though. You have now used BLOVIATE in two separate entries and are hereby admonished. Why would you think that MLF and RR are the same? More of that RightWingNut conspiracy stuff? The stuff I spoke so eloquently about in post number 25. And lastly, as always, Go fuck yourself, high school boy.
Oh, BTW GBS, that’s for reported abortions. Notice California is not on the chart. They didn’t report. I wonder why Grey Davis? I wonder why? Numbers too big maybe?
Moonbat@69: You better go home and practice the blog entry number quickly. After clean-up read this site: http://www.therealitycheck.org.....121304.htm
Here is the link for CDC Abortion data 2002. Look at the numbers again in the end tables and the raw abortions by blacks and hispanics the core of the donkocratic party!!!!http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/previe.....5407a1.htm
And GBS Abortion data for 2001. Again in all these figures where is California, bastion of left coast donkocratic freedoms?
I have to go GBS. A friend of mine here in Ohio was just diagnosed with Prostate Cancer on monday, so I am hanging with him and his wife this evening. I’ll check back on your well thought out response (vs. the moonbats on ASSes0 later!
Puddybud @ 73, 74 & 77:
No links to 73 & 74, but that’s OK, read the link at 77. I see the point, but here is where I see a divergence in the real numbers not projected numbers:
“Eastland found that there are 19.7 million missing Democrats and 13.9 million missing Republicans. Democrats are at a disadvantage by 5.84 million missing voters.
Copied from the story you linked to. The key number to me is the 5.84 million numbers he extrapolated. For sake of dialogue let’s agree this number is accurate.
My point @ 71, using your numbers, shows 50 million “conservatives” and “moderates” losing their right to have medical access to abortions. Not one Democrat is in that 50 million figure.
What has a more realistic impact on elections: 5.84 million “potential” missing voters, or 50 million living breathing people who have the power to express their will at the ballot box?
Like I said, my side of the equation has a 17:2 ratio advantage. And, all my numbers are living people.
Counter argument?
Sorry to hear that Puddybud. I’ll say a prayer for your friend.
Good luck.
59% conservative? Hogwash.
My LeftFoot/Roger Rabbit @ 75—
Nice try Rog…but you & Lefty are indeed the same sorry guy!
I did like reading you agreeing with yourself though.
Man, you can do better than that!
I have a serious question: Are any of you moonbats the least bit ashamed of the conduct of any the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee?
Not a chance! By definition, LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS are born without a Shame Gland!! Nor do they have a single Shame cell in their limp-wristed feminine bodies!
MTR and MR C, I am sure many of us are ashamed of the way some of our senators handle their afairs. If you take the time to compare both sides there seems to be an incredible amount of shame from your side that is missing during the past 6 years. Your side will be known as the most corrupt political party for centuries to come because of the way they have bowed down to big business, an irresponsible president and the lobbyist while leaving their constituents with years and years of paying back the ‘pay now pray later’ funding of GWB’s follies.
GBS: I’ll try again. I will break this up so I don’t get censored. He is talking about the people who aborted and the breakdown %age of those people on either side of the aisle; not of the total population.
Looking at 2000. There were 105,405,100 votes cast for president in the 2000 general election, representing 51.2% of the Voting Age Population. The Missing Voters would have been 6,033,097 based on that portion of the 51.2% represented by (at their lower voting level) 18-24 year olds. This means that Missing Voters would have been 5.41% of all actual voters in 2000.
Looking at 2004. There were 122,293,332 votes cast for president in the 2004 general election, representing 56.4% of the Voting Age Population. The Missing Voters would have been 10,772,569 based on that portion of the 56.4% represented by (at their lower voting level) 18-24 year olds. This means that Missing Voters would have been 8.1% of all actual voters in 2004.
Puddybud @88
Chilling. And that is not meant as a colloquialism…
Reality Check @87
If you take the time to compare both sides there seems to be an incredible amount of shame from your side that is missing during the past 6 years.
Okay. Where? No, I am serious…What or which Senator are you babbling about?
GBS: Taking the 56.4% value = 10,772,569 people of the projected 18-24 estimated 2004 population voting age young adults, what would be their demographic?
You say 42% democrat & 42% republican voting split. Taking his numbers above that means a 49% democratic and a 35% republican abortion split for those whom chose an abortion and guessing their voting patterns.
49% democrats projected 5,278,559 more voters and
35% republican projected 3,770,399 more voters for a difference of 1,508,160 more actual Kerry and democratic leaning votes or
If I use GBS 2004 voting demographic stats with his abortion stats:
20.58% equals 2,216,995 more democratic voters missing
14.70% equals 1,583,567 more republican voters missing
over 600,000 more democratic votes for the % of people projected to vote from the 5 of people who did vote.
