It has been suggested to me that it was wrong to accuse the Building Industry Association of Washington’s Tom McCabe of smoking crack, especially without giving him the opportunity to put the pipe down long enough to defend himself. So in the spirit of full and fair civic discourse I hereby challenge McCabe to a public debate in which we can discuss any or all of the following subjects:
A.) His bizarre assertion that environmentalists are the direct and sole cause of the the Great Recession;
B.) The BIAW’s even bizarrer assertion that environmentalism has its ideological roots in Naziism, and that the DOE’s storm water regulations are the moral equivalent of the Holocaust;
C.) The BIAW’s even more bizarrer Initiative 1082, that in the name of reform would actually increase workers compensation costs for the bulk of its own members; or
D.) Tom McCabe’s obvious and debilitating addiction to crack.
You and your lovely if potty-mouthed spokeswoman Erin Shannon know how to reach me Tom, so drop me an email and we’ll set up a time and place.
Would you admit you’re wrong if it was meth, not crack?
Is it crack cocaine or Erin’s crack??
I would love to see a debate between you and Barney Rubble, I mean Tom McCabe. (sorry about that crack) The debate is a good idea for a fundraiser. He who makes the best cracks wins.
Frogg, in the previous thread on this basically laid waste to BIAW et al. I can’t wait to see this debate and offer this for your background info, Goldy:
The McMansion building, sprawl and split construction industry as we know it is dead. It isn’t coming back. McCabe and the BIAW are a relic of the psychology of previous investment and its days are numbered.
It would behoove thee to realize that one cannot engage in battles of wit, with unarmed individuals.
This man is a clown. He really has no formal education beyond high school (presuming he even went to high school), and he really has no understanding or desire to understand anything not conceptualized by his own, rather limited thought processes.
I choose not to debate: Birthers, Tenthers, Flat Earthers, and anyone who claims to believe the world is only 6000 years old. Simply because their minds are already made up, and they would never even attempt to try to think outside of their small little world. It is literally impossible to convince them of anything, no matter how elementary the topic.
They’re just crazy, and stupid, and obtuse. There really is no point. This man is of the same mindset. Nothing could dissuade him from his alcohol and crank fueled logic patterns. He’s what psychologists call a “dumbfuck”.
Stupid is, as stupid does, and you can’t fix stupid.
Left out the link to comment @4:
The M’s will win a world series before that asshole debates Goldy.
Add Knoxville TN to the list of revived cities. Knoxville was revived by the work of bike friendly, eco-friendly, moderate Republican, Bill Haslam.
Environmentalism has its roots in American Conservatism! Folks like Teddy Roosevelt (R) and Gifford Pinchot (R) were the founders. I don’t know how Aldo Leopold voted, but he doesn’t strike me as one of the more leftist folks of his day (B. 1886). Aldo Leopold sure as hell wasn’t a Nazi. And hell, a couple of the founders of Earth First were Republicans!
@2 Erin’s huh?
My first thought when I read Goldy’s bullet point D is whose crack is McCabe addicted to?
All the way around there is a change coming in terms of energy, transportation, health, and housing that has a broad base of support. Recently, the Senate Banking Committee voted 12-10 in favor of the Livable Communities Act, legislation that would bolster the Obama administration’s initiatives to link together transportation, housing, economic development, and environmental policy. Some of the strongest backing for the bill has come from AARP.
Cool stuff, huh.
@12 It’s a positive and welcome change.
Michael @ 9: It was shortly before I came out here to the Seattle area, but as I understand it both Republican and Democratic politicians and influential citizens teemed up to clean up Lake Washington, Lake Union, and Elliot Bay. They tore down government and agency borders and jurisdictions to do so.
A friend of mine, who was a Republican and an Evangelical Christian, likened it to being a good steward of the land with which God had blessed us.
Whatever happened to those Republicans? You could argue with them about the appropriate level and nature of tax and spending, but they didn’t try to pull the kind of ridiculous stunts Republicans do today.
@14 It even seems we haven’t heard much from Toby Nixon in a while.
I remember when Bawney Fwank, you know, the chairman of the fanny and freddy, said there was NO housing bubble….and that it wouldnt be a problem…do YOU remember?
here is in his own lispy words:
Freddie and Fannie were told to lower underwriting standards for homebuyers which caused a supply problem as buyers who would otherwise never qualify for a loan due to income and credit problems were suddenly able to buy
you fucking idiot progressives forced fanny and freddie to make loans to people who werent qualified…end of story fuckers…YOU OWN this debacle we are in.
oh boy…more damning evidence that Bawney and his progressive friends fucked up…
watch and enjoy..
oh no…Bawney caught fibbing about fannie and freddie..FLAT OUT FUCKING LYING.
who ya gonna blame now?
Boy you assholes just can’t admit that simple greed from mortgage brokers, to the entire financial services industry, to the ratings agencies is responsible.
Nevermind that trying to blame the problem on Democrats supposedly forcing anyone who issued mortgages to give them to unqualified borrowers (even though this is a blatant lie) doesn’t explain why there were similar housing/mortgage bubbles all over the world in places like Ireland, the UK, Spain, etc.
Oh and people in upper income brackets have a higher mortgage default rate than those in lower income brackets. Yep, thats right, it is the “rich” who are walking away from their underwater properties not working stiffs.
I wish I knew what happened to those old Republicans! When I see someone that might be in that mould I try to give them a shout out, see #8.
That cleanup took place before Globalized Everything an I suspect the fact that we still had a commercial fishery in Puget Sound and that most of the fish were eaten right here played a role.
That was back when Republicans by and large acted like adults rather than a bunch of spoiled 2 year olds.