This matters for policy: you’re unlikely to choose sound policies if you assume that anyone who disagrees with you is a depraved, corrupt imbecile. It’s hard to learn anything from people you have completely written off. But it’s also corrosive to any kind of community or dialogue to assume the worst about large numbers of people you’ve never met. It makes you less willing to try to take their problems seriously, and to try to figure out how they might be solved, or to try to understand what’s driving them.
She is very correct on this point. IMHO I think the conservative here do this all the time. The progressives here resort this kind of behavior from time to time, after being hit in the face so many times by the corrosive conservatives.
Hilzoy’s departure opens up a diversity slot for policy wonkette Erica C. Goldstein.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Blue John…stop whining you KLOWN.
Here is the bottom-line–
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-seven percent (37%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –7.
Sixty-three percent (63%) of political liberals Strongly Approve while 60% of conservatives Strongly Disapprove. Seventy percent (70%) view the President as politically liberal, including 43% who say he is Very Liberal.
Mr. Cynical @3
How many bricks of ammunition do you have stored up for the revolution? You haven’t mentioned gun shops, buying ammo and such for some time now. How come? Afraid of of a visit from the Feds?
Politically Incorrectspews:
I understand that it’s difficult to find ammo these days, particularly for common stuff like 9mm, 30-06 & .45 ACP.
Blue Johnspews:
#3, so what’s your point?
President Obama is doing infinitely better then mccain/palin could have done. What would the party of NO done? With President Obama, supported by a grass roots effort, we have a chance of improving our country and shoring up the middle class.
It’s not easy digging the country out of the mess that 30 years of the Reagan and the Republican war on the Middle Class. (And I include Clinton in that mess, he pushed through NAFTA and WTO.)
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Blew John blew
Republican war on the Middle Class.
Ummm Blew John, Republicans only had House control from 1995-2006. Dummocrapts had control for 18 of those 30 years or more than a majority. So?
@7 I’d tend to discount the years in which the Democrats had a majority but not enough votes to override a Republican President’s veto or quash a filibuster in the Senate. During those times Congress was reduced to a mutual masturbation society, serving no purpose other than a target for blame for the administration’s more spectacular failures.
The same reasoning could be used by liberals to blame House Republicans for Whitewater/Monica…which, come to think of it, wouldn’t be entirely off-base.
Blue Johnspews:
Hey Puddy, do I call you names? No.
Show me the same respect I show you. I argue your ideas.
Who was president, who set the agenda? reagan, reagan, bush the greater, clinton, clinton, bush the lesser, bush the lesser, and finally President Obama.
In hindsight, I thought clinton was the best thing since sliced bread but clinton acted like a republican when it came to economic issues.
I’m just looking at how the economy and the middle class is doing, and it is not healthy. Why would I want America to keep following the destructive corporate conservative plan what caused this over the last 30 years? I personally don’t want to have America become my worst scenario of Somalia of no taxes, no regulation, no government.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
4. Ekim spews:
Mr. Cynical @10
How many bricks of ammunition do you have stored up for the revolution? You haven’t mentioned gun shops, buying ammo and such for some time now. How come? Afraid of of a visit from the Feds?
Should lawful gunowner in this country be “afraid of a visit from the Feds”??
If so, we have a serious problem on our hands, don’t we.
I have the right to protect my family and property. So do you.
How many guns and how much ammo do you have stored Ekim??
Are you an NRA member??
As a guy who was sooooooooooo concerned about Bush somehow spying on your worthless life, you seem pretty cavalier about the 2nd Amendment.
It’s only $1,000 to support a pro-Constitution Group.
Here is the goofiest KLOWN of ‘em all–
“We’re going to go bankrupt as a nation,” Biden warned at an event in the backyard of the House’s No. 2 Republican.
“People, when I say that, look at me and say, ‘What are you talking about, Joe? You’re telling me we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt?” he said. “The answer is yes.”
Ummmmmm, Joe, isn’t that how we got into this mess. Families thru out America Deficit Spending??
Biden is the cheerleader for BORROW & SQUANDER…leaving the young folks in this country holding the debt bag.
Isn’t it ironic that the Young Folks under 29 who voted over 2-1 for Obama are going to be left with a huge Credit Card Bill with THEIR names on it.
The cruel ugly joke is on the Kool-Aid gulpers.
