Of course, the big news coming out of Pennsylvania tonight is that the Philadelphia Flyers just beat the Washington Capitals 3-2 in overtime, to take game seven, and win their series in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. And oh yeah, Hillary Clinton is projected to beat Barack Obama in the primary.
So is a 8 point win by Hillary the ‘big’ win that means Obama should give up? Hillary is going to gain maybe 10-15 net delegates, closing the gap from 138 to 128 lead by Obama. With no more ‘big’ states left, the rest planning to spit out about 50/50 delegates…now what?
Hillary officially can not catch up on the delegate lead now. It’s now officially ONLY up to the super delegates to decide this. The only question is when.
Hey, Goldy. Twice in 1 day I’m blogging for you and I even sent a donation. I bet the Flyers’ win means just as much if not more than the election. And how many Democrats does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Any guesses?
I gotta think Rush Limbaugh and his clan are dancing in the streets tonight. A ten point spread is the worst that could happen in this mess. It now means both camps will be forced into an internal blood feud, with the loser vowing revenge.
“I don’t belong to any organized party, I’m a Democrat.”
Thank you so much Rush!!!!!
I have to agree! Thanks Rush! Never has it been more fun to watch Operation Choas operate more effectivly! I’ll smoke a big stoggie on that One!
How dare Hillary not even mention thanking Rush on this.
She picked up a whole 9 delagates. Oh way to F’n go…. DUH Now she’s only behind by 127
So I have to say you folks gotta start really dumping your pocketbooks for this Bellagio Villa wannabe resident, so her her 109 million income can’t be touched. But she is Dying to use your money! She really feels your pain!
Hillaryarious wants you all to now give her another $5, she’s turning into a $5 cheap hor’s house wannabe these days, age will do that to her you know!
Be sure and sign up soon folks, we want this Bitch on the convention tarmac with the total demograbit gang of thieves.
Rip Obama a new AH Hillary, and watch the hillarious results!
She’s just too F’n much to watch begging for another Government lifetime Pension!
She’s learned from Bill! It pays Big time!
@2 Only 1 if he’s got 3 Republicans and a ladder.
Speaking of flyers,* last week I read that airlines are outsourcing plane maintenance to gyppo mechanics in third world countries, now today we learn they’re ordering pilots to fly without adequate fuel reserves. And that’s on top of soaring near-misses in the air and on tarmacs! The fact airlines hired gangsters to handle your baggage is the least of your problems. Anyone who boards a plane today ought to be in mortal fear of not arriving at his intended destinate in one piece. It’s amazing anyone is still flying.
* If wingnuts have a right to misspell common words on this blog, then so do I! Why should Republicans have a monopoly on everything?
hey it’s time for the message force multipliers to post.
An anti-american vs. an even bigger anti-american. Some choice.
@ 9 I really don’t think you should say that about John McCain and Cindy McCain…
Sure, he calls her a c_nt and a whore, but I am sure that is just his way of saying “I love you”.
Or maybe that is his way of saying “I love your money, sweetie!”
re 9: How many of your relatives are dying in Iraq?
And for what great purpose?
Comin’ up empty? Not as empty as a suitcase full of illegal viagra and rubbers, which Limbaugh got caught taking to the Dominican Republic, a known destination for rich pedophiliacs.
“T-Rex arms.”
We have Will to thank for that ever so apropos description of McCain’s upper appendages. I can see his beet-red face and snarling big, round head in my mind’s eye. And, of course, his ineffectually flailing little T-Rex arms.
Congrats Goldy!
You are over the top!
But what about those contributor numbers? Surely 31 more people can spare a buck?!?
I think us select few who donated to Goldy’s pledge week should be rewarded by having our screen names “reserved” when registration arrives, from being picked off by Trolls, Mouth breathing morons, scab pickers, the encephalitic unfortunate, drug addicts, pedophiles, troop haters, constitution shredders, intolerant dolts, catalog masturbators, devil worshipers, baby eaters,… and all the other names that describe Republicans.
Wow BO@15: You just named the Donkey “Rainbow Coalition”.
Limbaugh’s Big Win …
If the numbers I read at SP are correct then the big winner last night may have been Rush Limbaugh.
The conservative site says that 13% of the vote last night was new registrants and that about 60% of that went to BHO.
BUT, what they do not say is what proportion of the 40% were Limbaugh ditto-heads following his Operation Chaos plan.* In this plan, RL urged his following to vote for Hillary by falsifying their party affiliation.
Assuming he was successful, that could mean as much a 5% of Hillary’s lead was due to Rush Limbaugh. Of course some of those Hillary votes would also be newly registered Hillaryites but .. given the closeness of this race and the fact that Obamicans (registered Repubs wanting to vote Obama) were not allowed to vote, it seeks likely that about 50% of her vote was faux.
