We recently hired a new college graduate. I am a little thrown by her using phrases sincerely that I would only make with a hint (or more) of irony. I don’t know what to do with “woot” when it’s just a genuine expression of happiness.
I guess my question is, is this confusion how the olds feel when I use “rad”?
Recounts are so gay.
“Recounts are so gay.”
Not as gay as your comments.
Now do Maxine Waters.
Goldy Retweeted
Peter Baker✔
Just guessing, but this is probably the first time a president has threatened to investigate a new opposition-controlled House before it even takes office.
If I were Dems, this is what I’d lead with:
Goldy Retweeted
Kombiz Lavasany✔
Replying to @kombiz
Per the DLCC – Dems have now flipped 350 state legislative seats
Just don’t let YLB ruin it for you.
Hope and Change is alive today!
Wall Street sure loves a Repuke setback or rebuke!
Puffy? RIP or Rest in Hell!
Big night for criminal justice reform, minimum wage hikes and fair redistricting.
These are the winning issues for 2020.
Those and legal weed.
Team blue is up 3000 in GA-06
That’s where Dems ‘wasted’ a bunch of money on Ossoff a short time ago.
Meanwhile, Trump is promising to bully the Democrats into bipartisan cooperation. Nothing’s changed except now we’re the ones issuing subpoenas and rendering witness oaths under penalty of perjury.
@1 Don’t worry, your pal Scotty Walker doesn’t need one, he’s well out of range. Of course, stories like this a day before the election probably helped.
I think it was Dumbfuck pondering who the stars are that come out of last night are.
Hickenlooper – CO. Outgoing Governor who in eight years turned a lean red state into a solid blue state with control of all levels of power in D hands.
Newsome -CA sure his race was easy but now he’s been the mayor of a major metropolis, a Lt. Governor and a Governor. Did anyone notice how handsome and telegenic he is while staying always on message?
Warren – MA. Face it GOP. She sucks up all the air in the room and all the GOP can do is go racist and mysogenist and 100 women just won.
@1 Oh, and one more thing: Tester won.
I’m waiting for dumbfuck to tell us Herr Drumpf won bigly last night. (N.B., Herr Drumpf himself already has.)
Yo, Dumbfuck
Attorney General Keith Ellison. Go ahead and say it.
“Did anyone notice how handsome and telegenic he….”
I noticed that about 10 years ago. How could anyone not notice. And Bob won’t be able or will have to go far to dig up that he’s a homophone.
Yours truly is so disappointed that we can’t quite yet gloat, oh hell, why not:
dino… 4-time.. lossi..
LMAO! That’s so kewl about Ellison.. donkey show doc rubbed itself off dozens of times to attacking him “menendez fucking” style..
And yeah, what’s with the babbling butthole? Surely the freak can put HA HEROES FIRST today now that yertle has two more years to make the world a worse place.
donkey show doc tehdumbfuck is abusing the donkey all over that shit.
Read Roger Rabbit’s full post-election analysis here:
Yours truly reads that a fucking nazi sporting an “R” next to its name got
56,000 votes…
Heh. Significant. If only the freak had put an “N” next to its name. What would be the grand total then?
buehler? buehler?
Oh shoot.. Now how about…
that fucking wall?
the people have spoken. It’s a freaking waste of taxpayer money.
Trump just fired Jeff Sessions, and the temporary replacement is a critic of the Mueller investigation who undoubtedly has been ordered to shut it down. Whether that can be done remains to be seen, but there’s no way that wouldn’t look like a coverup.
Carl, as my son says, mimicking a popular YouTuber,
Too funny! donkey show doc tehdumbfuck farts a fantasy that yours truly is some kind of threat to dem gains last night..
lmao.. the freak should have been committed when it went off the rails over “menendez fucking”.. and “keith x”..
“cerebral, serious” donkey show doc tehdumbfuck..
Stock Market really loving the results of the election! Probably the best one day gain in over 6 months. How about that. Kind of like 3.1 wage growth since 2009.
Woot! Woot!
Hey Bob, one of your friends is going to prison.
Woot! Woot!
Fuck No!
We need more tax cuts! Read my lips! No new taxes!
Elections have consequences!
