Betcha this is a picture we see over and over again in campaign literature come November. Democratic campaign literature that is.
“Everything I know tells me we need to change course… I am going to defeat Dave Reichert because he will never stop George Bush. But together, we will.”
— Darcy Burner, Westlake Center rally, 6/16/2006
How much did Bush raise for Reichert?
Hey – that’s my title (almost)! Democrats couldn’t have hoped for a better photo op, and this one didn’t cost us $10,000 but Reichert will need many times that much to try to offset the damage such a photo does for him.
Reichert: “Hey, Mr. President, how about one of those presidential reach arounds?”
“only if you come visit my cockpit”
Yes, I see your point, Goldy, but this is the 8th District, not the 7th. How many of those folks at Westlake today actually live (and more importantly) vote in the 8th? I’ll certainly grant you that the 8th has been trending blue, but it’s very much a blueish-redish (middle) district.
I’m saying Burner doesn’t have a shot; but ‘not Reichert’ or ‘not Bush’ gets you 20-25%. The middle 60% that actually decides elections needs and deserves more concrete ideas.
Whoops… me @ 5. I should have said “I’m NOT saying Burner can’t win…far from it”.
Kyle Broflovski – I live and vote in the 8th but work downtown and so I, for one, was a constituent in attendence.
“Heckuva Job Reichy.”
“You too Mr. President, Heckuva job.”
Great fodder for the commercials!
I think some copies of this photo could have a “ghost” image of the flooding in New Orleans in the background. That would say it all.
Here’s one possible caption: “Is this the new version of Texas Hold’Em?”
Well another blow to the cowards, cunts and crooks on the right. MCKINNEY will NOT be indicted. MSNBC is reporting that the DA said no criminal conduct occured. So much for the KKK-loving right wing racists who had hoped to mirror MCKINNEY against a convicted felon like the Dekester serving eight years sucking dick in the big house. NEXT?
the 8th STILL isn’t ready to elect someone from a party who BOOS when told by one of their own that they should support the troops.
(great photo, BTW)
I noticed that Cantwell and Murray voted NOT to have a specific withdrawal date from Iraq, a la what your hero John Kerry wanted. In fact, almost NO senate democrats wanted that. ????????????? I guess this was put up or shut up day in the U.S. Senate.
8th – Huh? What you said implies that a candidate booed when someone told the candidate to support the troops. Firstly Darcy does support the troops, and she didn’t boo anyone. I don’t know any other candidates running that the 8th hasn’t already elected. So basically what you wrote makes no sense.
is THE Rubberstamp Reichert photo that shows him for what he is exactly
Hi Karl !!!
“The first lesson of democracy is not to hold the public in contempt.” – Ronnie Earle
Rubberstamp Reichert (try it again)
“If your pictures aren’t good enough, you’re not close enough,” – Robert Capa
the 8th STILL isn’t ready to elect someone from a party who BOOS when told by one of their own that they should support the troops.
(great photo, BTW)
Commentby 8th— 6/16/06@ 5:12 pm
Sounds like you’ve been parroting the Michelle Malkin talking points on Hillary. Read the actual transcript, idiot. They didn’t boo when Hillary said to support the troops, they booed when she said we shouldn’t have a timetable for withdrawal. Don’t be just another right-wing idiot who doesn’t care about facts.
Facts? Facts? We don’t need no steenkin’ facts! .
Re: #14…so ya want a schedule for getting out of Iraq? How about “NOW”? The Bushistas seem to be finally admitting that theirs is “Never”.
They don’t want out of Iraq yet. They haven’t stolen their fill yet!
In 2000, the U.S. Geological Survey estimated that Iraq has about 78 billion bbls. of oil ( ), in which case we’ve already paid about $4 a barrel for it — without seeing a drop.
Stealing another country’s oil by military force is one of the most expensive ways to get it.
24 – Halliburton needs the money to give to Cheney. Right?
I saw the video. Hillary got booed when she told the Take Back folks they ought to support the troops. When they weren’t booing they were just plain very quiet. Where was the wild cheering when Hillary said they should support the troops? Why was everyone so quiet or just plain disgusted when she said this?? THERE WAS NO CHEERING WHEN SHE SAID THAT. This is the party of Darcy Burner. That kind of thing doesn’t play well with mainstrett USA.
..and for that matter, the 8th isn’t ready to vote for a candidate from a party that sells christian fish car magnets with sick-looking eyes, enveloped in flames with the word “HYPOCRITE” splashed across it. This too is the party of Darcy Burner. I know this could come as a shock to you all, but that sort of car magnet put-down scares and turns off Mainstreet USA, too.
“I noticed that Cantwell and Murray voted NOT to have a specific withdrawal date from Iraq, a la what your hero John Kerry wanted. In fact, almost NO senate democrats wanted that. ?????????????” Commentby 8th— 6/16/06@ 5:13 pm
What it really means is our Senators (and Senate Democrats in general) have more sense than you’ve been giving them credit for.
As I stated in a previous post, a withdrawal timetable is a bad idea for a couple of reasons: One, it tells the enemy what your plans are, and two, it hamstrings military commanders’ tactical flexibility.
The solution to the Iraq quagmire is not an arbitrary withdrawal timetable, but a new commander in chief and defense secretary.
There are other reasons why our government might try to steal Iraq’s oil — e.g., stupidity.
Mainstreet USA is gonna kick your sorry butt, fella!
I saw the video. Hillary got booed when she told the Take Back folks they ought to support the troops.
Wrong. You saw a doctored clip. You’ve been duped.
31: I see, so you mean to say that not only did they not boo, but the wild cheering for the troops was edited out?????? Did they in fact give a wild whoop for the troops they claim to support??
…or was it in fact the stone-cold silence that we saw when she told them to support the troops??
Most normal people.when asked to support the troops, break out in wild cherring and applause. There was NONE OF THAT at that moment, now, was there?
@23 Hell, they don’t have to steal the oil. . .they just send suitcases full of money to Iraq and then ‘lose track’ of it. Why screw with drilling, pumping, refining, selling when the re-thugs can just wholesale transfer trunks of money to their own pockets. . . .
“ “What we have to do is define ourselves so that Republicans do not define us. This is a define-or-be-defined business that we’re in, so you can’t leave it out in the open,” Pelosi said.
And what is that vision?
She outlined three areas where Democrats would seek to differentiate themselves from Republicans: integrity, civility and accountability. If Democrats were to take control of the House in November, their first actions would focus on promoting those values, she said.
“These are not full-blown initiatives,” she cautioned.
She also said, “I’m even hard put to say what our agenda will be when we win.”
Not exactly the Contract With America, is it? “
Senator Clinton was never booed for supporting that troops. That’s just a right wing lie by cowardly traitors on the right.
The truth is Bush hates the troops. That’s why he won’t give them body armor. That’s why he cut veteran’s benefits. That’s why he sends them to die for his oil and Cheney’s Halliburton profits.
8th must be Ms. Cynical’s new name. I recognize the pattern of lies. There is no such video. The right is in such bad shape they must lie to try to win but this time it won’t work.
Why is the Democrat candidate for the 8th US Congressional distirct campaigning in Jim McD’s district? Maybe she thinks she could win in that district.
A vote for Dave is a vote for Bush – and a vote against democracy and the U.S. constitution!
I’d like to see Burner stand in the middle of Sammamish with radical leftist Dwight Pelz and all the far-left echo chamber KOS readers, and see how many votes in gets her in THAT part of the 8th district. C’mon, girl, let’s try it.
So, if they’re ‘dying for oil’, why isn’t oil $4 a barrel instead of the $60-$70 range it’s been hovering in?
