Oh man was I jealous yesterday to learn that 710-KIRO colleagues Jane Shannon and Tony Miner had scored an interview with embattled U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, but I certainly wasn’t disappointed with the result. Jane and Tony lobbed follow-up after follow-up as Gonzales ducked and dodged. Give a listen to the proper way to conduct an interview, no matter how important or uncooperative the interviewee.
[audio:http://sea.bonnint.net/2007/0323gonzalesARC.mp3]Of course, Gonzales knew he was going to be asked these questions, and he had no intention of answering them. The very premise of this PR tour — an educational campaign about online sex predators — was cynically designed to give Gonzales the excuse to evade reporters by accusing them of focusing on the politically trivial, while he was out their focusing on “protecting our children.” So it came as no surprise when Gonzales answered every question by rephrasing it.
Jane: Seattle as you know, is home of former U.S. Attorney John McKay. Mr. Gonzales, why was he fired?
Gonzales: Listen, we made a decision at the department as to the appropriate way forward. And there was nothing improper about the decision here. The president of the United States has the authority to hire and remove political appointees for any reason. Obviously the question here is whether or not, were these political appointees removed for improper reasons?
No… the question here is “Why was McKay fired?” I thought Jane made that pretty damn clear.
Gonzales went on to emphasize that it is “reckless and irresponsible to allege that these decisions were based in any way on improper motives,” an allegation Jane never implied. So she tried to ask the question more specifically:
Jane: Was it a matter of McKay’s performance?
Gonzales: Again, the question is whether or not it was improper. It was not.
And again, no… that was not the question.
Perhaps it was a bad phone connection, so this time Miner steps in and puts the same question another way:
Tony: Mr. Attorney General, as a way to diffuse this controversy now, why not just come out and tell the American people exactly why these prosecutors were fired? What did they do?
Gonzales: Well, of course that’s something we’re engaged with in a dialogue with the Congress.
Yeah… a dialogue they want to have behind closed doors, off the record, and not under oath.
Gonzales: Some of the information is already out there. Some of that information is available in the documents.
And some of the information we’ll never know, because White House and DOJ officials refuse to testify in public, on the record and under oath.
Gonzales: But I want to remind your listeners about one thing, whatever those reasons are, and people have subjective views as to whether that person should go or should that person not go, there may be disagreements about that, but the president has the authority and the discretion to make that decision. And whether or not you agree with it, he has the authority and it is OK for him to do so based on my recommendation.
Well, he may have the legal authority, sure… but, um, once again, that was never the question.
Gonzales: What we should all be concerned about is, whether or not were the firings, the removals, based on improper motives, and I am saying to the American people and to your listeners, that the answer to that is no.
Oh. Well, I guess that answers all our questions. Well, at least that answers the one question Gonzales keeps posing to himself. But wait, there’s more…
Gonzales: And it is irresponsible and reckless to continue to insist that this great Department of Justice was involved in something improper.
Hmm. I think I heard that sound bite somewhere before.
So Jane bravely tries one more time:
Jane: Well you can certainly understand some confusion, sir, when in August of last year one of your deputies recommended McKay for federal judgeship and just a month later McKay’s name was put on a list, basically, of prosecutors to be pushed out. This is according to e-mails obtained from your department. What changed in that short period of time?
Gonzales: Listen, the fact that someone may have had an idea or a discussion, that does not necessarily represent the view of the department or represent my view. These U.S. attorney positions … are on the front lines protecting our kids, they’re out there today talking about this ad campaign that I want to talk with your listeners about with respect of what we can do to further protect our kids from predators. And so this an issue that’s very important for me, and we will continue to focus on the work for the American people, and that’s what I’m focused on as Attorney General.
Translation: “I’m not going to answer your question because I’m busy protecting our children from predators. Hmm. Maybe you’re a sex predator yourself. Are ya Jane? Huh, are ya?”
We all knew Gonzales would show up ready to play dodge ball. Kudos to Jane and Tony for continuing to wing ’em at his nuts.
[And a special thanks to David Postman. I was halfway through laboriously transcribing the interview, when I discovered that he had already done most of the work. You can read a full transcript over at Dave’s place.]
[Update: The AP is reporting:
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales approved plans to fire several U.S. attorneys in a November meeting, according to documents released Friday that contradict earlier claims that he was not closely involved in the dismissals.
That’s got to hurt! — Darryl]
Why didn’t you ask him what his legal justification for torture is. How about if it is ok to torture our “enemies” it is ok for them to torture our captured soldiers?
Ask him if he, like Harriet Myers thought Bush was the smartest man he has ever met…..
Maybe the best ways to protect children would be to have an economy where both parents don’t have to work to raise a family, and maybe one could actually watch the children….
How about this: WASHINGTON — Attorney General Alberto Gonzales approved plans to fire several U.S. attorneys in a November meeting, according to documents released Friday that contradict earlier claims that he was not closely involved in the dismissals.
The Nov. 27 meeting, in which the attorney general and at least five top Justice Department officials participated, focused on a five-step plan for carrying out the firings of the prosecutors, Justice Department officials said late Friday.
Lying to congress is a felony……
Who is gonna bust our nation’s #1 law enforcer?
Well that was a good interview . Gonzales sure offered nothing but PC goop .. But the left having a feeding frenzy over this is kind of strange . I mean with all the other stuff , whats the BIG deal .. Gonzales is not supported by many conservatives because of his lack of support on Illegal Immigration . These were political appointments , they were not doing what the administration wanted in as far as their work .. You will never get more then that ..
The story as far as I am concerned is what is going on with the troops and money for Iraq .
There is a reason the Congress has a lower approval rating then Bush .. Lack of commitment to what they believe in . Which no one really knows anyway . The election is over , do something Congress.
Because JUSTICE is supposed to be BLIND not partisan, Mick!
Body Found Hanging From Tree in Bessemer
BESSEMER, Alabama — A body was found hanging from a tree beside Interstate 59 Friday morning.
Bessemer police received a call at around 6:45 a.m. from passing motorists, who noticed the body hanging from a tree about 25 yards from the interstate at mile marker 107 near the Academy Drive exit.
