A little birdy has told me that contrary to prior reports, biotech entrepreneur Paul Abrams will not run for the Democratic nomination to challenge Rep. Dave Reichert in the 8th Congressional District. This leaves Darcy Burner as the only Democrat officially in the race, with a possible run still being mulled over by Montrail, Inc. founder and CEO Menno van Wyk.
Abrams certainly has a large enough personal fortune to finance his own campaign, but I think his dropping out is yet another indication of party support solidifying around Burner, who has proven to be a tireless campaigner and fundraiser. A year ago, few people would have given Burner a snowball’s chance, but now, the people in the know really believe that she can win in November.
I just received an email from Menno van Wyk saying that he has informed Burner that he is not a candidate, and that he would do whatever he could to help her beat Reichert. So either my bird got Abrams and Wyk confused, or Burner is now running for the nomination unopposed.
Well, another little bird tells me that my first little bird had it straight. Apparently, both Abrams and Wyk have dropped out, leaving Burner unopposed. It looks like we have a nominee.
In other words…
Reichert is staying right where he should be.
Big news: Gregoire’s approval ratings outpoll disapprove for the first time. The republican “false election” smear tactics shelf-life is over. See http://www.surveyusa.com/clien.....4e08492815
I think Gregoire will coast to an easy re-election in 2008 regardless of who the GOP candidate is. The Republicans in this state (and nationally) have no one capable of running a government.
@ 1
On the short bus to Retard Land? Honestly, he’s retarded, you should really read newspapers more often.
ok, maybe its because I used to care for MRDD people… but belltowner’s post at 4 made me do an ’embarassing laugh at work’
So thanks!
I live in Reichert’s district. I’ll give money to Bumer and maybe work for her campaign.
Belltowner @ 4….
Care to make a wager that Rechert stays right where he is?
I asked Adam Smith last night if the DCCC had recognized yet that Darcy Burner was the likely candidate and if so, were they ready to put their fuill resources behind her? The answer was yes on both counts.
Reichert might win, but this is going to be one hell of a fight.
You people welch on bets. No way.
I actually heard that van Wyk wasn’t going to run. This bit about Abrams is news to me, but good news!
stay off the drugs, YO
From: Introduction to Chromosome Diseases
“Care to make a wager that Rechert stays right where he is?”
No more wagers with trollfucks until all outstanding gambling debts are paid.
OK Roger you get to bet,
I’ll bet you that Reichert wins!
If I lose I will be limited to one or less comment per thread per day for a month on Horsesass.org.
If you lose you will be limited to one or less comment per thread per day for a month on Horsesass.org.
I know it would kill your writing style but I thought I would offer it!
He is unbeatable by the likes of your party!
OK Roger you get to bet,
I’ll bet you that Reichert wins!
If I lose I will be limited to one or less comment per thread per day for a month on Horsesass.org.
If you lose you will be limited to one or less comment per thread per day for a month on Horsesass.org.
I know it would kill your writing style but I thought I would offer it!
He is unbeatable by the likes of your party!
OK Roger you get to bet,
I’ll bet you that Reichert wins!
If I lose I will be limited to one or less comment per thread per day for a month on Horsesass.org.
If you lose you will be limited to one or less comment per thread per day for a month on Horsesass.org.
I know it would kill your writing style but I thought I would offer it!
He is unbeatable by the likes of your party!
YO, no more second beers for you on weeknights.
DJ does have a sense of humor!
Reichert, the grey silent puppet of Tom DeLay, has no future in politics as of tonight. The Republicans will no longer have a marionette who votes with their anti-American agenda 97% of the time.
However, they will still have random shells wandering the corridors of the internet displaying the true spirit and character of the Republican Party.
Look below and see if I’m right…
17 thru 19
I’m not interested in your bet, but I’ll make you an offer. I’ll limit myself to one comment per thread per day for a month if you pay me $5 for each comment I don’t post, payable in advance. That’s, uh, $5 x 50 posts x 2 threads (average per day) x 31 days = $15,500. Interested?
I’ll tell ya what, no deal! I only pay for worthwhile posts. Now where is Mr Cynical when I need him!
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 1/24/06 @ 11:09 pm
“I’ll limit myself to one comment per thread per day for a month if you pay me $5 for each comment I don’t post, payable in advance. That’s, uh, $5 x 50 posts x 2 threads (average per day) x 31 days = $15,500. Interested?”
Getting paid for not working, the
socialistprogressive mentality in a nutshell.Getting back to my intitial comment to belltowner…..
Put your money where your mouth is or shut up.
There is no way that Darcy, I’ve already forgotten her name, will unseat Reichert.
If I’m wrong, I’ll pay your rent one month, if you are wrong you pay my mortgage for a month?
Darcy Burner just isn’t going to win. Voters prefer moderates over extremists of either stripe. Dave Reichert is a moderate and he will get re-elected. He beat a moderate Democrat (Dave Ross) by a small margin in 2004 for an open seat, and he will beat out an extremist Democrat for re-election by a rather large margin. Darcy Burner will prove to be as strong a candidate against Dave Reichert as David Irons Jr. was against Ron Sims.
Richard Pope
You may be correct, as Reichert seems intent on riding his franking privilege for unlimited campaign mailings for all it’s worth.
Daddy Love @ 28
Well, Reichert most recent piece at public expense was very well done. I thought it was a real campaign mailing, but it was something done at taxpayer expense.
By the way, who do you think the Dems will choose as their party Chair? Dwight Pelz, who is so far to the left that he can’t even get elected in Seattle? Or Laura Ruderman, a moderate centrist who was elected three times to the legislature in a Republican-leaning district, and gave Sam Reed a hell of a close race for Secretary of State in spite of overwhelming odds?
If the Democrats are stupid enough to choose Dwight (I love Fidel!) Pelz, it will set them back with moderate voters. If they choose Laura Ruderman, she will probably be able to recruit a moderate candidate that could give Dave Reichert somewhat of a run for his money.
I hate to say it, but Reichert’s work as Sheriff and on the Green River case has put his positive image over and over and over on TV. Even if from most of your perspective’s he can be challenged, I suspect, that image will carry him no matter who challenges him. Especially if they are one of the Attack Dogs I have been watching in your party. Won’t work on this guy, he is Teflon Don to Seattle, you’re barking and sending money to the moon!
Even Roger won’t bet against him!