Now from the above data more minorities and hispanics per capita in actual CDC reporting received abortions. I believe this number is much higher but California never displayed the number of abortions done by their people. Since 89% of the blacks vote democratic and 75% of hispanics do too, why can’t the CDC abortion numbers bear out as liberal abortions and why are they so easily rejected by moonbats on your side from the above CDC URL placed here on ASSes. It’s about black abortion demographics.
In 2000, the highest numbers of reported legal induced abortions occurred in New York City (94,466), Florida (88,563), and Texas (76,121); the fewest occurred in Idaho (801), South Dakota (878), and North Dakota (1,341). The abortion ratios by state or area of occurrence ranged from 39 per 1,000 live births in Idaho to 869 per 1,000 live births in the District of Columbia. – CDC
Marks: What is more chilling is the CDC data that had California estimated at ~23% of the total of all legal abortions reportedly performed in 1997. The CDC stopped their California estimation in 1998.
“I have a serious question: Are any of you moonbats the least bit ashamed of the conduct of any the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee?”
I don’t know if I’d say ashamed, but Biden is a complete self-aggrandizing waste of space.
So Moonbat@69: You claimed: “So, Pudfucker, just because you lap up everything that you get from the Wall Street Journal opinion page or Limbaugh’s ass, I have to limit myself to those spigots?
Eastland’s article doesn’t prove what it purports to. If you can’t provide reasoning to uphold his unsupported claims, fuck off.” – Sorry bub, I proved the high rate of black abortions and the not as high rate of hispanic abortions per capita if 12.3% of the US population is black and ~12.5% is hispanic. http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/00000.html
As stated before 89% of blacks vote democratic and 75% of hispanics vote democratic.
Where moonbat@69 did I get my information to back up my proposition? Where moonbat@69? THE CDC!
If you investigated where he did his research, the CDC, maybe the “Just for the record, I attempted to engage you in a serious coversation” would have happened “and you can’t hack it.” is now on your ASS!
Dr. E. @93
but Biden is a complete self-aggrandizing waste of space.
I take it that you find him without the “something” you feel democrats need?
Hey windie, I have to post on this thread this evening.
Marks if what CDC says about US abortions around 1.3 million per year is scary! That number is hard to fathom.
GBS: Posting from California again for the next couple of weeks. You will be eating sushi real soon!
Don’t forget, you guys need 60 votes to get this turkey through the Senate, and you probably ain’t got ‘em. Sure you can use the “nuclear option” – but if you do it to us, we’ll do it to you next time a Democrat president wants to put someone you really, really, don’t like on SCOTUS. You fuck us, we’re gonna fuck you. It’s called payback.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/12/06 @ 12:27 am
Dont filbuster and we wont have a problem. It is your move donks. Do you feel lucky, well do ya punk. Remeber payback is a bitch. Dont screw with an up or down vote or else.
PacMan @96
1.3 million per year is scary! That number is hard to fathom.
I have been in trouble before with my views on abortion, but a simple look at the dire straights Europe is in makes one think life is not so bad here in the states…
With that said, 1,300,000 deaths per year is indeed scary. What is the replacement number? 2.1 births per? The US is barely 2.08…
Marks @ 90. I am ‘babbling’ about YOUR party in general. Where to begin…
intern was found dead of mysterious causes in Florida Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough’s office.
Republican Mayor Philip Giordano of Waterbury, Connecticut was caught and charged as a sexual predator of young girls.
Republican President George Walker Bush nominated Theodore Olson (investigated for obstruction of justice and lying to Congress during the Superfund investigation) to the office of Solicitor General
Florida Governor Jeb Bush’s daughter, Noelle Bush, was charged with felony fraud in obtaining a controlled substance.
Republican President George Walker Bush’s daughters, Jenna and Barbara Bush, then 18, were convicted with using illegally obtained and false identification to obtain alcohol.
Republican President George Walker Bush’s daughters, Jenna and Barbara Bush, then 18, were convicted with using illegally obtained and false identification to obtain alcohol.
Wendy Gramm, the wife of prominent Republican Senator Phil Gramm, approved illegal partnerships and waived the code of ethics for those partnership formations while on the Board of Directors of Enron
Kenneth “Kenny Boy” Lay (Enron and Lay contributed $2.16 Million to Republicans in the 2000 election cycle) the largest contributor to the sitting Republican President, George Walker Bush, currently being investigated for leading one of the largest American companies, Enron, into bankruptcy following fraudulently filed earnings reports.
