My morning routine is about to change. Instead of launching my RealOne Player and streaming the Al Franken Show over the internet, I’m just going to tune into 1090-AM, the newest station in the Air America Radio Network.
The Seattle Times reports today that starting 12:01 a.m. Monday morning, the newly renamed KPTK will switch format from country-music to “progressive talk,” joining liberal Air America’s 36 other local affiliates, plus XM and Sirius radio.
Clearly, there is money to be made in liberal talk radio, else media monopolists like Infinity (Viacom) wouldn’t put it on the air. According to Infinity VP Dave McDonald: “There are those in the radio business who believe that shows with a liberal perspective won’t get an audience. Air America in recent months has shattered that myth.”
It’s shattered the myth because it is informative, entertaining, and damned funny. If you’re not already a regular listener, I urge you to tune in Monday.
It’s great to hear that Seattle is finally connecting to Air America Radio. We’ve been getting Al Franken here in Chapel Hill for about 6 months. It’s very refreshing to hear a counterpoint to the right wing slime machine
Now on my radio!
I have been streaming Air America and listening on Sirius for months and am overjoyed they are available on 1090 AM. I called them this morning and told them they have a new listener. Their # is (206) 805-1090. I am curious how their country listeners are going to react to the Truth? Surprise! Surprise!
Steve C