Since launching my challenge late yesterday afternoon, 33 readers have donated $1945.00 to the Goldmark and Burner campaigns via my ActBlue page. That’s fantastic, but still 39 donations shy of my target of 72 by midnight tonight.
Peter and Darcy need you to prove your grassroots support, and the more contributors they have, the easier it will be for them to pull in the big donors. Just a 5 buck donation can make a huge difference come November. So please give now.
Godly; I gave, but instead of a confirmation I received a “404 error” page. I’m trying to confirm if my credit card was charged or not. I’ll keep trying.
Why do Democrats always “axe” others for money? You either take it through a “civil service” [“guvment” job] or beg for it. Sad……………..
Speaking of “dumb ass”, there’s a guy in here who thinks that killing millions of innocent civilians will stop terrorism.
Commentby Daddy Love […Er, It worked really well in Japan and Germany!!!! I say “Let’s give it a try!!!”]
Because we don’t have companies like Enron, or organizations like PHARMA to hit up….
Just remember how well all that PHARMA money helped passing the prescription drug benefit legislation. Your kids pay, and the drug companies rake in the tax dollars charging the highest prices anywhere in the world. Your “free market” hoax crap. Just read the prescription drug benefit legislation 100% Republican sponsored. If you don’t puke, you are not an American, you are a criminal.
All you pathetic attacks on the “crimes” of “liberals” you guys wage, when the real criminals are ALL REPUBLICANS!!!!
Earmarks going up how many hundred percent under Republicans?
Pork till ya want to puke, with no accountability, audits, or investigations.
No oversight whatsoever over anything. Especially the Katrina money. 40% going to “profits” and only 12% actually getting to Louisiana…..
Like slime under Republican control.
We need a change!!!!! Support Democrats or watch America be destroyed for the benefit of the top 1%.
That is right. We have to go kill 150,000 Iraqis because their leader may someday build nukes…..
Neo-Con logic. If someone innocent isn’t dying, they aren’t happy.
Ir we aren’t torturing someone, something is wrong.
The Constitution is toilet paper to “today’s” Republicans.
You freaks need therapy……
Facts Support My Positions: Neville Chamberlain???
Reminder: If the American Revolution were held today, Republicans would be the Tories.
Would You Want This Quack Operating On You?
“Frist’s office acknowledges false claim on MD renewal
“By Nancy Zuckerbrod
“The Associated Press
“WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist did not meet all the requirements needed to keep his medical license active, though he gave paperwork to Tennessee officials indicating he had, his office acknowledged Tuesday.
“Tennessee requires licensed physicians to complete 40 hours of continuing medical education every two years. Frist, a heart-lung surgeon …, submitted a license renewal with the Tennessee Health Department stating he has fulfilled that requirement.
“A Frist spokesman said Tuesday the Republican is working to clear up the problem and had contacted the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners.”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
I had so much fun with it yesterday, let’s post it again until McGavick responds:
I’ve got a simple test for Mike McGavick.
Have him call Rep. Bill Frist (House Republican Majority Leader), and tell him that it is vitally important to the Washington taxpayers, and to Mike McGavick personally, that the House adopts the Senate bill previously authored by Cantwell which will make the state sales tax deduction permanant. If he is such an effective problem-solver, surely he could convince HIS OWN PARTY to do this, in that it would benefit Frist’s home state of Tennessee, also.
After all, he convinced Safeco directors to pay him 28 million for only two months of part-time work! This should be a walk in the park for McGavick, who must be an incredible negotiator.
Of course, if McGavick doesn’t at least make the call and support the bill, then it proves that he really doesn’t care about the Washington taxpayer, and just wants to try to create a misleading campaign issue.
Let’s see which McGavick shows up – Mike! the partison hack, or the “moderate conservative” who cares for Washington taxpayers.
Hey Richard Pope — what would the Washington Bar Association do to you and me if we submitted a FALSE affidavit to the WSBA that LIED about completing our continuing legal education requirements when we hadn’t?
