As someone who grew up in Kansas (and we got the heck out of there as soon as we had the means to do so,) I would just like to say I’m sorry that some Kansans are so messed up and they’re really not all like this.
The protesters targeted Mount Zion Baptist Church in Seattle during the worship service, shouting and waving placards saying “You’re Going to Hell” and “God Hates Fags.”
Jonathan Phelps, one of the protest ringleaders, said Mount Zion and other churches are spreading lies.
“They’ve preached that lie from hell that God loves everybody – that you can live like the devil and have any hope of heaven at all,” Phelps said.
The Phelps clan is a real piece of work, that’s for sure. I realize it’s easy to dismiss “flyover country” but there are lots of good folks back in the Midwest who have to battle the crazy folk while still managing to deal with business. The fellow who taught us high school biology, for example, wound up as a leading force fighting the Discovery Institute’s attempts to impose their ideology on Kansas high school students.
Once up on a time Kansas was almost progressive, but it’s kind of gone to hell now politically, despite the gains by Democrats under Kathleen Sebelius.
It’s too bad because when Kansans aren’t buying into Discovery Institute creationism, they tend to have an admirable emphasis on education and child welfare. Think “Minnesota nice” with a southern Plains flair, all but obscured now on the national scene by hate and craziness.
Almost makes one appreciate Ken Hutcherson.
Well, almost…
Who funnels these idiots their cash? I’d really like to know.
Doesn’t look like you can get a list of donors off of
Hey I wonder if our little hater “watchman on the wall” is part of this:
Spoken like someone ashamed about where they grew up.
#5; Have you ever spent time in Kansas? I have. I lived in Manhattan. I got the hell out of their as soon as I could as well.
#6 Marvin has never spent time on planet Earth, let alone Kansas. Planet Wingnuttia is in a galaxy far, far away – in the Momsbasement Nebula, which is part of the Cheetostain Constellation.
@3 No but i have encountered these lunatics at two military funerals, they remind me alot of you, people that spew hate for no reason about someone they dont even know.
re 8: Which side of the wall are you watching? Are you trying to keep something in, or out?
Or, are you just a passive observer? Do you know alot about gay people?
@9 where are you pooping, is it in or out? Since your are so anal, i would say its hung up in your brain, your prolly one of those brains from the island of shitfer brains in la la land,
as far as gays are concerned i have no concern, they are human and can do what they want to, and will do what they want to….so whats to know,
For some bizarre reason, they are going to Garfield High school tomorrow morning before school. The kids plan a peaceful unity counterdemonstration. I’d go but I don’t think I’d be peaceful.
You’re right wing and you share the same name. I was just asking. Glad to hear you’re not one of them.
As far as me spewing hate, I don’t think so.
Funny how you’re talking about the Phelps clan and not mentioning that they’re going to be here in about six hours, protesting the Holocaust Museum and other atrocities…
I grew up in Kansas, too, not far from Manhattan, and have to say that it was a great place to grow up. People are kind, compassionate, honest, no BS sorts. I left because I married someone from another state. And except for the heat and humidity in the summer, I’d go back.
That being said, Phelps is a nut case…but there are nut cases everywhere.
Kansans are ashamed of him.
I understand that the Westboro Baptist Church is pretty much a cult consisting of the patriarch and his extended family. It’s a pretty small group and it isn’t growing, so there’s no need to have it taint the reputation of others from Kansas.
But as some other commenters mentioned, I have to wonder how they get the money for all this cross-country travel? Most Americans have to work all year for a two-week vacation which involves less travel than these guys do in single month. If they are financing it from outside jobs, how do they take off so much time? If they don’t have jobs, where is the money coming from?
(That’s one of the things which gets me about lots of Hollywood movies, where somebody who comes from a quiet life suddenly finds themselves being chased cross-country by assassins, government operatives, etc. Most average Americans would run out of money for gas after driving through one state – yet Hollywood movies have these guys hopping from state-to-state, often after their bank accounts have been frozen, without ever having to pay for a plane ticket or gas for the car?????
Oh, by the way, I spent a couple of weeks in Hutchinson, Kansas many years ago. The people were really nice, but the heat was unbearable. And we were in a car without air conditioning!
Orcinus has been covering WotW for a few years now. And given that Rev. Hutch was given a role by the Bushies as a ‘special emissary” to the Baltic states (WotW’s homeland) a few years back, no wonder Nekulturny and his ilk have been causing trouble for the GLBT communities of the West.