86 readers have contributed over $2,900 to HA’s pledge drive, leaving us $600 shy of our $3,500 goal with only two days remaining. After a quick start, it now looks like we might come down to the wire.
Of course, I wouldn’t be asking for your financial support if I didn’t need the money, but the very fact that so many of you are willing to put up your hard earned cash to help me continue my work at HA is at least as gratifying as the money itself. If you are a regular reader, even a small donation is appreciated, so please help me reach my goal.
It’s Pledge Week at HA.
Please give liberally.
Hey wingnuts! Goldy gives you nutsacks a forum to spew your drivel. How much have you freeloaders donated to keep this site going? Big fat goose egg, I bet. Just like you didn’t contribute a fucking dime to http://www.operation-helmet.org/! Can’t expect cockroaches who don’t support our troops to carry their freight here, either.
Why should we Roger. Ragmar (or anyone with civility who disagrees with you) appears and you remind him this is a liberal blog.
Give liberally Roger. Come on, give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give liberally. Give till it hurts.
Did you liberals notice snything amiss at the BIG PEACE RALLYS last weekend? The actors and actresses there were/are the has beens and washed ups. From the dried prunes to the dumb and stupid. Even Jesse Jackson mumbled something.
Where was Alex (Alec) Baldwin? Remember he wanted to see the Cory Lidle NYC airplane mishap because he didn’t believe the police it was an accident? I saw he won a Golden Globe. His career is coming back playing heavies (yes, he looked a little fatter too)! I guess the sweet smell of success tempers you way out left liberal views.
KLake: What did you call that again? Something about barking at the moon?
Goldy: I see you hold power over your little troupe. Kind of like the Pied Piper. You blow your horn and they come a running!
I liked Rob’s calculations.
Take any one Thread and Roger pollutes it the most. Goldy, Roger should be your biggest contributor.
I would measure it by the FYs delivered in one entry. Goldy, Left Foot Nut should be your biggest contributor.
If you measured it by the person who dreams about other people’s wives and sisters, Goldy, RightEqualsStupid should be your biggest contributor.
If you measured it by the attack stupidity of going after the person and not the person’s message, Goldy Tree Frog Farmer should be your biggest contributor.
If you measured it by pure racial hatred, Goldy, Headless Lucy and Anti-Liberal should be your biggest contributors.
If you measured it by stuck Caps Lock Key, GOldy YOS LIB BRO should be your biggest contributor. He passed YO.
If you measured it by split-personalities, Goldy from her recently posted own words, Skagit would be your biggest contributor.
There are many more metrics one could use to determine who should be the biggest liberal contributor.
So liberals look deep into that black hole of hatred called your personality and meet David Goldstein’s date!
Take my advice!
Gee, wreckless, no one up at your house to talk to? You lonely again? Still?
Fuck you!
The problem with begging is you can’t stop. Once you get your cash for this month, will you come back next month for more? At least John Barelli’s action was functional and on-going.
I’m glad for all of you who contributed to keeping Goldy going. It is kind of like public radio – some fools have to pay the bills so the rest of the freeloaders can watch.
The only problem is it becomes tedious. And reflects poorly on your character. Too bad you can’t find a way to support your hobby with some creative solution. Seems like right-wing bloggers have figured out how to support their blogs without begging.
Let Janet S define who has bad character? That’s like letting a child rapist decide what constitutes child porn!
The right wing blogger have indeed figured out how to support their blogs without begging. It’s called lying!
Janet S reveals that she’s a freeloader on public radio, too.
The movie stars at the peace demonstrations were Sean Penn, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon and Alec Baldwin. They all have recent movie credits and films in the pipeline, and Penn and Robbins won Oscars in 2003. Even Jane Fonda has a movie coming out this year.
What “has beens and washed ups” is witless be referring to? Oh yeah, I forgot. Facts are a liberal requirement for making assertions, wingnuts just make things up.
