In case the ad rotation changes for this video, right now it’s an ad for a certain fiber supplement you mix with water, followed by a clip of U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning, R-Kentucky, again refusing to talk to a reporter. (Note: you may have to go here to see the scintillating ad.)
At least Bunning is incredibly regular at being an asshat. He’s executed a triple play for the party of nothingness, nihilism and nuts. It would be funny, except for the hundreds of thousands of Americans who need to buy stuff like food for their kids and flood insurance for their homes.
When people talk about how “our system” is broken, nothing is as broken as the U.S. Senate, when one crazy old fool can hold the entire country hostage. It’s an absurd situation, one that curiously enough never seemed to happen when the dirty hippies were being taught lessons about codpieces and illegally invading countries and stuff. Funny how that always works.
UPDATE 3:53 PM PST–Stupid deal reached for stupid vote to end stupid temper tantrum.*
*Props to Pandagon (via Twitter) for pointing out that it’s all stupid.
Again, no Democrat could do this trick in a Republican-controlled Senate. The leadership bears a great deal of blame for this situation, although the fact that many of the folks in their caucus are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Fortune 500 companies does make their job a lot tougher.
You are right Mark Centz… the DUMMOCRAPT Senate leadership passed pay-go and now don’t want to play by their own rules.
Gene Porter owner of Dixie’s BBQ dies from cancer. Great hot sauce.
I like this comment
Bunning: “I support extending unemployment benefits, cobra benefits, flood insurance, highway bill fix, doc fix, small business loans, distant network television for satellite viewers. If we can’t find $10 billion to pay for something that we all support, we will never pay for anything on the floor of this U.S. Senate,” he said.
Bunning has been a U.S. Senator since January 1999 — over 11 years. Somebody should go back and check all his votes — especially those on Bush’s tax cuts for the rich and Bush’s Iraq war funding bills — to see whether he insisted on offsetting those expenditures against other revenues or spending.
Betcha he didn’t. This is only a lame excuse for shitting on the millions of Americans who are now unemployed and going hungry because of the GOP’s fucked-up laissez-faire economic policies.
# 3; Awww, I’m really sorry to hear about Porter. Dixie’s BBQ is one of the few reliable BBQ places around – the other good ones tend to dissapear shortly before they really become well known.
And his hot sauce really is “THE MAN”. One of my colleagues, who lived in Tailand for a while, boasted that there wasn’t a hot sauce around that was too hot for him. Porter gave him a tiny drop on the tip of a knife, and his face turned red and he was beggings us for water.
How’s the wife and family doing?
Jon has ugly fun with a high-fiber regular asshat, but Puddy makes the only point worth making: Bunning is holding the Senate to its own rules. And Obama’s.
(Mark! This Politico is for you!)
As for Bunning, even the Republican leadership is upset. They remember when the Republicans caused a shut-down in the federal government in a budget show-down with Clinton, and the Republicans suffered considerably in public opinion and the polls when that occured. They didn’t want a repeat – at least not something that could be blamed on them. But Bunning went off the reservation, he actually did what the Republicans have been saying they want to do – shut down government benefits to the poor and middle-class. It’s not what he did that they mind, it’s that he did it openly, so they will get the blame.
rhp: back to you soon with our best wild-ass guesses about greenland’s black plague death rate.
Of course, Bunning’s high-minded rhetoric preaching about the dangers of deficit spending aren’t worth much, in that he offered nary a whisper of complaint against the Bush era tax cuts, the off-budget spending for the war on Iraq, the repeal of the federal estate tax (effective for this year only), etc.
Hey, I’m not sayin’ our unemployed should riot like Europeans, but … if they do, let’s send ’em to Bunning’s office.
@7 Okay, let’s find $10 billion of corporate welfare and take it out of that — by tomorrow morning.
Again rhp6033 you can do better than that.
Gingrich slowed down the federal budget creep from 8% to 5% to balance the budget. The asshats (read DUMMOCRAPTS) went to their slobbering loving libtardo MSM and screamed Republicans were cutting school lunch programs, an abject lie. Clinton didn’t want to balance the budget at all. But when he finally did, he took all the credit after he was kicking and screaming to it. The libtardo MSM made sure the credit was Clinton’s when the budgets proffered by Clinton had deficits all over them. Now you HA Libtardos wanna remind us of the Clinton balanced budget years. Puddy will remind you about historical facts.
