From earlier this year:
A botched gun-trafficking investigation that allowed suspected criminals to purchase roughly 2,000 firearms — many which later crossed the border into Mexico — came under renewed criticism on Tuesday as federal officials responsible for implementing and overseeing the operation testified before Congress.
The hearing came just hours after the release of a joint House and Senate report providing new details on the investigation, code-named “Operation Fast and Furious.” According to the report, at least 122 guns tied to the operation have been found by Mexican authorities at crime scenes or were recovered during police action against drug cartels.
The operation was “a perfect storm of idiocy,” Carlos Canino, a senior ATF agent in Mexico, said in the report. Other current and former ATF agents testified at the hearing that the operation violated basic agency protocols.
The “Fast and Furious” operation first ignited controversy in March after whistleblowers within the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms revealed to the media and members of Congress that a gun tied to the program had been found last December among a cache of weapons at the murder scene of a Border Patrol agent.
From yesterday:
Firearms dealers in states that allow medical marijuana can’t sell guns or ammunition to registered users of the drug, a policy that marijuana and gun-rights groups say denies Second Amendment rights to individuals who are following state law.
Federal law already makes it illegal for someone to possess a gun if he or she is “an unlawful user of, or addicted to” marijuana or other controlled substances. A Sept. 21 letter from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, issued in response to numerous inquiries from gun dealers, clarifies that medical marijuana patients are included in that definition.
So let me get this straight. Gun sales to people who are widely expected to use those guns to kill people are ok (as long as the ATF thinks that there’s a chance that it could help them bring down Mexico’s drug trafficking organizations), but gun sales to people who have permission from their doctor to use a medicinal plant that makes you more passive are not.
Every time I think members of our government have managed to do the dumbest thing possible, they always top it.
I seem to recall the the ATF was the agency that the the mess started at the Branch Davidians. If so these guy have a knack for fucking up and no one want to hold them accountable. Typical!
Yep, same agency.
This has been in the news for months & months..and you are only now getting to it?? Sheesh.
Thanks for pointing out the incompetence of Eric Holder and Barrack Obama.
The buck stops there.
The attempted cover-up and lies are even worse.
You beat me too it Everett! We who think right placed this on HA back in May 2001, maybe earlier Lee. The cover-up is the thing being looked at by Congressman Darrell Issa.
I guess it’s only actionable if found in the HuffPo!
But didn’t the whole plan under Operation Gunrunner start under the Bush Justice Department? no, that couldn’t be….
Meanwhile, any old cocaine dealer can have his AK-47 and a free Glock, what’s the problem.
Yes it did. But there was a difference. Bush’s justice department arrested every person who bought the guns or was the middle man in the purchase before the guns were lost. Barack ObamAA+’s justice department allowed everyone to go free after the purchase and 1400 guns are STILL LOST!
Everyone can read it on WikiPedia. And you know being leftists Wiki would have nailed this on Booooooosh if they could.
On a different rift, I can see the government, because it didn’t want cannabis legal, trying to deny all of the civil rights to legal users of cannabis, especially once we finally legalize it.
These people in government actually think that they are our masters. On this point, they are all wrong: government is the servant of the people, not the master. Their job is to protect our rights, not attempt to nullify the Bill of Rights and the rest of the Constitution.
That government is best that governs least.
It’s really just another variation of the same old problem in law enforcement. Do you ignore some crimes in order to catch a bigger fish later? That’s pretty much been the federal policy with respect to drug enforcement over the past several decades. But sooner or later someone turns up dead – a rich kid who overdoses from drugs provided by a protected informant, etc., and it all hits the fan.
In New York, there was a big scandal when an undercover copy participated in mob executions in order to preserve his cover. Ultimately the cops got in so close with the bad guys they were supposed to be watching that they warned the mob bosses of government stings, and helped them evade arrest when indictments were finally issued.
I’m not willing to say the strategy was bad, but it was poorly executed, and they should have pulled the plug when it was obvious it wasn’t working, rather than allow inertia to keep making the same mistakes.
That started in 2009 rhp6033. Before then they were trying to identify the fish carrying the guns into Mexico and arrest them. There were over 1000 cases ready for Eric Holder when Bush left. The scandal and attempted cover-up that’s happening now started with Barack ObamAA+’s sadministration!
That’s some strange reeking skull-fucked zombie time travel..
