I have great admiration for Seattlish following who is filing for mayor. Actually trying to figure out the stances of the various cranks. It’s important work. Who knows what the non-voter paid the same filing fee as everyone else, why not inform the voters a tiny bit about them. In our democracy, well, none of them are as bad as the President.
Also, not to get too meta but “they also seems to be a little green when it comes to Seattle politics (they says Mayor Ed Murray “seems like a really nice guy” which made me snort-laugh)” legit made me snort-laugh.
* So obscure I had to explain it. Open thread in Morse Code, if the random website with a converter I googled but didn’t bother to confirm is correct.
I’m hoping we can get the tab fees for this light rail business down to a reasonable level. It’s bad enough that people like me will get to pay for, but never use the light rail, without adding on the outrageous valuation methodology on which car tab fees are determined.
I’m hoping we can get the tab fees for this light rail business down to a reasonable level.
Then take your complaints to the legislature, because they wrote the deal.
Also, urge your fellow citizens to vote no on ST3.
(You’d better hurry up; that vote is still scheduled for last year.)
Crackup? What crackup?
Traitors even unto themselves.
America didn’t suddenly change last Nov. 8; we’re still the same racist and sexist country we’ve always been.
@1 Not gonna happen. Now that we’re locked into $54 billion of spending on ST3, we’re also locked into the taxes to pay for them. One must follow the other like night follows day. Once the bonds are sold and the contracts are let, you’re on the hook, period. Lowering the car tab fees would impair those contracts. People should have thought about this before they voted “yes.”
I dont like the way my property taxes are calculated and I dont like paying for schools, sidewalks, city boat launches, tennis courts, professional sports stadia, senior centers, daycare centers, youth centers, public libraries, food banks, teen suicide crisis lines, sexual assault crisis lines, and The Seattle Center, which I dont use. Can you ask them to do something about that too (cause I’m far too
lazybusy to get involved beyond whining on comment threads)?Thanks bro!
Breaking: House Republicans depose Speaker Paul Ryan; elect Representative Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, as new Speaker of the House.
Where’s Doctor Dumbfuck’s 8:20 am market trends analysis? All we get this morning is the hallucination at #7. Is he doing drugs before breakfast?
Magical thinking.
Probably not as excited about his White Hillbilly Triumph now that its turning into a predictable (and predicted) cluster fuck of criminal investigations and Congressional backstabbing.
At least he’ll always have November.
2, 5
All I want is a reasonable valuation of my car, not some pie-in-themsky figure that benefits somebody who is in kindergarten today.
I’ve been paying to educate other people’s kids for decades. The taxes on my home are based more on reality than this tab fee business for the damn ST3 crap. It’s bad enough that I have to pay for other people’s kids that I should get boned for owning a car.
@ 8
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, financial security means not wondering what the Dow’s doing as soon as my eyes open in the morning.
Now go count your pennies, clown. I think I saw one roll under your package of Depends.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Tax income minus savings at steeply progressive rates, w/ high personal exemption. No constitutional issues, because you’re taxing spending.
We already tax spending. It’s called a sales tax. And a federal and state gas tax. And a utility tax. And a soda consumption tax. And a cigarette tax. And a spirits tax.
Where is Max – I am obsessed with him, he says…..I guess he thinks I am being too hard on him (because I use the word Penis), but old Maxipad doesn’t seem to bring anything to the table here but call YLB, Tensor, and others names. But he accuses me of this, after basically attacking me first.
Where is the sidekick Superior Steve. Steve I’m going to put together a schedule for Lunch for you when I can schedule some time.
Seems like they can dish it but they can’t take it.
One of Hawaii’s six Republican state legislators quit the GOP today because she’s fed up with the party’s racism and sexism. Although she hasn’t formally joined the Democratic Party yet, that’s probably what she’s going to do.
@13 “Seems like they can dish it but they can’t take it.”
You’re just now finding that out? I’ve been on this blog since 2004, have seen many trolls come and go, and they all have this trait in common.
