Over the last eight years people like John have said that dissent is patriotic. Why isn’t John saying that now?
Harry Poonspews:
re 12: “It is as useless to argue with those who have renounced the use of reason as it is to adminster medication to the dead.”
Thomas Jefferson
Troll, I envision your head as a pinball game with the STAINLESS-STEEL ball bouncing about in a herky-jerky manner, with lights and bells randomly ringing, and your tongue always flipping the little metal ball back into the chaos of buzzers, lights, and bells.
I’m loving this. Liberals are angry at the Obama Joker Poster, calling it racist, and that it should be banned, but Vanity Fair created the same picture of Bush over a year ago, and liberals were silent.
You need to think carefully about the implications of what you’re proposing–at least, if only righteous Republican men took advantage…
There wouldn’t be a sheep, a pig, a llama, a ripe watermelon, a Studebaker, a Mickey Big Mouth empty, a grease gun, a shop vacuum or a jar of mayonnaise safe in the entire country.
The women? Nah, they’d have nothing to worry about.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
This is sexist!
Are you saying that Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter need to give their men Viagra?
Imagine the impact if liberals were to found “Move-ON-IN.” MOI would offer sexual assistance to deprived Repricans! Our motto oculd be “fuck the repricans!”
Daddy Lovespews:
Dissent is patriotic.
Violence is as Republican as lynching and apple pie. Six teabagger arrests, some for assault, outside Carnahan town hall. @ttagaris on Twitter reports that in his briefing he was told that one SEIU staffer was sent to hospital (shoulder) and will be OK.
Daddy Lovespews:
16 T
Not that you will appreciate the difference, being a Democrat and all like you are, but there is a difference between a nation sick of tht old lying bastard who was still stubbornly sending young men to their deaths in the wars of choice he started, subverted the Constitution, crashed the world economy, and uined Americaa’s reputation and the new president who has been in office all of six months and who is just starting to turn things around.
Very few were calling Bush much of anything in July 2001.
4 You win. I’m a loser.
Daddy Lovespews:
Funny counter-example:
In late 2003 MoveOn.org solicited he public to submit ads for the upcoming presidential campaign. Two of their more than 1500 submissions compared Bush to Hitler. MoveOn immiediately took those ads down from its site and ever considered them in the contest. As a result, there was a coordinated Republican/Jewish groups/media firestorm, with Wolf Blitzer of CNN calling it “an ugly comparison between the president of the United States and Adolf Hitler.”
But Thursday, GOP activist and self-prolclaimed head of the Republican party Rush Limbaugh (video) compared Obama to Hitler and Nancy Pelosi to Nazi leaders. Reponse in the press? Crickets. Jewish groups, Anti-Defamation league? Well, ADL is claiming to call it “outrageous” but there’s nothing at their link.
Will we hear Wolf Blitzer, David Gregory, Diane Sawyer, NY Times, et. al. tell us how awful this is? Hint: holding breath not recommended.
Another TJspews:
Very few were calling Bush much of anything in July 2001
I was calling him “disappointing” and “not very bright.” That’s the same as calling him the anti-christ, right?
Because of Daddy Love’s double standard on this poster issue, I have lost all respect for him. I don’t think he has any morals. And I could not legally say that unless it were true.
Daddy Lovespews:
26 T
Now I’m hurt. Oh, no, I guess I’m not.
Daddy Lovespews:
Can’t we just all agree that Bush and Obama were/are BOTH Hitler, and pick up the shattered pieces of our lives and go on? And Sarah Palin is Axis Sally? I’m just sayin…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Very weak comeback, troll. Harry got you good (I’d say about a 9.5) and your response is as tepid as yesterday’s coffee (a 1.5 at best, and that’s charity). Your creative insults need much more work, and you sure could use a competent editor.
Daddy Lovespews:
These teabaggers are something fucking else.
The craziest, most irreponsible right-wing Reps spouting Birther nonsense and ranting about the “enemies list” are STILL being chastised by their insane supporters for not being “conservative” enough.
“Conservative” is apparently a synonym for “certifiable.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Interesting news story, and what really leaps out at you is The Cops Behaving Stupidly, e.g. arresting bystanders for taking photos of cops pounding on arrestees and even arresting a newspaper reporter who was merely covering the event. I mean, when Stupid Cops fuck with the press, you know it’s going to be in the paper …
BTW, I agree with Obama — the cops who arrested that Harvard prof in his own home for getting mouthy to (but not assaulting) a cop were, in fact, Stupid Cops …
This kind of cop behavior is actually common throughout our country, and seems to be a function of human nature, which is basically stupid. Cops are supposed to protect citizens, not their own egos, but some of them can’t figure that out.
Over at the dark side (unSP) the other day I saw Mr. Klynical giving pudge of all people a hard time for calling for civility at townhalls.
Of course Pudge (who is never wrong) was pushing back.
It was too funny. Two right wing clowns eating each other.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 mark finally gets something right!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “I could not legally say that unless it were true.”
That (along with everything else you post) isn’t true. You’d better stick with being an idiot and stop pretending to be a lawyer, troll, because you’re no good at being a lawyer.
Harry Poonspews:
re 14: Lookin’for a free meal?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 No. Because they’re wrong — there’s no comparison between Obama, Bush, and Hitler. Obama isn’t a warmonger or torturer. Can’t say the same for Bush or Hitler.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 It’s only a matter of time before two teabaggers put each other in the hospital at one of these events.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This orchestrated rightwing violence may prove to be useful in the long run. Remember how lawyer Morris Dees used an assault by Richard Butler’s goons against passersby to put the Hayden Lake Nazi out of business? He got a jury verdict of $6.5 million against Butler and the Aryan Nations for “negligent supervision” of its “security guards.” The former Aryan compound is now a peace park and Butler died penniless, with his organization weakened and scattered. There’s no lack of civil rights lawyers on our side; and if the teabag goons beat up the wrong people (i.e., beating up their own guys is amusing but not helpful to our cause), our lawyers could go after the Astroturfers’ assets and maybe even the GOP’s property too. If the Republican Riots continue, this could get reeeeeeeeal interesting.
You do believe that dissent is patriotic, correct?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
So Conservatives are impotent???
Sunday, August 09, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows that 31% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -8.
This poll only reflects a day or so of the outrageous characterization by Obama’s ilk and Pelosi of those who disagree with him as “Nazi’s”. When folks in power (the Dems control the House, Filibuster-proof Senate and White House) start calling the opposition “Nazi’s”….their reign of terror will be short-lived.
No matter how much you try to marginalize, minimize or demonize the opposition to Obamunism…the anti-Obama and anti-Democrat trend is in full swing.
Obama was +32 in this same Rasmussed poll post inauguration. Same poll. Now he is -8. And you seriously don’t think O-blah-blah has blown serious political capital?? Like nearly all of it!!
2010 will be real interesting. Conservatives have some excellent candidates with a clear concise message on NO MORE… MASSIVE DEFICIT SPENDING, incompetent bailouts and Socialism of America.
You may soon see some Dems changing Parties.as Pelosi and Reid are hated by the vast majority of citizens. They are dragging O-blah-blah down with them.
Look forward to seeing Senator Baucus today.
How he handles Obamacare & Obamunism is his legacy.
Marvin Stamnspews:
1. Lee spews:
It’s perfect. Now even more of them can commit adultery.
Cause all good democrats know that only republicans have affairs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Dissent is every American’s birthright, but all dissent is not equally patriotic. For example, the anti-integration protestors in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1954 were not patriots by any stretch of imagination. Also, interfering with others’ right to hear and be heard is not dissent but disruption (and, legally, disorderly conduct).
Marvin Stamnspews:
8. Ekim spews:
Free Viagra. Maybe that would motivate Marvelous Marvie the Welfare Queen to actually work for a living.
That was a joke to expose gbs as a racist. Sorry you were also stupid enough to believe it.
At least you weren’t racist enough to assume I was black like gbs did.
Do you feel that way about all welfare recipients?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 “So Conservatives are impotent???”
Measured by how many public offices they hold and their ability to influence government policies, I would say that’s true. They couldn’t keep Sotomayor off the Supreme Court; they couldn’t stop Obama’s economic stimulus; and they won’t be able to block Obama’s health insurance reform, either. Nor, if Democratic electeds had any balls, would they be able to stop the badly needed and now overdue investigations of Bush and Cheney’s crimes.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 You’re saying Democrats don’t cheat on their spouses? That Teddy Kennedy is a poster boy for family values? That John Edwards is a model of marital rectitude? Now I know for sure you’ve gone over the edge, Marvin Stupes!
Marvin Stamnspews:
10. Darryl spews:
I mean, how else can you explain the epidemic of sexually-up-tight horny-ass Wingnut hypocrites taking their sexual frustrations out on children?
Like liberal talk show host bernie ward?