Again rhp6033, why do you act like the Dumb Bunny? Bush tax cuts brought much more revenue into the coffers than tax increases.
Puddy agrees, take it from GMC (Government Motors Corporation) AKA OMC (Odumba Motors Corporation).
Bunning should have said
Point taken, Olly. It does seem that Bunning could have a valid point, subject to some loophole the Democrats may have left themselves, but to be sure the Democrats are not as crafty and devious as their GOPer opponents, so no bet on that. In the end, it’s difficult to believe they couldn’t trim some appropriation from Defense, but those dollars are sacred.
One other thing rhp6033 and all you other HA Libtardos. Give back your Bush era tax cuts, with interest. Go on since they are so bad… give them back.
Puddy dares you to write a check to the IRS and tell them in good DUMMOCRAPTIC conscience you can’t keep the Bush tax cuts anymore. Call up all the libtardo Hollyweird peeps you love to follow and tell them to do the same. Alec Baldwin, Danny Glover, Baba Streisand, James Brolin, Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, the big fool Sean Penn, etc. etc. etc. Tell George Soros, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Larry Ellison, Steve Jobs and other rich DUMMOCRAPTIC loving peeps to return those Bush tax cuts now!
This stupid commentary has no meaning unless you put your wallet where your stupid mouth goes!
Couldn’t get your Olly link past the filter here, Mark, but hope it’s about beer and not about fat comedians or about Kukla and Fran.
That’s not his stated intent. Previous links show he wants to redirect (misdirect?) unspent stimulus money into the $10 billion-bill before the Senate: a variation on the theme of Obama’s pay-go.
Bunning: Stimulation of Pudpuller’s prostate by Klynical when Pudpuller’s pud gets too raw from being pulled.
Klynical enjoys bunning Pudpuller but gets grossed out by the santorum that results.
There! Finally, a consensus.
This stupid commentary has no meaning unless you put your wallet where your stupid mouth goes!
Which of course means nothing to you, since you will spew on regardless of whatever is said. I, for one, would be most willing to give back my tax cuts, but, sadly, my taxes, like millions of others, went up under the Bush tax plan. Oh well, spew on, and like Bunning said to a reporter: “Fuck you”
Ellipsis alert: No violence was done to Wiki’s context in the chop-and-channeling of this blockquote.
The point is that even with the costs of war and rumors of war finally enfolded in DOD’s budget instead of being hidden in supplementals, DOD’s proportion of GDP goes down. Nothing sacred, apparently, about defense spending.
Shouldn’t you and Doorknob Dan be licking doorknobs and keyboards somewhere (else) in the Savage Nation, Zotz? Shouldn’t you be anywhere but here?
@11 Fuck that…they should go trash his taxpayer- and lobbyist-paid-for house in Kentucky while he’s grandstanding in the Senate.
The democrats pushed for and passed “pay-go”
How come they dont want to stick to it?
Seems a pretty simple premise to me.
things that make you go hmmm…
Porter was a really nice guy – and Dixie’s is a great place.
“the man” has kicked my ass more than once.
RIP Mr. Porter.
Your taxes went up under Bush’s tax cuts for the poor?
Or were you one of those high rollers?
Or perhaps, since your taxes went up under Bush’s reduced rates for both poor and rich, you must have rolled in so much dough during the Bush Boom that you were, yes, paying more taxes because your income went way up.
(Remember: Before Bush built that new 10% rate at the bottom, the bottom was paying 15%.)
While Jon and the Libtardo’s are grasping at straws on this Legislation, here is another Governor’s seat currently held by a Democrat going down the tubes–
Monday, March 01, 2010
Perhaps “musing” over Legislation like this is a distraction from the crumbling Progressive Movement, ehhhhh?
You KLOWNS remind me of the guy who is fixing a loose board on his porch…WHILE THE F***ING HOUSE IS ON FIRE!
You KLOWNS beat everything, you know that?!
Puddy @ 14 said: “Bush tax cuts brought much more revenue into the coffers than tax increases….”
Stop! I’m laughing so hard I can’t can’t breathe! Your immitation of Laffler is SOOO FUNNY! Even Stockman (Reagan’s first budget director) admitted that was a crock by the end of his first year.