Police spokesman Sgt. Hank Edwards said the body is that of a 24-year-old male. Other authorities tell FOX6 News the victim worked for a tree-cutting service, lived near the spot where his body was found, and had a prior criminal history in Bessemer.
Edwards said the Jefferson County coroner will conduct an autopsy to determine the cause of death.
#3 There is a reason the Congress has a lower approval rating then Bush .. Lack of commitment to what they believe in . Which no one really knows anyway . The election is over , do something Congress.
The old GOP controlled congress had the lower approval. Nancy Pelosi had an approval rating over 50% the other day, and this is 10 points better than any Republicon leader in the last 20 years.
This new congress is kicking ass and taking names. Even more than that, they are showing all of us how much it sucks to have a Republicon for president.
I just went to pollingreport.com and a recent CNN poll listed the congress with a 47% approval rating. Not bad since it was in the teens, or twenties under the cons.
I think you are fantasizing the country hating congress like they did when the GOP had control of both houses.
I just looked at all the polls regarding congress, and it looks like the whole country is glad the Democrats are in control.
Look at what happened today. They closed the door on the Bush Crime Families perpetual war plan. Since the Democrats “funded” the troops, Bush will have to veto the bill, and thus “not fund” the troops. About 72 Rovian Talking Points just stopped working today. This was grand.
Bush is peeing his pants, and sucking his thumb right now. And he thought his stranglehold on our government would never end. Just another thing he got wrong to add to the list…..
I bet Bush is crying his eyes out right now. He can see over the horizon, and is gazing at the billion daggers pointed at his dark heart.
He asked for it.
Now the people that love our country, democracy, the rule of law, and the constitution will finish his pathetic presidency off once and for all.
Bush, the only president in history to lose 3 wars simultaneously. What do you expect from a lying retarded chimp though….
“Gonzales went on to emphasize that it is ‘reckless and irresponsible to allege that these decisions were based in any way on improper motives,’ an allegation Jane never implied.”
Gee, sounds like somebody’s got a guilty conscience!
Did you catch the 6:30 news on KING-5 TV tonight? They had a “breaking news” lede (yes, I know King-5 overuses the “breaking news” meme) that Gonzales personally approved the firings. That means he’s been lying to the media and public about what his role was. This is probably the end of Gonzales, and could open the door to frying even bigger fish, because now we’ve got a coverup.
“New documents show Gonzales approved firings of U.S. attorneys
“07:04 PM PDT on Friday, March 23, 2007
“Associated Press
“WASHINGTON, D.C. – Attorney General Alberto Gonzales approved plans to fire several U.S. attorneys in a November meeting, according to documents released Friday that contradict earlier claims that he was not closely involved in the dismissals.
“The Nov. 27 meeting, in which the attorney general and at least five top Justice Department officials participated, focused on a five-step plan for carrying out the firings of the prosecutors, Justice Department officials said late Friday. …
“On March 13, … Gonzales told reporters he was aware that some of the dismissals were being discussed but was not involved in them. … The documents were released Friday night, a few hours after Sampson agreed to testify at a Senate inquiry next week ….
“Earlier Friday, a staunch White House ally, Sen. John Cornyn, summoned White House counsel Fred Fielding to Capitol Hill and told him he wanted ‘no surprises.’ …”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://tinyurl.com/2a4n4p
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A couple days ago, I commented on this board that Senate Democrats probably have information that hasn’t been made public yet, and know where this inquiry is going. They wouldn’t be making a big deal of it, if there wasn’t something there. We are going to see a waterfall of more revelations in the days ahead — and none of them will be good news for the corrupt, evil Bush administration!
Goldy says: No… the question here is “Why was McKay fired?” I thought Jane made that pretty damn clear.
Gonzales says: The president of the United States has the authority to hire and remove political appointees for any reason.
The answer is because the President of the United States wanted to fire him and why he did it is confidential unless he wants to tell you. Obviously he doesn’t, if you don’t like the answer you can run for president goldy.
You liberals must believe that federal prosecutors belong to a union like the teachers union where they can be total Gorons, rape kids and otherwise be total useless individuals and still keep their job. It doesn’t work that way in the real world.
Here is a video of the liberals in Oregon burning a US Soldier in efigy. Their chants.
“bye bye GI in Iraq you’re going to die”
Build a bonfire, build a bonfire put the Soldiers on the top, put the facists in the middle and we’ll burn the fucking lot”
You liberals are disgusting excuses for humans let alone Americans. Fuck you all~!
After about the third one of these non-responses, here’s what I’d have liked to hear someone ask:
“Mr. Gonzales, given that you’ve shown nothing but contempt for the American people and our questions about these important issues, why should we keep paying your salary?”
11, 12 – Blather all you want, rob. You’re a nobody, and your spewings will have no effect on drama unfolding in D.C. Tonight’s revelation that Gonzales lied about what his involvement in the firings was means Gonzales is finished as Attorney General. Over the next few days, you will see Republicans on Capitol Hill calling for his head, and it will be delivered. Wait and see. Now go stick your head back into the toilet.
Ah, the little green fascist site, proves everything the right suspects about the left. Thanks for the link. The commenters there still calling for a military coup?
13 Every time you piece this piece of shit, I’m going to post the same response: These guys are not “liberals,” they are members of an organized group of anarchists (about 20 or so people) out of Eugene, Oregon. They are against everything liberals stand for, and vice-versa. These anarchists have far more in common with neocons like you than they do with liberals like me: They’re against government in all forms and shapes; they think they have to right to do whatever they want, regardless of who gets harmed; and they have no respect for other people’s rights or property. That sounds pretty Republican to me. They’re your friends, rob. They’re sure as hell not my friends. Now go fuck yourself and pet your armadillo!
@16 The important thing to remember here, Dan, is that anarchists are kissing cousins of conservatives. They’re anti-government, ignore laws, and take a laissez faire approach to life. Exactly like Republicans! They treat our troops like dirt, just like Republicans do, too.
Re: 17. They are the people you assholes march with. I take it that you accept them or you wouldn’t be marching with them. And yes they are liberals, I don’t believe they will be voting republican. They are your brothers and you and your brothers are disgusting.