Or do you mean that liberals aren’t hypocrites because they don’t say that abusing children is wrong?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “That was a joke”
That’s simply not credible, because everyone knows wingnuts have no sense of humor and are incapable of understanding, much less creating, satire and irony. When rightwing loontards talk about setting up concentration camps and exterminating liberals, they mean it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 Of course abusing children is wrong. That’s why we throw wingtard baby-rapers in jail.
Montana Sheepfuckerspews:
Ain’t it amazin’ how the talented Cynical can be both funny and disgusting at the same time?
You get a good idea of what Montana is like when you see that Baucus is considered a democrat. Those folks’ brilliance and acumen may someday get up to the level of West Virginia!
Marvin Stamnspews:
16. Troll spews:
I’m loving this. Liberals are angry at the Obama Joker Poster
And the way that the liberals are whining about the obama=hitler comparisons after they have been doing it to bush/republicans for 8 years.
I don’t remember any democrat being offended when moveon.org put out that hitler/bush ad.
Marvin Stamnspews:
47. Roger Rabbit spews:
@43 “That was a joke”
That’s simply not credible, because everyone knows wingnuts have no sense of humor and are incapable of understanding, much less creating, satire and irony
You got me. It wasn’t a joke. I did it to expose gbs as a racist.
After all, only a racist would believe that being on welfare meant I was black.
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM http://horsesass.org/?p=16792&.....ent-923438
When rightwing loontards talk about setting up concentration camps and exterminating liberals, they mean it.
Of course they mean it. (wink wink)
Can you give me the address of one of those re[publican liberal extermination camps?
Or how about a website asking republicans to turn in democrats that are dissenting like the obama has with his turn in your neighbor program.
Please do your civic duty as a democrat and turn me in to your supreme leader. flag@whitehouse.gov
I can’t imagine the outrage if bush had done this.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@50 The difference is that Bush behaved like Hitler but Obama doesn’t; so the comparison is apt for Bush but not Obama.
Marvin Stamnspews:
48. Roger Rabbit spews:
@46 Of course abusing children is wrong. That’s why we throw wingtard baby-rapers in jail.
Don’t you throw the left wingtards in jail?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@51 I don’t see where GBS called you “black” in that comment. It appears to me he meant to insinuate you’re an Arab.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Idiot @ 49–
Ummmm, Montana has no deficit.
Our Democrat Governor Schweitzer refused to increase taxes and did lots of layoffs.
Gregoire accepted lots of Fed Welfare (more US debt) and just signed another “smoke-and-mirrors” unsustainable Budget with virtually zero layoffs and cuts in Union Benefits.
Boeing is ready to leave.
Every time we get an updated Economic Forecast, it’s worse (unless you believe the Obama lie on Unemployment which took something like 800,000 arbitrarily off the unemployment list because they have been unemployed for so long).
Yup, Progressive Washington has all the right answers!
Did you know the State Retirement Fund is approx $15 BILLION underfunded and Gregoire balanced this Budget by cutting the State’s contribution by $400-500 MILLION??
Yup, you KLOWNS are a real model for reckless spending and reckless fiscal management.
Eastern Montana has OIL coming outta their ass!!
So do the Dakota’s.
Washington does have lots of trees…which you can’t log, but can watch burn. Plus, the PINE BEETLE’s are coming.
Washington has some fish you can’t catch.
Washington has the Cascadian Fault line that cuts loose every 300 or so years and last shook with a 9.0+ back in 1700 (it’s past due) See the earthquake in Japan today?
Japanese quakes were a precursor in 1700 too.
Yup, you KLOWNS sure have it nailed!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 There’s no such thing as a “left wingtard.” Any word with “wing” in it refers to either a conservative, an airplane, or a bird.
Marvin Stamnspews:
19. Daddy Love spews:
Violence is as Republican as lynching and apple pie. Six teabagger arrests, some for assault, outside Carnahan town hall.
six teabagger arrests?
How did you get that from the article?
How about you quoting the words that imply 6 teabagger arrests.
Daddy Lovespews:
BTW, the Obama-as-Joker poster is just your little straw man (again!), guys.
It’s the death threats against our representatives that people are kinda upset over.
Marvin Stamnspews:
54. Roger Rabbit spews:
@51 I don’t see where GBS called you “black” in that comment. It appears to me he meant to insinuate you’re an Arab.
Wow, you really are partisan.
The truth means nothing to you.
Daddy Lovespews:
50 mS
…moveon.org put out that hitler/bush ad.
And you’re a fucking liar. Not that the truth matters to you.
MoveOn sponsored an ad contest in which people could freely post their own entries. Two of the over 1500 submissions made that comparison. MoveOn took down the entries, removed them from the contest, and never, ever “put out” or ran an ad of that kind.
Daddy Lovespews:
But RR is right that Bush was a warmonger and a torturer.
Marvin Stamnspews:
58. Daddy Love spews:
BTW, the Obama-as-Joker poster is just your little straw man (again!), guys.
It was the democrats bringing it up and whining about it.
If it’s a straw man, look to your elected democrat rulers for why they raised it. They want to take your mind off how badly they are doing, as evidenced by the dropping poll numbers of your rulers.
All the right did was point out that your fellow lefties did the exact same thing to bush.
Your side set the rules, now right-wingers are doing it back and your side whines about it.
From everything you have heard or read so far, do you favor or oppose Barack Obama’s plan to reform health care?
50% Favor, 45% Oppose (chart)
Would you rather have [treatment] decisions made by people who work for insurance companies, or people who work for the government?
40% Insurance Companies, 40% Government
Half sample: Do you think it is or is not necessary to make major structural changes in the nation’s health care system in order to make sure that all Americans have health insurance?
77% Necessary, 21% Not necessary
Half sample: Do you think it is or is not necessary to make major structural changes in the nation’s health care system in order to reduce health care costs?
74% Necessary, 23% Not necessary
Daddy Lovespews:
Dumber than the birthers? The deathers.
Daddy Lovespews:
62 MS
That’s right, ignore the death threats. After all, it’s only Democrats being targeted, right? Not anyone that matters, like Republican party head Rush Limbaugh. Let Rush receive a death threat and we’d hear the wingnut screaming through our windows.
Marvin’s a professional poster, so of course he’s a fucking liar. It’s HIS JOB. So he’s never going to vary from the tripe that he puts out as he jacks off on his keyboard,
and why is ANYBODY paying attention to him?
Do you watch porno films of guys masturbating?
I didn’t think so.
I just scroll past and then am amazed at real people with reasonable ideas responding to this pervert.
The way I see it, this plan is about nothing less than giving illegal immigrants health coverage. Poor and disabled US citizens already have health coverage. It’s called Medicare and Medicaid. Even the homeless have health coverage. They even have a better plan than me, and I have a full-time job! I have to wait 2 weeks to see my doctor. The bums who live on the streets get whisked up to Harborview by Medic One at a moment’s notice. I have to drive myself to the doctor. And I have a deductible. Bums don’t have to pay for the service they get at Harborview. The way I see it, homeless people have it made. Free medical, free food from food banks and soup kitchens, food stamps, disability, social security, free housing, free money in the form of panhandling donations. Some making up to $200 a day. Free clothes from charities, section 8, don’t have to pay income tax, … and on, and on, and on.
I have to pay for all those things!!! So excuse me for not believe you when you say I have to feel sorry for the poor. Poor people have it made! They are living on easy street!
Yep, this health plan is a plot by liberals to give health coverage to illegals.
Marvin Stamnspews:
65. Daddy Love spews:
62 MS
That’s right, ignore the death threats. After all, it’s only Democrats being targeted, right?
If death threats are so bad, where was your voice when it was bush getting the threats?
Once again proving daddy love has selective outrage. When it’s against a democrat daddylove objects. When it’s against a republican he closes his eyes and puts his head in the sand.
Has anyone on the right talked about wanting to go back in time and kill bush as an infant like was done about bush.
Say, are there any “death of a president” movies where obama is the president yet?
Google kill bus, hit the images link and once again stick your head in the sand.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
66. X’ad spews:
Marvin’s a professional poster, so of course he’s a fucking liar.
X’ad is another complete, paranoid LUNATIC who believe’s someone is actually paid to post to the 5 Conservatives and 15 LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS at HorsesAss.org!
You and cnr and YLB…goofballs.
Marvin Stamnspews:
66. X’ad spews:
Marvin’s a professional poster, so of course he’s a fucking liar. It’s HIS JOB. So he’s never going to vary from the tripe that he puts out as he jacks off on his keyboard,
and why is ANYBODY paying attention to him?
Once again, pointing out the hypocrisy on the left.
You blather on about why does anyone pay attention to me as you write about me.
Typical liberal “do as I say, not as I do” thought process.
Why not take a moment of self-reflection and ask yourself, why are YOU paying attention to me.
Don’t forget to be a good comrade and report me to your ruler. flag@whitehouse.gov
Marvin Stamnspews:
69. Mr. Cynical spews:
X’ad is another complete, paranoid LUNATIC who believe’s someone is actually paid to post to the 5 Conservatives and 15 LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS at HorsesAss.org!