Mr. Cynical @10
Should lawful gunowner in this country be “afraid of a visit from the Feds”??
How do I know you are lawful? After the election your rhetoric on this blog took a very hostile tone with hints of sedition, treason and rebellion. Was that the real you talking or just talking points from the right? Are you another Timothy McVeigh waiting for your big moment to act? Just asking…
Have any of you noticed how Mr. Cynical‘s posts have become less and less coherent? I’m guessing he must foam at the mouth a lot now.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
11. Ekim spews:
Mr. Cynical @10
Should lawful gunowner in this country be “afraid of a visit from the Feds”??
How do I know you are lawful? After the election your rhetoric on this blog took a very hostile tone with hints of sedition, treason and rebellion. Was that the real you talking or just talking points from the right? Are you another Timothy McVeigh waiting for your big moment to act? Just asking…
Give me the specific quotes that concern you and I will address them.
Also, the “talking points” you refer to.
Hard to respond without knowing what you are referring to, know what I mean?
I legally own all my guns.
Timothy McVeigh was a nutcase.
What is incoherent about what I said?
Just because you disagree EKIM, doesn’t make things “incoherent” does it?
Or perhaps you are one of those Leftist Pinheads who talks about diversity and tolerance…but doesn’t really mean it.
Is that you EKIM??
Anyone you disagree with is “incoherent”??
Give me some examples of “incoherent” posts I have made.
Anyone can squeal like you are.
Be specific and I’ll address it.
You won’t follow thru.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey EKIM..
Are these examples of “coherent” post and not foaming at the mouth???
32. Ekim spews:
Hey Marvie, you are a stupid and ignorant goatfucking faggot cunt.
07/20/2009 at 1:11 pm
33. Steve spews:
@32 Watch out or you’ll make Marvin cry again. Nothing makes Marvin cry like being called a faggot. Or a goatfucker.
I’m just askin’ Ekim………
or YLB.
What a goofball you are.
Damn, Ekim, I think you made Marvin cry again.
“Timothy McVeigh was a nutcase”, says the man known as “Mr. Klynical”.
Yeah, and what wingnut isn’t? Take you for example. Or Marvin – hmm, has that sap stopped crying yet? I just hate Ekim for making Marvin cry. Don’t you?
You should be ashamed of yourself, Ekim.
Mr. Cynical @13
You won’t follow thru.
More to the point I don’t care about you or your foaming at the mouth rabid right hate speech to think it is worth my while to bother.
Much more fun to ask you about your goat herd. BTW, have you figured out how to get the goat stains out of your sheets yet?
Hey, Mr. Klynical, tell us another racist joke. I want to see that sorry goatfucker Marvin ignore some more wingnut hate.
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
You know, little Marvie will be all over your ass once he stops crying. Of course, if there’s anything that makes Marvin cry, it’s the word “faggot”.
45. Mr. Cynical spews: cc@42–
Well I didn’t miss any of them. I was on a cruise ship having a ball while the LEFTIST PINHEADS (aka USEFUL IDIOTS) were gnashing their rotting teeth and wringing their uncalloused hands (uncalloused because they don’t work….the only callouses LEFTIST PINHEADS aka USEFUL IDIOTS have are on their brains and their asses!
Although I did miss Roger Rabbit….he’s not a pansy-ass like the other faggots.
08/29/2005 at 8:00 pm
29. Mark The Redneck spews:
Doc Bong – What is it with you butt fuckers that makes you think we’re AFRAID of fags? I assume you know that the suffix “phobe” means “fear of”. We aren’t afraid of them. We just think they’re wackos.
But as usual… you resort to name calling when you can’t win the intellectual argument.
Fucking idiot…
03/07/2006 at 9:33 pm
No, you don’t weep, Marvin. That’s because you don’t care. You don’t give a shit about gays beyond exploiting them in an attempt to score cheap comment thread points. Fuck off, asswipe.
Geez, Marvin, it looks like ol’ Pudz has got some, er, issues with gays.
3. Puddybud Nagin Need Mo Money spews:
I’ve stated my position on queers, gays, fags, GLA, GLAAD, etc many times.
10/13/2006 at 5:53 am
Does all that wingnut hate spewed towards gays make you cry, Marvin?
Marvin Stamnspews:
17. Steve spews:
Hey, Mr. Klynical, tell us another racist joke. I want to see that sorry goatfucker Marvin ignore some more wingnut hate.