Re: 18. Ha, nice try and feeble spin job you worthless rodent.
Re: 18, I sure didn’t see any of those “troop loving liberals” (because there aren’t any) protesting what their brothers were doing, actually I saw them cheering them on. Video is a wonderful thing. It totally diminishes to the trash heap spinners like roger rabbit.
Videos of so called “peace marches” are like videos of law enforcement with Rodney King.
Gonzales may get fired, but he still lied to congress. Who is gonna prosecute the nation’s #1 prosecutor?
I just can’t wait to see some of the cards Leahy is holding….
I know they got the goods on these sleazebags, and I can’t wait to see them go down!
Our country will be far better off with the Bush Gang behind bars.
So Rob, are you still gonna support all them Republicon leaders once we lock them up?
rob, ever meet an anarchist? hell, did you ever meet anyone who doesn’t agree with you? Anarchists don’t vote. It would be contrary to every principle they hold. It encourages the State. Learn some stuff there, pal.
Re: 23. Pat Lehey has more trouble expousing a choherent sentence than George Bush does. If you are waiting for that idiot to save the liberal party make sure you stock up on supplies.
I don’t support anyone that lies, breaks the law or is a democrat. I guess that means I don’t support democrats.
For the record, I don’t support Gonzales. The reason is in my opinion he should of said that he fired the 8 prosecuters because he wanted to replace them. Instead he did, or his aid did make up some bullshit.
Re: 24, since you have been marching with them you would know their voting patterns more than I would. Were you in the crowd of peace marchers cheering them on?
Speaking of “Choherent” sentences….
re: 27 with your limited intelligence you figured it out.
Nope, rob. Sorry. I was commenting on your complete incomprenhesion of political analysis. Other than your shell of right-wing commentary, you clearly don’t understand the history of political theory and ideas. A small group of anarchists burning an effigy does not castigate all political thought that you don’t agree with. But this idea just might be too sophisticated for you. Read some books, there, buddy. Learn some stuff.
@ 27
“Choherent” sentences….
Regarding the “anarchists” (peace marchers) could you imagine their life expectancy if they pulled that stunt at the Gathering of Eagles in DC. I can, I would say 2 minutes tops. When they do it with liberals in Portland though they get cheers.
That’s the difference, you people are anti soldiers and anti American
facts. you got your ass kicked at sound politics and here you are spreading your bull shit where these assholes will eat it up no questions your a fucking dick head.you should of joined the service at least that piss ant gbs tried whats your problem if you dont like it here move your ragged as to cuba
Re: 29. You are known by the company you keep, read some books.
For those of you who want to limit this to “can the president legally fire the USA’s”…. here is the thing.
It is ok if he fires them for policy or performance reasons. This is perfectly proper and why they initially tried to cover up what they were doing.
It is NOT ok for them to fire them for political reasons and/or to attempt to influence the prosecutors’ office by firing them.
This is why they made up the absurd stories such as saying Lamm was fired for immigration issues instead of prosecuting Republicans and McKay was fired for some unknown performance issue rather than not prosecuting Democrats.
If you think the Republican party – or any party – has the right to turn the enforcement of the rule of law into a banana republic farce of justice where the prosecutors are simply an instrument of the ruling party to persecute its enemies… well, then you are fundamentally un-American and hold fascist tendencies. In essence, you are a traitor to the country – no more, no less.
That is what is at stake here and that is why the White House went to such lengths to lie about this from day one. You can argue the facts, but if the above scenario is correct this is what we are dealing with here. Blind loyalty is almost as bad a sin here as one of commission.
hey fact i think you think your a legend in your own mind.speaking of minds tell all the readers how you function with one brain cell.
Wow…both rob and YO tonight. To what do we owe the pleasure and privilege of hearing from the illiterate corps of the wingnut crusaders?
WEEE Oh WEEE Oh Oh, there is Darryl and his other brother Darryl from Green Acres. It is so nice to be joined by a celebrity.
And such a smart and accomplished one at that! What is your resume again? Surely your are more accomplished than Goldy who’s claim to fame was an initiative to name call Tim Eyman a Horses Ass.
Go on tell us what a smart feller you are?
rob, sorry again, I’m not anti-soldier, nor am I anti-American. I’m pro-literacy,though, and chorhent is spelled coherent, and aid, when referring to someone’s assistant, is spelled aide. And I’ve been known to read a book or two. On occasion. I’m sure you’re much better read than I am. And,yo, @32, write a paragraph we mere mortals can understand. You’re too smart for me.
Re: 39. I don’t believe you at all. If you were not Anti American and Anti Soldiers you would be as outraged as I am seeing that video with “Peach Marchers” not only NOT kicking the asses of your hooded little prick fellow marchers but cheering them on.
I don’t buy your bullshit sorry.
I correlate you liberals and your accetance of the socialists, anarchist, communists and sandistas that you march with and the Muslims in America after 911.
While what happens within your group may turn your stomach your are to cowardly to speak out about it for fear you will be ostracized by the radicals you associate with.
That makes you no better than they are.
My bullshit story wasn’t for sale. Get a grammar book and learn how to use commas.
You fucking moron…LGF picked up the story from a progressive blog called Loaded Orygun. Go read the original post and you will get an idea of a typical liberal reaction.
Man…somebody needs to get the Jaws of Life to extract your head from your ass….
P.S. rob,
I believe they call your condition cranio-anal retentive.
And please learn the difference between to, two and too. In the English
language, each of those spelling mean different things. It would help your
case a great deal, rob, if you had some facility with our common language.
Re: 43. I watched the video asswipe and I don’t need to see what some obscure liberal blog (edited) had to say about it.
What I haven’t noticed on this blog is any of you Anti American asswipes condemning it!
That says all I need to know. Now what is your resume again other than being a sub blogger for Goldy?
Re: 45. I have a job asswipe, I am not trying to get one in journalism.
Hey Yo, kinda slow night for the righties. Asses kicked in the House today, #2 at the interior dept pleads guilty, and another Gonzales lie uncovered.
There isn’t a right wing traitor born that could kick my ass. All facts support my positions.