Nowhere is this more exemplified than on rightwing blogs, which almost universally ban liberal posters, turning those blogs into nothing more than echo chambers for circle jerkers.
Wingnuts simply aren’t comfortable except when they’re safely inside their bubble, surrounded by sycophants and yes men, and sealed off from the rest of the world. They can’t stand anyone arguing with them.
@12 “We already tax spending. It’s called a sales tax.”
That’s the problem. Because poor people have to spend every dollar of their income on necessities, whereas the rich can save and invest a large percentage of their income and still live very comfortably, a spending-based tax system like we have here in Washington — and Republicans want to implement on a national scale — proportionately taxes lower incomes more, and shifts tax burdens from rich to poor, resulting in regressive taxation (which is why greedy Republican leeches like it so much).
@11 My post @8 isn’t about financial security, it’s about your fucked up market call yesterday. Excuses are like assholes, doctor, everybody’s got one. As a doctor, you should be familiar with that portion of your anatomy, or at least aware that it exists.
When the going gets tough…
the fake tough throw their allies under the bus.
Again, and again.
He’s got your back too, hillbillies!
@18 It looks like Trumpcare is going down, and when it does, Trump will claim victory and blame Ryan.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: By tomorrow, Trump will be calling Obamacare “a fantastic deal” and taking credit for it.
@ 14
From your link:
“As a Japanese-American whose grandparents had to destroy all of their Japanese artifacts and items and bury them in the backyard to avoid getting taken and interned, how could I not have said anything?”
So first her grandparents hid who they really were, now she’s trying the same thing.
One more relative does the same and some cock in Hawaii’s gonna crow.
Notably, her colleagues on the Democrat side of the aisle are worried about accepting the turncoat:
Hawaii Democratic Party leader Tim Vandeveer said Democrats will give Fukumoto a fair shake, but some members are concerned about her past voting record on civil rights and women’s issues.
“Changing political parties is not like changing jackets, just because the weather’s better on our side of the street,” Vandeveer said.
He’s right. Charlie Crist had to reinvent himself more than once before he was able to find a constituency stupid enough to accept him.
Tensor you have your facts wrong on the car tabs deal….the legislature has revised the car tabs calcs, but ST chose to stick with the old method…..for the simple reason of mo money.
So far all the Trailer Trump Americans in the House not counted among the Newt Gingrich Suicide Caucus, who have signaled their opposition to Comrade-President Putin Puppet’s ObamaHate Bill, are being routinely described by the media, their colleagues in Congress, the White House, and themselves, as “moderates”.
What’s that make Dave Reichert? If Reichert and McMorris Rodgers are not “moderate” Republicans, what are they? And why are they not being faced with credible primary and general election challengers who will promise to represent their constituents as true moderates rather than stooges?
Remember the Dakota Access pipeline protests? Against a proposed pipeline tunneled under a Missouri River impoundment that is the Standing Rock Reservation’s sole water supply? Which Fake President Trump approved as one of his first official acts? Because pipelines never rupture. Except when they do.
Stalker alert….right on “schedule”.
What is your alternative to a pipeline?
Врач немой ебать is maybe actually right about something!
Hawaii Dems are probably better off keeping Fukumoto Chang at arms length pending replacing her with a highly qualified Democrat in 2018. There’s really no percentage in trying to find common ground with these people. They should be driven out of public life with a whip and a chair.
Its like a cry for attention act or something.
@20 “So first her grandparents hid who they really were …”
Which seems like a perfectly rational response to the bigotry and hatred they faced in the 1940s, and which 75 years later defines today’s Republican Party.
“Charlie Crist had to reinvent himself more than once before he was able to find a constituency stupid enough to accept him.”
He had no trouble getting elected state senator, state attorney general, and governor as a Republican, which sort of undercuts my ability to rebut your opinion of his constituents.
All I want is a reasonable valuation of my car,
I would have preferred a far different package of taxes to pay for ST3, but that’s not what our legislature created. We voters decided ST3 was important enough to overcome any objections to the taxes.
