Looks like Proud has an obsession with Al Gore. Add that to his obsession with 6-year old boys and you get one wierd right wing turd.
Goldy, Roger, and Gang VP al Gore A still haven’t got over his lost what is new? The real news is in the North East the Governs are stepping up to the plate and doing their job. They did not blame President Bush for the disaster like the folks you supported in New Orleans you know the Mayor and the Governor of Louisiana. It is amazing what you can do when you accept your responsibility and not blame some else for the plight you are in at the moment.
Northeast floods force hundreds from homes
Governors activate National Guard as torrential rains hit; more is expected
New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch and Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney both declared states of emergency, activating the National Guard to help communities respond to the storm.
“It’s a very serious situation,†Lynch said, adding that forecasters were predicting 12 to 15 inches of rain by the end of the storm in parts of southern New Hampshire. “It continues to change and the situation continues to worsen.â€
A dam in Milton, N.H., was in danger of failing, which could send a 10-foot wall of water downstream, the National Weather Service said in a bulletin. People downstream were being evacuated in the town.
The state Office of Emergency Management said at least a dozen dams were being closely watched.
I can’t help it. I would vote for him again. He really is a smart guy and despite all the repug rhetoric, would probably be able to address the wing nut concerns in a thoughtful manner. Hard to believe huh?
Mark The Redneck Kennedyspews:
Damn right he’s a smart guy. His knowledge of network technology is amazing. We wouldn’t have the internet if he hadn’t taken the initiative.
For the Cluelessspews:
10 – Might not have. The “initiative” was funding for NSFnet.
For the Cluelessspews:
Looks like Proud has an obsession with Al Gore.
ASS has an obssesion with anything that stokes the flames of her hate to the white hot stage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s about time some prominent liberals finally started mocking wingnuts. (Actually, I’ve been doing it since, oh, about 1965.) Righties have been mocking liberals for years; turnabout is fair play. Besides, it’s EASY to mock wingnuts, because unlike wingnuts’ mocking of liberals, what we say about them is TRUE — they’re every bit as STUPID and IGNORANT and ILLITERATE as we say they are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For example, Y’o can’t even spell his own fucking name, and neither can Sharansky. And klake, well … he can’t even spell 1-syllable words.
howcanyou be PROUDtobeanASSspews:
I can’t help it. I would vote for him again. He really is a smart guy and despite all the repug rhetoric, would probably be able to address the wing nut concerns in a thoughtful manner. Hard to believe huh? -Commentby Jimmy— 5/14/06@ 1:02 pm
Poor Al, dumb as a goat …
Gore’s undergraduate transcript from Harvard is riddled with C’s, including a C-minus in introductory economics, a D in one science course, and a C-plus in another. “In his sophomore year at Harvard,” the Post reported, “Gore’s grades were lower than any semester recorded on Bush’s transcript from Yale.” Moreover, Gore’s graduate school record – consistently glossed over by the press – is nothing short of shameful. In 1971, Gore enrolled in Vanderbilt Divinity School where, according to Bill Turque, author of “Inventing Al Gore,” he received F’s in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters. Not surprisingly, Gore did not receive a degree from the divinity school. Nor did Gore graduate from Vanderbilt Law School, where he enrolled for a brief time and received his fair share of C’s.
Wannabe President Al Gore flunked out of a leading Tennessee graduate school at a time when he was a heavy marijuana user, according to academic records and the account of a former friend whom the Gore campaign tried to surpress.
“In 1971, Gore enrolled in Vanderbilt Divinity School where, according to Bill Turque, author of ‘Inventing Al Gore,’ he received F’s in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters. Not surprisingly, Gore did not receive a degree from the divinity school,” reported the Boston Globe Thursday.
The vice president next enrolled in Vanderbilt Law School, where his mother was the first woman to earn a law degree. But after a brief and lackluster law school career, young Gore dropped out.
Though the vice president has publicly admitted to only rare and intermittent drug use during the time he flunked out of one school and dropped out of another, at least one former friend challenges that version of events.
In January, family friend John C. Warnecke went public with his account of what he says was the vice president’s far more substantial drug habit during the five years between Gore’s 1971 return from Vietnam and his decision to enter politics in 1976:
“Al Gore and I smoked regularly, as buddies,” Warnecke told DRCnet’s The Week Online. “Marijuana, hash. I was his regular supplier. I didn’t deal dope, I just gave it to him.”
Warnecke says they got high together regularly during the years when Gore’s poor academic performance turned him into a dropout:
“We smoked more than once, more than a few times, we smoked a lot. We smoked in his car, in his house, we smoked in his parents’ house, in my house … we smoked on weekends. We smoked a lot.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
As an example of what I said at #13, let’s take Mark the Illiterate’s post at #10. MTI said:
“Damn right he’s a smart guy. His knowledge of network technology is amazing. We wouldn’t have the internet if he hadn’t taken the initiative. Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 5/14/06@ 1:06 pm”
But wait! The premise of this “mocking” comment is that Al Gore claimed he invented the internet! But did he? In a moment, you’re going to see what I mean about STUPID and IGNORANT and ILLITERATE because you’d think idiots like Mark would have learned by now to check Snopes.com (or one of the other debunker web sites) before posting idiotic comments like this one, but no:
“Claim: Vice-President Al Gore claimed that he “invented” the Internet.
“Status: False.
“Origins: Despite the derisive references that continue even today, Al Gore did not claim he “invented” the Internet, nor did he say anything that could reasonably be interpreted that way.”
Main Entry: coward
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: afraid person
Synonyms: alarmist, baby*, big baby, caitiff, chicken*, chicken liver*, chicken-heart, craven, cur, dastard, deserter, faint-of-heart, fraidy cat, funk, gutless*, gutless wonder, invertebrate*, jellyfish*, lily-liver, malingerer, milksop, ilquetoast, mollycoddle, mouse*, nerd, pessimist, poltroon, punk, quitter, rabbit*, recreant, scaredy-cat, shirk, shirker, sissy, skulker, sneak, turkey, weak sister, weakling, white iver*, yellow*, yellow-belly
Main Entry: delinquent
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: criminal
Synonyms: black sheep*, blackguard, culprit, dawdler, deadbeat*, deadhead*, debtor, defaulter, derelict, desperado, evader, fallen angel*, felon, hoodlum*, jailbird*, juvenile elinquent, juvie*, lawbreaker, loafer, lounger, malefactor, miscreant, neglector, no show*, offender, outlaw, punk*, rabbit, recreant, reprobate, scamp, sinner, skedaddler, skipper, stiff, welsher, wrongdoer, young offender
7 entries found for flea
Main Entry: cur
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: lowly being
Synonyms: black sheep*, blackguard, bum, cad, coward, dog*, flea hotel, good-for-nothing*, heel*, hound*, mongrel, mutt, mutt, ne’er-do-well*, pooch, rat*, riffraff*, rotter, scoundrel, scum*, skunk*, snake*, snot, stinker*, stray, toad*, villain, worm*, wretch, wretch, yellow dog*
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Al Gore: Sooooooo sad.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Man, that was easy. Mark isn’t very challenging today. Let’s see, my friends LeftTurn and For the Clueless appear to be on top of Too Dumb to Know Being An Ass Is Not Something to Be Proud Of, and I took care of Mark the Redneck Illiterate Bet Welsher, so that exhausts the troll smack-down opportunities in this thread for now, although there’ll probably be more later, so I think I’ll hop up the hill to eat Stefan’s carrots and shit on his lawn for a while. Later, guys.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Go ahead and tell yourself Roger Rabbit is a “coward” while you’re picking me up by my ears, booger boy. You’re delusional about everything else, so you may as well commit hara kiri with your eyes shut, too.
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
RR, Why are posters making fun of you?
Dan Ratherspews:
Righties have been mocking liberals for years;
Really? But how often? What’s the frequency wabbit?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Delinquent” I can go with. I’m delinquent in my rent — I’ve paid the Seattle Parks Department nothing for occupying Green Lake Park real estate in all the years I’ve been burrowing and tunneling here. (Aurora Avenue is gonna collapse into a series of interlocking sinkholes any day now.) I’m delinuent in paying my fines — I still don’t have a collar, pet license, or rabies tag. (That’s because I didn’t get my rabies shots — why should I? If I bite you, you’re the one who’s gotta worry about rabies, not me!! Then you can go and get YOUR rabies shots!!! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR) I’m delinquent in getting myself neutered — I’m still punching out bunnies like Steroid Barry punches out home runs! The way these trollfucks fling it around, you’re think “delinquent” is a dirty word or something. Hell, every bill Martin Selig gets from City Light has “delinquent” stamped on it, and he’s filthy rich, so he must be doing something right!
