The Seattle Times editorial board argues today that bipartisanship is needed on healthcare reform, and I don’t necessarily disagree that bipartisanship would be the preferable course of action… that is, depending on what one means by bipartisanship.
If by bipartisanship one means representatives and senators from both parties working together with the genuine interest of the American people at heart, well then, I suppose that would be a good thing. So too would world peace. But if we mean bipartisanship in the way it was understood during the eight years of the Bush administration—essentially, the D’s caving and voting with the R’s—well then, fuck that.
Now, I don’t expect the opposite, but the truth is, elections matter. Just this past November voters gave the Democrats control of the House and the Senate and the White House, and by comfortable margins. So while serious Republicans deserve a seat at the table, they have to understand that the broad outlines of this healthcare reform plan will be shaped by the D’s, not the R’s. And any such plan without a robust public option is simply unacceptable.
If reasonable R’s and blue dog D’s want to use what leverage they have to help shape the details so that the public option really is just an option, and that it doesn’t duplicate some of the same problems that already exist in Medicare and Medicaid, then have at it. But if Republicans draw the line and say they will not support any plan that includes a public option, then bipartisanship is simply out of the question. They lost the last election, and they simply don’t have the right to expect such demands to be met.
After all, the whole purpose of healthcare reform is to actually reform healthcare, not just to claim you have.
President Obama has already proven himself more than willing to bend over backwards in the service of bipartisanship, more so than he should be, and the Republicans have yet to reciprocate in kind. Instead, they seem to be counting on their obstructionism as a winning political strategy for 2010 and beyond.
So while I don’t blame the Times’ editors for demanding bipartisanship—it’s totally consistent with their rhetorical ethos—I find it silly to demand it in such a bipartisan fashion. For if we’re to have true bipartisanship in shaping healthcare reform, it is in the end, up to the Republicans to unilaterally embrace what would be for them, a complete reversal in their approach to the issue thus far.
There’s an essential problem here in that “bipartisanship” may mean this whole thing turns into another giant handout to the financial community. While some insurance companies still try at least to pay lip service to doing right by their policyholders, all too many of them are tangled up with the take-the-money-and-run Wall St. crowd. The President himself may have the best of intentions, but Rubin and Geithner are going to do what’s best for Goldman Sachs and their ilk.
The result may be yet another scheme in which the taxpayers shoulder all the risk while the private sector gets the reward i. e. massive subsidies funneled into the health-insurance industry, with some small amount dribbling out the other end to pay for peoples’ care after most of it gets skimmed off for “administration”.
@Goldy: Word.
@Art: I worry about Geithner et al and GS “giant blood sucking squid on your face” (Taibbi) as well.
Sherrod Brown was just quoted as saying we will have a strong public option and then there are Pelosi’s statements to that effect.
Your (terrible) scenario takes effect if not.
We are witnessing a defining moment. It’s do or die.
If it helps, I predict do because O and the Ds know they die (i.e., everything else becomes much harder from here) if they don’t do on Health Care.
Screw the Rs. And when this is over, I’d sign-up to a campaign to go after the Conrads et al of the Ds hammer and tong. I’ll stand on their necks, bring a baseball bat…
It’s time for Frank Blethen’s editorial shills to understand that “our way or the highway” doesn’t work when the voters have kicked your asses out of office and you’ve got only 40% of the Senate seats.
@1 That’s exactly why the R’s oppose public option — because they know that for most Americans the public option will be the only option and it will put the take-their-money-and-run private insurers out of business. Private health insurance is such a bad deal for consumers that any public option program will quickly become a de facto single-payer system, because no consumer in his/her right mind will buy private health insurance if Congress sets up a public system that pays out what it takes in.
@2 “Screw the Rs … go after the Conrads et al of the Ds hammer and tong … bring a baseball bat … ”
Exactly! The R’s and their DINO fellow travelers have marginalized themselves to irrelevance. When the 78-year-old widow of a World War II vet loses her home and ends up living in a trailer and working at minimum wage jobs to support herself because the insurance they had didn’t pay the promised benefits, tweaking the health insurance system isn’t enough; only a revolution in health care will do.
Insurance companies take 25% of our health care dollars and add no value. We don’t need them, period. They’re a useless albatross around our society’s economic neck. Any person of common sense would understand that the first and most important step in improving America’s health care system is getting rid of the private insurance companies.