I knew Mr DISGUSTING would make a showing with nothing to say. A little late I might add. Were you ironing Mrs arschloch’s uniform?
After all this was per your own words
And that’s why you are one disgusting “human being”!!!!
Sad so sad!
2001… Pretty funny the “facts” touted by reeking skull-fucked right wing ding zombies…
I think the law should be extended to people who drink alcohol or vote Republican. Drunks and Republicans shouldn’t be trusted with guns.
@3 I’ll bet every last one of those numbnuts is a Republican. This stupidity has “Made In GOP” all over it.
Mr DISGUSTING, it was May 2011 moron
Notice how the reeking skull f’ed zombie can’t even read what he wrote in comment 4!
Chalk Up Another One For Team Obama
U.S. born Al Qaeda figure Anwar al-Awlaki has been killed in Yemen by a drone attack, U.S. officials disclosed today. Al-Awlaki, who was killed by the same team that got Bin Laden, was behind a number of attacks against Americans, including an attempt to bomb a U.S.-bound airliner.
“Al-Awlaki’s death is the latest in a run of high-profile kills for Washington under President Barack Obama. … U.S. officials have said they believe al-Awlaki inspired the actions of Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan … in the attack at Fort Hood, Texas. … In New York, the … man who pleaded guilty to the May 2010 Times Square car bombing attempt said he was ‘inspired’ by al-Awlaki … al-Awlaki also is believed to have had a hand in mail bombs addressed to Chicago-area synagogues … in October 2010.”
Meanwhile, GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul condemned what he called the “assassination” of al-Awlaki:
“Ron Paul aggressively criticized President Obama today for al-Awlaki’s death. ‘No I don’t think that’s a good way to deal with our problems,’ Paul said …. ‘Al-Awlaki was born here, he is an American citizen. He was never tried or charged for any crimes. No one knows if he killed anybody. We know he might have been associated with the underwear bomber. But if the American people accept this blindly and casually that we now have an accepted practice of the president assassinating people who he thinks are bad guys, I think it’s sad.'”
Oh man. You’d think the other GOP candidates would be all over him for this in the next debate. But just wait, they won’t say a thing. You’ll hear nothing but a pin drop from the same people who tried to paint President Obama as a terrorist-coddler because of a minimal professional association with a college professor who was affiliated with a radical group of protesters 40 years earlier but was never convicted of anything. What a bunch of hypocrites. You almost get the feeling these people hate Obama simply because he’s a Democrat … or maybe for some other, more sinister, reason.
14 – Heh.. Some of Duck! Cheney’s “leave behinds” were probably involved.
@10 Yeah … do you think we should tell the Clueless Idiot @4 this blog didn’t even exist in 2001? Nah … let him make a fool of himself.
Hey DOPEY one@17,
It’s on Fox News giving Barack ObamAA+ credit ya idiot!
Maybe the libtardos on his FB page are giving him hell. Why don’t you go see Roger DOPEY Rabbit?
PuddyCommentary: Golly Roger DOPEY Rabbit, all these events happened after Barack ObamAA+’s European and Arab Apology Tour of early 2009. Apparently they didn’t believe him or he was the new master of the “Great Satan” and had to be brought down!
@20 “It’s on Fox News giving Barack ObamAA+ credit ya idiot!”
Please understand, puddydope, that I don’t normally read rightwing political blogs like “Fox News,” so I wouldn’t be aware of this. But just to make you happy, I checked it out, and I don’t see where Fox “News” gives Obama credit for this successful strike. What I did see on MSNBC, though, was GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul sharply criticizing President Obama for “assassinating” al-Awlaki — that’s how Ron Paul describes a battlefield kill of a terrorist operating against the U.S. from foreign soil. I don’t see Fox “News” reporting anything about THAT — maybe because it’s too embarrassing to the propaganda arm of the Republican Party that this guy calls himself a Republican and is running for the Republican presidential nomination?
@21 “Maybe the libtardos on his FB page are giving him hell.”
I think the more pertinent question is whether conservatives are giving him hell, and if not, why not?
Yes that’s a knee-slapper. We’re fortunate to get a few of those a week from the reeking zombie skull-fuck.
Sad that it can never make up for the rest of his boring drivel.
@22 The difference between the GOP ex-president and the Democratic current president is that Obama is killing these terrorists who, as I recall, had 8 years to run amok under Bush.