Roger Rabbitspews:
17 (continued)
“Flea hotel?” Is that ME you’re talking about? Of course I have fleas! I’m a warm-blooded fur-bearing animal living in the wild (if you consider Green Lake Park “wild” — it does get kind of wild there on weekends, and after midnight). Sure I’m a flea bus! Invite me into your home, let me roll around on your carpet and bedding, and you’ll find out how many hitchhiking fleas I give rides to! So what if I have fleas? All the rabbits I know here at the park have fleas. Doesn’t everybody? Don’t you?
Lee Atwaterspews:
re 22: But Liberals don’t need to recycle the same lame-ass few jokes for several generations. This crop of Young Republicans on campus would not even get the joke.
They wouldn’t even know who I am, for the love of Pete!!
I need a Tylenol. A big… bottle… of… Tylenol!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“RR, Why are posters making fun of you?” Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 5/14/06@ 1:50 pm
Because it’s the only tool in their kit; i.e., they can’t think of an intelligent response to my smack-downs, so they resort to the only thing they know how to do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey JCH — I’d like to see you bitch-slap the black security guard at LAX. Really, I would — I’d pay money to watch that. Trouble is, there’d be no show, because you don’t have the guts to do it.
Dan Ratherspews:
I need a Tylenol. A big… bottle… of… Tylenol!!
Commentby Lee Atwater— 5/14/06@ 1:58 pm
You will get over it Lee. Courage Lee, courage.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Of course we don’t need to recycle the same lame-ass jokes — not with Republican politicians getting caught in another new scandal virtually every day!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Dr. Rabbit’s prescription for trollfucks suffering migraines:
Take an aspirin, and if you don’t feel better by tomorrow, take ’em all.
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedyspews:
I remember my first dem political rally. The funeral wasn’t bad either.
I saw this this morning through the wonders of TiVo. Friggin hilarious!
Especially the lost-california remark. And the “I’m sure the gas companeis would help us out if our positions were reversed” bit. LOL
Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocatespews:
Yes, Al Gore was very funny on SNL in both the opening and Weekend Review skits.
Too bad we can’t have fair elections in the USA.
Proud To Be An ASSspews:
It would be great to have Al as prez–just the thought of all those wingnuts foaming at the mouth is enough, and he’d probably do a damnned fine job, too.
Proud To Be An ASSspews:
You want takedowns of the alleged wingnut “takedowns” of Al Gore? Go to the Daily Howler blog by Bob Somersby. He deconstructs each and every right wing lie about Al Gore.
Maybe we can get some election monitors from actual free countries around the world to make sure that this wannabe free country has actually free elections next time.
Things that would be different if Gore were president…
1) 9.11 wouldn’t have happened
2) 40,000 US service people wouldn’t be dead or wounded in Iraq
3) We’d have a balanced budget again
4) The stock market would be at 15000
5) Big energy wouldn’t be running the White House and gas prices wouldn’t have doubled
6) The damage done to the environment by the Bush regime would be undone
7) Americans wouldn’t be the most hated people on the panet
8) About half the republicans in office would be in jail where they belong
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedyspews:
Too bad we can’t have fair elections in the USA.
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocate— 5/14/06@ 4:23 pm
You know we could if you dems would stop cheating. But we know that wont happen. It is in their blood to cheat.
4) The stock market would be at 15000
Enron and WorldCom would still be inflating the market, and Microsoft and Boeing would still be in the tank.
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Too bad we can’t have fair elections in the USA.
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocate— 5/14/06@ 4:23 pm [………………………………………………………………………………………….May I suggest voter ID for every voter and capital punishment for voter fraud???]
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
This poor dumb shmuck is the son of the original “Big Daddy” and has NEVER had the slightest measure of self respect…recall the airbrushed, enlarged “package” he sported on the cover of Rolling Stone…for a Presidential candidate to allow that is so demeaning that on that alone he should be rejected by every intelligent voter…and was.
This jerk has no idea of what an absolute ass he makes of himself…time and time again.
I’ve been laughing AT him since that pathetic “no controling legal authority” line. It’s impossible to actually despise so inconsequential an entity.
He is really such a dumb shit!
Mark The Redneck Kennedyspews:
Hey Wabbit – Here’s the transcript of Algore creating the internet.
March 9, 1999
BLITZER: I want to get to some of the substance of domestic and international issues in a minute, but let’s just wrap up a little bit of the politics right now. Why should Democrats, looking at the Democratic nomination process, support you instead of Bill Bradley, a friend of yours, a former colleague in the Senate? What do you have to bring to this that he doesn’t necessarily bring to this process?
GORE: Well, I will be offering – I’ll be offering my vision when my campaign begins. And it will be comprehensive and sweeping. And I hope that it will be compelling enough to draw people toward it. I feel that it will be.
But it will emerge from my dialogue with the American people. I’ve traveled to every part of this country during the last six years. During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.
During a quarter century of public service, including most of it long before I came into my current job, I have worked to try to improve the quality of life in our country and in our world. And what I’ve seen during that experience is an emerging future that’s very exciting, about which I’m very optimistic, and toward which I want to lead.
See? Algore is just a pompous ass.
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
“No controling legal authority”. As a Kennedy I enjoy “no controling legal authority”, Kill a babe……….bitchslap a black LAX security chick………..drink and drink, and beat the shit out of Mrs. Roger Rabbit. “No controling legal authority”!! I like that, and you Democrats on HA.ORG will shut the fuck up and vote for me again!!!
Mark The Redneck Kennedyspews:
Hey Pat – Maybe Algore and TSWITW will team up and run as a team. EIGHT MORE YEARS. EIGHT MORE YEARS. EIGHT MORE YEARS. EIGHT MORE YEARS.
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Mark The Redneck Kennedy, Hope you are drinking, raping, beating the shit out of women, and having a great weekend, as the rest of us Kennedys do the same!!! JCH Kennedy
Just listen to the death rattles of the wingnut right.
This is a glorious time to be an American. We will soon shed ourselves of the traitors and cowards that have tried to destroy the USA. While it will take years, perhaps decades to fix the disasterous mess they have made, at least we will be able to stare in at them behind bars.
Except for the ones that will be hanged at The Hague.
That will be an even better assessment of the crimes committed by these war-criminal Neocons.
For the Cluelessspews:
41 – Redneck when you first came here to HA.org, you used the word “invented” like all the other right wing shills.
Why stop now YOU POMPOUS ASS?
MTR Kennedy: Hmmm… Al Gore took the initiative to create the Internet. What you say? Naah, he didn’t say that? Well lookie here. Let’s hear it from the dull one himself: http://www.whatreallyhappened......ternet.wav
But wait: Al Gore said he wasn’t an expert with computers.
when he took the initiative, what was he really doing
IIRC, in the Senate funding NSFnet which was the first high-speed backbone for the Net.
Later when he was VP he leaned on federal departments to make their own web pages back in 93-94 when the html buzz was barely starting.
You wingnuts are utterly bankrupt in your thinking and style and the country is getting tired of you. You got a second wind with Bush stealing the White House and 9/11 but it’s ending. It’s about time.
Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocatespews:
There was no internet prior to the legislation that Al Gore sponsored, it was called ARPANet.
Although the press took relatively little note of Gore’s speeches, hearings, and proposed legislation on national networking, some coverage did appear. John Markoff wrote for the December 29, 1988 edition of the New York Times:
Computer scientists and Government officials are urging the creation of a nationwide “data superhighway” that they believe would have a dramatic economic impact, rivaling that of the nation’s interstate highway system.
This highway would consist of a high-speed fiber-optic data network joining dozens of supercomputers at national laboratories and making them available to thousands of academic and industry researchers around the country …
Legislation introduced in October by Senator Albert Gore, Democrat of Tennessee, included initial financing for development and construction of a National Research Network. Backers of the measure say that Federal financing for the project is necessary to develop the technology and convince industry that vastly speedier computer networks are commercially viable.
Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocatespews:
After the “Mission Accomplished” Captain GWB Marvel landing on the USS Lincoln and the emergence of the CIC with a cod piece in his drawers, you have the nerve to talk about Gore?????
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
I again, for the forth time, call on President Bush to declare a National Emergency.
Issue several executive orders;
1. Suspend all environmental laws and regulations concerning searching, drilling, refining and delivery of oil, gas and other fuels.
2. If Democrats try to stop it, have them arrested and put in jail for Treason!
3. Accelerate the building of refineries, and drilling in the ocean surrounding all of the US.
4. Tell the Arabs to stuff their oil!
Watch the prices drop overnight to 1/2!!!!
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
A majority of people who moved out of Massachusetts last year report they are very satisfied with life in their new state and would not move back, a Boston Globe poll has found. **SNIP** Between 2000 and 2004, Massachusetts lost residents at a greater rate than any other state except New York, according to Census Bureau estimates that were released last month. The exodus from Massachusetts averaged 42,402 people per year… [But………..but………….Atlas Shrugged???? How can you tax people if they move away?? Democrats, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Seattle May 14, 2006 (AP)— A man who spent years recounting his time in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam has been revealed as a fraud, according to a newspaper report.
