Just thought I’d point out that of the 1944 voter registration challenges the GOP filed with much fanfare just days before the November 8 election, only 58 ballots have been disqualified. That’s a success rate of less than 3 percent.
Nice going, Lori.
Actually, it may be even lower than that. Seven of the challenges were made by Richard Pope. Does anyone have any idea of how many of Pope’s seven challenges were upheld?
We need some street theater to parody these people on the corners of the State.
The Grinches Want Your Sacred Right To Vote — and we all need to send two dollars bill to the R’s and tell them to keep Vance.
He is such a clown. Even R’s are growing to wonder if he has a brain.
Hey Stefan, do you think a bank would accept a 97% error rate?
By the way, Stefan, do you plan to share the proceeds of your lawsuit against King County with the generous donors who paid for your lawsuit, or are you gonna screw them?
Did Richard Pope have personal knowledge those 7 voters didn’t reside at their registered addresses? Clinton was disbarred for perjury. What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander.
Roger Rabbit @ 5
It sounds like Richard drove around to various addresses before he filed the challenges (he reported some of his work in a previous comment thread). But, who knows….
Well I know. If anyone wants to see the digital pictures I took of the mailbox places, I can mail them to you.
By the way, how is Monica Lewinsky doing these days? You never see much coverage of her as a real person …
58 / 1944 = 3%
If I hadn’t read the story below the headline, I’d have thought the figures were for HA posts NOT written by Roger Rabbit.
Three percent 3% is just the start
They are likely indifferent to the actual success rate they ultimately had in challenging voters. The real goal was to send a slew of the challenges out and create a doubt for the other 97 percent.
If 10 percent of the people receiving the challenge decide not to vote, 194 will not send their vote it. If KC votes 2-1 democrat, they have succeeded in gaining 60 votes toward any state wide candidate.
With over 600,000 registed voters normally voting in KC, filing a contest letter out to all of them could reduce a democratic candidate’s vote by 200,000, enough to make most democrats lose a state election.
This is why there are supposed to be penalties of filing baseless contests. With 97 percent of the contests now failing in KC, the action certainly fits the bill.
Norm better so something now before the bulk mailing permits get purchased.
The Mendoza line has been shattered! Way to go, Lori!
In other news, only 132 were rejected.
Actually, it should be considered to be a success rate of about 90%.
1944 challenges were filed, with 1855 names after weeding out duplicates, triplicates and quadruplicates.
Then cut that down to about 1400 after considering people who were able to correct their addresses in time.
Only 199 of these 1400 people attempted to vote, and 58 of these challenges were upheld, with the other 141 being denied.
So this means that only 141 votes were counted out of the 1400 or so challenges that remained — which is only 10% voting. 90% of the challenged voters didn’t have their votes counted.
By contrast, the overall turnout of registered voters in King County as a whole was 53.81% in the latest update (maybe 53.82% once you add the 141 unsuccessful challenges).
Pope @12 It is very early in the morning so I may be reading you wrong…
But are you actually bragging that the Republicans were able to disenfranchise 90% of their targets?!!?
If you wanted to help clean up the system you could have let these people know ahead of time. You didn’t.
I guess it is just that I want to believe the best of people, but I really thought you had better values and morals then that.
Hopefully you can let me know that I am wrong and you were not saying that stopping 90% of the people from voting is a good thing.
Erik @ 9 sez:
“If 10 percent of the people receiving the challenge decide not to vote, 194 will not send their vote it. If KC votes 2-1 democrat, they have succeeded in gaining 60 votes toward any state wide candidate.”
Give me the NAME and CIRCUMSTANCES of even 1 person who did not vote because of the challenge Erik?? Typical of most LEFTIST PINHEADS, you begin hyperventilating with outrage and make outrageous assumptions. Many of the challenges where obviously done to clean up the voter rolls. Goldy is pretending that these were not legitimate challenges. It was LOGAN who said KingCo was not responsible for such clean-up and that it was up to citizens to challenge. That was done. The Voter Rolls are being cleaned up.