Harry – since when is begging a sign of good character? Right-wing bloggers have real jobs, and they blog as a hobby. They don’t expect the world to support their play time. Those who are serious are setting up business models of advertising to support their blogs.
Yes, I do not contribute to public radio directly. My tax dollars support it. When they stop feeding at the public trough, I’ll consider donating.
re 10: Charter schools and all defense industries feed at the public trough. If your job is in any way related to a defense industry, you are feeding at the public trough.
You are feeding like a pig.
re 10: The drug industry feeds at the public trough. Halliburton feeds at the public trough.
But where you see problems is when people want decent affoedable medical care.
I can forgive you for being stupid, but I can’t forgive for being mean and stupid.
Reckless/Mike Webb Sucks/Puddy/etc. @4,
Perhaps if we added together all the comments coming from your various aliases, you might turn out to be one of HA’s heaviest users?
Reckless/Mike Webb Sucks/Puddy/etc. @4,
Perhaps if we added together all the comments coming from your various aliases, you might turn out to be one of HA’s heaviest users?
I’m shocked at the news of this sock-puppetry – shocked, I tell you.
Oh, I can’t lie. I’m really not shocked in the slightest.
Lies and more lies, you Republics never give up.
Puddybutt et al get outed. HE HE HE! What an inbred moron.
In other news….
Republican crook number 283,899,332 is now on the hook.
How long until we get Puddybutt et. al. in orange jumpers?
Puddy your ugly wife says hi.
2 et seq. Goldy must be doing something right, because you, rob, and klake spend a lot of time on this blog!
@6 “janet s says: … some fools have to pay the bills so the rest of the freeloaders can … 01/30/2007 at 8:11 am”
Which are you, janet — fool or freeloader?
@6 (continued) “janet s says: … reflects poorly on your character. Too bad you can’t find a way to support your hobby with some creative solution. Seems like right-wing bloggers have figured out how to support their blogs without begging. 01/30/2007 at 8:11 am”
Yeah, rightwing bloggers take Rev. Moon’s blood-soaked drug and arms trafficking cash! How does that reflect on THEIR character, janet?
@10 “janet s says: Harry – since when is begging a sign of good character?”
You’ve got us there, janet … for once I have to agree with you. If you blog on HA, you’re hanging out with people like janet s, kiropunk, rob, klake the nazi, mark the lying welsher, and the rest of you wingnut cockroaches. Pretty slimy crowd, on the whole. Fortunately, we have some honest liberals posting here to help forestall the total corruption of truth and decency by you lying wingnut scumbags!
@13 Pudwhacker’s using the old Revolutionary War trick of running from one tree to another, firing from each tree, so the Redcoats will think there’s a whole army shooting at them instead of one guy.
janet s @ 10:
Yes, I do not contribute to public radio directly. My tax dollars support it. When they stop feeding at the public trough, I’ll consider donating.
How much are you contributing to NPR through your tax dollars?
I figured my tax contribution came to about $5 on a nice, fat techie income.
You can do this too. It’s easy.
The 2005 Federal budget allocated 480.4 million to the CPB.
(Source: CPB Annual Report http://www.cpb.org/aboutcpb/re.....report.pdf)
The revenues of the federal government (your taxes) were estimated at 2.036 trillion for FY 05
(Source: OMB Historical Report FY 05 http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/.....f/hist.pdf)
So, this being the case, we take 2.036 trillion, divide by 480.4 million, which gets us that for every $1000 in revenue (taxes), 20 cents goes to the CPB.
The observant may note that the CPB is not the sole funder of public radio. National Science Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, and a few other sources provide grants. However, the CPB is the primary source of funding, and CPB also funds PBS. Thus, we’ll fudge and say that NPR’s total federal receipts is less than the total CPB outlay)
I pay about 20-25 grand a year to Uncle Sam. So, assuming it’s been a good year, and I’ve paid 25 grand, by the 20 cent calculation, I kick in about $5.85.
How much are you paying?
