I know this is a controversial position to take, but in the wake of yet another school shooting, it’s clear that there are too many schools in our society. Just think of how many school shootings we could have prevented if we had reasonable school control in this country.
Sure, in many countries after a shooting, they have moved forward restrictions on guns. But the US Constitution has a sentence about having a well regulated militia, so we can’t do that here. The meaning of that one sentence has been unchanging for literally the almost half a decade since McDonald v. City of Chicago was decided by one vote, so we can’t change it now. And we certainly can’t amend that sentence, even though the Constitution gives us the ability to. No, we’re stuck with that for ever.
But are we stuck with schools? No! The US Constitution mention schools at all! So obviously they aren’t as integral to freedom as owning murder weapons. QED. So ending schools is the only way we can end school shootings and remain free.
Sure, there will still be movie theaters, and churches, and workplaces, street corners, and restaurants. But maybe if shootings persist there, we can ban those too.
Might as well end schools. They don’t do much good. We make kids attend 12 years of schooling at great expense to taxpayers, and what do we get? Half of them don’t know a damn thing and vote Republican.
Well, the kids certainly don’t get their favorable opinions of Republicans from their school teachers. Not only are teachers not very good at teaching their subjects to their students, they can’t even properly indoctrinate the kids in liberal progressive ideology.
Every student must pay for an armed mercenary to be within 5 feet of them at all times while on campus, so that if a shooter appears, they will be dealt with. Sure, an armed personal security agent runs $750 per day and that will push the cost of education well out of range of most students, but that’s an acceptable cost to avoid reasonable gun regulations.
This is the problem with gun nuts.
Sheriff In Charge Of Oregon Massacre Probe Posted Sandy Hook Truther Video http://talkingpointsmemo.com/l.....ok-truther
@2 Ignorance and Republicans go hand in hand.
@4 Yup, that sheriff, it seems, is a real piece of work. He’s also reportedly a member of Oath Keepers.
Ummm Carl your being an ass. Appropriate here. The Washington State Constitution explicitly states there will be public schools here. We aren’t Britain or Canada where schools are part of the national domain. Got some proposals for the state constitution here?
Makes more sense than what we hear from the gun fetishists.
-who continue to convince lawmakers of two things that are obviously untrue:
1) We’ve tried universal background checks and it doesn’t work.
2) The reason we continue to see these random gun massacres is because there aren’t enough guns yet.
Johnathan Swift. Google it.
I always assume that there will be people who don’t get satire. No matter how broad, no matter that at HA, we generally start our our satire with “A Modest Proposal.” It’s kind of perplexing, but it’s to be expected.
Half the links to The Onion on Facebook are people complaining as if it was real, and the other half usually have at least one comment complaining about it. Daniel Defoe couldn’t get away with it. I’m nowhere as good a writer as Defoe or anyone at The Onion.
Also, there is a lot of terrible satire online. There’s a lot of terrible a lot of things online, but satire seems worse. It often becomes a refuge for people who want to just say offensive nonsense without taking accountability for their words. So I can sort of understand how after hearing stuff like, “I didn’t say racist thing about the President, it was just satire,” enough times might turn some people off of satire in general.
Sorry I missed the key words. Although if you read carefully my response is tongue in cheek. If a bit critical on your satire. Good satire is biting and sometimes not particularly funny, and hides. Sometimes it’s just a way to get to the truth. Voltaire’s smile. So please I did give your piece that smile. Our Federal, State and local chaotic system makes a solution to a better world elusive. Perhaps all we have left is a good laugh and something that brings Voltair’s smile after enlightenment. So if I call you an ass again on here it’s a compliment.
Perhaps combining the 2nd amendment and suggesting Republican’s wish to simply do away with the Post Office to eliminate potential sources of future mass shootings. It’s just a happenstance that it attacks a union and would make a few people wealthier. What wonderful foresight that the post office must ensure the retire benefits of future employees who aren’t even born yet, but can’t make sure Republican gun owners can’t be a the next school shooting.