But, but, but, but Hillary! Benghazi!
Poor Bob (man I feel for that horse), he’s got a fucktard representing his Repucilan Party.
Woot! Woot!
@24 Today’s 545-point gain is no larger than some of the 1-day declines we saw last month, but in any case, the market doesn’t like uncertainty and I think this reflects the removal of election-related uncertainties. Also, Wall Street prefers a split Congress over one-party rule, because partisan bickering keeps politicians out of their hair.
Trump will now push for a “middle class” tax cut, and if Democrats refuse, he’ll use that against them in 2020, and if they support it, he’ll argue they were complicit in his deficits. And the jackasses who go around wearing his “MAGA” hats will swallow this b.s. whole.
Good thing for Doctor Dumbfuck that he spikes the ball on the 50 yard-line.
“Rep. Keith Ellison wins bid for Minnesota attorney general despite abuse allegations”
“And yeah, what’s with the babbling butthole?”
Doctor Dumbfuck left the loon strung from a tree. And I told the loon not to hand out with white supremacists. SAD!
Oh yeah what ever happened to that tax scam that “benefits all levels”?
The “winning side” was supposed to run on that. What happened there?
Economy’s doing good huh? That’s all drumpf’s doing, right?
Yeah right..
@32 It’s telling that #winning ran on “terrorist caravan invades U.S.” instead of “the economy is doing great” or “tax cuts lift all boats.”
Oh yeah vlad putin’s favorite republican congress critter, rohrabacher got booted last night.
the filthiest republican.
good f’ing riddance
@1 Your homophobia is showing, but I guess we will be seeing more of that now that Trump in his mind has the green light to spread his “white nationalist”. Sieg Heil, Mein Feuer Trump!
As I said a couple of days ago, the market likes a divided government because it means the government is more likely to get involved in gridlock instead of attacking the wealth-producing portion of our society. Right on cue, the markets closed up over 2% for the Dow, S&P 500 and NASDAQ for the day.
I made some buys last month in anticipation of this phenomenon. Looks like it was a good decision. Buy low, sell high.
In other news, Michigan voted for legal recreational cannabis, and Utah and Missouri approved medical marijuana. That is quite a victory for common sense, the Constitution and individual liberty. With Jeff Sessions finally going home to Alabama for good, there’s a very good chance we can actually end this eighty-year-old nightmare of having a weed made illegal.
We should all be so proud of our POTUS Trump, he really showed the world his presidential style and class during his press conference, specifically his love and affection towards Jim Acosta: https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/07/media/trump-cnn-press-conference/index.html
Class act that Trump is!
But wait, round two: fire the Attorney General. I mean come on, if the free press is the, “enemy of the people”, what does that make Jeff Sessions, given that he was one of Trump’s supporters?
Trump will whack Mueller, Yertle will stick his head in his shell, even if the Democrats can investigate, Trump has him man on the court that will defend him to the end. These guys make Shrub and Cheney look like stellar leaders.
Hillbilly gonna hillbilly.
Radio Pundits are Stupid….
I heard three different ones pointing out how interesting it was that Democratic Senators who voted no on Kavanaugh were all defeated and the only one who voted yes won (Manchin). It was almost like someone posted a meme on Breitbart and they all went with it.
Tammy Baldwin
Debbie Stabbenow
Kristen Gillibrand
Elizabeth Warren
Sherrod Brown
Tim Kaine
Ben Cardin
John Tester
Martin Heinrich
Maria Cantwell
Diane Feinstein
Did some Dumbfuck try to make a bet or proclaimed that some dead guy was going to show up here right about now or already past due?
Damn. That Dumbfuck gets nothing right.
Dr. Dumbfuck was pushing that meme last night and as you point out, it is bullshit.
You can’t fix stupid.
24 hours, that is all it took to have Trump really ramp up is dictatorship leadership style. Removing access for Jim Acosta to the White House briefings (https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/07/media/trump-cnn-press-conference/index.html) and firing the US Attorney General.
Any bets on how long Mueller lasts? 1 week? 2 weeks? Trump is going to make the “Saturday Night Massacre” look like child’s play. Somewhere Richard Nixon is smiling because he is about to be replaced as the most reviled POTUS ever.