Please, educate us…
Regarding Halliburton… what OTHER company in this country… or in any country… does exactly what they do and does it as well as they do?
Please educate us…
or maybe your only gives you salacious tidbits with substantiation.
or maybe your only gives you salacious tidbits withOUT substantiation.
YOOHOO… missing-his-LEFTNUT… name a direct competitor to Halliburton???
YOOHOOO… missing-his-LEFTNUT…. what’s a barrel of OIL cost today??
So which is hotter, these days— or KOS?
YOOHOO… missing-his-LEFTNUT… name a direct competitor to Halliburton???
YOOHOOO… missing-his-LEFTNUT…. what’s a barrel of OIL cost today??
Iraq is now the site of an “occupation,” not a war. The president and his friends are planning for a long stay.
c’mon, which is hotter– or KOS?
Nice photo~
Hey 8th
when ya gonna quit jackin off in the basement & get out into the real world ? Had that 12th birthday yet ?
plain or peanut?
Did you even read the link I posted? Go listen to the actual audio, and your questions will be answered.
13, 16, 31, 37, 38
It is truly amazing that this person with the screen name “8th” comes here to spread Michelle Malkin’s lies about Hillary Clinton at the “Take Back America” conference, then keeps applying the manure when they get called on it.
8th is the cynical, irrelevant, BOZO for sure.
Sorry, that was 13, 15, 31, 37, 38
Another TJ is absolutely right. Malkin’s altered video filters out everything except a few voices in the crowd whose words are misstated in her text.
A hatchet job right up there with the one done on Howard Dean.
The audio clearly has audience clapping at the time Clinton says to support the troops, with a few people calling out “bring them home.”
After listening to the audio, go back to the torturously cut video and see what absolute liars the bullshit spreader are.
YOOHOO… missing-his-LEFTNUT… name a direct competitor to Halliburton???
YOOHOOO… missing-his-LEFTNUT…. what’s a barrel of OIL cost today??
@5 I live in South Africa, but I vote in both the 7th and 8th districts.
What that picture say to me is that reichert is for killing terrorists like Zarcawi, he is FOR defending America from terrorists, his is FOR allowing people to keep the money they make, he is FOR a strong economy, he is FOR America.
What liberals show in their sniping remarks is that they are AGAINST the troops, they are AGAINST defending America, they are AGAINST people keeping what they earn, they are AGAINST America.
“Regarding Halliburton… what OTHER company in this country… or in any country… does exactly what they do and does it as well as they do?”
Uhhh….you mean, steal?
You folks need to read Greg Palast’s article about how hard the US has worked for several decades to PREVENT any country from pumping enough oil to threaten the market dominence of the Bush family’s oh-so-dear friends, the Saudis.
We’re no more trying to resuscitate the Iraqui oil industry than we are “spreading democracy” there.
Still waiting for the competitive alternative that performs the job Halliburton does….
YOOHOO… missing-his-LEFTNUT… name a direct competitor to Halliburton???
YOOHOOO… missing-his-LEFTNUT…. what’s a barrel of OIL cost today??
Has anyone asked Darcy what her platform is on pulling the troops out of Iraq? We should be bringing them home right away. And while we are at it, let’s get them out of Afghanistan as well. Everyone knows we are losing against the terrorists wherever we try to fight them. Did we lose our troops in Afghanistan only to see them implement Sharia Law?
I am disgusted at the Democrats that went along with the Rethugs and voted for that stupid resolution.
This insane war has to stop and I will not vote for anyone, even if they are a Democrat unless they pubicly pledge to vote always to bring the troops home. As a progressive, I am really sick and tired of having to defend those Democrats that voted for this war. This election is a good time to force our hand with wishy washy Demcrats who won’t pull the troops out of this costly mistake.
I frankly don’t care anymore if it is a Democrat or not. I am tired of Rethugs in Democrat’s clothing. If our own representatives will not carry our ideas to congress, then what good does it do use to vote Democrat? At least if you vote for Rethugs and are a warmonger, you know what you’re getting. How many of those that voted for all those Democrats who went along with Iraq got what they thought they were voting for?
The only alternative for disaffected progressives is to boycott the scam of an election. Unless our candidate such as Darct are willing to stand up to Bush as she claims and vote for immediate withdrawal, then what’s the point? If jellyfish “Democrats” get elected, how is that different from a Rethug? It is actually worse in many ways because then the stain of this illegal war is on our hands.
I will have no part of it.
Yes, this is exactly the message the Democrats need to have heading into Election 2006. :)
Absolutely! Hope we see it on billboards! Let’s just blow up that pres big time!
(1) – According to the AP, $800K. That might be enough to pay the lawyers defending him from the Abermoff investigation.
I still haven’t heard quat from Burner on pulling the troops out. Why would we bother going to all this trouble to put another war monger in congress? I mean, if she won’t vote to pull the troops out, then exactly how is she anything other than a rethug in progressive clothing?
I am so damn tired of Democrats who talk the progressive talk but when it comes time to vote, they vote with rethugs for corporate greed, oil grabs and imperialistic wars of agression.
I see no reason a true progressive would vote for Darcy Burner. If I want a corporate shill whose main experience is working for the biggest software company on the planet, I could vote for a Rethug.
Voting for her just because she is not a rethug isn’t good enough for me. Any true progressive would feel the same.
Don’t they both look just precious on this field trip? And the presidential seal is much cuter than the little yellow bus they both were driven up in!
A picture says a thousand words
by Goldy — ,
That was the summary of the CAC’s recommendation to close Graham Hill Elementary, and to the uninitiated it is easy to read between the lines. Graham Hill is being closed because of the lack of “integration” between our Montessori and regular programs. It is that alleged disconnect between the two programs, a lack of “integration” and equity, that supposedly led the CAC to the unusual decision to evaluate Graham Hill as two separate schools. Indeed, Graham Hill was the only school on the closure list which had its dual programs evaluated separately, and possibly the only school in the district to be held to such exacting criteria.
Bagley, which also houses a Montessori program did not have its scores separated out by program, and John Muir, which houses a Spectrum program likewise had its test scores considered as a whole, despite personal assurances by several CAC members to the contrary.
The implication clearly is that Graham Hill’s situation is unique, and it doesn’t take much reading between the lines to see that the alleged divide the CAC is addressing is as steeped in race and socio-economics as it is in academics. Many of my readers have seen the comments by a disgruntled parent in a previous thread, charging that the Montessori program serves a predominantly white, affluent community at the expense of the largely minority, working class families in the rest of the school. And several CAC members not only acknowledged that they had heard these allegations, their comments seemed to indicate that they believed them.
When a parent tried to explain that Graham Hill has one of the most diverse populations in the city, one CAC member actually smirked, berating our PTA as one of the least diverse they had met. And when I attempted to explain to another CAC member that the reason so many SE parents attempt to send their kids to K-8 schools up North is that we do not want to send our children to Aki Kurose Middle School — our only SE option — I was pointedly told that if I truly cared about “all the children” I would send my daughter to Aki, and work to make it better… clearly implying that I did not care about all the children.
And so if the Montessori program and its parents are going to be characterized as elitist — and yes, racist — in an effort to justify closing down our school, I thought it might be useful to post a class picture of the Montessori students whose test scores are being dismissed as outliers by the CAC, in an effort to more fairly compare Graham Hill’s academic performance to that of other SE schools.
This is a picture of last year’s Grade 4-5 Montessori class. When the CAC talks about the disparity between the Montessori test scores and those of the other students in our school, it is the 12 fourth graders in this picture whose scores they cite.