Let’s briefly revisit the criminal negligence of the GOP regime:
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ In another briefing, Richard Clarke, head of counterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, overlapped for four months with the new Bush people. He submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Funny how the GOP team managed to spend over a trillion dollars on the ‘war against terrorism’ without accomplishing much of anything beyond inconveniencing millions of airline travelers. Want to know how many terrorists the TSA has apprehended? None. Nada. Zip. Zero.
The GOP spent 8 years proving to us they couldn’t manage a school lunch program 1/ much less a no-fly list 2/.
1/ “The Bush administration is backing away from announced plans to ease standards on meat inspection in government school lunch programs.”;page=1
2/ “Sijollie Allen isn’t the first mother to have travel plans delayed because of a 4-year-old son. But the fact that her holiday flights were gummed up because little Edward Allen’s name shows up on a government terrorist watch list has the Houston woman confused and a bit angry.”
And puddydope calls liberals “retards”? Too fucking funny!!
puddypussy understanding nothing relentlessly, obsessively parrots right wing talking points.
Sadly, his moral disorder combined with the Asbergers are doing him in.
You’ve gotta wonder if “Operation Fast and Furious” was dreamed up by Bush administration holdovers as an attempt to embarrass the Obama administration. I wouldn’t put it past GOPers to pull a stunt like that.
If Ron Paul had been president during the Vietnam War, I wonder if he would have required our soldiers to schedule jury trials for Vietcong before “executing” them.
I wonder if Ron Paul is going to call our Vietnam vets “assassins” in a presidential debate.
Republicans like Ron Paul don’t want to give trials to terrorists in custody at Guatanamo, they only want to give trials to terrorists at large who are operating against us from hellholes like Yemen.
There’s no reason for the ATF to exist. There’s nothing that they do that couldn’t be done by the FBI and secret service. Time to do a little consolidation work.
So I guess the way Ron Paul wants to do this is serve these guys with subpoenas that say, “Dear Mister Terrorist, please appear before Judge Such-and-So at such a time and place so we can ask you questions about your alleged commission of acts of war against the United States of America.”
@36 Just fire the Bush political appointees and the rest of the agency will do fine.
Hmmm… Didn’t Eric Holder want to do the same with trials in NYC and elsewhere?
Yeah and I’ll take some fries with that!
Funny just two weeks ago everyone learned from Ali Soufan about how Clinton’s CIA didn’t tell Bush’s FBI about their known terrorists.
Let’s replay that
And there is more…
PuddyCommentary: Facts… explode DOPEY arguments
Blame Boooooooooooosh
And a “chronological” brainfart it was @ 4 as well!
I love the “plan” this zombie’s skygod has for “Mr. Perfect”.
And so you stay absolutely ignorant Roger DOPEY Rabbit.
Now that’s a “knee-slapper” disgusting arschloch
There really is no reason for the ATF to exist. There have been a few attempts to kill it off over the years. The NRA backed ending the ATF until they realized that under the new setup gun laws would be better enforced and then they dropped their support.
An absolutely appropriate response to any of the self-loathing loon’s hate-filled comments. Or, as I do, offer no response whatsofuckingever. I dropped the self-loathing loon’s sorry ass after witnessing his hate-filled rants about nine year-old Christina Taylor Greene, one of the victims murdered by a right-wing freak at the Gifford assassination attempt. The self-loathing loon crossed a line with that one, and he will never be forgiven. He can burn in hell for eternity for all I fucking care.
The HA idiot enters
Puddy counters May 2011
FOX News – 28%
CNN – 18%
Undecided -12%
NBC – 10%
Other -10%
MSNBC — 7%
ABC — 6%
CBS — 6%
C-SPAN — 3%
Undecideds beats Soros favorite MSNBC!
Well rujax is very stupid!
And this left wrong freakshow still hasn’t offered up those mysterious comments Puddy never made!
And who is the loon? I submit Stupid Solution Steve is the most moronic of loony libtardos!
puddypussy completely misses the point as usual then spins into puddyworld and p-bonics.
That’s the point…that’s the problem and puddypussy is Exhibit A.
Oh…I lost the “belt”…sniff, sniff…I’m…I’m so so saaaaaad.
But if I had to lose it to someone, I’d want it to be Steve!
Add @ 52…
Re: Fucknutz @ 50…
I tell ya gang…(per Ellen White) he’s whacking himself into insanity.