Yet, and this is simply amazing, people like Dr. Dumbfuck just love the guy and keep praising and supporting him.
What happened to decency and the rule of law when it comes to political leadership? I guess it is true, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Please! I don’t buy into this bullshit.
Wall Street Journal –
Dow Surges Nearly 550 Points
Election results remove one source of angst, as a split Congress will make radical policy changes less likely, analysts say
Come on, for the last two years they weren’t worried about it, and it didn’t stop the gains then. This is complete bullshit. Sorry I don’t buy into it. There’s got to be some other type of fart that explains today’s gain.
@36 “instead of attacking the wealth-producing portion of our society”
The wealth-producing portion of our society is the workers, who are constantly under Republican attack. Capitalists like me produce nada. We get paid for owning the means of production. Less for workers, more for me. I won’t vote for that, but I profit from it. I didn’t create this system, I just go with the flow. Sitting here on my fat rabbit ass collecting dividends sure beats fighting commuter traffic and dealing with bosses, coworkers, and customers. I respect the workers, but I don’t envy them, and I sure as hell don’t want to be one of them. Work is the most disadvantaged and disrespected way of getting money there is. Nobody should work if they can get out of it. Everybody should be a lazy, good for nothing, unproductive capitalist like me, because that’s what the system favors and encourages.
“Yet, and this is simply amazing, people like Dr. Dumbfuck just love the guy and keep praising and supporting him.”
I don’t know, doc Dumbfuck has been afraid to reallly show up today. Tells me that he’s embarrassed by this fuck too, just doesn’t want to admit it or show that. He’s a closeted Never Trumper
@41 “What happened to decency and the rule of law when it comes to political leadership?”
That’s not a problem for them, because they never believed in it.
The scary brown caravan just disappeared without a trace!
It’s a miracle.
Future headline
“House Intelligence Chair Adam Smith announces Lead independent investigator of house investigation into Russian interference with electoral process Robert Mueller.”
Remember all those reports that Mueller was waiting until after midterms to deliver his findings. Well he’s been around a long time. There’s no way that FOIA related material stays secret if Mueller is removed. There’s tons of Security Cleared Ds on the computer that will get the report on the way out the door.
4 TIME….
woo hoooo!
I don’t believe for a second that Dr. Dumbfuck is embarrassed by Trump. He plays his part as the foil to the HA crowd just a little too well.
By allowing us to post with anonymity (much to the anguish of Shortbus) it allows a tad more freedom to express our thoughts in ways that might otherwise be slightly muted if posting under real names. Some might engage in a bit of hyperbole because of it, but the thing is, Dr. Dumbfuck is just a bit too consistent in his “role playing” and you can tell by his dialog when his feefees are hurt and that is when the real core beliefs come through. Try as he might, he can’t hide that he really is homophobic, racist, and mysognistic, just like his boy Trump is.
Trump is allowing people like Boob to come out and openly express their bigotry. Problem is he lives in a very liberal part of the state so it is still not as acceptable to really flaunt it. If he were in the deep South, hell, he would proudly display his KKK membership.
Dino… 4 time.. Lossi…
that makes 33 Dem flips in the House of Reps..
@47 I can’t say I know how that works, but my understanding is the House majority, exercising its subpoena power, can obtain it from DoJ. So my guess is they’re looking for a way to ensure there isn’t a report. And I’ll further venture that if Trump can’t subtly quash Mueller’s investigation, he’ll do it overtly, figuring risking impeachment is preferable to risking prison for himself and his entire family, except I’m not sure how much he cares about his family.
@49. “Try as he might, he can’t hide that he really is homophobic, racist, and mysognistic, just like his boy Trump is.”
I wouldn’t disagree and actually agree 100 percent with that but I still think that Bob is somewhat embarrassed by The Hump’s approach, or feels some guilt about being that way and/or the current situation. I think this is more of Bob playing this as the Yankees vs Red Sox competition, with each side having their own bigots but more so the team he is cheerleading for. And he’s a avid fan of his team and not going to swallow any pride.
Aside from this competitive folly and support of the GOP actions, I don’t see where Bob, on a daily basis, states specific support and agreement with Trump himself in the first person.