Look at the photo; it is about as diverse a class picture as you’ll find anywhere in the district. 100 percent of the 4th-graders pictured tested proficient in reading. 83 percent scored proficient in writing. 67 percent scored proficient in math.
Look at this picture and tell me: where is the racial divide?
The CAC highlights the low test scores of our children living in poverty, and then makes a point of specifically stating:
That’s right, the CAC wants everybody to know that there are “too few Montessori students living in poverty” to make a comparison… that “fewer than ten Montessori students qualified for free or reduced price lunch.” They apparently want everybody to know that there is an economic disparity between the two programs.
But what the CAC doesn’t highlight is that there are only twelve Montessori fourth graders in total… and that all twelve, regardless of race or poverty level, scored proficient on the reading portion of the WASL.
This is the racial and economic divide that has guided the CAC to uniquely evaluate Graham Hill as two schools. It is this lack of “integration” that allows them to say that the scores of some of our best students shouldn’t count when comparing us to other schools, but that the scores of our bilingual, special ed, and autism inclusion students should. This is the tortured excuse the district is using to shut down Graham Hill, a school that by any fair measure is one of the desirable in the SE.
Even when it comes to basic statistics, our Montessori students simply don’t count. The district and the CAC consistently understate our enrollment by ignoring our 32 preschoolers, whose inclusion would bring us up to 90 percent of planned capacity. And according to the district’s official figures, Graham Hill has one of the lowest first-choice rankings in the SE. But if you average in the 16 preschoolers who matriculate into the Montessori kindergarten every year — a kindergarten with a long wait list — our first-choice ranking would be the highest in the quadrant.
Clearly, Graham Hill has been targeted for closure; every bit of data that can be used to support this decision is being used, and every bit of data that might refute it has been ignored. Our enrollment figures, our test scores and our first choice ranking have all been distorted and misrepresented to justify closure, and our 113-strong PTA has been slandered behind our backs, and vilified to our faces.
Our school’s closure is not just mystifying and bewildering, it is downright insulting. And what I know about how little the district knows about Graham Hill leads me to question the entire school closure process, and every projection or estimate the district has used to justify it.
I sure hope you have the permission of every parent/guardian of every one of those children TO POST THEIR PICTURE ON THE WEB.
Congrats Goldy. You’ve been personally burned by your ideology that often rewards, race, sexual preference or even just the perception of those traits instead of blind merit.
Welcome to Conservativism. It’s good to have your writing talent turned around for purposes of good and the protection of individuals. When do you start posting on other issues where failed progressive ideas have lead to gross injustice for an otherwise hard working, highly meritorious group?
Time to face political realities. All of this is PAYBACK for your attacks on Aaron Dixon. The president of the Seattle School Board and at least one other member are GREENS who have endorsed Dixon for Senate. Those GREENS sure are savvy, aren’t they?
All three of you can eat me.
I’m just a rabbit and don’t know anything about Montessori scores and all that; but I know Darcy Burner hugged me, while Reichert still doesn’t even have a fucking plan to hug a rabbit.
Cripes, they can’t even spell their own ideology! It’s “conservatism,” dolt!
Would you rather have me blame it on the DEMOCRATS? After all, the other five members of the Seattle School Board are DEMOCRATS. It has been about 15 years since there has been a REPUBLICAN on the Seattle School Board.
Has anybody analyzed the political affiliations of the 14 members of the Community Advisory Committee? The Chair of the CAC, Ken Aldaheff, is a bigwig DEMOCRAT and major donor to leftist candidates and causes.
The Seattle School Board should give that test to our trollfucks — that would open their eyes! The trollfucks can’t even spell words like “to,” much less their own names.
Cripes, they can’t even spell their own ideology! It’s “conservatism,” dolt!
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/31/06@ 2:21 pm
You can’t even spell capacitator correctly!
diverse? only 4 caucasians?
Memo to Mr. Cynical: I have no idea whether you could pass a 4th grade achievement test or not, but you know as well as I that it is IMMORAL to tax capital gains less than wages, you selfish bastard!
I’m surprised Timmy isn’t floating an initiative to reduce the Community Advisory Board to 9 members from 14 members.
If it were one of my kids in that photo, I’d come after you for violating their privacy and endangering those innocent and helpless babies by publishing where they can be found.
Shame on you… but whatever, as long as it furthers goldteins private agenda, eh?
Would it make you happy if I publish YOUR photo instead?
ProudASS @ 13
“If it were one of my kids in that photo, I’d come after you for violating their privacy and endangering those innocent and helpless babies by publishing where they can be found.”
Yes, but this isn’t a school your kids would attend…I mean they don’t have a Juvenile offender program at Goldy’s school. (And it looks like mom needs some anger management….)
Did you say privacy? Really? Privacy!?!?!??! A wingnut bitching about privacy rights???????
Wahhhh! haa! haaa! ha! Ohhhh, ho, ho, ho! That’s a good ‘un, ProudAss.
Seriously, Goldy, unless you have the written permission of each of those students, you are risking a law suit. You would be the first one to go ballistic if someone posted your daughter’s picture on a website, so I’m surprised you are treating this so cavilierly.
Goldy, Unfortunately for you and your daughter, the politics of quotas, economic envy and “diversity” are all coming home to roost at your kitchen table. These liberal orthodoxies are fine when they are enforced on “other” people, but even you must realize that SSD’s obsession with equalized outcomes ends up punishing your family’s acheivement.
Tell you what Janet and ProudAss… since you’re so eager to keep me from getting the truth out about my school by throwing cheap legal threats in my direction, why don’t you go and see if you can find a Graham Hill parent to sue me?
Either that, or eat me.
No threats asshole… but ask yourself… would you allow the school or anyone else to post a pic of your brat and the exact location where she could be found 5 days a week between the hours of 8 and 3?
If I was looking at this for evaluation, I might come to the same conclusion as the CAC. Don’t the needs of 236 outweigh the needs of 89? Especially if that 89 can be relocated elsewhere and maintain their same program, while the 236 can move and get a better education.
Why wasn’t there a push to expand the Montessori to more in the school?
Also, why should Graham Hill get to count pre-K in their student counts when no other school in the state gets to do that?
Frankly, the more you analyze this, the stronger you are making the CAC’s case. Keep at it – I’m sure they are appreciating it.
Janet S and ProudAss,
Name one student whose privacy is being invaded by publishing this photo?
Gawd…you wingnuts are such FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!
Student Internet Risks
17. Publishing Students and/or their Work
Description: Publishing student pictures and student schoolwork on the Internet without permission can put a school in jeopardy of litigation. The school policy should require parental permission before publishing any such items.
Some schools have implemented policies that restrict publishing student photographs online. Some policies allow first names only when publishing online. Although the FBI Innocent Images Task Force recommends such restrictions many parents and students object to these policies.
Dear Parents,
I am looking forward to making use of the World Wide Web as a resource in my classroom this year. There are many aspects of the Web that are important to consider, but I’d like to let you know about how I will be publishing class-specific information and how I will be defending the privacy and safety of your student in this process.
This document outlines these aspects of my classroom Web policy. This policy is in adherence to the District policy.
Student pictures will not be published without student permission.
In most cases, group shots will be the primary photography of students, but occasionally, individual student may be pictured.
As per the form signed in the fall, parents are the final authority on the publishing of all student photographs. Please contact me directly if you have any concerns.
No full names, addresses, phone numbers, passwords, or any other specifically identifying personal information will be published about your student.
Students’ grades will not be posted online anywhere with respect to my class.
