– Dear the Stay-at-Home Daughters Movement; Even by the standards of purity movement, you are creepsville.
– Dear the guy whose superPAC opposed Congressman DeFazio; Pay your damn taxes.
– Dear anti-abortion groups; I already knew you were awful, but this is low, vile, disgusting and awful even for you.
– Dear Mars Hill; You are gross. Just a reminder.
– Dear murder weapon enthusiasts; You aren’t helping your cause.
– Dear everyone complaining about how there’s a do nothing Congress; No! Have a little look at the important work Dana Rohrabacher is doing!
Carl Ballard
Who could have imagined? Everyone!
This is why people hate goverment. Nobody is held accountable for waste, fraud and abuse.
Teabaggers in particular, They are all outraged out by refugee kids that are going to be sent back and ignore this financial disaster. The kids might cost them a penny, the tunnel is going to cost them tend bucks, yet they slaver on about the children. Why don’t they focus on stuff that matters?
@1 It’s the Seattle Way. Study replacement options for the Alaskan Way Viaduct. Then ignore common sense, public opinion, and proceed with the least feasible, most expensive, and riskiest option. Oops, the drill hit a rock, so now we’ve got $150 million of damage and a 1-year delay! Who could possibly have foreseen this clusterfuck? We didn’t know there are rocks in the soil around here!
Don’t blame the Seattle voters. Seattle voted against the tunnel each time it came up on the ballot.
Of Course, Global Warming Can’t Be Responsible, Because It’s A Hoax
The Boston area was hit with a destructive tornado, the first anyone there can remember, in conjunction with a powerful storm that struck the East Coast this morning. Weather patterns seem to be shifting in lots of places. I wonder what could be causing that?
Well, well. Satanists to use Hobby Lobby to block pro-life propaganda
“Hm, not sure if the Catholic men on the Supreme Court saw this one coming. But you know, unintended consequences and all.”
“Vast methane plumes escaping from the seafloor” discovered in Siberian Arctic Sea
Vast methane plumes have been discovered boiling up from the seafloor of the Arctic ocean on the continental slope of the Laptev Sea by a dream team of international scientists.
Because the Siberian Arctic contains vast stores of methane ices and organic carbon that may be perturbed by the warming waters and Arctic climate, Arctic ocean and Siberian sea methane release could accelerate and intensify Arctic and global warming.
On the bright side, if we can tap that methane we won’t be dependent on the COAL OR OIL COMPANIES.
Not surprisingly, states with high debt delinquency rates tend to be the right-to-work-for-low-wages valhallas of the south. http://www.cnbc.com/id/101868025
One Day In The Life Of An Arkansas Chicken Farmer
The deals are so bad for the farmers that companies like Tyson resort to recruiting suckers from immigrant groups like the Hmong who don’t understand how American capitalism works and can’t read the fine print of the contracts that lock them into serfdom, because they’ve already gone through everyone else.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: For the big corporations, it’s a sweet deal: The farmers get all the business risks, and the corporations take all the profits. Of course, no one who can read would sign a deal like that. So they have to recruit farmers who can’t read and don’t know a thing about Arkansas’ corporate economic culture.
Meanwhile, over on Stefan’s moribund little political blog, Jim Miller is shedding crocodile tears for “starving children in Asia” because the ILWU — one of the few unions left in America that still has any bargaining strength — is, you know, refusing to work without a contract.
A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU Lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx.
“Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”
At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.
“How old is this rock, pinhead?”
The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian”
“Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now”
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears.
The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.
Semper Fi
Jim Miller is whining because longshore pickets threw rocks at a security guard and hassled state grain inspectors. This behavior isn’t nice, but then, when have bosses played nice? Miller’s complaints would be more credible if he had, say, decried American troops in Iraq shooting babies in the head; but I don’t remember him ever posting about that. His antipathy to violence is selective. Maybe because rightwingers typically react to atrocities by threatening to kill the whistleblower who exposes them, and we can speculate that Miller may not want his conservative buddies taking a shot at him for criticizing the wrong violence. Around that crowd, it’s pretty safe to criticize violence by “union thugs,” but otherwise to stay in their good graces you probably should talk about committing violence against this or that group (with liberals, Muslims, and government employees high on the list).
@10 It would be funny if it wasn’t contemporary anthropology.
@5 How about going one better with a form that says you’re exempt from the “informed consent” law because you belong to the Satanic Temple and “the devil is making me do it”?
Why You Should Quit Your Job And Never Work Again
I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: Working is the worst way to get money there is. Workers are disrespected, mistreated, overworked, underpaid, and taxed the most. Meanwhile, capitalists are running amok, and with the unions crushed, workers are powerless against them. Here’s an example of what I’m referring to:
“Michael Cembalest, J.P. Morgan’s chief investment officer, has calculated that reductions in wages and benefits were responsible for about 75 percent of the increase in corporate profits between 2000 and 2007.”