@52 continued – I could be missing it but I don’t even see where Bob speaks or refers to his support to “President Trump”, he’s more so bantering of Republican vs Democrat. He doesn’t even speak out in any actually debative way that has any substance.
I think what you guys are missing is that as of noon yesterday PornSweat’s criminal defense team have their eyes on everything in Rosenstein’s files. And they are in a JDA with at least 16 other potential co-conspirators.
Mueller’s criminal investigation ends here.
Justice Ginsburg fell. She fractured three ribs and liberal hopes for the future.
Democrats will control the House for two years.
Republicans will control the judiciary for a generation.
Rumor is RBG ‘fell’ during an interview with Jim Acosta.
She’s smarter than you, works harder than you, and is far healthier than you. Your stent is fraying Dumbfuck. Starting with Doug Jones, through these mids, with each committee hearing, and every subsequent Rossiesque defeat it grows weaker and more frayed.
@ 42
There’s got to be some other type of fart that explains today’s gain.
It’s a relief rally. With divided government nothing really can happen that will disrupt Wall Street. If Dems had taken the House and Senate the market would have fallen. I suspect that had the GOP held the House the market would have fallen.
The GOP did well enough in the Senate elections that even 2020 will probably wind up with a GOP-controlled Senate, which means that economically there will be a check on the Democrats’ power at least until 2022.
This election was good for the market and good for the economy.
@ 57
Funny you should mention Doug Jones, QoS McHillbilly.
I’m reading that Sessions wants his old Senate seat back. Doesn’t help your chances to reclaim the Senate in 2020, BBC lover.
Speaking of committee investigations lets dispense with the idiotic premise that Democrats can risk investigative “overreach”.
In the history of the universe what every prosecutor everywhere has always known is that investigations don’t make a target look like an innocent victim.
Investigations make targets look guilty.
That cost you a few more popped fibers.
Elderly patients who sustain blunt chest trauma with rib fxs have twice the mortality and thoracic morbidity of younger patients with similar injuries. For each additional rib fracture in the elderly, mortality increases by 19% and the risk of pneumonia by 27%. As the number of rib fractures increases, there is a significant increase in morbidity and mortality in both groups, but with different patterns for each group. Further prospective study is needed to determine the utility of epidural analgesia in this population.
Amy Coney Barrett warming up in the bullpen.
I’d like to believe that Yertle is singing from the same AM Hate radio propaganda hymnal as you trailerbillies. But he’s not quite as stupid as you people. Every tough vote for Doug Jones is a tougher vote for the 20 class 2 Roypublican Senators like Collins, Gardner, Perdue, Ernst, and Tillis.
How’s it gonna look forcing a confirmation vote on a guy like Whitaker with a criminal fraud background? Could have waited until Jan 1st and avoided that. But your President RageTweet lost his shit overnight watching the returns come in and blew it.
@ 63
Interim. He’s interim.
No confirmation hearings for that.
Can we be done with Dino now?
Hotair calls on YLB:
Exit question: How strategically stupid must you be to organize an actual mob against a right-wing media star, replete with video, after Republicans just cleaned up in the Senate campaigning against progressive mobs?
A desire to impeach a sitting Supreme Court justice because you think ‘boof’ means something else fits YLB to a T. Girlfriend, you might not be original, but you’re becoming infamous anyway.
@55 Predictably, Doctor Dumbfuck gloats and jokes about a senior citizen suffering broken ribs in a fall, colored by twinges of regret that she’s still alive, because he’s a Republican dumbfuck. This is what they are now.
“Girlfriend, you might not…”
Got issues, Doc? Maybe this dating app will help.
“New dating app for frequently rejected conservatives gets hilariously mocked: ‘Should have called it Incel-Match’”
You’re welcome.
@62 my great grand mother died after suffering a fall down the stairs and breaking her hip (or what ever happens with the hip injury – fracture?), but she was like over 95 years old.
Pretty much the hip injury did her in.
@58 Imagine how big the relief rally will be if Trump and his trade policies were to disappear.
@68 If that doesn’t work, this might.
@58 The smart money prefers checks and balances to unbridled Trumpism.
