Darryl wrote about it when Kshama Sawant took the lead in the ballots. Now that lead is looking pretty insurmountable, it will be interesting to see how she governs. As 1/9th of one branch of one city’s government, this is hardly a socialist takeover.
Hopefully, she can be an effective voice for something other than market based solutions. Hopefully, she can figure out ways to work with the majority of the council to get things done and won’t be isolated. Most of those colleagues spent the last 4 years trying to isolate Mike McGinn for being too out there, so um, that doesn’t bode well. Still, she’s charming and some of her policies overlap the rest of the council, so maybe she can accomplish some things.
It’s so rare that someone in government is to my left, it’ll be interesting to see what it actually looks like.
I doubt Seattle voters suddenly swerved to the red. Probably a case of Richard Conlin getting old and stale, and overstaying his welcome.
“A year ago, Sawant was running against the Legislature’s most powerful Democrat, House Speaker Frank Chopp, charging that the ‘Democratic Party-majority government’ had slashed billions from education programs while bestowing tax exemptions on ‘rich corporations.'”
Well, yeah, they do that don’t they? No money for bridges or schools, but they can find billions to pay ransom to corporate pirates. I wonder if Jim McNerney has Somali consultants on his staff?
Seattle…city of perpetual idiocy.
Heard that afternoon radio moron bloviating about her combined net worth…blah blah blah…husband works for capitalist microsoft..yadda yadda yadda…won’t come on my show.
Gee, if you read the Stranger you’d know that the report on Sawant’s husband’s salary was completely and thoroughly debunked. Why come on a show with an ignorant host who can’t be bothered to scratch the surface of fact?
@5 Conservative = broken record player repeating itself over and over
@5 Conservative = broken record player repeating itself over and over
Conservative = broken record player repeating itself over and over
(I see what you did there)
Sez a lot right there!
@ 9
Yeah, look how often you kick your womans ass and she still hangs around, sucking off your income.
Well done, Froggy.
@9 If a person is not fit because they are separated from their spouse, what does that make rush who is on wife number 5?
Typical republican, “I want those rules to apply to you, but not to me.”
Mrs Puddy is treated like a queen! Been together almost 35 years Fraggy! And she has her own income.
How much you wanna bet Fraggy is a single 49 year old guy?
Sux to be you!
And zitz.. as always so wrong for so long!
Fascist Pigsty…
When did Rush declare for an office?
IT really sux to be the HA DUMMOCRETIN pigsty!
Newt, Reagan, Sessions, Schwarzennegger, Sanford just off the top of my head.
Says a lot about St. Ron that he tossed a wife aside. I have no proof that he was a wife beating satanist, but some people say he was.
15. Thanks for the fill in.
Typical republican response to split hairs and argue that it’s not exactly equivalent so it’s not valid when shown how wrong his argument is.
@9 Sez a lot right there!
Go ahead, tell us, What does it mean?
@ 17
To Conservatives, a man divorcing his wife is looking to replace her with someone that meeds his needs as a man, whereas a woman seeking a divorce is just a whore looking for another dick to support her shopping habits.
Not true.. Jane Wyman DUMPED the gipper.. All the idiot wanted to talk about was politics. He was obsessed with it. She didn’t want to be married to that.
@ 19
There were rumors of her stepping out with Frank Sinatra from what I can recall reading about that period. Of course, that could have been after they split up. Jane Wyman was quite the hot stuff when she was a young actress.
Those old-school Hollywood folks were just as hedonistic as anyone from the late 1960s.
@15 Let’s not forget that paragon of Republican virtue, John McCain, who — in addition to wrecking five, count ’em (5), of the taxpayers’ airplanes — ditched a wife after she was disfigured in a car accident to marry a billionaire’s daughter. (Just think, if it weren’t for Obama, we’d have a gigolo for our president, although I guess that’s not so bad when his predecessor is a coke sniffer.)
Greeting my most excellent Neo-Socialist comrades! Having a socialist in the government will be wonderful for showing just how bad an idea socialism really is. It will be fun to watch the soap opera while residing safely here in Pierce County!
Hopefully, she can be an effective voice for something other than market based solutions.
I agree — after decades of worshipping the Free Market, in blithe refusal to admit we have the government do things specifically because the market won’t, having someone actively questioning that ideology is a welcome change.
Most of those colleagues spent the last 4 years trying to isolate Mike McGinn for being too out there, so um, that doesn’t bode well.
Considering how well the voters isolated him for his opposition to the tunnel, perhaps the Council had the correct idea. :-)
When the “mainstream” party candidates swear fealty to their corporate overlords, feudal-style, and offer their offerings of the serfs’ money up for the corporate lords, is it any WONDER that people decided to vote for socialism? Socialism is a hell of a lot better than feudalism!