Goldy says:
Are you going to “out” the lefties that use multiple aliases? It only seems fair. And I have no doubt that there are some outside the obvious, i.e. “Mrs. Left Foot” and “Mrs. Rabbit”.
Oh the shame Puddybutt – Oh the shame. Will you now run away and tuck your tail between your legs having had your ass kicked for the 1,283,383th time in your life? What a pathetic little punk. HE HE!
Colonel Tucker “Biff” O’hanrahanrahan says:
re 10: The drug industry feeds at the public trough.
really? and how do you figure this? i would love to see you explain this one.
and JSA@22….still bragging about your huge income? then why aren’t you paying all goldy’s bills? isn’t that what you guys are always telling EVERYONE ELSE to do? “….on a nice, fat techie income.” uh huh….so the rest of us shouldn’t be worried about goldy at all.
I kicked in. Did you?
goldy….WOW….”Goldy says:
Reckless/Mike Webb Sucks/Puddy/etc. @4,
Perhaps if we added together all the comments coming from your various aliases, you might turn out to be one of HA’s heaviest users? ”
you have truly sunk to a new low haven’t you?
well, at least there is proof now that you are never going to be a real journalist….and now everyone knows that you can’t be trusted at all.
to be really fair why don’t you tell us how many sock puppets you have? wally ad nauseum………
jsa….absolutely not. and for a very good reason. next month it will be the same thing. all you are doing is encouraging goldy to not be responsible with his FUTURE. and then when you pass by the huddled mumbling pile of rags by pike street market in a couple of years… i hope you remember that you contributed to his downfall.
and, obviously, you didn’t contribute much at all. why with you “big fat techie income” you should have made his worries go away with one check, right?
Exposing pudwhacker’s various identities is highly appropriate. He consistently proclaims his moral righteousness, special insight, higher level of being, etc. The reality is he is delusional, disingenuous, and ethically challenged. Do you have a problem with shining a light on hypocrisy?
Here come the concern trolls again, trying to do right by Goldy! Don’t beg, Goldy, it’s for your own good!
I wonder if they have the nerve to say shit to the homeless people they pass?
cg @ 27:
Gee, since when is Puddypud/wreckless/mws etc a confidential source? Since when is letting everyone know that a poster is posing as several individuals compromising that persons confidentiality? He/she is still secure.
The only thing that has changed is that we now know this motherfucker is a fucking liar. Wait, we knew that already.
conyoufirst at 23:
Hmmm, I have a laptop. My wife occasionally picks it up and uses it. We use the same internet service when we are on separate computers, and both have the identical IP number.
The six or seven posts my wife has left here over the last few months do not compare to the 1000’s of posts left by MWS and all his various monikers.
You are truly a piece of shit for pulling that kind of argument.
As for Mrs Rabbit, all of her posts are humorous. They too are few and far between.
You are intellectually dishonest and morally bankrupt in your argument.
ghost @ 28:
First, you’re argumentative for the sake of being argumentative. It’s annoying and frankly boring.
I’ll toss out that the sky is blue today in Vancouver. Since a liberal said it, it’s self-evident that it is wrong. Put your big brain to work and refute it.
Second, being fortunate does not equal a bottomless bank account. I still have to work for a living, and will probably do so for the next 20 years or so. I have an income, I have expenses. The first is bigger than the second. The rest gets invested. Some gets donated to worthies like Goldy for good karma.
I don’t think Goldy is going to wind up in rags in front of the market. He has a saleable trade, it pays him all right. If he spends his time doing documentation for Real or Microsoft, he will not be spending time on this blog, and we won’t have a sandbox to play in. This would make me sad.
If I were a billionaire and was in the position of having more money than I could spend in three generations, we could talk about writing checks to make David’s financial problems go away. I don’t have that sort of money, and never claimed to (I recall I said “it beats washing dishes”, which is true). I suppose I could objectively write a big check and pay his expenses for a month or two. That would constitute a large chunk of my discretionary funds, so it’s not going to happen.