Another night, another nut with a gun, another mass shooting.
This time, there were half a dozen off-duty cops in that dance hall, but they couldn’t prevent it. Kinda blows holes in the NRA’s and GOP’s argument that the best solution to mass shootings is “a good guy with a gun.”
Personally, I think preventing bad guys, crazies, and kids from having access to guns is a better bet.
I wonder if Trump will try to appoint a temporary justice while Ginsburg is in the hospital? No confirmation needed …
In Trump’s White House, conflicts of interest are okay. The boss has them too.
Based on incomplete returns, Democrats received over 4.2 million more votes than Republicans in House elections, and a whopping 12.5 million more votes in Senate elections.
D – 51,706,917
R – 47,478,706
D – 46,233,083
R – 33,654,038
@ 73
Personally, I think preventing bad guys, crazies, and kids from having access to guns is a better bet.
California had a law to do this.
Sheriff Geoff Dean said his department had had several interactions with Long, including a call to his home in April for a complaint of disturbing the peace. Deputies at the time said Long was irate and acting irrationally, Dean said. They called in mental health professionals to evaluate him, and they concluded he did not need to be taken into custody.
Since 2014:
Dino Rossi was in King County Superior Court today seeking a Domestic Protection Order. Women keep beating him.
Thank you ladies and gentleman, you’ve been great. Don’t forget to tip your waitress!
Goldy misreads a news item.
Shorter McMorris Rodgers: “I really did not enjoy a tough campaign, and so I will not run for reelection in 2020.” https://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/house/415749-mcmorris-rodgers-wont-run-for-gop-leadership#.W-SOgC4lmDs.twitter …
1. She won’t run to retain her leadership position. The piece says nothing about her House seat.
2. She won her race by double digits, and gave away two-thirds of what she raised during the 2018 election cycle to others.
3. Her seat is as safe as she wants it to be. Imagine how she would have throttled Brown had she decided to spend the extra money rather than sharing it with others.
Maybe you’re still drunk or hung over, Goldy. Whichever, you’re wrong.
Now that’s a GOTV operation.
All 19 black women running for judge in Texas county win
@77 No one claims gun control always keeps guns out of wrong hands or will prevent every tragedy. But even a dumbfuck like you should be able to figure out that sensible gun regulation is more effective than no gun regulation.
@79 Right, she’s merely taking a demotion in what’s left of the GOP House caucus because she can’t hang onto what she has.
donkey show doc @66 is so in love… not since the “menendez fucking” days has the freak been so inflamed.
“cerebral, serious” and too damn funny!
Setting aside the constitutional challenge this interim appointment will trigger, had you Teh Dumbfucks waited until Jan 1 you’d have until the end of 2020 to postpone confirmation. This gives you less than 12 months at best.
A constitutional recess appointment is good until the end of the next Congress. This guy will get you until June at best.
McGahn is gone. There’s nobody in the shop now to prevent these kinds of fuckups.
Temper, temper.
We don’t call him Teh Dumbfuck for nothing.
Resigning her leadership is the first thing a good party hack does before stepping into a lobby partnership.
She’s done. She’ll time her announcement. But that seat is open in 2020.
A Republican judge who lost on Tuesday retaliated against the voters for electing a Democrat by releasing violent juvenile offenders and claiming “this is what the voters wanted.”
This is what Republicans are now — petty, vindictive, and irresponsible.
Recount “likely” in Florida gubernatorial race.
To give you some idea of just how stupid Teh Dumbfuck is defending PornSweat’s temper tantrum, even Mr. Justice PubicHair has insisted that principal officers may only be appointed through Article 2, and not through FVRA. Even FVRA requires that an interim be another Article 2 appointee with Senate confirmation and not a rank and file employee. Whitaker, of course, could never make it through confirmation because of his past (recent) criminal associations.
And all this could have been avoided had he just waited a few weeks. That was in fact the plan that McGahn and Yertle put together. And it would have worked beautifully too. This is…
More importantly, Republicans wield power like a revolver pointed at the electorate. PornSweat’s voters are okay with it until it’s pointed at them. And it always is eventually.
“Donald Trump’s new attorney general once said that judges should be Christian and proposed blocking non-religious people from judicial appointments.”