The Call from McGavick to Frist:
Crashing through boundaries of space and time, here is how I foresee the conversation between McGavick and House Majority Leader Bill Frist (if McGavick bothers or dares to make the call):
Frist: “Hello?”
Mike: “Uh, Sen. Frist, Sir, this is Mike McGavick.”
Frist: “Mike? Mike who?”
Mike: “Mike McGavick. You know. Mike! The Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate from Washington Sate.”
Frist: “We have a Senate candidate in Washington State?”
Mike: “Uh, Yes Sir, we do. It’s me.”
Frist: “Isn’t that Cantwell’s seat?”
Mike: “Correct, Sir.”
Frist: “Oh, sorry, buddy. I didn’t realize we had found a sacrificial lamb, err, stooge, err, candidate to run for that seat.”
Mike: “Well, yes Sir, we did, and its me.
Frist: “Oh, I remember now. You’re the guy that got all the Safeco money. It took Rove and a team of lawyers a month to figure out how to turn that campaign contribution into a ‘bonus’. “
Mike: “Yes, Sir, that’s me. And I intend to earn the money when I get to the Senate, Sir.”
Frist: “Well, Mike, that’s what was intended. Make sure Safeco gets it’s money worth. Got to keep the big contributers happy, don’t we? Now, what can I do for you? Make it quick. We’re going out to dinner, and I intend to stiff the waitress on the tip….”
Mike: “Well, Sen. Frist, that’s kind of what I was going to call you about. “
Frist: “Oh?”
Mike: “Well, you see, I was making the whole minimum wage/sales tax deduction/estate tax repeal a campaign issue against Cantwell. You know, telling voters that she voted against the sales tax deduction bill, and it will cost them money.”
Frist: “Well, that’s why we did it! It’s a win-win proposition for us. We knew that there was no way in hell the minimum wage bill would pass with the estate tax repeal added to it, so it gave us a free pass to toss in a few more “hand grenades” while we are at it. This one was aimed right at Cantwell. We already had the ads scripted before the bill even made it out of the house”.
Mike: “Yes Sir, and I appreciate it. But see, now I’m in a bit of a bind.
Frist: “How can you be in a bind? We gave it to you on a silver platter! What could be easier?!”
Mike: “Well, see, when I was working for Slade Gorton, I was his campaign manager, and I made this misleading negative ad about his opponent….”
Frist: “So? That’s what you were expected to do!”
Mike: “Well, I kind of apologized for it….”
Mike: “Well, they told me that I needed to be “more human”, and that if I apologized for some minor things, it would make it more difficult for my opponent to criticize me for it….”
Frist: “Well, I hope you didn’t do something stupid and apologize for anything else, like getting arrested for drunk driving in another state where nobody knows about it…”
Mike: “Well, Sir, I know you are busy, so instead of getting off on that tangent, I’d better get right to the point.
Frist: “Please do (getting impatient).”
Mike: “Well, it seems that since I apologized for one misleading ad, I’m getting a lot of heat from the papers about running the current misleading ad. What with Cantwell being the main sponsor of the legislation to continue the State Sales Tax Deduction and all, it IS kind of misleading to argue that she voted against it in the bill we loaded up with poison pills….”
Frist: “Well, screw the papers! Most of our voters don’t read anyway. Just keep hammering away with those ads!”
Mike: “Well, its been pointed out pretty clearly that if I really wanted the state sales tax deduction, all I had to do was ask you to have the Republicans in the House vote for Cantwell’s bill, which has already passed in the Senate.”
Frist: “So? I’m not sure I like the way this conversation is heading….”
Mike: “So, if I ask you to have the House Republicans approve the Senate bill, and they do it, then I can take credit for saving the Sales Tax Deduction!”
Frist: “You IDIOT! We don’t give a rat’s ass about the sales tax deduction! It doesn’t really affect our base anyway, it’s pocket change to them. The income tax is the only thing that concerns them! If we extend the sales tax deduction, then it might make it harder to get more income tax cuts for our rich contributors! Hell, even my own state is going to be hurt by the expiration of the state sales tax deduction, but you don’t see me trying to save it, do you????”