My guess is citizens will continue to review Voter Rolls and that a confirmation of Eligible Status is an important part of any election. Clearly 1 ILLEGAL VOTE disenfranchises ALL LEGAL voters. My guess (since y’all like to guess) is there are still plenty of ILLEGAL votes being cast in elections statewide…this publicity will likely reduce that number in the future. That’s a good thing. I think it’s time for a STATEWIDE re-registration.
[Beging ranting like a troll]
My post got held up in the filter!
Whine… cry… bitch… moan…
Goldy obviously has it out for me.
Boo fucking hoo!
[Return to reality]
Well, we can hash out spread sheets until the cows come home, but the bottom line is that this was cheap politcal stunt and that is how it should be judged.
On that line – it was a dismal failure that killed any momentum that the Republicans had going into the final week of the election and further alienated the Republican party brand in a place where you have to run as a moderate to even have a shot at winning.
Is it any wonder that the only Republicans who won did so because then did not have the albatross of an [R] next to their name?
Nindid @ 13
Who’s to say that those that Didn’t vote actually EXIST.
If they do exist, it could be a problem for the facilities they reside at to provide the ADA required access in and out of their Homes (3×3 mailboxes). Maybe
I know I am being a smartass, but if any ( just 1 ) illegal voter didn’t vote in the last election because he knew his “lil gig” was up, then so be it. But to make the assumption that 90% of the challenged voters were intimidated into not voting is a pretty big stretch.
But of course, maybe KC Elections didn’t explain their rights (along with the right to cast a ballot even under the challenge)in the letter those 1900+ people recieved prior to the election.
Didn’t the GOP weed out more illegals than our paid professionals (logan, huenekens)??
I say Bravo to somebody protecting my right to vote!
Hey libs
How many moderate voters did you guys disenfranchise, cuz you scared away legit voters who figured “why bother”, our votes get lost or dwarfs will out-vote us from their 2 inch mailboxes
Serious; some folks don’t bother cuz they figure the results are pre-ordained.
Certainly rossi would have won if folks had known he had a chance
“how is Monica Lewinsky doing these days? You never see much coverage of her as a real person”
Old news, Richard. Passe. BTW … did you have PERSONAL knowledge that those voters didn’t live in those places? Did you check the IDs of the people sleeping in the doorways? in the dumpster? Do you KNOW your voters weren’t residing there? Careful now, Richard … perjury …
KCGOP’s 3% accuracy rate isn’t all that bad for throwing darts at the phone book.
“Only 199 of these 1400 people attempted to vote, and 58 of these challenges were upheld … this means that only 141 votes were counted out of the 1400 or so … which is only 10% voting. 90% of the challenged voters didn’t have their votes counted.”
Yeah, Richard, voter intimidation and suppression works. That’s why you guys do it.
“I know I am being a smartass, but if any ( just 1 ) illegal voter didn’t vote in the last election because he knew his “lil gig” was up”
Yeah, right, let’s disenfranchise 100 voters to keep 1 illegal voter from voting! While you’re at it, why not send 100 innocent people to prison to make sure 1 guilty one doesn’t go free? That’s how you guys think … that’s why we call you Nazis.
Well, in any event, maybe future elections in KC will really, really, REALLY be fair.
“Didn’t the GOP weed out more illegals than our paid professionals (logan, huenekens)??”
Since when is challenging a vote the same as disenfranchising them? If the voter is legit, all he needs to do is go vote and prove he is real and that he resides in a real place. If he can’t do that, and stays home because he can’t, that isn’t being disenfranchised. That is just enforcing the voting law.
Doesn’t it bother any of you that there are thousands of fraudulent voters on the rolls? And KCRE doesn’t care?
Don’t blame the stupidity of your voters on us. It’s not our fault they’re so fucking ignorant they don’t bother to vote if the TV says their Nazi … er, I mean, candidate is losing.
AT 19
You have a selective memory. Mant thousands of votes were not/never counted in King because of all the messes — had they ALL been counted by one effort or another,
Gregoine would have had her KINGCO base giving her a small but solid lead – BEFORE ANY RECOUNT.