Au Contraire.
They made a choice…just like Joel Connelly’s registered voters at his Island County Retreat who didn’t actually live there….but DREAMED of living there.
Home is apparently where your heart is…just like your Political Party is how you FEEL on a certain day.
Falsifying??? It was a CHOICE!
My how times change….It did not seem so long ago that the neo-lefties were calling to count every vote, legal or not. Now they sit back and watch the “party of the stupid people” count some of the votes, ignore all of the WA votes, and then have a group of politicians wave their “super-duper-delgate” wand to go against the voters that put them in office. Almost makes one wish the SCOTUS could step in.)
The witch would have already won if all of the votes were counted and the power to overrule voters was not super-delegated. Instead we will get the “hate-whitey” neolib who plans to enjoy bending over and taking it in the rear from whomever hates the American model of freedom.
What a party.
Obama’s weak showing among blue collars, seniors, and women is a problem. Obama got only 30% of the blue collar vote.
As unpopular as Hillary is with some Democrats, there’s a reason why she’s still in the race. It stands to reason she’s hung onto half of all Democrats because she represents them and Obama does not. Clinton has done particularly well in the large post-industrial states with high concentrations of blue collar workers. Clearly, her appeal on working-class issues is resonating with these voters, whereas Obama’s “change” meme has been less than magical with pocketbook voters. The same is true of women and senior voters.
I’m a little hesitant to trust Obama on social security and medicare issues. He has pitched his campaign appeal to young voters whose interests on those issues are somewhat opposed to those of my generation. I’m too old and sick to work anymore, and I don’t want anyone tinkering with the benefits formula under which I paid SS taxes all my life, especially now that we have Republican Inflation to worry about. I don’t want to be one of the 1 billion people expected to starve over the next few years because of U.S.-engineered food inflation. http://www.247wallst.com/2008/.....rices.html
Fortunately, I’m not a people and grass is free here in the park, because I believe he’s going to win.
@19 Looks like Hail Mary time for the wingnuts. They’re down to their last, desperate, long-shot rant. After that falls short, their barrel is empty.
Roger Rabbit – 21..@19 Looks like Hail Mary time for the wingnuts.
Silence regarding the facist election process for the dems.
A little to hard to reconcile the mantras of the past with current practices?
@ 21, with the appointment of Petraeus (you know, the last General left kneeling to King George after Georgie fired all the competent ones) as CentCom commander, I fear the Hail Mary pass of the wingnuts is gonna come in the shape of missiles landing in Iran.
Oh, it won’t do anything to save the criminal neocons hides, but it sure is gonna screw up this country and planet disastrously.
Wingnuts are like any other insane person. You back them into a corner and they go all “scorched Earth” on ya.
@23 – You really think the current admin will bomb Iran before they get the hell outta office?
What about Hillary’s comments on retaliation against Iran in regards to Israel?
@22 “Silence regarding the facist election process for the dems.”
WTF are you talking about? Our party has a very democratic process for selecting candidates. We even let Republicans vote in our closed primaries — all they have to do is perjure themselves to election officials about their party affiliation. The brawl for our presidential nomination is the obverse of the GOP coronation process that came up with a third-rate flyboy who finished last in his class at Annapolis and crashed millions of dollars’ worth of the taxpayers’ airplanes (not to mention taking out privately owned powerlines) in a Navy career that was so embarrassing he resigned his commission to become a third-rate politician. That sort of process may work okay in a top-down party like yours where peasants like you aren’t allowed to do your own thinking, but we Democrats have an actual contest going on, and believe it or not, that’s a good thing! So, what is your fucking point? Do you have one? No, I didn’t think so. You just like to hear yourself making noise.
@24 No, because they would have done it by now. It’s not that they don’t want to. Nor does public opinion have anything to do with it — they don’t give a damn for public opinion. They’re out of bombs, and they’re having trouble getting their re-orders filled, despite the graft they’re paying to their contractor buddies. It’s a competence thing.
Roger Rabbit spews 25
..WTF are you talking about?
Reread the post…..
…The brawl for our presidential nomination is the obverse of the GOP coronation
You mean actually counting the votes?
…process that came up with a third-rate flyboy blah blah blah
Blah blah blah….
…That sort of process may work okay in a top-down party like yours where peasants like you aren’t allowed to do your own thinking…
You obviously mean our own voting….
…but we Democrats have an actual contest going on, and believe it or not, that’s a good thing!
A contest is great, but what about all the uncounted votes and the SCOTUS-like deciders who can change the outcome to counter the actual votes of the unwashed?
…So, what is your fucking point?
ALL dem votes in WA primary do not count.
The super-duper delegates provide the facist frosting for the dem selection.
You are too stupid to see the obvious.