Of course, in January 2001 (When Bush took office) the question wasn’t tax increases, it was whether we use the opportunity provided by a balanced budget (courtesy of the Clinton years in office) to start paying down the national debt. Bush & his cooperative Republicans in Congress chose instead to give a big tax cut which was weighted heavily in favor of the wealthiest Americans, with only a sprinkling of benefits at the lower levels.
The argument made at the time was that the wealthiest people create jobs, not the middle class or poor, so the tax cuts should go to the wealthiest. Of course, that also was a crock.
Of course, Bush never seriously considered raising taxes to support his “war on terror” in Afganistan or Iraq or at home. Instead, he relied on off-budget financing to conceal the true cost (which Obama ended in one of his earliest executive orders upon taking office).
But keep trying, Puddy. We can all use a laugh now and then.
About that unspent stimulus money, is it perhaps intended for an October surprise? As a last-minute election-eve blitz to save and create jobs for undeserving Democrats in Congress?
Last year Obama demanded an emergency stimulus bill to stop the surge of unemployment. Without his bill, Obama said, unemployment might reach 8%.
Krugman said we needed an Obamulus bill squared.
So … what happened? Why was almost $1 trillion confected from hot air for the stimulus we had to have, and then not spent while unemployment blew past 10%? Is it really possible the huge unspent reserves are being held in reserve as a slush fund for the next two elections?
That happened under FDR, by the way. That’s why we ended up with the Hatch Act.
You’re a little late with this, @30. See @23, above.
I would go to Dixie’s when my sinuses were plugged up. Best medicine I ever took!
He was a great American and success story.
Didn’t sit around bitchin’ and whinin’ about how difficult things were for him….he was a true entrepreneur!! God Bless Him. I see the services are at Overlake Christian next Monday. Planning to go??
Who gives a rat’s ass??
Bush and the Reagan Republicans squandered $11.7 TRILLION dollars on the Bank of China credit card.
Check the national debt sometime, Puddy, and ask yer-self, how’d dat happen?
By 2000 President Clinton instituted Pay-Go, was paying down the national debt at the rate of $500 billion per year, and had a $300+ billion dollar a year surplus all based on the TAX INCREASE Sen. Al Gore had to cast the deciding vote on in the US Senate.
Now — total cluster fuck thanks to none other than Reagan Republcians.
Reagan Republicans cannot be trusted with the People’s money. You’ve proven that beyond a shadow of any doubt.
Bush tax cuts brought in more revenue me arse.
More than a moment of silence.
A moment of reverence for the best sauce ever.
The issue Bunning raised is not about whether or not the Benefit was was how to pay for it!
What’s wrong with that?
Too many Washington insiders just add everything to the debt without thinking.
We will need to repay it someday…or use existing money??
Good for Bunning.
Although, I must admit, I love the fact that Republican Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky is jamming his thumb right in they eye of Minority Leader and fellow Kentuckian Mitch McConnell.
Nothing like proving the stereotype that Republicans hate the working class.
Shit, even the toothless inbreds in Kentucky will get the message that the GOP could give a flying fuck about their plight when their unemployment runs out.
I bet, though, that the good Christians on the right will step up to the plate and take care of the poor as the Bible commands them. I mean, who else but them can take care of the poor.
Certainly not some boon doggle government program, right?
…still waiting on the “pay-go” question from post #26…anyone? anyone? Bueller?
The D’s made up the rules, now they dont want to abide by them when its inconvenient?
This is why Reagan Republcians ran the national debt up to $11.7 trillion.
The Federal Stimulus money was . . . wait for it . . . wait for it. . . borrowed money.
Why in the Hell would you use borrowed money from one pot to put in another??
Pay-Go means you actually pay for it as you go.
What he should be promoting is where he’ll raise the revenue or from what sources of funding will he take the money from that wasn’t borrowed.
Can you do a puzzle with more than 2 pieces”
He wants to use this money before you KLOWNS piss it away.
Dip shit lebowski @ 26:
Why would Republicans pick on the most venerable among us to “prove” their point about Pay-Go.
Why did the Reagan Republicans disband Pay Go and in turn went with Squander & Borrow from China?
Why didn’t Bunning and the rest of the Fiscal Conservatives manage the People’s money better/
Why did the Republicans ram-rod the Bush tax cut through RECONCILIATION unfunded?
