Writing in the National Review Online, conservative columnist Kathleen Parker calls for Sarah Palin to bow out:
Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.
No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I’ve been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.
[…] When Couric pointed to polls showing that the financial crisis had boosted Obama’s numbers, Palin blustered wordily: “I’m not looking at poll numbers. What I think Americans at the end of the day are going to be able to go back and look at track records and see who’s more apt to be talking about solutions and wishing for and hoping for solutions for some opportunity to change, and who’s actually done it?”
If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.
And Parker’s conclusion?
Only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn. No one would criticize a mother who puts her family first.
Do it for your country.
I don’t think they will listen. The hardcore base, in opposite land, think she is a great candidate.
Goldy, give us a little peek behind the curtain. What is your strategy here with the frequent anti-Palin posts? You obviously scour the web to find any anti-Palin video or article you can, in order to post it here, but then what? You’re a liberal blog read mostly by other liberals, who are already going to vote for Obama. So in who’s minds are you trying plant seeds of doubt? Who’s minds are you trying to change? Is it the 1/3 of white Democrats that a Stanford poll found have racist views? If so, you do realize that Palin can become more experienced, but Obama can’t become less black.
By the way, where are your pro-Obama/Biden posts?
PS When do you expect Mayor Nickles to send his goons down to evict homeless families from their tents?
The party of compassion and tolerance, my ass.
The other day Biden made a statement to Katie-girl about the Depression. He stated that FDR immediately went on TV in 1929 to talk to the American public about the financial crisis.
The only problem was that FDR wasn’t prez at the time and TV didn’t exist. Of course, this little gaff was not reported here at HA because this blog is a propaganda campaign for anything liberal and/or Neo-socialist.
And Katie-girl didn’t say anything to Biden because, in the first place, old Joe was on a role, and, in the second place, all the major news people like Katie-girl are in the tank for Obama.
I don’t like the Republicans, but I truly hate the Democrats.
Troll @2,
I’m tired of explaining to you who I am, what I do, and who my target audience is. If you’re too dumb to figure it out for yourself, that’s your problem.
Yes, I am too dumb to figure it out. Help me. Why no pro-Obama posts?
@5 It’s because the topic is about Palin, not Obama.
Why don’t you stay on topic and post some Pro-Palin posts?
Scouring, from such obscure leftist grassroots organizations as The National Review and CBS News. Desperately nursing any glimmer of doubt. Will that scurrilous Goldy stop at nothing?
I know this particular topic or post is about Palin, but I’m asking why is there an overall lack of pro-Obama posts on this blog? When given a choice, Goldy, a Democrat, will write EVERY TIME a negative piece on McCain/Palin. It’s extremely rare for him to write a positive piece on Obama. I’m just asking him to explain his strategy to me. Why does he focus on the negatives of McCain/Palin, rather than the positives of Obama/Biden?
I’m not complaining, mind you. I just want to learn and understand why he’s chosen this tactic. Is is that he thinks it’s more effective this way? Is he secretly being encouraged to do it this way by some central Democratic blogging command post? Does he not like Obama, but hates Republicans even more?
I’m here to learn. That’s why I visit this blog. I want to learn about politics.
You gotta admit, she is definitely a MILF. Even if she had no idea what the Bush Doctrine was.
Yep, you know that a leftist magazine such as the National Review is too biased against the Republicans to be trusted!!!! After all, it’s founder William F. Buckley Jr. is a well-known socialist and far-left liberal!!!!
(barely being able to contain a chuckle).
Goldy, I love your post at #4. Stupid troll. Thanks for callin ’em likes I sees ’em. Frickin’ moron. The country is in turmoil and all this turds can do is try and keep the populartiy contest going.
Troll @ 8: Uh, it’s Goldy’s blog, he gets to pick the topic. He pays the bills, he does the work. If you want a blog to discuss Obama & Biden, feel free to set one up. Be sure to get a good traffic counter and see if anyone shows up.
Besides, it’s pretty clear to us that the Republicans desperatly want to change the subject away from the economy, John McCain’s temperment and economic philosophy, and Sarah Palin’s lack of qualifications. Why should we accomidate you in doing so?