Work will not be published without the expressed permission given from the student.
Parental permission is given via the form the school district collected at the first of the year.
Small parts or the entirety of a work might be used as an example.
The student’s first name and grade level will be the only identification associated with the work.
All student work will be shown in a positive light (never as a negative example).
Student work will be edited for grammar and spelling, etc., to ensure the best possible representation of your student.
here pedophile, pedophile… nice young innocent babies advertised and ripe for your diddling, compliments of goldstein.
Anyone disturbed by goldsteins actions of placing innocent children in jeopardy, without express parental permission, please call: GRAHAM HILL @ (206) 252-7140 with your concerns.
Search results returned from a search by Zip Code:
Index Name Address City Zip
Anderson, Mark Quinlen 79xx 48th Ave S Seattle 98118
Anderson, William D 8xx S Cloverdale Seattle 98118
Banks, Chauncey Cornelius 52xx 42nd Ave S Seattle 98118
Barlow, Alan P 69xx 55th Ave S Seattle 98118
Broten, Richard Allen 43xx S Morgan ST Seattle 98118
Brown, Melvin Thomas 42xx S Spencer ST Seattle 98118
Cabrera, Roberto 76xx Rainier Ave S Seattle 98118
Carroll, Karrie Durane 90xx 50th Ave S Seattle 98118
Chappelle, Charles Alan 94xx 58th Ave S Seattle 98118
Dahl, Dwight Dean 44xx S Kenyon ST Seattle 98118
Duran, Richard Franco 52xx S Brandon Street Seattle 98118
Edick, Steve Reid 97xx Rainer Ave S Seattle 98118
Hatfield, Gerald L 96xx 57th Ave S Seattle 98118
Hubbard, Dustin Derrick 74xx Rainier Ave S Seattle 98118
Jackson, Jerome 86xx 45th Ave S Seattle 98118
Landsdown, Larry Dwayne 51xx S Director ST Seattle 98118
Luu, Minh Van 39xx S Sunnyview Drive Seattle 98118
Malcom, Marilynn Rose 46xx S Willow ST Seattle 98118
Martindale, Richard Montie 51xx S Medley CT Seattle 98118
Miller, Cletus 81xx 48th Ave S Seattle 98118
Prado, Rudy V 93xx Carkeek DR S Seattle 98118
Price, Damascus W 52xx 42nd Ave S Seattle 98118
Sadlier, Timothy John 35xx S Juneau ST Seattle 98118
Said, Nassir A 83xx Rainier Ave S Seattle 98118
Sayaseng, Orn 92xx Waters Ave S Seattle 98118
Spears, Anthony Wayne 47xx South Bennett Seattle 98118
Stueve, Gary Wayne 35xx S Hudson Street Seattle 98118
Ticeson, Calvin Keith 84xx 46th Ave S Seattle 98118
Webb, Alerenzo L 50xx Wilson Ave S Seattle 98118
Wescott, Douglas W 79xx 50th Ave S Seattle 98118
Wiley, Roger Zack 41xx 50th Ave S Seattle 98118
Williams, Thelbert Shely 39xx Martin Luther King WY Seattle 98118
Xayadeth, Sanxay H 73xx 48th Ave S Seattle 98118
Index Name Address City Zip
Holcombe, Nicholas Keith 42xx S 42nd Spencer ST Seattle 98118
Williams, Lawrence 42xx S Genessee ST Seattle 98118
Seattle, WA 98118
Phone: (206) 252-7140
Okay, this is just sick. You’re inviting sex offenders to Goldy’s school?
That’s a window into a dark, dark soul.
Goldy, I know you don’t remove posts often, but I think it would be appropriate to do so in this case.
I expect he’ll be hearing from Graham Hill in the very near future.
here pedophile, pedophile… nice young innocent babies advertised and ripe for your diddling, compliments of goldstein.
Get help. As one human being to another, get help.
It makes my POINT.
goldstein made a mistake by posting that picture and he’s not man enough to admit it.
ask yourself… would you allow the school or anyone else to post a pic of your brat and the exact location where she could be found 5 days a week between the hours of 8 and 3?
That you can’t see how inappropriate your comments have been makes my point for me. You really should take a long look in the mirror.
Anyone disturbed by goldsteins actions of placing innocent children in jeopardy, without express parental permission, please call: GRAHAM HILL @ (206) 252-7140 with your concerns.
That you can’t see defending goldsteins actions placing children in harms way by showing them and where they’ll be with OUT parental or Graham Hill permission makes MY pointand H’ASS koolaiders ought to take a good long look at tehmselves.
Do it for the children unless exploiting them furthers your private agenda.
Anyone disturbed by goldsteins actions of placing innocent children in jeopardy, without express parental permission, please call: GRAHAM HILL @ (206) 252-7140 with your concerns.
You’re sicker even than I thought.
Get help.
Seriously…you are DISTURBED.
ask yourself… would you allow the school or anyone else to post a pic of your brat and the exact location where she could be found 5 days a week between the hours of 8 and 3?
There are children (or “brats,” as you prefer) at elementary schools between 8 and 3 five days a week? This is definitely information that must be kept from evil-doers.
And the “exact location” wasn’t known until you posted the address of the school.
And the “exact location” wasn’t known until you posted the address of the school.
Commentby Another TJ— 5/31/06@ 4:37 pm
Oh bullshit – goldstein pointed out This is a picture of last year’s Grade 4-5 Montessori class. and any moron reading this blog for the last 2 weeks knows his latest particular hard on is Graham Hill. Good grief do I have to link each and every damned rant of his to prove it?
Search results returned from a search by Zip Code:
Index Name Address City Zip …
Index Name Address City Zip …
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 5/31/06@ 3:40 pm
How many of these folks are registered to vote? And how do THEY feel about Graham Hill being closed down?
Anyone disturbed by goldsteins actions of placing innocent children in jeopardy by posting their photo on the web (to be seen by any pedophile within Seattle and especially the Graham Hill zipcode) without express parental permission, please call: GRAHAM HILL @ (206) 252-7140 with your concerns.
When you are on your death bed, choking out your last desperate breaths of life, what will you fear most? That your sick, twisted vision of heaven and hell is just a fantasy, and that you are about to fade into nothingness? Or that heaven and hell are real, and you’re about enter the latter?
Anyone disturbed by goldsteins actions of placing innocent children in jeopardy by posting their photo on the web (to be seen by any pedophile within Seattle and especially the Graham Hill zipcode) without express parental permission, please call: GRAHAM HILL @ (206) 252-7140 with your concerns.
How does it feel to be a pedophile enable goldstein?
Actually with the pedophile enabling you’re doing goldstein, it’s a very good thing they are shutting down the school… now the parents can protect their beloved children (used as pawns by you) by having them anonymously in another school.
How does it feel to be the sickest fuck on the board?
Do you mean except for the pedophile enabler/chilren as pawn user goldstein?
Anyone disturbed by goldsteins actions of placing innocent children in jeopardy by posting their photo on the web (to be seen by any pedophile within Seattle and especially the Graham Hill zipcode) without express parental permission, please call: GRAHAM HILL @ (206) 252-7140 with your concerns.
BeanAss… I’m going to politely ask you to stop with this now.
Eat Me? Is that the best retort you can come up with Goldy? Chilidish.
You’re taking the whole thing too personally. The politically correct Seattle world is anything but fair. Too bad. Enroll your daughter in a private school if you want consistency, otherwise live at the mercy of the lame bureaucrats and expect your hard work to be flushed down the toilet.