I was going to speak up but your actions taught me that I shouldn’t.
Just like not only are you NOT speaking out against little ekim using the “faggot” and “cunt” words you made famous, you actual encourage the kid.
Why don’t you lead by example? Step up to the plate and explain to ekim why the word faggot is so offensive.
Show me with ekim how you want me to denounce the people you point out.
If you are incapable of speaking out against ekim, why are you holding me to a higher standard you hold yourself?
So, are you going to denounce ekim or prove me correct that you are still the racist homophobic bigot and your apology wasn’t sincere.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Thanks for once again ruining a thread Steve..and making HA more irrelevant than it already is! I’m sure Goldy really appreciates all your vulgarity and moronic blatherings that run people away from HA>
Too Damn Funny!
Marvin Stamnspews:
18. Steve spews:
Does this make you cry too, Marvin?
You don’t have enough to make me cry. There is nothing in the world that a racist homophobic bigot like you could say to make me cry. But keep trying. It’s better you spew the hate your mommy taught you towards me than innocent blacks and gays. Keep it up steve.
No, you don’t weep, Marvin. That’s because you don’t care. You don’t give a shit about gays beyond exploiting them in an attempt to score cheap comment thread points. Fuck off, asswipe.
As said by the person that hasn’t said a thing about little ekim using the “faggot” word.
Marvie the stupid goatfucker spews: “Just like not only are you NOT speaking out against little ekim”
Oh, you’re done crying now, Marvin? I really do hate it when you cry.
Your silence over wingnut racism and bigotry tells anybody everything they need to know about you and your real values, you stupid goatfucker. It’s in your face, bitch. Continue to ignore it.
Hey, Klynical, tell us some more racist jokes. I bet Marvin gets off on it. And you know Puddy don’t care. Oh, and you, Puddy and Mark can go ahead and continue to hate on gays and call them “faggots” all you want. You see, little wingnut Marvin doesn’t care. You won’t make him cry. He only cries when a progressive calls him a “faggot”.
@21 “Thanks for once again ruining a thread Steve”
An America-hating, treasonous, “faggot” spewing wingnut troll whines about a thread being ruined. Yes, I’m sure you’re concerned, Mr. Klynical.
Glad to ruin it for you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Steve spews:
Your silence over wingnut racism and bigotry tells anybody everything they need to know about you and your real values, you stupid goatfucker. It’s in your face, bitch
I must have pushed your button.
So you don’t think I speak out against wingnut bigotry enough?
steve, you are a racist homophobic bigot. Yeah, you grew up in a black neighborhood because your mommy, well, she couldn’t do any better. Now that you have some $$, you live in a white kountry klub, belong to a white yacht klub and work in a no blacks allowed work environment. Oh yeah, you once played in a band with a black singer. If you weren’t a racist, why would you point that out? I don’t go around posting that I played with a black singer. But then, I’m not a racist like you so identifying the singer as black isn’t necessary.
Why do you keep posting the words of others to me. If you’re not smart enough to notice, I post YOUR words to prove you are a bigot. Sure, I could post the words of headless and rujax but that doesn’t prove you’r a racist bigot, well, except for the fact you have no intention of calling them out on their hate. You know, the same kind of hate you so well articulated…
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
It’s not as if you called me a “faggot” and left it at that, you went out of your way to make sure I knew you were lamely trying to belittle me by calling me a “faggot.” I don’t believe even manotruth went as far as you did with his bigotry. Kudos steve, I didn’t think manocrap could be topped, but you did it.
At least ekim is only parroting your words in the belief that if he talks like you that you will be his friend. And go figure, it worked. Despite your whining about what others have written you find offensive, you don’t find it offensive when your new little friend ekim parrots your words.
It makes me very sad to see that Marvin’s crying again.
I wonder if Marvin cries when Mr. Klynical tells racist jokes? It doesn’t look like it. No comment from My Favorite Marvin whatsoever. Not a tear drop, no condemnation at all, not even when Mr. Klynical calls gays “faggots”. Geez, Marvin’s not situational in his ethics and values, is he?
Did you laugh at Mr. Klynical’s racist joke, you stupid goatfucker?
