Obviously, fuck the trans military ban. Fuck Trump ans anyone who helped him implement this garbage. Fuck you if you support the ban. I mean we’re in the middle of unending wars or pseudo war, and your concern is telling people their gender. Even if it was peace time, fuck you.
Can we at least agree that glow-in-the-dark nail polish and lipstick are not good things for infantrypersons to be wearing?
Roger Stone arrested and reports that Bannon was directed by the camaign to reach out to Wikileaks through Stone to get knowingly illegally gathered information.
Who gave the directing?
We’re at the point where ‘Layla’ is playing while the bodies are uncovered and the montage of gangsters in handcuffs plays across the screen.
Hey, how many Obama administration and campaign officials went to prison?
Stone was forced to shuffle into his arraignment fully shackled.
No, but you let them mentor you prior to your improbable run for the presidency.No, but you trade five of them to get back a traitor, and then wonder why it wasn’t received well.
Oh, and a reminder to Dems: you don’t negotiate with terrorists.
And first out of he gate is a homophobe!
Well done.
Shut it down!!!! Shut it down!!!! Suck cock. Shut it down!!!!! Eat ass. Shut it down!!!!! Shut it down!! Suck cock.
Just keeping the Shutdown homoerotic for Bob.
@ 2
Hey, how many Obama administration and campaign officials went to prison?
Wrong question. You need to ask how many Lynch DOJ officials have either resigned in disgrace or have been removed.
You could also ask how many of Hillary’s minions took the Fifth.
But really, what counts is this question:
How many nominees for federal judgeships
did the Trump administration make this week?
Hillary didn’t need to go to jail. Not really. It was enough that she be tarred sufficiently to lose.
Trolln’ Trollin’ Trollin’ Steph and co. are trollin’
Golden State Warriors Snub Donald and Visit President Obama while in DC to Play Wizzards
Wife of the dumbest Trump and campaign advisor Laura,
Now do high Earners Tax and Estate Taxes and Marginal Tac Rates.
@ 8
Look who’s not in the photo. Maybe he was behind the camera.
Well THAT’S going to play well in oversight comitee testimony
OK, who’s gonna be first to change their user name to Frankie Five Angels?
With flights delayed you’d think this would be bad. There’s a pure-play ETF of airline stocks, US Global Jets, stock symbol JETS.
JETS, right now, is a bit up on the day.
Libbies, doesn’t it hurt your goodies, twisting your panties as you do?
Frankie ends up dead, Teh Dumbfuck.
Looks like maybe Credico not quite as
dumb“honorable” as the averagecriminalTrumpublican.@ 14
Che ended up dead, too. Didn’t seem to hurt T-shirt sales none.
from Twitter: “Trump will be the first person since Osama bin Laden to ground all flights in the US.”
Between this and the Stone arrest, this is some next-level F5 Friday.
Boy is Trump gonna be pissed when he gets out of bed this afternoon.
Can’t fly commercial? How much could a private jet cost, 10 dollars?
Drudge says there’s a temporary agreement to end the shutdown.
Good thing, too. Dow was in danger of falling below a 200 point gain on the day.
@ 16
You’re becoming a clown, Red.
Gee, Carl, Drumpf doesn’t want trans people to get hurt, that’s all. He’s looking out for them. Remember what the purpose of the military is: To cull the poors by sending them to the military-industrial-complex’s endless wars. He’s according them the same privilege he extended to himself during the Vietnam war — not serving — a privilege coveted by my entire generation. What’s not to like?
@1 Mebbe you should ask someone who’s actually there.
Trump seems to think retailer discounts are an adequate substitute for paychecks.
I may be the only poster here who has actual experience of what Trump and Wilbur Ross are bloviating about, i.e., the compassionate largesse of the business community to government workers when their Republican bosses don’t pay them.
I lived through this back in 1981 when Gov. Spellman, Washington’s last GOP governor, didn’t pay state workers during the Reagan Depression.
Faced with weaker sale tax revenues because of declining retail sales, Spellman decided to make a little extra money by leaving the payroll in the bank to collect a minor amount of additional interest. He issued a statement that, among other things, urged mortgage lenders to let state workers to pay late, and waive the late payment penalties. When I asked my mortgage lender about it, they laughed at me.
So why didn’t we set aside some extra cash for such contingencies? Well, for one thing, we couldn’t afford to on our government salaries. Also, we didn’t expect to be stiffed by my employer, and Spellman gave us only 24 hours of advance notice that we wouldn’t receive the paychecks due the next day.
@21 (continued)
Spellman created a lot of new Democratic voters among state workers and their families back then, and they’ve probably been voting Democratic ever since. This may be part of the reason why Washington hasn’t had another Republican governor. People just don’t trust Republicans. They’ve learned not to.