Why did the Republicans engage in two wars without a means to pay for them other than borrowing form China?
Fiscal Responsibility and Fiscal Conservatism are two different things. The Democrats have a proven track record on the former, the latter is a Reagan Republican disaster.
It’s still not PAY go.
Leave it to a conservative to think they’ve “paid” for something while charging it on the credit card.
You better stick to the one piece puzzles, Mac.
You don’t even understand the crux of the principle Bunning is arguing, neither does he.
GBS, don’t call them conservatives. They are reactionaries. What, other than privileges for the well-to-do, do they want to conserve?
Reactionaires describe them better:
reactionary |rēˈak sh əˌnerē| adjective
(of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform.
Mark @ 43:
I looooooooove that.
Can I call them Reagan Reactionaries?
You know, everything Saint Ronnie said these guys just get all buttery over it as a reaction.
Very Pavlovian of them.
rhp –
The Black Death, Robert S. Gottfried, 1983, page 58:
To be fair and balanced, Benedictow’s 2004 book finds “no evidence” that the Black Death reached Greenland. Exhumed bones from the end of Greenland settlement show death by malnutrition. Reports of plague in Greenland are “speculation.”
Today Bunning puts another nail in the Reagan Reactionaries coffin.
Tomorrow, President Obama will add another nail to their coffin with his way forward proposal on health care reform — using 4 Republican ideas from the health care summit.
You’d think these dumb asses would see the writing on the wall, but they don’t
Republicans are so arrogant they didn’t see the writing on the wall in 2006. Then, 2008. Now, 2010 they still think the American people support their wild ass agenda to make uber wealthy white people richer.
As Obama said in his parting comments at the HCR summit, “that’s why we have elections.”
Obama knows how to win elections. He gets people at the community level thanks to his community organizing work. Now he’s using that lever again to whip Republcians in the fall elections.
What? You think the People won’t want HCR.
I hope no Republican ever uses Obama Care. EVER!
St. Ronnie saved us from a fate worse than the Evil Empire. He saved us from four more years of Carter.
As bad as your Ray Gun fixation is your weird twisted Bush hardon. Perhaps you need a big dose of gay aversion therapy.
@14 “Bush tax cuts brought much more revenue into the coffers than tax increases.”
Bullshit, and what’s more, you know better because I posted the figures when I argued this issue with Mark the Welshing Redneck.
Here are the numbers, starting with 2000 as the baseline year:
2000 – 2,025,457,000,000
2001 – 1,991,426,000,000
2002 – 1,853,395,000,000
2003 – 1,782,532,000,000
2004 – 2,153,859,000,000
2005 – 2,407,254,000,000
2006 – 2,407,254,000,000
2007 – 2,568,239,000,000
2008 – 2,524,326,000,000
2009 – 2,156,654,000,000 (estimate)
2010 – 2,332,645,000,000 (estimate)
To summarize, federal revenues fell in the first 3 years after the Bush tax cuts. Although they eventually rose above the baseline, the main reasons for that were huge increases in CEO pay and capital gains taxes generated by the booming stock market. Note also, the Bush tax cuts did not increase savings or create jobs. Now let’s look at what happens after the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of this year:
2011 – 2,685,358,000,000 (estimated)
2012 – 3,075,326,000,000 (estimated)
2013 – 3,305,141,000,000 (estimated)
2014 – 3,486,124,000,000 (estimated)
It’s pretty darn clear the tax cuts reduced revenues and increased deficits.
Justincase the link didn’t come through, it’s Push Push in the Bush. Something you seem to do much too often for your own good. (Gone blind, yet? Hairy palms?)
via Matthew Rothschild, editor, The Progressive, December 2003.
Democrats: Party of fat-cat exploitive extortionate Rabbit-eared plutocrats.
Rabbit’s baseline is built on a bubble. Figures. And then he tries to stomp on his own bubble baseline with three years of Clinton Recession (falsely attributed to GWB) that was a direct consequence of Clinton popping like a zit.
And about those Obama estimates … didn’t your mother and Mark Centz tell you not to do a census enumeration of your free-range fowl before they’re hatched?
And speaking of counting your boobies before they hatch, are you, like, in one?
Homophobe @ 47 & 49:
What’s with the gay sex and masturbation fixation?