– wonder how he’s gonna handle LBGTQ issues of justice. Impartial?
Well, it was two years ago tonight that my political career ended. It was my turn to be President, dammit! Why didn’t those Midwestern states vote for me?
I should have got my staffers to get more votes from the dead people, convicted felons and illegals in those states. All it would have taken was a bit more money from the swells of Hollywood, Soros and the other billionaire progressive criminals.
Ann Coulter may actually be a dude.
But I’d still fuck her.
@92 I’m not surprised. You’re like Doctor Dumbfuck’s penis. You’ll fuck anything, and it doesn’t have to be female, human, or living.
Hey, speaking of congresswomen electing not to run for leadership positions:
Rep. Linda Sanchez’s husband indicted for corruption
Thursday afternoon, Sanchez released a statement in response to her husband’s indictment.
“Earlier today I learned that my husband is facing charges in Connecticut,” she wrote. “After careful consideration of the time and energy being in leadership demands, I have decided that my focus now needs to be on my son, my family, and my constituents in California.”
Sanchez, the current vice chair of the Democratic caucus, recently dropped out of the race for Democratic caucus chair, citing unspecified a “family matter.”
You know, when I read ‘family matter’ I just assumed that her sister Loretta had embarrassed the family – again. My bad.
@89 We’ve already gotten glimpses of that. When Trump loses, he blames his supporters. Nothing is ever his fault.
@94 This is what Doctor Dumbfuck taking a victory lap looks like.
That may be the saddest thing yet in his decline.
Sanchez doubled her Republican opponent’s vote count.
McMorris Rogers held on by a few thousand skinheads.
Teh Dumbfuck “wins” like a dgenerate gambler.
Marco Rubio is out there making an ass of himself stating that Democrats are trying to steal the election and there should be no recount.
Florida Law:
Current margin with some absentees on Broward apparently still to be counted:
Governor .4%
Senate .3%
A recount may not change that but it is the law, Marco. You are saying the law must be ignored.
@94 I’m wondering if their sexual orientation had anything to do with it….or maybe if they were gay they would have gone on The Love Boat instead of the Kentucky Derby.
Ass-holey White rich people sure do love those fancy restaurants just like the tech bros, eh Dumbfuck? Only these rich people just want McFood places with cloth napkins.
Eagle’s Landing, GA vote to succeed from the ‘peasants’ did not pass. (There’s a Pawnee/Eagleton joke here somewhere)
This is really why the DJIA was up in the last 2 days.
“Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), who is expected to chair the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee when Democrats assume the House majority next year, has a goal: producing a major infrastructure bill providing $500 billion for highways and transit, plus additional funding for airports and water projects.”
from ENR Website –
November 7, 2018
Tom Ichniowski
Trump gave away the big tax cut..and did nothing for Infrastructure spending – his bill was nothing…even the Democrats plan isn’t enough. Reinstate the taxes and spend $1T!
In his role as Governor, Rick Scott has just ordered Florida State Police to ‘supervise’ Broward and Dade county absentee vote count.
Ordering troops to get involved in an election where you are the candidate. “And I’m proud to be an American where at least I can be free!”
@102. These peoples’ lives are nothing without their power. Shamefull motherfuckers.
Long Live Ireland. True Home of The Free and The brave.
So while Florida keeps counting speculate for a moment….
Nelson ends up a hold (in just the last few hours the vote margin has shifted to “mandatory machine Recount” under Florida law to “Mandatory HAND recount.” < .25%
Nelson Holds, AZ flips. Sinema now has a lead of 9,000 and the only counties with significant #s of ballots left are D leaning. AZ is probably going Blue.
All that crowing Dumbfuck has been doing and the final numbers are 51-49 and the GOP still needs to please McCaskill, Susan Collins already knows she’s in for a huge fight in 2020 with well financed opposition AND Cory Gardner of now solid Blue Colorado and John Kyl of appointed to fill a term and just watched the GOP lose an AZ seat are looking down the road to 2020 and seeing a great disturbance in the force.
Again, just speculating that our last remaining troll will get really quiet
And meanwhile GOP in FL and AZ are suing to not count ballots. Good messaging going forward. “They literally tried to throw your ballot away. But nevertheless, we persisted.”