That and the Asbergers…
Of course, a lying, self-loathing, hate-filled loon would try to shield himself with more lies and demand proof of his despicable behavior, even though everybody here witnessed it for themselves. Such denial would come off as being too fucking pathetic for words and the request for proof scorned.
The hate-filled loon took joy in that kid’s murder by a right-wing extremist and, showing no remorse whatsoever, used her name to spew his right-wing extremist lies and hate. Of all the disgusting troll behavior I’ve witnessed here, that was the most disgusting display of them all.
Then you should be able to search and bring it up. Or you can ask the crazed HA databaze arschloch for ASSistance.
Step up and be a man. Grow some marbuls. Once you asked to prove I said something about Mark Foley. I did.
There he goes lying again… TJared Loughner was a leftist who talked Giffords since 2007 because SHE WASN’T LIBERAL ENOUGH!Now you claim I said something I didn’t so PROVE I SAID IT!
Stupid idiot Steve!
One thing for sure, a hate-filled, self-loathing loon will lie, claiming that Jared Loughner was a leftist. Yeah, I have no doubt that Loughner is a member of the Timothy McVeigh wing of the Democratic party, which is closely related to the Alan Greenspan wing of the Democratic poarty, and very closely aligned with the Richard Armitage wing of the Democratic party.
Yup, that’s what a self-loathing, hate-filled loon would do – pull a foul turd from his ass and tell us that it smells like a rose. I’m sure that, to a loon, that’s exactly what right-wing extremist shit smells like – a rose. All it takes to believe is a willingness to lie, to others and to one’s self. And it also helps a loon to claim that he is closer to God than those he hates. We expect see that sort of BS from the loon all the time.
The evidence was very pervasive. CBS, NY Times, ABC as well as FOX! Too bad your drunkenness on your stupid solution is very telling.
Such a stupid moron! There were 9 different things posted multiple times Stupid Solution Steve. Still “cum drunk” eh?
Still waiting for the evidence, which of course you don’t have. Ask the HA crazed database arschloch. He’s 24x7x365.25 hate!
Heh. That’s the skygod’s plan for the the zombie skull-fuck. Project unto those you hate your true nature. Classic MO of the self-loather.
Who’s #2, product of the ass-end of the right wing LIE machine?
The zombie skull-fuck has way more comments than yours truly, way more bile and unhinged anger towards those he has hated since April 2005 and many years previous to that.
Oh my Mr Disgusting is back. Sending someone to your loony web site?
Not a chance!
Last I saw Jared Loughner was in Springfield Mo’s federal prison medical center and too crazy to be considered anything, but crazy.
Of course…the deranged puddypussy won’t read anything that won’t support his erroneous belief.
Anyway…sounds like Loughner and the raving self-hating loon have quite bit in common.
@61 That won’t stop the loon from assigning Loughner to the Timothy McVeigh wing of the Democratic party. That’s all the murder of Christina Taylor Greene meant to the loon. She was just another excuse to spew lies and hate. He denied any and all connections that the murderer had to right-wing extremism and then lied his ass off about the guy being a leftist, just like he lies his ass off about McVeigh, Greenspan, Armitage and countless others being leftists when, in fact, they are not. Wallowing in hatred and lies has obviously driven the self-loathing loon insane.
@62 Like Michael said, the guy is nuts. But the loon’s knee-jerk response was to lie and tell the world that Loughner was another lefty, just like McVeigh, Greenspan and Armitage. How clever. The loon can blame the nation’s financial collapse on the left, Dick Cheney’s treason on the left, the terror of OKC on the left, and even the murder of young Christina Taylor Greene is blamed on the left. To a hate-filled, self-loathing loon, the right is responsible for none of the nation’s ills. And that leaves the foul stench of right-wing extremism smelling just like a rose.
That makes the loon either a hate-filled, lying sack of shit, or he’s batshit krazy. For my part, I no longer give a rat’s ass what his fucking problem might be.
rujax, dumb as a brick. From his own link
Not left enough for Jared – Strike 1
Hated GW Booooooosh and the government just like HA libtardos. Strike #2
Now how many leftist promulgate this whack job theory on HA? Strike #3
How many HA Libtardos claim this same theory? Strike #4
How many HA libtardos are atheist – Strike #5
Nihilism – another leftist trait – Strike #6
Golly did you see
Remember headless lucy’s take?
Mein Kampf is for leftists. And as you can see HA leftists told lie after lie after lie about Loughner!