Roger Rabbit, , 57, told his wife, friends, veterans and others that he spent more than three years in captivity after his helicopter was shot down, even sharing his story in articles and videos.
But when he tried to get a fishing boat last month under the guise of being a former POW, veterans investigated and discovered Powell never served in Vietnam. They looked into his past after he posted his story and plea for the boat on a Web site.
His national service records show he served less than a year in the Army in Alaska before being discharged in 1968.
“For every veteran out there, I am sorry, I am sorry,” Rabbit told The Seattle Morning News. “It will never happen again. Never.”
Rabbit said he was recently found to have bipolar disorder and plans to seek treatment. He also said he has other ailments, including stroke-induced neurological damage.
Rabbit said he wasn’t quite sure what prompted his lie, which began as early as the 1970s.
“I have a lot of respect for anybody that wears the uniform,” he said. “It’s just that, maybe I wish I could have done more. Maybe I wish I was a better help and I wasn’t.”
Lee Atwaterspews:
They’ve got the most dizzifyin’ new ride at Jerry Falwell’s, ” Jayzuzland” : It’s called , The No-Spin Zone!!
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
For every veteran out there, I am sorry, I am sorry, Rabbit told The Seattle Morning News. It will never happen again. Never. – Words that we will never hear from John Kerry, referring to his Christmas In Cambodia fabrications to Congress and his slanders to his fellow Vietnam veterans.
Lee Atwaterspews:
re 28: Dan Rather brought live footage from Vietnam into our living rooms at considerable personal danger to himself — just to keep us properly informed. On more than one occasion , he did this under enemy fire. So , YES, [JCH] : COURAGE!!
Personal courage! The kind you want in someone who will accompany you into battle — a thing pathetically ABSENT from the CHICKENSHIT IN CHIEF and the VICE-CHICKENSHIT.
Republican ass will be chickenshit grass…. Get OUGHTA TOWN, [JCH]!!
Lee Atwaterspews:
Why does Bush look like a dunce cap would look perfectly natural on him — an accessory , as it were.
Here come those tears again, just when I thought I was gettin’ over them. Here …come….those… tears …again….
Get me another bottle of Ibuprofen. My head feels like exploding!
Richard Nixonspews:
Lee, don’t be too hard on JCH. He’s one of ours. We pay him very, very well to destroy the enemy’s means of communication. In Vietnam we dropped bombs — today we drop toxic words. One quick look at this thread proves that we’ve had a very good day. Courage, JCH.
Green Thumbspews:
Gore is a great stateman. I’m skeptical about him running again for president, although I’d support him in a heartbeat if it came down to him and Hillary.
Dan Ratherspews:
re 28: Dan Rather brought live footage from Vietnam into our living rooms at considerable personal danger to himself – just to keep us properly informed. On more than one occasion , he did this under enemy fire. So , YES, [JCH] : COURAGE!!
Commentby Lee Atwater— 5/14/06@ 8:51 pm
You go Lee. Yes, I think you have it son. You have the gravitas. We had to keep it real back in the 60’s. It was too hard to falsify documents back then. Courage Lee, courage.
Harry Tuttle aka Mummified Brain said: “Blah, blah, blah …you have the nerve to talk about Gore????? ”
Hey dingleberry breath the thread heading says it all: “A message from “President Gore” [quotes added by me for clarifying the lie being delivered!].
I see the formaldehyde mummification process is complete! Harry, ya still can’t figure it out! Maybe you should give it up!
How are the Diebold voting machines working in California Harry? I read they are still using them Harry. I’m sure they need a mummified voter advocate down there. Do you need some one-way ticket frequent flyer miles Harry?
Jesus, JCH is a piece of work. I guess he’ll be able to spend eternity in the lake of fire contemplating how hideous a “person” he is.
Hey Puddybud–have you checked today to see if your sons are still virgins? They’re 23 years old, you really ought to let them go. Your “it ain’t sex if it’s family” thing is going to be seen through any day now.
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedyspews:
Hey REP Pat Kennedy D-Bitchslap, hope your weekend went well. Remember to use the back hand when slapping down bitches out of respect for Mothers Day weekend. Peace.
Reports are coming out that Baby Bush’s butt-boy Blair is out as of 2007. The walls are starting to crumble and the death rattle is getting louder leaving only the most pathetic and inbred righties to keep banging what’s left of their tattered drum. And I love it.
Reports are coming out that Baby Bush’s butt-boy Blair is out as of 2007. The walls are starting to crumble and the death rattle is getting louder leaving only the most pathetic and inbred righties to keep banging what’s left of their tattered drum. And I love it.
ASSnonymous I am glad you are worried about my sons. My older son just said ignore you and the younger one said who are you and why should I care. I agree ASSnonymous. You who thinks being a crack fiend and a whore are great job opportunities is the one who needs help.
If you don’t have daughters then you must have sons. Are they legitimate or were they born bastards like their father?
Lee Atwaterspews:
I remember Nixon repeatedly telling the nation sternly, yet somehow unconvincingly, to: “Make no mistake about it, I AM the President!” And then to see him only weeks later flashing a double victory sign — off into obscurity — him and his pathetically hunched shoulders and his gigantic jowly head with the wispy, oily pompadour…
Makes me wanna cry…
Mark The Redneck Kennedyspews:
Rufus Fitzgerld Kennedy@ 66 – Shit, I just woke up. That musta been some night last night. Woke up and my clothes were wet. Dunno where the fuck my car is. Girl disappeared too. Oh, well fuck her…
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Jesus, JCH is a piece of work. I guess he’ll be able to spend eternity in the lake of fire contemplating how hideous a “person” he is.
Commentby Anonymous— 5/14/06@ 9:23 pm [………………………………………………………………….Goldysteinbergloeb………I love you, too!]
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedyspews:
You better clean up and down a couple rum and cokes. You have less than one hour before you have to vote.
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy, Peace to you. Happy Mother’s Day to your family, and keep ripping the Marxist “progressive” libs! Best regards, JCH Kennedy
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Anonymous [Goldystein] , I think I’d like to bitchslap you just like I did to that black LAX security babe. I got away with that because I’m a Kennedy, and you, as a Democrat dumb ass sheep, will vote for me again and again. I have more to say but it’s 3AM and I’m late for a vote. Fuck you, JCH Kennedy
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Oh, Goldystein, Has your daughter met my cousin Micheal Skakel? He’s a great Democrat and she’ll find him a lot of Democrat fun. Best regards, JCH Kennedy
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedyspews:
off into obscurity — him and his pathetically hunched shoulders and his gigantic jowly head with the wispy, oily pompadour…
Makes me wanna cry…
Commentby Lee Atwater— 5/14/06@ 10:10 pm
Actually my vote has to go to the Kerry concession speech. That had me rolling in tears. What a contract to the swifty party that night.
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
WALHALLA – The NAACP and area pastors say they will fight an Oconee County plan to cut five holidays – including the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Four members of County Council’s budget and finance committee voted to cut the King holiday along with Good Friday, Confederate Memorial Day, Election Day and one of three days taken off at Christmas. In exchange, employees would get Presidents Day off and one floating holiday…
MLK ”DAY” has morphed, along with Black History Month, into a six-week baccanalia of victim-mongering, Jesse Jackson “shakedowns”, phony history, Democrat bull shit, rationalizations and other phony liberal exercises in intellectual nihilism.
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
The Democrats game plan is to push Bush and the Republicans along to get as many illegal aliens as possible on a path to dual citizenship and US voting rights, as the Democrats know that most poor immigrant Mexican voters support Democrat politicans who pander them access to all sorts of big government social programs payed for by Republican taxpayers. The Democrats smell millions of potential new illegal alien Democrat voters.
It seems that 80% of all registered sex offenders consider themselves republican or religious. Guess that explains the behavior of most of the resident HA right wing trolls.
Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocatespews:
Still unable to refute me, eh Liar?
Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocatespews:
Kinda strange, talk to JCH get reply from Puddybutt.
Dark Vaderspews:
Nothing strange about it. Puddybut, JCH, Ms. Cynical – all the same person. A twisted, baby raping, right wing, cowardly, draft dodger, who steals from old lady’s, smokes crack, lives in a trailer park, considers bowling a sport, has a confederate flag tattoo on one sholder and a KKK symbol on the other and had parents who were brother and sister.
Lee Atwaterspews:
Poor Richard Nixon!! Que-lastima!!! Wandering the beaches of San Clemente with his metal detector, Chi Chi Rodriquez snappy powder -blue golf hat, rumpled Hawaiian shirt, baggy black trousers rolled up to the knee and the ever pathetic hunched shoulders and scowling jowly head.
How sad!
What will Dubya look like wandering forlornly around Crawford trying to tell anyone who’ll listen: “I used to be the MAN!! The main DECIDER!!”
Now he’ll clear the brush of your rancho for the price of a 12 pack of , Lone Star. I can see it coming…
And you know what? It makes my head feel like a watermelon at a Gallagher concert.
