Common sense won out in Congress Wednesday, when lawmakers killed plans to spend $230 million to build the “Bridge to Nowhere,” a span that would have connected Ketchikan Alaska to an island populated by about 50 people.
In retaliation, powerful Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens immediately announced plans to personally pilot a single-hulled tanker, and run it aground in an environmentally sensitive area of the Puget Sound.
Ted Stevens? Is he related to Darin and Samantha Stevens?
Why not give each inhabitant of the island $3 million cash, they can each buy damn fine boats with that kind of scratch and the g’vment saves $100 million. Republicans could then point to their fiscal responsibility and socially redeeming actions. All tied up in one neat package.
Where is Tom DeLay when you need him?
Happy Thursday, everyone!
Go ahead and resign, Ted! Nobody will miss you except your oil exec friends!
Is this really such a victory? The money’s still being spent, and it’s still being sent to Alaska; it’s just not earmarked for the bridges-to-nowhere anymore (so I guess they can spend it on more worthwhile projects up there).
Not that I expect this Congress to do things that are responsible (like put that money toward things like the Viaduct here or the recovery from hurricane Katrina in the Gulf states).
I wonder what other projects these briges will have to compete with in Alaska?
I wonder could the Passenger Train Depot at Ted Stevens International Airport in Anchorage that is empty outside of Tourist Season already be in need of repairs? Could the roads leading into the airport need widening? Has the ALCAN been totally paved in Alaska?
Also, I noticed that a good portion of the rolling stock for the Passenger Trains of the Alaska Railroad, which are profitable because they revolve around the tourist season(but still serve Alaskans along the rails, as there are areas that are only accessible by trains) season, is old. Some were aquired in 1971, bought used from Union Pacific. Most of those improvements come out of the railroad’s profits, but the terminal at Ted Stevens International Airport did come from Federal Funds.
I dont see a problem, we have a very expensive to keep ferry system so a few rich folks can live on Fox Island and get cheap rides…
Yes, Chuck. We have a system of socialism for the rich and devil take the hindmost for the rest of us. So the light bulb finally coming on for you?
Chuck–engaging in class warfare are we?
Since when did Fox Island get ferry service?
You can almost wade to that island at low tide.
Let’s hold our collective breath and see if this piece of cow dung resigns as he threatened. Yeah, like a republican would ever be true to his word.
It is great news. I love seeing this azzzzhole taken down a notch.
B-b-b-bbbut..weren’t there TWO proposed bridges that were earmarked??
One, a partial payment for the now infamous “Bridge to Nowhere,” would link Ketchikan (population 8,900) with its airport on Gravina Island (population 50). The other, the magnificently named “Don Young’s Way” — hint: Mr. Young, Alaska’s sole House member, conveniently happens to chair the transportation committee — would be a down payment on a billion-dollar bridge across an inlet in Anchorage to a nearly deserted port.
I agree Pork is Pork. The bridge is wasteful and I stated it long ago. I hate Pork Barrel Spending and I have always said it. But Again Goldy you are so lefty disengenuous.
Have you lefties ever heard of Citizens Against Government Waste? Probably not as it’s not a web site lefties like to visit because it identifies government largesse; the only way democrats can get votes. Let’s view the biggest porker ever in the government: Robert 3K Sheets Byrd.;inc=10 – 149 Pork items found!!!
Why is it that every time a republican is exposed as a piece of shit, the only defense the right has is: (Well Dems did it too?)
I wonder if this would work. If you rob a bank and go to court and tell the judge you weren’t the first one to rob the bank, then will he let you off? Are you less guilty? Do republicans think that the lying, cheating and criminal ways of their party are excused by anyone else’s bad conduct? And do they teach their kids this crap? Just wondering.
Unfortunately, the money was not removed from the bill. Alaska will still get the 230 million, only the earmark for the bridge was removed. Can Alaska still use it on the bridge? I don’t know. This was according to CSPAN this morning.
A step in the right direction.
Have the Reps finally figured out that the quickest path to losing control of Congress is acting like the Dems of the 1980s and early 1990s?
Maybe the next pork to go will be the funds for our own Sculpture Park. I’m sure it is safe, though. Patty Murray threatened her fellow senators with cutting their projects if anyone tried to cut it.
The governor’s wife owns property on Gravina Island in Alaska. I wonder who is to profit from the Seattle Sculpture park?
Left_Turn @12 – The sad fact is that despite all their posturing, most Republican politicians and most of the trolls that post here have no principles. Anyone who would adopt such a moral relativist position as to say that it is ok if I can find some Democrat who has ever done something similar has no values.
Hence, when Bush lies his way into a war of choice, the trolls respond that even if what he said was intended to deceive and mislead the public, it was not a lie because he did not know it was false. And besides, Clinton got a blow job!
I agree Pork is Pork. The bridge is wasteful and I stated it long ago. I hate Pork Barrel Spending and I have always said it. But Again Goldy you are so lefty disengenuous.
Comment by Puddybud— 11/17/05 @ 6:25 am
You got that one right Puddybud. We have such short memorys, remember WOOP’s,Monorail, and lets not fotget the light rail to no where. The Fed’s also force us to maintain these HOV lanes to move large volumnes of traffic. The list goes on and on. Goverment workers can’t even live within a budget and not spend the surpluse. Right Headless Lusy?
LeftTurnIntoADitch @ 12
NOBODY on the Right on HA is defending Ted’s bridge. Puddy just pointed out that if pork is an issue for Modern Lefties (since it hasn’t been for Classic Lefties), you all should take a look at what your representatives have
stolen“won” for their constituents.Hokey smokes, Bullwinkle! I actually agree with the cancelling of the bridge project in Alaska. Now if government could just NOT spend the money on some other pork project…
Mark @ 17 …while I am willing to look at what “our” reps have “won” for us, the issue at hand is the pork bridge in Alaska and Ted Stevens promise to resign. Don’t you think he should resign? He promised to, on the floor of the Senate. Of course, I don’t believe he will. Lying is a way of life for some people….
Well, turns out our “lawmakers” are really smoke-blowers and puff-adders:
…the maneuver is largely cosmetic and may only slow the bridge projects. As part of the deal, Alaska will get to keep the $454 million that Congress set aside for the two bridges, and technically the state can use the transportation funds for any project it chooses — including the bridges.
Why keep complaining about Alaska? Our state does it, and we actually have control over who represents us. Patty Murray is becoming the queen of pork. But, I forget – this is democrat pork, and it is ours, so it is good.
PuddyBud @ 11 “Goldy you are so lefty disengenuous.”
And you, PuddyBud, are so good with words.
Janet S @ 21 “Patty Murray is becoming the queen of pork”
Keep saying it, Janet, and maybe someday, long from now… if you clap and click your heels together… it will become a buzz phrase.
You moron.