You Rossi diehards are cherring over a lost cause. And without the facts.
Dream ON. And tell Vance to import the VOTER TERROR effort to Pierce and Snohomish – it is a fine Boomerang.
For each vote you supress – ten jump up. The indignation among the population is very anti Republican. So vile, and small minded. Poll your supression schemes on the Eastside – and wonder why there is Dem. seep into the burbs.
Comment on 28
Rossi is sooo passe. You’d expect the trolls to shut up after WSGOP’s embarrassing $2 million fiasco in Judge Bridges’ courtroom, but nooo … now they blame Rossi’s loss on the judge’s earring.
Never occurs to them a majority of voters didn’t want an underexperienced, less-than-straightforward guy whose management experience consists of supervising one part-time janitor 25 years ago running a government that has a $28 billion budget and 100,000 employees.
Whiners. Crybabies. Boohoos.
Hey guys, dawn is breaking and it’s getting light out so I’d better get the hell out of Stefan’s garden before he opens up on me! I’m hopping back down to Green Lake Park. Later.
I remember when the big compaint was that only about half of those eligible were actually voting. Now the Republicans want to disqualify people who are finally taking an interest.
If they really wanted to clean up the polls and make sure everyone who wants to vote is registered correctly, they’d be doing it all year ’round and not pulling their own “October Surprise” stunt by making these challenges right before an election.
It’s just a cheap stunt, it’s grandstanding, it’s a way to intimidate. It’s also their way of continuing to whine and complain after the 2004 election and the challenge that followed. (hey, Repubs, aren’t you tired of getting bitch slapped yet?)
If you really wanted to clean up voter registrations, why not do it in a constructive manner, why not be “compassionate conservatives”?
We should start compiling similar lists in Republican districts right now. Then in ’06 when they do the inevitable we can do it the day after and watch them scream,”foul”. It’ll be a great public relations coup for Democrats everywhere.
Wabbit @ 20
Oh no! I could really be in trouble!
I knew I should have conducted a more thorough investigation before filing my challenges …
I should have gone to the UPS Stores in question during their normal business hours, and knocked on each and every one of the mailboxes to make sure no one was home. Not just the boxes where the voters normally residing, but ALL of the boxes, just in case they were visiting their friends.
And to be on the safe side, I should have rented a box for myself at each of the UPS Stores. That way, I could have 24 hour access to the mailbox portion of the store, and been able to randomly visit each place — let’s say 10 times, spread out among various days of the week, all hours of day and night, and perhaps even over a period of several weeks — to make sure at a high level of proof that none of the challenged voters could be found inside any of the mailboxes at the facility in question.
Richard @ 34
Thanks for the laugh. I know it is hard to make some people understand your point. But the bottom line, and hard fact is, the people who listed the “mailbox stores” as their residental address(where they reside physically) on their voter registration were WRONG. They didn’t READ the directions, nor follow them. They have/had the chance, and still have the chance to make it RIGHT, but obviously not many gave a rats patootti.
But they still are REGISTERED ILLEGALLY.
One more thing. If you are registered Illegally or Wrong, how can the law be applied to a challenged ballot. Wouldn’t the registration law apply first, before the ballot counting law. I am trying to make a point here, but before the canvassing board even gets it. The registration validitity buck stops where?
If your registration isn’t valid, how can it be a challenged ballot/vote. The ballot/vote is null and void before it was even cast.
Good points Chris.
Maybe the voter registration challenge statute is too narrow of a remedy. It has been interpreted to apply to only a limited category of challenges and require a very high, almost impossible in many cases, standard of proof.
Perhaps a better remedy would be to sue Dean Logan in superior court for not properly maintaining the registration rolls and for accepting voter registration forms which should never have been processed in the first place (such as the mailbox facility registrations).
When the King County GOP challenged 5,000 voters who had duplicate registrations earlier this year, Dean Logan rejected the challenges, saying that it was not the proper subject of the voter challenge statute. Basically, Logan said this was an administrative error that his office needed to correct. Whether or not he consolidated all of the 5,000 duplicate registrations is a question that remains to be seen.