I might have to take some of the blame. I said I was earning low 6 figures from the GOP to post here.
Some of the less educated believed me.
Strange how he considers me a professional poster when the rabbit out does me 10 to 1. Just another example of the hypocrisy the left needs to justify their positions.
You know, the marvin is so fucking stupid he probably IS getting paid by the RNC. That’s about the level of intelligence they’ve got going over there.
Oh…and the cyniklown can just stfu…he isn’t any more intelligent.
BTW-I see the pudddybiotch has retreated again to the “fortress of pudditude” to lick his (largely self-inflicted) wounds.
Marvin Stamnspews:
66. X’ad spews:
Do you watch porno films of guys masturbating?
No. Not my thing.
But I’m sure you can google and find some.
Keep your gay thing on the down low, steve and gbs have issues with “faggots.”
As far as I am concerned, as long as it is consenting adults in the film I don’t have a problem. Go ahead and enjoy yourself. Not that you were waiting for my blessing to enjoy yourself with films of guys masturbating or anything.
Marvin Stamnspews:
72. Rujax! spews:
You know, the marvin is so fucking stupid he probably IS getting paid by the RNC.
I’m stupid for getting paid??
Typical left-wingnut thought process.
Why work when you can live off the free government services.
Now we know why steve’s sidekick rujax is for free healthcare.
Marvin Stamnspews:
69. Mr. Cynical spews:
X’ad is another complete, paranoid LUNATIC who believe’s someone is actually paid to post to the 5 Conservatives and 15 LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS at HorsesAss.org!
Did you see what rujax wrote- 72. Rujax! spews:
You know, the marvin is so fucking stupid he probably IS getting paid by the RNC.
That’s why I wrote in #71- Some of the less educated believed me.
@67: I have to pay for all those things!!! So excuse me for not believe you when you say I have to feel sorry for the poor. Poor people have it made! They are living on easy street!
You’re a fucking piece of shit, and a sorry excuse for a human being. “Have it made”? We’re doing the bare minimum to keep these folks alive, many of whom have severe mental disabilities and drug and alcohol problems that are going untreated. Not to mention that these services that you refer to are overstretched and underfunded, and are facing greater and greater demand… not because folks are getting lazier, but because many folks have been dumped out on the street. And of course, we won’t even get into the fact that these folks don’t really have a chance at pulling themselves up out of where they’re at right now without a hand up.
But hey… why don’t you do what I did a while back and answer phones for a shelter? Having to tell at least five to ten parents a day that they would have to sleep on the street with their kids because all the local shelters were full is a very uplifting experience, let me tell you.
@68: I notice that Bush survived and that the right wing crazies are out in greater force and with way more malicious posts on Obama and on other democrats.
Last I recalled, the right wingnuts attacked the Murrow building in Oklahoma and killed how many innocent people….and the leftists….can’t remember anything in the last 20 years that wasn’t roundly denounced by the real progressives.
Yup, the right wingnuts have a histroy of violence and a recent history of:
shooting up the holocaust museum
anew report from the dept. of homeland security that says right wing violence is on the rise:
a new report issued by the Department of Homeland Security that says right-wing extremism is on the rise throughout the country.
Stoked by tthe idiots on the right, the birthers, the gun nuts and so on.
@75: Poor Marvin, spends his time posting BS on here and all it does is prove how ignorant he and the rightwingnuts are….so what Marvin, you can type, you can spread falsehoods, and you can spend all your worthless time on a liberal blog….still doesn’t mean you make any sense or that anyone is actually fooled by your worthless drivel that you can’t back up.
Thanks for reminding me how worthless the rightwingnut arguments are….your views and the views of the other shallow minds on the right are, simply put; ludicrously and pathetically narrow-minded, simplistic and shallow not to mention lacking in factual back-up. The racist, anti-american, name-calling that comes out of your ilk is worthy only of prompt refutation.
The goatfucker tries to tar GBS as a racist while his friend and fellow traveler, Mr. (I love to tell racist jokes) Klynical, nods his head in approval. The goatfucker repeatedly tries to tar GBS as a bigot for calling him a name and making him cry. His friend, Mr. Klynical, who has openly spewed hate and intolerance towards gays on this blog for years, is again by his side. Laughable, if it weren’t so fucking pathetic.
How about the goatfucker retelling the folks here his theory that I’m a racist because, in a discussion about race and our personal backgrounds of poverty, I mentioned to Puddy that my best friend, a black man, had recently died? Or how I’m a racist because, in that same discussion about race, I told Puddy how I used to play in black bands in black clubs in Rainer Valley and the CD. Or how I’m a racist because, in that conversation about race, I talked about my early childhood best friends, three black kids, that I had growing up in the Seattle housing projects. He can tell you how he read my conversation with Puddy about how my profession is underrepresented by blacks and my efforts to bring about change and how, because of this, the goatfucker concludes I’m a racist. He can also tell you how, with no knowledge of state law and my community’s covenants and demographics, he concludes that I live in an exlusively white development and that, of course, I’m a racist. Indeed, the hopelessly hypocritical goatfucker rags on about some welfare comment by GBS and in his next breath infers that a black, upper-middle class golfer, say like Puddy himself, couldn’t possibly exist.
Yes, the hopelessly deluded asswipe goatfucker read those conversations I had with Puddy and concluded that I’m a racist. Well, I’ve read the goatfucker’s dumb-as-a-fucking-stump posts on this and every other fucking subject discussed on this blog and I can only conclude that the delusional, America-hating asswipe really does fuck goats. And, yes, I bet you he fucks watermelons too. Hell, he probably gives all of his vegetables names.
Troll (the idiot) says:
The way I see it, homeless people have it made. Free medical, free food from food banks and soup kitchens, food stamps, disability, social security, free housing, free money in the form of panhandling donations
Hey troll, go trade your job, your house and your medical insurance plan for the life of a homeless person – you and your loudmouth, stupid comments wouldn’t last a day on the streets.
Where does someone learn to be as stupid as troll? Did you actually go to school and still end up as ignorant as a sack of shit?
Some things the goatfucker writes are actually quite believable, like when he admitted in a past thread that fucking too many goats had dumbed him down.
No, I won’t trade my job for life on the streets, even though I would have it made, because I’m not lazy. All homeless people are lazy. They want and expect everything to be handed to them. I like to work for my money. That’s why I have self-respect.
It’s impossible for any homeless person to have self-respect.
So yeah, homeless people are people on welfare have it made. They have it easy. But the tradeoff is they don’t have any self-respect, and they are awful human beings.
I am proud of myself. I admire me. No homeless person can say that about themselves. And that’s because they are lazy.
Marvin Stamnspews:
77. Daddy Love spews:
Death threat against Brad Miller (D-NC)
Well, if they considered it a threat that’s good enough for me. (snicker shicker)
“We had one of those kind of calls that escalated to what we considered a threat” on the congressman’s life, said Canipe.
No mention of what was said, nor is there any mention of it being reported to the police. I wonder why. It’s just like the count of the uninsured never includes how it breaks down.
Death threat against Brian Baird (D-WA).
From YOUR link… The message made no specific reference to Baird and it is unclear why it was sent to his office.
I wonder why you wrote it was a death threat against brian baird when the article you cite says the opposite.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
82. Steve spews:
Some things the goatfucker writes are actually quite believable, like when he admitted in a past thread that fucking too many goats had dumbed him down.
08/09/2009 at 12:58 pm
80. Steve spews:
The goatfucker tries to tar GBS as a racist while his friend and fellow traveler, Mr. (I love to tell racist jokes) Klynical, nods his head in approval. The goatfucker repeatedly tries to tar GBS as a bigot for calling him a name and making him cry. His friend, Mr. Klynical, who has openly spewed hate and intolerance towards gays on this blog for years, is again by his side. Laughable, if it weren’t so fucking pathetic.
Drunk again early Sunday afternoon.
Once again, you do more to ruin Goldy’s Blog than anyone from the Right.
Steve…Yacht Klub Kommodore and Kountry Klub member…right steve-o??
What a pathetic douchebag you are.
Heh- The Klynical KLOWN is concern-trolling again. LMFAO!! Hey, got anymore racist jokes to share with us and for the dumbed-down goatfucker to ignore while he spews his incoherent charges of racism towards GBS? What a stupid fucking PIN-HEADED KLOWN you are! LMFAO!!
Daddy Lovespews:
84 MS
Hey, when are you going to cite a death threat against Bush? I may have to go somewhere later.
Don Joespews:
@ 87
Well, there were a few death threats against G. W., but nothing like what Obama gets every day.
Daddy Lovespews:
88 DJ
I guess we don’t really know if GW got anything of the sort until Lazy Butt over there decides to document it for us. Then we can snicker about how inadequate his sourcing is for a while afterward.
After all, Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 “potential death threats” a day. Potential? Is that the best the Secret Service can do? Clearly there’s a lot to snicker about when they’re only “potential.” Who does the Secret Service think they’re fooling? And how do we really know they’re “death threats” if they don’t print the messages and the names of the senders? Right?
