The truly sad thing about the way Al Gore was cruelly mocked for supposedly claiming to have “invented the Internet,” is not that he never actually said it — politicians expect to be tarred with lies. The sad thing is that perhaps no other politician deserves more credit for supporting the growth and development of the Internet into the incredible economic force it has become today.
It may be too little, too late, but Gore is finally being honored for his contributions.
Al Gore may have been lampooned for taking credit in the Internet’s development, but organizers of the Webby Awards for online achievements don’t find it funny at all.
In part to “set the record straight,” they will give Gore a lifetime achievement award for three decades of contributions to the Internet, said Tiffany Shlain, the awards’ founder and chairwoman.
“It’s just one of those instances someone did amazing work for three decades as congressman, senator and vice president and it got spun around into this political mess,” Shlain said.
Vint Cerf, undisputedly one of the Internet’s key inventors, will give Gore the award at a June 6 ceremony in New York.
“He is indeed due some thanks and consideration for his early contributions,” Cerf said.
Thanks Al.
The “Love Story” myth came up in the comment thread, so while we’re at it, let’s debunk that one too. Al Gore never said that he and Tipper were the models for the characters in “Love Story”:
For instance, the candidate was ridiculed endlessly after the infamous Love Story flap. Actually, what Gore mentioned to two reporters in an offhand comment was that, according to an old Tennessean article, Love Story author Segal had made that claim. After Gore’s quip, Segal corrected the record by saying that The Tennessean had gotten it wrong, and that both Gore and his Harvard roommate, actor Tommy Lee Jones, had served as models for Love Story ‘s male protagonist, but that Segal did not base any character on Tipper.
You’d think that Republicans would be a bit ashamed at the way they maligned Gore’s character — probably costing him the election — but no… they think it’s quite funny. But then, why bother running on issues when you can just win by defining your enemies as liars, thieves and child molesters?
Now lets see the BS fly!
He finally gets the credit he deserved! I remember seeing those GOP TV ads back in 2000 claiming he was just trying to take credit for inventing the Internet when he really didn’t….
I just wish that when Al invented the internet he would have done something about spam.
Goldy, this is one of my favorite Right Wing Myths. The only thing I hate about it is that the “liberal media” repeated it over and over again.
I salute you Al Gore, I just wish you never chose Joe Lieberman for VP. It was a brave choice, but… well Joe has shown his colors, and they are brown shirted
I kid… I kid…
I agree, Tim and Vinton really had nothing at all to do with the internet. They were just hanging on for the ride.
It was ALL Al.
I feel so damn betrayed by all those Bob Metcalfe Infoworld articles I read in my youth.
Zapporo, I nominate you for the Nobel prize in Right wing Myth elongation! Congrats!
But Goldy, surely Al Gore should be continually chastised for saying “love story” was based on him and Tipper Gore?
Could this be a lie too, that the “liberal media” spread?
I hope not! The “Liberal Media” would never spread lies about a Democrat!!! Over and Over again. Would they???
Is algore still alive?
Was he ever?
Swift Boat Liars? Nah… Repeat after me…. Liberal Media…Liberal Media…Liberal Media…Liberal Media…Corporate Media… CRAP! I guess I need to work on my cultural re-education. Liberal Media…Liberal Media…
It sucks reading three newspapers every day. I knew Gore’s statement had a kernel of truth and that the pundits were lying about Gore almost from day 1. It would be so much easier if I just based all of my opinions on the carefully-formulated sound bites from the SCLM. I could just give up resistance to being assimilated by the Borg and life would be so much easier.
Zap @5,
Vint Cerf is presenting the award himself! And, nobody ever said “it was ALL Al”… including Al. Sheesh. Give it up… you guys were in the wrong on this one.
Donnageddon @6,
Since you bring it up, I’ve updated the post to debunk the “Love Story” myth too.
It’s weird to see “Republicans” and “ashamed” in the same sentence.
Where do I send a check to the “Swift Boat” Vets? [I can hear the Democrat slime machine start up against these “evil” Viet Nam Vets from here in Hawaii.]
When I posted yesterday Al, and Steve said I didn’t do my homework. I did today. Maybe Al Gore has “something” to with the Internet but I live in this technology. What he said was “he “took the initiative in creating” the internet” Maybe the MSM did the same search I did and here is what I found.
