So according to this nice internet astrology person, on Valentine’s Day the Moon Will Really Be in the Seventh House, and Jupiter Will Align With Mars!
Valentine’s Day 2009 is the actual Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. I shit you not. The mind’s true liberation, etc.
I must say that as an Aquarian who is married to a woman born on the same day of the same year, albeit a thousand miles apart, I am kind of enthused about this.
Plus I had this song burned into my brain as a child riding around the suburbs in a white and red AMC Gremlin with pushbutton AM radio.
Good times.
That song is permanently associated in my mind with the end of “The 40 Year-Old Virgin.”
It’s a nice song. I had the album back in college and I can still hum most of the songs. But astrology is a crock.
@1 I assume all of this country’s 40-year-old virgins are doing life without parole for crimes they committed as 10-year-olds. It’s pretty hard not to get laid, even if you’re not trying to get laid, and who’s not trying to get laid?
The album has been on the turntable since I saw this. Forgotten how much fun it was.
I think its fair to say I’ve known about this for sometime.
They even pulled me on stage at the 5th Avenue after the performance of ‘Hair’
Yeah, I’m a DFH!
The Fifth Dimension version with Let the Sunshine In was a great song. Billy Davis, Jr. and Marilyn McCoo.
That’s Billy Jr. taking the vocal lead on Let the Sunshine In. It just doesn’t seem right to listen to Aquarius with out it leading into Sunshine. Mmmm, love that tempo change.