Now, Trump is doing this on a national scale. The federal workforce isn’t politically homogenous. At least, it wasn’t until now. And it isn’t just a couple hundred thousand federal workers who will switch parties. It has a multiplier effect. Trump’s shutdown, his indifference to the workers’ suffering, and the crass public pronouncements of his underlings won’t just alienate the workers. It will affect the voting behavior of their spouses, children, extended families, neighbors, and friends, too. Trump, Ross, and their ilk may have just created several million new Democratic voters. Perhaps permanently.
As for government-hating conservatives, this is an excellent opportunity for them to learn what freedom from government is like. Last time I saw Ann Coulter, she had her thumb out in a snowstorm trying to hitchike from D.C. back home to Connecticut because the planes aren’t flying, after enjoying an E Coli Salad at a truck stop diner.
@4 Now a Trump suckup troll is bloviating to us about traitors? Funny!
@7 Can’t name an Obama official who went to prison, so instead brags about Trump’s rapist on the Supreme Court. That’s our doctor.
@0 Well, she does have a point, it’s not just about a few billion for a useless wall, it’s a big thing about the future of our county, and that’s why Democrats can’t give in to a president who thinks he can bully Congress after the American people voted against him twice.*
* By way of reminder, Trump didn’t win the 2016 election, either. With Russian help, he won the electoral college, which got him into office, but he doesn’t have a popular mandate. He represents only a distinctly minority faction of racists, bigots, homophobes, neo-Nazis, and subversives. The majority of Americans have always been against him.
@ 18 I”m a clown? Great.
Beats being a bitter, woman hating, racist, homophobic greed obsessed asshole like you.
@0 is a typo; @25 refers to @9
Ironically the grocery store Safeway has its roots in the dismantling of the ‘Company Store’ pratice. It was designed as a pay as you go establishment so that workers could not incur unpayablr debt and be locked into their employers service withlittle hope of emerging.
though I live kind of near a PCC I would have to drive 22 miles to reach a grocery store that people outside the area would know that isn’t owned by Kroeger.
Maybe TSA folks can ask Fred Meyer to float them some goodness.
Donald caves deal to re-open government without wall funding.
If he can’t stand against Nancy Pelosi how do we expect him to stand up to North Korea or Russia or Kenya Or Micronesia?
@17 Yeah, here are the details:
“Congressional leaders are zeroing in on an agreement to reopen the federal government, that includes a short-term continuing resolution that would fund the government through Feb. 15, according to Democratic sources. The CR would include a vehicle to go to conference on the Department of Homeland Security bill, and has no money allocated for a border wall. The Senate would vote first followed by the House, and the seven-bill CR will also include a furloughed employees backpay provision.”
I’m living at Home Depot this month as I rehab a rental house left in atrocious condition by fucks I should have evicted years before I pulled the trigger. Brand new carpet and whole-house paint when they moved in four years ago and having to repeat it now that they’re out.
At the auto-checkout stations , there’s now a wireless handheld gun with a laser spot that the customer aims at the barcode.
Yesterday I nailed one item with my scanning gun behind-the-back. Four items, done completely in 52 seconds, credit card receipt included.
Uh.. orange julius just opened the government for the super bowl..
Three weeks and we’re back to gimme the fuckin’ wall or gtfo.. the freak is dug in.
This will go on until the a-hole is impeached.
Looks like a total cave-in by Trump, pushed from behind by panicky GOP senators.
@31 “I’m living at Home Depot this month as I rehab a rental house left in atrocious condition by fucks I should have evicted years before I pulled the trigger.”
It doesn’t surprise me you’re stupid enough to be a landlord.
Trump caves. Stone in shackles. Too bad the loon (RIP) went and got himself lynched. The head explosions would have been glorious. SAD!
Mike Rosenberg over at Seattle Times has a line on why AOC is quite popular with American wage earners and the likely theme Sen Warren’s Campaign.
Add to the stump speech, “if you are fortunate enough to get to FIFTY MILLION dollar net worth you will pay this tax. If you have anything less than that it will cost you (points to. crowd,”
Crowd “ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!” (Wild cheers and applause)
“Maybe it’s time Bone Spurs ACTUALLY serves his country if he’s really a billionaire like he claims!”
Trump’s cave-in was announced at the far-right Don’t Tread On Us FB page as a great victory. So far, commenters aren’t buying what they’re selling.
“Pelosi just rolled him. #Sad”
“Pelosi’s Bitch, first the State of the Union and now this. Democrats are laughing and celebrating all over our country… I’m so embarrassed.”
“What Happen?”
“He coward down to Nancy Pelosi.”
Good news for George Herbert Walker Bush: As of today, he is no longer the biggest wimp ever to serve as President of the United States.
Your mistress is pissed!
They have every reason to feel humiliated and abandoned.