Also, the metaphor for “bush” is pussy. Nothing gay or self serving with that.
You really are confused about your sexual orientation aren’t you?
Is it that you’re still a virgin or a closet homosexual?
Either way, it’s OK, you just need to reconcile that with yourself, not us.
A THIRTY-SIX month recession???? How fucking stupid are you?
Jesus fucking Christ. That recession only lasted 6 months. It barely qualified as a recession.
In fact, by the time the 2nd quarter reporting confirmed the recesssion, it was already over. 90 days later when teh 3rd quarter reports came the recession healed itself. No intevention from Bush, nor his tax cuts went into effect before the recession corrected itself.
As for the stock market bubble, butt head, Clinton took care of the fiscal house first 93-95. Right about then is when the stock market took off like a rocket because of the sound fiscal policies of Demcorats in that time period.
More Psych 101 projection from GBS. Perhaps an end-stage tertiary anti-social disease is your problem. Get help (and penicillin) before it’s too late.
Tell it to your boy at The Progressive. Unless, of course, you’re one of those regressive progressives who wants to jack up the statewide sales tax.
Roger @ 48:
Hey how hard do you suppose it will be to balance the budget in 2014 as compared to 2003 when we will have twice as much money then?
I’m not math whiz, but it seems to me President Obama will be leaving the next president a much better situation than Bush and the Reagan Reactionary Republcians left the country in 1992 and 2008!!
Gender Bender / Sybil @ 54:
Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit, is it?
And your strong suit is … ?
Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll take Jimmy Carter over Ronald Reagan any day of the week.
Reagan’s open disdain for working Americans was, and continues to be, unpatriotic and so are his disciples.
Didn’t I tell you?
Saw zero reading comprehension over on the holy roller thread … you can’t deal with evidence or reality.
See zero math comprehension over here. Zero fiscal sanity or integrity. Balance Obama’s blowout budget with twice as much “money” … ? Are you insane, or just putting on an act to collect a crazy check?
Take Jimmy Carter. Please.
We;ve had this rumble before. Impossible to beat sense into a rahm retard. Maybe if you learned to read, you’d eventually be able to attempt thought.
Sybil @ 62:
Admit it, you saw my mad skills on the holy roller thread. I kicked Christian ass allllllll over the blog.
Made lost and his pals get down on bended knee in shame.
Don’t worry, Obama will get the financial health of the country restored. Enjoy the history unfolding before you.
You are witness to one of the greatest presidencies in American history.
Mount Rushmore will get one more face added to it and it won’t be Saint Ronnie.
God, I love being a LIBERAL.
Love to win, hate to lose.
Has anyone received their 2010 Census Form?
Got ours today and they said it would take 10 minutes. Only a real Libtardo morono would take 10 minutes. It barely took 1 minute.
Mrs. C was filling it out and commented…
“Where is the question about whether you are a US citizen or not?”
Great question.
You have to put in name and birthdate.
Why include non-citizens in determining representations???
So since the man from Obama’s U of Chicago demonstrates with evidence and logic that you’re either lying or ignorant or misguided about the First Amendment Establishment issues and about how those issues were distorted in the nativist know-nothing era (those know-nothings in your family tree?) and about Bigot Black and Everson, maybe you can show us — using evidence and logic — how the man from Obama U is wrong.
Mr. C.
You didn’t return your 2010 Census did you?
Michelle Bachmann (R) said not too!!!
Sybil @ 65:
Got a point to make, make it.
Stop beating around the
bushplant.Didn’t want to set your homo/jerk off reactions into high gear with a “naughty” word.
Re 64
“God, I love being a LIBERAL.
Love to win, hate to lose.”
Can’t be both. Unless you do it the twisted GBS way. Argue a point, lose, and declare victory anyway.
Sybil, on second though hold off on your diatribe.
I gotta go grill my NY strip steaks, the wife has the Dungeness crab cooling.
To be continued.
I finished your beat down here:
Later, coals are just right for grillin’
Our good man lost on his knees? To you? You’re way too gay, GBS.
lost made a nuanced argument that you blew (so to speak) off. Remember no unsupportable assertions from him. He made the reasonable observation that our standards were steeped in those of a Christian tradition leavened by Judaism and Aristotelian atavisms.
Europe was Christian. It’s Moslem influence ended about 300 years before our nation began. It’s Enlightenment was refracted through a Jewish/Christian prism with glints of Greece.
