Our favorite conservative blogger, Jesus’ General, took a little break this weekend and turned over the keys to some of us Frenchmen. Darryl and I have both sent out some letters.
by Lee — ,
Our favorite conservative blogger, Jesus’ General, took a little break this weekend and turned over the keys to some of us Frenchmen. Darryl and I have both sent out some letters.
Bumper stickers for the ’08 Democratic ticket are now available. http://www.bradblog.com/?p=4686
A bill passed by Congress becomes law unless the president vetoes it within 10 days. On June 4, Congress (by huge veto-proof majorities) rescinded Bush’s authority to appoint Interim U.S. Attorneys without Senate confirmation. Bush waited the full 10 days — until June 14 — before signing it.
Now enter one George Cardona, an Acting U.S. Attorney in California. Cardona replaced Debra Yang, who resigned in Nov. 2006 shortly after opening an investigation of Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA). (Yang has denied being forced out; she joined the private law firm representing Rep. Lewis.) You can be an Acting USA without Senate confirmation for 210 days, and Cardona’s time was up on June 16.
On June 13, Alberto Gonzales’ office informed Sen. Patrick Leahy that Gonzo had appointed Cardona Interim U.S. Attorney — making obvious why Bush sat on the bill.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If a Democratic attorney general pulled this kind of shit, you can bet Republicans would be screeching for impeachment!
I wonder if any of the Democratic candidates for President will be willing to employ “code language” such as the following:
I seek to continue to upgrade the caliber of employees of Homeland Security. We must ensure the highest possible professional standards.
I will seek to ensure the highest professional conduct from US Attorney Generals.
‘Course, what I really mean, is “I am going to hunt down and fire everyone of those worthless convicticon ‘Bushit Croney’ nitwits.”
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