Enron was allowed to price-gouge consumers and the sitting Republican President George Walker Bush refused to allow the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee (FERC) to impose price caps to control excess profiteering
Republican President George Walker Bush appointed Elliott Abrams (convicted of lying to Congress about the Iran-Contra affair) to the Human Rights Commission of the United Nations.
John Ashcroft, Republican Attorney General, spuriously gave a “reprieve” and discontinued the lawfully entered agreement for damages to The Adams Mark Hotel, owned by Fred S. Kummer Jr, a personal friend and $25,700 senatorial campaign contributor, for charges of serious violations of racial discrimination.
John Negroponte (complicit in the Honduran Death Squads), Richard Armitage (linked to illegal arms transfers and CIA drug-running operations), Otto Reich (propaganda operative), John Poindexter (convicted of conspiracy {obstruction of inquiries and proceedings, false statements, falsification, destruction and removal of documents}; two counts of obstruction of Congress and two counts of false statements) of the Iran-Contra Affair have re-appeared in official governmental positions by appointment by George Walker Bush, the sitting Republican President, the son of the former Republican President, George Herbert Walker Bush, for whom these men worked.
Vice President Richard Cheney refuses to release what should be public records of meetings held in the formulation of public policy (The Energy Policy) after being ordered to do so by three Federal Judges (U. S. District Judge Gladys Kessler, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan and U.S. District Judge Paul L. Friedman).
George Walker Bush, the sitting Republican President, is being bolstered by governmental war contracts to The Carlyle Group, partially owned by his father, former Republican President, George Herbert Walker Bush.
Don’t worry about those “scandals,” you know the “liberal” major media corporations (Rupert Murdoch of FOX – $30,033 to RNC… AOL/Time Warner/Walter Isaacson of CNN – $6,150 to RNC… GE/Jack Welch of NBC – $160,350 to RNC… Disney/Michael Eisner/ABC – $208,052 to RNC) are surely going to tell you every “scandal” that they want you to know.
Marks and PacMan: Moonbat@69 wouldn’t check so I did. Can you reject the CDC numbers as being from Limbaugh’s ass? Go ahead and make that equation! The CDC reported abortion rates for minorities was higher than I expected. Then seeing the black abortion rate increase over the years against the white rate and there are less blacks than whites, it’s even more scary!
Thanks moonbat@69 for having me search out the government abortion data, which does not cover California! I hope you are enjoying all the dead baby numbers! I am not!
Reality Check what the fuck does your moonbat@99 post have to do with this Alito thread? Just needed to get your name in pixels?
Reality Check: I realize you are trying really hard to impress us with your knowledge. When you attack the Bush children, I had to see where this came from.
You took this from the June 2005 entry of Think Progress “Nobody Bowls for Red Lake”. You have to attribute the information to the rightful author, plagiarizer. Puddy is right; nothing arrives from the left on Animal Hind Parts unless they first check Media Matters, Daily Kos, Think Progress, or MoveOn.Org. You guys are getting predictable.
Where is the plagiarism charge from Roger Rabbit? Why isn’t DJ asking about quote attribution? PacMan in Pelosi land wants answers to these questions. I won’t see any though.
Lets think on this one. DJ will pass. Roger will drop some of his pellet brains on Stefan’s yard and ask about some stupid settlement.
PacMan you went to the Think Progress URL? Didn’t you get dirty going there? You went into the bowels of @moonbatland@. Hopefully they didn’t infest your PC with tracking software or moonbat subliminal video snippets. It’s a vile, disgusting URL, just like the rest of the favorites of cluedinless&less.
Just like the trolls here to deflect any facts that are given to them. PacMan, I have never heard of Think Progress but maybe you and your fellow little men should start thinking progressively. The article came from Democratic Underground. Sorry to disapoint you and your likes. Keep throwing your talking points around, I am sure it will get you somewhere, someday.
puddybud has really blown my mind in this thread. Vile, warped, and utterly without relation to reality.
What I truly find very interesting about trolls like Puddybud, is that they get so confused with who they are talking to and where they are that they start calling themselves names. On the Seattle City Council thread, Puddybud @ 46 is calling the poster of 28 a moonbatMobytroll and says: I”f you, as a resident ASSHead could frame a cogent argument on any topic, I would enjoy the debate. Until then; moonbat on mobytroll!”
Comment by Puddybud— 1/11/06 @ 7:59 pm
The author of 28 is none other than……LMAO…Puddybud. He finally made an honest statement.