That Jewish-Christian-Hellenic tradition of Europe is our tradition also. It’s the way we were. We were influenced by Christian advance, Christian retreat, and Christian schismatic war. We were not informed by a Caliphate. By Krishna. By Confucian canons.
You make a couple of silly assumptions which no-one challenged.
The economy isn’t sick. That is to say, recessions are within the normal cyclical nature of economies. FDR, that egregious traitor; Johnson, that corrupt old lawbreaker and Obama the socialist are no more capable of stoppping this than they are of stopping the tides. They claim victory when they had nothing to do with recoveries except perhaps delaying them with stupid and bankrupting policies.
Smart people plan for this and have, I don’t know, savings accounts and investments. Liberals want those people to pay for the poor planning of their neighbors. Poor social policy added to stupid fiscal policy.
You like to win? Become a conservative.
GBS, I wasn’t hanging out in this sewer when this Sybil thing came up. Care to share a bit by link or otherwise? I’ve been calling him Sifl, because Sifl is one of my favorite sockpuppets.
Sifl shouldn’t be tearing down the U of Chicago, scholastic home of Milton Friedman, St. Ronnie’s number one economic guru and the founder of the so-called Chicago school of economics, which is very popular with strong leaders like Augusto Pinochet. In short, friends of St Ronnie could get very cross!
Sybil @ 71
See 70.
Time to turn the steaks, won’t be back this time.
My work is done for today.
Cracky GBS, thanks for that link @70. That’s worth crawling through this gutter for all by itself.
@75 and 70: Well done, GBS.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a better, more succinct take down of the talibangelical “Christian Nation” lies.
@50 Hey jackass, the reason I used 2000 as the baseline is because it comes before 2001!
@51 Hey dummy, those are OMB’s estimates, not the White House’s. Try, you know, clicking on the link and reading the material including the little print at the bottom.
Roger Rabbit Quiz
Question 1: The March 2001 recession started in:
[ ] 1. April 1865
[ ] 2. October 1917
[ ] 3. November 1963
[ ] 4. March 2001
Question 2: Who was president in March 2001?
[ ] 1. Homer Simpson
[ ] 2. Jesse Ventura
[ ] 3. Bill Clinton
[ ] 4. George W. Bush
@61 Seems to me a Republican complaining about deficits is like Ted Bundy complaining about crime. The only president who balanced a budget in living memory was Bill Clinton.
@64 10 minutes is the average of the time it takes Democrats and the time it takes Republicans.
@64 “Why include non-citizens in determining representations???”
Read Const. Amend. 14, Sec. 2, and you’ll know.
@81 (continued) Even slaves got counted, Klown. Of course, that doesn’t mean they got to vote.
The wingnuts’ ignorance of basic civics concepts is appalling.
@71 “He made the reasonable observation that our standards were steeped in those of a Christian tradition leavened by Judaism and Aristotelian atavisms.”
And GBS made the reasonable — and legally correct — argument that no one … and I do mean NO ONE … can use government to push his Christian tradition leavened by Judaism and Aristotelian atavisms on anyone else.
This country may well have had cultural traditions based on Christianity leavened by Judaism and Aristotelian atavisms at its founding. But it has no political traditions based on Christianity leavened by Judaism and Aristotelian atavaisms.
America’s political tradition is religious neutrality, strictly enforced.
@72 If you think government policies make no difference to the severity or duration of recessions you’re stupider than stupid.
So you buy the fool notions of Keynes. Big deal. We all have our follies.
Re 85
So you buy the fool notions of Keynes. We all have our follies.
lost, every once in awhile you post something that makes you sound relatively reasonable. Then, we see the massacree (that is my intended spelling) of your two posts above. Keynes kicks Friedman in the ass, then shits upon his corpse. Every hour, every day. Sorry, lost. You lost.
March 2001 recession.
That was when Bush allowed his good friends at Enron to raise electricity prices in California by %1000 in order to make “reasonable” profits. California promptly went into recession. Lots of businesses went belly up.
What do you expect from low information voters?
@41…so it would seem that both parties are full of self serving hypocrites.
why am I not surprised?
fuck, the queers sure are out tonight…
LMFAO @ people who brag about internet beatdowns….fuck, grow up and get a life…
Maxie @ 92,
What the fuck is that supposed to mean, you squalid piece of shit?