Now Dick Durbin says the public option must go! You libs are like chickens running around without heads!
I want everyone to step back and take notice the all of the liberals on this blog, both the bloggers and the commenters, have nothing positive to say about their party or politicians. All they can do is bash the other side. Why? Why don’t they take this opportunity to point out the good that Democrats have brought to the major cities of American, and to America as a whole? Because they can’t. If they could talk-up the Democrats, they would. But if you look at the top ten cities with the highest violent crime rates, you’ll find they are all run by Democrats.
SeattleJew's Sockpuppetspews:
Gee willikers Henry, the level of thought in this thread is just so terrific!
Where did all these bright folks cum frum?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Yup sj, yer pal steve is quite the contributor, ain’t he!!
82. Steve spews:
Some things the goatfucker writes are actually quite believable, like when he admitted in a past thread that fucking too many goats had dumbed him down.
08/09/2009 at 12:58 pm
80. Steve spews:
The goatfucker tries to tar GBS as a racist while his friend and fellow traveler, Mr. (I love to tell racist jokes) Klynical, nods his head in approval. The goatfucker repeatedly tries to tar GBS as a bigot for calling him a name and making him cry. His friend, Mr. Klynical, who has openly spewed hate and intolerance towards gays on this blog for years, is again by his side. Laughable, if it weren’t so fucking pathetic.
Nice to have an alcoholic to add to the tweakers and potheads that are the Leftside of the HorsesAss!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Too much BC Bud combined with Prozac!
That is the only explanation for the steve’s that are the leftside of the HorsesAss@!!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
steve is such a drunken fool, he can’t even comprehend that it is HE who is ruining the HA dialogue!!
Too Damn FunnY!!!
I take it that the Klynical KLOWN is hitting the bottle. Will you ever get a handle on projection? Evidently not. So what’s driving you to drink, KLOWN? Did the goat leave you for Marvin? heh- That must suck. So sad.
Elevate the dialog, KLOWN. Tell us some more racist jokes about dem black folks you hate so much. And spew us a full load of that hate you feel towards gays. You’ve done it before. Do it again! Show us what you’ve got. Show us the entire ugly fucking package we call “Mr. Klynical”.
Marvin Stamnspews:
91. Troll spews:
I want everyone to step back and take notice the all of the liberals on this blog, both the bloggers and the commenters, have nothing positive to say about their party or politicians. All they can do is bash the other side. Why
Because they have nothing good to say about the democrats. They know the truth.
All the times I have pointed out that the democrats have done nothing to help blacks. All the good white guilt filled democrats jump up defending the actions of the democrats.
Yet steve agrees with me-
53. Puddybud, Hey it’s the New Year… spews:
Steve, okay I’ll cut you some slack. Let’s meet sometime soon and break bread over it.Maybe you can agree with me elected Donkey liberals have not made the inner city black man’s/woman’s life better.
55. steve spews:
@53 Agreed, agreed and, dammit, agreed. I know exactly what you’re talking about.
So steve agrees that that the democrats have done nothing to make the inner city black man/woman’s life better.
Sure puts the words of steve into a different perspective now. I wonder why steve is supportive of a party that we both agree has done nothing to help poor black people.
I’d be glad to have a discussion about the failures of affirmative action to help inner-city blacks, at least as viewed from my perspective, but seeing as how you’re dumber than a fucking stump, that conversation won’t be with you, goatfucker.
For instance, I can discuss how AA was used by conservative white professional males who put their wives, nonprofessionals without any experience in engineering, in as “front” owners of consultant firms, thus qualifying the firm as “minority owned”. Similarly, I could describe cases where conservative white male owned engineering firms used similar front companies as sources of contract employees without benefits, thus denying minorities jobs. That’s what happened to my late friend. After thirty years of “equality”, he was no longer employed by the firm he worked for, but rather had to work as contract employee without benefits. I can recount the conversation between the conservative white male principals of two of our nation’s largest engineering and architectural firms on how they can use such front companies to meet AA requirements for minority participation, and how they did do so without, in fact, without the hiring of any minority other than the white conservative wife fronting the firm.
Yeah, I can discuss the failures of Affirmative Action, but that conversation will not be with the likes of you, asswipe.
You see, goatfucker, you’ve read my conversations with Puddy. You read how I stood against all that and paid a steep price. And what you did with that was remove all context and then called me a racist. Try pulling that crap in my face, goatfucker.
Marvin Stamnspews:
100. Steve spews:
For instance, I can discuss how AA was used by conservative white professional male
You agreed that democrats have done nothing to help inner city blacks and already you are back to blaming conservatives. Why not write about how the democrats have not helped poor blacks.
After all, when it came to the democrats not helping poor blacks you “Agreed, agreed and, dammit, agreed”.
Tell us how the democrats have failed the black population.
Or just ramble on about your goatfucking fantasies. Prove that the plight of poor blacks means shit to you, thatyou put the democrat party before the lives of poor blacks.
And you wonder why I consider you a racist?
Like “the troll” really gives a flying fuck about poor blacks.
I suppose nobody else is interested in ignoring this little circle-jerque of Cynical, Troll, Puddy and Marvin? The adolescents who synergistically cause the real people here to somehow lose sight of the fact that, like trolls have ALWAYS done, they simply post inflammatory vomit just to get attention?
Doesn’t anybody get that their whole purpose is to get us to react to their smearing of feces on the wall? Has this simple principle in bloggery been overlooked day after day?
re: 104
Very true. I can’t believe it, really. There were TWO over three hundred post threads this last two weeks. Just about 100% devoted to fisking puddy and getting him to admit he was wrong…just once. ONCE…to no avail. (the other three in the “Axis of Idiots” are just too stupid. They follow pudster aroung like ‘lil piglets to mama pig, hoping they can suck a talking point off an ample tit.)
Anyway, I’m all for it…”shunning” that is. They have brought everything to the table thay have and it’s been digested and shit out already.
But I really love seeing Steve and Lee and YLB and corrrectnotright and Darryl and (my hero) The Rabbit and all the other “way smarter than me” folks on the board pants these clowns and give them the “hacks” they deserve. Something cathartic about yelling at, mocking and insulting these morons. Something that can’t be done in public. Oh yeah…until THEY started doing THAT!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Yup sj, yer pal steve is quite a genius, ain’t he!! He keeps adding to his own Course Record for career posts that attack and say ZERO!!
Apparently ruining this Blog with personal attacks and no content is Steve’s goat…errrrr, I mean goal!
82. Steve spews:
Some things the goatfucker writes are actually quite believable, like when he admitted in a past thread that fucking too many goats had dumbed him down.
08/09/2009 at 12:58 pm
80. Steve spews:
The goatfucker tries to tar GBS as a racist while his friend and fellow traveler, Mr. (I love to tell racist jokes) Klynical, nods his head in approval. The goatfucker repeatedly tries to tar GBS as a bigot for calling him a name and making him cry. His friend, Mr. Klynical, who has openly spewed hate and intolerance towards gays on this blog for years, is again by his side. Laughable, if it weren’t so fucking pathetic.
96. Steve spews:
I take it that the Klynical KLOWN is hitting the bottle. Will you ever get a handle on projection? Evidently not. So what’s driving you to drink, KLOWN? Did the goat leave you for Marvin? heh- That must suck. So sad.
08/09/2009 at 11:07 pm
97. Steve spews:
Elevate the dialog, KLOWN. Tell us some more racist jokes about dem black folks you hate so much. And spew us a full load of that hate you feel towards gays. You’ve done it before. Do it again! Show us what you’ve got. Show us the entire ugly fucking package we call “Mr. Klynical”.
99. Steve spews:
….but seeing as how you’re dumber than a fucking stump, that conversation won’t be with you, goatfucker.
101. Steve spews:
You see, goatfucker, you’ve read my conversations with Puddy. You read how I stood against all that and paid a steep price. And what you did with that was remove all context and then called me a racist. Try pulling that crap in my face, goatfucker.
Wow Steve, you must be a rocket scientist!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Rujax spews:
Anyway, I’m all for it…”shunning” that is. They have brought everything to the table thay have and it’s been digested and shit out already.
But I really love seeing Steve and Lee and YLB and corrrectnotright and Darryl and (my hero) The Rabbit and all the other “way smarter than me” folks on the board pants these clowns and give them the “hacks” they deserve. Something cathartic about yelling at, mocking and insulting these morons.
You and the rest of the KLOWNS can’t help yourselves. Rather than debate issues, you hurl angry insults….on a Leftist Blog!!
Ruining the flow of every thread with your vulgar, empty-headed rants.
And some old f*ck, half dead Guv’mint attorney is your hero?? I mean, I like Rog and have always enjoyed my banter with him….but isn’t HERO a stretch that does not reach??
Marvin Stamnspews:
104. X’ad spews:
I suppose nobody else is interested in ignoring this little circle-jerque of Cynical, Troll, Puddy and Marvin?
Why don’t you?