Comment on 11, 12
The rightys also fail to mention that Democrat pork costs taxpayers far less than Republican pork; Democrats spend billions but Republicans steal trillions.
When we build a bridge, it serves 3 million people; when Ted Stevens builds a bridge, it serves his wife’s bank account and 49 other people, plus some seagulls who want a place to roost and poop. Janet — rest easy; we don’t expect a trollidiot like you to do fancy math, such as calculating the difference between 3 million people and 50 people.
And stuckonstupiddon, what did you just add to the conversation regarding pork barrel spending with your brain enlightenment posts of #23 & #24?
That’s what I like with [im]posters like stuckonstupiddon; pithy, no bloviating!
Fire_one: Did you vote for Ted Stevens? If so then you can hold Ted up as a liar. The people of Alaska need to decide if he’s a jackass. If so, they should demand he resign. I and many others who think right think Ted I Need Swimming Lessons Kennedy, Nancy Face Lift – No Union Shop Pelosi, Harry Do I Have Cogent Thoughts Reid, etc. are jackasses. But I can’t ask for them to resign because I didn’t vote for them.
Janet S: Yes, our “I like Osama’s road” senator can get us some small pork. My issue is the amount gotten. If you are a pork barrel trough visitor, get the MAXIMUM!!! She should sit at the feet of Robert The Pork King Byrd.
Dud @ 29 WTF? I CANT hold him up as a liar? You rode the short bus to school didn’t you…. Mrs Stevens son Teddy is a LIAR! And he should resign, if he has ANY honor left at all. (which I doubt) And you, my short bus riding friend, are always good for a laugh. Heh Heh!
GBS: You owe me an apology. I am waiting…
Thank you GBS
fire @ 20
I’m not familiar with his comment about resigning, but that sounds like something stupid to say no matter what. A bridge is not something to stake your job on.
And to all you Lefties who talk about the “benefit to 50 people,” IIRC the bridge is actually to connect the mainland with the COMMERCIAL AIRPORT on the island. In other words, imagine if Sea-Tac were on Whidbey and you could only use the Mukilteo ferry to get there. Not saying it is a good plan to build a bridge or not (haven’t read traffic studies, econ impacts, etc.) but let’s be intellectually honest and state ALL the facts.
Post stuck in filter…
re: fire @ 20 — Don’t know about resignation issue, but stupid issue to risk your office over.
re: Lefties who talk about “benefit to 50” — IIRC, it is to connect the mainland with a COMMERCIAL AIRPORT on the island. What if SeaTac was on Whidbey and you could only take the Mukilteo ferry to get there? Be intellectually honest and tell ALL the facts!
DugoutNut @1
You’re right, spending $3 million per person for the “Bridge to Nowhere” is excessive. It’s right in line with the cost/benefit ratio of Sound Transit’s light rail to nowhere. Do the math; when all is said and done, Seattle’s $2.5 billion streetcar project will take about 1000 (maybe) cars off the road because most of its riders already ride buses. It’s easy to criticize some other state’s pork barrel when you are hiding in your own.
Hey, it’s our old buddy “I am never coming back” PacMan!
Tell any more lies today?
PuddyBud @ 27 “And stuckonstupiddon, what did you just add to the conversation regarding pork barrel spending with your brain enlightenment posts of #23 & #24?”
I eschewed obsfucation, and laid the marbled carcass of the “Patti is a pork barrel fattie” myth at the pale pink feet of Janet S.
Hey, I really hope WSDOT is successful relieve significant traffic congestion with these many BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. They better, don’t you think??
Our problem always has been and continues to be a lack of benchmarks and measurables to evaluate WSDOT and ensure taxpayers we are getting optimum bang for the buck. WSDOT sets Budgets. WSDOT sets timetables. When WSDOT overhead and planning costs are questioned….they tell questioners they aren’t smart enough to question.
When folks question measurables like cost per mile etc. and compare that cost with other states productivity which is much better, questioners are told it’s not fair to compare.
WSDOT can avoid any and all accountability as long as they have you CLOWNS running interference and being cheerleaders.
Mark @ 33
Here is some more context about the airport, ferry to the island and the bridge. This is from Blue Oregon:
Now that the “best generation ever” is not around that much things will swing to the left. It was that generation that put Nixon, Reagan , and the two Bushes in the White House. One thing that Tom Brokaw forgot to mention about the “best generation ever” is that they were raised to be conformist cogs in an industrial machine. Questioning what you were told to believe was mostly unthinkable.
They were racist , xenophobic, deliberately uninformed, opionated loudmouths who invariably made the wrong political decision.
I won’t miss them.
Yes, Apache Fog it is good that enablers like Robert 3K Sheets Byrd won’t be around forever!
Boy stuckonstuppiddon, “Patty is a pork barrel fatty” is correct. It has to be her because Maria Can’t-Vote-to-Well only has one issue to her name in all these years. I wonder if her favorite enabler will be campaigning for her? Oh… that’s right she’s “campaigning” for her 2006 seat also.
Dud – So your entire argument consists of making up clever names for people? Moron.
Dud – the bottom line is that ALL states (via their representatives) have their fingers in the “pork” pie. The most we can hope to do is limit some of the more outrageous projects. Particularly now that the current administration has spent EVERY dime we had, and about 2 trillion past that…
PuddyBud @ 39 I find your argument far from compelling. Perhaps you could google up some right wing blog’s or Moonie owned newspapers to buttress up your position.
But be forewarned, I never read your URL’s. Life is too short to be reading crapola.
Meanwhile the half million for the sculpture garden goes forth.
In Past, Sen. Reid Repeatedly Warned Saddam Hussein Was A Threat:
Sen. Reid: “It’s Good That The President Reminded The World Of The Commitments (Saddam) Has Reneged On.” (Doug Abrahms, “Nevada Delegation Split On Action Against Iraq,” Reno Gazette-Journal, 9/13/02)
Sen. Reid: “Saddam Hussein, In Effect, Has Thumbed His Nose At The World Community. And I Think That The President’s Approaching This In The Right Fashion.” (CNN’s “Inside Politics,” 9/18/02)
Sen. Reid: “[Saddam] Is Too Dangerous Of A Man To Be Given Carte Blanche With Weapons Of Mass Destruction.” (Brendan Riley, “Nevada Leaders React To Iraq Bombing,” The Associated Press, 12/17/98)
Sen. Reid: “We Stopped The Fighting [In 1991] Based On An Agreement That Iraq Would Take Steps To Assure The World That It Would Not Engage In Further Aggression And That It Would Destroy Its Weapons Of Mass Destruction. It Has Refused To Take Those Steps. That Refusal Constitutes A Breach Of The Armistice Which Renders It Void And Justifies Resumption Of The Armed Conflict.” (Sen. Harry Reid, Congressional Record, 10/9/02, p. S10145)
Sen. Reid: “The Problem Is Not Nuclear Testing; It Is Nuclear Weapons … The Number Of Third World Countries With Nuclear Capabilities Seems To Grow Daily. Saddam Hussein’s Near Success With Developing A Nuclear Weapon Should Be An Eye-Opener For Us All.” (Sen. Harry Reid, Congressional Record,
8/3/92, p. S11188)
Funny, Seems this Harry Reid has forgotton all this. How about this stuff:
Sen. Reid Never Attacked Clinton Administration For Manipulating Intelligence:
Former President Bill Clinton: “We Have To Defend Our Future From These Predators Of The 21st Century. … [T]hey Will Be All The More Lethal If We Allow Them To Build Arsenals Of Nuclear, Chemical And Biological Weapons And The Missiles To Deliver Them. We Simply Cannot Allow That To Happen. There Is No More Clear Example Of This Threat Than Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. His Regime Threatens T he Safety Of His People, The Stability Of His Region And The Security Of All The Rest Of Us.” (President Clinton, Remarks To Joint Chiefs Of Staff And Pentagon Staff, Arlington, VA, 2/17/98)
Free pass to Harry and Bubba I guess
Mr. Cynical
“Hey, I really hope WSDOT is successful relieve significant traffic congestion with these many BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. They better, don’t you think??”