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
PudDYBUDSUXDICK, “Draft dodger”?????????Your military service? Yeah, about the same as Goldystein’s. Piss on you, Democrat “progressive” traitor pussy! JCH [LT, USN, 1110, 76-84]
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Seattle May 14, 2006 (AP)— A man who spent years recounting his time in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam has been revealed as a fraud, according to a newspaper report.
Roger Rabbit, , 57, told his wife, friends, veterans and others that he spent more than three years in captivity after his helicopter was shot down, even sharing his story in articles and videos.
But when he tried to get a fishing boat last month under the guise of being a former POW, veterans investigated and discovered Powell never served in Vietnam. They looked into his past after he posted his story and plea for the boat on a Web site.
His national service records show he served less than a year in the Army in Alaska before being discharged in 1968.
“For every veteran out there, I am sorry, I am sorry,” Rabbit told The Seattle Morning News. “It will never happen again. Never.”
Rabbit said he was recently found to have bipolar disorder and plans to seek treatment. He also said he has other ailments, including stroke-induced neurological damage.
Rabbit said he wasn’t quite sure what prompted his lie, which began as early as the 1970s.
“I have a lot of respect for anybody that wears the uniform,” he said. “It’s just that, maybe I wish I could have done more. Maybe I wish I was a better help and I wasn’t.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mark the Idiot @41
Here is what snopes.com says about it:
“The ‘Al Gore said he “invented” the Internet’ put-downs were misleading, out-of-context distortions of something he said during an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN’s ‘Late Edition’ program on 9 March 1999 … although Gore’s phrasing was clumsy (and perhaps self-serving), he was not claiming that he ‘invented’ the Internet (in the sense of having designed or implemented it), but that he was responsible, in an economic and legislative sense, for fostering the development the technology that we now know as the Internet. To claim that Gore was seriously trying to take credit for the ‘invention’ of the Internet is, frankly, just silly political posturing ….
“Whether Gore’s statement that he ‘took the initiative in creating the Internet’ is justified is a subject of debate. Any statement about the ‘creation’ or ‘beginning’ of the Internet is difficult to evaluate, because the Internet is not a homogenous entity … nor did it all spring into being at once ….
“It is true, though, that Gore was popularizing the term ‘information superhighway’ in the early 1990s (although he did not, as is often claimed by others, coin the phrase himself) when few people outside academia or the computer/defense industries had heard of the Internet, and he sponsored the 1988 National High-Performance Computer Act (which established a national computing plan and helped link universities and libraries via a shared network) and cosponsored the Information Infrastructure and Technology Act of 1992 (which opened the Internet to commercial traffic).
“In May 2005, the organizers of the Webby Awards for online achievements honored Al Gore with a lifetime achievement award for three decades of contributions to the Internet. ‘He is indeed due some thanks and consideration for his early contributions,’ said Vint Cerf.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
41 (continued)
Did Gore engage in puffery? Perhaps. So what? Nearly every business in America, large and small, puffs its product. Virtually every politician puffs himself. And nobody engages in more puffery than Republicans talking about their “accomplishments” — especially their economic “accomplishments.” The only thing Republicans ever accomplished was deficits, debts, and unemployment.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Except for the ones that will be hanged at The Hague.” Commentby Donnageddon— 5/14/06@ 6:13 pm
In light of high fuel prices, I suggest we skip the Hague and hang them from the nearest lamp post.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Leave it to a wingnut to misspell “loooooooooooooooooooooooooosers”
Roger Rabbitspews:
klake is a nazi
Roger Rabbitspews:
Mummified: You provided nothing to refute. Your stoooopid DIEBOLD voting machine argument will null and void the anti-Arnold proposition initiative votes of November 2005. Yes, since the initiatives lost by such a slim margin lets see how many donk counties RIGGED the machines? You twist the facts like a statistician does with shady statistics. dumbASS!
So mummified: did ya like that Al Gore link. Priceless!
Green Thumbspews:
Here we are, at almost 100 entries, and still there is remarkably little of substance said about Al Gore. Just the same tired propaganda from the trolls. If you’re going to make stuff up, can’t you at least spew something new and entertaining? I mean, really, that internet myth is sooo 2000.
Gore is a REAL veteran (not a FAKE one like the chickenshit in chief), an experienced legislator, the Vice-President and a key player in the most successful Presidential Administration of the last 30 years. So Lieberman was his VP pick…and he got snookered by the vapid frat-boy…
Bottom line…Gore runs, I’m workin’ for him!
How ’bout Gore-Clark…or Gore-Obama?
“Let’s git it on!!!!!!!”
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Did Gore engage in puffery? Perhaps.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/14/06@ 11:41 pm [……………………..Yhis is great!! Democrats don’t “lie”……….They “puff”! Classic!
what the hell are you people talking about, you act like you have a point! you wait until someone says or does something and then you act, wow what does that say!
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
They came to learn how to be leaders and advocates. More than 100 college students from throughout Oregon and Idaho are in Salem this weekend to also learn how to organize marches, launch voter-registration drives and build alliances to push for legalizing immigrants who are living illegally in the United States./snip/ It’s sponsored by the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Community Change, a nonprofit advocacy group, and the Fair Immigration Reform Movement… [……………………………………………………………………………………..Right on schedule!! Young junior communist Democrats out signing up the illegal aliens to vote. These brat “progressives” are traitors and should be shot!]
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
Seattle May 15, 2006 (AP)— A man who spent years recounting his time in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam has been revealed as a fraud, according to a newspaper report.
Roger Rabbit, , 57, told his wife, friends, fellow communist “progressive”, real veterans like JCH, and others that he spent more than three years in captivity after his helicopter was shot down, even sharing his story in articles and videos.
But when he tried to get a fishing boat last month under the guise of being a former POW, veterans investigated and discovered Powell never served in Vietnam. They looked into his past after he posted his story and plea for the boat on a Web site.
His national service records show he served less than a year in the Army in Alaska before being less than honorably discharged in 1968.
“For every real veteran out there, I am sorry, I am sorry,” Rabbit told The Seattle Morning News. “JCH, Rufus, and MTR, It will never happen again. Never.”
Rabbit said he was recently found to have bipolar disorder and plans to seek treatment. He also said he has other ailments, including stroke-induced neurological damage.
Rabbit said he wasn’t quite sure what prompted his lie, which began as early as the 1970s.
“I have a lot of respect for anybody that wears the uniform,” he said. “It’s just that, like Goldy, maybe I wish I could have done more. Maybe I wish I was a better person.”
REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]spews:
If enacted, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S.2611) would be the most dramatic change in immigration law in 80 years, allowing an estimated 103 million persons to legally immigrate to the U.S. over the next 20 years—fully one-third of the current population of the United States.
Much attention has been given to the fact that the bill grants amnesty to some 10 million illegal immigrants. Little or no attention has been given to the fact that the bill would quintuple the rate of legal immigration into the United States, raising, over time, the inflow of legal immigrants from around one million per year to over five million per year. The impact of this increase in legal immigration dwarfs the magnitude of the amnesty provisions. [……………………………………………………………………..Attention Repubican private sectro taxpayers: It’s time to get the HELL out of California!!!!!!]
voter advocate aka harry tuttle: LOL. I just saw ‘Brazil’ for the first time last week. Is that what you’re referring to?
Another TJspews:
How ’bout Gore-Clark
Hell, even I’d get off my lazy butt and work for that ticket.
Hey, in all fairness, Al Gore was funny poking fun at himself. But you know what was funnier to me?
That video clip of President George W. Bush looking in the Oval Office for the non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction that were supposed to be in Iraq. Now, that was funny.
But the real kicker, what made it ironically funny, was that at that very same moment in time, real American soldiers were getting killed in their HUMVEEs by roadside IED’s while they were REALLY searching for the non-existent WMD’s. YEAH, their arms and legs hurling through the air with the bloody stump ends hitting the guy next to them, oh that’s some funny shit. Or, or, being horrifically disfigured by burns inflicted by ordnance going off in their faces. Have you seen the hilarious videos of an IED explosion, those HUGE fireballs? Funny stuff.
Oh, and how about the GI’s that were taken POW at the beginning of the war, did you see the looks on their faces??? Shit, Ashton Kutcher “Punk’d” quality stuff. They were so worried they’d end up dead like their other buddies. Yep, our Commander In Chief has a hilarious sense of humor. Doesn’t he?
Thank God, they didn’t send enough troops on the initial invasion to secure Saddam’s military bases where the real military weapons were known to be stored or we would have missed out on Bush’s cutting edge humor.
I heard that there’s another one of Bush’s video clips coming out soon. Yeah, it’s going star Jenna and Barbara pretending to be in boot camp. It’s going to be called “The Simple Life: Boot camp edition.”
Yuck it up you fucking neocons.
