Holy crap, the front page of @stltoday looks like a scene from Robocop http://t.co/aCLIUqaiEy HT: @buzzfeedandrew pic.twitter.com/1oaYCaQGwa
— Boing Boing (@BoingBoing) August 19, 2014
Arrest Officer Darren Wilson. Book him, fingerprint him, and charge him with murder or something. Invite the media so that they can broadcast the image of Officer Wilson being marched, handcuffed, into police headquarters. Then call a press conference and urge the public to go home and allow justice to take its course.
To be clear, this wouldn’t be a “rush to judgment” as some have warned. There is ample suspicion. And once charged (and most likely released on his own recognizance), prosecutors would have plenty of time to build their case—or perhaps even drop the charges if that’s what the evidence ultimately bears out. An arrest is not a conviction. And it’s not an overreaction. After all, if you’re willing to arrest journalists for walking too slowly, it certainly shouldn’t be hard to justify arresting a man for shooting an unarmed kid in the face.
And if Officer Wilson truly cares about the city he serves and the citizens he’s sworn to protect, he should be willing to make this sacrifice—to suffer the humiliation and inconvenience—for the sake of keeping the peace. If he’s innocent—if, once the facts are known, this turns out to be a clean shooting—then Officer Wilson should have nothing to fear from the local justice system. (I mean, it’s not like he’s black or anything.)
So arrest Officer Wilson, charge him with the murder (manslaughter, negligent homicide, whatever) of Michael Brown, and end the unrest. It’s simple. Certainly simpler than the current apparent strategy of arresting the entire city of Ferguson.
Oooh bold-type, you must really care about his issue…Gotta admit its kinda fun watching you libs ride your outrage bandwagon.
@ 1
Says the guy who claims that collective punishment for whole populations of people for the actions of a few radical outliers is a perfectly acceptable way for Governments to do business.
re 1– Yes, we’re riding the outrage train. Give me a break, hodad. But, I guess being outraged about, well, an outrage doesn’t make nearly as much sense as being outraged about affordable health care.
Now, there’s a tyranny, eh?
I hope this is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, Goldy. If not, although it’s rare we disagree, I can’t go along with this as either a lawyer or a citizen. How would you like to be arrested, handcuffed, and booked to satisfy a public relations need? Visualize, for example, a young girl in your neighborhood kidnapped, molested, and killed; followed by rioting in the streets over ineffective policing; so the cops come for YOU because they need to arrest SOMEONE to quell the chaos. Never mind probable cause; the prosecutor can always drop the knee-jerk charges against you later.
I’m not defending Darren Wilson or what happened in Ferguson. What I’m saying is there’s a process, called “due process,” and I’m defending THAT. Not just for Wilson’s sake, but for your sake and my sake and all of our sakes, as well. Because the rule of law doesn’t apply to us any more or less than to him.
Two diametrically different stories of Michael Brown’s death are emerging amidst the noise from angry crowds and shattering windows. On one hand, his relatives and friends including the companion he was with when he was shot, claim he was trying to run away and was gunned down with his hands up. On the other hand, police claim Wilson was rushed and assaulted by Brown. According to news reports, a woman purporting to be Wilson’s girlfriend called in to a radio station and “verified” that Brown was grappling with Wilson in the patrol car (or at its periphery) when Wilson shot him. (But unless she was there, this is hearsay, and she’s only repeating whatever Wilson may have told her.)
We don’t need to adjudicate these conflicting claims at this point. Forensic evidence, including reports from no less than three independent autopsies, eventually will tell us the range from which Brown was shot, and that one fact will loom large in whether Wilson was justified or not in shooting Brown six times in the arm, shoulder, and head. If forensic evidence establishes all those shots were fired point-blank, then Wilson was defending himself. If Brown was shot from 10, 15, or 20 feet away, he was murdered.
The critical facts, including the most critical fact, are still up in the air. For now, the firing of 6 shots, including 2 to the head, raises questions. But it’s too soon for a probable cause determination. And arrest and booking come after the probable cause determination, not before. So I can’t go along with your idea, because it’s premature. I couldn’t go along with it anyway, because you want Wilson arrested for the wrong reason. There’s no such thing as a public relations ground for arrest in our legal system; and we don’t want to institute one now, or ever.
He might be a hero to some if he turned himself in, posted bail, and proclaimed his faith in the system to determine his fate. It is a system he is paid to defend, so showing vulnerability would give it back the credit needed to quell the violence. But, want in one hand….