I’m not saying we should pass laws banning private health insurance. We don’t have to. Let the free market do it. When insurance companies have to compete against a publicly run insurance system modeled after Medicare, they’ll either shape up or die. By that I mean, they will either deliver value in exchange for the premiums they collect, or their customers will walk across the street to the public option. And they have a long way to go to become competitive; Medicare is 50 times as efficient in managing overhead costs as the private insurers are. I predict they’ll die, and we’ll end up with government-run single payer. I have no problem with that, none whatsoever. The private sector has had 100 years to develop an insurance model that offers consumers real value in return for premium money paid, and they’ve failed miserably.
Have any of you KLOWNS actually looked at the House Bill??
Take a look at what actually is in the Health Care bill. Obama makes disingenuous comments like “You’ll still keep your doctor” or “You’ll keep your existing health care.” He is either lying to us or he has no idea what is in it. Take a peek at the full report, or look at some of the highlights here:
[Lengthy copied material deleted]
Some people of actually studied the Bill.
Hehe, RR thinks that the GOP + Blue Dogs are “marginalized to irrelevance”. What is that based on? 2008 was hardly a landslide for liberal Democrats, Obama won 52.7% of the popular vote? That’s not even as good as Reagan’s victory in 1980, much less his 60% in 1984. RR as usual is NO student of history. If I went by RR “logic”, Republicans should have gloated after 1984 but as you can see we’re in the same mess 25 years on.
Read this list of Biden’s political blunders–
What a loooooooooose cannon!
Biden is the Conservatives Best Friend!!
We’ll just trot out Biden quotes during the 2010 Elections…plus Porkulous and Obamacare.
That oughta be enough.
@6 So what? The Traffic Code is burdensome, too. But that doesn’t make Republican Anything Goes Anarchy preferable to traffic laws, financial regulation, or health care reform.
@8 So what? Biden isn’t president, and isn’t gonna be president — unless you wingnut loudmouths succeed at inciting one of your crazies into assassinating President Obama, in which case you’ll deserve what you get.
Rog Rabbit seems to be having more frequent & severe spells in seeing and coping with reality. He still believes all Democrats think alike!
The New Age Atheist Progressives hijacked the Democratic Party. These 16%’ers have been ID’d and rendered ineffective. They were talking a WHOLE LOT of smack post-election about all the stuff they were gonna do to Conservatives and “rich people”.
The sum total of what they have done is to shoot themselves in the foot for future elections with Porkulous and Obamacare.
Here is the bottom-line–
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
10. Roger Rabbit spews:
Joe Biden…a heartbeat away from the Presidency.
Oh…and as for O-blah-blah-blah…he seems likely to drown in his own bullshit. Looks like he has already taken a few big gulps and is struggling to breathe.
Who on this blog has two days and two lawyers to read a thousand page bill? Conyers is paid by our tax-dollars and he doesn’t have the time.
The one guy who reads EVERYTHING is our next President..
Paul Ryan (R-WI)
But that wasn’t written all at once at great expense to the country like the free government healthcare is.
You forgot to add:
And Republicans can kiss our big Democratic
If the government is gonna take-over health care, make sure they don’t do a half-assed job about it. That means shutting down all health insurance companies and including things like natural healing techniques, dental, vision care and chiropractic care in the mix. It also means determining what docs and other health care workers get paid and prohibiting them from leaving the country to find work outside the system. It means rein-in trial lawyers with austere tort reform: none of this frivolous lawsuit shit. Loser pays, big time! Troublesome lawyers are automatically dis-barred and forced to work at some minimum wage job to a decade or two.
6 Cyn
The Democrats did, in a five-hour session last night, while Republicans were home making Cup-O-Noodle. At least the ones who weren’t fucking interns back at C Street.
I’m not a particularily religious man but Jesus fucking christ Rabbit you are on crack to believe the govt medicare program is 50 times more efficient than a private insurer. Holy fuck are you one dumb son of a bitch. Were you born in Kenya perhaps?
6 Cyn
And you neither read the bill nor did you compile that list yourself. Why don’t you attribute what you steal, punk! And yes, I said punk, because thieves are punks!
Let’s see, Medicare operates with a 1.5% administrative overhead, and insurance companies average around 20% from what I recall having read thus far.
If you want to save money, if that’s important to you, Republicans, go with single payer.
But no, you complain about cost and they try to block every cost-cutting measure. Hypocritical bastards.
Waxman to Republicans: bite me.