What could be “AS SIMPLE” as Dean Logan using the zip-plus-four software that his office already has, and noting all of the private mailbox facility (Commercial Mail Receiving Agencies, or CMRA in USPS-speak) addresses? Each PMB facility has its own unique zip-plus-four designation, which is not shared by any other address.
The said thing here is that it just doesn’t affect King County. In state wide races, KC Elections ineptness (sp) affects all voters in the state. I really think all voters in every county should put KC Elections under a microscope. Not just the GOP. We need a grassroot’s effort by the normal joe’s of this state, not a political party. I do know that if it wasn’t for the GOP’s efforts/mistakes at this, many of the problems would have been swept under the rug, as with the many I am sure we are not aware of.
What I see is a lack of Management Skills on Logan’s part. Passing the buck is not a skill most good manager’s posess. But then again neither is “ignoring the problem”.
What just snaps the hell outta me is that they “ruled” based on the fact that the challenger couldn’t prove those “lil people” didn’t live in those mailboxes.
Roger Rabbit-29 ‘..now they blame Rossi’s loss on the judge’s earring.’
No, Rossi’s loss is due to the fact that WA law allows cheating with no practical recourse. Having more ballots than voters, illegal votes that still count, and now license to commit fraud by registering in a mail box. (As long as no one knows the registrant’s real address, or the registered person does not exist.)
Defend the cheaters? That’s your job.
Cris – That is all fine and good, but shouldn’t that apply to all the counties in the state who practice similar approaches?
Perhaps you can see why this comes across to the public as a cynical attempt to disenfranchise Democratic voters.
headless lucy-33 ‘It’ll be a great public relations coup for Democrats everywhere.’
Please do. Someone has to clean the voter rolls. And besides, one more example of blatent hipocracy by the dems will not even register.
I am not doubting the GOP’s Tactics, though I think “disenfranchising” the challenged voter is not the case here. They (all 1944) had the chance to VOTE. What strikes me is that only 200 took their right to vote seriously. It just smells funny to me.
I would love someone to challenge my voting rights. That to me proves our system is working. I wouldn’t care if the challenger got it’s information from a box of cereal. It’s a shame so many people need the EASY way to do things.
headlice lucy sez–
“We should start compiling similar lists in Republican districts right now. Then in ‘06 when they do the inevitable we can do it the day after and watch them scream,”foul”. It’ll be a great public relations coup for Democrats everywhere.
Comment by headless lucy— 11/29/05 @ 8:24 am”
By all means, do so headlice. Ooooooooooops, that would involve work on your part!! Since we know you are clearly allergic to work and prefer blog-posting on the taxpayers dime, I’m certain it won’t be you involved in anything that requires actual work. You are best at ranting!
I’m still waiting for your list of names of folks claiming to be “disenfranchised” by the challenges.
How about 1 name??? Someone who will come forward and say they did not vote because of the challenge. 1 name??
At least Mr. Combs stepped forward to defend his mailbox registration saying the owner gave him a key and he occassionally slept inside. I do wonder how other folks using that specific mailbox service feel about that but…….
You made the Claim Erik about all these disenfranchised voters. Let’s hear a name Erik!
Chris-36 ‘The ballot/vote is null and void before it was even cast.’
Wake up! Ballots in WA get counted regardless of whether the ballots are extra, (with no associated voter), cast illegally or cast in random precints based on PO Box location. And once the ballots are counted there is no practical way to subtract that vote once it is determined to be illegal or extra.
It is possible to register with no ID as long as a provisional ballot is used and the signature matches the registration. And now it is clear that using a PO Box works well as long as no one can find an actual address for the voter.
Yearight @ 45
“And now it is clear that using a PO Box works well as long as no one can find an actual address for the voter.”
I wonder if it works for “Phantom” voters as well? Or just the lil people that the challenger can’t “see” in the mailbox. That seems to be the ruling of yesterday. Since the Challenger couldn’t PROVE that the lil people DIDN’T live in the mailbox, the challenge was thrown out.