All of you Gorons yuck it up ! Yea, he’s running in ’08 and it will be between him and Hillary for who carries the banner for the Democraps… Looks like Gore won’t have the opportunity to sell out this country to Mexico and the one-worlders like he would have dearly wanted to. Bush already has – as it appears at this time.
We now know exactly what The Stiff is good for… MOCKING!
Thanks ever so much for pointing that out goldstein.
more mocking
Al the eminently mockable!
Oh, Al…
Thanks Al
Looks like Proud has an obsession with Al Gore. Add that to his obsession with 6-year old boys and you get one wierd right wing turd.
Goldy, Roger, and Gang VP al Gore A still haven’t got over his lost what is new? The real news is in the North East the Governs are stepping up to the plate and doing their job. They did not blame President Bush for the disaster like the folks you supported in New Orleans you know the Mayor and the Governor of Louisiana. It is amazing what you can do when you accept your responsibility and not blame some else for the plight you are in at the moment.
Northeast floods force hundreds from homes
Governors activate National Guard as torrential rains hit; more is expected
New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch and Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney both declared states of emergency, activating the National Guard to help communities respond to the storm.
“It’s a very serious situation,†Lynch said, adding that forecasters were predicting 12 to 15 inches of rain by the end of the storm in parts of southern New Hampshire. “It continues to change and the situation continues to worsen.â€
A dam in Milton, N.H., was in danger of failing, which could send a 10-foot wall of water downstream, the National Weather Service said in a bulletin. People downstream were being evacuated in the town.
The state Office of Emergency Management said at least a dozen dams were being closely watched.
I can’t help it. I would vote for him again. He really is a smart guy and despite all the repug rhetoric, would probably be able to address the wing nut concerns in a thoughtful manner. Hard to believe huh?
Damn right he’s a smart guy. His knowledge of network technology is amazing. We wouldn’t have the internet if he hadn’t taken the initiative.
10 – Might not have. The “initiative” was funding for NSFnet.
Looks like Proud has an obsession with Al Gore.
ASS has an obssesion with anything that stokes the flames of her hate to the white hot stage.
It’s about time some prominent liberals finally started mocking wingnuts. (Actually, I’ve been doing it since, oh, about 1965.) Righties have been mocking liberals for years; turnabout is fair play. Besides, it’s EASY to mock wingnuts, because unlike wingnuts’ mocking of liberals, what we say about them is TRUE — they’re every bit as STUPID and IGNORANT and ILLITERATE as we say they are.
For example, Y’o can’t even spell his own fucking name, and neither can Sharansky. And klake, well … he can’t even spell 1-syllable words.
I can’t help it. I would vote for him again. He really is a smart guy and despite all the repug rhetoric, would probably be able to address the wing nut concerns in a thoughtful manner. Hard to believe huh? -Commentby Jimmy— 5/14/06@ 1:02 pm
Poor Al, dumb as a goat …
Gore’s undergraduate transcript from Harvard is riddled with C’s, including a C-minus in introductory economics, a D in one science course, and a C-plus in another. “In his sophomore year at Harvard,” the Post reported, “Gore’s grades were lower than any semester recorded on Bush’s transcript from Yale.” Moreover, Gore’s graduate school record – consistently glossed over by the press – is nothing short of shameful. In 1971, Gore enrolled in Vanderbilt Divinity School where, according to Bill Turque, author of “Inventing Al Gore,” he received F’s in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters. Not surprisingly, Gore did not receive a degree from the divinity school. Nor did Gore graduate from Vanderbilt Law School, where he enrolled for a brief time and received his fair share of C’s.
Wannabe President Al Gore flunked out of a leading Tennessee graduate school at a time when he was a heavy marijuana user, according to academic records and the account of a former friend whom the Gore campaign tried to surpress.
“In 1971, Gore enrolled in Vanderbilt Divinity School where, according to Bill Turque, author of ‘Inventing Al Gore,’ he received F’s in five of the eight classes he took over the course of three semesters. Not surprisingly, Gore did not receive a degree from the divinity school,” reported the Boston Globe Thursday.
The vice president next enrolled in Vanderbilt Law School, where his mother was the first woman to earn a law degree. But after a brief and lackluster law school career, young Gore dropped out.
Though the vice president has publicly admitted to only rare and intermittent drug use during the time he flunked out of one school and dropped out of another, at least one former friend challenges that version of events.
In January, family friend John C. Warnecke went public with his account of what he says was the vice president’s far more substantial drug habit during the five years between Gore’s 1971 return from Vietnam and his decision to enter politics in 1976:
“Al Gore and I smoked regularly, as buddies,” Warnecke told DRCnet’s The Week Online. “Marijuana, hash. I was his regular supplier. I didn’t deal dope, I just gave it to him.”
Warnecke says they got high together regularly during the years when Gore’s poor academic performance turned him into a dropout:
“We smoked more than once, more than a few times, we smoked a lot. We smoked in his car, in his house, we smoked in his parents’ house, in my house … we smoked on weekends. We smoked a lot.”
As an example of what I said at #13, let’s take Mark the Illiterate’s post at #10. MTI said:
“Damn right he’s a smart guy. His knowledge of network technology is amazing. We wouldn’t have the internet if he hadn’t taken the initiative. Commentby Mark The Redneck Kennedy— 5/14/06@ 1:06 pm”
But wait! The premise of this “mocking” comment is that Al Gore claimed he invented the internet! But did he? In a moment, you’re going to see what I mean about STUPID and IGNORANT and ILLITERATE because you’d think idiots like Mark would have learned by now to check Snopes.com (or one of the other debunker web sites) before posting idiotic comments like this one, but no:
“Claim: Vice-President Al Gore claimed that he “invented” the Internet.
“Status: False.
“Origins: Despite the derisive references that continue even today, Al Gore did not claim he “invented” the Internet, nor did he say anything that could reasonably be interpreted that way.”
Executive Summary: Right-wing claims that Al Gore said he invented the internet are RIGHT-WING BULLSHIT.
3 entries found for rabbit.
Main Entry: coward
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: afraid person
Synonyms: alarmist, baby*, big baby, caitiff, chicken*, chicken liver*, chicken-heart, craven, cur, dastard, deserter, faint-of-heart, fraidy cat, funk, gutless*, gutless wonder, invertebrate*, jellyfish*, lily-liver, malingerer, milksop, ilquetoast, mollycoddle, mouse*, nerd, pessimist, poltroon, punk, quitter, rabbit*, recreant, scaredy-cat, shirk, shirker, sissy, skulker, sneak, turkey, weak sister, weakling, white iver*, yellow*, yellow-belly
Main Entry: delinquent
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: criminal
Synonyms: black sheep*, blackguard, culprit, dawdler, deadbeat*, deadhead*, debtor, defaulter, derelict, desperado, evader, fallen angel*, felon, hoodlum*, jailbird*, juvenile elinquent, juvie*, lawbreaker, loafer, lounger, malefactor, miscreant, neglector, no show*, offender, outlaw, punk*, rabbit, recreant, reprobate, scamp, sinner, skedaddler, skipper, stiff, welsher, wrongdoer, young offender
7 entries found for flea
Main Entry: cur
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: lowly being
Synonyms: black sheep*, blackguard, bum, cad, coward, dog*, flea hotel, good-for-nothing*, heel*, hound*, mongrel, mutt, mutt, ne’er-do-well*, pooch, rat*, riffraff*, rotter, scoundrel, scum*, skunk*, snake*, snot, stinker*, stray, toad*, villain, worm*, wretch, wretch, yellow dog*
Al Gore: Sooooooo sad.
Man, that was easy. Mark isn’t very challenging today. Let’s see, my friends LeftTurn and For the Clueless appear to be on top of Too Dumb to Know Being An Ass Is Not Something to Be Proud Of, and I took care of Mark the Redneck Illiterate Bet Welsher, so that exhausts the troll smack-down opportunities in this thread for now, although there’ll probably be more later, so I think I’ll hop up the hill to eat Stefan’s carrots and shit on his lawn for a while. Later, guys.
Go ahead and tell yourself Roger Rabbit is a “coward” while you’re picking me up by my ears, booger boy. You’re delusional about everything else, so you may as well commit hara kiri with your eyes shut, too.
RR, Why are posters making fun of you?
Righties have been mocking liberals for years;
Really? But how often? What’s the frequency wabbit?
“Delinquent” I can go with. I’m delinquent in my rent — I’ve paid the Seattle Parks Department nothing for occupying Green Lake Park real estate in all the years I’ve been burrowing and tunneling here. (Aurora Avenue is gonna collapse into a series of interlocking sinkholes any day now.) I’m delinuent in paying my fines — I still don’t have a collar, pet license, or rabies tag. (That’s because I didn’t get my rabies shots — why should I? If I bite you, you’re the one who’s gotta worry about rabies, not me!! Then you can go and get YOUR rabies shots!!! HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR) I’m delinquent in getting myself neutered — I’m still punching out bunnies like Steroid Barry punches out home runs! The way these trollfucks fling it around, you’re think “delinquent” is a dirty word or something. Hell, every bill Martin Selig gets from City Light has “delinquent” stamped on it, and he’s filthy rich, so he must be doing something right!