Klynical Repellentspews:
In fact, not only do most Americans prefer Obama despite the fact that we’re living through a clusterfuck of epic proportions, they also still think Republicans are mostly just a bunch of useless assholes.
steve & Ekim just keep ruining thread after thread with their nonsense.
Too Damn Funny,
And steve doesn’t even get the fact that it’s Goldy’s Blog he is ruining and running people off of.
What a M-O-R-O-N!!
Mr. Cynical
Looks like there’s bad blood between the BIAW and the MBA of King and Snohomish County.
According to Puget Sound Business Journal the BIAW is too conservative and politically BAD for the housing industry so the MBA is parting ways with them.
The article went on to say that the King Poo-Bah and the MBA went out and hired their own lobbyists in Olympia and are having SUCCESS getting to the Gov. and other elected officials that won’t even let BIAW numb nuts in their door.
Haaa haaa haaa haaa.
Republicans – bad for business according to the Business Journal and the MBA.
Mr. Klynical believes that hatefully spewing racist jokes elevates the level of discourse here at HA.
5. Mr. Cynical spews:
Barack Obama got out of the shower and was drying off
when he looked in the mirror and noticed he was white from the neck up to
the top of his head.
In sheer panic and fearing he was turning white and might have to start
working for a living, he called his doctor and told him of his problem.
The doctor advised him to come to his office immediately. After an
examination, the doctor mixed a concoction of brown liquid, gave it to
Barack, and told him to drink it all.
Barack drank the concoction and replied, ‘That tasted like bullshit!’
The doctor replied, ‘It was, you were a quart low.’
07/08/2009 at 9:11 pm
This is hilarious. A moderate Republican (one of the tiny few left) is shouted at by a psycho mob of nutjob birthers!!!
It’s just too damn entertaining how FUCKED UP the right wing has gotten!
Mr. Cynicalspews:
You continue single-handedly to take Goldy’s Blog to a lower & lower level.
The funny thing is you don’t even know YOU are the sucker.
Keep up the random vulgarity and off-topic stuff.
You are the “troll” on this Blog….and don’t even know it.
What a KLOWN!
Only thing left to do ‘cuz you wingnuts are always bleating “peace through strength” which pretty much means war all the time.
The policy of pre-emptive war is “Ill-suited to America’s values”. Imagine that!
Please throw this one under. Then put up a “birther” like crazy Michelle Bachmann. We’ll have a progressive in there in no time.
@33 Mr. Klynical babbles: “vulgarity and off-topic stuff”
When Mr. Klynical calls gays “faggots”, he believes that he’s elevating the level of discourse on this blog, much like when he shares his racist jokes with us. Indeed, a wingnut troll’s numero uno concern in life, their foremost mission as a wingnut blog troller, is to elevate the level of discourse at the progressive blog site where they do their trolling.
Thank goodness for Mr. Klynical’s attempts to elevate discourse here and Marvin’s crusade to rid the site of bigotry and racism.
Fucking hypocritical asswipe traitors. Both of them.
35 – They’re just a couple of fools Steve. There day has long been over.
We progressives just gotta hang together and make Prez Obama fulfill his promises just like FDR asked progressives of his day to do the same.
Marvin Stamnspews:
35. Steve spews:
Thank goodness for Mr. Klynical’s attempts to elevate discourse here and Marvin’s crusade to rid the site of bigotry and racism.
Fucking hypocritical asswipe traitors. Both of them.
Still bitter I proved you to be a homophobic bigot.
Sucks for you.
Me a hypocrite? Find me calling people “faggot.” I dare you. I double dog dare you.
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
You fit the description of a hypocrite, not I.
You use the word “faggot” as an insult and then pretend to be offended when others use it.
You’re the racist homophobic bigot on this blog steve.
I dare you. I double dog dare you.
How old is this guy? Eight??
@38 “How old is this guy?”
More likely about five or six. Mentally, anyway.
heh- Mr. Klynical wants to elevate the level of discussion on this blog, well, except for his own contributions to low-level discourse, of course. Right, Klynical, you PIN-HEADED KLOWN? Marvin’s on a quest to rid this blog of bigotry, well, except for the real bigotry spewed toward gays by wingnuts like Mr. Klynical and Puddy. Boxed in, Marvin needed to redefine bigotry towards gays. No longer is it a matter of hate and intolerance, as expressed by many wingnuts on this site. No, for Marvin a bigot is now redefined as someone who calls Marvin a name and makes him cry. heh.