Chris-46 ‘I wonder if it works for “Phantom” voters as well?’
As long as those voters can hide where they live. Oops, I mean where they do not live.
roger rabbit
nice toss in of the Nazi slur…immediately discredits rest of post…
Yeah, Richard, voter intimidation and suppression works. That’s why you guys do it.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 11/29/05 @ 7:39 am
[No, Roger, asking for an “ID” is NOT voter intimidation”……How about making voter fraud a capital offense?? Then the Democrats would suddenly lose 5-10% of their “core”!!! [hehe]
Chris – you’re completely disingenuous. Most of the challenged voters didn’t bother to vote. There is no evidence of deliberate fraud, plenty of evidence of ignorance of the law or honest mistakes.
yeaWrong – gainfully employed doing damage control for the vote suppression jihad of the wingnuts.
re 43: We need to rent an auto-signer, Mr. Cynical, to get in on this SUPPRESS THE VOTE program that Republicans are perfecting. I’m willing to do 10 times the work that rich,old Mercer Island Republican, Pussy Sotelo, did in her attempt to disenfranchise the homeless. That won’t be hard because she didn’t do any.
You’re severely underestimating our resolve. Just ask GOVERNOR CHRISTINE GREGOIRE—- not , GRINNIN’ DINO. “I’m pickin’ on him, but he’s still grinnin’!! Yeeee Hawwwwww!!!!!!!”
It seems that what Reps. are really worried about is having their own voters suppressed. Alot of their votes come from bitter, beer drinkin, middle-aged males. If they’re challenged they’ll just sit there in their underwear and throw beer cans at the television.
Harry @ 51
You seem to have alot of knowledge in regards to middle age, beer drinking, bitter men. Just an observation.
Like I’ve said before, as long as incompetent, corrupt assholes like good ole Dean “I-couldn’t-find-my-own-ass-with-a-flashlight-and-a-mirror” Logan are allowed to continue to reign, the KC elections will forever be tainted. Nuff said.
The problem with Logan and crew is they use white out and
felt pens. They did that to 50,000 ballots in the governors
race. I doubt any democrat has ever been elected in King Co.
They had 149000 ballots counted in this last election before
any precincts had reported. Why doesn’t anyone notice these
things? (This was on Sec States site on the eve of last election)
Saw it with my own eyes. Democrats still suck more than the
republicans suck.
JanetS @ 26
“Since when is challenging a vote the same as disenfranchising them? If the voter is legit, all he needs to do is go vote and prove he is real and that he resides in a real place. If he can’t do that, and stays home because he can’t, that isn’t being disenfranchised. That is just enforcing the voting law.”
So all a legally registered and improperly challenged voter has to do is take time on a weekday after the election to go down and provide separate proof that yes, they were legally registered and yes, they are legal residents and yes, they have the right to vote in this state. And that’s not too much to ask, is it? After all, taking timne off work, driving from Bothell to downtown Seattle in the middle of the day, digging up records sufficient to prove your point in response to a bogus challenge, well, after all, one should be prepared to do much more than that in order to exercise one’s franchise, right? Poppycock.
“Doesn’t it bother any of you that there are thousands of fraudulent voters on the rolls? And KCRE doesn’t care?”
Hmmm, but isn’t KCRE busily cleaning up voter rolls before and after this AND every other election? If you want to claim that “KCRE doesn’t care” please supply a statement from an election official (along with and a verifiable reference) that indicates this state of mind.
Thanks, I knew you would. After all, it’s not too much to ask of you, is it?
“Well, in any event, maybe future elections in KC will really, really, REALLY be fair.”
That would be great! But what would be even better is if future elections in Florida and Ohio aren’t stolen.
“I knew I should have conducted a more thorough investigation before filing my challenges … I should have gone to the UPS Stores in question during their normal business hours, and knocked on each and every one of the mailboxes to make sure no one was home.”