I did a search on Gore at, Nuthin!!! For those who don’t know this is how the Internet was developed, through RFCs- Request for Comments that then upon a successful vote became the Internet specifications.
I then went to and searched on Gore. Nuthin!!!
I then went to and searched on Gore. Nuthin!!!
I then went to and searched on Gore. Nuthin!!!
I then went to and searched on Gore. Nuthin!!!
I then went to and searched on Gore. I found over 30 Gores but no Al of Elizabeth “Tipper” Nuthin!!!
So I said maybe Al had something to do with multicast, you know one person bloviating and many people listening: and searched on Gore. Nuthin!!!
I thought I’d look at ICANN (Internet Naming) @ but he’s not there.
Next I read Wired, a great magazine:,00.html Al Gore did starting in 1993 push the Internet. Excerpt: G”ore was 21-years-old at the time. He wasn’t even done with law school at Vanderbilt University. It would be eight more years before Gore would be elected to the US House of Representatives as a freshman Democrat with scant experience in passing legislation, let alone ambitious proposals.”
I actually agree with this: Al Gore did help it along, with his push on technology starting in 1993.
I actually agree with this too as he did enter legislation unlike Kerry ( what did he legislate again?) on the Internet: see
If Vint Cerf is giving the award for his congressional contributions to getting funding legislation for the Internet, I fully support it. But did he invent it, Hell No!!! It came from AlohaNet and then the DarpaNet. This was the basis for my masters thesis study.
So I am open to Al getting an award as long as he doesn’t say “I invented it.”, but “I contributed to it”.
PDDY for Brains…
That’s the whole point bonehead..HE NEVER SAID IT.
Funny, Al says “…I took the initiative in creating the Internet” which could have be worded slightly better in retorspect for clairity. But Bush bumbles, stumbles and ruins the english launguage so ofter it’s not even news worthy any longer. I’m so glad that the lambasting justified, sure wouldnt want the repugs to look foolish.
I don’t have anything to say about Al or the Internet, other than I was bemused to see that story this morning.
I am also bemused by our resident trolls, who selectively choose facts to fit their preconceived notions of reality.
Guys, memo here. If you’re repeating talking points, we’ve heard them already. Most HA folks are voracious readers. This is true for righties and lefties alike. Parroting Michael Moore does not make you smart, cool, or anything else. It makes you a parrot (and you should find better source material). Parroting Rush Limbaugh also just makes you a parrot (and you should find better source material).
10 points to puddybud for knowing about the RFCs and IETF documents. There may be a future in Information Technology for you, young man. Minus 100 points for a pointless excercise demonstrating what everyone knows: Al Gore is neither an engineer, nor a network administrator.
I mention this for another reason. A lot of people in the technical and engineering professions, because they work long hours doing impossible tasks for ungrateful people, think they make the world go around, and everyone else in the organization is a boatanchor. The sooner you realize this is not the case, the sooner you can do something more interesting in the organization besides putting your fingers into raw network sockets, and the less time you’ll spend posting angry, frustrated messages on HA.
I wish people would go actually examine the source of such statements.
SillyPuddy fruitlessly searches a bunch of computing-related sites in an attempt to find the technical accomplishments of Al Gore. Sorry, Pudster, Gore is a politician and it was in THAT role that he took initiative.
Read the original interview:
BLITZER: I want to get to some of the substance of domestic and international issues in a minute, but let’s just wrap up a little bit of the politics right now.
Why should Democrats, looking at the Democratic nomination process, support you instead of Bill Bradley, a friend of yours, a former colleague in the Senate? What do you have to bring to this that he doesn’t necessarily bring to this process?
GORE: Well, I will be offering — I’ll be offering my vision when my campaign begins. And it will be comprehensive and sweeping. And I hope that it will be compelling enough to draw people toward it. I feel that it will be.
But it will emerge from my dialogue with the American people. I’ve traveled to every part of this country during the last six years. During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.
Put in context (hell, just repeating the entire sentence!), the statement was reasonable.
Trolls : You all claim to be so well read. Please reread what I wrote in the first paragraph Again you all are projecting what I wrote to what you read. HE said “took the initiative” Look at what dj highlighted and the following sentence. How can someone take the initiative in creating the Internet, it was already there in 1977 when I, back east at university X used to play air combat against university Y on the school computer systems on the weekends. How did we do this? On the INTERNET. One university was in central NY while the other was in western PA.