You have a false tautology in your head which is “liberal” == “financially foolish” and “conservative” == “financally smart”. If 6 years of rising deficts with 3 branches of government under nominally conservative rule haven’t put lie to that, I don’t know what else to tell you. I’m sure in your brain, you can blame it on the left somehow.
Tlazolteotl….i don’t “pass” homeless people…i help them.
proud leftist……..i think hypocricy should always be exposed. that would include goldy’s don’t you think?
but, let’s keep this in context. this is a blog where people come and argue with each other under fake names, right? we all accept that…and how many of you actually believe that all people are being honest with you on here? come on….
what goldy did was nothing more thyan a temper tantrum….and it showed what little moral fiber he has. you and i both know that goldy shills on this blog under other names constantly to pad his numbers, so for him to “out” someone is smarmy at best.
it shows a definite lack of character.
when you are driven by ego alone you are doomed to failure…….
Amen. Have you ever noticed how liberals can explain their positions with lucidity, but conservatives can just hurl talking points?
jsa…….”I don’t think Goldy is going to wind up in rags in front of the market. He has a saleable trade, it pays him all right. If he spends his time doing documentation for Real or Microsoft, he will not be spending time on this blog, and we won’t have a sandbox to play in. This would make me sad.”
very valid point. and that’s why you sent him money.
he could have a saleable trade but he is stuck in 10th grade…name calling, childish tantrums and no professionalism. if you think he couldn’t end up in rags you are delusional.but if it makes you feel better to enable a very talented person into the gutter so you can have a “sandbox” to play in…okay. at least admit it.
and for the record…i don’t think liberals are financially “foolish” as much as i think they are selfish. they want everyone else to pay for everything. look at you, you COULD write him the check but you don’t because you are [rightly] thinking about your own future first.
and in reality, you are probably thinking the same thing i am about goldy’s situation. he is too smart and talented to be sitting in his cold house begging. he needs to get off his ass, and get real about what he needs to do to succeed.
and , i must add, that if you think that liberals alone tossed out the spending happy republicans in this last election you are sadly mistaken………
Moonbat!s I created Reckless to prove no matter how you speak to a Moonbat!, nasty or nice, they are nasty.
Reckless called everyone by their real name.
Reckless was polite.
Reckless asked legitimate questions.
Reckless never challenged Goldy’s scratchy voice.
Reckless never challenged Goldy’s Koro’s disease.
Reckless never called YLB – Clueless.
Reckless never challenged FroggyASS!
Reckless never swore at Carl Grossman.
On, and on and on!
Yet all of you attacked Reckless.
MWS was created to be mean spirited just as Mike Webb was on the radio.
Goldy is the ULTIMATE ASS. He can’t being challenged. Goldy doesn’t want an intellectual argument. He wants ASSKISSERS! I knew the PIED PIPER comment would strike Gold!
Goldy you’s a sucka! I’ve figured out your hot buttons. Trust me Moonbat!s, I figured out
Roger Rabbit – Pelletizer, Furball – Truth Teller
Tree Frog Farmer – Killatroll
YOS LIB BRO – Clueless
RightEqualsStupid – Left Turn
Goldy didn’t need to tell me. Your posts showed your true colors. This shows how stupid the Moby Trolls are. They can’t change.
Nuff SAID!
Proud Leftist: Your posts demonstrate how dumb you really are. Yet you claim how “superior” the Moonbat! is.
Meet me downtown Seattle Federal Building. Bring your charitable receipts. Bring your personal charitable actions. Yes, I am morally superior to you. You sit on your fat lazy ASS waiting for the government to spend tax money helping the poor. Then you complain about Faith Based Initiatives which help the poor. We wouldn’t need these initiatives if you weren’t the lazy Mofo you are.
Can you dig it Sucka?
I doubt puddy knows who he is.
He gets caught then wants us to think this was all just a grand social experiment. What a liar.
My suggestion is that we just ignore him.