17 (continued)
“Flea hotel?” Is that ME you’re talking about? Of course I have fleas! I’m a warm-blooded fur-bearing animal living in the wild (if you consider Green Lake Park “wild” — it does get kind of wild there on weekends, and after midnight). Sure I’m a flea bus! Invite me into your home, let me roll around on your carpet and bedding, and you’ll find out how many hitchhiking fleas I give rides to! So what if I have fleas? All the rabbits I know here at the park have fleas. Doesn’t everybody? Don’t you?
re 22: But Liberals don’t need to recycle the same lame-ass few jokes for several generations. This crop of Young Republicans on campus would not even get the joke.
They wouldn’t even know who I am, for the love of Pete!!
I need a Tylenol. A big… bottle… of… Tylenol!!
“RR, Why are posters making fun of you?” Commentby REP Pat Kennedy [D-Bitchslap the Black Security Guard At LAX]— 5/14/06@ 1:50 pm
Because it’s the only tool in their kit; i.e., they can’t think of an intelligent response to my smack-downs, so they resort to the only thing they know how to do.
Hey JCH — I’d like to see you bitch-slap the black security guard at LAX. Really, I would — I’d pay money to watch that. Trouble is, there’d be no show, because you don’t have the guts to do it.
I need a Tylenol. A big… bottle… of… Tylenol!!
Commentby Lee Atwater— 5/14/06@ 1:58 pm
You will get over it Lee. Courage Lee, courage.
Of course we don’t need to recycle the same lame-ass jokes — not with Republican politicians getting caught in another new scandal virtually every day!
Dr. Rabbit’s prescription for trollfucks suffering migraines:
Take an aspirin, and if you don’t feel better by tomorrow, take ’em all.
I remember my first dem political rally. The funeral wasn’t bad either.
I saw this this morning through the wonders of TiVo. Friggin hilarious!
Especially the lost-california remark. And the “I’m sure the gas companeis would help us out if our positions were reversed” bit. LOL
Yes, Al Gore was very funny on SNL in both the opening and Weekend Review skits.
Too bad we can’t have fair elections in the USA.
It would be great to have Al as prez–just the thought of all those wingnuts foaming at the mouth is enough, and he’d probably do a damnned fine job, too.
You want takedowns of the alleged wingnut “takedowns” of Al Gore? Go to the Daily Howler blog by Bob Somersby. He deconstructs each and every right wing lie about Al Gore.
Maybe we can get some election monitors from actual free countries around the world to make sure that this wannabe free country has actually free elections next time.
Things that would be different if Gore were president…
1) 9.11 wouldn’t have happened
2) 40,000 US service people wouldn’t be dead or wounded in Iraq
3) We’d have a balanced budget again
4) The stock market would be at 15000
5) Big energy wouldn’t be running the White House and gas prices wouldn’t have doubled
6) The damage done to the environment by the Bush regime would be undone
7) Americans wouldn’t be the most hated people on the panet
8) About half the republicans in office would be in jail where they belong
Too bad we can’t have fair elections in the USA.
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocate— 5/14/06@ 4:23 pm
You know we could if you dems would stop cheating. But we know that wont happen. It is in their blood to cheat.
4) The stock market would be at 15000
Enron and WorldCom would still be inflating the market, and Microsoft and Boeing would still be in the tank.
Too bad we can’t have fair elections in the USA.
Commentby Harry Tuttle aka Voter Advocate— 5/14/06@ 4:23 pm [………………………………………………………………………………………….May I suggest voter ID for every voter and capital punishment for voter fraud???]
This poor dumb shmuck is the son of the original “Big Daddy” and has NEVER had the slightest measure of self respect…recall the airbrushed, enlarged “package” he sported on the cover of Rolling Stone…for a Presidential candidate to allow that is so demeaning that on that alone he should be rejected by every intelligent voter…and was.
This jerk has no idea of what an absolute ass he makes of himself…time and time again.
I’ve been laughing AT him since that pathetic “no controling legal authority” line. It’s impossible to actually despise so inconsequential an entity.
He is really such a dumb shit!
Hey Wabbit – Here’s the transcript of Algore creating the internet.
March 9, 1999
BLITZER: I want to get to some of the substance of domestic and international issues in a minute, but let’s just wrap up a little bit of the politics right now. Why should Democrats, looking at the Democratic nomination process, support you instead of Bill Bradley, a friend of yours, a former colleague in the Senate? What do you have to bring to this that he doesn’t necessarily bring to this process?
GORE: Well, I will be offering – I’ll be offering my vision when my campaign begins. And it will be comprehensive and sweeping. And I hope that it will be compelling enough to draw people toward it. I feel that it will be.
But it will emerge from my dialogue with the American people. I’ve traveled to every part of this country during the last six years. During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.
During a quarter century of public service, including most of it long before I came into my current job, I have worked to try to improve the quality of life in our country and in our world. And what I’ve seen during that experience is an emerging future that’s very exciting, about which I’m very optimistic, and toward which I want to lead.
See? Algore is just a pompous ass.
“No controling legal authority”. As a Kennedy I enjoy “no controling legal authority”, Kill a babe……….bitchslap a black LAX security chick………..drink and drink, and beat the shit out of Mrs. Roger Rabbit. “No controling legal authority”!! I like that, and you Democrats on HA.ORG will shut the fuck up and vote for me again!!!
Hey Pat – Maybe Algore and TSWITW will team up and run as a team. EIGHT MORE YEARS. EIGHT MORE YEARS. EIGHT MORE YEARS. EIGHT MORE YEARS.
Mark The Redneck Kennedy, Hope you are drinking, raping, beating the shit out of women, and having a great weekend, as the rest of us Kennedys do the same!!! JCH Kennedy
Just listen to the death rattles of the wingnut right.
This is a glorious time to be an American. We will soon shed ourselves of the traitors and cowards that have tried to destroy the USA. While it will take years, perhaps decades to fix the disasterous mess they have made, at least we will be able to stare in at them behind bars.
Except for the ones that will be hanged at The Hague.
That will be an even better assessment of the crimes committed by these war-criminal Neocons.
41 – Redneck when you first came here to HA.org, you used the word “invented” like all the other right wing shills.
Why stop now YOU POMPOUS ASS?
MTR Kennedy: Hmmm… Al Gore took the initiative to create the Internet. What you say? Naah, he didn’t say that? Well lookie here. Let’s hear it from the dull one himself: http://www.whatreallyhappened......ternet.wav
But wait: Al Gore said he wasn’t an expert with computers.
So when he took the initiative, what was he really doing?
More of the Al Gallery and other funny donk materials.
when he took the initiative, what was he really doing
IIRC, in the Senate funding NSFnet which was the first high-speed backbone for the Net.
Later when he was VP he leaned on federal departments to make their own web pages back in 93-94 when the html buzz was barely starting.
You wingnuts are utterly bankrupt in your thinking and style and the country is getting tired of you. You got a second wind with Bush stealing the White House and 9/11 but it’s ending. It’s about time.
There was no internet prior to the legislation that Al Gore sponsored, it was called ARPANet.
Although the press took relatively little note of Gore’s speeches, hearings, and proposed legislation on national networking, some coverage did appear. John Markoff wrote for the December 29, 1988 edition of the New York Times:
Computer scientists and Government officials are urging the creation of a nationwide “data superhighway” that they believe would have a dramatic economic impact, rivaling that of the nation’s interstate highway system.
This highway would consist of a high-speed fiber-optic data network joining dozens of supercomputers at national laboratories and making them available to thousands of academic and industry researchers around the country …
Legislation introduced in October by Senator Albert Gore, Democrat of Tennessee, included initial financing for development and construction of a National Research Network. Backers of the measure say that Federal financing for the project is necessary to develop the technology and convince industry that vastly speedier computer networks are commercially viable.
After the “Mission Accomplished” Captain GWB Marvel landing on the USS Lincoln and the emergence of the CIC with a cod piece in his drawers, you have the nerve to talk about Gore?????
I again, for the forth time, call on President Bush to declare a National Emergency.
Issue several executive orders;
1. Suspend all environmental laws and regulations concerning searching, drilling, refining and delivery of oil, gas and other fuels.
2. If Democrats try to stop it, have them arrested and put in jail for Treason!
3. Accelerate the building of refineries, and drilling in the ocean surrounding all of the US.
4. Tell the Arabs to stuff their oil!
Watch the prices drop overnight to 1/2!!!!