She is very correct on this point. IMHO I think the conservative here do this all the time. The progressives here resort this kind of behavior from time to time, after being hit in the face so many times by the corrosive conservatives.
Hilzoy’s departure opens up a diversity slot for policy wonkette Erica C. Goldstein.
Blue John…stop whining you KLOWN.
Here is the bottom-line–
Monday, July 20, 2009
Mr. Cynical @3
How many bricks of ammunition do you have stored up for the revolution? You haven’t mentioned gun shops, buying ammo and such for some time now. How come? Afraid of of a visit from the Feds?
I understand that it’s difficult to find ammo these days, particularly for common stuff like 9mm, 30-06 & .45 ACP.
#3, so what’s your point?
President Obama is doing infinitely better then mccain/palin could have done. What would the party of NO done? With President Obama, supported by a grass roots effort, we have a chance of improving our country and shoring up the middle class.
It’s not easy digging the country out of the mess that 30 years of the Reagan and the Republican war on the Middle Class. (And I include Clinton in that mess, he pushed through NAFTA and WTO.)
Blew John blew
Ummm Blew John, Republicans only had House control from 1995-2006. Dummocrapts had control for 18 of those 30 years or more than a majority. So?
@7 I’d tend to discount the years in which the Democrats had a majority but not enough votes to override a Republican President’s veto or quash a filibuster in the Senate. During those times Congress was reduced to a mutual masturbation society, serving no purpose other than a target for blame for the administration’s more spectacular failures.
The same reasoning could be used by liberals to blame House Republicans for Whitewater/Monica…which, come to think of it, wouldn’t be entirely off-base.
Hey Puddy, do I call you names? No.
Show me the same respect I show you. I argue your ideas.
Who was president, who set the agenda? reagan, reagan, bush the greater, clinton, clinton, bush the lesser, bush the lesser, and finally President Obama.
In hindsight, I thought clinton was the best thing since sliced bread but clinton acted like a republican when it came to economic issues.
I’m just looking at how the economy and the middle class is doing, and it is not healthy. Why would I want America to keep following the destructive corporate conservative plan what caused this over the last 30 years? I personally don’t want to have America become my worst scenario of Somalia of no taxes, no regulation, no government.
4. Ekim spews:
Should lawful gunowner in this country be “afraid of a visit from the Feds”??
If so, we have a serious problem on our hands, don’t we.
I have the right to protect my family and property. So do you.
How many guns and how much ammo do you have stored Ekim??
Are you an NRA member??
As a guy who was sooooooooooo concerned about Bush somehow spying on your worthless life, you seem pretty cavalier about the 2nd Amendment.
Here is the NRA Membership Application.
It’s only $1,000 to support a pro-Constitution Group.
Here is the goofiest KLOWN of ‘em all–
Ummmmmm, Joe, isn’t that how we got into this mess. Families thru out America Deficit Spending??
Biden is the cheerleader for BORROW & SQUANDER…leaving the young folks in this country holding the debt bag.
Isn’t it ironic that the Young Folks under 29 who voted over 2-1 for Obama are going to be left with a huge Credit Card Bill with THEIR names on it.
The cruel ugly joke is on the Kool-Aid gulpers.
Mr. Cynical @10
How do I know you are lawful? After the election your rhetoric on this blog took a very hostile tone with hints of sedition, treason and rebellion. Was that the real you talking or just talking points from the right? Are you another Timothy McVeigh waiting for your big moment to act? Just asking…
Have any of you noticed how Mr. Cynical‘s posts have become less and less coherent? I’m guessing he must foam at the mouth a lot now.
11. Ekim spews:
Give me the specific quotes that concern you and I will address them.
Also, the “talking points” you refer to.
Hard to respond without knowing what you are referring to, know what I mean?
I legally own all my guns.
Timothy McVeigh was a nutcase.
What is incoherent about what I said?
Just because you disagree EKIM, doesn’t make things “incoherent” does it?
Or perhaps you are one of those Leftist Pinheads who talks about diversity and tolerance…but doesn’t really mean it.
Is that you EKIM??
Anyone you disagree with is “incoherent”??
Give me some examples of “incoherent” posts I have made.
Anyone can squeal like you are.
Be specific and I’ll address it.
You won’t follow thru.