Hmmm… eye witness sources…? https://twitter.com/ChristineDByers/statuses/501556693382094848
Even MSNBC is feeling it… http://www.breitbart.com/Breit.....e-Coverage
Some more information to arrest the police officer per Goldy… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....ike-brown/
Hmm, so now puddypissypants is defending white cops who drill unarmed black men through the head? Interesting …
Has anyone else noticed that puddy chooses not to live in the South, where most people think like he does? I wonder. It may have something to do with social habits of birds of a feather …
(… and the comment section devolves from there)
Your point of your article, Goldy, is excellent. Society cannot tolerate a police force which isn’t subject to the laws it supposedly enforces. Of course, there are special exceptions for police work, (including identifying oneself as a police officer), but these exceptions are all scrupulously detailed, and being largely ignored in this, and similar, events.
I find particularly disturbing how the violation of the first amendment laws surrounding the media coverage is on-going and apparently unpunished. This behavior alone qualifies this as a lawless situation where the FBI ought to be arresting those police who are responsible for these violations of our nation’s laws and taking charge of the various police forces and national guard. (mind you, i don’t expect this to occur, because, politics and the midterm elections are on the horizon)
Following a federal indictment, Governor Perry was not arrested, by order of a Judge, but rather issued a summons re: charges of abuse of power. The Gov. then voluntarily appeared for a mug-shot and booking.
On eye-witness accounts alone, the Ferguson or St. Louis prosecutor’s office has enough evidence to compile an ‘information’ against the officer who killed Mike Brown, and a similar summons and procedure could be followed. This seems entirely consistent with ‘due process’ and appropriate.
But the one thing I learned after working in the court system is that the prosecutor’s office is on the side of the cops . . . not the side of the people.
Every time.
BULLSHITTIUM from HA’s biggest purveyor of BULLSHITTIUM Roger The Lawyer with NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit. Where has Puddy even offered that NoBalls? You really must of been a sucky lawyer having to put your words into their mouth!
R E J E C T E D!
It now seems that the “comment” from OWS Racist Fraggy lifted from Daily Kooks is wrong. Michael Brown did lift some materials from the store in a 10 finger heist. Of course being the IDIOT OWS Racist Fraggy is, anything from Daily Kooks is gospel to OWS Racist Fraggy.
It really must suck to be OWS Racist Fraggy! But OWS Racist Fraggy keep reading Daily Kooks. Kooks read Daily Kooks and we know you, ruprick (new name given by OWS Racist Fraggy to rujax), checkmate and others are kooks!
When one cop is accused of wrongdoing, many are quick to remind us that most cops are good and decent. The rub lies in the fact that they will — without fail — close ranks to protect the bad one.
This means that our police forces are only as good as the worst among them. The exception being a cop who shoots another cop. If cops exhibited the zeal and energy that they do in solving a crime against themselves with crimes against citizens, there would be a lot fewer complaints about how lousy cops are.
[Deleted — Off topic]
So the word of several witnesses isn’t good enough?
The prosecutor is going to kick this to a grand jury so he can wash his hands of this case if the grand jury chooses not to indict.
“So the word of several witnesses isn’t good enough?”
No, nor should it be.
Hey Puddy,
As much of a pain in the ass as you are, do us a favor and don’t show up in the streets of Ferguson, MO. A totally fair and balanced member of the constabulary might just bust a cap in your ass, and that’d be too bad.
Why would Puddy get capped Flubscout? DUMMCORETINS are strange people!
Has anyone noticed Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit is a depraved barbaric ASShole who thrives on the cheering of other HA DUMMOCRETINS when NoBalls makes appalling statements for adulation?
@12 “the prosecutor’s office is on the side of the cops”
Of course. They consider themselves part of the law enforcement establishment.
I’m sure Lee Harvey Oswald was comforted by how well the police were protecting him from an angry mob, at least for a few days.
@13 “You really must of been a sucky lawyer having to put your words into their mouth!”
Well no, because that’s what clever lawyers do; but, getting back on topic, it sure looked like you were defending the cops until I called you out on it and then you began deflecting like you usually do.
[Deleted — Off topic]
@16 As I noted in my comment @4 the witness accounts conflict sharply. That has to be resolved before any charging decision can be made. I have no issue with a grand jury. That’s what should happen. What I said @4 was the cop should not be arrested for public relations or based on an incomplete investigation. Everything has its season.
@19 “Why would Puddy get capped Flubscout?”
Well, of course, that would never to you because you haven’t done anything wrong.