There could be some good things come out of a bipartisan effort.IF THE FOCUS IS FISCAL RESPONSIBILTY:
1.Any plan should rationalize the distribution of csts .. Medicare and GuvMed should pay their own way … Cost offsets to the private sector are an inefficient way
2. GuvMed should be avail to all. In some states a single insurance co nw controls 85% of the business.
3. GuvMed should replace the divers state versions of Medicaid as well as govt programs for the military.
4. 6uvMed needs to address the incent costs of medical educatuon and insane law suits.
re 6: “Have any of you KLOWNS actually looked at the House Bill??”
Who do you think you are kidding?? You haven’t read the house bill either. You read a wingnut article that told you what to think about it.
Wow, that’s amazing.
The obama orders the director to the white house for a meeting and all of the sudden the numbers change.
Kinda like recounting ballots and finding more ballots.
At least my tax-dollars aren’t paying Cynical not to read it.
No comment on some of the stuff in there?
Notice how the KLOWNS once again, deflect & obfuscate, rather than address the content.
All they know is blame Bush & squeal about being perpetually offended by one thing after another.
That’s why I call ’em KLOWNS!
So Daddy Love—
rather than dismiss the list I posted…address it point by point.
Thinking is mighty hard, ain’t it DL.
Easier to just squeal, deflect & obfuscate…your specialties.
Is there a connection between being a dumb son of a bitch and being born in kenya?
Do you have a link to a democrat/liberal site proving this?
And please don’t use ylb as an example.
@11 “He still believes all Democrats think alike!”
No, but the worst Democrat is better than the best Republican, which says more about Republicans than it does about Democrats.
For some reason, when it comes to democrats and their issues, the lefties on this blog practice that old adage, “If you can’t say something nice… don’t say nothing at all.”
mark is the same genius who said the American voter wouldn’t vote for a “jigaboo”. Got any reaction to that Stamn?
A lot of a smart people on the right it would seem (at least according to Stupes and Klynical) – includes birthers and folks like mark.
29 Cyn
Hey, when you read the bill and extract your own conclusions from it, I’ll dismiss them point by point. Be sure to link us to the copy you read.
Until then, I’ll point you to what other people have said. like you did.
@12 “Joe Biden…a heartbeat away from the Presidency.”
So? You guys voted to put Bailin’ Palin a heartbeat away from the Presidency, so you’re in no position to complain about Foot-in-Mouth Biden. At least he has some experience and knows which continent Russia is on.
@14 HAR HAR HAR HAR !!!! Cynical, sometimes you are actually funny!!!
@15 You think stop signs, traffic lights, lane striping, and traffic cops don’t cost money?
The Dummocrats on HA are just like their “messiah” O-blah-blah–
O-blah-blah’s mouth opens, words come out..Yet he says absolutely nothing.
YLB is the KING of saying nothing.
His buttbuddy steve is the Emporer of Nothingness.
Get a job YLB.
Support yourself.
Be a REAL MAN for once in your life.
27 28 MS
So I am in the same instant supposed to
– Take seriously the obvious propagandizing that Cynical stole from some-the-fuck-where and posted in here in violation of the posting policy
– Ignore the financial scoring from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO)
No can do. I have the authoritative, non-partisan source, and Cynical has unsourced bullshit.
You might be thinking of Peter Orszag, head of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which is part of the Executive Branch. The president has no authority whatsoever over the OMB. You’d know this if you knew anything about how our government works, which you prove time and again that you do not.
@17 What frivolous lawsuits? You’re blowing smoke out of your ass. Medical malpractice cases are among the most difficult tort cases to win. The average personal injury lawyer doesn’t touch them; most medical malpractice is handled by specialty law firms that use very rigorous case screening procedures and reject the vast majority of cases referred to them. Any lawyer who files a frivolous lawsuit is subject to both professional discipline by his bar association and Rule 11 sanctions imposed by the court. We have medical lawsuits because we have bad doctors. Good doctors occasionally make mistakes, but usually it’s the same bad doctors getting sued over and over. Lawyers are doing society a favor by weeding these incompetents out of the medical profession. You are an uninformed idiot. Next time, do a little research and get some facts instead of shooting from the hip.
Diddled Luvr gave HA Libtardos CBO information from July 20th. Puddy gave HA Libtardos CBO information from July 25th.
You decide!
Daddy Love–
Are you lazy…or just too stupid to address the points raised??
Let’s start slowly and try the 1st 3–
1) Pg 22 of the HC Bill mandates the Government will audit books of all employers that self insured. Can you imagine what that will do to small businesses? Every one will abandon “self insurance” and go on Government insurance. So when Obama says that there will still be private health care, it’s simply a lie: this mandate will force employers to abandon their private plans.