Wow rujax, you don’t read your own material. Reminds Puddy of that screeeech on that black valedictorian girl who was held back by local libtardos when you look at the voting records!
@65 Proves how much of a jackASS Stupid Solution Steve@64 is!
It’s pretty clear that Puddy’s goal here is to obstruct and mis-inform. He long ago abandoned any attempt at rational discussion.
I’m pretty certain he’s part of a program sponsored by some wingnut organization within the Repubican Party to pay people a couple of bucks for every post they make on website discussion boards. That’s the only explanation I can see for why he spends so much time here, posting one indecypherable post after another. Apparantly clarity isn’t a requirement in the payment scheme.
Loonytoons: @58 Still calling that White Supremacist groupie a “leftist”? Somebody who shoots a DEMOCRATIC congressman (egged on, no doubt, by bigmouths like you who use phrases like “Dummocraps”) is a “lefty”? Really?
You don’t have to work so hard at proving you’re stupid, puddydope. Everyone already knows it.
@67 “It’s pretty clear that Puddy’s goal here is to obstruct and mis-inform.”
You’re giving him too much credit. He’s on the same mission JCH was: To drive people away from this blog by polluting its comment threads with an endless stream of garbage posts. Puddy is nothing but a robo-spammer.
I think a pretty good case can be made for banning puddydope from HA on the same grounds that JCH was banned.
Puddydope’s comments are nothing but meaningless filler.
“Mein Kampf is for leftists”
Only the insane are stupid enough to believe in that commie-fascism bullshit spewed by wingnuts who are so damned obviously in denial of their own love of fascism and totalitarian rule. So a hater like the loon tries to render the word meaningless. That way a hater figures he can bring fascism to America under any name he wants.
If the loon would ever speak the fucking truth for once in his lying, miserable, pathetic fucking life, we’d be hearing from him how he actually admires Hitler, and that the loon wants to see America become some hybred theocratic-fascist state where he can watch leftists being marched to their deaths in gas chambers.
What a fucking hate-filled asswipe the loon has become.
“I think a pretty good case can be made for banning puddydope from HA on the same grounds that JCH was banned.”
The moderators should fucking get rid of him. Let him stew in his hate somewhere else. And get rid of the dumbfuck Klown while we’re at it. The dumbfuck Klown thinks he can come back here and hide behind new screen names, but there’s no way on earth he can conceal teh stupid. It outs him every time.
Where is the proof? Does Steve ever leave links?
Oh really rhp6033? Damn I would be rich! Well you are a Cass Sunstein malleable Homer Simpson idiot! And you too are one of those who seldom posts links.
Liberal heads explode when facts appear in their eyes.
Projecting again Stupid Solution Steve? Since you are liberal and with a short memory Hitler hated blacks. Remember what Hitler did to Jesse Owens? Oh wait… you ain’t black so you wouldn’t know unless you ran to Google!
So the dumbest of dumb fucks really thinks I don’t read the stuff I put up here? Right.
puddypussy’s own comment blows up his repeated, emphatic assertion that Loughner was a leftist.
Nice job by the moral degenerate.
His own post also illustrates some fundamental similarities between Loughner and the puddypussy.
PS…The self-loathing raving looney drooling simpleton is clearly, demonstrably exactly as stupid as we all claim he is. He should be banned just for being this stupid.
Well WikiPedia provides six strikes of evidence from rujax’s cut and paste!
Only to a raving loon like puddypusy.
Well dumb as rocks rujax…
There are six identifiers of his leftist tendencies from your cut and paste and it’s from the leftist WikiPedia. Unfortunate for the dumb as rocks one, he can’t refute it. Even the libtardo MSM admitted these facts.
And you sure ran away from the black valedictorian story Weally Weally pronto!
Can’t REFUTE THEM can ya moron? Remember I used your WikiPedia hijack!
And you think you attract them with your inane commentary Roger DOPEY Rabbit? The only thing I somewhat agree with you is your investing comments. Everything else is fair game and it’s easily refutable with facts and links!
Such deceptive commentary and lies from Stupid Solution Steve.
Notice he’s been screaming since late January about some comment I never made. Has he provided proof? Nope. Is he a Dope? Yep!
You really ARE mentally ill, dude. Get help.
LMFAO! The loon thinks he’s black. He’s not black. Hell, I’m blacker than he is and I have infinitely more soul. Hell, I have more soul than I can fucking control.