All the wingnuts can do is call me names because I am right 100% of the time.
The manipulation of the justice dept for political reasons is going to blow up. Just watch yo….
RE: 46, Hi YOS LIBTARD, your spin is the same bullshit as Roger Rabbit, You are know by the people you associate with and none of you has condemned the peace marchers in Portland so I guess you on their side.
Re: 45. I have a job asswipe,
Should be a comma between job and asswipe.
rob, rob, rob, take a remedial English grammar course, if you want to be taken seriously. Ever read Shakespeare, there, bud? Reading books and literature will really help you out. I promise. I’ll help you.
I correlate you liberals and your accetance of the socialists, anarchist, communists and sandistas that you march with and the Muslims in America after 911.
Darryl and your other brother Darryl. I take it that your resume is a sub blogger to goldy who’s resume is name calling Tim Eymen a Horses Ass in a failed initiative. Hey though Goldy does have a radio show on AM on Saturday and Sunday night. Personally I know of no one who listens to AM radio on Saturday or Sunday night. Normal people are with their friends and family on those nights but there is nothing normal about the people on this blog.
Maybe Darryl and his other brother Darryl and Goldy could give us some arbitron ratings for Goldys show.
rob @ 47
“I watched the video asswipe and I don’t need to see what some obscure liberal blog (edited) had to say about it.”
What the fuck? Nobody gives a rats ass whether or not you saw a video, asswipe. The point is, the source (LGF) that has offered you something to be “outraged” over to the point of apoplexia, in fact, picked it up from a liberal blog that was outraged over it.
“What I haven’t noticed on this blog is any of you Anti American asswipes condemning it!”
I won’t attempt to speak for everyone here, but I find the anarchists crap as outrageous as hate-fill statements made by theocon assholes like you. They have a first amendment right to say the outrageous things they say, just like you do, sqirt.
“Now what is your resume again other than being a sub blogger for Goldy?”
Yeah…you don’t want to go there. But here’s a clue: in my world we call ’em CVs, not resumes.
You are know by the people you associate with and none of you has condemned the peace marchers in Portland so I guess you on their side.
“Maybe Darryl and his other brother Darryl and Goldy could give us some arbitron ratings for Goldys show.”
Funny you should ask, squirt. I was going to ask about the ratings for your show.
Re: 52. I have tolerance for Americans; I don’t care where they came from or what religion they practice. My point was that you liberals are hostage to the extreme radicals in your party as the Muslims are or you agree with them.
rob@57, if that is your point, then, your are wrong. But that’s not unexpected.
You have some problems with critical thinking, and making fine and subtle distinctions. That I can’t help you with. But you can help yourself. Read some books.
rob @ 57
“I have tolerance for Americans; I don’t care where they came from or what religion they practice.”
Hey, squirt, that’s very big of you.
“My point was that you liberals are hostage to the extreme radicals in your party as the Muslims are or you agree with them.”
What the fuck? You follow up that first sentence with intolerance for people who come from a liberal background and intolerance for the Islamic religion?
Are you exhibiting symptoms of schizophrenia? Or are you just not understanding the words coming out of your mouth (er…your keyboard, actually)?
Re: 56. I have a real job. I don’t have to beg for donations or anything. I do this as a hobby because I enjoy pointing out how liberals are losers. I guess I could build bird feeders or something but I enjoy this and it only takes a couple of hours every two weeks to show what feeble minds liberals have.
Now come on, other than personal attacks and being a sub blogger to goldy. What do you do?
Hey, Darryl. Love your blog, though we lurk far more than we comment. Keep up the good work.
Re: 59. Hey Darryl, bring your other brother Darryl and call me a squirt to my face. Want to trade emails? I live in Kirkland and I am sure we can get together in less that 30 minutes.
SeattleDan at 10:58 PM
Actually, I thought that the punctuation was done correctly on that post.
Of course, that would mean that Rob was describing his job, and it would have been better phrased as “a job as an asswipe”.
But I’m just being picky.
G’night all. Anyone that has seen my picture knows that I need my beauty sleep. Have fun playing with Rob, but don’t let him stay up too late.
you liberals are hostage to the extreme radicals in your party
Re: 59. No what I said was “My point was that you liberals are hostage to the extreme radicals in your party as the Muslims are or you agree with them.”
Is there something that your fat feeble little mind doesn’t understand about that? You are saying that all Muslims agree with what happened on 911, now there are allot that do and there are allot that don’t.
Those who don’t haven’t spoken out about it for the reasons I stated.
You are a liberal though and I don’t expect you to understand.
rob @ 60
“I have a real job.”
Me, too.
“I don’t have to beg for donations or anything.”
Me, neither.
“I do this as a hobby….”
Me, too. I don’t watch any TV…I blog instead.
“Now come on, other than personal attacks and being a sub blogger to goldy. What do you do?”
Here’s another clue: if you really need to know, go to my blog, where you will find a biographic statement. But let me warn you…it’ll, you know, require reading.
I enjoy pointing out how liberals are losers.
“Now come on, other than personal attacks and being a sub blogger to goldy. WhAou do?”
Well, we run a community oriented bookstore. A-and we got Sherman Alexie coming in on April 1. We are the official bookreporters to Jesus’ General.
That’s WhAu do we do. And we read the occasional book or two. Bite me.
Re: 64. Yes I believe that the anarchists in that video should be stomped down. The Gathering of Eagles was 30,000 people that consisted of American War veteran and their friends and family. The peace queers were a few vets and mostly 1960’s protestors with the same chants.
You speak about like Pat Leyhey so that is all I can say about your post
Re: 68.
Well, we run a community oriented bookstore. A-and we got Sherman Alexie coming in on April 1. We are the official bookreporters to Jesus’ General.
I have no Idea who Sherman Alexie or Jusus’ General is like most of the population in Washington. I am happy for you that you run a “community oriented bookstore” although I could care less what “cummunity” you do business in.
So Bite Me!
rob, rob, rob, what are we to do with you? Learn how to spell the Senator from Vermont’s name. Learn to think. Take a class in critical thinking. Learn some grammar. Learn to spell. rob, we want to help you!