I look forward to them completing the 274 projects on their list.
“Our problem always has been and continues to be a lack of benchmarks and measurables to evaluate WSDOT and ensure taxpayers we are getting optimum bang for the buck.”
Ohh???? It is a good thing they included “benchmarks and measurables” in the 2005 Transportation Package.
“WSDOT sets Budgets.”
No they don’t.
“WSDOT sets timetables.”
What…you wanted the Department of Corrections to set the timetables?
“When WSDOT overhead and planning costs are questioned….they tell questioners they aren’t smart enough to question.”
“When folks question measurables like cost per mile etc. and compare that cost with other states productivity which is much better, questioners are told it’s not fair to compare.”
It usually isn’t. On the other hand, Washington is ranked 4 in the country in State management and is ranked pretty high in management of its infrastructure by the Government Performance Project. And, they do all this by ranking right in the middle of the pack for state tax burden!
“WSDOT can avoid any and all accountability as long as they have you CLOWNS running interference and being cheerleaders.”
WSDOT is my favoritest, favoritest state department in the world wide world!It is the SMARTEST State agency, EVERRRRRRRRR!
Very funny!
Of course WSDOT sets “Project” budgets…as well as timetables.
So it is far from shocking when they meet those objectives they set for themselves. Also, you will notice plenty of REVISED project budgets & timetables.
So if WSDOT isn’t meeting a timetable or budget, they simply REVISE it so voila…THEY MEET IT!
Far from the best system of fiscal accountability dj.
We need to come to grips with the fact that way too much leeway has been given to agencies like WSDOT in the past.
Cheerleaders like yourself are a virtual guarantee that taxpayers will get screwed.
dj…you need to get a big dose of cynicism!!!
Then take a look at WSDOT.
Conrad Black republican pal and crook has just been indicted. Yet another shining example of how the right associates with common thugs, cowards, traitors and crooks!
Harry @ 44
“Sen. Reid Never Attacked Clinton Administration For Manipulating Intelligence:”
That is because Clinton did not blow $2 Billion dollars on a war that has accomplished almost nothing while running up a debt larger than any country has ever accrued in human history, invade a country illegally, get 2050 U.S. soldiers killed (and probably hundreds of contractors), kill somewhere around 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, piss off our allies and further piss off our enemies, and create a whole new breeding ground for terrorists.
At best, BushCo is guilty of “spinning” the intelligence and being incompetence in the handling of intelligence (at worse, of willfully lying about the intelligence). But, spinning and being incompetent doesn’t have to lead to a disaster if one is able to recognize ones limitations and act on the information cautiously.
But, BushCo combined spin and incompetence with reckless action. The consequences have been disasterous.
Former Secretary Of State Madeleine(not so) bright: “[I] Think That Clearly Iraq Is A Very, Very Serious Problem … Iraq Is A Very Serious Problem, And Clearly Has A Lot Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction …” (NBC’s “Meet The Press,” 2/9/03)
Why hasn’t Harry Reid freaked on these guys? Is it because of his stroke?
Sen. Reid Never Said Fellow Dems Used Intelligence To “Hype The Threat”:
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY): “In The Four Years Since The Inspectors, Intelligence Reports Show That Saddam Hussein Has Worked To Rebuild His Chemical And Biological Weapons Stock, His Missile Delivery Capability, And His Nuclear Program. … It Is Clear, However, That If Left Unchecked, Saddam Hussein Will Continue To Increase His Capability To Wage Biological And Chemical Warfare And Will Keep Trying To Develop Nuclear Weapons.” (Sen. Hillary Clinton, Congressional Record, 10/10/02, p. S10288)
To clear up some of the misunderstanding. That money was for 2 bridges. The “bridge to nowhere” and the Knik Arm bridge. The Knik Arm bridge will cost about $600 million, most of which will come from tolls and state funding. The Gravina bridge will provide access to the island, but will also allow access to the airport; currently one must take a fair. It will also be primarily funded in state.
Though the moneys are no longer marked for these projects, the State will still receive them and they will still quite probably be built.
Rep. Young is the frontrunner on the Gravina bridge. He is to blame if you are upset about your penny. Though let’s face it; it’s not even a penny is it? A lot of bitching for a fraction of a cent.
Further, Alaska is a rich state and, unlike many of the other red states, does produce its fair share of federal taxes.
Just pretend like Bush’s war cost us $230mm more. It probably won’t even effect the rounding of the total cost. Americans like catchy titles and stupid anectdotes, like the $500 ashtray.
Bitching about projects because they’re too expensive, they don’t benefit the right people or enough people, too much spending. What are we? Republicans?
$230mm. Is that even money to Bill Gates? The money that is tied up in the fat cats of this country is disgusting and we’re bitching about a few million spent on some rural alaskans. Maybe the conservatives have won.
Harry, you are operating under a grave misunderstanding of the facts. Reid, Hillary Clinton and Allbright were responding to the intelligence that the Bush administration had rigged.
Without the rigged intelligence no one would have voted to give Bush authorization for force. And Bush stated that he would not use force before he ran another attempt to justify action with the UN. Bush lied. 2100 soldiers have died.
And 300 billion dollars have been wasted.
Suck it up Harry, your guys have royally fucked the US over.
Sen. Russell Feingold (D-WI): “With Regard To Iraq, I Agree, Iraq Presents A Genuine Threat, Especially In The Form Of Weapons Of Mass Destruction, Chemical, Biological, And Potentially Nuclear Weapons. I Agree That Saddam Hussein Is Exceptionally Dangerous And Brutal, If Not Uniquely So, As The President Argues.” (Sen. Russell Feingold, Congressional Record, 10/9/02, p. S10147)
So now we just run away Russ?
Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI): “[Saddam] Has Ignored The Mandates Of The United Nations, Is Building Weapons Of Mass Destruction And The Means Of Delivering Them.” (Committee On Armed Services, U.S. Senate, Hearing, 9/19/02)
So now we just leave our friends to the murdering mob Carl?
Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA): “We Have Known For Many Years That Saddam Hussein Is Seeking And Developing Weapons Of Mass Destruction.” (Sen. Ted Kennedy, Remarks At The Johns Hopkins School Of Advanced International Studies, Washington DC, 9/27/02)
This guy’s word means nothing, put himself ahead of the country’s interest anyday. Plenty of blame to spread around if your honest Donn…..
Harry, obviously you are not in an honest mood, and your particular attraction to the right wing talking point lies amply demonstrates this.
The senate and house do NOT get the same intelligence that the President gets. And he twisted warped and invented that intelligence to get us into this disasterous war.
The buck stops there, Harry. Even if that scumbag Bush refuses to pick it up.
Mr. Cynical @ 37
On a more serious note, what were you getting at with this statement.
“When folks question measurables like cost per mile etc. and compare that cost with other states productivity which is much better, questioners are told it’s not fair to compare.”
I though WSDOT published a pretty impressive study of this type last year:
Or was your complaint about specific projects studied??? (I am asking seriously).
Harry @ 52
So what you are getting at in your posts is that “the disasterous actions in Iraq are not BushCo fault. They are the fault of everyone else who said something bad about Iraq.”
Whatever happened to the docterine of responsibility for ones actions!
Typical Wingnut apologist for the actions of war criminals.
Harry @ 52 … and while our soldiers die in Iraq, BushCo is busy extending the tax breaks for the top 1 percent in this country. This, after giving huge tax breaks to Big Oil. Not to mention the Pharmaceuticals. Whatta guy. He is well on his way toward his goal of turning this into a third world country.
She (The dumbest Senator in US history) should sit at the feet of Robert The Pork King Byrd. -Comment by Puddybud— 11/17/05 @ 10:32 am)
Well atually she can’t.
She’s too busy being Teddy-I-murder-swimming-disabled the Sot’s lap dog… when he tugs her choker chain on the end of her leash she spews forth with Teddy-I-murder-swimming-disabled the Sot’s daily/hourly version of Koolaid and talking points.
and while our soldiers die in Iraq, Comment by fire_one— 11/17/05 @ 1:49 pm
While our soldiers die in Iraq, the CUT AND RUN COWARDS, FORMERLY KNOWN AS DEMOCRATS, want to cut and run…
From this moment forward, each and every death of an American soldier in Iraq or Afganistan needs to be blamed on the CUT AND RUN COWARDS KNOWN AS LIBERALS AND DEMOCRATS.
Each and every terrorist homicide bombing needs to be laid at the feet of the TERRORIST ENABLERS KNOWN AS LIBERALS AND DEMOCRATS.
Each and every act of terrorist insurgency needs to be blamed on the TERRORIST SYMPATHIZERS KNOWN AS LIBERAL NAD DEMOCRATS.
American blood is now on your hands.
Ass – We are not un-patriotic because we do not support an unjust war. It is in fact our DUTY to question the President. That is what this country is built on. Not blindly following the leader. I spent 24 years defending this country, and it is BushCo who is asking the Senate for permission to TORTURE people. That is not what I fought for. That is not only wrong, it is EVIL. We must not and will not allow TYRANNY to take over our Nation. And we will bring the evildoers to Justice.
Ass – Keep your head buried in the sand. Follow blindly. Never question. We will save this country in spite of you. And we will do it FOR you. You can thank us later.
No fire_one it does not. But if the shoe fits based on their actions like now allowing unions in their place of employment yet they win the Cesar Chavez Union award (ain’t that a laugh) I include it in their tag line. Sorry if you are a little sow coming up with ones for our side.
Hmmm… Let’s see. Kill the prescription drug benefit that many seniors now see is not as great as their own plan. $$$800 Billion saved. Improved oversight on Defense Contracts and make the one who illegally oversharge pay back $$$Billions in fines. The Transportation bill add $26 Billion.
Really now? You had no problem supporting Fonda/Kerry who supported US POW torturers.
Maybe your idea of prisoner interoogation includes wine and cheese – mine doesn’t. Do I believe in bamboo under the fingernails? No, of course not, don’t be stupid.
But I also don’t think sharing a cup of tea and thumb twiddling waiting for THE ENEMY, (you get that part… THE DAMNED ENEMY?) is going to get us the intelligence we need to protect this country including saving your sorry life.
Bad link above… this moment forward
Ass – If you truly believe lowering ourselves to the level of our enemy is the way to go, or that torture produces any sort of viable intelligence, maybe you should go ask John McCain. But, no, you would rather surrender all your rights, cross the line into evil, do anything, simply because you are scared. And that is the real enemy; your fear. And it is BushCo which feeds this fear, and lives and thrives off this fear. With this fear they are POWERFUL. Without it, they are just greedy little men.
Love the comments from the floor of the House where it was pointed out that Chickenhawk Cheney got five free passes from the draft in Nam because he had “other priorities.” Cheney, like most of the other right wing cowardly chickenhawks is too busy proving he’s a traitor, willing to out CIA opperatives for political gain, to be any use to anyone. If they made him into toilet paper I wouldn’t wipe my ass with the punk.
ProudAss “cut and run… cut and run…” sounds like you got the wingnut talking point lies too!
Unfortunately troop withdrawl is an eventuality of every war. And since Bush has no exit strategy, someone has to come up with a plan.
You moron.
I’m glad to see that you’d be perfectly willing to let more an more american soldiers die just to prove who has the biggest balls, ProudASS.
Your blind following and macho mentality (oh no! They might retreat!) aren’t right. A person saying ‘this is a bad idea, and is making the situation worse in every way… We should pull out’ is more likely to be good judgement than it is to be cowardice.
Of course, you wouldn’t now good judgement if it bit you in the ass!
Comment by fire_one— 11/17/05 @ 1:49 pm
“BushCo is busy extending the tax breaks for the top 1 percent in this country. This, after giving huge tax breaks to Big Oil. Not to mention the Pharmaceuticals. Whatta guy. He is well on his way toward his goal of turning this into a third world country.”
Read Article I, Section I of the Constitution and tell me how any President can give huge tax breaks without consent of Congress. If taxation such an important issue, why don’t the Dems filibster these tax breaks in the Senate? They’ve threatened to filibuster on a number other issues. I’d guess the reason is rooted in a desire to generate campaign donations from these parties as much as the Reps. Blame “BushCo” all you want, but the the Dems are willing accomplices in this matter.
NO fire_one @59, every death of an American soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan needs to be blamed on President George Bush and the cronies from hell. It is the difference between soldiers being used to defend their country and cannon fodder being used to cover up a mistake.