@20 “Wabbit is a depraved barbaric ASShole”
I admit (as I’ve admitted before) that I’m an asshole. If you want a gentle bunny for a pet, go to a pet store. This blog ain’t a pet store. As for depravity and barbarism, no one can top you humans. You’re in a vicious class by yourselves.
Why is it OK to arrest a journalist for not walking fast enough. There’s a double standard here.
What needs to happen is the dismissal of the police chief for the botched investigation and clearly selective release of information
Goldy, what you are calling on the prosecutor to do is prohibited by Missouri’s rules of professional conduct. The idea that you should just charge somebody with a crime for the hell of it and figure out later on whether it’s supportable is completely contrary to what our system of justice is supposed to be about.
How can the FBI arrest the local police when Obummer is making the local police what they are in 2014? Do you actually read anything except left wrong materials? Since you love left wrong sites here is the take from a left wrong site…http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....66478.html
Then there is this http://rt.com/usa/165100-mrap-.....ice-force/ and you wonder about how the police act as they do?
Remember y’all voted for Obummer. He’s decimated the constitution such that the police have noticed it too… http://www.mycentraljersey.com...../13670849/
So Theophrastus and other DUMMOCRETINS, will the FBI put forth an arrest warrant for Obummer first? You can’t arrest the police in the towns who are just following the actions of the chief law enforcement officer of the United States.
Ummm wrong again NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit. Puddy was putting forth some more facts based on Goldy’s rant above. Puddy provided link after link. You tried your standard horseshit attack with no proof or facts to back it up. Another pathetic atttempt at grandstanding NoBalls IDIOT!
Let the readers decide if Michael Brown punched Officer Wilson. Let the readers decide if the witnesses are credible. Puddy hasn’t seen any links from you NoBalls, just useless swill. The CT scan put forth of Officer Wilson’s head demonstrates a broken right eye orbit. They are checking Office Wilson’s gun for Michael Brown’s DNA. There is a YouTube video where a person says Michael Brown taunted and charged Officer Wilson. Well let’s see where it sifts out NoBalls. Do you actually think you can call Brown’s partner in the convenience store heist a credible witness when he had the goodies in his hands as they left the store?
Meanwhile all you do NoBalls IDIOT is waste pixels after pixels with insipid, nasty commentary looking for that adulation. It’s was shocking to Puddy you didn’t jackboot goosestep to Goldy’s rant above.
Seems there is always a knee jerk reaction to things by the Head DUMMOCRETINS of HA!
Merry Fitzmas
Tom Delay
Marshawn Lynch
Rick Perry and now
Officer Darren Wilson
Bravo. Someone else finally said it.
Roger, this isn’t a court of law. Yes, of course there has to be a trial. But as we are not officers of any court, we get to form and state opinions independent of any court.
Puddy, the police in and around St. Louis were awful long before Obama came to office.
Does ANYBODY have any idea what the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants is going on about?
As usual he makes about as much sense as the execrable Larry Klayman (who has a heavy position in the nut-job christianist right and who also believes the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants needs to just stay in his place. Even if the the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants is a the nihilist idiot uncle tom.)
I really never get this, and around here I’m hardly alone…the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants races…RACES to defend the very Republicans who would shred civil liberties, guarantee permanent inequality (particularly for African-Americans), and create a police state. I offer New Orleans post Katrina and contemporary Louisiana and Mississippi as examples. I’ll say right here that I part company with the current administration on many, many issues. I certainly agree that President Obama abandoned candidate Obama pretty early on in his administration…but holy shit(!!!) the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants will try to somehow convince us here (although he NEVER states a case and offers supporting facts…like I’ve said before…he’d better not take his attitude into the conference room) the Democrats and Democratic Administrations are somehow more rapacious and venal than say, the traitor Nixon, or the hostage negotiator Reagan, or the war-criminal Bush.
Bullshit, bullshit, BUlLSHIT…and I say again, bullshit!
Hey ruprick@34 (Gotta love that name OWS Racist Fraggy gave him),
Puddy always wondered was it a shortened version of rude prick? Must be since OWS Racist Fraggy named you! You are a rude prick moron! Really, an ABSOLUTE rude prick moron! Puddy gives link after link of DUMMOCRETIN malfeasance on this blog and ruprick claims Puddy doesn’t deliver facts? Waytogo libtardo!