Nope. You’re headline expresses it all… “A picture says a thousand words”… and hints exploit me
I do not beleive your intent was to bring harm to any child. I really thought when the danger to those children was pointed out you would have backed off on your horrible decision to publish their picture. Instead, you defend it and let others deflect your guilt. Shame on you goldstein.
I stand by my admonition…
Anyone disturbed by goldsteins actions of placing innocent children in jeopardy by posting their photo on the web (to be seen by any pedophile within Seattle and especially the Graham Hill zipcode) without express parental permission, please call: GRAHAM HILL @ (206) 252-7140 with your concerns.
oh, and befor Roger Rabbit has another big “ah hah” moment based on a typo:
correction: childish.
Hey Goldy,
You are too polite asking ProudASS to stop, first. Clearly ProudASS is having some type of nervous breakdown. She cannot think clearly and she is littering your blog thread with repeatitive bullshit.
How does ProudASS’s bullshit differ from spam? I vote you blow away all of the copies (if not all of ProudASS’s comments).
Seeing that picture brings tears to my eyes Goldy.
It makes me think of all you LEFTISTS breaking out into the song “We Are the World” by that greater lover of childrn, MICHAEL JACKSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are the world
There comes a time
When we hear a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
And it’s time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all
We can’t go on pretending day by day
That someone, somewhere will soon make a change
We’re all a part of God’s great big family
And the truth, you know,love is all we need
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me
Send them your heart
So they’ll know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
and so we all must lend a helping hand
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me
When you’re down and out, there seems no hope at all
But if you just believe there’s no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well let us realize oh! that a change can only come
When we stand together as one
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me
We are the world
We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day
So let’s start giving
There’s a choice we’re making
We’re saving our own lives
It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me
goldstein, I’m asking YOU politely to remove the picture of those innocent, vulnerable children.
You fucking crackpot idiot. Somebody who wants to exploit young children doesn’t need a name-less class photo to realize that there are children in an elementary school.
And since you don’t seem inclined to protect them at the expense of your agenda, I’m asking others to express their concern to the administration of GRAHAM HILL @ (206) 252-7140
You’re absolutely right dj… now they just have to pick their favorite from that photo goldstein posted, go to Graham Hill and target that child.
goldstein, I’m asking YOU politely to remove the picture of those innocent, vulnerable children.
The question every single person here should be asking is WHY YOU WON’T? What have you to gain by exploiting those children?
“You’re absolutely right dj… now they just have to pick their favorite from that photo goldstein posted, go to Graham Hill and target that child.”
What…and go through all that work? You seem to be the main scarry person talking about child molestation here on Horses Ass. Get some help, asshole. You are deeply disturbed.
And stay the fuck away from elementary schools…you clearly have issues, toots.
Hey Goldy,
Be sure you save a copy of ProudASS’s IP address and other identifying information (and maybe give a copy of it to a trusted friend). I think she is about to go postal!
ProudASS @ 58
“The question every single person here should be asking is WHY YOU WON’T? What have you to gain by exploiting those children?”
The only person “exploiting” the children is YOU, ProudASS. You are using the children to shit on Goldy’s blog with you inane, apoplectic rant. You’re an idiot.
goldstein, I’m asking YOU politely to remove the picture of those innocent, vulnerable children.
The question every single person here should be asking is WHY YOU WON’T? What have you to gain by exploiting those children?
ProudASS @ 62
Go take you meds, you psychotic asshole. And keep away from children—clearly your mind is full of evil.
goldstein, I’m asking YOU politely to remove the picture of those innocent, vulnerable children.
And since you don’t seem inclined to protect them at the expense of your agenda, I’m asking others to express their concern to the administration of GRAHAM HILL @ (206) 252-7140.
The question every single person here should be asking is WHY YOU WON’T? What have you to gain by exploiting those children?
The question every single person here should be asking is WHY YOU WON’T? What have you to gain by exploiting those children?
Let me ask you dj, how sure are you that not one of those kids is the product of a broken home?.. that not one just might have a bitter parent trying to locate that child?… that just one isn’t in the custody of the wrong parent? How willing are you to see one of those innocent kids on a milk carton or the subject of an Amber Alert?
goldstein, I’m asking YOU politely to remove the picture of those innocent, vulnerable children.
ProudASS @65
“that just one isn’t in the custody of the wrong parent?”
Ummm…well, if one of the children is in the custody of the wrong parent, then perhaps Goldy is doing a service here…you fucking dolt!
Seriously…class photos are not top secret…even for a Montessori school in Seattle.
Get help for your affliction, ProudASS. You’re a fucking lunatic!
Why do you want children to be abducted, used or abused on goldsteins behalf, dj?
goldstein, I’m asking YOU politely to remove the picture of those innocent, vulnerable children.
Why are you willing to risk even a CHANCE that one of those children could be harmed? Or is it just an acceptable risk toward goldsteins greater cause?
goldstein, I’m asking YOU politely to remove the picture of those innocent, vulnerable children.
Goldy when are going to move to the Eastside so your daughter can go to a good school? You are fighting a losing battle there in Seattle and it will take years to fix the problem. Now you do not want your daughter to graduate from school spelling and writing like myself do you?
Seriously…class photos are not top secret…even for a Montessori school in Seattle.
Commentby dj— 5/31/06@ 6:06 pm
I am sure all those children’s parents signed a release for their photos to be used for that purpose. Any that didn’t, would have been excluded from the sitting for the promo photo shooting.
By contrast, I bet Goldstein doesn’t have any releases from the children’s parents in the photo he posted.
Anyone disturbed by goldsteins actions of placing innocent children in jeopardy, without express parental permission, please call: GRAHAM HILL @ (206) 252-7140 with your concerns.
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 5/31/06@ 4:03 pm
Actually, a more effective method might be to contact Goldstein’s ISP hosting service for this website. I think it is OneDNR.Com, based on what WHOIS shows.
If the hosting service is made aware that Goldstein is posting the pictures of children 13 or younger without written permission from their parents, then they will have to do something about it. I know there are federal laws regarding children 13 years and younger and the internet, which should cover this subject.
Tech ID:TB21532-BR
Tech Name:Tem Balanco
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ProudASS @ 67
“Why do you want children to be abducted, used or abused on goldsteins behalf, dj?”
Ummm…ProudASS…What is your fascination with putting the names of sex offenders in a post about public school closures?
Hmmmm, ProudASS? Is this some latent desire on your part for children to be abused? Anything—any price—to diss Goldstein, is that your philosophy, ASS?
Seriously, ProudASS…get your fucking mind out of the gutter. The thread is about public school closures. Hijacking the thread with your fears/fantasies is entirely inappropriate.
Yelling and screaming, stomping up and down and holding your breath until you turn blue is not going to make this photo issue anything more than your inappropriate reaction to your own sick imagination.
(But…consider going on a hunger strike…that might work…)
So now we know your acceptable risk level, dj. God, I sincerely hope you don’t have children.
Richard Pope @ 71,
Good God, Richard…are you going to go off on one of your bizarre wingnut spells again?
Why, the fuck, would Goldy’s ISP give a rat’s ass about a post discussing school closures?
I mean…they might find the comment thread revolting, but they would probably just block ProudASS’s IP address.
ProudASS @ 73
“So now we know your acceptable risk level, dj. God, I sincerely hope you don’t have children.”
Unfortunately, we have learned one hell of a lot more about the sick-ass fantasies/fears rattling around in your head.
Get help…seriously!
Acceptable risk and a personal agenda…
Attempted Child Lurings In Magnolia
Predators looking for less risk have figured out that school bus stops make for ideal hunting grounds.
