People keep wondering how far Trump will have to go before his supporters have had enough. And I think the answer is never. Trump’s supporters support him because he’s a violent criminal who supports other violent criminals. Of course racism is part of it. But they also support him because he assaults women. So there is no too racist, too violent, too criminal.
Some like him for his small penis.
Comprehensive tax reform? It’s barely getting any mention in the business press. Hill staff remain mum. Hill leadership remains mum. And they still have to tackle the debt ceiling and the budget. Unified control of the entire federal government following a twenty five year build up of ideological posturing and in the end they will be settling for a couple of modest additional tax credits aimed at favored industries. No Obamacare repeal. No restructuring of the federal government. No spending cuts. No revolution, “conservative” or otherwise. Just lots more angry conservative yelling, gun waving, and posturing (including domestic terrorism) with nothing to show for it. And time is running out. Only a few months following the recess before the mid term campaigning and fund raising must go into overdrive. Debt ceiling negotiations and modest budget concessions will dominate. Then time’s up. Is another Nazi torch rally really going to help?
You forgot there’s no too Nazi.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
So, his speech sucked, but whatever you thought of it, Trump is still a Nazi. And that’s really all that matters.
At some point DNC fund-raising deficits might begin to matter, too.
You guys realize that this shtick is how you got President Trump in the first place, doncha?
You’ll never know it stuck inside the Nazi/KKK/HateMedia/#TrumpCar event horizon but in Real Non-Hillbilly/Treason America we all agree it was this “shtick”.
And it’s comforting to know that, stuck as you are inside that Nazi/KKK/HateMedia/#TrumpCar event horizon, defending your party’s support for Nazis will only hasten his departure.
And yours.
@ 4
It’s the comment immediately below your linked comment, so it shouldn’t take long.
Who was it who made it possible for classified emails to show up on the personal laptop of a pedophile in the first place?
Ah, yes. That’s right. The woman who referred to half of Trump’s supporters as a “basket of deplorables”.
Again, how you got yourself President Trump in the first place. It
blew up in your facesdidn’t work for you in 2016, but Goldy and Carl are doubling down. GLWT.You got him. And you get to keep him. And along with him you also get to keep this.
And this.
Maybe even this.
Looks like lot’s more of this.
But whatever you do, don’t “think on that”.
Just keep blaming “The Blacks”, “The Jews”, “The Mexicans”, “The Arabs”, and PMS. Oh, and “the emails”. Mustn’t forget those terrifying emails. Yikes.
Just curious, Dumbfuck. What made you decide that right now, today, was the right moment for you to resume trying to blame the filthy “libbies” for the biggest mistake you every made?
You obviously have a bunch of “uncertainties” about Fuckface and the direction he is taking American “conservatism”. Although we could hardly expect a lofty political genius like yourself to ever admit it was a mistake. You do however appear absurdly determined to lay the responsibility for Fuckface at the feet of the dirty “libbies” you despise so.
But as his overwhelming popularity among American “conservatives”, his sweeping aside a field of eminent alternative Republican candidates, and your long and very well established track record of support for him, his family, his businesses, his statements, his policy proposals, and even his shitty neck ties so ably demonstrates to everyone outside the Fuckface/Nazi/DeathCar event horizon, you folks did this injury to yourselves. Again.
But why now? Was it the eclipse? Did you forget to wear your approved glasses? Did the UV burn a hole in the portion of your brain where fifty years of nodding and shrugging to white supremacy, trans-vaginal probing, and “locker room talk” used to live?
Since we’re talking, I’ve got another question for you, Dumbfuck.
If you American “conservatives” really do have serious misgivings about the way Fuckface is bear-hugging Nazis, alienating strategic global security partners, rage-tweeting away Republican party unity, and pretty much blowing the shit out of your “conservative” domestic political agenda, why don’t you just call him out for it, even a little bit?
Are you people really scared of this guy and all his pals on 4chan?
@3 yeah, we know. And no thanks to you, You dumbfuck. It would be wonderful for another 7 years of this – let’s continue!
@7 me love the new direction!!!!!! Embrace it!!! Don’t listen to the Dumbfuck Doctor he doesn’t like Humpty Dumpty, it’s obvious that he is sour.
@7 me love the new direction!!!!!! Embrace it!!! Don’t listen to the Dumbfuck Doctor he doesn’t like Humpty Dumpty, it’s obvious that he is sour.
@8 scared of Humpty Dumpty!???? No, they love their Nazi Party!!!
@ 8
21,899.89, for one thing.
For another, Republican unity often isn’t such a good thing. Same way as Democrat unity isn’t; by now you might have figured that out for yourself. You’d take a President O’Malley right now, right? So would I, but that wasn’t my primary, and you and your ilk stood by while your leaders
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
27 May
initiated and successfully completed the Dr. J Clearout for Madame Pantsuit.