Now, which side of that equation do you want to be on, the corporate owner or the wage slave? As Republicans enact more anti-union and anti-worker laws in more states, and push more tax cuts and taxpayer subsidies for businesses, things will only get worse for workers while stockholders enjoy a never-ending and ever-fatter gravy train.
The answer, obviously, is to quit working and become a capitalist. If you weren’t born into a rich family, and that’s most of us, you’ll have to accumulate your stock portfolio a little bit at a time. It’s not easy, but it can be done, given time. Stop buying “stuff” and buy stocks instead!
I started investing in 1982 with just $2,500. Now, I make about the U.S. median household income — over $50,000 a year — just from stocks. Without lifting a paw or doing a lick of work. In fact, I’ve gotten so fat after I quit working and became a capitalist that it now takes a derrick and winch to lift my overweight carcass into a Medicare scooter.
I know it sounds crazy. Why should a lazy, unproductive, good-for-nothing rabbit who sleeps in late every day and doesn’t do a lick of work get paid better than people who get up at 6 a.m., fight commuter traffic, and slave away for a boss all day, year after year?
The answer is our system sucks up to capitalists at the expense of workers. It’s not because I’m worth more (are you kidding?) or more deserving (I’m not), but because I choose to be a capitalist instead of a worker. It’s as simple as that. Own instead of owe. Save instead of consume.
Yeah, I know, if everyone does that it’ll bring on the mother of all depressions. But who will care what the unemployment rate is when everyone is a capitalist and no one works anymore? Do we really miss dinosaurs? If working becomes extinct, will you miss your job? That’s where we’re headed anyway under Corporate Offshoring Capitalism, so you might as well get ahead of the curve and start living the future now.
“An entire nation, but for the wealthiest 10 percent, is downwardly mobile. The share of jobs at the bottom of the economy grows as the jobs at the middle vanish. The United States now has the highest percentage of low-wage workers—that is, workers who make less than two-thirds of the median wage—of any developed nation. Fully 25 percent of all American workers make no more than $17,576 a year. That’s what the disappearance of unions and the loss of worker bargaining power means to the economy.”
So what’s the end game? When conservatives and corporatists get everything they want economically, and it looks like they will, what kind of society will we be? One with surplus human beings, that’s for sure. A social caste labeled “takers,” seen as a burden, and — ? And from there, it’s only a short step further to …
Texas is the GOP’s crown jewel. But that state is rapidly becoming more Latino, and in Texas, Latinos vote 2-to-1 for Democrats. But only 16% of them vote. If Democratic field organizers can turn that around, Democrats may be able to snatch Texas away from Republicans. And losing that state’s 38 electoral votes would make it nearly impossible for a Republican to win the White House.
The Seattle Times is baring its anti-union fangs again — but this time is pretending to be “neutral” in Washington State’s biggest ongoing labor-management dispute.
Locked-out longshoremen have been protesting at a Vancouver grain terminal. Their protests have prompted the state agriculture department to pull out its inspectors; and without inspections, the grain can’t ship.
The Times, in an editorial published yesterday, says Gov. Inslee should allow the industry to pay for State Patrol protection for the inspectors, so the grain shipments can get moving. That, the Times editorial board says, “is the neutral position.”
But it’s not a neutral position. Halting grain shipments is vital to labor at the bargaining table. Industry has already hired strikebreakers. If the grain ships, the strike will be broken and the longshoremen will have to settle on management’s terms.
The Seattle Times’ anti-union position is clear in what it says should happen if Inslee won’t adopt the “neutral position”:
“• Failing that, the Department of Agriculture — which is under Inslee’s control — should accept the company’s offer to hire private security for the inspectors.
“• And if state officials insist on their position, then Washington’s congressional delegation needs to step in and convince the U.S. Department of Agriculture to provide the inspection service itself, as it does in every other grain-exporting state.”
In other words, the Seattle Times’ position is that if Inslee won’t gave in to industry pressure to get the grain moving again, then someone else should step in to get the grain moving again — and then the strike will be broken and the union defeated.
Given the Seattle Times’ track record, can anyone doubt it has adopted the pro-management, anti-union position once again?
An Arizona neuroscientist is in jail after taking a loaded AR-15 rifle to Phoenix’s Sky Harbor airport. Carrying a gun in the non-secure areas of the airport is legal. Carelessly pointing it at a terrified mother and her teenaged daughter is not.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This jerk claims he was just exercising his “constitutional rights.” If he exercises his constitutional rights in my direction, I just might exercise my statutory right of self-defense. St. Joseph’s Hospital in Phoenix can always find another neuroscientist somewhere.