I would also have liked not paying for roads I’ll never use in other parts of our state, I had to accept that deal to get the ST3 vote. Politics is compromise, after all.
(Even though the deal for ST3 also required we taxpayers in Puget Sound to pay for highways in far corners of our state, our paying for roads we’ll never use doesn’t seem to bother you enough for you to complain about it here, now does it?)
CNBC reports House leadership has postponed today’s expected vote on Trumpcare after they came up a dozen votes short. No confirmation from other news sources yet.
Huffington Post just updated their reporting as follows, under the headline, “Trumpcare Dead”:
“President Donald Trump announced Friday that the House of Representatives would postpone a planned vote on the American Health Care Act, the Republican bill to repeal Obamacare. The news was first reported by Robert Costa of the Washington Post, who spoke to the president directly.
“The announcement came while a debate over the bill was still playing out in the House chamber, with GOP leaders realizing they lacked the votes to prevail. It was not immediately clear when Congress plans to resume consideration of repeal ― or whether it will do so at all.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This is a Trump failure on two levels: First, he had demanded a vote today no matter what, and now has backed away from that demand, a minor point. Second, his first major legislative initiative is a failure, a yuuuge deal for any new president, but especially one who claimed that he — and he alone — could fix everything “wrong” with the country. Of course, this won’t break the Trump mystique for his true believers, but will anyone else still follow him?
Daddy Emperor Putin-Puppet looking STRONG!
Hillbilly Jesus winds the Ryan death clock.
What crackup? Where?
DJIA closed down about 60 points today, after the colossal failure of “repeal and replace.” I lost money today, but I’m sure Doctor Dumbfuck lost more, which gives me a warm glow inside.
So both Trump and #CrookedHillary have failed to get a health care plan passed by Congress.
Good thing Obamacare is performing to expectations, or we might be in a pickle.
You get what you vote for.
Even if you dont use them, those roads are there for commerce, emergency services, military use, etc….you know, things that you do use indirectly.
Sound transits system does non of that.
How come ST just doesnt rause its ridership fees to bring in more money….would you support that? Say $5 pee ride?
Poor comparison.
Easy attitude to have when you arent chipping in, eh tensor?
How much will you be paying every year for ST3?
Shorter Ryan presser:
“I can’t do this. It’s too hard. I’m just not up to the “Pelosi” standard. But I’ll try harder next time. Fer sure.”
It’s just incredibly impressive how gracious and generous Ryan is being in sharing this defeat.
wouldn’t be fair to ask Trump to live up to the African American standard in Presidents.
They just don’t make dick pills strong enough for that.
Remember this in the days ahead:
This wasn’t their only shot at this.
@36 Sound Transit doesn’t facilitate commerce? How about getting tens of thousands of commuters to their jobs? Did you think of that?
Travel ban — blocked by courts, twice
Repeal and replace — couldn’t get his own party to pass it
Budget — dead on arrival
Allies — don’t trust us
Foreign populations — think we’re a joke
Approval ratings — plummeting
Only two months in, it already looks like a failed presidency. So much for the Master of the Deal.
Ryan Calls Obamacare “Law of the Land”
“Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) held a news conference on Friday after Republicans pulled the American Health Care Act bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act act known as Obamacare, prior to a vote at the U.S. Capitol in Washington.
“‘I will not sugarcoat this. This is a disappointing day for us,’ Ryan said at the news conference. ‘Obamacare is the law of the land, it will remain the law of the land until it’s replaced. We are going to be living with Obamacare for the foreseeable future.'”
Meanwhile, a new poll shows Trump’s support base is eroding like a sand bank collapsing in a storm.
Be they wished they had voted for the Canadian cruz
“Stalker alert….right on “schedule”.”
Creepy shit, that’s for sure. I don’t consider the loon or Bob to be stalkers. The loon is a friend and I respect Bob. What the creep is doing is different. Creepy different.
” Sound Transit doesn’t facilitate commerce?”
I took it that he was referring to facilitating commerce as in the way the ferry system facilitates commerce for the Olympic Peninsula and San Juan Islands. Besides transporting commuters, the ferry system transports services, products and supplies.