So I presented to you trolls :), the links to the people who “took the initiative”. I never saw any initiatives while working on my masters that had Al Gore’s name on it. So Al shows up in Congress in submits some bills in 1986, after we have been using the Internet for 9 years before. So what did I say that was so incorrect Goldy Trolls? YOu guys and gals just like to find fault with anyone who doesn’t drink the KoolAID.
Also, I never said GWB is an eloquent speaker. Maybe someone else has but again guilt by association. WJC was an excellent speaker and you could see he was a great debater while in college. While in England I stopped by Oxford to see where he stayed.
For jsa: FYI, I put my hands upon multigigabit highspeed storage networks everyday, you know the ones that you blink and 200MB has passed by you eyes on one fibre cable.
I’ll take my 100 points back now.
Does all this mean we can finally put FLORIDA 2000 to rest? repeat after me (this is all part of therapy); he is not president, he did not win the election. the 2000 election is over. there are no more ballots to count.
feels good huh?
So now that that’s over at the very least we could give algore a nobel. LOL, the lefy’s hero.
In the back room they are toasting and cheering “thank GOD he was not in charge when 911 happeded. this outta shut him up for a while”
SillyPuddy @ 17
No, you don’t get your 100 points back.
“So Al shows up in Congress in submits some bills in 1986, after we have been using the Internet for 9 years before. So what did I say that was so incorrect Goldy Trolls? YOu guys and gals just like to find fault with anyone who doesn’t drink the KoolAID.”
You moron. Gore did a hell of a lot more than that, and much earlier than 1986 (he was originally elected to congress in 1974, I believe).
You are forgetting that throught the 1980, the internet was the private playground of universities, and mostly computer science and engineering departments at those universities. It was a research tool that some of us geeks were allowed to play on (yes, I too was using uucp mail hops, ARPANET, CSNET, BITNET and NSFNET begining in the 1970s through the 1980 until the contemporary internet “arrived”). But, it was not until the 1990s that the internet was made much more widely available outside of it academic shelter. Why? To a very large extent, because of the efforts of Al Gore. It is irrelevant that the technology predates Gore. The point is, it took promotion and funding by a politician to get a nifty military tool out of the research environment and into the hands of idiots like Cynical and Chardonnay.
In 2000, V. Cerf and B. Kahn (two of the most important people in developing the technology of the internet) wrote a piece called “Al Gore’s support of the Internet” There is a horribly formatted version of the note here: .
The pioneers of the internet, themselves, provide the best credibility for Gore’s statement “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet.” Read it, Pud-duffus, and learn. Oh, and try to be a little more analytical–you are giving engineers a bad name.
Hello from Californeeah (Ahhhnold), PacMan here.
Pudster: You were correct when talking about the creation of the Internet, and you are correct that Al Gore had no part in the creation of the Internet. The Internet was an extension of the original UUNet that dj mentioned. That is the creation, which I agree with. I understand what you are saying, and from my checking Vint Cerf is a big Democrat supporter who is probably trying to resurrect Al Gore’s personna after all of his MoveOn.Org rants.
DJ:The term is creation, the foundation that Al Gore had absolutely no part of. Postel would be turning over in his grave now!!!
Just my two cents, in my humble opinion.
Sad to have to defend Gore; he had near zip to do w/ the Internet, nobody uses the phrase “information superhighway”, he’s a boaster, a climber.
Goldy said:“But then, why bother running on issues when you can just win by defining your enemies as liars, thieves and child molesters?”
Hmmm… what party parroted “Bush Lied”, “Re-Defeat Bush”, “Hail to the Thief”? Or is ok if you only do 2 out? Or when your side is guilty of the same crime, it’s ok, because it’s your side?
I’ll leave you this quote from the Max Boot column here :
“How can you tell if a political party is brain-dead? Easy. It spends an entire campaign denouncing the incumbent as a smarmy, good-for-nothing liar, rather than outlining its own agenda. The Republicans tried it against Bill Clinton in 1996, the Democrats tried it against George W. Bush in 2004, and now in Britain the Conservatives are trying it, with equal lack of success, against Tony Blair.”