2) Pg 30 Sec 123 of HC bill – a Government committee (good luck with that!) will decide what treatments/benefits a person may receive.
3) Pg 29 lines 4-16 in the HC bill – YOUR HEALTHCARE WILL BE RATIONED! (We all knew this, because health care is rationed in Canada and Britain, but Obama kept saying it would not be).
C’mon Daddy Love.
Read the Bill and address these 3 simple points.
Can’t do it?
Won’t do it because you can’t do it?
You are a real blowhard DL
You 32%ers are very funny. You think the rest of America thinks just like you do. It’s called projection.
“On his White House blog, Peter Orszag – who served as CBO director in 2007 and 2008 – downplayed the office’s small probable savings number in favor of the proposal’s more speculative long-term benefits.”
“keep Medicare spending in check would only save about $2 billion over 10 years – a drop in the bucket compared to the bill’s $1 trillion price tag.”
Now ain’t dat interesting…
42 Cyn
What bill? Where? I don’t see any bill. Whose bill. There are at least three bills in Congress right now. Which one do you mean? I wish you or the person you STEAL material from were a little more specific.
@42 Mr. Cynical:
No doubt “Daddy Love” will say that small businesses will go along with the audit and it will have no financial impact whatsoever…
44 Pud
Do you also not know the difference between OMB and CBO?
@19 You’re the crack-fried jackass here. Private insurance companies spend 25% of their income on A & O; Medicare spends 1/2 of 1% of Medicare premiums on administrative expenses and the rest pays for health care. Do the fucking math, idiot, private insurance spends 50 times as much as Medicare on “administration.”
Cynical, when Puddy discussed the health care rationing option back in early 2009, the rabid HA Libtardos went apoplectic. Puddy suggested a soylent green scenario. clueless wondermoron has the PuddyQuote since he cached all the HA Puddyisms.
Yes Diddled Luvr, one is fully controlled by “the messiah” and the other is only partially controlled by “the messiah”.
Any further questions?
OMFG!! Mr. Klynical called me a “buttbuddy”!! Surely that wasn’t meant to be degoratory, seeing as how he’s one of the charter members of Marvin’s three-member Squid Squad of anti-gay-hate crudaders.
@22 Now the crack-fried jackass wants us to believe that Republican women don’t grow body hair. Apparently their parents know their daughters will grow up to be Republicans and give them different hair genes at birth. Howl!!! You are funn-eeee.
49 – Wow Stupes you must have mentioned the “Puddyisms” cache at least half a dozen times in the last 24 hours.
Are you apprehensive or something? It’s not like I’ve made that big deal of it.
Here a little taste:
tctmgr search comments.tct handle strinc Puddybud | wc -l
Combine that with some of your other sockpuppets and it puts out a good sized number.
CBO on the America’s Affordable Health Choices Act (full text)
CBO estimate press release from Waxman’s office.
@25 “insane law suits”
What insane lawsuits, SJ? C’mon, you’re a medical researcher, you must know of some examples where a doctor had to pay even though he didn’t fuck up. Don’t you? C’mon, give us some examples of totally frivolous malpractice suits that made it all the way through the courts to a plaintiff’s verdict …
50 Pud
You discredit yourself again. You don’t know a goddamn thing about how our government works.
@32 Why should we be polite to you asslickers after what you did to our country?
Oh, and one more thing, we’re NEVER going to forget that you motherfuckers impugned our patriotism because we questioned the wisdom of your fubar war against the wrong country. We’re not going to forget the 4,000+ American soldiers you put into body bags to satisfy George W. Bush’s ego.
Nor are we going to forget the innocent Iraqi civilians you Nazis murdered, or the innocent people you kidnapped, imprisoned, tortured, and murdered.
Now it’s payback time, asswipe. Enjoy.
Diddled Luvr, Puddy is sure you remember when “the messiah” talked to Czech President Václav Klaus when “the messiah” visited Prague earlier this year, Obama told Klaus that “the messiah’s” environmental offices are filled with people who have no sense of economic reality when it comes to carbon regulation. So why do you think “the messiah” has economic advisors who have any sense of economic reality to health care?
Yeah Diddled Luvr while you complain to Marvin about his concern over bills being rushed through congress when “the messiah” said the same thing to Randi Four Gunshots Rhodes on Scare Amerikkka? Listen again fool!
“the messiah” damns you through his own words. So much for your expert analysis on how the guvmint works…
I’m waiting for his explanation about dumb/kenya.