Mike: “But, I don’t think I can win if we don’t do it….”
Frist: “Look, Mike, I thought you were smarter than that. There is no way in hell you are going to win anyway. I’m surprised you even took the job. But just keep hammering away with those ads. Like I said, most of our supporters can’t read newspapers anyway, so it is bound to have some effect. Even though it won’t get you elected, it might bring in more contributors from Washington state we can add to our database for national fund-raising.
Just like that election challenge to your governor’s race. We knew it was all bogus, but we got our folks so riled up by blaming the Democrats for vote-stealing, the money is just pouring in! It was well worth the money we spent on it. Hell, now when somebody catches us stealing elections anywhere in the country, we just start blathering about King County, and even the newspapers get tired of it and move on.
Well, Mike, I’ve gotta go! Good Luck!”
(Posted by RHP6033 at Northwest Forum for Politics and Policy
Oops, I had it right the first time, Frist is a Senator, not a Representative. Dang. Got to get more sleep. I knew it was right the first time, I don’t know how I convinced myself I had it wrong.
In my defense, I’ve Been trying to get some loaned aerospace items through Japanese customs today, its enough to make your head spin:
Customs: “Please provide the contents and percentage of each ingrediant of coolant”.
Me: “It’s nitrogen cooled, the pressure data is provided with the test sheets, including test pressures & volume, and actual ingrediant volume, measured in pounds per square inch. There are no other ingrediants in the cylander, other than nitrogen”.
Customs: “Yes, but what percentage is the nitrogen”?
Me: “Percentage of What? The ingrediants are 100% nitrogen in they cylander”
Question: “Exactly. Please respond as soon as possible”.
Here’s the latest news from the Republican Orgy of Corruption.
“WASHINGTON – … According to a … report by the State Department’s inspector general…, Kenneth Tomlinson misused government funds for two years …. The investigation … found that Tomlinson … signed invoices worth about $245,000 for a friend without the knowledge of other board members or staff.
This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
“Tomlinson also used the board’s resources to support his private horse racing operation and overbilled … for his time, in some instances billing both the Broadcasting Board of Governors and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for the same time worked.”
In other news today, the Census Bureau confirms that America’s middle class is getting screwed by Bush’s cheap-labor policies:
“Bad news overshadows good for middle class
“By Joel Havemann and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
“Los Angeles Times
“WASHINGTON — The Census Bureau’s annual snapshot of economic health in the United States offered a warning light for the middle class, as an unchanged poverty level and a widening erosion of health-insurance coverage tarnished news that household income was beginning to rise.
“Household income rose between 2004 and 2005 for the first time since 1999, the Census Bureau said in its report, released Tuesday. But … (e)arnings of full-time workers fell during that period, and incomes rose partly because there were more households in which a second adult joined the work force.
“Democrats portrayed the report as evidence that the circumstances of many families had deteriorated under President Bush. ‘Our economy is moving in the wrong direction,’ said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. …
“Adjusted for inflation, the median income of U.S. households increased by 1.1 percent last year to $46,326, its highest since 2001. … The poverty rate last year was 12.6 percent, a statistically insignificant decline from the previous year’s 12.7 percent. Poverty had been climbing since 2000. Nearly 37 million people lived below the government’s poverty line in 2005 … which … was $19,806 last year for a family of four with two children younger than 18.
“The number of people without health insurance rose by about 1.3 million in 2005, to 46.6 million. That amounted to 15.9 percent of the population, up from 15.6 percent in 2004 and the highest since 1998. The number of insured people rose by 1.4 million. the census numbers showed that employer coverage and other types of private insurance continued to shrink in 2005 and that government programs failed to expand. … The number of uninsured children increased by more than 350,000 in 2005, to a total of about 8.3 million. … Nearly 80 percent of the uninsured are … citizens, despite the perception that many are illegal immigrants.”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
State Democratic Party Endorses Sen. Tim Sheldon’s Primary Opponent
“By David Postman
“Seattle Times chief political reporter
“The state Democratic Party officially picked sides in an intra-party fight Tuesday when it endorsed Kyle Taylor Lucas over incumbent state Sen. Tim Sheldon in the 35th District. The party has never much liked Sheldon, a conservative Democrat from Mason County. …
“Democratic Chairman Dwight Pelz and party leaders from the four counties in the district appeared at Thurston County Democratic headquarters to endorse Lucas, former head of the Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs.