26 Schools go into lockdown
The attempted abductions at several district schools have heightened the need to keep schools safe.
Four Columbus public schools are warning parents about a series of attempted abductions.
Apparent attempts to abduct three girls in Cokato has struck fear into parents at Cokato Elementary School.
…two attempted child abductions were reported in Douglas County. One of these incidents occurred on November 22nd, in Castle Rock near the vicinity of South Elementary. The other incident occurred near Legacy Point Elementary in Parker,
Another attempted kidnapping has been reported near a school in Vancouver, bringing the string of attempted abductions in southwest Washington to four in a little more than a week.
What your Helen Lovejoy-like bleating hasn’t established is how the photo places these or any other children at increased risk.
However, publicizing the school’s address and inviting pedophiles to “diddle” the children there certainly can be viewed as an incitement.
Next time, think before you type.
Geee…if a year-old class photo, in your twisted little mind, somehow acutally increases a childs risk (not that you have shown a shread of evidence supporting your little fear/fantisy), that must mean that a blog like this one from A.V. Hedden Elementary School in Edgewood, WA, that include lots and lots of photos, student stories, and essays, must be a regular risk-magnet.
You and Richard better get on the case and shut down this blog. And then get working on the ten thousand other such blogs from schools all over the country!
Two words for you: David Blomstrom.
His diaries of life as a sub in Seattle schools are no longer available on his geobop website, but the notes on “deadbeat principals” while occasionally foul mouthed, have never been refuted. I don’t think anyone in the district sued, so there you go. his tales of corruption and incompetence seem to dovetail with the situation you’re dealing with.
When they’re not deflecting or defending themselves against charges of corruption and incompetence on the admin level, this district is frequently fighting discrimination suits. Check it out. Ask a local attorney working in disability law how many suits they’ve settled with Seattle schools after their clients were denied services set forth in their IEPs. To me, this is the tip of the iceberg. If ever there was a district who was doing everything possible to fail kids while turning this failure into a new industry for achievement gap funding, it’s ours.
I’ve never understood why this district is so hostile to Montessori, like it’s a foreign germ. While any child can benefit from a Montessori classroom, it was developed based on the observations of students who were living in poverty.
Other than baiting Goldy, what is your point?
There are children in every elementary school in the city of Seattle. The addresses of the schools are a matter of public record.
It is a matter of public record that children arrive at the school at 9:00 a.m. every morning (no more than 15 minutes before, thank you), and that they leave at 3:00 every afternoon.
A child molestor, intent on harming children, need only hang out near one of the 35 or so elementary schools in the Seattle area and hope that one of the little dears runs astray (good luck with that, by the way).
Goldy’s picture has no names, no addresses, and adds no relevant information.
I don’t mind conservatives, and there are some places where conservative ideas can be put to use. The problem is most of you guys are really bad at it.
Public schools are inherently bad. OK. Talking point received. (For “public schools” substitute “construction workers”, or “accountants” or something else that isn’t on the hit list and see how silly you sound).
Private schools are good. You’ll see the results of that everywhere except in the empirical data. OK. Good good.
The Seattle Public Schools are run by DEMOCRATS (* gasp! *) and that’s why they’re bad. Never mind that the curricula is largely dictated by the (state-provided) EARLs.
In Newsweek’s list of the top 1000 high schools in the United States, the top 5 in Washington are in Bellevue. Garfield (in Seattle) is 6th in the state. There are about six others scattered elsewhere in the state. Obviously Bellevue is doing something right. How much of that is due to good demographics (well-to-do parents with fat checkbooks, low numbers of resource draining special ed kids and poverty cases), and how much of that is due to the inherent smarts of Bellevue’s administrators?
I don’t believe (like some do), that all the righties on HA are paid trolls. I think that all of them really do believe their particular world-view, and some come here just because they want to share. However, a lot of you are pretty one-dimensional in your arguments. You’re a lot more entertaining where you have some depth to your arguments.
Stick to tax policy and torts, and quit harranguing Goldy because his daughter has to go to a different school in two years.
Since people are signing their names these days, mark me down.
Jeremy Anderson
Vancouver, British Columbia (back in Seattle next week. See you then!)
goldstein has made the schools name public for weeks before publishing that photo of those innocent, vulnerable children. Even a moron can type in GRAHAM HILL ELEMENTARY and come away with the address in about 3 seconds.
Acceptable risk and personal agenda.
now they just have to pick their favorite from that photo goldstein posted, go to Graham Hill and target that child
It is difficult to take someone seriously when they are unable to sign a post without using their own name. That said, ‘howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS'[sic] seems unduly stimulated and sexually agitated. If online journalists and bloggers are to be afforded the same reporter’s shield law protections as traditional journalists – re the CA appellate court’s ruling against Apple Computer Friday last – then how is the posting of the photo above really any different than a photo ran in the Seattle P.I. on June 4, 1999, and similarly available on the web?
JSA – finally a sane comment.
I think the frustration I have is that what is happening in Seattle is the direct result of years of policies from left-wing administrations. It has been known for years that Seattle has one of the highest percentages of students attending private schools. This indicates a problem. But the school board has ignored it. Even teachers send their children elsewhere in very high numbers.
And now they are stuck with yet another cash short fall and underperforming schools. For some reason, no one seems to see the connection between these two situations.
I kind of wonder why the school board never went to the schools themselves and asked for their suggested solutions. It is possible that the parents at these schools would have come to the realization that their school was no longer viable as is, and needed something to happen. As it is, the approach taken was guaranteed to provoke defensiveness.
Bellevue tried this a few years ago by proposing to combine a high school and middle school on the same campus. It made sense and it was well thought out. The flaw? No one asked the parents in, and they rebelled so hard that the plan was dropped.
Unfortunately, I think the only solution for parents in Seattle is to get out now, either by moving or going private.
BTW – I would consider it just common curtesy to get permission from the parents of the children in the picture before posting on the internet. Forget the legal problems, wouldn’t it have just been polite? I, for one, would have declined the opportunity to have my child’s picture posted in this manner.
Laurence – I am betting that the PI has permission from those in the picture that are identifiable. My child was once in a picture in the paper, and I had to give permission for it to be published. Given the high regard for privacy on the left, I’m having troubles understanding why this is so polarizing on this thread. It isn’t left or right – it is a parent thing.
It’s clear the H’ASSes will defend goldstein and his blunder (and I’m being gracious by allowing that it might have started as a blunder) despite the safety and privacy factors of those children.
Fine. At least now we are now certain of your priorities and of your willingness to accept casualties for whatever your personal greater cause is.
Each and everyone one of you goldstein defenders knows damned well that if anyone else had violated the privacy of those children for their own specific agenda, you would be howling like a werewolf on the night of a full moon.
Your willingness to defend this defines you and your overall koolaid ideology in a way that no conservative ever could.
goldstein, I’m asking YOU politely to remove the picture of those innocent, vulnerable children.
Anyone disturbed by goldsteins actions of placing innocent children in jeopardy by posting their photo on the web (to be seen by any pedophile within Seattle and especially the Graham Hill zipcode) without express parental permission, please call: GRAHAM HILL @ (206) 252-7140 with your concerns.
I’m done on this thread.
Janet – I can’t address your ‘bet’ regarding the P.I. and permissions, but I do know that the Anacortes American routinely ran photos of the scouting activities (Scout-o-ramas, troop meetings, etc.) of minors without obtaining the specific permission of parents. Any traditional press photographers care to enlighten us?
87: “I’m done on this thread.”
Oh, thank God.
Each and everyone one of you goldstein defenders knows damned well that if anyone else had violated the privacy of those children for their own specific agenda, you would be howling like a werewolf on the night of a full moon.