Look how many times I’ve posted something and suckered steve into actually believing it (like bill mahers words about religion) was written by me until I post the link in a subsequent message. I’m not going to get played by my own name.
Golly Diddled Luvr, the OMB reports cum with the seal of the Executive Office of the President of the United States. Weren’t you one of those fools who complained about how David Stockman “cooked the books” for Reagan when he was OMB head?
“Second, and more importantly, the CBO report only underscores the severity of the economic and fiscal crisis the Administration has inherited. There is need for urgent action to get our economy moving again, invest for the future, and put the nation on a sustainable fiscal path. The President’s Budget has proposed to do exactly this by addressing our big challenges head on: ”
Looks like another of “the messiah’s” mouthpieces to Puddy.
Hey Stupes,
I can’t resist. How about this one:
tctmgr search -pv comments.tct handle strinc Webb | grep -i moonbat | wc -l
Not nearly as big if I used Puddybud for the handle but a tidy little number as well.
Hell has more democrats.
@44 Why should we lower Medicare spending? Don’t you think the senior citizens who fought our country’s wars, paid taxes, and worked hard all their lives deserve medical care in their old age?
No, of course you don’t. You Republican asswipes would kick them to the curb, just as you kicked the maimed soldiers returning from your recreational war in Iraq to the curb when they came home with shattered bodies and missing limbs. There’s no deed too foul for you scumbags to stoop to — you’ve proved that over and over again.
And that, in a nutshell my friend, is why America’s voters entrusted health care reform to us instead of you.
Pg 22: The source that you STEAL from is trying to claim that reporting on self-insurance will hurt small business. To establish this claim, how about informing us as to how many small businesses self-insure? It’s something that large businesses do, at least the ones I’ve worked for. But if you can tell us exactly, I’d sure be happy to know. That is, if you’re not a just blowhard and THIEF.
Pg 30 Sec 123
I’m not sure of your point. Are you saying that you think the Congress should write a health care bill WITHOUT a plan to figure out what it should cover? That sounds more like REPUBLICAN government.
And do you think that insurance companies don’t ALSO have a schedule of what they cover and what they don’t? How fucking stupid are you? REad you own insurance, why doncha?I have an employer-sponiosred unsurance plan, and THEY SURE AS HELL tell you what’s covered and what isn’t.
Oh, and BTW, it’s a cost containment measure, so if you care about cost, you should approve, buyt you don’t care about cost. Oh, and if you look at the consumer protectiosn on page 37, you’ll see the appeals process for consumers.
Pg 29 lines 4-16
Wow, you’re a dumbass. That section caps what THE CONSUMER PAYS, not what the consumer receives. Which you’d know if you read the bill, which you have not.
@46 If you gave a flying fuck for small businesses you’d be waving the flag for state tax reform. You’d be demanding that your legislators vote to replace the B & O tax and state sales tax with a flat-rate state income tax. Washington small businesses pay a higher proportion of state and local taxes than in any other western state; what you are doing about that? Nothing. Republicans want to keep the status quo here in Washington. They’re the worst enemy small business has.
@56 And you deserve every minute of it.
Hey, hey, Mr. Cynical!!
When you went to the cross burning ceremony did ya get any more of them nigger jokes? ‘Demz be da shizzle forizzle Honky Mo’Fo’!
Are you still laughing at the joke when you said that the black man nearly died when he thought he’d have to get a freakin’ job? WHITE POWER IS “RIGHT” POWER! Or whatever it is you guys say at your
KlanRepublican rallies.Bipartisanship only means letting the conservatives dumb it down, fuck it up, or pay off their K Street lobbyists.
Either they get on board, or we go in with a reconciliation vote.
Get it done, with a Public Option. The voters want it and will reward Democrats for leading and punish conservatives further into the political wilderness.
Where they will find the remnants of the Whig Party.
Wow clueless wondermoron. Keep at it. Puddy is sure that will cum in handy in your worthless chronological attacks.
So how do you handle the sockpuppets fool?
62 Pud
Because if you knew shit about government you’d know that OMB is in the executive branch. Heck, you’d know it even if you read my post at 39.
No, that was DAVID STOCKMAN who complained about how he cooked the books.
Only someone who, like you, doesn’t know shit about how our goverment works would think that. You’re quoting the OMB director, who works for the president commenting on the CBO, who work for the Congress and not for the president.
Ny the way, Peter Orszag makes a joke about how he knows the former head of CBO. DO you know who that was?
Did you “actually” read the House Bill?
Or do I simply just Google your puke and see which conservative web site you copied it from?