Hey EKIM..
Are these examples of “coherent” post and not foaming at the mouth???
32. Ekim spews:
33. Steve spews:
I’m just askin’ Ekim………
or YLB.
What a goofball you are.
Damn, Ekim, I think you made Marvin cry again.
“Timothy McVeigh was a nutcase”, says the man known as “Mr. Klynical”.
Yeah, and what wingnut isn’t? Take you for example. Or Marvin – hmm, has that sap stopped crying yet? I just hate Ekim for making Marvin cry. Don’t you?
You should be ashamed of yourself, Ekim.
Mr. Cynical @13
More to the point I don’t care about you or your foaming at the mouth rabid right hate speech to think it is worth my while to bother.
Much more fun to ask you about your goat herd. BTW, have you figured out how to get the goat stains out of your sheets yet?
Hey, Mr. Klynical, tell us another racist joke. I want to see that sorry goatfucker Marvin ignore some more wingnut hate.
You know, little Marvie will be all over your ass once he stops crying. Of course, if there’s anything that makes Marvin cry, it’s the word “faggot”.
Oops! I think Marvin just started crying again.
Does this make you cry too, Marvin?
No, you don’t weep, Marvin. That’s because you don’t care. You don’t give a shit about gays beyond exploiting them in an attempt to score cheap comment thread points. Fuck off, asswipe.
Geez, Marvin, it looks like ol’ Pudz has got some, er, issues with gays.
Does all that wingnut hate spewed towards gays make you cry, Marvin?
I was going to speak up but your actions taught me that I shouldn’t.
Just like not only are you NOT speaking out against little ekim using the “faggot” and “cunt” words you made famous, you actual encourage the kid.
Why don’t you lead by example? Step up to the plate and explain to ekim why the word faggot is so offensive.
Show me with ekim how you want me to denounce the people you point out.
If you are incapable of speaking out against ekim, why are you holding me to a higher standard you hold yourself?
So, are you going to denounce ekim or prove me correct that you are still the racist homophobic bigot and your apology wasn’t sincere.
Thanks for once again ruining a thread Steve..and making HA more irrelevant than it already is! I’m sure Goldy really appreciates all your vulgarity and moronic blatherings that run people away from HA>
Too Damn Funny!
You don’t have enough to make me cry. There is nothing in the world that a racist homophobic bigot like you could say to make me cry. But keep trying. It’s better you spew the hate your mommy taught you towards me than innocent blacks and gays. Keep it up steve.
As said by the person that hasn’t said a thing about little ekim using the “faggot” word.
Marvie the stupid goatfucker spews: “Just like not only are you NOT speaking out against little ekim”
Oh, you’re done crying now, Marvin? I really do hate it when you cry.
Your silence over wingnut racism and bigotry tells anybody everything they need to know about you and your real values, you stupid goatfucker. It’s in your face, bitch. Continue to ignore it.
Hey, Klynical, tell us some more racist jokes. I bet Marvin gets off on it. And you know Puddy don’t care. Oh, and you, Puddy and Mark can go ahead and continue to hate on gays and call them “faggots” all you want. You see, little wingnut Marvin doesn’t care. You won’t make him cry. He only cries when a progressive calls him a “faggot”.
@21 “Thanks for once again ruining a thread Steve”
An America-hating, treasonous, “faggot” spewing wingnut troll whines about a thread being ruined. Yes, I’m sure you’re concerned, Mr. Klynical.
Glad to ruin it for you.
I must have pushed your button.
So you don’t think I speak out against wingnut bigotry enough?
steve, you are a racist homophobic bigot. Yeah, you grew up in a black neighborhood because your mommy, well, she couldn’t do any better. Now that you have some $$, you live in a white kountry klub, belong to a white yacht klub and work in a no blacks allowed work environment. Oh yeah, you once played in a band with a black singer. If you weren’t a racist, why would you point that out? I don’t go around posting that I played with a black singer. But then, I’m not a racist like you so identifying the singer as black isn’t necessary.
Why do you keep posting the words of others to me. If you’re not smart enough to notice, I post YOUR words to prove you are a bigot. Sure, I could post the words of headless and rujax but that doesn’t prove you’r a racist bigot, well, except for the fact you have no intention of calling them out on their hate. You know, the same kind of hate you so well articulated…
Steve spewed:
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
It’s not as if you called me a “faggot” and left it at that, you went out of your way to make sure I knew you were lamely trying to belittle me by calling me a “faggot.” I don’t believe even manotruth went as far as you did with his bigotry. Kudos steve, I didn’t think manocrap could be topped, but you did it.