Whoops! I should have said…”Hmmm… what party parroted “Bush Lied”, “Re-Defeat Bush”, “Hail to the Thief”? Or is ok if you only do 2 out of 3? When your side is guilty of the same crime, it’s ok, because it’s your side?”
Is this great Internet achievement award given in lieu of the $400 he gave to charity one year? “In a 34-page 1997 federal tax return, Vice President Al Gore and wife Tipper reported giving $353 to charity, an amount much lower than donations the family has made in previous tax cycles.
That figure is less than one-tenth the typical contribution amount for someone with the Gores’ adjusted gross income of $197,729. That fact has caused some bewilderment in philanthropic circles because of the vice president’s “good guy” image as an advocate for public service and social causes, the Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday.”
Yeah Al Gore he’s my man!!! Oh shucks that is another thread. Oh well it still works!!!
Goldy @10 – I guess I should have added the “sarcasm” tag?
Do you know who Bob Metcalf is, without Googling first?
Of course Al Gore never said “I invented the internet”. But he was a bonehead for coming really close to saying that.
That being said, Al Gore does not appear to be someone worthly of deep respect.
Teddy Roosevelt – National Parks, Conservation
FDR – Recover from the Depression and Lead us Through WWII.
Eisenhower – WWII Hero who warned about the growing military industrial complex.
JFK – Adulterer, but Moon Mission, Civil Rights, Bully Pulpit eloquent.
Reagan – Won the Cold War and brought pride back to the U.S.A.
algore – ???? What exactly did he do? Other than take a lot of crap for his boneheaded statement?
chardonnay @18 – Very well said.
Darn! I got really excited as I read your headline–AL GORE GETS LIFE…, but then it continued and shattered my dreams.
What’s he been up to lately? Still raising funds from simple Buddhist monks, is he? Still trading nuclear secrets for campaign contributions? Still giving sermons in church? I know who ‘betrayed us’–Mutt and Jeff, Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello, Bill and Al’s Excellent Departure–from reality.
Didn’t Gore invent the King County election machine?
“…three decades of contributions to the Internet.”
Excuse me, but last I counted, three decades was thirty years. I think you may find that the internet was not around AS the internet that long ago. Or did he work for DARPA at that time and help them to design the whole thing? I guess they forgot to mention that part? Or maybe it was a typo—or maybe it was just “finding another decade that hadn’t been counted yet”. That would suggest that he was busy in its development in 1975 or before.
“‘Gore, who boasted in a CNN interview he “took the initiative in creating the Internet,” was only 21 when the Internet was born out of a Pentagon project.'” What did he do at 21 years old?
“But after joining Congress eight years later…” Check this link and see how factual he is–
“Before he entered politics in 1976, Gore had a varied career. He worked as a journalist and a real estate developer, and he operated a small farm. Gore also served in Vietnam during the Vietnam War (1957-1975).” —
I am not saying it couldn’t happen, but I find it very hard to believe thirty years ago he was doing anything with the internet.
Someone ask him what tcp/ip means. Ask him what a router is, what’s a packet. Ask him anything factual.
Zapporo@25 re Gore’s contributions…
He helped hero of the left, Clinton, retain his office. Too scary to impeach Bill and end up with Al.
Stop the whistling, and righton:
He would define router as root-her, something Will Bill did to some ladies in Arkansas.
Packet – Bag of drugs out of Mena, Arkansas.
TCP/IP – The Clintons Prevent/Intellectual Progress
this is glorious. Goldy posts this topic on his hero Algore with such glee. Like Jiminy Glick with a donut. This thread ends up with 99% anti-algore comments. LOL
Goldy, when I saw Jiminy Glick on CNN tonight I couldn’t help but hear the similarity with your radio voice. LOL
Packman @ 21
“DJ:The term is creation, the foundation that Al Gore had absolutely no part of. Postel would be turning over in his grave now!!!”
Bullshit. You missed the point. The internet was almost completely an academic toy. Al Gore played an important role in creating the internet as a public resource. He took it out of the lab and into the real world.
That’s the kind of “creating” a politician does, dip shit.
I think Tim Berners Lee, AOL, AMazon, Eudora, etc took it out of the lab. I think Compuserve introduced me to it in 1992. Can’t recall what possible role Gore had in me getting a dialup account for a private online service.