Where is a link from HA DUMMOCRETINS where Puddy jockstrap goosesteps Larry Klayman as Larry Klayman? Puddy refers to Judicial Watch. Why? Because in a court of law Judicial Watch has to provide facts not personal conjecture. The courts weigh the merits of the requests. Sometimes Judicial Watch wins, sometimes it loses. You are too much an IDIOT to separate Judicial Watch the organization which Larry Klayman left in 2003! ruprick is still an IDIOT because from your rant above ruprick apparently forgot that or never knew that! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....ial-watch/ 24 hour memory moonbat moronic malady! Puddy allowed y’all to keep marching down the left wrong rat hole chuckling as to the ASSholes ruprick, NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit, checkmate, etc… really are with factless, feckless comedy commentary!
You rude prick jockstrap goosestep Daily Kooks, CAP, crooks and liars, TPM, Americasblogus, etc., the real creeps of America throwing up useless, vile, insipid horseshit on this blog with no regards to what was previously written by them in another thread. Then when uprick is caught with its pants down from Puddy using ruprick’s same useless left wrong sites disproving another of your worthless pap… Citibank for example, you disappear for a few days from the Oopsie!
Now onto Officer Darren Wilson. Puddy offers link after link where Goldy doesn’t take into consideration other points of view. While the death of Michael Brown is very bad, why wasn’t he shot in the legs was Puddy’s thought, Puddy wants to see the evidence. You ruprick want to convict immediately!
So in closing it sux to be you rude prick ruprick! Stay on the reservation!
Now you admit Obummer sucks ruprick@34? Wow 5.5 years later? When did ruprick wake up and have an epiphany? Puddy chuckled when Michael Brown’s grandfather said “I voted for you. I want to meet you and talk.” Yeah, like that’s gonna happen!
Sux to be ruprick!
@36, 36…
For the record:
Judicial watch is a pile of extreme tin-hat shitheads:
Lots of fun links here…
Judicial Watch Claims Voting Rights Suit Is Plot To Legalize Non-Citizen Voting
Larry Klayman Censured For Breaking Ethics Rules, Will Go Back To Saving America – See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/.....AaIWC.dpuf
Judicial Watch Claims Voting Rights Suit Is Plot To Legalize Non-Citizen Voting – See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/.....xJABa.dpuf
Judicial Watch: Obama and Holder’s ‘Racial Extremism’ Behind Zimmerman Trial – See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/.....ATkX8.dpuf
For the Far-Right, the Real Victims of the Trayvon Martin Case are White People – See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/.....OwToK.dpuf
Note: in this exceptional example of exception assholism the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants’ favorite white supremacist extremist (why does the the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants defend this guy? Enquiring minds want to know!!!) states:
This is interesting:
I still don’t understand what the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants sees in these guys…
This is interesting:
I still don’t understand what the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants sees in these guys…
…oh well.
@15 Hahaha! You choose your company (see @24) well.
@29 And for other reasons, such as interfering with freedom of the press.
@29 And for other reasons, not least allowing his officers to interfere with freedom of the press.
Golly ruprick you are one IDIOT. Really you are one DUMB IDIOT!
let’s try again…
Judicial Watch… Larry Klayman left in 2003.
Judicial Watch… Larry Klayman left in 2003.
Judicial Watch… Larry Klayman left in 2003.
Judicial Watch… Larry Klayman left in 2003.
Judicial Watch… Larry Klayman left in 2003.
Judicial Watch… Larry Klayman left in 2003.
Judicial Watch… Larry Klayman left in 2003.
Maybe the seventh time it will sink through the DUMB CINDER BLOCK mind ruprick possesses!
Puddy doesn’t see what ruprick sees in today’s DUMMOCRETINS. You even wrote it ruprick… I’ll say right here that I part company with the current administration on many, many issues. I certainly agree that President Obama abandoned candidate Obama pretty early on in his administration…You finally claim 5.5 years later you have issues with Obummer? What took you so long reservation dweller?
So ruprick put forth a link where Puddy champeened Larry Klayman! Sheeeeeeesh you are one IDIOTIC MORON!
ruprick aka HA dipshit, loves him some left wrong sites. Can’t live without it 24×7. Loves those hatred sites and it shows each time ruprick posts!
ruprick is a real IDIOT… Continental origin… Basically the same thing the Black Captain state trooper said… These are out of town black thugs who are anarchists… You know ruprick the ones champeened by the person who named you ruprick, OWS Racist Fraggy, the deadfrog! These blacks came from all over to perform nightly anarchy which of course living on the reservation you cheer from your front row teevee seat! And you agree with the CBC, no need to racially profile cuz all the looting is done by blacks, right ruprick?
I still don’t understand what the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants sees in these guys…
…oh well.
We all know that The Kook Markos wrote something totally asinine to what Paul Ryan really said. And being a kook yourself you drink from the kook-aid trough!