Hate like the loon’s doesn’t come in colors. It’s just hate. There’s nothing black or white about it.
Hey, let’s not forget that I challenged Puddy to prepudiate Glen Beck’s attempt to blame the teenage victims for their fate at the hands of a Swedish white supremicist. If you recall, Beck equated them to “Hitler Youth”, merely becuase they attended a camp sponsored by a political party in Sweden.
Puddy has still failed to do so, offering only excuses and demands that I first jump through whatever hoops he chooses to set in front of me before he will consider repudiating Beck.
My only conclusion is that Puddy thinks it’s okay to kill teenagers as long as their parents belong to the “wrong” political party.
And rujax@83 is the “doctor”? Nope but he is as dumb as a cinder block!
Why am I the barometer for repudiation? And jumping through hoops, you betcha. You placed the bar so meet it on your side first.
BTW I did respond to Beck’s comments. Can you find them? Ask the HA crazed databaze arschloch! I will NOT repeat them. Your arrogance is astounding rhp6033!
@ 87…
“You’re not the boss of me now, you’re not the boss of me now, and you’re not so big…”
@84… ignored! Stupid!
“Hitler hated blacks”
So does the self-loathing loon. I guess that cinches it. The loon definitely loves him some Hitler.
You all know the loon I’m talking about – the same hate-filled loon who jumped for joy when right-wing extremist thugs held down a defenseless woman and curb-stomped her. He’ll no doubt repeat his often told lie that she attacked Rand Paul and therefore had it coming to her. Did you get that part? He’ll say that a defenseless woman deserved to be curb-stomped, but he justifies it by telling yet more lies.
Wow the ACLU is mad Barack ObamAA+ got “The Yemeni”!
Nope you Dope. Another of your stupid false equivalences!
I played the video where she first took her sign and stuck it in his open window more than once. Then she was tackled.
Notice how this leftist train wreck has jumped the tracks from little Christina?
The loon is now lying about Glenn Beck and his remark about blaming the victims. The loon never denounced Beck. That’s because the loon believes as Beck does, that those kids had it coming to them. They deserved to die, just like that woman deserved to be curb-stomped, just like Christina Taylor Greene deserved to die. The only remorse to come out of our loon is that the curb-stomped woman wasn’t killed.
Do you all recall the comments on Palin’s site about how that little girl at the Gifford’s shooting deserved to die because she would have grown up to become a liberal? That’s how our loon sees it. He’s glad that she was murdered.
Puddy responded??? I’ve posted this challenge several times, with no result.
Why don’t you post the link yourself, Puddy.
@ 92…
He’s talking about YOU, loser.
You showed no concern or sympathy for either woman.
You’re a jack-booted thug.
Then from rhp6033…
You both claimed you skip over my posts, so NOPE not going to repeat it. I answered you and you missed it. If you are so interested ASK THE CRAZED HA DATABAZE ARSCHLOCH! He has all my posts except the missing 200 monomaniacal entries Google sez it has!
“stuck it in his open”
I told you the loon would justify the curb-stomping of a defenseless woman. You can see for yourself. There is no remorse whatsofuckingever. He believes she had it coming to her. As with Christina. As with those kids in Norway. In the mind of a self-loathing, hate-filled loon, they all deserved to die.
Ban the hate-filled asswipe! Get fucking rid of him.
Wow all the hate today> Jared Loughner facts make liberals go nutz!
The loon refuses to post a link because he’s lying. Does anybody believe for even a nanosecond that we’d overlook a self-loathing hate-filled, Hitler-loving loon’s denunciation of Beck? Hell no.
Notice how Stupid Solution Steve forgets and ignores her videotaped actions where she wears a wig and jabs her long stick sign into Rand Paul’s face through the open Suburban window. You see if she had injured Ran Paul Stupid Solution Steve would have applauded her. She admitted to what she tried to do. Of course to Stupid Solution Steve that was A-OK!
Yes we haven’t see any Christina links since your original scream!
Still waiting moron!
“Jared Loughner facts”
What a stupid fuck the loon is. For a hate-filled loon, facts are lies, lies are facts. The self-loathing loon wouldn’t recognize a fucking fact if one was shoved up his ass.
“Wow all the hate today”
So says the self-loathing loon who spews hate with his every post. What’s really fucking pathetic is that he has to lie his ass off in order to justify his hate.
You accused me of that once before. So go pound salt and find this one yourself.