UnRealityCheckedOut sez:
“Just like the trolls here to deflect any facts that are given to them. PacMan, I have never heard of Think Progress but maybe you and your fellow little men should start thinking progressively. The article came from Democratic Underground.
Comment by Reality Check— 1/12/06 @ 9:56 pm”
Gee KLOWN…whenever you arrogant self-proclaimed “New Age Godless Progressives” look down your noses at the vast majority of the world all I can think about is the Communists of the 60’s who called themselves that or your head KLOWN HOWIE DEAN…..YEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Leave it to Mr C to always post an enlighening barage of ‘basura’. Say C, how was that trip to and from Enumclaw?
SmellyShoeASS: I take it you are enamored with 1.3 million US abortions a year? I am saddened that the beautiful sisters are spreading their legs, taking a load of jism, getting pregnant before their time and aborting almost as many babies as there are live births to black women each year! Maybe that makes you happy in some vile way but it sickens me!
Reality Check: Okay I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. I Googled something like this: “Wendy Gramm, the wife of prominent Republican Senator Phil Gramm, approved illegal partnerships and waived the code of ethics for those partnership formations while on the Board of Directors of Enron” – the first link that comes up is Think Progress – cluedinless&less’ favorite shit rag URL!
Your Democratic Underground is reviled by intelligent lefties on the Internet. I am surprised you went there, but to each his own!
Regarding my moonbatmobytroll comment – that’s the double definition of a lefty. Google moonbat and mobytroll – print out both definitions – walk in front of a mirror with the printout – hold it up so you can see your reflection while you read those definitions – as you are reading, your mind should come to the instantaneous realization you are viewing a moonbat mobytroll reading in the mirror!
LOL @ Puddybud. The only problem is that it seems you were calling your self moonbatMobyTroll, no one else. Welcome to the progressive side of the fence my new liberal troll
Cynical ignore cougar. He seems to have this bizzare wish to view a horse fucking! Cougar, go to Enumclaw and fulfill that wish tomorrow. I am sure Goldy can find someone on ASSes to take you there and get all you need; some real fudge packing! A real extravaganza of sensory delight just waiting for you cougar. Go ahead, Cynical won’t stop you!
I would not dare to intervene in a wingnut party. I will leave the horses and your asses to yourselves. Again, why do you think you are a ‘moonbatMobyTrol’? The term deffinitely fits you to a tee.
Cougar: It seems? No there was no seems about it. I wasn’t, reread it. I gave windie an eloquent definition of an ASSHead. Here let me provide remedial edumication help.
Goldy created a site called HorsesASS. Goldy, is the HeadASS. People who think like Goldy are ASSHeads. You qualify nicely as an ASSHead. An ASSHead is a moonbat mobytroll. Google their definitions and implement the same actions in paragraph 4 of blog entry #109. You will see a moonbat mobytroll in the mirror, yourself!
Cougar, here here. You do need help. The horse fucker was a donk from Seattle! He probably wasn’t getting what he wanted in Pioneer Square. He ventured elsewhere, so it seems in the newspaper!
You still haven’t answered the question Puddybud. Why do you call yourself a ‘moonbatMobyTroll’? You can beat around the bushes in Enumclaw all you want, but try to answer the question!
Cougar, if that floats your little boat, you keep thinking that. BTW I am in Ohio. You beat the bushes in Enumclaw. But wait… I remember something about beating around in the bushes, yes… while Jesse Jackson was pumping Karen Stamford’s bush he said: “Stay out of the Bushes”! How appropriate to remeber that just for you cougar!
Just like a wingnut troll. Cannot answer a direct question without ‘beating off’ in the bush
Nice post GBS
Karl: GBS is one of the few ASSHead adults on ASSes. His blog entries forces us to think.
This is the once great democrat party. Now driven by their obsession to public opinion polls instead of their convictions. Personally, I think that the democratic party will never return to majority status as long as their decisions are governed by the latest poll.
The following is an opinion (from a liberal) that reinforces what I say.
Democrats Losing Their Alito Opportunity?/Bush Tries Satire?
Puddy bud
There were no “missing votes” unless you count the Republican voter intimidation.
Jaybo – I’m convinced you’re a loser because you support the Republican “government for sale”, “pay-to-play” philosophy propounded by your hero Tom DeLay.
Great party of ideas there, jaybo.
Do you liberals really believe that by making children a protected class and not allowing them to be searched when at the site of a drug bust, that will make children safer? You are sick.
I understand the MIA voters argument and I wouldn’t discount it. Nor do I doubt the racial make up of your stats, but what about the 50 million conservatives and moderates who would lose their right to private medical procedures?