@90…you mean like the “winners” that proclaimed they wouldnt have to pay for gas, food, or a mortgage if obama was elected?
is that the kind of edumacated people we should emulate?
I think not….
@94…go eat a dick..
@90….economic history is not your friend…
With all due respect, and it pains me to say this–really, it does–but, could you be as dumb as you seem to be?
@98…proud ball-licker, the only “pains” you are feeling are from the dildo stuck in your ass.
Maxie, sweetpea,
You are screaming for an award of some kind. Idiocy at your level requires reward. Did you actually have parents?
@100: Time for a Golden Goat!
when you two are done with your reach-around contest, please, clean up the mess.
For rhp, via Encyclopædia Britannica Article
Centz belches again, @73:
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot are you blarting about? Shouldn’t you disconnect your two typing fingers from your sigmoid colon before shaming yourself in public?
* Yesterday, in response to goldy’s wacky assertion that socialism saved Chile, I lauded Pinochet for bringing in the Chicago School, via Austria, to turn Chile away from Allende’s downhill socialist slide. Thanks to Pinochet, Friedman, Hayek, and the U of Chicago, Chile became South America’s success story. So successful it could afford the infrastructure that let it survive a Richter 8.8.
* GBS scored one direct hit with his Tripoli Treaty. He was/is uncharacteristically speechless and characteristically brainless about 492 pages of closely reasoned critique of Separation “doctrine,” a critique coming from the U of Chicago.
Here’s a wild-ass guess: GBS didn’t discuss, answer, or refute anything from those 492 pages because … he couldn’t and he can’t.
Why does a dog lick his dick? James Carville told us: Because he can. Why didn’t GBS even attempt even the pretense of serious debate and discussion? I’m telling you: Because he can’t.
What GBS can do and did was Hoover up a bunch of junk from dozens of Interweb sites steeped in anti-Christian bigotry. Then he puked up the junk here. And Zotz got turned on by the puke. Figures.
Then Roger @84 had another of his many many premature ejaculations.
Before GBS, Centz, Zotz, or Roger waste more of our time with more of their messes on the rug, they need to get acquainted with The Literature, the stuff that doesn’t get play on secular fundamentalist sites on the trash web.
More premature ejaculations from a jackass Democrat:
We’ve played this game before. I know when Clinton’s bubble recession began. I know how long it (officially) lasted. I know who was president when Clinton’s bubble recession of March 2001 began.
Ask your man Centz about estimates, aka guesses.
Ask the Dick Armey about Clinton’s balanced budget. When he had a Republican Congress holding a gun to his head, he discovered fiscal rectitude (didn’t discover any other kind of rectitude, though) and declared the era of gig government over. Then he built a bubble baseline for Rabbit.
Yes, he does buy the fool notions of Keynes, despite having apparently survived the vivisection of Keynes and Carter in 1979 and 1980.
God is alive and well. Reagan and capitalism did not die. Keynes is dead. Carter killed him.
As for Obama on Mt. Rushmore, am sure you’ve heard Rushmore doesn’t have room for two more faces.
Unlike you youngsters, Irgun Sifl Sybil actually suffered and endured the disgrace of voting, once, for Jimmy Carter. ISS is so ashamed.
The lovely, gracious, and brilliantly blonde Mrs. ISS tried to turn him from his folly, tried to warm him that a vote for Carter was a vote for untreated sewage.
But did ISS listen? Nooooooo.
As a consequence ISS is the lamentable wreck of a subhuman being you see before you now. Only the grace of a merciful God spares him from everlasting torment for the shame that dare not speak its name.
Let this be a lesson to you, children. Turn from your evil ways.
(This has been a paid political announcement from the Irgun wing of the born-again Jewish community, manoftruth Treasurer.)
warm him = warn him … heh heh
Actually, Didn’t have to delve into that topic because I didn’t need to.
A) I was right about all of my early American history, which you still refuse to acknowledge. I didn’t just use one treaty and one antiquated letter as you continuously repeat.
B) You were unwilling, or most likely, unable to refute any of the early American history I presented with objective facts.
C) Roger Rabbit, who, regardless if you agree with him or not, vindicated my argument from the legal perspective.