Because certain “civilians” refused to listen to the Professionals, major stupidity occurred that would have been unthinkable in ’91.
Now you can push that unpatriotic bullsh-t till pigs fly, but the facts do not go away because one chooses to ignore them. The Armed Forces of the United States are fighting a war they have been ordered to loose.
Harry @ various
In future, it would be better to just give us the URL for your GOP talking points (e.g.: than posting quotes (many of which are taken out of context) ad nauseam here.
And By The Way, I Hate Title Case.
Ass @ 59
Just when I thought you couldn’t get any more ignorant, here you go and prove me wrong.
FOAD, you McCarthy-ite piece of shit.
ConservativeFirst @14
A step in the right direction.
Have the Reps finally figured out that the quickest path to losing control of Congress is acting like the Dems of the 1980s and early 1990s?
That is as good a point as George Will makes.
ConservativeFirst @68
If taxation such an important issue, why don’t the Dems filibster these tax breaks in the Senate?
As I understand it, Senate rules preclude the filibuster procedure from funding bills. Then again, it is difficult to understand Senate rules.
And no, I am not stalking you. You simply had the two most noteworthy comments in this thread.
Puttybrains @ 27, 28
I didn’t realize we’re being graded for our posts; when did that start?
Ogg @ 69 – Ummm I think you were talking to Ass.
Con @ 68 – I do mean the President. The President proposes, the Congress (Republican controlled) disposes. They have given BushCo absolutely EVERYTHING they have asked for (until very recently). I think the real fight for the “hearts and minds” of THIS country is about to begin.
“‘I like Osama’s road’ senator”
Murray never said that, you fucking liar.
She said the fact Osama built public works in Afghanistan’s hinterlands put us at a disadvantage, and we ought to be doing the same thing to win the support of those people. She happens to be right, you stupid shit.
Al Capone did the same thing. He and his brother, and their associates, spread a lot of money around in Chicago and northern Wisconsin. Consequently, they made a lot of friends among ordinary people who protected them from the law.
If Osama is out there building roads, schools, and medical clinics, and we’re nowhere in sight, who the hell do you think the locals are going to help when crunch time comes? The guy who’s buttering their bread, that’s who.
You are a fucking idiot.
The fact Pudwhacker regurgitates rightwing bullshit with no intellectual value added proves he’s nothing but a vacuum cleaner running in reverse.
Comment by marks— 11/17/05 @ 2:54 pm
“That is as good a point as George Will makes.”
Thanks for the link, I don’t read Will’s column often. fire_one might be right, the U.S. might end up being a third world country, not because of tax breaks for the rich, but because federal spending is out of control.
“As I understand it, Senate rules preclude the filibuster procedure from funding bills. Then again, it is difficult to understand Senate rules.”
Hmmm, didn’t know that, I stand corrected. I don’t think that invalidates the position that Dems are just as complicit as Reps in garnering campaign donations via the tax code.
“And no, I am not stalking you. You simply had the two most noteworthy comments in this thread. ”
Thanks for the compliment.
Rick @34
If light rail is merely an expensive useless toy that does nothing to move people or relieve congestion, why have so many cities invested so much money in it? Are you the only smart person in the universe, and all those mayors and urban planners are stupid? Do you make your wife and children walk behind you?
Not only that, but the “greatest generation” all wore buzz haircuts and white shirts with narrow black ties, and wouldn’t hire you unless you had a buzz haircut and wore white shirts with narrow black ties. They fucked up the economy, they fucked up Vietnam, they fucked up a lot of things …
Harry @44
Yeah, well Harry, a lot of people were wrong about Saddam and WMDs; it took us 2,060+ dead Americans to find out. Now that we know, what are we going to do about it? Let another 2,000 young Americans die for a useless cause?
You rightwing trollfucks are good at regurgitating wingnut talking points, but you have no answers. You’re all making a goddam mess out of this country and the world. You’re a gang of fucking incompetents.
Rupert: Only for Stuckonstupiddon…
So fire_one: are you trying to say Clinton proposed a balanced budget in 1993 when Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky was the last vote to increase taxes? Remember she lost and what did Clinton do for her? Nuthin! Or are you saying after the Republican revolution of 1994 Clinton then found it within his heart to balance the budget?
From Wikipedia – Stuckonstupiddon’s favorite site.
Reagan versus Congress
However, when the 1980 U.S. Presidential election gave Republicans both a new President in the person of Ronald Reagan and control of the United States Senate, passage of the amendment started to seem more possible (even though passage of a constitutional amendment requires a two-thirds majority in both houses of Congress). Deficit spending soared under a composite of Republican-promised tax cuts and Democratic-favored new programs. A program agreed to by Administration and Congressional leaders which was supposed to entail two dollars of spending cuts for every dollar of tax increases was an abysmal failure, and deficits soared further. It became apparent that Congress had no intention of passing the Balanced Budget Amendment.
Clinton and a budget surplus
The Republican takeover of Congress in 1994 led to a push for a balanced budget, forcing President Clinton to agree to reducing the deficit. Major economic growth and GOP-led spending controls such as welfare reform allowed for a balanced budget (when the Social Security surplus was counted as revenue) by early in Clinton’s second term – considerably earlier than what Clinton’s own projections for this had indicated and, afterwards, a surplus which actually allowed the retirement of some government debt. Momentarily, the deficit issue faded from view. Despite the nominal surplus, the national debt grew each year of the Clinton presidency since the surplus is not applied against spending in this calculation. Out of office, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich called for continued payments toward the debt with a view to paying it off entirely. Perot’s less effective 1996 presidential bid was in part evidence of the declining significance of the deficit, and hence the Balanced Budget Amendment, as an issue.
aren’t you the one that was lecturing us on how we can’t trust the Wikipedia, or was that another useless troll?
Puddybud @81
You make a decent case for divided government. In all honesty, I think I would enjoy either a House/Senate split, or at least a D in the executive. Then our elected leaders would be forced to the table. As it is now, things ain’t looking too good for my Party, primarily because the D’s can sit back and throw stones without any vision whatsoever…
Rupert: I am a vacuum cleaner? Interesting analogy. I didn’t say she said that. I inferred it. But since you love to parse words like “IS”, you’re right on the roads. It wasn’t building roads it was building infrastructure!
Direct from the mouth of Patty Murray! ” Osama bin Laden has been very, very effective being we’ve got to ask, why is this man so popular around the world?
Why are people so supportive of him in many countries? He has been in many countries that are riddled with poverty.
People don’t have phones, no sewers, no roads, no schools, no health care, no facilities just to make sure their daily lives are OK.
He’s been out in these countries for decades building roads,
building schools, building infrastructure, building day care facilities, building health care facilities, and the people are extremely grateful. It made their lives better.
We have not done that. We haven’t been out in many of these countries helping them build infrastructure.
