I’m filling in for Frank Shiers tonight from 9PM to 1AM on News/Talk 710-KIRO, and in tribute to my mentor and friend, I won’t believe in global warming for the entire first hour.
Bill Monto from Simply Better Schools joins me for the first hour to talk about 4204, the constitutional amendment to pass school levies by a simple majority vote. Then Dave Neiwert of Orcinus stops by to talk about the Southern California wildfire’s, and the wingnut response.
After that, I’ll rant about stuff. Or something. Tune in.
Simple majority??? Are even a simple majority of kids in Seattle attending public school??? Oh, yeah just barely. Nevermind.
The worst problem with public education is that there is too much liberal influence in ruuning them. We will never have well run public schools as long as liberals are in charge.
Not only does global warming cause fires, it apparently causes redical moonbats to set fires. Geeesh. Who would of thunk it. rooof roof.
1, 2, 3 – You sure bark a lot for someone who flunked obedience school. When’s your appointment with the vet?
Dog, the last thing you’ll see on this earth is the vet pulling on a pair of plastic gloves and smiling at you as he picks up the syringe …
Or the pavement that slams into his head as he catches the tire he just chased on a car driven by a drunken Jean Hague.
I would rather chase Hague’s car than drive with Ted “the swimmer” Kennedy anyday. roof hehe roof.
How about hunting with Dick Cheney? Perhaps you can help former Rep Foley give new meaning to “turning Pages”? Or help with Larry Craig’s free speech in bathrooms? Woof-Woof.
Goldy’s got a good discussion going tonight on the radio. Hey, Dog, you need to be euthanized. Your thought patterns indicate you have distemper. Do you prefer to know when it’s coming or just get the old needle stuck in you when you aren’t looking?
5 & 9
Aint they good little commies… rooof roof.
#10 — We pay for the war with commie money. Wepoison our kids with commie toys. We fix our cars with commie tools. We entertain ourselves with commie electronics.
Who you callin’ commie, commie?
Q- “Do you believe in the cleansing power of apocalyptic violence, as many Armageddonites do?”
A- JANE BALOUGH’S DOG says: “Roof roof!”
That’s what trying to communicate with that idiot is like.
“Never try to argue with an idiot, because the idiot is too stupid to appreciate the fact that he’s an idiot.” Chollie
Idiocy ain’t pretty. But, there’s a helluva of lot of it going around.
Is being an idiot like being high all the time?
Please, enlighten us.
Speaking of idiots I am going to tell one on myself.
I have overheard Teresa lamenting on the phone, with her friend or mom, right after I tried something stupid………
“All men are idiots. And I married their king”.
MLF @ 16
Nice. Have you ever noticed that putting oneself down is something that Republicans can’t do?
Nonsense. The republicans have done an excellent job putting themselves down a tax bracket. Heck, sometimes two even. But hey, I am not complaining.
At the expense of the rest of us. That tax money comes from somewhere. It doesn’t just materialize magically.
4204 is a crutch for the retards in the state legislature to NOT have to fix school funding. Levies should not be used to fund basic education.
911/fire/police should not be funded by levy either. Basic services should be funded first before entitlements like housing for chronic inebriates, street cars for the mayor’s buddies, global warming mitigation, saving the whales, etc.
I’m holding my nose and voting for 4204, anyway.
#19 — That’s the beauty of the ‘trickle down’ theory. By not paying their fair share of taxes and by starving and destroying the government, in their minds, everyone benefits.
The end logic being, if the rich paid no taxes, it would be a utopia.
It’s a simple plan for simple-minded people. I argued with a Boeing engineer about trickle down and he patiently explained that the tax savings are invested in business, thereby benefitting everyone!
I told him that by and large the tax savings were invested in government bonds, which is just a tax on ordinary people, when it comes down to it. He said that that means they are taking tax savings and investing in a ‘our asses’ and not in business.
Well, said he, there needs to be some laws governing what they do with the tax savings , so that ‘trickle down’ would ‘work the way it’s supposed to!”
What a naif!
96.54% of all taxes are paid by the top 50% of wage earners.
65.84% of all taxes are paid by the top 10% of wage earners.
54.36% of all taxes are paid by the top 5% of wage earners.
34.27% of all taxes are paid by the top 1% of wage earners.
This is IRS generated data.
Here’s a fair-share tax plan: Divide the number of people in the U.S. into the amount of revenue needed, and send each a bill for their share. No deductions, exemptions, strings to pull, or anything.
Everyone pays the same – Equal Taxation Under Law!
The Piper