You know thats not what I was referring to rabbit. Stop playing dumb.
48..ya, you get it. One doesnt see much cargo being transported on the link….its a people mover, not a goods mover…and roads do both.
Someone(cant remember who) commented a while back that while under Pisscan’s previous incarnation of Gman, he was posting some seriously unhinged nutty stuff a fews years back. I didnt pay much attention to it, but now I get it.
The guy is weird….probably a good thing for all involved that he is on the east coast.
Everybody here throws shit at each other, most of it tongue in cheek. However in his case, I really think there are some brain synapses misfiring.
BTW, I brought home prints to go over this weekend – backward/out of step fuck that I am…. ;)
You know thats not what I was referring to rabbit.
Really? It’s obvious that moving commuters swiftly through rush hour traffic does not facilitate commerce?
How, exactly, does “commerce” take place if workers can’t get to their jobs?
Commerce in my post was refering to freight and goods.
Didnt think I had to spell it out, but then again I forgot who I was talking to.
Lemme know when ST starts hauling freight containers and making deliveries…..
50billion….to move less than 5% of communters…..awesome.
ST’s motto should be ” we give half the services we promised for double the price quoted”…..lol
Didnt think I had to spell it out,
If you want the benefit of the doubt concerning the words you use, try not using your words to make false statements.
(Oh look, something you freely chose to do came back to haunt you. Nobody could have predicted.)
Like I said……didnt think I had to spell it out….you more of a simpleton than i thought
Maybe Kshama can get you another raise…
Awwww…..didnt mean to hurt your feefees tensor.
Have a good weekend…
Not really. They tried to jam this through as a revenue bill and reconciliation specifically to no end up as a 60 vote filibuster threshold in the Senate.
Since all non-revenue bills must originate in the House, any Senate originated proposal can’t go through reconciliation so they would need 8 votes from the minority and that just aint happenin.
Not really. They tried to jam this through as a revenue bill and reconciliation specifically to no end up as a 60 vote filibuster threshold in the Senate.
Since all non-revenue bills must originate in the House, any Senate originated proposal can’t go through reconciliation so they would need 8 votes from the minority and that just aint happenin.
Ryan is the most nauseating asshole in politics. Drumpf is just a clown, but Ryan is the worst..
This fiend keeps saying ACA is “fundamentally flawed”. “fflawed” how? He may have given a half answer at one time but he never elaborates. But of course the answer is pretty obvious. Can any troll identify the “fflaw”?
Then when prompted it quotes Aetna and Humana CEO’s who blathered about the “death spiral” after dropping out of the exchanges in blatant retaliation to the Justice Dept preventing them from merging…
And lil’ asshole Marco Rubio pulling funding to risk corridors that cushion the entry of people to the health insurance market who never could afford insurance until now. That’s what sunk non-profit providers in the exchanges so that trolls could gloat.
What a shitshow… Time to cut EPA and State and everything else in sight, (illegally) bloat the defense budget and give YYUGE tax breaks to billionaires.
“Everybody’s going to be covered.. Everybody”…
Extension of the theme. Thousands of column inches have been written about the impending death of movie theaters. Regal could stem that tide by pricing tickets at $28.
“Why if you raise the menu prices because of the minimum wage people will stop eating out!”
“I can’t imagine any negative impact of making ST rides economically unfeasible. No one who continues to drive nor any cargo getting out of Port of Seattle or Tacoma will be impacted. It’s so obvious to those who think right.”
Still continuing on a theme.
It’s a simple matter of geometry. A parked automobile takes up x amount of space. A moving vehicle on a road takes up x amount of space.
That space does not exist in Seattle. But instead of doing everything possible to increase ST ridership a better solution would be to widen the roadways, which downtown blocks should we raze to make nice boulevards and can we tear down the convention center to make additional lanes for I-5, and construct 30-40,000 new parking spaces for when the car commuters get to work and need a place to put them for the day.
Our troll is making a stupid argument, build more roads and rely on buses, and is way to thick minded to understand why.