“‘Tim Sheldon is the Joe Lieberman of Washington state politics,’ Pelz said in a statement. ‘He would kiss George Bush if he could,’ said Pelz, citing Sheldon’s role as the leader of ‘Democrats for Bush’ in the 2004 election. Sheldon has often voted with Republicans in the Legislature. He had a 100 percent rating in 2005 with the Building Industry Association of Washington, a vocal supporter of the GOP.”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
I think we need to set up to “challenge” voters in the republican-controlled areas like the righties did to Dems last time around. We should adopt the same tactics that Steffy did and file the challenges right before the election so people in the republican counties don’t have time to respond. I also believe we should get groups together to go through the voter registrations in the eastern counties to look for dupes, dead people, etc. Since the right wing counties never had to undergo that kind of scrutiny I am betting we could find lots of fraud over there and perhaps enough to help Peter win.
Ken Tomlinson….isn’t he the dude who spent most of his own department’s budget on a lavish remodel of his own office?
On a slightly unrelated note, I took my usual lunchtime walk yesterday (I work on the eastside near Bridle Trails) and saw quite a few Pope for Judge signs.
I understand Frist was supposed to have been a top-of-the-line chest cutter. Too bad he didn’t stay with what he was good at.
I understand Frist was supposed to have been a top-of-the-line chest cutter.
Well, I suppose the kittens did not die in vain.
In other news today, the Census Bureau confirms that America’s middle class is getting screwed by Bush’s cheap-labor policies:
“Bad news overshadows good for middle class
“By Joel Havemann and Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar
“Los Angeles Times
“WASHINGTON — The Census Bureau’s annual snapshot of economic health in the United States offered a warning light for the middle class, as an unchanged poverty level and a widening erosion of health-insurance coverage tarnished news that household income was beginning to rise.
“Household income rose between 2004 and 2005 for the first time since 1999, the Census Bureau said in its report, released Tuesday. But … (e)arnings of full-time workers fell during that period, and incomes rose partly because there were more households in which a second adult joined the work force.
“Democrats portrayed the report as evidence that the circumstances of many families had deteriorated under President Bush. ‘Our economy is moving in the wrong direction,’ said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. …
“Adjusted for inflation, the median income of U.S. households increased by 1.1 percent last year to $46,326, its highest since 2001. … The poverty rate last year was 12.6 percent, a statistically insignificant decline from the previous year’s 12.7 percent. Poverty had been climbing since 2000. Nearly 37 million people lived below the government’s poverty line in 2005 … which … was $19,806 last year for a family of four with two children younger than 18.
“The number of people without health insurance rose by about 1.3 million in 2005, to 46.6 million. That amounted to 15.9 percent of the population, up from 15.6 percent in 2004 and the highest since 1998. The number of insured people rose by 1.4 million. the census numbers showed that employer coverage and other types of private insurance continued to shrink in 2005 and that government programs failed to expand. … The number of uninsured children increased by more than 350,000 in 2005, to a total of about 8.3 million. … Nearly 80 percent of the uninsured are … citizens, despite the perception that many are illegal immigrants.”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/30/06@ 4:22 pm
20 million illegal aliens in the country have nothing to do with it, of course; they probably make wages go up. Just ask Cantwell (D-Mexico, voted against building a fence on the Mexican border).
Pelletizer copied:”“The number of people without health insurance rose by about 1.3 million in 2005, to 46.6 million.”
Pelletizer never mentioned GWB inherited 39.2 Million w/o health insurance from Bill Clinton. I wonder why?