Cheeto Jeebus promised them Coal Jerbs, big raises, cheap beer, slut shaming, discount mobility scooters, school prayer, and better pills to crush.
After two years they had resigned themseves to settling for Guatemalan Toddler Torture.
And now they don’t even get that.
But at least President Grope can finally get back to the golf course.
winningwhining@38 If people understood who instigated this shutdown, Coulter couldn’t show her face in D.C. without bodyguards.
Presidents preside, they don’t rule.
How Fox News is playing the story:
“Trump announces short-term deal to end shutdown; vows to build wall despite uncertain funding”
Let’s see what we can do with this:
“Emperor announces short-term deal to end A-bombings; vows to build Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere despite uncertain military situation”
“Napoleon announces short-term pause in Moscow campaign; vows to achieve victory despite collapse of French army”
“Beria announces short-term respite from Red Terror; vows to build more gulags despite Stalin’s death”
“Jeff Davis announces short-term cessation of hostilities; vows to achieve southern independence despite Lee’s surrender”
“Roy Moore ackowledges short-term setback after votes are counted; vows to keep fighting for Senate seat”
Wherein Lindsey Graham pretends to care about TPS and DACA aliens:
My question for Sen. Graham is, why do Democrats have to bargain for this? If it’s the right thing to do, why don’t Republicans pass it? He’s such a pos; I once respected him, but not anymore.
Remember how I was saying Rep Ted Lieu’s Twitter game is strong
Carl, with you man. Fuck them. And Bob.
When I get the flyer from Wounded Warrior, with the enticing made to feel guilty nickel inside the envelope, I write return to sender and I drop it back in the mail. I’ve donated before but no longer, and I don’t need their filthy nickel.
Besides they are a bull sit organization, they use veterans to steal money.
Doctor Dumbfuck is a slum lord too?
@37 Nancy put the strapon and The Hump borrowed Bob’s knee pads.
@43 Amen Rog, he’s the biggest piece of shit and they’re all pieces of shit bigger than the length of a mule’s dick.
Noted Communist lefty Norm Orstein over at American Enterprise Institute.
A fairly good day in the market. Making money!
@50 Beats working for wages, especially the wages that Republicans pay, don’t you agree?
So we’re all doing Dumbfuck impersonations now?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Open Borders Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award- Undocumented gynecologist Hector Montez;
Law enforcement officials in California say a twice-deported illegal immigrant kidnapped, raped, and impregnated a 15-year-old girl. The alleged assault became known after the young girl delivered a baby at a local hospital.
Steaksauce and Breitbarf feeling veeewy veeewy humiliated and abandoned.
Who will be your “daddy” wifout duh Cheeto Jeebus?
@53 I figured you’d show up here to cry in your milk after Trump’s useless wall bit the dust.
I’d feel a lot better about my underage daughter, if I had one, being with a group of illegals than a bunch of U.S. citizen white frat boys with MAGA hats, because she’d be 100 times less likely to be raped.
You should read up on white male citizens-vs.-illegals crime rates sometime. You might be surprised to learn who the real crime problem in our country is.
P.S., that monster who kidnapped a 13-year-old Wisconsin girl after murdering her parents and held her captive for 88 days wasn’t an illegal. Sorry. But keep trolling the crime blotters, and maybe you’ll find another Mexican rapist. There are some out there. Just not as numerous as American-born rapists. If Trump really wants to eliminate crime, he should keep the illegals and kick out the citizens.
Oh shit! That’s going to be a problem. Remember above when I asked who directed Bannon to get illegal information from Wikileaks?
Brad Parscale, digital media director for Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, campaign manager for Trump’s 2020 reelection just quit his job in spectacular fashion. like going on the flight attendant PA, pulling the air slide and ‘Peace Out!’
Truth: Jared Kushner and @EricTrump were joint deputy campaign managers to @realDonaldTrump. Nobody else. Not one person made a decision without their approval. Others just took credit for this family’s amazing ability. I’m done with all these lies. They will be embarrassed!
So what did 35 days of shutdown, and the suffering it inflicted on hundreds of thousands of people, accomplish? If it made Trump realize he’s not a dictator, and keeps him from using hurricane relief money to build concentration camps and gas chambers at some point in the future, it was worth it. Maybe we can get him out of office before then.
Did I say WALL?
I meant to say…
Why the aggressive FBI arrest of Roger Stone, pre-drawn with drawn guns and flak vests? My guess is because Stone physically threatened or caused to be physically threatened one or more of Robert Mueller’s witnesses, including Randy Credico and possibly even Michael Cohen.
Lock Them Up! Lock Them Up! Lock Bob Up!
@ 55
You supply very impressive sources for your bogus crime rate statistics. I’d be surprised if you could supply legitimate illegal alien v. citizen crime rate figures for King County, much less U.S.
CAVE! needs WALL! too! 2? To?
BRIDGE! does not need WALL!