@98 Marco has always been a lightweight. He looked like a marshmallow in the 2016 debates.
@104 I would guess all of those people are looking at the fact that Democratic Senate candidates got 12.5 million more votes than Republican Senate candidates in this election cycle.
Without question, Trump isn’t a popular leader. Without question, the public is pissed. Without question, Republicans have tied themselves to an anvil and must sink or swim with him in 2020.
Yeah, they all know how to read election results.
I’ll admit the initial election returns were discouraging in some respects on Tuesday night but they’re looking better as they come into focus and we get a clearer perspective on them.
It’s still conceivable the GOP could end up 51-49 in the Senate. That would be an incredible defeat.
Even if FL does end up a slim win for Scott…
After two years of “Democrats are in deep trouble because of the number of Senate Seats they must defend and GOP will pick off WV, MT, MO and ND and maybe others where Trump won, blah blah blah.” and the final result is they only gained ONE seat.
The number of GOP Senate seats is exactly where it was when the ‘total winner, great ratings, the greatest’ took the oath and they lost the house?
That’s embarrassing.
Wherein Republicans complain about Democrats trying to “steal” the Florida elections.
That’s like Vikings complaining about being pillaged. Nobody’s gonna feel sorry for them if they are.
@104 “Again, just speculating that our last remaining troll will get really quiet”
No he won’t, in fact he will come out swinging. It will be, “Hillary lost in 2016 and will never, ever, be president.” Or it will be, “Hey libbies, Hillary was a truly awful candidate and she chose to skip states, blah, blah, blah…” Oh he might toss in a barb at Obama every once in a while but he will never admit that Trump has been a fucking disaster on many levels. Like Trump, he will defend the indefensible, and when it gets really tough, puff his chest up and say, “Oh yeah, and it was 20 to 1.”
Hillary is all he has, that and harping about GE stock, which he should have shorted (below $10 today). Just a one-trick pony.
@110 “Just a one-trick pony.”
Actually, that pony has turned more than one trick for him, because he can’t get anything inside the house anymore.
Trump’s new acting attorney general is a scammer.
Judge Halts Keystone XL Construction
“A federal judge halted construction of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline on Thursday, in a blow to the Trump administration and a win for environmental groups. US District Judge Brian Morris found that … use of a 2014 environmental review to justify issuing a presidential permit for construction of the cross-border pipeline violated the National Environmental Policy Act, the Endangered Species Act and the Administrative Procedure Act, according to the court order issued Thursday.”
Good for the judge on that ruling. However I don’t think that will really stop Trump and his ilk because, you know, the rule of law is for the little people and people of color, Trump and his clan have proven they think they are above the law. How many of Trump’s close advisors are now felons?
Look at Florida, Marco and his bitching about a recount when the law is clear.
Time to call in Jimmy Carter to monitor elections in Florida because it seems to be worse than some despot third-world countries.
@114 “Look at Florida, Marco and his bitching about a recount when the law is clear.”
It’s grandstanding to the GOP’s ignorant base. Rubio is a lawyer and veteran politician, so it’s not possible that he doesn’t know what Florida recount law is.
107, 108,
The greatest political acheivement of the past year will be Yertle convincing a nation of beer drunk trailerbillies that his management of the GangRape nomination was a huge success.
The rage-firing of Sesh grows more barnacles.
Turns out Kelly is a subject of investigation by OSC, and is engaged currently in an ongoing legal battle to avoid being interviewed.
That may implicate his direct involvement in the firing of Sesh. Obstruction I think they call it.
This is what you get when angry man-baby is overworked and loses his shit at 4 am.
Those damn interest rates again (DJIA negative territory). Pfft (fart sound)….anyone know the proper way to indicate a fart sound?
I wonder what the fuck would happen if they knew that Puffy was lynched?
@118 If he raptured, would that be considered a holy lynching?
As usual the GOP is going to court to block votes from being counted.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A Republican is someone who’s against letting Americans vote in their own country.
@120 fuck, they don’t want some Americans to even live in this Country.
Puffy found that out the hard way. Steve tried to warn him.