As someone who gives the slightest fuck about politics, I get plenty of email from various politicos. I get policy stuff from Patty Murray in the email associated with this blog, I assume since I write open letters to her here. I get political stuff at my personal email since I was a volunteer on her last campaign. I get emails from all sorts of campaigns for policies and politics. Usually lefty but sometimes others.
I just recently got on the national GOP list. And unlike the policy that lefty groups send, they seem to just be trolling. For instance, I got a link from them over the weekend to some shitty bumper stickers. They were anti-ACA bumper stickers with the odd phrasing OBAMA DOESN’T “CARE” OBAMA “COSTS.” Never mind that the law isn’t called Obamacare; That’s just their nickname for it. If they’re unhappy about the name they gave to a thing, why not stop calling it that instead of being angry?
No, whatever. You want to sell dumbass bumper stickers that don’t make a lick of sense, sure GOP. Who am I to stop you? But the subject of the headline was “Tick off the Democrats.” So I realize there are a lot of digressions for this short post, but here’s another one: just say “piss.” When you use the minced oath you just make it sound like you’re a 12 year old trying to get away with swearing in front of your parents. Well, your parents knew what you meant, and so do people reading your emails.
Second, and finally to the point, I’m not ticked off about a bumper sticker. I’m ticked off that the GOP policy is shit. Democrats and liberal groups email me policy, even when they’re going after the GOP. The GOP seem to think the most important thing is pissing people they don’t like off.
Once again Carl’s Libtard mind fails him again! From the WaPo
Apparently the whitey house occupants loved it before they hated it. Cue up Nancy Pelosi last week. That video was hilarious! Meanwhile… Also in the WaPo
Because Nancy Pelosi and friends forgot…
Sux to be Carl!
Like the fellow above, Republicans and the people who tend to think like them live to troll. My mom was one of them, I know it well. After she died, all the junk mail from wingers came rolling into my box. It’s all trolling. No substance, no solutions. Just outrage. Manufactured outrage.
@2 Even Time magazine has noticed that conservatives have made trolling a business and the GOP no longer has policies.
Does anyone besides me suspect Puddy is paid by the word?
…a good thought, but if they ever actually read what he writes they’d demand their money back.
@4. Alas no. To me, he reads like an attention starved fanatic with a massive inferiority complex. To admit he was wrong, that he has sided with the wrong side, would shatter him.
In spite of all his hate rhetoric, perhaps the troll has some issues he doesn’t want to talk about.
@7 Good god. That matches some of our trolls far too well.
Without the resentniks, the Republican party would have no base.