At least ekim is only parroting your words in the belief that if he talks like you that you will be his friend. And go figure, it worked. Despite your whining about what others have written you find offensive, you don’t find it offensive when your new little friend ekim parrots your words.
It makes me very sad to see that Marvin’s crying again.
I wonder if Marvin cries when Mr. Klynical tells racist jokes? It doesn’t look like it. No comment from My Favorite Marvin whatsoever. Not a tear drop, no condemnation at all, not even when Mr. Klynical calls gays “faggots”. Geez, Marvin’s not situational in his ethics and values, is he?
Did you laugh at Mr. Klynical’s racist joke, you stupid goatfucker?
steve & Ekim just keep ruining thread after thread with their nonsense.
Too Damn Funny,
And steve doesn’t even get the fact that it’s Goldy’s Blog he is ruining and running people off of.
What a M-O-R-O-N!!
Mr. Cynical
Looks like there’s bad blood between the BIAW and the MBA of King and Snohomish County.
According to Puget Sound Business Journal the BIAW is too conservative and politically BAD for the housing industry so the MBA is parting ways with them.
The article went on to say that the King Poo-Bah and the MBA went out and hired their own lobbyists in Olympia and are having SUCCESS getting to the Gov. and other elected officials that won’t even let BIAW numb nuts in their door.
Haaa haaa haaa haaa.
Republicans – bad for business according to the Business Journal and the MBA.
Mr. Klynical believes that hatefully spewing racist jokes elevates the level of discourse here at HA.
This is hilarious. A moderate Republican (one of the tiny few left) is shouted at by a psycho mob of nutjob birthers!!!
It’s just too damn entertaining how FUCKED UP the right wing has gotten!
You continue single-handedly to take Goldy’s Blog to a lower & lower level.
The funny thing is you don’t even know YOU are the sucker.
Keep up the random vulgarity and off-topic stuff.
You are the “troll” on this Blog….and don’t even know it.
What a KLOWN!
Well it’s time to throw this one under the bus:
Only thing left to do ‘cuz you wingnuts are always bleating “peace through strength” which pretty much means war all the time.
The policy of pre-emptive war is “Ill-suited to America’s values”. Imagine that!
Please throw this one under. Then put up a “birther” like crazy Michelle Bachmann. We’ll have a progressive in there in no time.
@33 Mr. Klynical babbles: “vulgarity and off-topic stuff”
When Mr. Klynical calls gays “faggots”, he believes that he’s elevating the level of discourse on this blog, much like when he shares his racist jokes with us. Indeed, a wingnut troll’s numero uno concern in life, their foremost mission as a wingnut blog troller, is to elevate the level of discourse at the progressive blog site where they do their trolling.
Thank goodness for Mr. Klynical’s attempts to elevate discourse here and Marvin’s crusade to rid the site of bigotry and racism.
Fucking hypocritical asswipe traitors. Both of them.
35 – They’re just a couple of fools Steve. There day has long been over.
We progressives just gotta hang together and make Prez Obama fulfill his promises just like FDR asked progressives of his day to do the same.
Still bitter I proved you to be a homophobic bigot.
Sucks for you.
Me a hypocrite? Find me calling people “faggot.” I dare you. I double dog dare you.
You fit the description of a hypocrite, not I.
You use the word “faggot” as an insult and then pretend to be offended when others use it.
You’re the racist homophobic bigot on this blog steve.
How old is this guy? Eight??
@38 “How old is this guy?”
More likely about five or six. Mentally, anyway.
heh- Mr. Klynical wants to elevate the level of discussion on this blog, well, except for his own contributions to low-level discourse, of course. Right, Klynical, you PIN-HEADED KLOWN? Marvin’s on a quest to rid this blog of bigotry, well, except for the real bigotry spewed toward gays by wingnuts like Mr. Klynical and Puddy. Boxed in, Marvin needed to redefine bigotry towards gays. No longer is it a matter of hate and intolerance, as expressed by many wingnuts on this site. No, for Marvin a bigot is now redefined as someone who calls Marvin a name and makes him cry. heh.