Werewolves don’t exist. Pedophiles do exist. You decided your personal agenda (hatred of Goldy) was more important than the childrens’ safety. You posted the address of the school and invited pedophiles – by name, even – to molest the children of the school. Your willingness to do this and your refusal to accept responsibility for your recklessness says a lot about you. Won’t you pleeease think of the children?
Or maybe… the picture, Goldy’s post, and this thread (even your asinine comments) don’t have a damn thing to do with the safety of those or any other kids (or brats, as you so sensitively refer to them). A predatory pedophile will know where the schools are. It’s a pretty huge leap to go from a picture on a political blog to a predatory pedophile who then a) picks out a target from the picture, b) goes to the school, c) finds that particular child again, and d) successfully lures the child into his contol.
Really, if your hysterics boil down to “Goldy (oops, that should be “Goldstein” – it’s the best way to say “that Jew” without coming right out and saying it, isn’t it?) should have gotten permission to use the photo,” that’s a whole lot of sound and fury signifying not much of anything, and THAT is the window into your dark, tortured soul.
The queenofallthings has spoken, folks.
I guess we’re done here.
ProudASS @ 87
“Anyone disturbed by goldsteins actions of placing innocent children in jeopardy….”
I am only disturbed by two things. (1) You (ProudASS) inviting people to molest children at Goldy’s daughter’s school. I hope Goldy calls the police on you. And (2), the realization that a kid in Goldy’s daughter’s school might sometime find the photo, and read this comment thread with your nasty suggestions above. That might truly disturb someone. Good job, ProudASS—ya paranoid fuck.
“I’m done on this thread. “
Too bad, really….A bunch of us have side bets on when you would have an aneurism.
If Goldy doesn’t have parental permission, he really ought to take that picture down. I’m sure Goldy wouldn’t intentionally put a kid in harm’s way…..but this particular picture serves no purpose. The narrative is good enough.
Goldy (oops, that should be “Goldstein” – it’s the best way to say “that Jew” without coming right out and saying it, isn’t it?)
Commentby Another TJ— 5/31/06@ 8:24 pm
“Goldstein” is the man’s last name. How can calling someone by their real legal name be considered offensive, much less an ethnic insult?
Perhaps if someone called him “Goldscheiss”, you could call it an ethnic slur. However, people on here call me “Poop” — which has the same meaning — and I don’t see anyone protesting the twisting of my own ethnic name into something foul.
And I don’t see anyone protesting the ethnic slur of Stefan Sharkansky’s last name being transmuted into “Sharansky”.
Mr. Pope,
Calling you a form of excrement, as a play on your surname, is foul – but this isn’t about you, tonight.
Mr. Cynical,
“If Goldy doesn’t have parental permission, he really ought to take that picture down.”
Fair enough…no insults, sarcasm, or button-pushing here.
These kids and their parents are Goldy’s friends, neighbors, and his community. They have two common causes: (1) working with their school to educate their children and (2) working very hard to save their school/program.
Even if Goldy did not get explicit, individual, written permission (and for all we know, he may have), Goldy made the judgment that his community would embrace using this photo in this way for their cause #2. I’m not in a position to second guess Goldy on his judgement–ultimately that is between Goldy and his (school) community.
I strongly suspect there is no actual controversy here (even if there theoretically could be controversy). In any case, our opinions are completely irrelevant to the issue.
“..but this particular picture serves no purpose. The narrative is good enough.”
Respectfully, I disagree. I thought the picture made Goldy’s point very powerfully and concisely. Seriously, this seems like a textbook example of the adage “a picture is worth 1000 words.”
Richard @ 95
“And I don’t see anyone protesting the ethnic slur of Stefan Sharkansky’s last name being transmuted into “Sharansky”.”
Ummm…maybe I am missing something here, but in what way is it an ethnic slur, per se, when one changes Sharkansky into Sharansky?
Maybe I am missing the “joke”, but isn’t this more of an image thing, like changing the name Mannington into Boyington?
Fascinating how quickly the wingers are drawn, like moths, to whatever will most distract from the substance of Goldy’s arguments.
Daniel Kemmis calls this the “demolition derby” model of politics, where the main goal is to destroy, destroy, destroy, and hope that you are the last car running. I guess it works, no?
It says on the CAC report that fewer than 10 of the 89 K-5 Montesorri students at Graham Hill qualified for free or reduced price lunches.
There are a total of 325 K-5 students at Graham Hill, with the other 236 being “Regular” students.
175 students at Graham Hill qualify for free or reduced price lunches, which is 54% of the entire K-5 enrollment.
Let’s assume that 9 (the maximum possible if less than 10) of the Montesorri students qualify for free or reduced price lunches. At most, 10.1% of the Montesorri students would qualify for free or reduced price school lunches.
This would make a minimum of 166 students out of the 243 regular students — or 68.3% — who qualify for free or reduced price school lunches.
THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! 10.1% or less of the superior Montesorri places go to poor students, while at least 68.3% of the remainder of the student body in the inferior “Regular” program at Graham Hill is poor!
I realize that parents have to pay extra for the Montesorri program, which is probably why so few poor students are enrolled in it.
But public schools are supposed to be the “great equalizer” in our society. Students from rich families should not be entitled to a better education in public schools than students from poor families, simply because the school district decides to charge extra for certain educational programs.
Montesorri should either to made equally available to all students without requiring payment from anyone, or it should be removed from the public school system.
ASS – what a sicko you are…
If there’s an issue here it should be about parental permission. Kids pictures appear in all kinds of places: kids magazines, catalogs, flyers, etc – supposedly with parental permission.
But nooo.. the sicko ASS has to invoke pedophilia and tar her ideological enemies with it.
Beyond the pale.. So illustrative of your degenerate and sterile worldview.
Richard Pope @infinitum,
Why so personal? You think that contacting my ISP to try to shut me down is a good thing? In America, we should attempt to silence those with whom we disagree? Shame on you.
Second, you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, so why bother inserting yourself in the discussion?
No, what the CAC reports is that there are fewer than 10 4th-grade Montessori students who qualify for free or reduced price lunch. Not surprising, since the year in question there were only 12 4th graders in the Montessori program.
Remember, we’re only talking 4th graders when we’re comparing WASL scores, because 4th grade WASL are the only ones that count.
So how many of the 89 K-5 Montesorri students qualify for a reduced price school lunch? Probably about ZERO …
Especially considering that the Montessori program gets filled almost exclusively by three year olds entering the program. That isn’t an age group that is entitled to a public education, so it is okay to charge everyone in that group tuition.
At the K-5 level, the Montesorri program cannot charge tuition to students who qualify for free or reduced price school lunches. However, very few of those make it in there, since the 3 year old class was filled by tuition payers (very few of whom would be poor!) and almost all of them end up in K-5.
Goldy sounds like a typical whiny rich liberal. Goldy and his rich liberal friends were able to enjoy the best of both worlds. A really nice Montesorri program for their children, starting at age 3, with the only cost being tuition to hire the teachers, paying for the daily school lunch, and parents providing their own transportation for the 3 and 4 year olds.
Now the Seattle School District wants to shut down Graham Hill School, because the “Regular” students (i.e. those whose families cannot afford the Montesorri program) are doing so poorly.
Richard, you’re coming off as petty and vindictive. Do you think you’re being effective? Or does that even matter?
Thanks for writing back, and thanks for being polite and to the point.
First, I have one daughter in the Seattle schools (Maple this year, Lowell next year). Another will join the system in a few years time.