And just how much time does this moe-ron have to be online ALL the time.
Where is auntie-liberal. I wonder if that was pussypud too?
The x-mas hag is truly a sadsack of . . . .whatever. She has so little going for her she must rail and wail here on HA. Not much of a life, eh, HAG?
Your political idiology took a big one on November 7. They’l take a bigger one in 2008. Sucks to be so out of touch with reality, doesn’t it?
Carl Who Sucks His Left Nut: I overlooked your swearing when you mentioned you did 2 weeks in Katrina land. I thought, wow a compassionate human being. Swears a lot but he isn’t like most Goldy Moonbat!s of the Northwest Division of Lunatic Moonbat!s.
Well today you proved me wrong. My Bad! Go back to sitting on the couch sucking your left nut. I explained in full terms what happened to me in the Navy. I volunteered jackASS. The Navy said you don’t need to apply, finish school! So don’t chickenhawk me stupid Moonbat!s. Most of you will be looking for military cover when Hilary misses the first nuke that crosses the southern tier!
Carl, WTF? Who you calling pussy?
Carl: I know who I am. I contribute back to the ghetto in Philadelphia, not some Bala Cynwyd suburb Goldielocks grew up in and says Philadelphia on his resume. HE has no clue of the ghetto. My second cousin is a Philly cop. I know the deal.
I posted by Google my locations. Did Goldielocks?
PS I am not Anti-Liberal. Goldy would have said so. Sorry journalist skill set!
Most of the most egregious trolls here on HA have multiple deficits. Janet S., who is so concerned about Goldy’s characgter, at last check had a had a room-mate of the opposite sex with a different surname. As I recall, Janet S. claimed motherhood. . .does this make you “liberated” Janet, or your child illegitimate?
DarrellRecklesslySucksButtPutty lives with a woman of the same surname who is nearly twenty years his senior. Darrell, do you rerally live in your mother’s basement?
Froggy boy, all 5’6″ of you, typed “do you rerally live in your mother’s basement?”
Huh? Excuse me did you say something? Was it English?
Wow. The post at #37 is a 7-layer burrito of crazy.
Duly noted. [snicker]
Froggy: First name boy! When you blog to me use your first name. You do have a first name or is it Sissy?
BTW What is butt putty? Something you get when a libtard calls 1 900 Suck-Rog?
Froggy: Life dealt him a bad hand and he’s made it worse. How hard does Froggy work for his worthless existence?
ATJ: You wouldn’t know the truth even if Clueless plagiarized it!
Tell me ATJ, since you’re the self-appointed Genius of ASSHeads; are those four moron names not equivalent? Did the voice of fingernails on chalk board tell them to me? Did Reckless get attacked when he blogged nicely?
Dismissed by natural stupidity!
Puddybutt you are so busted. Fuck you – you little punk. I fuck your wife every night in the name of all that is liberal. What you gonna do about it asswipe? You had no credibility to begin with. And now, as only you can manage to do, you’ve somehow found a way to go from zero to LESS than zero. What a piece of shit loooooser you are. No matter we KICKED your cowardly ass in Nov.
Hey Ghost – you sound a little nervous. Are you afraid you’ll be outed next? Maybe you should run and hide like a good little right winger before you find out that you’re in over your head here on a liberal blog.
@51 (lefturn in drag)
With posters like you, who needs enemys.
With posters like you, Goldy need friends (givers).
I Believe you are Leftturn. You post just like him/her. Puddywhoever is right.
Leave Christmas Ghost Alone, she/he contributes, that is if you like a good debate…..(Oooops forgot who I was posting too)
Left Turdball@50: Do you realize your brain is popcorn? I know where my wife is and it’s ain’t with you.
1) My wife despises libtards
2) My wife like big ones. You don’t possess one!
3) My wife likes the city. You are too country.
Keep thinking you’ll score with a woman someday, but that fudge packing act is getting tired!
I would not mention your service record. You must have confused me with someone else.
