Can’t return it, it gets worse before it gets better and it will linger a long, long time after its welcome is worn out. And that was like many months before yesterday.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
For those of you interested in pedestrian safety, I highly recommend a product call Yack-Trax Walker. I’m sure REI or other sporting goods stores carry them…or look them up at
They are coil designed and pull over any boot or shoe. Work great on snow & ice. They aren’t spikes.
Check ’em out.
My wife bought them for us and loves them so much she has bought 2 dozen pair for various friends & family. We got them for $17.95/pair.
Here’s a smash-mouth polemic on the South’s beggar-thy-neighbor greed and how to fight it.
I love it! I disagree with Lind on a few things but he’s still one of my favorites.
Roger Rabbitspews:
” … still alive. Sorta.”
You coould say the same thing about Lush Flimflam, and the whole damn Republican Party.
Broadway Joespews:
Is it just me, or does ol’ Andy remind you of one of those animatronic thingamabobs from a Chuck E. Cheese?
Marvin Stamnspews:
notaboomer spews:
some people get pardoned, others die in plane crashes.
Damn good point.
How many of the friends of clinton died in plane crashes during investigations?
Ron Brown
C Victor Raiser
Montgomery Rasier
Charles Meissner
And many others I can’t remember offhand.
“….As Atheists, how come you don’t answer the simple question:
If you had 2 hours to live, how would you live them??”
Objection: Compound question based upon a false assumption, not supported by the evidence.
Try again.
Cynical implies that his own life has meaning because of his faith in his Faith. But what if he is in error and the Faith he has his faith in doesn’t exist?
Hey Cynical, prove your Faith.
@18 He lies about that as he does everything else. There’s no ranch, no investments, no multiple homes, no firewood, no family, no friends, no charitable giving, no CPA, no faith. His entire supposed life is a lie. He’s one of life’s losers, working at minimum wage for the BIAW, no doubt living life with his goat in a shack in Lacey. He reveals his overwhelming sense of inadequacy and brutal self-contempt with every post. In other words, he’s your typical wing-nut troll.
I hope your daughter did not watch. The eyebrows on him are aliens from another world and she would have been terrified.
And he was dissing Christmas catalogues too, which is simply shameful!
But he did claim that either his kids will get him stuff or he’s already bought it for himself.
Did you catch the Leslie Stahl piece on the TSA? Illuminating.
The Piper
Andy Rooney is still alive? Gosh, I thought that was Mickie Roonie?
You are wrong. He is dead.
some people get pardoned, others die in plane crashes.
That damned United Auto Workers union is now taking down Toyota! Will their perfidy never cease?
Let me guess, he was complaining about something in that awe shucks kinda way. Doesn’t he have a Master’s in jammering?
@2, yeah their waste makes our ferry system look like the Girl Scouts, no?
Speaking of Life & Death–
As Atheists, how come you don’t answer the simple question:
If you had 2 hours to live, how would you live them??
Is that too hard of a question for you?
Since we all live in the Shadow of Death, why are you so afraid to answer?
I would hope as Atheists, you would have the guts to admit that without Faith, your life here is meaningless.
Christmas present from the Chimp and his enablers (yes that includes quite a few Dems):
Can’t return it, it gets worse before it gets better and it will linger a long, long time after its welcome is worn out. And that was like many months before yesterday.
For those of you interested in pedestrian safety, I highly recommend a product call Yack-Trax Walker. I’m sure REI or other sporting goods stores carry them…or look them up at
They are coil designed and pull over any boot or shoe. Work great on snow & ice. They aren’t spikes.
Check ’em out.
My wife bought them for us and loves them so much she has bought 2 dozen pair for various friends & family. We got them for $17.95/pair.
Here’s a smash-mouth polemic on the South’s beggar-thy-neighbor greed and how to fight it.
I love it! I disagree with Lind on a few things but he’s still one of my favorites.
” … still alive. Sorta.”
You coould say the same thing about Lush Flimflam, and the whole damn Republican Party.
Is it just me, or does ol’ Andy remind you of one of those animatronic thingamabobs from a Chuck E. Cheese?
Damn good point.
How many of the friends of clinton died in plane crashes during investigations?
Ron Brown
C Victor Raiser
Montgomery Rasier
Charles Meissner
And many others I can’t remember offhand.
Did the above deaths bother you?
Who knew? Who cares?
Cynical@8 said:
Objection: Compound question based upon a false assumption, not supported by the evidence.
Try again.
Cynical implies that his own life has meaning because of his faith in his Faith. But what if he is in error and the Faith he has his faith in doesn’t exist?
Hey Cynical, prove your Faith.
@18 He lies about that as he does everything else. There’s no ranch, no investments, no multiple homes, no firewood, no family, no friends, no charitable giving, no CPA, no faith. His entire supposed life is a lie. He’s one of life’s losers, working at minimum wage for the BIAW, no doubt living life with his goat in a shack in Lacey. He reveals his overwhelming sense of inadequacy and brutal self-contempt with every post. In other words, he’s your typical wing-nut troll.