What are you waiting for, a free government program to do it for you?
The fact you keep replying and talking about us proves YOU don’t have anything better to do.
It’s well known that these guys…the “axis of idiots” all fuck goats when they’re not vomiting up standard-issue right-wing talking points and/or flat making shit up.
After I retire in a few months I’ll be checking in from asia but I may not be able to spend much time here unless I can set the speed on my scroll wheel higher. The same old tired shit from this bunch made them unreadable as far as I’m concerned, but I lose what little sane content remains here by having to whisk past the crap and then not seeing a good comment until I see a reference to it in a later post.
But seeing as how 95% of the comments I DO read are just rejoinders to the standard issue crap that these cretins continuously post, it’s obvious that that is now what constitutes the vast majority of commentary on this board.
If, indeed, there is a policy on repetitive material, they’d be damn well advised to enforce it before this turns into Puddy’s blog and is advertised as such. Real commentary instead of hebephrenic babbling, please.
Marvin Stamnspews:
110. X’ad spews:
After I retire in a few months I’ll be checking in from asia
Funny how many liberals said they would leave the country is bush was reelected and never did leave.
Not many on the right have said they would leave the country if obama was elected but it’s good to see that even x’ad sees the damage obama is going to do and is planning on leaving the country while he still can.
Even x’ad doesn’t believe that hope and change crap.
Look here, asswipe, you already used my dead friend to call me a racist. You’ve already earned your asskicking. Please feel free to collect what’s yours anytime.
I agree…they have absolutely nothing of any consequence to add, they recycle the same shit that lost them the last election and that will lose them several more election cycles to come. The Democratic leadership needs to close ranks (like THEY did) and ROLL the motherfuckers.
Marvin Stamnspews:
112. Steve spews:
Look here, asswipe, you already used my dead friend to call me a racist.
I don’t believe I ever used the word “dead.”
If we’re referring to the same comment, I made the point that like most racists, when called out always say they have a black friend.
Did you assume I meant your dead friend because he was you only black friend? Sorry, that was not my intention.
In YOUR life, what “clubs” are you a member of, because of the color of your skin, that Puddy couldn’t be in.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
110. X’ad spews:
After I retire in a few months
You don’t retire from welfare dumbass.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Lemme guess……….
Mr. Cynicalspews:
112. Steve spews:
Look here, asswipe, you already used my dead friend to call me a racist. You’ve already earned your asskicking. Please feel free to collect what’s yours anytime.
gee steve, you got me tearin’ up.
Wait a second. There, had to wipe away the tears.
We all have dead friends steve.
Get a grip.
Marvin Stamnspews:
118 – The empty comment. It’s refreshing to see Stamn reflect honestly on his accomplishments in these comment threads.
Marvin Stamnspews:
119. YLB spews:
118 – The empty comment. It’s refreshing to see Stamn reflect honestly on his accomplishments in these comment threads.
Strange I would “write” an empty comment.
I wonder how that happened.
Someone testing out a new sockpuppet using my email address?
It’s perfect. Now even more of them can commit adultery.
While you KLOWNS mess around with silly stuff..
Max Baucus listens to Conservatives!
Sorry tard, our chicks are hot. I can’t think of ONE hot liberal woman. Glad you brought it “up” although indirectly. Sucks to be you.
@3…how about Charlotte Johansson or Jessica Alba, for starters.
Neither of them is as hot as margaret thatcher.
Why give Viagra to idiots who already have too much testosterone? Cutting off their balls is a better solution.*
* Just kidding! Hey whatsmatter wingies, can’t you goatfuckers take a joke?
@3 What can I say? You wingies have strange ideas of what “hot” is. The last Republican I saw having sex was humping a knothole in a tree stump …
Free Viagra. Maybe that would motivate Marvelous Marvie the Welfare Queen to actually work for a living.
You know, stiffen Marvie’s spine, as it were…
Mark @ 3,
“… our chicks are hot.”
Too bad none of them put out.
I mean, how else can you explain the epidemic of sexually-up-tight horny-ass Wingnut hypocrites taking their sexual frustrations out on children?
Republican ‘hot’ chicks look like circa 1963 stewardesses.
All plastic and smiley and fuckin’ the local preacher man.
Over the last eight years people like John have said that dissent is patriotic. Why isn’t John saying that now?
re 12: “It is as useless to argue with those who have renounced the use of reason as it is to adminster medication to the dead.”
Thomas Jefferson
Troll, I envision your head as a pinball game with the STAINLESS-STEEL ball bouncing about in a herky-jerky manner, with lights and bells randomly ringing, and your tongue always flipping the little metal ball back into the chaos of buzzers, lights, and bells.
Do you hide Twinkies in between the folds of your fat?
Do you hide Twinkies in that empty space between your ears?
I’m loving this. Liberals are angry at the Obama Joker Poster, calling it racist, and that it should be banned, but Vanity Fair created the same picture of Bush over a year ago, and liberals were silent.
You need to think carefully about the implications of what you’re proposing–at least, if only righteous Republican men took advantage…
There wouldn’t be a sheep, a pig, a llama, a ripe watermelon, a Studebaker, a Mickey Big Mouth empty, a grease gun, a shop vacuum or a jar of mayonnaise safe in the entire country.
The women? Nah, they’d have nothing to worry about.
This is sexist!
Are you saying that Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter need to give their men Viagra?
Imagine the impact if liberals were to found “Move-ON-IN.” MOI would offer sexual assistance to deprived Repricans! Our motto oculd be “fuck the repricans!”
Dissent is patriotic.
Violence is as Republican as lynching and apple pie. Six teabagger arrests, some for assault, outside Carnahan town hall. @ttagaris on Twitter reports that in his briefing he was told that one SEIU staffer was sent to hospital (shoulder) and will be OK.
16 T
Not that you will appreciate the difference, being a Democrat and all like you are, but there is a difference between a nation sick of tht old lying bastard who was still stubbornly sending young men to their deaths in the wars of choice he started, subverted the Constitution, crashed the world economy, and uined Americaa’s reputation and the new president who has been in office all of six months and who is just starting to turn things around.
Very few were calling Bush much of anything in July 2001.
4 You win. I’m a loser.
Funny counter-example:
In late 2003 MoveOn.org solicited he public to submit ads for the upcoming presidential campaign. Two of their more than 1500 submissions compared Bush to Hitler. MoveOn immiediately took those ads down from its site and ever considered them in the contest. As a result, there was a coordinated Republican/Jewish groups/media firestorm, with Wolf Blitzer of CNN calling it “an ugly comparison between the president of the United States and Adolf Hitler.”
But Thursday, GOP activist and self-prolclaimed head of the Republican party Rush Limbaugh (video) compared Obama to Hitler and Nancy Pelosi to Nazi leaders. Reponse in the press? Crickets. Jewish groups, Anti-Defamation league? Well, ADL is claiming to call it “outrageous” but there’s nothing at their link.
Will we hear Wolf Blitzer, David Gregory, Diane Sawyer, NY Times, et. al. tell us how awful this is? Hint: holding breath not recommended.
Very few were calling Bush much of anything in July 2001
I was calling him “disappointing” and “not very bright.” That’s the same as calling him the anti-christ, right?
21 m
More examples of liberal hypocrisy when it comes to the Obama Joker images vs Bush images.
Because of Daddy Love’s double standard on this poster issue, I have lost all respect for him. I don’t think he has any morals. And I could not legally say that unless it were true.
26 T
Now I’m hurt. Oh, no, I guess I’m not.
Can’t we just all agree that Bush and Obama were/are BOTH Hitler, and pick up the shattered pieces of our lives and go on? And Sarah Palin is Axis Sally? I’m just sayin…
@14 Very weak comeback, troll. Harry got you good (I’d say about a 9.5) and your response is as tepid as yesterday’s coffee (a 1.5 at best, and that’s charity). Your creative insults need much more work, and you sure could use a competent editor.
These teabaggers are something fucking else.
The craziest, most irreponsible right-wing Reps spouting Birther nonsense and ranting about the “enemies list” are STILL being chastised by their insane supporters for not being “conservative” enough.
“Conservative” is apparently a synonym for “certifiable.”
@19 Interesting news story, and what really leaps out at you is The Cops Behaving Stupidly, e.g. arresting bystanders for taking photos of cops pounding on arrestees and even arresting a newspaper reporter who was merely covering the event. I mean, when Stupid Cops fuck with the press, you know it’s going to be in the paper …
BTW, I agree with Obama — the cops who arrested that Harvard prof in his own home for getting mouthy to (but not assaulting) a cop were, in fact, Stupid Cops …
This kind of cop behavior is actually common throughout our country, and seems to be a function of human nature, which is basically stupid. Cops are supposed to protect citizens, not their own egos, but some of them can’t figure that out.
Over at the dark side (unSP) the other day I saw Mr. Klynical giving pudge of all people a hard time for calling for civility at townhalls.
Of course Pudge (who is never wrong) was pushing back.
It was too funny. Two right wing clowns eating each other.