Disingenuous, Richard. It appears the imagery of voters living inside little metal boxes is the rightwing Whining-Point-of-the-Day. Everyone knows the homeless don’t live inside mailboxes. Even Stefan has a little metal mailbox, but he doesn’t live in it, he lives in the house it’s nailed to — does that disqualify him from voting?
What you SHOULD do, Richard, is ask everyone you trip over in the hallways of those UPS Stores if they reside in said hallway, if they say “yes” ask them if they’re a registered voter, and carry a supply of voter registration forms with you so you can register them if they’re not.
If only we get could wingnuts like you to be equally fastidious about dotting i’s and crossing t’s before you start a war.
“No, Rossi’s loss is due to the fact that WA law allows cheating with no practical recourse.”
yawn. big FAT yawn. You guys had the finest lawyers money can buy. You had millions of dollars in your BIAW slush fund. You had a hand-picked Republican judge in a hand-picked Republican County. And all you proved is that Rossi got 4 fraudulent votes, Gregoire none. yawn. yawn. yawn.
@40 (continued)
“No, Rossi’s loss is due to the fact that WA law allows cheating with no practical recourse.”
At some point — after a complaint has been court-tested — it’s fair to conclude the whiners are either lying or very stupid, or both. Go service your armadillo, it’s lonely.
“nice toss in of the Nazi slur…immediately discredits rest of post…”
Do you like it? I copy you guys. I do it because I used to be a Republican — before I found Jesus and turned my life around. (Thank goodness He loves the little furry animals — the Seattle Parks Dept. doesn’t!)
I’ll quit calling you “Nazis” when your side quits calling us “commies,” “traitors,” “unpatriotic,” etc. You first.
“The problem with Logan and crew is they use white out and
felt pens. They did that to 50,000 ballots in the governors
So what? Now you’re dissing Logan and KCE for complying with state law? This proves your ignorance of voting procedures!
” RCW 29A.60.125
Damaged ballots.
If inspection of the ballot reveals a physically damaged ballot or ballot that may be otherwise unreadable or uncountable by the tabulating system, the county auditor may refer the ballot to the county canvassing board or duplicate the ballot if so authorized by the county canvassing board. The voter’s original ballot may not be altered. A ballot may be duplicated only if the intent of the voter’s marks on the ballot is clear and the electronic voting equipment might not otherwise properly tally the ballot to reflect the intent of the voter. Ballots must be duplicated by teams of two or more people working together. When duplicating ballots, the county auditor shall take the following steps to create and maintain an audit trail of the action taken:
(1) Each original ballot and duplicate ballot must be assigned the same unique control number, with the number being marked upon the face of each ballot, to ensure that each duplicate ballot may be tied back to the original ballot;
(2) A log must be kept of the ballots duplicated, which must at least include:
(a) The control number of each original ballot and the corresponding duplicate ballot;
(b) The initials of at least two people who participated in the duplication of each ballot; and
(c) The total number of ballots duplicated.
Original and duplicate ballots must be sealed in secure storage at all times, except during duplication, inspection by the canvassing board, or tabulation.”
@57 (continued)
Hey dummy — have you ever observed the “duplication and enhancement” process? I have. Here’s how it works. If the counting machines can’t read a ballot because of damaged timing marks or other reason, it’s sent to the D & E table.
The purpose of creating a duplicate of the ballot on a clean, fresh ballot form is so the machine can read it.
Enhacing is a little different. A new ballot isn’t made, but an incompletely filled in oval is filled in, again so the machine can read it.
In each case, the ballot is duplicated or enhanced by a KCE staffer following prescribed procedures. However, first it is examined by Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian observers designated by the parties (but paid by the county, and technically county employees during the recount, who therefore also must follow the county’s established procedures).
Any of the party observers can challenge a ballot if the voter’s intent is unclear or counting the ballot is questionable. Challenged ballots are not duplicated, enhanced, or counted. They are sent to the canvassing board for a decision.