@49 “One doesnt see much cargo being transported on the link….”
That’s not its purpose. As you point out, light rail is being built to move people, not cargo. Is one less important than the other? Seattle has no more space for roads, and unless something was done to get commuters off the roads we have, you weren’t going to see much cargo moving on those roads, at least not faster than five miles per hour. You can’t disregard the need to move people within a major employment center without impairing the ability to move cargo through that urban environment. And you call ME dumb …
@52 “Commerce in my post was refering to freight and goods. Didnt think I had to spell it out, but then again I forgot who I was talking to.”
This is all a red herring. If you don’t get at least some of the commuters out of their cars and onto some other mode of transportation, within a few years no cargo will be going anywhere in this town. Nor will crane operators, truck drivers, warehouse workers, aircraft assemblers, construction workers, or butchers and bakers be able to get to their jobs.
Roads are highly inefficient of space, and Seattle is a city that doesn’t have space. It simply can’t find or create more room for cars, and given the kind of population growth we’re facing, without mass transportation, today’s gridlock will look like child’s play within a few years. This city simply has no choice about building mass transportation. It won’t be able to function if it doesn’t.
@55 “Maybe Kshama can get you another raise…”
Speaking of simpletons and simplistic thinking … listen, I’ve lived in this city for 50 years. I remember when the Smith Tower was the tallest building in town. You don’t understand this city. You write like someone who arrived here last week.
@60 $5 a ride would cost a commuter $10 a day, or $210 a month. Depending on where you work, that would cost about what parking does, without the convenience of driving your own car to work (although that convenience is becoming less and less as the roads become more and more crowded). Even with affordable and convenient mass transit, there are plenty of people who will still have to drive to work — because transit doesn’t go where they need to go, or they have to move around various work locations during the workday, or have to carry tools, equipment, or other cargo to do their jobs. So mass transit isn’t going to empty our roads of commuters and clear the way for cargo-bearing trucks. This city is still going to have crowded roads, rush hour traffic jams, and frustrating car commutes. But if we don’t get the people who CAN use mass transit ONTO mass transit, nobody will be going anywhere.
“and construct 30-40,000 new parking spaces for when the car commuters get to work and need a place to put them for the day”
Something to consider. One of my condo high-rise projects in Seattle, from which it is a far shorter walk to a downtown workplace than nearly every Seattle or suburb resident’s walk to the nearest light-rail station, will have over 1,600 parking spaces to meet Seattle code requirements. And it will have enough power to provide all parking spaces with EV chargers, also required by Seattle code. We can design any building to be net zero, which is to say that any building can be designed to produce all the energy it consumes and more, as in enough energy to power every worker’s or resident’s EV. That isn’t the future, some distant tomorrow. That is what we can do today.
Sure, sounds great for residential buildings. Where are the massive garages for 9-5ers in SLU?
Which brings up another point. Why are any new buildings in parts of the country where they get 200+ days of sunshine, hi GOP electing Yakima with your low cost socialist irrigation water and hydroelectric power, not required to take advantage of solar?
Oh, right. Global warming is a myth according to the people they elect so anything energy efficient is of the devil and must be punished like the gays.
57, 58,
I view Collins’ bill as an alt approach for Ryan that underscores how fundamentally broken his caucus is. He could have taken up a bi-partisan bill. But he knew the Gingrich Caucus would vote no and challenge him for Speaker for daring to work w conservative Dems.
These repeat failures are entirely down to how fractured House Hillbillies have become. And if the best Il Douche can do is threaten Mark Meadows that wont help any either.
“hi GOP electing Yakima with your low cost”
“your”? What’s that all about? Why does my disagreeing with people like you and Carl about ST3, and yet agreeing with the rest of the progressive agenda as evidenced by 20,000 comments here over the last decade make me a Republican?
“Where are the massive garages for 9-5ers in SLU?”
Figure it out for yourself. Here are the tools you need.
Suck it bitches….spokane going to the final 4…
Have a good weekend…
How can we miss you if you won’t go away?