You apparently think the struggles of conservatives attempting to enact a domestic political agenda under Trump @ 8, such as tax reform @ 2, are worrisome to me, but let me clue you in on something, Sparky. Absence of tax reform is why I retired this year instead of 5-10 years from now. My aversion to the current tax rate, plus the Pease amendment add-on and the NIIT, caused me to say Fuck It and retire early. Let someone else pay those rates, because I’m content bowing out and doing what I want to do while I am still healthy enough to do those things. Drop rates by 3-5%, and stop yammering at me on the boob tube about how I don’t pay my fair share when I get home from my 12 hour days, and maybe I might decide to keep working instead. My life is better, as a retiree, because conservatives don’t get everything they want. So why should I speak up? I’m happy with having scored Gorsuch. For now.
So keep it up. Point out those high marginal rates as proof of conservative failure, or whatever. I need only to silently remind myself that when the offshore tax holiday finally arrives, it will be at a substantially lower rate, and I’ll be in a substantially lower tax bracket.
Oh, and unlike Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, I can wait until that day eventually comes. The past several months during which you guys have been telling me that the GOP is a failure have actually been very lucrative. Good times eventually end and instead of selling naked puts I’m now selling covered calls. Either way there’s an up-front premium, and I can defer the tax bite until 2019 by riding the option to its expiration in 2018. What’s not to like?
Keep screaming at statues of dead guys and calling everyone you disagree with a Nazi. It will take your mind off how much trouble the DNC is in these days.
Gone Galt as well as Fuckface. I think I detect a pattern.
Only when you consistently, and repetitively champion that agenda. Other than those times…
I suppose all those things you so frequently criticize?
Like Goldy and Carl calling folks like you Nazis whenever they, oh I dunno, dress up like Nazis, hold Nazi rallies – that they call Nazi rallies, march and chant Nazi slogans, kill people for disagreeing with them, and then suddenly back-peddle and insist that they are “moderate Republicans” and that many of them are really “fine people”.
I mean, what were Goldy and Carl thinking?
Goldy and Carl must be behind this.
That’s the only possible explanation.
Hey, seriously Dumbfuck. Good for you for retiring. I never would have become a doc. Low reward relative to effort. Well, that and I had to repeat calculus. To have to work that hard, and be put through so much humiliation, grinding drudgery, numbing routine, hellishly long hours, only to have high school drop outs waste your days begging you for opiates, ignoring your instructions, and tying up the system you work so hard to support by shoving foreign objects up their asses.
I think you made the right choice, regardless of tax policy. At least you can say you ultimately survived and avoided the appallingly high rate of suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, divorce, depression…
Oh, wait. On second thought…
Never mind.
“21,899.89, for one thing.”
Impressed, are you? Pathetic. When the DOW reaches 50,000 your Nazi in chief will have finally matched Obama’s gains.
“Dow would rise to 50,000 if Trump matches market performance under Obama”
“Keep screaming at statues of dead guys and calling everyone you disagree with a Nazi.”
Um, they ARE Nazis. And they aren’t just statues of dead guys, they are statues of dead Southern white traitors erected to advance the foul cause of white supremacy.
You’re welcome.
Well surely Врач немой ебать was an hysterical geyser of praise and support for The Kenyan Usurper when he saw those gains. Wasn’t he?
(Rhetorical question, I’m sure I already know the answer)
Something must have been different about Obama. Something. Hmmmm. I wonder what it was?
Still you have to admit, Obama had some help. Coming out of the gate, anyway.
@20 Hmm, I missed this thread, I must have been busy watching the eclipse. What do we have here? Doctor Dumbfuck griping about calling people Nazis who call themselves Nazis? Figures. Not much going on here. Same old shit. And they wonder why we don’t vote Republican.
@17 A good reason to never live in North Carolina. Would you want the people who elected that guy as neighbors?
For anyone to have stayed quite about the racism and fascism demonstrated in Vagina Land by the Nazis, but then comment about statues is just pathetic and the individual must be a Nazi sympathizer.
…when the offshore tax holiday finally arrives…
Is that before or after repeal of the ACA, sucker?
Live on your knees.
Any day now members of both of our National parties will admit that we love fascists and NAZIs in the United States. In spite of all our chest thrusting about WWII we forget we did not declare war on Germany. We got in the war when we were attacked by Imperial Japan (definitely not fascist just strange bed fellows) and then Germany declared war on the US. Resolving our little the Pacific or Europe first issue.
Then after the war we did project paperclip and well the Apallo program was grand, even if there was a black side to it.
We loved Franco. We loved Baptista, until he was not our boy. We loved Saddam Husein.
The world number one NAZI is that fellow in charge of North Korea. He’s a fascist and a NAZI. He and his father have starved millions of their people and continue to do so. NOw if we are serious NAZIs then we got a mess of them in North Korea so we better go clean em out. Right? Or maybe we are spouting off a whole lot of hot air and bullshit.
It is not going to win many votes for Democrats at the ballot box.
Shorter 27,
@27 Idiocy in full flower.