How would they look at us today if we had been there helping them with some of that rather than just being the people who are going to bomb in Iraq and go to Afghanistan? ”
Rupert where are his day care centers? Rupert where are his electrical plants? Rupert where are his hospitals? And your specious argument is…
Windie: I am not sure about which “useless troll” you speak about unless it’s Ursus Gorilla Pa-Trol. That’s the only person with word sounding like troll here. But let’s assume it was me who said it. Wikipedia is used by me because your side likes to use it to try and refute our arguments. Hence, through it’s use against you, your idiotic arguments are refuted by your favorite web site!
Puddybud @85
RE: windie @82
aren’t you the one that was lecturing us on how we can’t trust the Wikipedia, or was that another useless troll?
I think windie has made my point @83. No proposals, no vision, no ideas. My preference is third Party, but if it comes down to D or R, based on windie above, I choose R.
Just for fun:
The Democrats, who conspicuously lack an agenda for the midterm election [next] year, better be ready to offer more than criticism when it comes time to fix the tax system.
I would add that they better be ready to offer more than rocks at any discussion…
quit being coy puddy, you know exactly what I mean, and you should be proud!
oh and marks, shut the hell up. I tried it the other way… for months. Then one day, I realized that you bastards are immune to discussion. There are no facts that can change your mind, and theres no information that can sway you.
SO, I decided… There are plenty people who take a good amount of effort dissasembling your ‘facts’ point by point (ie dj), and people who actually are willing to think can read those… I’ll just take another roll, and be the one that points out the dirty tricks, the inconsitancies, the intellectual dishonesty that you bastards represent. I like to flatter myself by thinking that I do a prety good job
Pudwhacker @84
“I didn’t say she said that. I inferred it.”
Possibly you implied it, but you don’t have enough gray matter to infer anything.
Puttybrains @84
So what’s your point? The rightwingfucks called Murray’s remarks “praise” for Osama bin Laden, which was a fucking lie, but then everything rightwingfucks say is a fucking lie! Murray was just making an observation, namely, that Osama was out in the hinterlands making friends and it was stupid for the U.S. to not do the same thing. Do you think Osama doesn’t have friends? Huh?
You pathetic rightwingfucks have demonstrated beyond the shadow of a doubt that you don’t know how to:
A) use intellignce
B) catch a terrorist
C) run a war
Speaking of SENATOR Patty Murray, we recently had a popular referendum on how she’s doing in her job of representing our state in the U.S. Senate, and SENATOR Patty Murray kicked your candidate’s ass.
You rightwingfucks are pissing in the wind.
Reply to 87
Is this your prediction, marks? How about if I make a prediction: The Democrats could sleepwalk through the 2006 election and still clean the GOP’s clocks.
RR @90
I make no prediction, but if your side continues to offer nothing, that is what your side will likely get.
marks @ 91 You think the Democrats offfer no solutions or ideas. Why? Because you have your eyes and ears closed, and stare dim wittedly at FOX news and rightwing radio.
Get your head out of the toilet and you’ll finally see the truth.
You moron!
After about comment #50, the Alaskan bridge subject was overcome by other topics. It seems to me that eventually EVERY topic listed here in this blog eventually changes to Bush, Iraq, the Democrats, and the Republicans.
What’s everyone gonna talk about when Bush is retired?
Oh, Donna the ‘Truthsayer’ @92 has come back!
So, based on my above comments, you think of me as some sort of FOX NEWS zombie? Let me guess, you did not read all of my comments, did you?
Oh, yeah…
You moron!
marks, I can only make decisions based on your posts. And let me repeat “You think the Democrats offfer no solutions or ideas. Why? Because you have your eyes and ears closed, and stare dim wittedly at FOX news and rightwing radio.”
Come back to the reality based community, marks.
Donnageddon @96
Man, I am so tired…not because you are insipid (that may be a reason), but because you continue to fail in your partisan duties:
No proposals, no vision, no ideas.
If I am wrong, let me know…I’m sure many middle-of-the-road folks will descend like vultures on any good propositions from your side…
Marks, PacMan said you were very bright.
Let’s see the donkocratic proposals
1.) Higher Taxes
2.) Higher Spending
3.) Go to #1
4.) Cut and Run from Iraq
5.) UN Charter replaces US Constitution
6.) A Village (Ramallah maybe) raises a child
7.) Arbitrary Caps on Company Stock in 401(k)s.
8.) Do nothing on SS until it starts to go negative
Hey Lefties: Looks like Scary Harry Reid & Mary Crocodile Tears Landrieu are also good friends of Jack Abramoff like Tom DeLay. Hmmm…?
Puddybud @98,
PacMan is my friend, and I will always give his ideas the proper deference. I had always hoped the Democrats would do the same. Instead, PacMan is relegated to “proper Black status” around here (you know, Uncle Tom). That is a situation I find sickening. What is it with these fools? PacMan, (biblically quoting) they know not what they do…
Marks: Maybe Harry Reid should resign!!!
It is sure funny how most of you leftist donks go apoplectic when I identify the same traits in your great political leaders and “thinkers” when you start to point fingers. Then the real mooonbats appear: with no ideas, ridiculous commentary and name calling.
Don’t lump me in with the donks. I only try to have a conversation. Doesn’t work most days…
I do wonder what they are thinking, don’t you?
Marks, I apologize. I haven’t emailed or called you lately. How are you? Thanks for the good words.
Now regarding how these “people” use name calling here. I have been called worse, but headless loosy did take the cake. Maybe when I left the Reservation and the HorsyASSES here went into Maryland Lt. Governor Steele OREO mode. It’s okay Marks, I can take it. I chuckle at donnageddon or is it stuckonstupidon whom continues to post similar garbage like this: “Hey, it’s our old buddy ‘I am never coming back’ PacMan!
Tell any more lies today? – Yes you are stuck on stupid. I think Josef first called him that. I kind of liked Puddy’s original donk*****don. Has don at the front and don at the back and he’s a donk.
Being new round these parts at time where is Baring? Is that in the Cascade foothills? Till next time.
No marks, I am not lumping you with the donks. That will never happen. I was just repeating the original take of mount olympus hiker and leftturn with another senator, harry reid! Why waste your time trying to figure what they are thinking?
I know you are here in Big “D” and I just remembered you and PacMan went to a Chinese Restaurant. Sorry I forgot man! I would have liked to have met you but as you know getting across the I-635 after Friday noon in Dallas is like navigating the I-5 every day in Seattle.