So WikiPedia is all lies Stupid Solution Steve? So when the next leftist uses WikiPedia, you’ll step up and say all lies?
Yeah like you claim blackness!
Good grief! Look for yourselves at how the self-loathing loon lies to justify the violence directed by right-wing extremists towards a defenseless woman. He should just drop the bullshit and come right out with it and tell the truth for once in his fucking pathetic life. He rejoiced that the little girl died. He wanted to see that defenseless woman curb-stomped. And he believes that Beck was right, that those kids in Norway had it coming to them. He’s just too fucked up in the head to admit it.
The self-loathing, hate-filled loon continues to lie his fucking ass off. That’s all he has, and that’s all he ever brings. Just more lies to justify his hatred for all things good and decent. The hate-filled loon can burn in hell for all I care.
You oughta stop NOW puddypussy. You’re in the deep end of the pool.
And as all can see Stupid Solution Steve applauds her attempt at hurting Rand Paul by poking her sign in his face!
That’s A-OK!
I’m floating on my back laughing at all your feckless attacks.
All these on-line stalkers stepping up to replace the crazed HA databaze arschloch!
“she first took her sign and stuck it in his open window more than once”
So says a lying loon. Like that’s worth shit.
Even accepting his lies as truth, look at what the loon is saying. A defenseless woman deserved to be held down and curb-stomped by right-wing extremists.
What a hate-filled bastard.
While puddypussy is making a fool of himself…getting beat to shit by one of the few guys who has any principles here…
The ASSHOLES puddypussy supports are pulling THIS kind of shit.
Shame, puddypussy.
@110, This proves this moron doesn’t read…
Still waiting for the Christina comment. Well I’ve been waiting for over a half year and Stupid Solution Steve is MIA!
Of course, we all know when a wingnut is lying to us. His lips are either moving or his fingers are typing.
Remember the righteous whines out of the loon when Kenneth Gladney was assaulted by SEIU “thugs”? It was just another wingnut lie, of course. It never happened. Oh, but what a fucking glorious whine fest we all saw put on display by the hate-filled loon. Do you remember how we’d correct his lies and then he’d come back and tell the same lies all over again? One thing we now know for sure, facts can find no purchase within the mind of a self-loathing, hate-filled loon.
And here the loon who incessantly whined about the violence of union thugs now tells us how it’s justified for a right-wing extremist man to hold a defenseless woman down while she’s being curb-stomped by another man. The loon who whined and repeatedly lied his ass off about imaginary union thugs refuses to repudiate a man who said the the young victims in Norway had it coming to them. This same loon refused to refudiate the commenters on Palin’s site who declared that it was good that nine year-old Christina Taylor Greene was murdered before she could grow up to become a liberal woman. And, of course, we can all see that the loon believes that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a woman being curb-stomped. After all, the loon says, she stuck a sign in Rand Paul’s car window. Of course she deserved what she got. They all deserved what they got.
The loon will be back to tell yet more lies about SEIU and Kenneth Gladney, the murder of Christina Taylor Greene, and women-stomping right-wing extremists. The one thing we can count on the loon never telling us is the truth. For a loon to speak truth is to beg that his house of ideological cards come crashing down upon him. For that reason and that reason alone, a self-loathing, hate-filled loon will never, ever speak the truth.
I truly enjoy Puddybud kicking leftist goofballs crazy asses. Most excellent sir.
Cynical sends his regards.
He’s going to a big-time football game tomorrow and then back to go bow-hunting. He’s been gone most of the summer, enjoying the fruits of his labor.
Unlike YLB who seems to enjoy the fruits of his wife’s labor.
Anyway, Cynical said he still has your old e-mail and would like to know how you are doing.
How long has YLB been unemployed?
Doesn’t YLB have an ounce of pride in his useless body?
No wonder he is always so pissed off.
His anger is misdirected though.
It should be directed at his own lazy, pathetic ass.
115 – ZzzzzZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZzzzz..
Not buying it “friendo”..
Go ahead like a good Roger Ailes sheep and quote Rasmussen everyday like Klynical did in the 2008-2010 election cycle.. Almost 800 times.
It made him feel good. Went well with the Limbaugh he imbibed every day.
The Klynical Klown’s mania for quoting Rasmussen everyday in the HA comment threads – that’s as clear an expression of hate for the folks here that didn’t care for his views as any I’ve seen..