A majority of people who moved out of Massachusetts last year report they are very satisfied with life in their new state and would not move back, a Boston Globe poll has found. **SNIP** Between 2000 and 2004, Massachusetts lost residents at a greater rate than any other state except New York, according to Census Bureau estimates that were released last month. The exodus from Massachusetts averaged 42,402 people per year… [But………..but………….Atlas Shrugged???? How can you tax people if they move away?? Democrats, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
Seattle May 14, 2006 (AP)— A man who spent years recounting his time in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam has been revealed as a fraud, according to a newspaper report.
Roger Rabbit, , 57, told his wife, friends, veterans and others that he spent more than three years in captivity after his helicopter was shot down, even sharing his story in articles and videos.
But when he tried to get a fishing boat last month under the guise of being a former POW, veterans investigated and discovered Powell never served in Vietnam. They looked into his past after he posted his story and plea for the boat on a Web site.
His national service records show he served less than a year in the Army in Alaska before being discharged in 1968.
“For every veteran out there, I am sorry, I am sorry,” Rabbit told The Seattle Morning News. “It will never happen again. Never.”
Rabbit said he was recently found to have bipolar disorder and plans to seek treatment. He also said he has other ailments, including stroke-induced neurological damage.
Rabbit said he wasn’t quite sure what prompted his lie, which began as early as the 1970s.
“I have a lot of respect for anybody that wears the uniform,” he said. “It’s just that, maybe I wish I could have done more. Maybe I wish I was a better help and I wasn’t.”
They’ve got the most dizzifyin’ new ride at Jerry Falwell’s, ” Jayzuzland” : It’s called , The No-Spin Zone!!
For every veteran out there, I am sorry, I am sorry, Rabbit told The Seattle Morning News. It will never happen again. Never. – Words that we will never hear from John Kerry, referring to his Christmas In Cambodia fabrications to Congress and his slanders to his fellow Vietnam veterans.
re 28: Dan Rather brought live footage from Vietnam into our living rooms at considerable personal danger to himself — just to keep us properly informed. On more than one occasion , he did this under enemy fire. So , YES, [JCH] : COURAGE!!
Personal courage! The kind you want in someone who will accompany you into battle — a thing pathetically ABSENT from the CHICKENSHIT IN CHIEF and the VICE-CHICKENSHIT.
Republican ass will be chickenshit grass…. Get OUGHTA TOWN, [JCH]!!
Why does Bush look like a dunce cap would look perfectly natural on him — an accessory , as it were.
Here come those tears again, just when I thought I was gettin’ over them. Here …come….those… tears …again….
Get me another bottle of Ibuprofen. My head feels like exploding!
Lee, don’t be too hard on JCH. He’s one of ours. We pay him very, very well to destroy the enemy’s means of communication. In Vietnam we dropped bombs — today we drop toxic words. One quick look at this thread proves that we’ve had a very good day. Courage, JCH.
Gore is a great stateman. I’m skeptical about him running again for president, although I’d support him in a heartbeat if it came down to him and Hillary.
re 28: Dan Rather brought live footage from Vietnam into our living rooms at considerable personal danger to himself – just to keep us properly informed. On more than one occasion , he did this under enemy fire. So , YES, [JCH] : COURAGE!!
Commentby Lee Atwater— 5/14/06@ 8:51 pm
You go Lee. Yes, I think you have it son. You have the gravitas. We had to keep it real back in the 60’s. It was too hard to falsify documents back then. Courage Lee, courage.
Harry Tuttle aka Mummified Brain said: “Blah, blah, blah …you have the nerve to talk about Gore????? ”
Hey dingleberry breath the thread heading says it all: “A message from “President Gore” [quotes added by me for clarifying the lie being delivered!].
I see the formaldehyde mummification process is complete! Harry, ya still can’t figure it out! Maybe you should give it up!
How are the Diebold voting machines working in California Harry? I read they are still using them Harry. I’m sure they need a mummified voter advocate down there. Do you need some one-way ticket frequent flyer miles Harry?
Jesus, JCH is a piece of work. I guess he’ll be able to spend eternity in the lake of fire contemplating how hideous a “person” he is.
Hey Puddybud–have you checked today to see if your sons are still virgins? They’re 23 years old, you really ought to let them go. Your “it ain’t sex if it’s family” thing is going to be seen through any day now.
Hey REP Pat Kennedy D-Bitchslap, hope your weekend went well. Remember to use the back hand when slapping down bitches out of respect for Mothers Day weekend. Peace.
Reports are coming out that Baby Bush’s butt-boy Blair is out as of 2007. The walls are starting to crumble and the death rattle is getting louder leaving only the most pathetic and inbred righties to keep banging what’s left of their tattered drum. And I love it.
Reports are coming out that Baby Bush’s butt-boy Blair is out as of 2007. The walls are starting to crumble and the death rattle is getting louder leaving only the most pathetic and inbred righties to keep banging what’s left of their tattered drum. And I love it.
ASSnonymous I am glad you are worried about my sons. My older son just said ignore you and the younger one said who are you and why should I care. I agree ASSnonymous. You who thinks being a crack fiend and a whore are great job opportunities is the one who needs help.
If you don’t have daughters then you must have sons. Are they legitimate or were they born bastards like their father?
I remember Nixon repeatedly telling the nation sternly, yet somehow unconvincingly, to: “Make no mistake about it, I AM the President!” And then to see him only weeks later flashing a double victory sign — off into obscurity — him and his pathetically hunched shoulders and his gigantic jowly head with the wispy, oily pompadour…
Makes me wanna cry…
Rufus Fitzgerld Kennedy@ 66 – Shit, I just woke up. That musta been some night last night. Woke up and my clothes were wet. Dunno where the fuck my car is. Girl disappeared too. Oh, well fuck her…
Jesus, JCH is a piece of work. I guess he’ll be able to spend eternity in the lake of fire contemplating how hideous a “person” he is.
Commentby Anonymous— 5/14/06@ 9:23 pm [………………………………………………………………….Goldysteinbergloeb………I love you, too!]
You better clean up and down a couple rum and cokes. You have less than one hour before you have to vote.
RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy, Peace to you. Happy Mother’s Day to your family, and keep ripping the Marxist “progressive” libs! Best regards, JCH Kennedy
Anonymous [Goldystein] , I think I’d like to bitchslap you just like I did to that black LAX security babe. I got away with that because I’m a Kennedy, and you, as a Democrat dumb ass sheep, will vote for me again and again. I have more to say but it’s 3AM and I’m late for a vote. Fuck you, JCH Kennedy
Oh, Goldystein, Has your daughter met my cousin Micheal Skakel? He’s a great Democrat and she’ll find him a lot of Democrat fun. Best regards, JCH Kennedy
off into obscurity — him and his pathetically hunched shoulders and his gigantic jowly head with the wispy, oily pompadour…
Makes me wanna cry…
Commentby Lee Atwater— 5/14/06@ 10:10 pm
Actually my vote has to go to the Kerry concession speech. That had me rolling in tears. What a contract to the swifty party that night.
WALHALLA – The NAACP and area pastors say they will fight an Oconee County plan to cut five holidays – including the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Four members of County Council’s budget and finance committee voted to cut the King holiday along with Good Friday, Confederate Memorial Day, Election Day and one of three days taken off at Christmas. In exchange, employees would get Presidents Day off and one floating holiday…
MLK ”DAY” has morphed, along with Black History Month, into a six-week baccanalia of victim-mongering, Jesse Jackson “shakedowns”, phony history, Democrat bull shit, rationalizations and other phony liberal exercises in intellectual nihilism.
The Democrats game plan is to push Bush and the Republicans along to get as many illegal aliens as possible on a path to dual citizenship and US voting rights, as the Democrats know that most poor immigrant Mexican voters support Democrat politicans who pander them access to all sorts of big government social programs payed for by Republican taxpayers. The Democrats smell millions of potential new illegal alien Democrat voters.
It seems that 80% of all registered sex offenders consider themselves republican or religious. Guess that explains the behavior of most of the resident HA right wing trolls.
Still unable to refute me, eh Liar?
Kinda strange, talk to JCH get reply from Puddybutt.
Nothing strange about it. Puddybut, JCH, Ms. Cynical – all the same person. A twisted, baby raping, right wing, cowardly, draft dodger, who steals from old lady’s, smokes crack, lives in a trailer park, considers bowling a sport, has a confederate flag tattoo on one sholder and a KKK symbol on the other and had parents who were brother and sister.
Poor Richard Nixon!! Que-lastima!!! Wandering the beaches of San Clemente with his metal detector, Chi Chi Rodriquez snappy powder -blue golf hat, rumpled Hawaiian shirt, baggy black trousers rolled up to the knee and the ever pathetic hunched shoulders and scowling jowly head.
How sad!
What will Dubya look like wandering forlornly around Crawford trying to tell anyone who’ll listen: “I used to be the MAN!! The main DECIDER!!”
Now he’ll clear the brush of your rancho for the price of a 12 pack of , Lone Star. I can see it coming…
And you know what? It makes my head feel like a watermelon at a Gallagher concert.