Bush III
Change and hope
No CHANGE on this issue either.
Some are interpretations.
Others are word for word.
Diddled Luvr WTF are you babbling about? Even the DUmmys Dummocraptic Underground” are concerned about the CBO flipflop. This is funny too.
This is funny too direct from the mouth of Diddled Luvr
Butt later Diddled Luvr wrote
Hmmm which is it since it seems from Diddled Luvr Puddy don’t know guvmint…?
Then there’s this Orzag whopper – “The point of the proposal, however, was never to generate savings over the next decade. … Instead, the goal is to provide a mechanism for improving quality of care for beneficiaries and reducing costs over the long term.”
You see Diddled Luvr Puddy remembers reading this “Serving Competing Principals: The Budget Estimates of OMB and CBO in an Era of Divided Government” Butt since the guvmint ain’t divided, “the messiah” calls the CBO director to the wood shed to have him modify his “numbas”.
BTW it was himself. Robert Sunshine (now there’s a name you can use) became interim head when “the messiah” nominated him to OMB. Now Sunshine set and Doug Elmendorf took over CBO!
There you be Diddled Luvr.
re 27:”Kinda like recounting ballots and finding more ballots.”
You never complained when it was to your advantage. How ’bout those Dibold machines??
These wingnuts will be the first ones cryin’ when their company denies them coverage on some thin pretext.
74. Marvin Stamn spews:
Here are links to two conservative blogs – top two using “the google.”
How uncanny!! I mean two other conservative blogs had Mr. Cynical’s EXACT words!!
Including “HIS” interpretations. My, oh, my, what . . . a . . . coincidence. Dontcha think?
Apparently, you don’t drink the conservative Kool-aid, Sheik.
It’s obvious you’re an intravenous ingester of the Republican’s mind altering drug of choice — deception.
This appears to have devolved into an open thread….or a massive collective case of rhetorical dysentery.
Any healthcare bill that is ‘bipartisan’ would be a worthless bill.
rodent, I noticed you didn’t criticize anything else in my post @17. It’s only the lawsuit stuff you don’t like. You think lawyers should be able to file lawsuits against anyone and everyone because you feel lawyers are entitled to have any wealth around. Trial lawyers are a plague on this country, and if you support them, you’re no better than an egg-sucking dog!
@79Art: I actually enjoyed reading this thread, especially the wascally wabbit and his take down of the wingnut whinin’ about being picked on. Thank you Mr. Rabbit, sir. Neck or bat?
And OMG, thankyou GBS@78. That was sweet. I scratch my head sometimes why these trolls continue to get fed. It’s no big whoop to crush them, so why not, eh? And have you noticed that Pudpuller always speaks in 3rd person? Isn’t that like psychotic or something? I’m not a shrink or anything — just sayin’.
This is the entire bill,all 1018 pages. Consider this your chance to really know what is in it for yourself.
@78 GBS says:
Ain’t nothin’ new – all Klynical does is parrot the rightwingnut sites – that is why he/she can’t defend squat or think rationally and just links to the BS they make up to fool the idiots.
Plain ol’ Kool Aid from Klynical.
Nice catch – but we have caught Klynical before doing the same thing.
@75: Puddy screws up again:
Puddy claims that a CBO report is controlled by the President and cites an OMB report instead.
Her is a hint Puddy – even a third grader should know the differnce between the legilative branch (the non-partisan CBO, legislative branch) and the OMB (part of the executive branch).
If you can’t figure that one out, maybe you should stop trying to comment on things far over your silly little head.
The bottom line is that the non-partisan CBO of the legislative branch predicts savings over a 10 year period for health care – making the plan as constituted revenue neutral.
Unlike the 1 billion wasted in Iraq, we can now cover all our citizens with health insurance and have savings.
Of course, this burns the republicans who want us to continue to have the most expensive and most inefficient system in the world – they must love all the extra paper work for the private insurers….
AS an attorney you defend the system by saying only guilty docs get convicted. Perhaps but the issue is whether the the legal system is an efficient tool for assuring quality. Noone but lawyers benefits when the legal process distorts specialties like obstetrics.
BTW I realize that the cost estimates of malpractice reform are small .. Maybe 1%. But 1% is not insignificant and does not account for effects of distorting how medicine is practiced Politically legal reform would please the right whike beibg a rational_ if small step in the process.
It seems to me we can find less intrusive ways of assuring quality. One idea might be to require that malpractice suits be vetted by a board similar to the ones that now vett human subjects research.