It went from DARPA, Academic vehicle to commercial after Berners Lee and Andreason gave the browser mass market legs. Lee is a UK citizen working in Switz, and Andreson was a grad student in Illinois.
Maybe Al’s website got a hit or 2, but that hardly qualifies
The truth hurts doesn’t it?
All he did was left out a word.
One word.
Took the initiative, meaning, stepped forward in support.
He never said he was alone, or acted alone, or anything like that, but spin away, its what wackos do best.
see #17, But it will emerge from my dialogue with the American people. I’ve traveled to every part of this country during the last six years. During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.
Well PacMan, the names fly again. Now he calls you what his doctor recently determined he has for brain matter. They continue to miss the word creation. I conceded to them his work in helping to commercially expand the Internet (official proper noun and it’s capitalized – butt these bozos don’t even understand that), BUTT HE DID NOT CREATE IT!!!
Ooops… Sorry PacMan I used capital letters, forgive me.
#an object has to be created before it exists. – Cerf and Postel created it, Al Gore took the credit after it existed.
# the human act of creating – Didn’t Al Gore create anti-matter?# an artifact that has been brought into existence by someone – The mind of AL Gore, an artifact, “The mind, it’s a terrible thing!”
# the event that occurred at the beginning of something; Al Gore invented the Internet – Butt, butt he was in Vietnam.
# initiation: the act of starting something for the first time; introducing something new; – Anything invented, Al Gore took credit for it.
# (theology) God’s act of bringing the universe into existence -AMEN!
# (theology) God’s universe: everything that exists anywhere created by Him; Antithetical to MoveOn.porkers
I no nothing (or do I care) about Erich Segal’s Love Story comment. So Goldy, no ridicule from me on that passage.
PacMan, I noticed Goldy and crew won’t answer any of your great questions let alone the two Florida or Ohio questions. They were priceless. If their city counterparts could create (that stinking word again) a polling place that moved smoothly, all the people could vote as they wanted. Butt, it’s not the city folks fault, those wascally Republicans did it. How does this tie into Al Gore? His next to last MoveOn.porker speech talked about the “problems?” in Ohio. Hey they have a black Secretary of State. Oh, he’s a wascally Republican, he is an uppity N%$&*#, so we have to take him to the woodshed. Hence to rehabilitate Al Gore’s public personna, let’s give him something for the Internet.
I read above that someone said three decades. I read a movie producer was credited for three decades of work from 88–> 2001. Maybe that’s the new math, taught in Seattle schools.
We’d all agree to something like, “Gore was one of the few Senators or elected officials to see the promise of info services, like the Internet, and was helpful in talking it up, promoting it.”
Excerpts from Al Gore and the Internet by By Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf, Sept 2000
“Last year the Vice President …. said: “During my service in the United States Congress I took the initiative in creating the Internet.” We don’t think, as some people have argued, that Gore intended to claim he “invented” the Internet. Moreover, there is no question in our minds that while serving as Senator, Gore’s initiatives had a significant and beneficial effect on the still-evolving Internet. …Gore was talking about and promoting the Internet long before most people were listening.”
“As far back as the 1970s Congressman Gore promoted the idea of high speed telecommunications as an engine for both economic growth and the improvement of our educational system. He was the first elected official to grasp the potential of computer communications to have a broader impact than just improving the conduct of science and scholarship. …. Our work on the Internet started in 1973 and was based on even earlier work that took place in the mid-late 1960s. But the Internet, as we know it today, was not deployed until 1983. When the Internet was still in the early stages of its deployment, Congressman Gore provided intellectual leadership by helping create the vision of the potential benefits of high speed computing and communication. As an example, he sponsored hearings on how advanced technologies might be put to use in areas like coordinating the response of government agencies to natural disasters and other crises.”
“As a Senator in the 1980s Gore urged government agencies to consolidate what at the time were several dozen different and unconnected networks into an ‘Interagency Network.’ Working in a bi-partisan manner with officials in Ronald Reagan and George Bush’s administrations, Gore secured the passage of the High Performance Computing and Communications Act in 1991. This “Gore Act” supported the National Research and Education Network (NREN) initiative that became one of the major vehicles for the spread of the Internet beyond the field of computer science.”