@3 – Noticed you avoided the point of the posting. Conservative republicans are calling Palin a joke now. If you want to be “fair and balanced”, show me a far left liberal calling for Biden to be removed.
It’s not shocking or surprising that Fake News or Republican pundits don’t like Obama or Biden (shocking). It’s their job is to hate them. But this wasn’t a liberal saying Palin is a joke (which wouldn’t be surprising), it’s a conservative from a conservative magazine.
It looks like McCain will grace us with his pretense tonight.
I’m disappointed by his lack of resolve!
I agree with you. It’s his blog. He can do what he wants. I come to this blog to learn more about politics. I was just curious why he does things certain ways. I wasn’t judging or criticizing. I only want to learn and understand things better. He’s right. I am dumb for not knowing certain things. I wanted to educate myself. Sorry if I bothered anyone with my question.
Perhaps we should try to share Palin’s vision of Putin’s head floating through the air, coming dangerously close to our border.
@15 etc – Hey, Troll. The answer to one of your ?s, which Goldy has stated numerous times, is that aside from wanting to be entertaining, he sees his primary political impact as being his ability to impact local news coverage. He’s usually not trying (or only trying tangentially) to convince anyone on these comment threads; most commenters already have their minds made up on most topics.
As to why he doesn’t tout Obama/Biden more (which he does do with Burner & Gregoire, the latter even though he’s also criticized her), I don’t know, other than that he doesn’t spend as much time on national races or issues since this is a local politics blog.
Thank you!
Hey Troll
Let me pour you a big steaming cup of shut the fuck up.
@5 You’re too dumb to vote, too. Your votes should be actionable as a class-action tort.
Why doesn’t Palin stay home with her baby? How can she run for vice president without neglecting her baby? Doesn’t that make her a bad mom?
Oh wait! It’s sexist to say that! This means the trolls who said Darcy should stay home with her baby were sexists all along!
@15 “I come to this blog to learn more about politics.”
You don’t learn with your mouth open.
Didn’t Palin prattle on about the danger posed by Russia to the U.S., and how if they attack the U.S., they were going through Alaska first?
In the news this week, Putin was talking about how one of his highest priorities was to establish friendly connections in Latin America. He’s already sending strategic bombers to conduct joint exercises with Venzuella, in direct violation of the Monroe and Kennedy doctrines. Bush chooses to keep silent about this, because (a) Bush himself exascerbated the crisis with confrontational rhetoric against Venezuela, (b) his lack of credibility leaves him unable to marshal international (or inter-regional) cooperation in opposing such a move, and (c) his lack of credibility at home makes it impossible for him to mobilize domestic support against such a move, and (d) without such support, there’s not much he can do about it.
In other words, the Russians correctly perceive that the U.S. President is too week to oppose them, and are using that opportunity to make a move to expand their influence in the U.S. back yard. If Bush hadn’t squandared U.S. credibility and influence so cheaply over the past seven years, we wouldn’t be in this boat now.
But Palin doesn’t understand that. She keeps looking west towards the Berring Sea, and assumes that any Russian moves would appear as a fleet sailing from that direction. While she’s defending the back door, the thieves are stealing everything in the house and taking it out the front door.
But you can’t learn foreign policy and security issues by “speed dating” foreign leaders over a couple of days in New York. It’s now wonder McCain wants to find an excuse to cancel that debate.
@23 I believe she was talking about the threat of a giant floating Putin head.
Fuck yeah, let’s put her in charge!
Wait, wait, waint.
Isn’t Sarah Palin the ONE with EXECUTIVE experience??
She’s in charge of air defense in AK because, you know, the planes take off from AK whenever Putin’s head, like, totally floats around the narrow maritime border.
George W. Bush has got to be lovin’ Sarah Palin.
I mean, who else in the Republican Party can make W. look smart???
You’re forgetting about the trolls on this board.
Both Troll and Marvin come to mind…
Ekim @ 27:
I should have qualified that question to exclude those Republicans who have absolutely ZERO accomplishments.
At least W and Sarah got elected.