I have spent a fair quantity of time dealing with the Seattle school system, and don’t understand the hate.
Since Goldy has spent a lot of time talking about Graham Hill, I’d like to take a minute to talk about my daughter’s school. Perhaps you’ll understand the system a little better if I explain it.
Maple Elementary is up on North Beacon Hill. It serves a diversre (read: largely non-white) population. This ranges from nice Birkie and Gore Tex yuppies like me to new immigrants from various parts of Mexico and Southeast Asia.
You can find the school report card here:
Maple has test scores that would play well in Bellevue or anywhere else in the state. However, just to understand how urban school districts work, and how the tests work, I would like to point to a few subsections of the tests.
Flip over to this page:
For the set of all students, 87% passed. Cool. All the benefits of Bellevue, at half the housing prices. Flip to “Limited English” and “Low Income” and you will see a lower (though in Maple’s case, not dramatically so) pass rate.
Do this with any school in Seattle and you will see similar results, but usually in a much more pointed pattern. Poor children, and children who don’t speak English well have lower test scores. White children (for in Seattle, to be white is to generally be at or above middle class) have high test scores. To be poor is to be consigned to lower academic results. I can do a long diatribe about resources available to parents and social support mechanisms and how we’re insulated from a lot of this because we’re in an Asian ghetto and the Confucian scholar ethic and all of this, but I’ll just fall back on what mom taught me back in kindergarten:
Sometimes, life just isn’t fair.
People choose public vs private schools for all sorts of reasons. My wife felt that a school that was majority Asian would probably take academics pretty seriously. We have so far been happy with the results. A friend and neighbor of ours did not want her blond haired, blue-eyed child to be a zoo curiosity in a sea of dark haired, Cantonese-speaking, chopstick-wielding kids. Her daughter is in Catholic school. She is happy with the results. We compare curricula and don’t see a lot of difference, quite frankly.
Another friend lived in West Seattle. She chose an academically high-performing school in Alki as her first choice. The district sent her child to a lower-performing school South towards White Center. Frustrated, she moved to the suburbs to get out of this.
I am fortunate. I have never been in a position where I wanted to go right and the school district said I had to go left. My older daughter placed into the top 2% of her class academically, and was thus eligible to be sent to Lowell, the elite elementary school in the district. This will be interesting. (Guess what the parents are like there. I’m as horrified as you would be, trust me).
The point to all of this is that none of this is easy or straightforward. There are no pat answers. To say the Seattle schools are uniformly bad is disingenous, and demonstrative of a poor reading of statistics.
Seattle has some unique problems that don’t occur anywhere else in Washington. There exists a large percentage of poor and immigrant students that are difficult and expensive to serve. At the same time, there are a lot of educated, middle-class students where the parents have the financial means to either decamp to Bellevue or enroll their dears into private school. All the while, there is a very fixed pot of money to serve all these people. I am positive they haven’t gotten it 100% right. On the same hand, I don’t think the choices they’ve made are as inexplicable as a lot of people who aren’t involved in the system might think.
Cheers from Vancouver where we don’t have any of these problems!
(there are a whole new set that I’ll write about another day!)
The schools story is just that. What right does anyone have to tell a citizen that “you don’t care about your neighbors because you want your kid to get a better education?”
I will bet that:
1. no more than 15% of Seattle’s affluent AA community has their high school kids in public school and that the percentage for primary school is not better than 40%. (The last numbers I saw, about 5 yrs ago were wworse than that).
2. what crime would there be in “white” (or yellow, or ruddy brown, or slightly blue) parents creatiung a great school in the AA or other ethnic and poor neioghborhood? ‘t seems to me that the District should take advantage of such a program, not destroy it. The message is horrible.
The there is the POGO factor … all dem liberal, teacher’s union syncophants who oppose charter schools .. is there a better lesson than this that WE are the enemy?
Goldy, when did you become a conservative????????? Welcome to common sense.
Goldy your error is that you think SPS are about excellence. Wrong. You really pissed off the citizen commissar by declaiming about the excellence and high grades of the Montessori kids. Naturally he had to remind you that these were bourgeois kids whose parents encouraged bourgeois values like individualism and personal achievement. Bad move, bad move. You don’t want to go around pissing off citizen commissars like that. You might get a night-time visit from the Cheka. Report to the school board immediately and engage in a strict and merciless self criticism and don’t forget to praise Brita-Butler’s latest Five Year Plan. My God, man, if you care about your family stop all this concern with personal bourgeois excellence. Send your kid to African American Academy, that’s what I do.
Great post on Graham Hill. Another note is that GH also has the only Autism Inclusion program in the South end. As a parent of a child looking into that program I was very impressed with the school. It is a shame that now I will have to look somewhere else or give in to District demands that Zachary be placed in a behavioral class which his neurologist, therapist, and a district commissioned study through Children’s Hospital said was the worst thing to do.
They don’t care about the kids especially in the south end. Like many teachers moving to California-I’m thinking of taking my kids there to be educated as well.
You people need to get a bit of a clue.
There is absolutely no law forbidding posting of the above photograph – permission or not. These kids attend a public school paid for with public dollars and any right to “privacy” there is dubious at best.
Also… the use of any photo in an editorial context is generally protected under the first amendment. This photo is certainly used in a proper way to illustrate a point the author is making.
So you parents that think you can prevent your kids from being photographed without your permission need to make sure they are enrolled in private school.
By the way, I think pedophiles already know where to find kids.
According to the Seattle Weekly the Seattle School District spends $9200.00 per year, per student. Rather than be imprisoned in a mindless bureaucracy, why not distribute a $9200.00 voucher per school age student to every Seattle family. This way each family could decide which school is best for their children.
They don’t care about the kids especially in the south end. Like many teachers moving to California-I’m thinking of taking my kids there to be educated as well.
Commentby Greg Rodriguez— 6/1/06@ 10:51 am
Gee Greg — that makes about the second or third time you have actually posted something on Horse’s Ass. But I am sure you read this blog quite a bit :)
I would say the Autism Inclusion program is more of a concern than the Montesorri program, when it comes to the plans to close Graham Hill.
With the Montesorri program, it is an elitist program that parents have to pay extra to give their kids a decent public school education. Public schools shouldn’t have those kinds of privilege that are dependent on parental wealth. And presumably, wealthier parents would have the ability to organize such a Montesorri program at other locations, so long as the Seattle school district tolerates pay-for-service programs for improved education.
As for Autism Inclusion, they should make that program available for all children who qualify and could benefit from it. Although there is no inherent reason why Autism Inclusion can’t work at other schools. Presumably, the Autism Inclusion is being done in the “Regular” classes, so it might work better in a school that is not segregated into “Regular” poor children classes and Montesorri rich children classes.
You may find California to be a better place for your children, especially Zachary. California makes a lot more services available for children with autism, than does Washington. And I am sure you can find a decent school district down there where a lot more than 68% of the children attend public school.
get off your fucking soapbox you fucking NIMBY.
send your kids to private school or deal with the hand that is dealt to you by your elected liberals.
I beg to differ Goldy, I’m not digruntled. I am ENLIGHTENED!
Goldy – were you one of the whopping 12 (TWELVE!) parents that showed up for the rally at the Stanford building on May 31 (a rally against the current recommendations to close and repurpose school buildings)? Were you at the immediately subsequent meetings (one a special school board legislative session, the following a CPPS meeting)?
If not, why not?
The turnout was appalling – in all of Seattle, only 12 people saw fit to show up.
Ranting in your blog is one thing. Showing up is even better.
If only you paid even more taxes…………………[hehe] JCH