Re: 68. Could you tell me what neighborhood you are in though. I have a Slayer CD I play when I go through the darkside
Rob, that’s OK. you’re so not our audience. But I hope you might be when you learn to read.
nightie night.
RE: 71, I have no desire to learn how to spell the Senator from Vermont’s name. I probably come as close to spelling it as the Alzheimer’s infected senator from Vermont can though..
Re; 73, I am not your “audience”. I am also not your customer. Of course you failed to state your business name but i don’t frequent so called “community oriented bookstores”
What the fuck is a “community oriented bookstore” Do you ban books from outside the community?
Liberals banning books.
@19 “They are the people you assholes march with.”
Wrong. We didn’t invite them; they invited themselves. But you didn’t say we “march with” these people, rob; you said we are them. You, rob, are a liar.
@20 I’m not worthless. I’m an invaluable and irreplaceable member of the HA community. I provide valuable services to my state and nation by debunking the lies of unpatriotic scum like you.
Rob @ 65
‘No what I said was “My point was that you liberals are hostage to the extreme radicals in your party as the Muslims are or you agree with them.”’
I’m afraid there are a number of flaws in your statement. To begin with, “liberals” are not a party (unless you are in Canada, of course). But, as I mentioned, your statement demonstrates an intolerance for liberals by painting all liberals as having the characteristics of the most extreme element among liberals. That is inconsistent with your first sentence in post 57.
Secondly, you seem to be making a similar claim (via simile) that all Muslims have the characteristics of the most extreme element in the Islamic religion. That is also inconsistent with the claim you make in the first sentence of post 57.
The phrase “or you agree with them” seems to be structurally inconsistent with the earlier clause in the sentence. I think you should seriously consider SeattleDan’s advice, squirt.
“Is there something that your fat feeble little mind doesn’t understand about that?”
You mean, besides the nonsense clause at the end?
“You are saying that all Muslims agree with what happened on 911…”
What the fuck are you babbling about? I made no statements whatsoever about whether or not Muslims agree with the attacks of 11 Sept 2001.
“…now there are allot that do and there are allot that don’t.”
(That would be “a lot,” squirt. Not “allot.”) But, to address what you were trying to communicate…. I am not aware of any empirical evidence that any more than a tiny handful of the billion or so Muslims in the world approve of the attacks of 11 Sept 2001. (There. Now I’ve made a statement about whether or not Muslims agree with the attacks of 11 Sept 2001.)
“Those who don’t haven’t spoken out about it for the reasons I stated.”
Sorry, the verb is not given and the antecedent isn’t clear either. Really…take SeattleDan’s advice…
“You are a liberal though and I don’t expect you to understand.”
Yeah…sorry. I’ve never gotten around to taking the course “How to Communicate with Illiterate Wingnuts.”
21, 22 Let me get this straight. Sending our troops to their deaths in a pointless meatgrinder is “supporting them,” whereas stopping our government from squandering their lives for nothing is being “against the troops,” according to you. Is that correct? Did I miss anything?
Re: 66, ok I will go to your blog asshole, but maybe you could give me a clue to where your blog is? I don’t read the faggot papers so I haven’t heard of you.
I guess you and your other brother Darryl and I aren’t meeting tonight?
There is still time. Liberals are cowards though so you should fit right in.
@25 “Pat Lehey has more trouble expousing a choherent sentence than George Bush does.”
Now that’s an exaggeration, and you know it.
SeattleDan @ 67
Thanks! I enjoy your stuff for Patriotboy, too.
@26 I know you think “peace marcher” is an epithet, but just an fyi, we think “warmonger” is an epithet. Don’t know about you, rob, but when my time comes to report to the Pearly Gates and Saint Pete against me what I did here, I’d feel more comfortable saying I was a “peace marcher” than a “warmonger.”
BTW, rob, how’s that military adventure going for ya? Do you see a light at the end of the tunnel yet?
It’s hard to believe people like rob actually think they’re on God’s side, and God is on their side. I talked to the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit about that, and She told me “rob is full of shit.”
Being pro-war violates every ethical precept known to man.
RE: 78. Let me expain it to you like you were a 5 year old.
You march with people who burn soldiers in effigy and cheer it.
Muslims either danced in the streets after 911 or were silent.
Americans are outraged at both. You and the Muslims were not.
Any questions?
“These U.S. attorney positions … are on the front lines protecting our kids, they’re out there today talking about this ad campaign that I want to talk with your listeners about with respect of what we can do to further protect our kids from predators.”
So, they were fired for investigating Mark Foley?
@25 “For the record, I don’t support Gonzales. The reason is in my opinion he should of said that he fired the 8 prosecuters because he wanted to replace them. Instead he did, or his aid did make up some bullshit.”
You seem to think that would have been the end of it, which demonstrates what a simpleton you are. Do you think everyone in this country is so stupid that no one in the media or Democratic Party would have connected the dots between the firings and the fact most of these prosecutors are linked to investigations and prosecutions of Republican corruption? Do you think these prosecutors would have quietly gone away if, instead of slandering their reputations, Gonzales had merely destroyed their careers without explanation? You are a dolt, rob. I’ve met bricks that are smarter than you.
“I will go to your blog asshole, but maybe you could give me a clue to where your blog is?”
Holy shit, rob…you really are dumb as dirt (and I apologise to dirt for any offense). Seriously…anyone reading this comment can find my blog with about 0.4 seconds. Please…restore my faith in humanity…tell me you really can figure it out!
“I guess you and your other brother Darryl and I aren’t meeting tonight?”
I won’t speak for my brother Darrell (sheesh…you can’t even spell his name right), but the easiest way to meet me is to show up at drinking liberally. I’m a regular.
The really fun thing about all this is that the Bushies won’t be able to prevent leaks. All the lower-echelon civil servants they’ve abused who hold keys to the filing cabinets are going to be feeding copies of documents to reporters and congressional committee staffers like feeding goldfish! Brace yourself, wingnutz, it’s payback time.
Re: 83, I finished my “military adventure” as you call it in 1973. I prefer to call it service to my country but I don’t burn soldiers if effigy like you and you ilk do so you may call it an adventure.