That’s why I didn’t get into a red herring discussion with you on a topic that doesn’t reconcile itself to historical fact. When you can do that, we’ll discuss more.
Good luck with your arrogance problem. Regardless of what you think, you’re not always right and this is one of those times.
As I said on the other thread I’m done with you unless you can present evidence this nation was founded of Christian principles.
This sums up why people call you a dumb ass!
“Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity. It is the mere Abracadabra of the mountebanks calling themselves the priests of Jesus.”
-Thomas Jefferson, letter to Francis Adrian Van der Kemp, 30 July, 1816
Even from the grave TJ, the Original D, kicks your ass.
God I love being a LIBERAL!!
Love to win, hate to lose. That’s why I’m a Liberal like most of our Founding Fathers!
How many times have I told you people to quit dropping quarters in GBS … aren’t you getting tired of the same old BS/GBS song?
Rabbit did not vindicate your argument because you have no argument. Rabbit had no argument of his own, unless I missed it. What he had and what you have is blatant assertion that emanations and penumbras of a wall of separation are somehow invisibly embedded in the First Amendment.
The U of Chicago book, whether or not you agree with it, makes it difficult or impossible to continue to continue to pretend that your phantom of separation can withstand strict or casual scrutiny. The book reflects a reality-based perspective that you and Rabbit, stewing in a mythology of mush, seem not to understand. You’re pumping irony, GBS: swatting at faith while your “arguments” come from a naive useless faith in fundamentalist-secular fable. The book, on the other hand, is about what was and is.
So perhaps you and Rabbit should read it. Then, if you think you can argue against it, your arguments might be worth our time. Quit dodging. Quit playing to your amen-corner echo chamber. Read. The. Book.
** Early American history: Is Roger Williams early enough? He first posited the “wall” that Jefferson tried, post hoc, to graft on the Establishment Clause. PH from the U of C explains why neither the wall metaphor of Williams nor its restatement by Jefferson is a reliable guide to anything except, perhaps, some local sectarian issues of Williams and the Federalist politics of 1802. Still with us, GBS, or is this over your head? Maybe you’re in over your sheet. Getting a little too nuanced for your bumper sticker “arguments” from the trash web?
Or are you totally on top of this history behind the “history” you hang out with? PH at U of C uses evidence, logic, and law to deconstruct Jefferson. Past time for you and your pet Rabbit to use evidence, logic, and law to deconstruct PH from U of C, if you can. Apparently you can’t.
** TJ, the original D (they called themselves Republicans then) was very often very wrong. He was wrong as a cheerleader for the French Revolution. He was often viciously wrong as a factional infighter. He was on the wrong side of slavery. Most important, he was wrong about America. He thought we were and would always be and should always be a fractionated nation of sturdy yeomen. Not much of a nation at all, in other words. More like a commune cobweb of back-to-the-land hippies. Hamilton, with all his faults, had a clearer vision and a better brain.
** Arrogance. I’m born-again Jewish. I’m agnostic about your anti-Christian bigotry, and am willing to give you the doubt and to give myself an out: Maybe your bigotry is more apparent than real. Perhaps you’re just dazed, confused, and misunderstood.
I’m also agnostic about the Bill of Rights. Unlike you, I won’t and can’t pretend to have strolled through the minefield of constitutional law. No arrogance here, GBS. The arrogance is there, coming from you. You seem to have a previous condition of certitude about what the First Amendment means, and you seem unwilling to challenge the simple-minded arrogance of your certitude.
** Dusky Sally footnote: lostatsea or somebody mentioned TJ and SH as if rumors are established fact. They’re not. They’re rumors.
** Homophobia. None here. In fact, I’m hot for Rabbit. Especially when he’s hanging out with Hef and the Mansion. His satin ears are a turn-off, but his little white tail starts me up.
Sort of sorry to beat you down in public like this, GBS, but somebody’s got to do it. You had a week to come up with facts, for a change, and arguments, for a change. You came back with shit. Can’t give you the swirly you deserve, so I’m letting you off easy. Just a beatdown. And I’m pulling punches because you’re not a total moron like Gman.
Sometimes things are what they seem to be.
You made my point, Dad. Thanks.
A male in Jefferson’s line may or may not have been Thomas Jefferson. That IS the point.
Best guess so far is that the great white father of Sally’s children was Thomas’s wastral brother.