“As Vice President Gore promoted building the Internet both up and out, as well as releasing the Internet from the control of the government agencies that spawned it. …. Gore provided much-needed political support for the speedy privatization of the Internet when the time arrived for it to become a commercially-driven operation.”
“There are many factors that have contributed to the Internet’s rapid growth since the later 1980s, not the least of which has been political support for its privatization and continued support for research in advanced networking technology. No one in public life has been more intellectually engaged in helping to create the climate for a thriving Internet than the Vice President.”
DJ – Good excerpt, but doesn’t say he created it. So he had an intellectual grasp for computers, shall I use the same arguments your side uses on Bush on this commentary? He has a grasp of one subject but is an intellectual boob on others.
I still wonder when Al said what he said, why didn’t Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn lay out the Gore legislation acts to support his claims? Hmmm… They left him to dangle in the wind, without any sails. It seems a very hollow award to me after 5 years of this hanging over Gore’s head. They must have looked at the Clinton Playbook and how Bill treated the McDougals.
Nice bit or research DJ! I wonder, does taking the initive to locate and post this info mean you created it? = )
Nice dd,
Main Entry: 2initiative
Function: noun
1 : an introductory step
2 : energy or aptitude displayed in initiation of action : ENTERPRISE
PuddyButt @ 42
“Good excerpt, but doesn’t say he created it.”
Indeed, but Gore did not say he created the internet, either. The verb of the sentence is “took” (initiative). That is what he claims he did–and clearly he did take initiative.
As Kahn and Cerf nicely point out, he was the politician who took the initiative creating the internet as the public resource it is today. Since Gore was discussing his political accomplishments, in particular, an answer to the question “Why should Democrats . . . support you instead of Bill Bradley,” his response makes perfect sense as an important political accomplishment.
There are many sheep-like idiots (and, no, Pudd you don’t get included here) who heard that “Gore said he invented the internet” and are too lazy or too stupid to actually evaluate the truth. The truth is that he did not claim this. The context suggests such a statement would not make sense in answering a question about why he should be the preferred candidate over another politician.
But, then there are the intellectually dishonest ass-wipes (yes, Pudd, this does include you) who can view the context but refuse to acknowledge the meaning of his statement beyond a single word (“create”).
In fact, you are technically wrong in claiming that Gore said “I created the internet”—he didn’t. He claimed initiative. And, you misread the context if you claim that he suggested he invented the internet. I haven’t quite decided whether you are ignorant, stubborn, or (seems most likely) you are simply being a prick.
DamnageD @ 43
“Nice bit or research DJ! I wonder, does taking the initive to locate and post this info mean you created it? = )”
It means that I created the Blog! Right after I invented hypertext :)
I am an intellectually dishonest ass-wipe. I’ll wear that with dip-shit, prick (wife is glad about that one), ass-wipe, & many f-words. Thank you. So when Al said: “I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.”
Next you all will claim that he created the “No Child Left Behind”? laws.
Since you are now dwelling on the Initiative definition. Here is what I see:
1. The power or ability to begin with a plan or task;
2. A beginning or introductory step; an opening move:
So I guess he performed definition #1 because I surely can’t see him in definition #2.
PuddButt @ 47
“I am an intellectually dishonest ass-wipe.”
I won’t argue with you on that. . . .
“I’ll wear that with dip-shit, prick (wife is glad about that one), ass-wipe, & many f-words. Thank you.”
You’re very welcome, Puddy! I’m sorry your wife thinks you are a prick, too.
The Republicans aren’t ashamed. They have no shame.
Hey dj, I am glad you have shown your true colors in your mind. Hey dj, I said my wife likes my prick!!! Another non-Christian poster on Goldy’s blog. Butt wait, all left wingnuts believe in the golden rule too.
PuddyButt @ 51
“Hey dj, I said my wife likes my prick!!!”
Hmmmm. . . I heard she likes Mr. Cynical’s prick even better. . . probably just ugly gossip, tho.
“Another non-Christian poster on Goldy’s blog.”
Sorry, asshole, you are not the judge of whether or not I am a Christian.
You are right, I should not have categorized you with others. I have read your comments to PacMan and his responses. You do have a Christian clue. My apologies. But “asshole”, with a Lutheran upbringing? Sounds like a lot of flatulence to me.