The party observers sit at the same table where KCE staff duplicates or enhances ballots. They watch the KCE staff do it. They examine the ballot after it is duplicated or enhanced. For this reason, it is impossible for the KCE staff doing the D & E to change any votes during the D & E process. It’s also impossible for any questionable ballots to make it through the D & E process instead of going to the canvassing board, if the party observers are doing their job.
Instead of spouting ignorance, “Mom,” you should get some facts before blowing off steam. All your ignorance does is pollute the atmosphere with more toxic fumes.
@57 (continued)
The actual numbers are 4,902 duplicated and 55,177 enhanced in King County in the 2004 governor’s race.
Roger Rabbit-62 ‘You guys had the finest lawyers money can buy.’
How does having good lawyers change the fact that WA law allows cheating with no practical recourse?
Roger Rabbit-63 ‘At some point – after a complaint has been court-tested..’
You keep missing the point. All the court case did was publicise the fact that the laws in WA allow illegal votes to count. Court-tested says nothing about a law that allows the fox to guard the henhouse.
I think the only way to get the dems on board to clean the voter rolls and vote-counting process is to have a repub win the next time. And although it is wrong, the only way for that to happen is to learn the dems game and play by their rules. Now we all know how to register multiple times in critical precints, and combined with the loophole for valid ID the sky is the limit!
yearight @ 67
Still more signs of your mental illness.
Your suggestions and accusations are completely groundless.
Get help, dude! And lay off the talk radio.
Earth to dj….68
‘Your suggestions and accusations are completely groundless.’
No. It is true, and validated by the court case and KCE registration reviews that;
1. If votes are found to be illegal they still count.
2. Having more ballots than voters is OK because the system is not set up to ensure only one vote per voter.
3. ID is not really required to register and vote. Register by mail using a name not present in the voter database, sign the registration and keep a copy of the signature for future reference, vote provisional so that all that gets checked is whether the signature from the mail-in registration matches, and get the vote counted. If a challenge after the election determines the vote was “illegal” the vote still counts. Repeat as needed for satisfactory election results.
4. The only way to get caught registering at a PO Box illegally is to admit the crime when confronted. Staying silent ensures the registration cannot be challenged. Repeat as needed for satisfactory election results.
In fact, your response, as well all the others I have seen here at HA is lacking. The ways to cheat at voting have been steadily exposed with each new republican challenge. Or, at least the knowledge of how to do the cheating is becomming clear. The lefties keep saying no one would do the cheating while defending the laws that allow it. Maybe all potential tax loopholes should remain open as well so that Soros can keep more of his money. Makes one wonder…..
The jig is up, and if the repubs can stoop to the dems level and use the newly learned methods, WA can have decent leadership.
Leave it to a donk to parade that there was a 3% error rate in the fraudulent votes of King county.
yearight @ 69
“1. If votes are found to be illegal they still count.”
Ummmm…no. Illegal votes were deducted from the totals. Case law says that illegal votes in which the voters choice could be determined with clear and convincing evidence were deducted from that candidate’s total.
“2. Having more ballots than voters is OK because the system is not set up to ensure only one vote per voter.”
Nope…again, you are mistaken. There were not more ballots than voters in any county except Pierce County. That was not OK.
“3. ID is not really required to register and vote. Register by mail using a name not present in the voter database, sign the registration and keep a copy of the signature for future reference, vote provisional so that all that gets checked is whether the signature from the mail-in registration matches, and get the vote counted. If a challenge after the election determines the vote was “illegal” the vote still counts. Repeat as needed for satisfactory election results.”
Yeah…right. Like that ever happed. In any case, it is irrelevant to your original point.
“4. The only way to get caught registering at a PO Box illegally is to admit the crime when confronted. Staying silent ensures the registration cannot be challenged. Repeat as needed for satisfactory election results.”
That is not part of WA law or case law. That was an artifact of the GOP’s incomplete voter challenges. The way one gets “caught” is by having a proper challenge.
“In fact, your response, as well all the others I have seen here at HA is lacking. The ways to cheat at voting have been steadily exposed with each new republican challenge. Or, at least the knowledge of how to do the cheating is becomming clear. The lefties keep saying no one would do the cheating while defending the laws that allow it. Maybe all potential tax loopholes should remain open as well so that Soros can keep more of his money. Makes one wonder…..”