As to the swearing, it is an effective tool. I don’t harbor anger when I use that language, it is just a tool used to elicit reaction. Nothing more.
Again, while I disagree with you posting under so many names, and MWS sure did his share of swearing, I would not mention your service record in any manner.
There are too many other non-sequitors in 50 for sane commentary.
Keep up the Moonbat! work Left Turn. No Boy in the Boys and Girls Club will bond to you! Yo momma’s calling.
Tell me my service record Left NutCase!
The person who lives under so many FYs doesn’t try to elicit a reaction. It demonstrates the real person.
Ever read Dr. Freud?
Nuff Said!
Left NutsInACase: You didn’t elicit a nasty reaction in Reckless, yet you swore like a drunken sailor. Maybe that’s why you sit on the couch or you want to meet people in bars?
Looks like we’re witnessing a Jeff Goldstein-sized melt-down here at HA. Pop some p-corn, and settle in.
ATJ: HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR. You are a Hoot!
Posting here is a hobby. Working, supporting my family, helping others, giving to charities, being productive comes naturally. I sense you are missing many of those qualities in your life. And whom did you help this past year? How much of your largesse did you give to help others? Come on down to the Seattle Federal Building. Bring your receipts.
I get it. You are here because you love Goldy but hate me. It’s okay ATJ. I don’t hate you. I dislike your politics but I don’t hate you.
I only hate Headless Lucy!
I don’t even hate Left Turdball. His problem hasn’t been diagnosed yet. The cure is somewhere in the distant future. He’ll live with his disease until he dies!
It is a fascinating fantasy, Isn’t it, ATJ? This simpering little psychotic who lives in his mother’s basement truly is a nutcake melting down before our eyes.
someone who is so insubstantial that he has to post under a dozen screen names. . .and continually stack up more and more unreal claims to some grandiose existence.
Darrell. . .you are pitiful.
A hobby? This is your full time obsession. I have no idea about your service record. I don’t care enough to find it. You accused me of saying something about it and I never did.
If you prefer the Federal Building in Seattle, instead of a bar, fine. I just thought a beer and conversation in a comfortable, public place would be fun. I can’t invite you to the house, Teresa would have a coronary. Besides, Elvis Pupsley hates conservatives. They never have good treats.
You are a sensitive little twit, Puddypud.
Grow up!
Puddybutt no doubt is posting from the sex-offender unit at McNeil Island. How else would this cowardly cunt have time to make 1000 posts a day under different names.
Here’s the deal – there are 1000 liberals here and one winger. This is about the same ratio in the real world. And the wingers manage to steal elections by having someone like Puffybutt vote 1001 times.
If you get Puffybutt to go out into public and make the claim he’s a vet, get it on tape. It’s a crime to pretend you’re a veteran when you’re actually just a draft-dodging coward.
Oh, well. Looks like someone’s meds kicked in. It was fun while it lasted.
kiroking…thanks….they only attack when they are threatened.as per this classic example…..
Tree Frog Farmer says:
The x-mas hag is truly a sadsack of . . . .whatever. She has so little going for her she must rail and wail here on HA. Not much of a life, eh, HAG?
Your political idiology took a big one on November 7. They’l take a bigger one in 2008. Sucks to be so out of touch with reality, doesn’t it?
wow…i didn’t realize that i had such a chilling effect on you that you have to “focus” on me.
well, if i don’t have a life because i am posting on HA then what does that say about you and the others, hm?
yup…it’s a real thinker.
my political ideology [is that what you are trying to say?]? why would an election shake my ideology? don’t be silly. actually…it didn’t bother or worry me one bit. do you really think that ONLY DEMOCRATS voted those guys out? are you this delusional?
i am registered republican but i vote for who i think is the best person…always. i really do follow “it’s not who is right, it’s WHAT is right”
you should try it…it just might change your life for the better.i can honestly say that i would vote for a democrat if he was the best person…can you say that about a republican?