Lets see PuddyBud
1.) Higher Taxes (Roll back the disterous tax cuts for the wealthiest 1%
2.) Higher Spending (Balanced budget – goverrnment spending has exploded during the Bush misadministration)
3.) Go to #1 (Tax rollbacks for the welthiest few)
4.) Cut and Run from Iraq (troop withdrawl from a disasterous war)
5.) UN Charter replaces US Constitution (WTF? You are insane)
6.) A Village (Ramallah maybe) raises a child (WTF? You are insane)
7.) Arbitrary Caps on Company Stock in 401(k)s. (WTF? You are insane)
8.) Do nothing on SS until it starts to go negative (Do whast Greenspan did in 1983, increase the threshold for FICA taxes – problem solved)
You didn’t do very well my “special” friend. Perhaps you should quit reading the talking point lies.
Roger Rabbit: Just because you were lucky to enter law school and become a lawyer, doesn’t prove you have horse sense. In fact many times you post real garbage and when called on it you call people names. I thought lawyers were taught to dissect arguments. All you do is dissect words, and sometime you split infinitives.
Donnageddon: I recently remember when Puddy confronted you with the fact he flew to South Africa with Dr. Tutu you went into stupid mode. What is stupid mode? Is it your Dr Jekyll side? You claim you could not comprehend words that Puddy writes while others offer rebuttal commentary. I recently viewed donnageddon saying that Roger Rabbit is smarter than he. Remember the scene in Rush Hour where Chris Tucker says to Jackie Chan in a screaming voice: “Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?” I your case Donnageddon, I think almost everyone is smarter than you! I hope that is short and easy to understand. The jury is still out on rujax206. He did write something earlier this week that shocked me. I amost asked who wrote that rujax206. Then I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Stuckonstupiddon, you know evil walks on this planet. And it’s almost exclusively on your side. Your side has no remorse for anything. Your side picked on Michael Steele. Your side picked on PacMan. Your side picked on JC Watts. Your side picked on Nigel Innis. Why? Because they are Republican Blacks.
Everything I posted in those 8 points has been proposed at one time or another by a donkocrat. Since you claim not to read my links except the recent one that talked about ASSes donks whom may have survived potential abortion, I won’t post those links of donkocrats who proposed that list recently.
Puddy: Please tell me you are not looking at for higher taxes and higher spending? Those were wonderful democrat proposals. Yeeeeeeeeeeah!
Didn’t Hillary talk about the village? Or would you be referring to the democratic senators like feinstein, kennedy and durbin in #7 and nancy pelosi in #8? Come on donnageddon, you have to improve your game!
“Roger Rabbit: … you post real garbage and … you call people names.”
Do you like it? I learned to do this by watching you guys. I don’t see why wingers should have a monopoly on posting garbage or name calling! Seems to me there’s enough garbage and names in the world for everybody to have some. Why do Republicans want a fucking monopoly on everything?
@106 (continued)
Hey PacMan — if you DON’T like it, go fuck yourself. Then fuck the armadillo you rode in on. And if you’re still horny after that, go fuck Puddybutt, then fuck Puddy’s horse!!! Hey, how about if we charter a bus for all the King County Republicans who want a free ride to Enumclaw.
Monopoly: Isn’t that what your side had on the United States from 1954 to 1994?
I behave like a Republican because I used to be one. I was an H2O Republican way back when.
“Monopoly: Isn’t that what your side had on the United States from 1954 to 1994?”
Jeez, Puddy, are you really this ignorant? (Don’t answer that.)
Somebody go tell Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Bush Sr. they’re Democrats. They’ll get a laugh out of that.
To use your words Roger Rabbit, If I was gay I would try fucking a democratic furry rabbit; you! But since I am hetero, I will bury that thought! Your little puny hind legs don’t scare me. I’d break them first and they would be part of my rabbit stew afterwards!
@106 (continued)
Oh, PacMan … getting into law school has nothing to do with luck. And it sure wasn’t my connections, because I didn’t have any. But I wouldn’t expect a trust fund baby to understand what it takes to become a lawyer. It’s called “work” but that’s a foreign language to you guys.
Congress Roger, Congress. Even I in Liberal California understood that or are you masquerading as donnageddon now! Oh yes, how is your alter ego, Truth Teller?
Where is GBS? I know he’s lurking. He called me Puddybud. No offense Puddy, but that’s not cool!
Shit, trust fund baby? Moi? I came from very poor means. I am a tenement city boy. I was so poor that if I wasn’t a boy I wouldn’t have had anything to play with at Christmas. THat was a Richard Pryor joke that I could agree with.
Speaking of jokes besides Rupert Wabbet and stuckonstupiddon:
“A small village priest was very fond of the hens he kept in the hen house behind the church house. He had a cock rooster and about a dozen hens. One Saturday evening, he noticed that the cock rooster was missing. He suspected that cock fights were taking place in the village, so he decided to do something about it at church the following morning. The next morning at before his sermon, he asked the congregation,
“Does anyone have a cock?” All the men stood up.
“Oh no,” he said, “that wasn’t what I meant. Has anyone seen a cock?” All the women stood up.
“No, that wasn’t what I meant,” he said. “Has anyone seen a cock that doesn’t belong to them?” Half of the women stood up.
“Oh dear,” he said, “that wasn’t what I meant, either. Has anyone seen my cock?” All the nuns stood up!”
I got it.
Donnageddon vs. Puddybud: Donnageddon the Alien vs. Puddybud the Predator. Both are ugly but Puddybud has better armor! Remember Predator wins!
“Your little puny hind legs don’t scare me. I’d break them first and they would be part of my rabbit stew afterwards!”
This poses an interesting physics problem, because my powerful hind legs with razor sharp claws are on the bottom, and to get at them, you have to pick me up by my ears.
LOL a wonderful thread, Pac’o’lies returns, buttbuddy, proudasshole, chuckie boy, cynnicalIDIOT, the newbie Harry, just need stale wine and xmasshag to fill our quota of lying, unpatriotic, assinine warmongerers for the day…..and maybe a yearight and a writeoff
“I am a tenement city boy.”
So what. I’m urban wildlife.
Typical GOP joke. I get junk e-mail like this every day. What is it with you Republicans? Why are you so fixated on sex?
Ah Pac “I am leaving and will never come back” Man
Uh… you expect anyone to believe a word you say?
I come from a background where your word meant something. WIth PAcMan, his word is just another joke.
PacMan@122 sez:
” I was so poor that if I wasn’t a boy I wouldn’t have had anything to play with at Christmas. That was a Richard Pryor joke that I could agree with.”
I remember that joke too!
One of the many problems the LEFTIST PINHEADED CLOWNS at this site struggle with however is there propensity to play with each others Christmas Toys!!!!!!
Who’s “toy” are YOU playing with, Cyn? Got bored playing with your own, did you?
Ass – We are not un-patriotic because we do not support an unjust war. It is in fact our DUTY to question the President. That is what this country is built on. Not blindly following the leader. I spent 24 years defending this country, and it is BushCo who is asking the Senate for permission to TORTURE people. That is not what I fought for. That is not only wrong, it is EVIL. We must not and will not allow TYRANNY to take over our Nation. And we will bring the evildoers to Justice.