It really must suck to be that stoooooooooopid all the time ruprick. Sad so sad!
Larry Klayman: Obama Wants To Rename The White House ‘The Black House,’ Start A ‘Race War’ – See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/.....Q3yLn.dpuf
I still don’t understand what the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants sees in these guys…
…oh well.
Still waiting ruprick for a Puddy link of Larry Klayman. And still on his left wrong sites drinking their impotent swill.
ruprick is so stoooooooooopid he still can’t understand post #43!
Reply to @43….
Of course you don’t care. Why? Your Larry Klayman/Judicial Watch strawman burns up! Klayman left in 2003 and you didn’t know it until now!
I D I O T! That’s why you and you ILK can’t put forth a Larry Klayman link! M O R O N! This is why you are the stoooooooooopidest of the stooooooooooopid!
Bwaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa
Sux to be you ruprick!
I still don’t understand what the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants sees in these guys…
…oh well.
Rep. Steve King (R-Batshitkrayzistan) is another one that want to see the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants permanently sitting at the back of the bus.
I still don’t understand what the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants sees in these guys…
…oh well.
@44 “These are out of town etc. …”
Would someone please remind Puddy that we’re all Americans, and people from Harlem or Chattanooga don’t need passports to get into Ferguson?
It’s like this, putz. As Woody Guthrie sang, “This land is my land, this land is your land, from California to the New York Island; from the redwood forest to the Gulfstream waters, this land was made for you and me.”
That means what happens in Ferguson is the business of all of us, and anyone who wants to go there to exercise his/her constitutional rights of peaceful assembly, free speech, to petition government for redress of grievances, or freedom of prison, is minding his own business and has a right to do it. Not a conditional right, but an absolute and unlimited right. No passports or other papers required.
@44 (continued; editing timed out)
The job of the police is to deal with thugs who break the law, and protect people (including peaceful demonstrators) who don’t break the law. Whether the thugs are locals or out of towners is irrelevant. -30-
Apparently Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit doesn’t know the difference between the Ferguson residents and the out of town thugs. Butt, then again does NoBalls know much. He too thought Larry Klayman was STILL involved with Judicial Watch. Shows how well versed and read NoBalls IDIOTO Wabbit is.
BTW NoBalls the out of town thugs are relevant. The Ferguson populace aren’t happy NoBalls… Butt then again you are proving irrelevant on HA DUMMOCRETINS as the year wears on. Puddy let’s the fine folks at Breitbart watch PMSNBC so Puddy doesn’t have to. It was on PMSNBC NoBalls IDIOTO Wabbit. Did you miss it like life passing you by? http://www.breitbart.com/Breit.....-Residents
And from the LA Times it really sux to be you NoBalls… http://www.latimes.com/nation/.....tml#page=1
Staying stoooooooooooopid the new mantra of a libtard left wrong DUMMOCRETIN on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
@56: You’re right, I don’t get how AMERICANS are different from AMERICANS. I don’t think you get that every AMERICAN has a right to go anywhere in AMERICA and doesn’t need anyone’s permission to be there. What a dumbass.
The ocular blowout fracture x-rays posted by wingnut Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit, echoed by Drudge in the right-wing echo chamber? It’s not Officer Wilson. It’s from the University of Iowa and doctored by Gateway Pundit to conceal the source and mislead wingnuts into believing it’s Wilson’s x-rays.
There’s no end to right-wing bullshit intended to fan the flames of hatred.
Puddy thinks like Bull Connor: “These agitators are from out of town, therefore don’t belong here, and what happens in my town is none of their damned business!”
Puddy is for a balkanized and feudalized America, in which every town and village is a principality where no one can go without a passport and approval of the local lords and bishop.
He thinks what happens in Ferguson is no business of people in Syracuse, St. Croix, or Seattle.
@58 Well well, another wingnut propagandist is caught LYING and FABRICATING EVIDENCE. How many times have we seen this before?
I mean, really, that is SO FUCKING LAME.
While Puddy thinks, we all see Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit not thinking. While Puddy provides two links proving how people in Ferguson are thinking, NoBalls makes another wild ASS asinine comment@59.
Now why would NoBalls think of Bull Connor? Must be deep down inside Eugene Bull Connor is a hero of Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit. You always keep your heroes close to the vest. Who knew this?
Thanks for playing NoBalls IDIOT! Puddy just learned something new about you!
“Now why would NoBalls think of Bull Connor?”
For me, it was the police with German Shepards in Ferguson.
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