PudDYBUDSUXDICK, “Draft dodger”?????????Your military service? Yeah, about the same as Goldystein’s. Piss on you, Democrat “progressive” traitor pussy! JCH [LT, USN, 1110, 76-84]
Seattle May 14, 2006 (AP)— A man who spent years recounting his time in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam has been revealed as a fraud, according to a newspaper report.
Roger Rabbit, , 57, told his wife, friends, veterans and others that he spent more than three years in captivity after his helicopter was shot down, even sharing his story in articles and videos.
But when he tried to get a fishing boat last month under the guise of being a former POW, veterans investigated and discovered Powell never served in Vietnam. They looked into his past after he posted his story and plea for the boat on a Web site.
His national service records show he served less than a year in the Army in Alaska before being discharged in 1968.
“For every veteran out there, I am sorry, I am sorry,” Rabbit told The Seattle Morning News. “It will never happen again. Never.”
Rabbit said he was recently found to have bipolar disorder and plans to seek treatment. He also said he has other ailments, including stroke-induced neurological damage.
Rabbit said he wasn’t quite sure what prompted his lie, which began as early as the 1970s.
“I have a lot of respect for anybody that wears the uniform,” he said. “It’s just that, maybe I wish I could have done more. Maybe I wish I was a better help and I wasn’t.”
Mark the Idiot @41
Here is what snopes.com says about it:
“The ‘Al Gore said he “invented” the Internet’ put-downs were misleading, out-of-context distortions of something he said during an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN’s ‘Late Edition’ program on 9 March 1999 … although Gore’s phrasing was clumsy (and perhaps self-serving), he was not claiming that he ‘invented’ the Internet (in the sense of having designed or implemented it), but that he was responsible, in an economic and legislative sense, for fostering the development the technology that we now know as the Internet. To claim that Gore was seriously trying to take credit for the ‘invention’ of the Internet is, frankly, just silly political posturing ….
“Whether Gore’s statement that he ‘took the initiative in creating the Internet’ is justified is a subject of debate. Any statement about the ‘creation’ or ‘beginning’ of the Internet is difficult to evaluate, because the Internet is not a homogenous entity … nor did it all spring into being at once ….
“It is true, though, that Gore was popularizing the term ‘information superhighway’ in the early 1990s (although he did not, as is often claimed by others, coin the phrase himself) when few people outside academia or the computer/defense industries had heard of the Internet, and he sponsored the 1988 National High-Performance Computer Act (which established a national computing plan and helped link universities and libraries via a shared network) and cosponsored the Information Infrastructure and Technology Act of 1992 (which opened the Internet to commercial traffic).
“In May 2005, the organizers of the Webby Awards for online achievements honored Al Gore with a lifetime achievement award for three decades of contributions to the Internet. ‘He is indeed due some thanks and consideration for his early contributions,’ said Vint Cerf.”
41 (continued)
Did Gore engage in puffery? Perhaps. So what? Nearly every business in America, large and small, puffs its product. Virtually every politician puffs himself. And nobody engages in more puffery than Republicans talking about their “accomplishments” — especially their economic “accomplishments.” The only thing Republicans ever accomplished was deficits, debts, and unemployment.
“Except for the ones that will be hanged at The Hague.” Commentby Donnageddon— 5/14/06@ 6:13 pm
In light of high fuel prices, I suggest we skip the Hague and hang them from the nearest lamp post.
Leave it to a wingnut to misspell “loooooooooooooooooooooooooosers”
klake is a nazi
Mummified: You provided nothing to refute. Your stoooopid DIEBOLD voting machine argument will null and void the anti-Arnold proposition initiative votes of November 2005. Yes, since the initiatives lost by such a slim margin lets see how many donk counties RIGGED the machines? You twist the facts like a statistician does with shady statistics. dumbASS!
So mummified: did ya like that Al Gore link. Priceless!
Here we are, at almost 100 entries, and still there is remarkably little of substance said about Al Gore. Just the same tired propaganda from the trolls. If you’re going to make stuff up, can’t you at least spew something new and entertaining? I mean, really, that internet myth is sooo 2000.
Gore is a REAL veteran (not a FAKE one like the chickenshit in chief), an experienced legislator, the Vice-President and a key player in the most successful Presidential Administration of the last 30 years. So Lieberman was his VP pick…and he got snookered by the vapid frat-boy…
Bottom line…Gore runs, I’m workin’ for him!
How ’bout Gore-Clark…or Gore-Obama?
“Let’s git it on!!!!!!!”
Did Gore engage in puffery? Perhaps.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 5/14/06@ 11:41 pm [……………………..Yhis is great!! Democrats don’t “lie”……….They “puff”! Classic!
what the hell are you people talking about, you act like you have a point! you wait until someone says or does something and then you act, wow what does that say!
They came to learn how to be leaders and advocates. More than 100 college students from throughout Oregon and Idaho are in Salem this weekend to also learn how to organize marches, launch voter-registration drives and build alliances to push for legalizing immigrants who are living illegally in the United States./snip/ It’s sponsored by the Washington, D.C.-based Center for Community Change, a nonprofit advocacy group, and the Fair Immigration Reform Movement… [……………………………………………………………………………………..Right on schedule!! Young junior communist Democrats out signing up the illegal aliens to vote. These brat “progressives” are traitors and should be shot!]
Seattle May 15, 2006 (AP)— A man who spent years recounting his time in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam has been revealed as a fraud, according to a newspaper report.
Roger Rabbit, , 57, told his wife, friends, fellow communist “progressive”, real veterans like JCH, and others that he spent more than three years in captivity after his helicopter was shot down, even sharing his story in articles and videos.
But when he tried to get a fishing boat last month under the guise of being a former POW, veterans investigated and discovered Powell never served in Vietnam. They looked into his past after he posted his story and plea for the boat on a Web site.
His national service records show he served less than a year in the Army in Alaska before being less than honorably discharged in 1968.
“For every real veteran out there, I am sorry, I am sorry,” Rabbit told The Seattle Morning News. “JCH, Rufus, and MTR, It will never happen again. Never.”
Rabbit said he was recently found to have bipolar disorder and plans to seek treatment. He also said he has other ailments, including stroke-induced neurological damage.
Rabbit said he wasn’t quite sure what prompted his lie, which began as early as the 1970s.
“I have a lot of respect for anybody that wears the uniform,” he said. “It’s just that, like Goldy, maybe I wish I could have done more. Maybe I wish I was a better person.”
If enacted, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act (CIRA, S.2611) would be the most dramatic change in immigration law in 80 years, allowing an estimated 103 million persons to legally immigrate to the U.S. over the next 20 years—fully one-third of the current population of the United States.
Much attention has been given to the fact that the bill grants amnesty to some 10 million illegal immigrants. Little or no attention has been given to the fact that the bill would quintuple the rate of legal immigration into the United States, raising, over time, the inflow of legal immigrants from around one million per year to over five million per year. The impact of this increase in legal immigration dwarfs the magnitude of the amnesty provisions. [……………………………………………………………………..Attention Repubican private sectro taxpayers: It’s time to get the HELL out of California!!!!!!]
voter advocate aka harry tuttle: LOL. I just saw ‘Brazil’ for the first time last week. Is that what you’re referring to?
How ’bout Gore-Clark
Hell, even I’d get off my lazy butt and work for that ticket.
Hey, in all fairness, Al Gore was funny poking fun at himself. But you know what was funnier to me?
That video clip of President George W. Bush looking in the Oval Office for the non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction that were supposed to be in Iraq. Now, that was funny.
But the real kicker, what made it ironically funny, was that at that very same moment in time, real American soldiers were getting killed in their HUMVEEs by roadside IED’s while they were REALLY searching for the non-existent WMD’s. YEAH, their arms and legs hurling through the air with the bloody stump ends hitting the guy next to them, oh that’s some funny shit. Or, or, being horrifically disfigured by burns inflicted by ordnance going off in their faces. Have you seen the hilarious videos of an IED explosion, those HUGE fireballs? Funny stuff.
Oh, and how about the GI’s that were taken POW at the beginning of the war, did you see the looks on their faces??? Shit, Ashton Kutcher “Punk’d” quality stuff. They were so worried they’d end up dead like their other buddies. Yep, our Commander In Chief has a hilarious sense of humor. Doesn’t he?
Thank God, they didn’t send enough troops on the initial invasion to secure Saddam’s military bases where the real military weapons were known to be stored or we would have missed out on Bush’s cutting edge humor.
I heard that there’s another one of Bush’s video clips coming out soon. Yeah, it’s going star Jenna and Barbara pretending to be in boot camp. It’s going to be called “The Simple Life: Boot camp edition.”
Yuck it up you fucking neocons.
All of you Gorons yuck it up ! Yea, he’s running in ’08 and it will be between him and Hillary for who carries the banner for the Democraps… Looks like Gore won’t have the opportunity to sell out this country to Mexico and the one-worlders like he would have dearly wanted to. Bush already has – as it appears at this time.