Comment by fire_one— 11/17/05 @ 2:17 pm
Fire_one name me one just war?
Apoligies to Fire_One @ 77, I did mean HCYBPtobeAA. Been a long day, and I get seriously pissed when I see stupidity wrapped up in the false flag of Patriotism.
Ass – If you truly believe lowering ourselves to the level of our enemy is the way to go, or that torture produces any sort of viable intelligence, maybe you should go ask John McCain. But, no, you would rather surrender all your rights, cross the line into evil, do anything, simply because you are scared. And that is the real enemy; your fear. And it is BushCo which feeds this fear, and lives and thrives off this fear. With this fear they are POWERFUL. Without it, they are just greedy little men.
Comment by fire_one— 11/17/05 @ 2:29 pm
John McCain wasn’t the only POW fire_one nor will he be the last one. But I have one small question for you is what’s your FEARS, and why do you have tunnel Vision?
Now you can push that unpatriotic bullsh-t till pigs fly, but the facts do not go away because one chooses to ignore them. The Armed Forces of the United States are fighting a war they have been ordered to loose.
Comment by Commander Ogg— 11/17/05 @ 2:40 pm
We are not going to loose this one nor the next no matter who is President.
Yeah, well Harry, a lot of people were wrong about Saddam and WMDs; it took us 2,060+ dead Americans to find out. Now that we know, what are we going to do about it? Let another 2,000 young Americans die for a useless cause?
You rightwing trollfucks are good at regurgitating wingnut talking points, but you have no answers. You’re all making a goddam mess out of this country and the world. You’re a gang of fucking incompetents.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/17/05 @ 3:21 pm
Wabbit WIN THE WAR! not cut and run like a bunch of girlie boy’s.
I behave like a Republican because I used to be one. I was an H2O Republican way back when.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/17/05 @ 7:21 pm
What decade was that Wabbit? Now I understand your frustration Roger. Maybe you should spend more time meditating and less time bloging. How is your old girl friend Headless Lucy doing lately?
Trust fund babies?… THAT’S what conservatives are?
That is so patently offensive.
We don’t have trust funds, sweetcheeks, we have VALUES.
The value of personal responsiblity.
The value of hard work.
The value of duty and honor.
The value of truth.
The value of thrift.
The value of sacrifice.
The value of faith.
The value of shame to be on the public dole, shame of popping out fatherless babies, shame of promoting illiterate students, shame of promiscuous sex (in or out of the Clinton White House) encouraged in schools, shame of drug addiction.
ProudAss’s comments explained
The value of personal responsiblity for others.
The value of hard work for others
The value of duty and honor is for others
The value of truth is not part of our vocabualy
The value of thrift for those who are not trust fund recipients.
The value of sacrifice for the porr bastards that can’t get five deferrals Like Cheney.
The value of faith and whoever disagrees will be hung.
The value of shame to be on the public dole like the Big Corporations, shame of popping out fatherless babies like Dole, shame of promoting illiterate students because schools are underfunded, shame of promiscuous sex like all Repubicans do. Encouraged in Republican clan meetins, shame of drug addiction of Right wingers like Rush and PuddyBud.
Now that is clear and non deniable.
Puddybud @ 103 You think the Democrats stand for higher spending? Than would be a trick with your party of ‘spend now screw the future’ conservatives.
You hate the troops, you hate the mission, you hate this country and you hate Bush. It is so obvious. I would love to see each and every one of you pathetic lib politicos ripped apart by wild dogs and your remains pissed on. Nancy Pelosi is an enemy of America. Howard Dean, is just an idiot and is too stupid to know what he is really doing. No dog treatment for him. Kennedy, enemy. Reid, Enemy. Turbin, Enemy. Rockefeller, Enemy.
Wild dogs for all of you and my bladder is full. Except the idiot Dean.
Don’t hold back, Joe. Tell us how you really feel.
The bridge in Alaska is just another example of consevative “values:” make a deceitful gesture purporting to right a wrong while allowing the wrong to go on, and hope no one notices the lie until it’s too late.
Tax and spend? You guys should come up with a new tune.
The House just passed a bill that cuts popular programs while “reducing the deficit” by $50 billion over TEN YEARS!
A couple of days ago they passed $60 billion in tax cuts. The net deficit goes UP! Although you won’t see any news articles with the headline “GOP raises budget deficit.”
The revised CBO figures in August ( show that the current year deficit is $331 billion (ONE YEAR!) The debt-to-GDP ratio in the projections increase from 37.2 percent in 2004 to 39.5 percent in 2009.
Your boys are killing us.
I wonder what gets built first; the bridge to nowhere with Alaskan funds or the AWV. Cynical let’s do a righty bet, you know between Republican gentlemen. I bet you a tall doubleshot mocha latte with whipped cream, with cinnimon sprinkles or something similar.
Hey Dense as Spent Uranium, you are the party of baby killers. As many people have said on this blog. +6 Million and counting. Just think of all that potential (although not much since most of them are democratic) sucked out of all those uteri.
Joe, notice when you put their “leaders” on call for their ineptitude, they have nothing to prove you wrong. Since I come from the land of Pelosi, what does she offer except now we know from the “Do As I Say” book that she is anti-union labor. So I guess she supports the low minimum wage, otherwise she would be hiring Union Labor. That is so funny. But the local newspapers are not covering it. I wonder why?
Any bets on how Nancy Pants votes on Iraq tonight. I guess “Present” the chicken shit
I don’t think the new DNC ad “SURRENDER” will play well in Middle America even if it’s put forth by a vet like John Murtha . At least he’s an honest man. He will vote to withdraw.
Dean is honest, not smart, but honest. The rest of these opportunists make me sick.
Brilliant move by the GOP to put this to a vote.
That’s a tough bet!
The problem I see is that neither one of us will live long enough to pay or collect!
pacman (the liar)
“Gentlemen” HAH!
Be careful, Mr D-I, PacMan is not too good with keeping his word.
And Joe, repsonding to a moron like you is not worth the pixels. I can just see you chugging beer and bursting your bladder. Too Funny!
Rep. Jane Harman (D-CA): “I Certainly Think [Saddam’s] Developing Nuclear Capability, Which, Fortunately, The Israelis Set Back 20 Years Ago With Their Preemptive Attack, Which, In Hindsight, Looks Pretty Darn Good.” (Fox News’ “The Big Story,” 8/27/02)
Hey Donna,
Any bets on how she votes?
Hey you guys seem like a lot of fun, if I met you at the alehouse for a beer would you behave? Is that Rabbit guy usually there? Seems like he might be a little high-strung. Does he spit when he talks?
Just kidding about the dog stuff. Man, everyone seems angry around here.
Rabbit not only spits when he talks but Rabbit but sadly his ‘urinator’ dribbles when he drinks.
Rabbit is a charter member of the “Rusty Zipper Club”!!!