Re: 84, I am not religious but I do believe in God, I like to believe that I am on his side instead of as you stated that he is on my side.
@29 Asking rob to read books or learn anything is reaching pretty high, isn’t it? Maybe you should start smaller. Like suggesting he learn how to wipe his own ass before trying to give toilet training to others.
@31 rob, I’m both a veteran (i.e., former soldier) AND a patriotic American. And you are — ? Besides a loudmouth with no comprehension of what he’s talking about — ?
@32 “you got your ass kicked at sound politics”
The juvenile name-calling and sophomoric bleating on Sucky Politics is not what most people consider “ass kicking.” It’s merely juvenile name-calling and sophomoric bleating.
@34 Of course the wingnuts are fascists and traitors. That’s what we’ve been saying all along, and that’s why we argue with them. They’re a cancer in our society that needs to be excised by whatever means — laser, chemo, surgery, whatever — has a chance to work. They are a mortal threat to our democracy.
@36 “Wow…both rob and YO tonight. To what do we owe the pleasure and privilege of hearing from the illiterate corps of the wingnut crusaders?”
They tend to appear in tandem because they’re the same person. In fact, all the trolls on this board are Kevin Carns, the BIAW-paid professional shill and loser.
Re: 93. 4th CAG Marines I corp. you?
@40 “Re: 39. If you were not Anti American and Anti Soldiers you would be as outraged as I am seeing that video with “Peach Marchers” not only NOT kicking the asses of your hooded little prick fellow marchers but cheering them on.”
Actually, I’m not outraged — because we have this thing in our country called “free speech.” What outrages me is seeing video of cops abusing the authority we give them to protect us from crime by beating up citizens and taxpayers for exercising their free speech rights. We didn’t hire these apes to overthrow the Constitution or take away our liberties. Sure, the anarchists are offensive — but hey, they’re your guys, so it’s your responsibility to “talk” with them about it. However, if you can’t handle that job, let us know and we’ll provide you with some big, brawny liberals for backup.
@41 “I correlate you liberals and your accetance of the socialists, anarchist, communists and sandistas that you march with and the Muslims in America after 911.”
gosh, rob, if that’s how you’re gonna play then I have no choice but to post this picture of a conservative parade: http://www.gwu.edu/~ww2/pics/march.gif
rob @ 86
“You march with people who burn soldiers in effigy and cheer it.”
No, rob, I haven’t. I mean, painting someone like me with the anarchist protesters in Oregon, would be identical to me painting you with the right-wing extremists at Westboro Baptist Church (the assholes who protest at the funerals of soldiers).
Hey, rob, why aren’t you outraged about religious rightwing wackjobs who protest at soldiers funerals believing the death of American soldiers is “God’s judgment” on America? Would it be fair to associate your wingnut ass with those extremists? No. Likewise, you shouldn’t associate anyone around here with the anarchists, who are equally extreme. There are many differences between us, but I think we have common ground in stating that the Oregon anarchists and the Westboro Baptist Church are crazy motherfuckers who speak only for themselves.
“Muslims either danced in the streets after 911 or were silent.”
Sorry, asshole, but the vast majority of Muslims were not “dancing in the streets.” This is just plain ignorant bigotry on your part to suggest they did.
“Any questions?”
Yeah…did you find some mechanical assistance to help extract your head form your ass?
Re: 98. You are not outraged because you are a pussy liberal. They march with you because they know there are no “big brawny liberals” there are only old hippies and a few young idiots that are the old hippies children.
Watch C SPAN covering the peace queers and show me the “Big Branny Liberals”. They are all the same wimp peace queers that marched in the 60’s and 70’s.
@43 Yeah, I think what we should do is get permission from the Fort Lewis commander to have our next peace march at his base, and promise him we’ll bring entertainment for the troops … then send engraved invitations to these anarchists. Should be fun. See ya there, rob.
@45 “And please learn the difference between to, two and too.”
That’s asking an awful lot. Maybe we should start by trying to teach Y’o how to spell his own fucking name.*
* Y’o is a contraction of “yahoo” (as in “trailer park yahoo”) and is properly spelled Y’o. Like most wingnuts, Y’o can’t spell his own fucking name.
@91 “I don’t burn soldiers if effigy like you”
I burned soldiers in effigy? Really? When? Where? Since this statement is libelous, please post your real name and address so I can have my lawyer send a process server your way.
@89 “I won’t speak for my brother Darrell (sheesh…you can’t even spell his name right), but the easiest way to meet me is to show up at drinking liberally. I’m a regular.”
Hey rob, if you go to DL every week, you may get to meet me and Darryl at the same time! At the bar or in the alley, whatever your pleasure is.
RE: 100. The people at Westboro Baptist Church are Democrats sorry idiot but it’s true. There donations have always been to democrats.
But now that you asked, Rolling Thunder a conservative group of Veterans that always protest the democrat troop haters from Westboro. The same group, “rolling thunder” was present at the “Gathering of Eagles.
You should get your brother to read a newspaper to you now and then.
Of course you don’t see any liberals protesting them. In fact that ACLU fought a lawsuit in their favor and lost.
Liberals don’t protest Westboro for the same reason they don’t protest the soldier burners in Portland. They agree with them.
Nice try idiot.
rob @ 101
“Watch C SPAN covering the peace queers and show me the “Big Branny Liberals”. They are all the same wimp peace queers that marched in the 60’s and 70’s.”
Oh…please. The only fools that speak like that are great big dicks with very small penises. Please…try to find more constructive ways to handle your insecurities.
@91 How can you believe in God if you’re not religious? Seems to me these are mutually exclusive. Do you know what the word “religious” means? (Hint: It’s not the name of a baseball team.)
Dusters and quads, I Corps.
Re: 105. I could meet him tonight in a bar or an alley but he is a coward and won’t do it. Now where did you serve again?
@106 “The people at Westboro Baptist Church are Democrats”
bwahahahahahahaha!!!! They wouldn’t dare show themselves at any Democratic gathering.