Most of what you cite is factually incorrect. The Rube Goldberg illegal registration scheme is the only thing that MIGHT work, but all that does is get your name on the rolls. It is still illegal to actually cast a second vote.
Frankly, you wingnuts make way too much of the fact that a tiny tiny fraction of voters used mailboxes and storage facilities for their address. Almost all of these cases are simple error during registration (either by the voter or KC elections). Big fucking deal, just ask the voter for the correct residential address. It is not like these people were not entitled to vote (as specified by the criteria in the State constitution).
“The jig is up, and if the repubs can stoop to the dems level and use the newly learned methods, WA can have decent leadership.”
More signs of your mental illness, dude.
RUFUS @ 70
“Leave it to a donk to parade that there was a 3% error rate in the fraudulent votes of King county. “
Nope…you misunderstand Goldy’s post.
3% is the ACCURACY RATE of the GOP voter challenges.
RUFUS @ 70
Leave it to a Wingnut to misunderstand the simplest statistic.
‘..illegal votes in which the voters choice could be determined with clear and convincing evidence.’
Not really possible with our secret ballot, is it? I rest my case.
‘There were not more ballots than voters in any county except Pierce County.’
Do you lie for a living? There were plenty of extra ballots in several counties, most notably KC. Remember, the crediting process is not designed to properly police extra ballots. And there were the double voters as well, whose vote still ended up counting.
‘Yeah…right. Like that ever happed.’
Like you or anyone could ever tell if it happened. Now everyone knows how easy it is to do, and the dems did not want to close this “loophole” in the name of “reform”.
‘The way one gets “caught” is by having a proper challenge.’
Right, complete with an actual address of where the voter actually lives. Perhaps you can suggest a way to determine that address if it is not in public reconds in a way that proves it is a “residence” and the voter does not provide it when challenged. The silence is deafening.
The point is that it is virtually impossible under current law to reverse fraudulent or otherwise illegal votes once cast and counted. And it is easy to register and vote without ID in any precinct one chooses, and the lefties defend those ground rules.
dj-71 ‘It is still illegal to actually cast a second vote.’
Only if you get caught. If the signatures match and the real residencial address is not provided to support challenges the votes will count.
dj-72 ‘3% is the ACCURACY RATE of the GOP voter challenges.’
As the GOP is trying to do what KCE should have done previously, the 3% is the “inaccuracy” rate of KCE.
‘..votes in which the voters choice could be determined with clear and convincing evidence..’
There is no practical way to determine the voter’s choice. The ballot is secret.
‘There were not more ballots than voters in any county except Pierce County.’
There were many extra ballots in many counties. The ultimate response was that the crediting process is not intended to balance the ballots with voters. Trust in the flawed process is the only way to believe what you state.
‘Yeah…right. Like that ever happed.’
You must know something no one else can determine. There were hundreds of votes counted where the voter never provided ID. There is nothing in the new “reforms” to close this loophole.
‘The way one gets “caught” is by having a proper challenge.’
Which obviously includes an impossible standard of providing the voter’s actual residential address. If that address is not available and is not provided by the voter when challenged the registration and future votes are “valid”.
‘..a tiny tiny fraction of voters used mailboxes and storage facilities for their address.’
The “tiny fraction”, plus the other tiny fractions involving illegal votes, extra ballots, non-ID voters, etc. are noise level when the election margin is 5% or greater. When the race is close the cheaters prosper. And the lefties in WA defend the process that allows this to happen.
yearight, the 3% IS the accuracy rate of the GOP voter challenges, it is NOT the innaccuracy rate of the KCE. The 3% comes from a subset of KCE that the GOP chose, and so has no real bearing on the accuracy of the KCE.
But then you would need ot be a rational thinking person to realize this.
You cannot have it both ways. KCE missed all of them regardless of how the subset was determined. Either KCE had the 3% inaccuracy, or the repubs 3% must be revised to reflect the entire set of voters.