@21 mark finally gets something right!
@26 “I could not legally say that unless it were true.”
That (along with everything else you post) isn’t true. You’d better stick with being an idiot and stop pretending to be a lawyer, troll, because you’re no good at being a lawyer.
re 14: Lookin’for a free meal?
@28 No. Because they’re wrong — there’s no comparison between Obama, Bush, and Hitler. Obama isn’t a warmonger or torturer. Can’t say the same for Bush or Hitler.
@32 It’s only a matter of time before two teabaggers put each other in the hospital at one of these events.
This orchestrated rightwing violence may prove to be useful in the long run. Remember how lawyer Morris Dees used an assault by Richard Butler’s goons against passersby to put the Hayden Lake Nazi out of business? He got a jury verdict of $6.5 million against Butler and the Aryan Nations for “negligent supervision” of its “security guards.” The former Aryan compound is now a peace park and Butler died penniless, with his organization weakened and scattered. There’s no lack of civil rights lawyers on our side; and if the teabag goons beat up the wrong people (i.e., beating up their own guys is amusing but not helpful to our cause), our lawyers could go after the Astroturfers’ assets and maybe even the GOP’s property too. If the Republican Riots continue, this could get reeeeeeeeal interesting.
You do believe that dissent is patriotic, correct?
So Conservatives are impotent???
Sunday, August 09, 2009
This poll only reflects a day or so of the outrageous characterization by Obama’s ilk and Pelosi of those who disagree with him as “Nazi’s”. When folks in power (the Dems control the House, Filibuster-proof Senate and White House) start calling the opposition “Nazi’s”….their reign of terror will be short-lived.
No matter how much you try to marginalize, minimize or demonize the opposition to Obamunism…the anti-Obama and anti-Democrat trend is in full swing.
Obama was +32 in this same Rasmussed poll post inauguration. Same poll. Now he is -8. And you seriously don’t think O-blah-blah has blown serious political capital?? Like nearly all of it!!
2010 will be real interesting. Conservatives have some excellent candidates with a clear concise message on NO MORE… MASSIVE DEFICIT SPENDING, incompetent bailouts and Socialism of America.
You may soon see some Dems changing Parties.as Pelosi and Reid are hated by the vast majority of citizens. They are dragging O-blah-blah down with them.
Look forward to seeing Senator Baucus today.
How he handles Obamacare & Obamunism is his legacy.
Cause all good democrats know that only republicans have affairs.
@39 Dissent is every American’s birthright, but all dissent is not equally patriotic. For example, the anti-integration protestors in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1954 were not patriots by any stretch of imagination. Also, interfering with others’ right to hear and be heard is not dissent but disruption (and, legally, disorderly conduct).
That was a joke to expose gbs as a racist. Sorry you were also stupid enough to believe it.
At least you weren’t racist enough to assume I was black like gbs did.
Do you feel that way about all welfare recipients?
@40 “So Conservatives are impotent???”
Measured by how many public offices they hold and their ability to influence government policies, I would say that’s true. They couldn’t keep Sotomayor off the Supreme Court; they couldn’t stop Obama’s economic stimulus; and they won’t be able to block Obama’s health insurance reform, either. Nor, if Democratic electeds had any balls, would they be able to stop the badly needed and now overdue investigations of Bush and Cheney’s crimes.
@41 You’re saying Democrats don’t cheat on their spouses? That Teddy Kennedy is a poster boy for family values? That John Edwards is a model of marital rectitude? Now I know for sure you’ve gone over the edge, Marvin Stupes!
Like liberal talk show host bernie ward?
Or do you mean that liberals aren’t hypocrites because they don’t say that abusing children is wrong?
@43 “That was a joke”
That’s simply not credible, because everyone knows wingnuts have no sense of humor and are incapable of understanding, much less creating, satire and irony. When rightwing loontards talk about setting up concentration camps and exterminating liberals, they mean it.
@46 Of course abusing children is wrong. That’s why we throw wingtard baby-rapers in jail.
Ain’t it amazin’ how the talented Cynical can be both funny and disgusting at the same time?
You get a good idea of what Montana is like when you see that Baucus is considered a democrat. Those folks’ brilliance and acumen may someday get up to the level of West Virginia!
And the way that the liberals are whining about the obama=hitler comparisons after they have been doing it to bush/republicans for 8 years.
I don’t remember any democrat being offended when moveon.org put out that hitler/bush ad.
You got me. It wasn’t a joke. I did it to expose gbs as a racist.
After all, only a racist would believe that being on welfare meant I was black.
229. GBS spews:
Sheik al Marvin is also on welfare in California. Which explains why he’s has soooooo much time on his hands to post on HA.
Marvin, why don’t you get a real job instead of contributing to the false and negative stereotype that black people just live off welfare generation to generation.
06/11/2009 AT 1:18 PM
Of course they mean it. (wink wink)
Can you give me the address of one of those re[publican liberal extermination camps?
Or how about a website asking republicans to turn in democrats that are dissenting like the obama has with his turn in your neighbor program.
Please do your civic duty as a democrat and turn me in to your supreme leader. flag@whitehouse.gov
I can’t imagine the outrage if bush had done this.
@50 The difference is that Bush behaved like Hitler but Obama doesn’t; so the comparison is apt for Bush but not Obama.
Don’t you throw the left wingtards in jail?
@51 I don’t see where GBS called you “black” in that comment. It appears to me he meant to insinuate you’re an Arab.
Idiot @ 49–
Ummmm, Montana has no deficit.
Our Democrat Governor Schweitzer refused to increase taxes and did lots of layoffs.
Gregoire accepted lots of Fed Welfare (more US debt) and just signed another “smoke-and-mirrors” unsustainable Budget with virtually zero layoffs and cuts in Union Benefits.
Boeing is ready to leave.
Every time we get an updated Economic Forecast, it’s worse (unless you believe the Obama lie on Unemployment which took something like 800,000 arbitrarily off the unemployment list because they have been unemployed for so long).
Yup, Progressive Washington has all the right answers!
Did you know the State Retirement Fund is approx $15 BILLION underfunded and Gregoire balanced this Budget by cutting the State’s contribution by $400-500 MILLION??
Yup, you KLOWNS are a real model for reckless spending and reckless fiscal management.
Eastern Montana has OIL coming outta their ass!!
So do the Dakota’s.
Washington does have lots of trees…which you can’t log, but can watch burn. Plus, the PINE BEETLE’s are coming.
Washington has some fish you can’t catch.
Washington has the Cascadian Fault line that cuts loose every 300 or so years and last shook with a 9.0+ back in 1700 (it’s past due) See the earthquake in Japan today?
Japanese quakes were a precursor in 1700 too.
Yup, you KLOWNS sure have it nailed!
@53 There’s no such thing as a “left wingtard.” Any word with “wing” in it refers to either a conservative, an airplane, or a bird.
six teabagger arrests?
How did you get that from the article?
How about you quoting the words that imply 6 teabagger arrests.
BTW, the Obama-as-Joker poster is just your little straw man (again!), guys.
It’s the death threats against our representatives that people are kinda upset over.
Wow, you really are partisan.
The truth means nothing to you.
50 mS
And you’re a fucking liar. Not that the truth matters to you.
MoveOn sponsored an ad contest in which people could freely post their own entries. Two of the over 1500 submissions made that comparison. MoveOn took down the entries, removed them from the contest, and never, ever “put out” or ran an ad of that kind.
But RR is right that Bush was a warmonger and a torturer.
It was the democrats bringing it up and whining about it.
If it’s a straw man, look to your elected democrat rulers for why they raised it. They want to take your mind off how badly they are doing, as evidenced by the dropping poll numbers of your rulers.
All the right did was point out that your fellow lefties did the exact same thing to bush.
Your side set the rules, now right-wingers are doing it back and your side whines about it.
CNN / Opinion Reseaerch Corporation
7/27-8/3/09; 1,136 adults, 3% margin of error
Mode: Live telephone interviews
(CNN article)
From everything you have heard or read so far, do you favor or oppose Barack Obama’s plan to reform health care?
50% Favor, 45% Oppose (chart)
Would you rather have [treatment] decisions made by people who work for insurance companies, or people who work for the government?
40% Insurance Companies, 40% Government
Half sample: Do you think it is or is not necessary to make major structural changes in the nation’s health care system in order to make sure that all Americans have health insurance?
77% Necessary, 21% Not necessary
Half sample: Do you think it is or is not necessary to make major structural changes in the nation’s health care system in order to reduce health care costs?
74% Necessary, 23% Not necessary
Dumber than the birthers? The deathers.
62 MS
That’s right, ignore the death threats. After all, it’s only Democrats being targeted, right? Not anyone that matters, like Republican party head Rush Limbaugh. Let Rush receive a death threat and we’d hear the wingnut screaming through our windows.
Marvin’s a professional poster, so of course he’s a fucking liar. It’s HIS JOB. So he’s never going to vary from the tripe that he puts out as he jacks off on his keyboard,
and why is ANYBODY paying attention to him?