Re: 108. Commenting on this site is really like talking to 5 year old children. I can believe in God and not follow a particular religion. Is there really something about that you don’t understand?
rob @ 106
“The people at Westboro Baptist Church are Democrats sorry idiot but it’s true.”
Uh…sorry, punk, but you are incorrect. The people at Westboro are 80%-90% relatives of Pastor Fred Waldron Phelps, Sr., who is a “hell fire and brimstone” conservative fringe baptist pastor.
“Of course you don’t see any liberals protesting them.”
I’m mostly concerned that YOU are not protesting them. I mean, it practically suggests that you are one of them, doesn’t it?
@110 I corps, Quang Tri Province to be exact. I won’t get more specific than that, rob. Until all the wingnut freaks are safely behind bars, I’d rather not have my real name and address known.
Tell me, rob, do you know what a duster is?
Re: 111. I think they fit right in. Afterall it’s the conservatives that block them and the democrats that defend them in court.
@116 They’re rightwing haters, rob — just like you.
of course the ACLU’s former president is a child molestor so it isn’t hard to understand.
I’m waiting for you to tell me what a duster is. No looking up on the internet now. That would be cheating.
Still waiting.
Still waiting …
You don’t know what a duster is, do you rob. You weren’t in I corps, you lying sack of shit.
I havn’t heard the term duster. There is a military term dust off which was a call sign for military medivac choppers. Have no Idea what you are talking about.
Well I have to go, I work the night shift. See ya tomorrow, rob. As always, thanks for playing … loser.
So you tell me what “duster” means? I believe we have found the real liar here but I knew that all along.
roger rabbit, lying as usual.
“Have no Idea what you are talking about.”
Any Marine who served in I corps anytime between ’65 and ’72 knows exactly what a duster is, because we guarded Marine firebases and supply convoys with them. These little toys saved a lot of Marines, and boy are they grateful! They’ve made all of us duster guys Honorary Marines. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M42_Duster
Liberals are such lying sacks of shit.
Thanks for playing, rob, you lying sack of shit. Tommorrow. Same time, same place.
I sincerely apologize for calling Roger Rabbit a liar, and I promise to write “coherent” on the blackboard 100 times.
Holy crap….some of you need to find something better to do all of Friday night!
Am I the only one who imagines a screaming, petulant child whenever they read one of YIP GAY BROs posts?
Somebody needs attention…..
The people in the Westboro Baptist Church do consider themselves Democrats, however. This is from the Wikipedia article on Fred Phelps:
Democratic Party
Phelps has run in various Kansas Democratic Party primaries in Kansas five times, but has never won. These included races for governor in 1990, 1994, and 1998, receiving about 15% of the vote in 1998.[27]
Support for Al Gore
Phelps supported Al Gore in the 1988 and 1992 Democratic Party primary elections.[28] In his 1984 Senate race, Gore opposed a “gay bill of rights” and stated that homosexuality was not something that “society should affirm”.[29] Phelps has stated that he supported Gore because of these earlier comments.[30] According to Phelps, members of the Westboro Baptist Church helped run Gore’s 1988 campaign in Kansas. Phelps’ son, Fred Phelps Jr., hosted a Gore fundraiser, which Al and Tipper Gore attended, at his home in Topeka.[9][30] Fred Phelps, Jr. served as a Gore delegate to the 1988 Democratic National Convention.[30][31]
To be fair, the Kansas Democrats will allow any registered voter, no matter how nutty, seek their primary nomination for any office, so long as they meet the minimum legal requirements to be elected to that office. Getting 15% for Governor is not so unusual, especially in 1998, when the Democrats were really weak and no strong serious candidate ran in their primary.
On the other hand, Al Gore certainly can choose where he wants to go for fundraising dinners. He can’t stop nutcases from endorsing them, but it is his choice whether or not to dignify such nutcases. Likewise, both the Kansas Democrats and Al Gore certainly had the ability to prevent Phelps from representing them as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention.
Michael Caine says:
Because JUSTICE is supposed to be BLIND not partisan, Mick!
Come on Michael , you read some of the reasons defending justice here ? U.S. attorneys are “political appointees,” and so by definition can be replaced for political reasons. If San Diego’s Carol Lam was out of step with the Administration’s priorities on immigration enforcement, or New Mexico’s David Iglesias was judged insufficiently aggressive on voter fraud, then it was entirely appropriate for the President to replace them with officials more in line with his views. What’s the alternative? Presumably, Mr. Bush’s Congressional critics would have him–and his successors, Republican and Democratic–preside over political appointees who are unaccountable to anyone except Congress.
Mick, your ignorance, and fascist leanings are showing.
The US Attorneys are appointed by the President subject to confirmation by the US Senate, who have a Constituionally charge obligation to “Advise and consent” to the Presidential appointments.
The little fascistic glitch allowing the Prez to appoint replacements without Senate oversight is,as we speak, being repealed.
Come to America, sometime soon, Mick.
“…New Mexico’s David Iglesias was judged insufficiently aggressive on voter fraud…”
O.K., drop the sheet of right-wing talking points, take a cold, hard look at reality, and only your head needs to get hurt.
The Justice Department had selected Iglesias to teach the other U.S. Attorneys on the topic of voter fraud. Later, other Republicans wanted Iglesias to investigate alleged voter fraud by Democrats in New Mexico. He refused, citing a lack of evidence. They also wanted him to pursue indictments against Democrats, in the time immediately before an election. Again, he investigated at his own pace, ignoring political considerations. For these two cases of professionalism, he was fired.
“…San Diego’s Carol Lam was out of step with the Administration’s priorities on immigration enforcement…”
She was investigating Rep. Jerry Lewis, then a powerful House Republican leader, after the felony pleas of Rep. Randall “Duke” Cunningham.
And, as everyone in Seattle now knows, Attorney McKay was fired for refusing to conduct an investigation into allged voter fraud in the 2004 governor’s race in Washington state.
These cases show the administration abusing the power of law enforcement to target Democrats, and to absolve Republicans. This is outside the bounds of American values, and the Congress — which has the Constitutional authority to investigate EVERYTHING THE GOVERNMENT DOES — duly investigated. Attorney General Gonzales promptly made statements, under oath, which directly contradict the electronic mail messages his subordinates had written, prior to the firings. Either he gets himself a good lawyer, or he’ll be showering with Scooter Libby at Club Fed.