Sorry Klown, we’re still going strong here and we’ll be here in Nov 2012 and beyond. As long as the server has a pulse.
We’ll be supporting freedom and opportunity for all – not just your rich friends.
So continue your Rasmussen pastes and throwing out your ugly Limbaugh and Faux News inspired attacks.. We’ll just laugh and pay them little mind.
LOL! Still riding that saw horse!
Probably still thinks there’s over a million comments in the wordpress database when Darryl confirmed back in May there’s barely close to half that.
Wow, this is the second train wreck being deposited by Stupid Solution Steve. You’d think he’s had enough time now to display my Christina comment. Well maybe it never happened except in that vacuous space called his cranial orifice…
And you deposit Crooks and Liars. Did you notice they didn’t “debunk” Gladney’s allegation. Well let’s get a real take on the situation… from the people Stupid Solution Steve calls his “homies”
Sounds like Stupid Solution Steve’s attack on Puddy! Bringing race into the equation setting race relations back to Jim Crow era. Only thing about the comment is Stupid Solution Steve is whitey and he’s doing that “cross-over” thing like headless lucy did and continues to do with his 68 different doppelgangers on this blog. Remember, liberal blacks complain about when whitey tries going black.
Now why is it so easy for Puddy to find chronologically fresher links to EXPLODE Stupid Solution Steve ASSertions? Maybe your Honor he’s mentally deficient. Well liberalism is a mental disorder!
Equating comment numbers to Google searches. The arschloch is crazy… man is he crazy!
Yes, only God knows why he is continuously lazy and Mr North Pasadena is a moron!
Hey arschloch, I was reading in Franchise Magazine how legal aliens came to America, started in fast food restaurants as janitors, and within 2 years were managers of those stores. Now one owns 85 stores and the other owns 109 stores. Then I noticed on Fox the Junior Bridgeman ads for his 169 Wendy’s. Granted Bridgeman’s story is different but the first two are very compelling. Butt then you’d miss your 24x7x365.25 hate time on HA “getting your news from the Internet”.
So stay home; iron Mrs arschloch’s uniform and be sure to wash your hands before making your childrens’ lunches!
Indeed he is.
zzzzzZZZZzzzzZZZZZZZZzz.. Huh… reading??? That’s a welcome change from making shit up.. I guess…
I see that the dumbfuck Klown is posting in the third person now. Obviously, his mind has continued to deteriorate. Too much goatfucking, no doubt. It must eat away at the brain or something.
LMFAO!!! Really, I can’t help but LMFAO! We now have a dumbfuck Klown and a self-loathing loon corresponding with each other in the third person in some pathetic, perhaps even a perverted attempt to stroke each other. I really don’t see how it could get much better than this. This is entertainment worth paying for.
Carry on, asswipes. Dance for me. heh.
From the moron recently caught plagiarizing other peeps materials.
I gave the unemployed arschloch a multiyear franchise plan as an example to get back on his feet and he dismisses it. Apparently you and work are diametrically opposed particles.
So I ask the arschloch, wait for the convoluted response… Why do legal immigrants come to America, work menial jobs and in a few years are the owners? Why do you sit on your ASS 24x7x365.25 and spew left wrong class warfare hate? Go get a damn yob ylb and bring up your family from it’s “modest means”!
Sometime ago I remember Stupid Solution Steve trying to get some leftists to go to some music outing on HA.
Sometime ago I remember Stupid Solution Steve trying to get a golf game going on HA.
Now he’s upset about Everett and me passing info on this blog.
Well moron, I gave technical information to JSA about a network issue he was having when he asked for help on this blog. He publicly thanked me for it!
Well moron, I gave Goldy Sequel database suggestions on this blog. Goldy was mum!
Stupid is as stupid does and man you are Stupid Solution Steve.
vs the arschloch lie
My stalker will never cease to amaze me!
Thanks to Lee as always for covering this topic. Lee, you are one of the few liberals around who is actually worthy of the term ‘liberal.’
The ATF has been a problem for years. It once adopted as an alternative interpretation of its acronym ‘Always Think Forfeiture’ (i.e. theft).
The ATF was founded in the 1930’s in order to give otherwise out of work prohibition agents something to do. The National Fireams Act of 1934 was passed as a sop to those government employees who otherwise would have had to seek honest labor.
Doubtless Goldy would defend them to the death, but Lee has other ideas. Thanks again, Lee.