Do you watch porno films of guys masturbating?
I didn’t think so.
I just scroll past and then am amazed at real people with reasonable ideas responding to this pervert.
And Troll? Same creep in a different disguise.
The way I see it, this plan is about nothing less than giving illegal immigrants health coverage. Poor and disabled US citizens already have health coverage. It’s called Medicare and Medicaid. Even the homeless have health coverage. They even have a better plan than me, and I have a full-time job! I have to wait 2 weeks to see my doctor. The bums who live on the streets get whisked up to Harborview by Medic One at a moment’s notice. I have to drive myself to the doctor. And I have a deductible. Bums don’t have to pay for the service they get at Harborview. The way I see it, homeless people have it made. Free medical, free food from food banks and soup kitchens, food stamps, disability, social security, free housing, free money in the form of panhandling donations. Some making up to $200 a day. Free clothes from charities, section 8, don’t have to pay income tax, … and on, and on, and on.
I have to pay for all those things!!! So excuse me for not believe you when you say I have to feel sorry for the poor. Poor people have it made! They are living on easy street!
Yep, this health plan is a plot by liberals to give health coverage to illegals.
If death threats are so bad, where was your voice when it was bush getting the threats?
Once again proving daddy love has selective outrage. When it’s against a democrat daddylove objects. When it’s against a republican he closes his eyes and puts his head in the sand.
Has anyone on the right talked about wanting to go back in time and kill bush as an infant like was done about bush.
Say, are there any “death of a president” movies where obama is the president yet?
Google kill bus, hit the images link and once again stick your head in the sand.
66. X’ad spews:
X’ad is another complete, paranoid LUNATIC who believe’s someone is actually paid to post to the 5 Conservatives and 15 LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS at HorsesAss.org!
You and cnr and YLB…goofballs.
Once again, pointing out the hypocrisy on the left.
You blather on about why does anyone pay attention to me as you write about me.
Typical liberal “do as I say, not as I do” thought process.
Why not take a moment of self-reflection and ask yourself, why are YOU paying attention to me.
Don’t forget to be a good comrade and report me to your ruler. flag@whitehouse.gov
I might have to take some of the blame. I said I was earning low 6 figures from the GOP to post here.
Some of the less educated believed me.
Strange how he considers me a professional poster when the rabbit out does me 10 to 1. Just another example of the hypocrisy the left needs to justify their positions.
You know, the marvin is so fucking stupid he probably IS getting paid by the RNC. That’s about the level of intelligence they’ve got going over there.
Oh…and the cyniklown can just stfu…he isn’t any more intelligent.
BTW-I see the pudddybiotch has retreated again to the “fortress of pudditude” to lick his (largely self-inflicted) wounds.
No. Not my thing.
But I’m sure you can google and find some.
Keep your gay thing on the down low, steve and gbs have issues with “faggots.”
As far as I am concerned, as long as it is consenting adults in the film I don’t have a problem. Go ahead and enjoy yourself. Not that you were waiting for my blessing to enjoy yourself with films of guys masturbating or anything.
I’m stupid for getting paid??
Typical left-wingnut thought process.
Why work when you can live off the free government services.
Now we know why steve’s sidekick rujax is for free healthcare.
Did you see what rujax wrote-
72. Rujax! spews:
You know, the marvin is so fucking stupid he probably IS getting paid by the RNC.
That’s why I wrote in #71-
Some of the less educated believed me.
@67: I have to pay for all those things!!! So excuse me for not believe you when you say I have to feel sorry for the poor. Poor people have it made! They are living on easy street!
You’re a fucking piece of shit, and a sorry excuse for a human being. “Have it made”? We’re doing the bare minimum to keep these folks alive, many of whom have severe mental disabilities and drug and alcohol problems that are going untreated. Not to mention that these services that you refer to are overstretched and underfunded, and are facing greater and greater demand… not because folks are getting lazier, but because many folks have been dumped out on the street. And of course, we won’t even get into the fact that these folks don’t really have a chance at pulling themselves up out of where they’re at right now without a hand up.
But hey… why don’t you do what I did a while back and answer phones for a shelter? Having to tell at least five to ten parents a day that they would have to sleep on the street with their kids because all the local shelters were full is a very uplifting experience, let me tell you.
68 MS
What death threats against Bush? Cite, link.
Death threat against Brad Miller (D-NC)
Death threat against Brian Baird (D-WA).
@68: I notice that Bush survived and that the right wing crazies are out in greater force and with way more malicious posts on Obama and on other democrats.
Last I recalled, the right wingnuts attacked the Murrow building in Oklahoma and killed how many innocent people….and the leftists….can’t remember anything in the last 20 years that wasn’t roundly denounced by the real progressives.
Yup, the right wingnuts have a histroy of violence and a recent history of:
shooting up the holocaust museum
anew report from the dept. of homeland security that says right wing violence is on the rise:
Stoked by tthe idiots on the right, the birthers, the gun nuts and so on.
@75: Poor Marvin, spends his time posting BS on here and all it does is prove how ignorant he and the rightwingnuts are….so what Marvin, you can type, you can spread falsehoods, and you can spend all your worthless time on a liberal blog….still doesn’t mean you make any sense or that anyone is actually fooled by your worthless drivel that you can’t back up.
Thanks for reminding me how worthless the rightwingnut arguments are….your views and the views of the other shallow minds on the right are, simply put; ludicrously and pathetically narrow-minded, simplistic and shallow not to mention lacking in factual back-up. The racist, anti-american, name-calling that comes out of your ilk is worthy only of prompt refutation.
The goatfucker tries to tar GBS as a racist while his friend and fellow traveler, Mr. (I love to tell racist jokes) Klynical, nods his head in approval. The goatfucker repeatedly tries to tar GBS as a bigot for calling him a name and making him cry. His friend, Mr. Klynical, who has openly spewed hate and intolerance towards gays on this blog for years, is again by his side. Laughable, if it weren’t so fucking pathetic.
How about the goatfucker retelling the folks here his theory that I’m a racist because, in a discussion about race and our personal backgrounds of poverty, I mentioned to Puddy that my best friend, a black man, had recently died? Or how I’m a racist because, in that same discussion about race, I told Puddy how I used to play in black bands in black clubs in Rainer Valley and the CD. Or how I’m a racist because, in that conversation about race, I talked about my early childhood best friends, three black kids, that I had growing up in the Seattle housing projects. He can tell you how he read my conversation with Puddy about how my profession is underrepresented by blacks and my efforts to bring about change and how, because of this, the goatfucker concludes I’m a racist. He can also tell you how, with no knowledge of state law and my community’s covenants and demographics, he concludes that I live in an exlusively white development and that, of course, I’m a racist. Indeed, the hopelessly hypocritical goatfucker rags on about some welfare comment by GBS and in his next breath infers that a black, upper-middle class golfer, say like Puddy himself, couldn’t possibly exist.
Yes, the hopelessly deluded asswipe goatfucker read those conversations I had with Puddy and concluded that I’m a racist. Well, I’ve read the goatfucker’s dumb-as-a-fucking-stump posts on this and every other fucking subject discussed on this blog and I can only conclude that the delusional, America-hating asswipe really does fuck goats. And, yes, I bet you he fucks watermelons too. Hell, he probably gives all of his vegetables names.
Troll (the idiot) says:
Hey troll, go trade your job, your house and your medical insurance plan for the life of a homeless person – you and your loudmouth, stupid comments wouldn’t last a day on the streets.
Where does someone learn to be as stupid as troll? Did you actually go to school and still end up as ignorant as a sack of shit?
Some things the goatfucker writes are actually quite believable, like when he admitted in a past thread that fucking too many goats had dumbed him down.
No, I won’t trade my job for life on the streets, even though I would have it made, because I’m not lazy. All homeless people are lazy. They want and expect everything to be handed to them. I like to work for my money. That’s why I have self-respect.
It’s impossible for any homeless person to have self-respect.
So yeah, homeless people are people on welfare have it made. They have it easy. But the tradeoff is they don’t have any self-respect, and they are awful human beings.
I am proud of myself. I admire me. No homeless person can say that about themselves. And that’s because they are lazy.
Well, if they considered it a threat that’s good enough for me. (snicker shicker)
“We had one of those kind of calls that escalated to what we considered a threat” on the congressman’s life, said Canipe.
No mention of what was said, nor is there any mention of it being reported to the police. I wonder why. It’s just like the count of the uninsured never includes how it breaks down.
From YOUR link…
The message made no specific reference to Baird and it is unclear why it was sent to his office.
I wonder why you wrote it was a death threat against brian baird when the article you cite says the opposite.
82. Steve spews:
80. Steve spews:
Drunk again early Sunday afternoon.
Once again, you do more to ruin Goldy’s Blog than anyone from the Right.
Steve…Yacht Klub Kommodore and Kountry Klub member…right steve-o??
What a pathetic douchebag you are.