Gonzales lied not to cover any illegal acts — as wingnuts keep chirping, nothing illegal happened — but because he knew the citizens and Congress would never tolerate political prosecutions. I don’t know why righties have such a tough time understanding American values on this point. Perhaps because they lack all civic values themselves.
a screaming, petulant child
@134 Calling yourself a “Democrat” doesn’t make you one, any more than calling yourself a “Christian” makes you a Christian. Geez, Richard, I thought you were smarter than this.
Lyndon LaRouche ran for president several times as a “Democrat” but that didn’t make him a Democrat, and real Democrats refused to have anything to do with him.
Hey Richard — if Osama bin Laden called himself a “Republican,” would you consider him a Republican?
(I might, because I really don’t see a lot of difference between him and Republicans like Mark Griswold, who posted on Sucky Politics:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
http://blog.usefulwork.com/cgi.....ry_id=7430 )
Roger Rabbit @ 141
True enough about LaRouche. Al Gore, on the other hand, held a fundraiser hosted by the Westboro Baptist Church people, and choose Fred Phelps, Jr. to be a national convention delegate.
Once again, the sick neocons spew their lies: “It’s OK to for Bush to fire USA’, and, BTW Clinton did it, too” Both are lies go read 18 section 1502 of the US code- it basically states that it is a crime for USA’s to be fired if the firing is to hinder or obstruct an investigation.
Once again, your liar in chief Bush betrays America & his oath of office, & tramples on the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the rule of law. You who support this clown are the traitors- you don’t care about the principles this country was founded on at all.
Tree Frog Farmer says
Mick, your ignorance, and fascist leanings are showing.
Well one thing I am not afraid to discuss the issue , and learn where I am wrong and where I am right . And use my real name .
The US Attorneys are appointed by the President subject to confirmation by the US Senate, who have a Constituionally charge obligation to “Advise and consent” to the Presidential appointments.
So say when Republicans were questioning Clinton and his reasons for firing his attorneys , to not support the republicans then according to you is a facist leaning ?
Ok , obviously you are a liberal .. You need not to be consistent . Just insulting .
What would be genuine grounds for outrage is if a U.S. attorney were dismissed to interfere with a specific prosecution, or to protect some crony. This was the root of the republican objection , which I assume you support in 1993, to Janet Reno’s dismissal (at Webster Hubbell’s instigation) of all 93 U.S. attorneys in his Administration’s earliest days. I myself just assumed this was permissable siince the democrats did it . I mean they are beyond hurting people and reputations for politcal gain .
Mick: They also forget the US Attorney investigating Dan Rostenkowski and his corruption.
“Equally extraordinary were the politics at play in the firings. At the time, Jay Stephens, then U.S. Attorney in the District of Columbia, was investigating then Ways and Means Chairman Dan Rostenkowski, and was “within 30 days” of making a decision on an indictment. Mr. Rostenkowski, who was shepherding the Clinton’s economic program through Congress, eventually went to jail on mail fraud charges and was later pardoned by Mr. Clinton.”
What is impressive about this is the latest revelation from emails wanted by Pat Leahy is Kyle Sampson (the aid you all were blubbering over) writes in an email that he had not informed Karl Rove of the firing plans as of November 15th, 2006. It’s all in the public record.
Oh no Karl Rove lips away again?
Froggy: Fascists remove guns from the German people in the 1930s.
Fascists want to remove guns from the American people in the 21st Century.
Fascists – The NEW Democrapic Party
Take sacked U.S. Attorney John McKay from Washington state. In 2004, the Governor’s race was decided in favor of Democrat Christine Gregoire by 129 votes on a third recount. “As the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and other media outlets reported, some of the “voters” were deceased, others were registered in storage-rental facilities, and still others were convicted felons. More than 100 ballots were “discovered” in a Seattle warehouse. None of this constitutes proof that the election was stolen. But it should have been enough to prompt Mr. McKay, a Democrat, to investigate, something he declined to do, apparently on grounds that he had better things to do.”
Of course John McKay would drag his feet. He’s a Moonbat!
“http://www.opinionjournal.com/ editorial/feature.html?id=1100 09784”
Would you please stop citing the Wall St. Journal’s editorial page as a valid source of information? They’re the print edition of Rush Limbaugh’s radio show, nothing more. They have nominal connection to the Journal’s news section, and share none of the news section’s credibility.
“What is impressive about this is the latest revelation from emails wanted by Pat Leahy is Kyle Sampson (the aid you all were blubbering over) writes in an email that he had not informed Karl Rove of the firing plans as of November 15th, 2006. It’s all in the public record.”
In today’s newspapers, we read of an electronic mail message from Mr. Sampson, dated 27 November, which recounts an hourlong meeting Attorney General Gonzales attended, concerning the proposed firing of U.S. Attorneys. Gonzales lied under oath, and I hope he’ll pay dearly for it.
‘Take sacked U.S. Attorney John McKay from Washington state. In 2004, the Governor’s race was decided in favor of Democrat Christine Gregoire by 129 votes on a third recount. “As the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and other media outlets reported, some of the “voters” were deceased, others were registered in storage-rental facilities, and still others were convicted felons. More than 100 ballots were “discovered” in a Seattle warehouse. None of this constitutes proof that the election was stolen. But it should have been enough to prompt Mr. McKay, a Democrat, to investigate, something he declined to do, apparently on grounds that he had better things to do.”’
McKay gave testimony to Congress, describing how he questioned Dale Foreman, lead attorney in the election-challenge lawsuit, about the latter’s claim that voter fraud and election fraud had happened. Foreman had made that claim in Judge Bridges’ courtroom, but had not provided any evidence to support it. In a conference call with McKay, Foreman again supplied no evidence. McKay decided not to convene a grand jury, since no one could provide any evidence of fraud. McKay was fired for refusing to conduct a groundless investigation; Judge Bridges’ ruling, that no evidence of fraud had been presented to his court, entirely validated McKay’s decision.