I occasionally find it therapeutic to call Tim Eyman names. I’ve called him a “lying, thieving, blowhard”, a “lying sack of shit”, and of course, my claim to fame, a “horse’s ass.”
Today I would like to point out that Tim is also an arrogant prick.
Take for example today’s piece in the Seattle P-I, “The financial losers of an I-892 passage“. The article reports on a study released by the Washington State Gambling Commission that shows local governments will lose tax revenues if voters approve I-892.
Tim’s reaction?
“I flat-out reject any conclusions they’re coming to,”
Just like he flat-out rejects similar findings by the Office of Financial Management. Why? Because they don’t match Tim’s numbers.
What an asshole. Or more accurately… an arrogant prick.
Two government agencies, one with expertise in financial projections, and the other with expertise in the gambling industry, conduct separate studies that come to remarkably similar conclusions. But Tim wants voters to flat-out reject them, and instead trust numbers provided by him, a professional liar, whose academic credentials consist of selling mail-order novelty watches to college fraternities.
Okay, perhaps that’s unfair. So let’s take a long, hard look at Tim’s research:
Tim’s idea of exhaustive research is reading his own news clippings in bed. When Tim was hired on to front I-892, I immersed myself into research on the gambling industry, how it operated, and its impact on taxation, economic development and problem gambling. Tim’s preparation consisted of borrowing a chart from his I-864 campaign, and penning a few sound bites fomenting racial hatred against the tribes.
Tim pulls numbers out of his (horse’s) ass, and then has the gall to “flat-out reject” those provided by the experts. And the worst part about it is, this media strategy works! Tim’s numbers are figments of his own imagination, yet the media has never once asked him to show his math! The result is that the public comes away with the impression that the differing projections represent two extremes of a reasonable debate, and perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between.
The truth is that Tim Eyman is a lying, thieving, arrogant prick of a blowhard, with absolutely no credibility. And the media does the public a great disservice by giving ink to his lies without requiring him to back them up.
I think we all agree that Eyman is an arrogant prick, and we need more people out there to point this fact out. I just wish we could redo the original “Horse’s Ass” initiative, and turn it into a form of public censure, to let him know just how we feel.
Joe… you know, it would be oh so tempting to launch another Horse’s Ass style initiative, but it would never catch fire again, as much of the joy of it was in its initial shock.
The best censure of Tim is to defeat his initiatives (better yet, keep them off the ballot.)
I’m beginning to wonder that somewhere up the Bush family tree, Timmy isn’t a bastard son…or a second cousin twice removed.
The thought processes and “cocksureness”(to quote the Washinton Post comment on Bush) are too similar.