I’m thinking my argument has a numerical advantage over yours. I’m not saying all 50/mm would take up liberal causes, because I know a Republican lady who has had two abortions in her life, but would never switch her positions. But, I would have to believe that some of those people would indeed switch their vote.
Since they are eligible voters even if only 1 in 9 switch their position it would still balance out the “MIA” votes. Personally, I like those odds.
So, to tie this all back to Alito I think realistically there are only one of two outcomes.
A) Alito becomes the swing vote to overturn Roe v. Wade and down the toilet goes any chance the Republicans have for a majority for a long, long time.
Or, what I believe will happen:
B) Alito doesn’t overturn Roe v. Wade. Liberals are not happy with the make up of the court, but satisfied with Chief Justice Roberts position that Roe v. Wade is settled law and feel they’ve won a minor victory in protecting privacy rights. Republicans, can still use the abortion issue as a lightning rod issue to gain support from Christians and donations to their party. Blame the activist judges on the SCOTUS for abandoning their conservative roots, but with a lifetime appointment, there’s no recourse but to continue to support a Republican president who may someday replace them. In the meantime, they have the business friendly judges that they really want who will protect them legally for their own financial gain.
At least, if I were a Republican operative, that’s how I’d play it.
Alito lovers
With Stripsearch Sammy Alito as a USSC Justice:
If the government wrongs you, too bad. The government was right. He ruled for the government in almost every case reviewed, and in the rare cases that he finds that a defendant’s rights have been violated, he consistently declines to provide a remedy. So even if the government is wrong, which he hardly ever thinks, you still get squat.
If the company you work for screws you, too bad. The company was right. Judge Alito consistently has sought to limit the scope and reach of statutes protecting workers’ rights and to raise the bar that employee plaintiffs must overcome to bring legal claims. The employee or union would have prevailed in only five of the 35 employment and labor opinions he wrote.
If you expect privacy in your legal conversations, phone calls, mail, or contacts, too bad. In his view, the president’s powers to invade that privacy are not constrained by the Congress or the Constitution’s Fourth Amendment.
If you’e an immigrant screwed by the Board of Immigration Appeals’ (BIA) “failure to make reasonable decisions” for which they have been recently criticized harshly by other appeals courts, too bad. Alito sided with the BIA in 14 of 17 cases.
If you’re a woman or minority, or are elderly and disabled, and your civil rights are violated because of it, too bad. Judge Alito consistently has used procedural and evidentiary standards to rule against female, minority, age, and disability claimants.
Michael @ 123
That’s as crudely and clumsily contructed a straw man as any I’ve ever seen. Although in law children ARE often “a protected class” (notably in labor law and regarding sexual activity), no one has argued that they should be in Alito’s case.
You see, Michael, there’s such a thing as “the point.” ANd the POINT here is that a search warrant is Constitutionally restricted (you remember the Contitution, right? Read it sometime) to allow only the searching of (the Constitution uses the word “particularly“) “the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” This is a protection FOR YOU against the indiscriminate use of State force. The girl was not listed on the warrant as a “person to be seized.” Therefore, the search is unconstitutional. IF you’re someone who follows the Constitution. Maybe you’re not. Maybe you don’t care if YOUR little girl is strip-searched. Sammy sure as hell doesn’t.
Michael @ 123
Besides which, Michael, while it IS really terrible when drug dealers hide drugs on little girls, the little girl in, you know, THIS case had no drugs on her, which is why we REQUIRE warrants for such things. It’s why probable cause matters. We’re not a country that accepts the concept of collective guilt. The fact that some bad guy somewhere stashed drugs on his kids at some time does not mean we should grant agents of the state the right to strip search all kids, include your or my own offspring, without warrants. And in fact our Constitution says that we CANNOT grant such a right. Really, you should read it.
In the actual warrant, the police requested permission to search all people on the premises of the known meth house. The magistrate signed the request, but did not write again in his own words that they were approved to search all people on the premises. The liberals interpreted this to mean that the magistrate did not approve the search of all people on the premises. How quaint. :)
No Michael.
Wikipedia says “Alito’s dissent found it lawful for law enforcement officers in possession of a valid search warrant to stripsearch persons on the premises who were identified in the officers’ attached affidavit, but not in the warrant itself (in this case a woman and 10 year old girl). ”
The CONSTITUTION says that the WARRANT must specify the people. Wha you don’t specify IN THE WARRANT can’t be searched. Except in your and Strip Search Sammy’s world. The majority in that case did NOT agree:
“The majority opinion found that the warrant did not grant such permission, arguing that references to the affidavit in the warrant were specific and the omission of the language in question was not found to be the result of an error, clerical or otherwise.”