Heh- The Klynical KLOWN is concern-trolling again. LMFAO!! Hey, got anymore racist jokes to share with us and for the dumbed-down goatfucker to ignore while he spews his incoherent charges of racism towards GBS? What a stupid fucking PIN-HEADED KLOWN you are! LMFAO!!
84 MS
Hey, when are you going to cite a death threat against Bush? I may have to go somewhere later.
@ 87
Well, there were a few death threats against G. W., but nothing like what Obama gets every day.
88 DJ
I guess we don’t really know if GW got anything of the sort until Lazy Butt over there decides to document it for us. Then we can snicker about how inadequate his sourcing is for a while afterward.
After all, Barack Obama is the target of more than 30 “potential death threats” a day. Potential? Is that the best the Secret Service can do? Clearly there’s a lot to snicker about when they’re only “potential.” Who does the Secret Service think they’re fooling? And how do we really know they’re “death threats” if they don’t print the messages and the names of the senders? Right?
Now Dick Durbin says the public option must go! You libs are like chickens running around without heads!
I want everyone to step back and take notice the all of the liberals on this blog, both the bloggers and the commenters, have nothing positive to say about their party or politicians. All they can do is bash the other side. Why? Why don’t they take this opportunity to point out the good that Democrats have brought to the major cities of American, and to America as a whole? Because they can’t. If they could talk-up the Democrats, they would. But if you look at the top ten cities with the highest violent crime rates, you’ll find they are all run by Democrats.
Gee willikers Henry, the level of thought in this thread is just so terrific!
Where did all these bright folks cum frum?
Yup sj, yer pal steve is quite the contributor, ain’t he!!
82. Steve spews:
80. Steve spews:
Nice to have an alcoholic to add to the tweakers and potheads that are the Leftside of the HorsesAss!!
Too much BC Bud combined with Prozac!
That is the only explanation for the steve’s that are the leftside of the HorsesAss@!!
steve is such a drunken fool, he can’t even comprehend that it is HE who is ruining the HA dialogue!!
Too Damn FunnY!!!
I take it that the Klynical KLOWN is hitting the bottle. Will you ever get a handle on projection? Evidently not. So what’s driving you to drink, KLOWN? Did the goat leave you for Marvin? heh- That must suck. So sad.
Elevate the dialog, KLOWN. Tell us some more racist jokes about dem black folks you hate so much. And spew us a full load of that hate you feel towards gays. You’ve done it before. Do it again! Show us what you’ve got. Show us the entire ugly fucking package we call “Mr. Klynical”.
Because they have nothing good to say about the democrats. They know the truth.
All the times I have pointed out that the democrats have done nothing to help blacks. All the good white guilt filled democrats jump up defending the actions of the democrats.
Yet steve agrees with me-
So steve agrees that that the democrats have done nothing to make the inner city black man/woman’s life better.
Sure puts the words of steve into a different perspective now. I wonder why steve is supportive of a party that we both agree has done nothing to help poor black people.
I’d be glad to have a discussion about the failures of affirmative action to help inner-city blacks, at least as viewed from my perspective, but seeing as how you’re dumber than a fucking stump, that conversation won’t be with you, goatfucker.
For instance, I can discuss how AA was used by conservative white professional males who put their wives, nonprofessionals without any experience in engineering, in as “front” owners of consultant firms, thus qualifying the firm as “minority owned”. Similarly, I could describe cases where conservative white male owned engineering firms used similar front companies as sources of contract employees without benefits, thus denying minorities jobs. That’s what happened to my late friend. After thirty years of “equality”, he was no longer employed by the firm he worked for, but rather had to work as contract employee without benefits. I can recount the conversation between the conservative white male principals of two of our nation’s largest engineering and architectural firms on how they can use such front companies to meet AA requirements for minority participation, and how they did do so without, in fact, without the hiring of any minority other than the white conservative wife fronting the firm.
Yeah, I can discuss the failures of Affirmative Action, but that conversation will not be with the likes of you, asswipe.
You see, goatfucker, you’ve read my conversations with Puddy. You read how I stood against all that and paid a steep price. And what you did with that was remove all context and then called me a racist. Try pulling that crap in my face, goatfucker.
You agreed that democrats have done nothing to help inner city blacks and already you are back to blaming conservatives. Why not write about how the democrats have not helped poor blacks.
After all, when it came to the democrats not helping poor blacks you “Agreed, agreed and, dammit, agreed”.
Tell us how the democrats have failed the black population.
Or just ramble on about your goatfucking fantasies. Prove that the plight of poor blacks means shit to you, thatyou put the democrat party before the lives of poor blacks.
And you wonder why I consider you a racist?
Like “the troll” really gives a flying fuck about poor blacks.
I suppose nobody else is interested in ignoring this little circle-jerque of Cynical, Troll, Puddy and Marvin? The adolescents who synergistically cause the real people here to somehow lose sight of the fact that, like trolls have ALWAYS done, they simply post inflammatory vomit just to get attention?
Doesn’t anybody get that their whole purpose is to get us to react to their smearing of feces on the wall? Has this simple principle in bloggery been overlooked day after day?
re: 104
Very true. I can’t believe it, really. There were TWO over three hundred post threads this last two weeks. Just about 100% devoted to fisking puddy and getting him to admit he was wrong…just once. ONCE…to no avail. (the other three in the “Axis of Idiots” are just too stupid. They follow pudster aroung like ‘lil piglets to mama pig, hoping they can suck a talking point off an ample tit.)
Anyway, I’m all for it…”shunning” that is. They have brought everything to the table thay have and it’s been digested and shit out already.
But I really love seeing Steve and Lee and YLB and corrrectnotright and Darryl and (my hero) The Rabbit and all the other “way smarter than me” folks on the board pants these clowns and give them the “hacks” they deserve. Something cathartic about yelling at, mocking and insulting these morons. Something that can’t be done in public. Oh yeah…until THEY started doing THAT!
Yup sj, yer pal steve is quite a genius, ain’t he!! He keeps adding to his own Course Record for career posts that attack and say ZERO!!
Apparently ruining this Blog with personal attacks and no content is Steve’s goat…errrrr, I mean goal!
82. Steve spews:
80. Steve spews:
96. Steve spews:
97. Steve spews:
99. Steve spews:
101. Steve spews:
Wow Steve, you must be a rocket scientist!
Rujax spews:
You and the rest of the KLOWNS can’t help yourselves. Rather than debate issues, you hurl angry insults….on a Leftist Blog!!
Ruining the flow of every thread with your vulgar, empty-headed rants.
And some old f*ck, half dead Guv’mint attorney is your hero?? I mean, I like Rog and have always enjoyed my banter with him….but isn’t HERO a stretch that does not reach??
Why don’t you?
What are you waiting for, a free government program to do it for you?
The fact you keep replying and talking about us proves YOU don’t have anything better to do.
It’s well known that these guys…the “axis of idiots” all fuck goats when they’re not vomiting up standard-issue right-wing talking points and/or flat making shit up.
After I retire in a few months I’ll be checking in from asia but I may not be able to spend much time here unless I can set the speed on my scroll wheel higher. The same old tired shit from this bunch made them unreadable as far as I’m concerned, but I lose what little sane content remains here by having to whisk past the crap and then not seeing a good comment until I see a reference to it in a later post.
But seeing as how 95% of the comments I DO read are just rejoinders to the standard issue crap that these cretins continuously post, it’s obvious that that is now what constitutes the vast majority of commentary on this board.
If, indeed, there is a policy on repetitive material, they’d be damn well advised to enforce it before this turns into Puddy’s blog and is advertised as such. Real commentary instead of hebephrenic babbling, please.
Funny how many liberals said they would leave the country is bush was reelected and never did leave.
Not many on the right have said they would leave the country if obama was elected but it’s good to see that even x’ad sees the damage obama is going to do and is planning on leaving the country while he still can.
Even x’ad doesn’t believe that hope and change crap.
Look here, asswipe, you already used my dead friend to call me a racist. You’ve already earned your asskicking. Please feel free to collect what’s yours anytime.
I agree…they have absolutely nothing of any consequence to add, they recycle the same shit that lost them the last election and that will lose them several more election cycles to come. The Democratic leadership needs to close ranks (like THEY did) and ROLL the motherfuckers.
I don’t believe I ever used the word “dead.”
If we’re referring to the same comment, I made the point that like most racists, when called out always say they have a black friend.
Did you assume I meant your dead friend because he was you only black friend? Sorry, that was not my intention.
In YOUR life, what “clubs” are you a member of, because of the color of your skin, that Puddy couldn’t be in.
110. X’ad spews:
You don’t retire from welfare dumbass.
Lemme guess……….
112. Steve spews:
gee steve, you got me tearin’ up.
Wait a second. There, had to wipe away the tears.
We all have dead friends steve.
Get a grip.
118 – The empty comment. It’s refreshing to see Stamn reflect honestly on his accomplishments in these comment threads.
Strange I would “write” an empty comment.
I wonder how that happened.
Someone testing out a new sockpuppet using my email address?